Z's for the Zetas http://morpheus-cf.deviantart.com/art/Z-s-for-the-Zetas-364500353 Zeta Delta Chi had more than earned its reputation as the preeminent sorority for elite coeds. Membership was exclusive and available by invitation only. The prerequisites were affluence and physical beauty (girls who might be "pretty on the inside" need not apply). Needless to say, their houses on university campuses nationwide would be considered ideal targets for any enterprising kidnappers, whether abducting for ransom or... other reasons. And so it came to pass that on a certain night late in the semester, at a certain campus, a pair of extended vans pulled onto Sorority Row and parked in the service alley behind the local Zeta Delta Chi house. From each van emerged a driver and a passenger, and all four were dressed in workman's coveralls with matching caps, with black gloves and boots. Even in the loose clothing and with their long hair tucked into the caps, it would be apparent to anyone watching that they were women, although what they were doing at such a late hour would be less obvious. Fortunately, there were no witnesses to what was about to transpire. Each woman was carrying a small black bag with identical contents: the tools of their trade, as it were. As they approached the rear entrance to the house, the woman in the lead took from her left breast pocket a set of lockpicks. Within seconds, she had the door opened. As the four made their silent entrance, each produced a silver and black aerosol canister from their respective bags. No words were exchanged as they separated and made their way through the interior, as they already knew their assignments. Before they commence their tasks, let's pause a moment to meet these ladies. The woman with the lockpicks we'll call Veronica. It is not her real name, although she has the long brunette hair of her comic book namesake. Her skill set includes mastery of mechanical and electronic devices and the ability to pilot almost anything. The blonde woman we'll call Betty, again not her real name. She is the tactician, devising and outlining their plans. She possesses an innate talent for anticipating problems and preparing contingencies to deal with them. The other two -- we'll call them Mary Ann and Ginger -- are new additions to the group. Mary Ann is a petite Asian woman with short dark hair. Her delicate features belie her expertise in a wide variety of subdual techniques. Ginger is a tall black woman with an ever-changing hair color depending on her mood (or perhaps whatever color her favorite hip hop singer is sporting at the moment). She has chosen a bright blue wig styled in a ponytail for this evening, which sounds rather outlandish until one considers that she might have selected the shocking pink. She was included for her resourcefulness in pressure situations and not, unsurprisingly, for her fashion sense. The women split into two groups to cover the first floor, with Betty and Veronica taking the main room and Ginger and Mary Ann heading for the kitchen. At this hour, they weren't expecting to see anyone but had to clear the floor before proceeding upstairs. Despite this, each group did find someone up and about. A cute redhead in Hello Kitty pajamas had been fixing herself a snack in the kitchen when Ginger and Mary Ann crept up on her. Rather than use their aerosols, they opted for the personal touch. Ginger wrapped her right hand over the astonished girl's mouth while Mary Ann brought her left hand up to the girl's neck, applying gentle but firm pressure to a specific nerve cluster. In a split second, the girl's wide eyes rolled to whites and she went limp. Ginger quickly caught the girl and held her as Mary Ann took a dustmask from her bag and sprayed the interior with her aerosol. She applied the mask to the redhead's nose and mouth, ensuring that she'd remain unconscious for the next several hours. Ginger then carried the sleeping girl over to an out of the way corner and deposited her gently on the floor. Then the two women proceeded up the back stairs. Betty and Veronica happened upon a very pretty girl with her brown hair in curlers, poring over a number of books and pages of notes, apparently cramming for a test. With no one else in sight, the two women strolled casually up to the girl and looked over her shoulder. When she turned to see who it was, Betty gave her a short burst from the aerosol. The girl groaned softly as she was instantly put to sleep. Veronica quickly prepped a dustmask and applied it to the girl's face, then carried her to the nearby sofa, turning her so she was facing the back cushions. If anyone saw her, they would naturally assume she'd become fatigued and decided to sleep here instead of going upstairs to her room. Before heading upstairs, Veronica applied a clear adhesive strip with a small embedded filament over the corner of the front door and the jamb. If anyone were to open the door, the strip would break and Veronica would be alerted. She had already applied an identical strip over the back door. Both doors were locked, but in the event that one of the girls had stayed out late, the group would know and thus be ready to neutralize her. The Zeta Delta Chi house had twelve rooms, six on the second floor and six on the third, for a maximum of twenty-four residents. Veronica received a brief text indicating that the other team had taken out a girl in the kitchen and she texted them that a girl had been taken in the main room. Betty had compiled a roster of ZDC members complete with photos; two of the twenty-four on the list now had green check marks next to their faces. So now both teams knew there were only twenty-two girls left to deal with, and they would update each other as needed. Betty and Veronica headed straight for the third floor as Ginger and Mary Ann took the second. In order to work as quickly and efficiently as possible, each team split up into singles. With the fast-acting anesthetic aerosols, a single woman could easily subdue a group of girls in a matter of seconds, so pairing up was seen as an unnecessary waste of time. And given the number of girls they would be dealing with, time was very definitely of the essence. The longer they spent in the house, the greater the chance of discovery and arrest. Certain risks were unavoidable in this line of work, but unnecessary risks were a different matter entirely. Betty and Veronica had been doing this for a number of years and they prided themselves on their professionalism. Mary Ann and Ginger were relative newcomers, but they'd come highly recommended by trusted colleagues and so had been brought in on the caper. Priority one was neutralizing the girls. Knock them all out first and worry about moving them later. The anesthetic agent in the aerosol would provide deep, uninterrupted sleep for an hour or so, longer still when applied to a dustmask. The agreed upon protocol was to dustmask each victim after a dose of aerosol and move on to the next. In this manner, they expected to have the entire sorority sedated in a half hour or so. As the four women made their separate way through the sorority house, it became apparent that most of the girls had already gone to bed, making their capture predictably easy. A burst of aerosol in each face, a soft moan as the girl goes from natural sleep to drugged slumber, and a dustmask to keep her out. But there were enough girls still awake at this late hour to make the exercise just challenging enough to get the adrenaline going. No better example of this could be found than the room in which Betty discovered a pair of frisky students enjoying some kinky shenanigans. A brunette Zeta had her male lover spreadeagled and bound to the bed, his moans of pleasure muffled by a blue ballgag, as she straddled him. She was approaching orgasm when the boy caught sight of Betty's approach over the girl's shoulder and his moans took on a note of warning. Betty raised a finger to her lips, silently shushing him, but he continued to shake his head in the negative and moan louder. "What is it, baby?" the girl asked breathlessly, as he indicated she should look behind her. But just as she did so, Betty depressed the activator on her canister and sprayed a strong burst of aerosol directly into the girl's curious face. She groaned softly and slumped on top of the boy, whose eyes widened further still at the sight of his lady friend passing out. Betty sat on the edge of the bed, coating the interior of a pair of dustmasks with the anesthetic. "Sorry to interrupt your fun, but I'm afraid she's coming with me. This'll keep you sleeping comfortably until someone finds you," she whispered, bringing a dustmask up to his face and strapping it on him. He shook his head vigorously in a desperate attempt to avoid the knockout mask, but the blonde had plenty of experience with reluctant males and easily put it on him. He had only a moment or two to moan before the potent drug knocked him out, his head lolling to the side as he sank helplessly into unconsciousness. Betty smiled and patted his head gently, then, almost as an afterthought, reached into her right breast pocket and pulled out what looked like a medium-sized round Band-Aid. Peeling off the backing, she tilted the boy's head toward her and pressed the thin patch on his neck, then returned his head to its earlier position, thus concealing the patch. It contained a drug that would prevent the formation of short-term memory, effectively erasing his encounter with Betty from his mind as well as the circumstances of his lady friend's kidnapping. All that was left to do was give the girl a dustmask to keep her in dreamland and Betty was off to the next room. But as she stood from the bed and started to leave, something caught her eye. It was the image of the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen, gazing up at her from above the fold in the campus newspaper, a copy of which was lying on the floor. She bent to pick it up and found herself entranced. She might have stayed like that for hours if it wasn't for the tingle of her smartphone vibrating in her left breast pocket. She rolled the paper up and tucked it into her back pocket, forcing herself to focus on the job at hand. Having sedated all the residents on their floor, Betty and Veronica met up and confirmed that all the girls they'd gassed were identified and checked off the list, as were all the girls on Ginger and Mary Ann's floor. The blonde and brunette popped downstairs for a quick confab with the others to confirm that phase one was complete. Having agreed that it was, they shifted to phase two: getting the girls into the vans. This process took decidedly longer than the capture phase, but it couldn't be helped. Even with four of them moving the girls, it took the better part of an hour to get all twenty-four of them shifted, and when it was done, the women were understandably tired. They paused for a short break, Veronica retrieving a Thermos of coffee from one of the vans and pouring a cup out for each of them. The women sipped their coffees and gradually regained their second wind. Well, Betty and Veronica did, but Mary Ann and Ginger found themselves becoming more and more drowsy. The Asian woman and the black woman glanced at each other, noting their shared discomfort, and the penny dropped. But by then it was too late. Their eyes were rolling to whites and they crumpled to the ground a moment later. Veronica picked up the fallen styrofoam cups -- the insides of which had been coated with a sedative glaze that dissolved when the coffee had been poured in -- and placed them in her bag along with the Thermos, while Betty knelt next to the sleeping women. "We truly appreciate your help with this job. We could never have done all this in so short a time otherwise, but I'm afraid your superiors in whatever law enforcement agency you work for will have to do better." She reached down and pinched the women's noses, causing small white inserts to pop out. "There's also the matter of your nose filters. If you insist on wearing them, you should at least use models that won't contrast with your skin tones." She shook her head disdainfully; such an obvious breach of professionalism, although it did tip her and Veronica off that aerosols or chloroform would be of no use in putting the hapless agents to sleep. Each woman was given an aerosol-scented dustmask to keep her doped and a patch to scramble her memories of the caper. Betty and Veronica cradle-carried them to the sofa in the main room and left them there to sleep off the sedative and await discovery. Betty briefly considered putting them with Bondage Boy, but there was simply no time for such a frivolous act. The agents had already been sufficiently humiliated... although both she and Veronica would have enjoyed the opportunity to torment them further. Ideally, they would have been brought along with the rest of the kidnapped girls, but it had to be assumed that both agents had been implanted with tracking devices and there was no way that Betty or Veronica would compromise their operations for the sake of a little fun. Veronica did a quick sweep of the sorority house to make sure they'd left nothing behind for the investigators to find, even pulling both the metallic strips from the doors, and declared them ready to depart. Betty drove one van while Veronica drove the other, and about an hour later they arrived at a secluded airstrip where their jet was waiting. The caretaker met them, having prepped the plane for immediate flight. With her assistance, they had all the girls placed onboard as quickly as possible (although not quite as quickly as if they'd had a fourth to help). Once the girls were packed and strapped in, the caretaker took one of the vans back to the lot from which it had been "borrowed"; she would need a taxi ride back to the airstrip in order to return for the second van. It was an unfortunate extra step, but the take from this caper more than justified it. A fact that Betty confirmed as she ran the numbers while Veronica piloted the jet into the night sky. "I don't know how we'll top this one. But there's no question the Professor will be a very happy man." Veronica nodded, smiling. "I should say so. Not only for the two dozen young ladies we're bringing him, but for the sheer pleasure of knowing how much the chancellor will be squirming when the news of this is made public." The sound of the women's good-natured laughter rang through the cockpit and into the passenger cabin, serenading the dustmasked sorority girls as they were flown to their new home.