XOXO from Amelia Pond She was sitting in front of her dresser preparing for the night's events. The heart shaped face that looked into the glass smiled thinking about who was on her way. Her bare lips, a light natural pink, were wet with anticipation since tonight was special. Red hair cascaded down to her shoulders which was perfectly styled for her guest. Like the hordes of fans who adored the model tonight's special guest also liked her copper colored hair. She had selected a dress, a dark green affair that bared her shoulders, and hugged her body ending just above mid-thigh. It further highlighted her tall willowy form. While she was known for her beautiful appearance the model's most famous attributes were her legs. These she had dressed in silky, expensive, black tights which weren't quite sheer but also not fully opaque. They showed off her long legs making them look streamlined and flawless. She was currently in her stocking feet, a pair of heels resting off to the side but she was more comfortable without them. The nearby window was open and allowed the breeze to enter causing her curtains to flutter lightly in the wind. As she applied the tiniest amount of makeup to her cheeks there was a light whooshing noise at the open window. Following the sound the curtains fluttered a more. The model's eyes glanced over to the reflection of her window. With a warm smile she saw the guest of honor had arrived. "Make yourself at home, Supergirl." the British accent was tinted with a hint of her Scottish origins. The Girl of Steel finished stepping into the luxury apartment of world famous model, Amelia Pond, "I got your calling card." Amy turned to face the blonde superheroine. She looked as amazing as ever, girl next door beauty combined with a cheerleader's body. Supergirl's shoulder length hair billowed slightly as she stepped deeper into the room. It matched the motion of her red cape which hung from her neckline regally. The tight blue leotard with the famous S shield proudly displayed Supergirl's family crest. Her belt held a wonderfully short red skirt in place, it too fluttered a bit with the breeze from outside. Amy thought the Girl of Steel's own legs were nearly as fabulous as her own if not as long, clad in creamy fleshtone tights. Supergirl's red and yellow boots clicked on the floor as she walked. The heroine held up Amy's calling card. It was a napkin with the model's famous signature, XOXO and a prefect impression of Amy's lips, pink lipstick in this case. Amy seductively looked at Supergirl. She had left it with the heroine's friends at The Daily Planet. Amy responded, "I thought it would get your attention." Supergirl was doing her best to stay serious and not be taken in by the model's playful nature. Amy Pond may have been able to fool the world with her supermodel career but Kara knew she possessed quite the villainous mind. Using her international jet setting to commit crimes. Amy had been involved in everything from smuggling to espionage with numerous criminal contacts around the world. Supergirl had been trying to get hard evidence against her but kept failing to make anything stick. Even worse Amy knew it and loved to play games with Supergirl, "I'm here Pond now what do you want?" Amy turned back to her mirror, finishing her beautifying routine as if she didn't have a care in the world, "Can't a girl invite a friend over for a talk?" Supergirl's eyes narrowed showing what she thought of the remark, "We're not friends." Amy looked back at her through the reflection. A sensual look coming over her face, "We could be." She turned to leave her chair, standing to face the heroine. As she moved, Amy's hand slipped over the top of the dresser carefully picking up a container of lipstick. With it in her palm she kept it out of sight while showing off her body to Supergirl. Kara couldn't help but admire the sight of the beautiful ginger. It didn't help Supergirl that Amy was everything Kara thought was beautiful in a woman. Her wonderful copper mane, tall form, and long legs clad in hosiery seeming to go on forever. She tried to hide the attraction to the malevolent model but couldn't, no one could hide that from Amelia. The redhead grinned slyly as she saw Supergirl falling under her spell, "No need to be so cold Supergirl..." Amy walked forwards, her steps mimicking her most seductive walks down the runways of Paris. She came closer to Supergirl which allowed Kara to smell Amy's perfume the famous scent of Petrichor. It caused Kara's eyes to blink softly, it really does smell like dust after rain. Amelia and Supergirl were now only separated by a few feet with the redhead slipping a hand over the top of her dress. Supergirl tried to take back control of their encounter, "I'll be less stiff when you admit to your crimes Ms. Pond." Amy looked forlorn at Supergirl's reaction, "Why do we have to talk business tonight Supergirl?" She came closer the distance between them shortening. Kara wanted to move away but she couldn't show that the lovely Amy was getting to her. Inches now separated them with Amy's green eyes looking lovingly into Kara's own, "What if I just wanted to talk...no threats...no coy answers...just talk." Supergirl's face felt flush and she hoped it didn't show, "Talk about what?" Amy's hand slipped in, touching Supergirl's side, Amy's fingers slipping over the blue suit, "About what we both want." Her fingers slipped down first to Kara's skirt and then brushed the top of Supergirl's exposed thigh. Kara's breath halted for a moment caught in her throat as the model's fingers brushed her tights, "Amelia..." "Maybe I'm done fighting Supergirl." Amy told her now almost touching the superheroine with her body. Her other hand rested on Supergirl's shoulder which then began moving towards her S, "Tonight I want us to both admit the truth." As her finger now traced Supergirl's pentagon symbol, Amy's leg slipped in and brushed Supergirl's own tights covered legs. Kara let out soft sight from the sensual contact of their legs, "Amelia...stop." Supergirl's hands carefully took Amelia's own. As much as she desired to be with the beautiful redhead right then and there Kara couldn't. "I can't be associated with a criminal, unless your changing your ways, I can't be with you." Amy gave her a sensual pleading look, almost pleading, "Maybe I can but...please just...grant me one kiss Supergirl. One kiss and then I tell you what you want to know." Supergirl's head told her to say no, that this sudden change of heart was not in character with Amelia Pond, but her desires answered for the heroine, "A kiss, then you tell me what I want to know." Amy smiled turning her back to Supergirl. As she did so her legs brushed Supergirl's again causing the heroine to quiver a bit at the knees. Kara was glad Amy's back was to her cause the look on her face showed how much she enjoyed the brief contact. She wasn't sure she could make it through the rest of this meeting without wanting to give into her desires. Meanwhile Amy went to fish her lipstick out from where she had been hiding it. When she had approached Supergirl, Amelia had slipped the lipstick down between her breasts inside her dress. Reaching in she removed the small capsule which had a obsidian exterior. Uncapping it though revealed that the lipstick inside was green, a glowing green. Kara felt a brief headache come over her combined with a slight discomfort in her stomach. Supergirl wrote it off though to the lingering effects of the close contact with the sexy redhead. Amy knew better as she coated her lips with the green lipstick. It glowed briefly on her lips before it changed to match the light pink of her natural look. The special camouflage effect would hide the surprise from Supergirl till it was too late. When she had the lipstick applied, Amy put it back down her dress before turning to face Supergirl again. "Thank you Supergirl in advance." the redhead cooed. Kara was going to answer when Amy put a finger to the soft lips of the superheroine, "Sshhh, no words." She placed her arms around Supergirl's upper body pulling them together in a sensual embrace. Supergirl's eyes briefly closed as their hosed legs came into contact again along with their bodies, her chest and Amelia's now resting together. Kara opened her baby blues slightly feeling almost sick with desire as they embraced. Amelia slowly brought her lips towards Supergirl's the deliberate slow advance further stimulating the Girl of Steel whose heart felt like it was melting. Kara closed her eyes in anticipation of the kiss her face warm and heart beating fiercely. Then with a soft touch their lips locked. Amelia made sure to give Supergirl a kiss she would never forget, which was all part of the plan. She succeed as the Girl of Steel realized that Amy Pond might be the world's greatest kisser. Not even her kiss with Babs had been so exciting. Her back arched slightly as the kiss continued her knees indeed growing weak from the model's touch. Supergirl's body was flush with sensual heat as Amy explored her lips and mouth. Their hands began running over each other. It seemed to last forever as the two embraced their lips never parting as the kiss seemed to go on forever. Finally though Amelia began to withdraw, her lips parting as gently as they arrived, and this time it was the redhead's eyes that were closed. "Did you like it?" she asked the heroine seductively. "Did I..." Supergirl started to say but her voice trailed off. Kara sighed as she began to feel light headed. Her body sagged a bit in the model's grasp as her sensations switched from those of pleasure to ones of fatigue. The Girl of Steel started feeling not so sturdy as her lips tingled with a feeling of...pain? She broke out of the embrace that Amy had her in, taking a few confused steps back, "What...what's happening?" Amelia looked seductively at Supergirl but Kara saw a new look blending with the other, sinister satisfaction, "It seems I took your breath away." Supergirl's slow retreat from Amelia caused her to bump into a couch. Putting a hand on it for support Kara struggled with the seemingly drained feeling which was overcoming her. Her vision blurred while Kara's gut twisted into a knot. Her powers seemed to be waning too. She touched her lips wondering if how she felt came from the kiss with Amelia. Withdrawing her fingers Supergirl could feel some some of Amelia's lipstick on her fingertips. Looking at them Kara's eyes widened in horror. The tips of her fingers glowed green. Amy held the container of lipstick in hand letting Supergirl get a glimpse of it, "I'm thinking of calling it, Krystal, not as name catching as Petrichor, but I think its name is appropriate." Supergirl slumped against the couch needing it to support her weight more as her long legs grew rubbery. Looking with a pained expression she stammered out her conclusion, "You...kissed me...with kryptonite....uhhhh" "Yes, it took me a while to find some but for the right price you can have anything." Amy responded with an evil grin. It made her feel so good, Supergirl had been suckered in by her looks and Amy had gotten the Girl of Steel in a way she would had never suspected. She came closer to Supergirl who now tried to get away from the threatening model. Amelia walked confidently as she took the same runway like steps towards Supergirl her stocking feet softly carrying her forwards, "It was never going to be gun or weapon for you my dear." Supergirl had abandoned the couch and tried to reach the window. Thinking she might have enough strength to fly, Kara had headed for the only possible escape route. However her powers were fading fast and she lost the ability to stay upright. With a groan she fell to her hands and knees. Weakly she tried to crawl forwards but her strength gave away after only a few feet. Lying atop her arms she sighed as the kryptonite coursed through her system slowly poisoning her making her weaker and weaker. Amelia loomed tall over the fallen Girl of Steel who now looked nothing like her namesake. Amelia relished the sight bending her knees to come down to Supergirl's level. She stroked the red cape Kara wore talking softly, "The Maiden of Might, invulnerable to just about every attack known to man..." Amy rolled Supergirl onto her back letting her look upon the fallen heroine in all her glory. Supergirl's chest heaved with each labored breath, her once strong arms limp at her sides, while Supergirl's blue eyes were only partly opened as she looked at Amy. The redhead leaned in close cupping Supergirl's chin as she finished her sentence, "...except an attack of the heart." She revealed the lipstick again opening it and letting the glow from it highlight Kara's face, "This is a warning Supergirl. I've only kissed you with enough of this kryptonite to make you pass out for a while. Keep interfering with my business and next time my kiss won't just knock you out, but make you sleep permanently." Supergirl couldn't answer as she struggled to stay awake. Amelia took her lipstick and did something with it on her S symbol. To Kara It felt like Amy was writing on her. As Amy finished that she took the lipstick and applied a full coating of it to her lips. Supergirl's eyes briefly widened in worry, was she going to kiss her again? Amy leaned in her lips inches from Supergirl's, "Heed my warning or...." she moved her head away and kissed Supergirl on the chest. Unable to control herself Kara moaned softly at the sensual touch. Amy finished her last kiss on the Girl of Steel returning to look the rapidly weakening heroine in the eyes, "...or join me which would be way more fun." Amelia stood up to her full height, towering over Supergirl. Kara tried to show one last act of defiance, reaching up to tell Amy she would never get away with this or that this wouldn't be the last time they would meet. The heroine though was too weak. Her hand managed to touch Amy on her long black tights encased legs but they got no further. Slipping down the nylons, Supergirl's hand and body fell to the ground. Her blonde head came to rest on its side, eyes closed, while Kara's lips parted in a slight opening. A soft sigh left her lips as consciousness left Supergirl. Amy cupped the heroine's chin again, "Goodnight." She walked away beaming with her victory over Supergirl. Arriving at her heels, the model slipped her stocking feet into them with practiced ease. Looking back to Supergirl she hoped the heroine appreciated the message she had left. On Supergirl's red & yellow S there was a glowing green note, Till Next Time Supergirl, XOXO Amelia Beneath the words a glowing imprint of lovely lips. The End