Workplace Disagreement It was no secret that Francis disliked Jess and her friends, given how they bullied him. They say that workplace harassment should be reported, but then again, it wouldn't do much for him if he reported being bullied by his female colleague to his busy manager. So here he was, knocking on her door. He knew she was single, and at home, and whilst he had no intention of intimidating her, it would be best to talk one on one. This time, her friends wouldn't be able to help Jess gang up on him. After a rather heavy series of knocks, he heard footsteps on the other side of the door. He stepped back politely. The door opened, revealing his colleague. "What?" She asked, brusquely, clearly unimpressed to see him. It was as much her tone as her scowl that told Francis to come back another time, but much like he always did, he ignored the obvious signs that he was given. "Can we please talk about your behaviour at work?" Francis tried to sound as polite as possible. Secretly, though, on the inside, he was annoyed at the greeting he had received. He had thought at the very least that Jess would have been more welcoming than she had. Then again, they weren't friends. "Look, Francis, I don't have time for that now", she said, sighing and looking away in apparent disgust at the man standing on her doorstep. "The girls are coming over for the night, and I need to look prettier than them when they arrive" Flashing her white, symmetrical teeth at Francis, she started closing the door. But, angered by her response, Francis stepped forward, holding the door open, grunting slightly at the unexpected strength trying to close it. "Jess, this ... is what I'm ... talking about", he grunted out, trying to hold back the closing door. The effort that was needed surprised him a little. "You never listen to what I say ... you ... don't treat me with any respect" She looked at him curiously, and Francis felt the pressure on the door decrease slightly, allowing him to pull it open a little further. A smile crossed her face, and she relented, finally releasing the door. "Alright then", she said, standing aside, inviting Jon in. He nodded thankfully, and stepped across the threshold. She indicated that he should take his shoes off, and he did so, his leather work shoes sliding off his feet. He stacked them neatly on the side of the floorboard lined hallway, with a tall roof, and then promptly took off his jacket. He sat it on the clothes hook by the door. Beckoning him to follow, Jess walked down the corridor to the end, past the living room, kitchen and stairs going to the upper level. Intently, Francis followed without a word, following her all the way to the end room, where she opened the door to a dark room, inviting him inside, before closing it behind them. Francis couldn't see a thing, until the lights turned on. His jaw dropped. They were standing in the middle of an empty room, devoid of any decoration except a wrestling mat on the floor. Francis turned abruptly to see Jess closing the door behind her with a smile, before facing her victim, her smile widening even more as she saw the terror on his face. "This isn't right", exclaimed Francis wildly, indicating the room around them. "What do you plan to do in here, fight me?" Jess smirked. "That's exactly what I intend to do, because I'm sure we're not going to come to a verbal solution to our problems. What better way to let off a bit of steam than a good wrestling match?" Francis' jaw momentarily dropped again, dumbstruck by what his colleague was suggesting. There was no way that he could fight her, and then come away physically, as well as legally, unscathed. "Jess, what if I hurt you, I don't want to be reported to the police" "Ha", she laughed, slapping her thigh with sarcastic mirth. "I don't think you will" But, seeing the evidently concerned face that Francis had composed, she responded again. "Alright then, Francis, whatever happens in this room, stays in this room. No hard feelings afterwards?" Francis nodded, but was not convinced. He didn't want this coming back to bite him in any way at all. They worked at a lawyer's office, after all, and despite the fact neither of them ranked highly, they were both qualified to sue each other's ass. "How about we put that in writing, then I agree to sort my problems with you in this room" Now it was Jess' turn to nod in agreement, and she rushed out of the room, apparently confident that Francis would not exit the room now he had relaxed after his initial surprise. He waited there, impatiently fiddling with his tie. To his relief, she returned quickly with a sheet of paper and a pen. In conjunction, probably for the first time since they had met, they constructed the short contract and signed at the end. Jess put the pen and binding contract on the side of the room, and then looked back at Francis. He looked at her intently, a sudden feeling of anxiousness growing in his chest. He shook it off, and stared at the roof for a few seconds, trying to compose his feelings. When he looked back down, Jess was taking off her clothes, starting with her white shirt. She was perhaps 5'7", not tall by any stretch of the imagination, but big so that she couldn't be called short. Her frame, beautiful as it was, weighed around 160, and her black hair hung passed her shoulders in a neat pony tail. Catching his eye, she proceeded to unbutton the shirt slowly, sensually undoing the buttons one by one, revealing her bra, cleavage and finally her flat stomach. When she had taken off the last button, she pressed her breasts forward, Francis encapsulated in the show, and slid her arms out of the sleeves that had previously held them. Her boobs were round, full and only scantly covered by her bra, and Francis suddenly caught her eye, looking away suddenly. But he couldn't tear his eyes away for long. Next, she took off her pants, making sure she bent over facing way from her colleague to show him her ass, all as part of the show. Given she worked out a lot, it was no surprise that her body was in unbelievable shape, her ass gorgeously shaped, and her legs were firm and muscular. Her underwear was plain, black in colour, and covered only a little bit of her skin. She straightened up, only to see Francis standing opposite her, fully clothed and quickly averting his eyes so she didn't see him looking. Only fractionally to late, however. "Do you plan to stare all day, or were you actually interested in sorting out our differences, Frankie?" She crooned, mocking him as he blushed. He mumbled, and started to take off his clothes, although in a very different manner to his opponent. He was quick, and to the point, perhaps even making an effort to hide his crotch from view as he did so. It wouldn't be good to show his colleague the large erection he was sporting after her display just before. As is the case though, the more Francis thought about hiding his erection, the harder it grew, to the point where he was unable to delay facing away any longer. He straightened up, facing Jess, hands in front of his groin is a desperate attempt to hide the groin of his black, tight trunks. However, all he heard was her loud guffaw as he blushed and tried to look her in the eye. "Looks like you're ready to be dominated by me again, this time physically", called Jess, motioning obviously towards his underwear. Then she laughed again, seemingly unable to control herself when faced with opponents arousal. Furious at the mocking that continued even when they were ready to fight, Francis rushed forward and tried to take her out. She nimbly sidestepped, evading his charge and letting him run past her. Jess turned to face him as he turned around and charged again, this time even faster and more wildly. Francis roared loudly as he missed her again, her sidestep proving to evasive for his charge. He once again turned and charged towards her, months of anger spilling out as he ran at her, trying to ram his shoulder into her midsection. This would put her on her back and teach her for mocking him. To his dismay, she cleanly turned sideways as their bodies met and threw his unbalanced body towards the floor. It wasn't that she used a particular amount of strength, but her manipulation of the angle of the charge and her body meant that she could easily choose where to throw Francis and his anger. With a quick jerk, she launched her male opponent into the air. Francis landed with a thud, knocking all the wind out of his lungs, before skidding slightly, his bare chest bringing him to a stop on the floor. He rolled over, gasping, doubled over in a desperate search for air. It was such an awkward and unfortunate landing, leaving him exposed for Jess' follow up. She pulled him up by his hair into a sitting position, a high pitched whimper escaping his mouth as she did so. Quickly, Jess altered her position so she was crouching behind her opponent, and smoothly positioned her arms in a sleeper hold position. Francis was awake to the ploy, and immediately started tugging at her arms, dragging them away from his neck slightly. Even so, it didn't seem that he was strong enough to break the hold, only relieve the pressure that was on his throat and blood flow. While his attention was directed at her arms, Jess quickly rocked back, pulling both of them onto their backs. Then, without hesitation, she extended her legs around his waist, close to the bottom of his ribs, and locked her ankles. Detecting the change, Francis moved his arms away from his captors arms and immediately tried to break the scissor hold before it was applied. The only problem was, once he released her arms, they immediately tightened into a devastatingly tight sleeper hold. Francis realised his mistake, and tried to rectify it by once again tugging at her arms. However, her muscular upper limbs were too strong once locked in place, and he found himself unable to move them at all. To make matters worse, a burst of pain erupted in his torso. He was trapped, and his strength was sapping fast, as well as his consciousness. The combination of the body scissors and the sleeper hold was too much for him, and he tapped the ground desperately as the pain mounted all over his body. His head and neck hurt as though the lack of blood reaching his brain meant someone was tapping forcefully on his head with a hammer. Not to mention how his chest was aching from the lack of oxygen, his abdomen was on fire due to her scissors. But, even as he tapped the ground in submission, she did not let him go. He wriggled around, trying to extricate himself from his position, but it was no use. He tried to scream out, but all that left his throat was a pathetic gargle. Jess still showed no sign of reacting, as tunnel vision marked the final stages of his descent into unconsciousness. He tapped the mat harder, more frequently to show his submission, but the hold did not weaken. With a pang of fear, he wondered if he would die in his colleagues house today, but could do nothing to ward off what was coming. His face blue, hands clutching at the sleeper, his final thoughts before he descended out of reality was spent cursing Jess. Francis awoke later, unaware of how long had passed. To tell the truth, he was unaware of what actually happened, somewhat dazed, his eyes closed as pain seemed to throb from everywhere. He grimaced as he remembered where he was and opened his eyes. Standing over him, a leg either side of his body, was a smiling, devilish woman, dressed in her scant bra and underwear, looking straight into his eyes. Jess was still there. He quickly tried to wriggle away backwards, using his elbows to scurry backwards. But he was once again not quick enough, and her foot planted firmly on his hairless chest, pushing him down onto the mat forcefully. For the second time, Francis thumped into the floor and the wind rushed out of his lungs, although not as badly as before. She stood there, one foot on his chest, pinning him to the floor, and brought her arms up, tensing and showing off her arm muscles. She saw Francis glance away from the show she was giving, and pushed harder with her foot, jarring his attention back to her muscular arms. Unwilling to go against her obvious instructions, Francis looked back and admired her muscles. Perhaps Francis opinion of her had always been clouded, because she was a truly beautiful woman. Or perhaps, he thought, all it took was being knocked out to make him appreciate her beauty. Either way, he couldn't help but scan the full body of his colleague, from muscular calves and thighs, her flat stomach and beautifully shaped breasts, to her muscular arms still tensed in her victory pose. For once, Francis didn't mind being on the receiving end of her bullying. "Now that we've had our little warm up, I think now it's time to play a little game", she said, smiling even wider as she did so. Francis stared straight into her deep blue eyes, transfixed by yet another beautiful element of her body. With his full attention, she began announcing her plan. "Usually, we'd stay in here a lot longer so we could, I guess you could say, come to a 'mutual' agreement", she emphasized the sarcasm in her words, making Francis feel that he would have little say in the agreement they reached. "But, with time against us, I think we will have to speed the process along" "How?" Asked Francis, both frightened and excited. His mind had shifted away from their work problems, and he found himself feeling somewhat lucky to be here, even if he was getting his ass kicked. Jess smiled again. "I've always found that humiliation is a powerful catalyst for quick decision making. That, and pain" She swiftly lifted her foot off his chest, and quick as lightning, stepped firmly on his crotch. Francis let out a startled gasp and grabbed at her foot, turning his body as he did so. This alleviated a little of the pressure, but her foot was still firmly planted on his groin. He could feel her toes manipulating what they could reach, and though not in a helpless position, Francis struggled to resist the pressure she generated with her powerful leg muscles. He yelped again as she exerted a little more forcefully, and finally wrested her foot free of his crotch, her foot glancing off his inner thigh and landing on the floor. Francis quickly rolled over and curled up slightly, more in discomfort than pain, and protected his manhood with his hands. But before he had any time to think, Jess had powerfully pushed him onto his back like he wasn't resisting at all. She lay across his chest, her legs either side of one of his shoulders, the rest of her body facing the other one. With her hands, she tried to catch Francis' hand, but he was swinging it wildly to avoid capture. His other arm, however, became trapped between her thighs, essentially immobilizing it. Jess tried hard to capture his other arm, but the man bucked and writhed and made it hard for her to grasp anything. She managed to hold his wrist briefly with one hand, but it eluded her once he felt the pressure. However, with her full weight pinning his chest, Francis wasn't going anywhere. Finally, after another few moments of struggling, Jess managed to grab his arm, and pin it to the ground. Holding it firmly with both of hers. With it fully extended, Francis lost the leverage he could use to move it, and despite his continual efforts, could not lift it off the ground. Jess let him try for a few minutes, until she could feel the strength leave his arm enough for her to manage it with only one of her own. After breathing heavily in unison for a little, the pair of lawyer's eye's met. Francis, pinned beneath his tormenter, this time being physically bullied, looked more terrified than excited after his colleagues last, dirty trick. "Are you ready for the next persuasive technique?", she asked, a smile once again crossing her face. Francis shook his head, which made her laugh loudly. "That's too bad, because you can't stop me. Just like you can never stop me from being better than you at work, or even prevent me and my friends from teasing you ... " With a last flash of her smile, she looked away. With her free hand, she extended a single finger, tracing it down his arm while he could do nothing, immobilized. She moved it lightly across his left nipple, then across to his right, before slowly, and with increasing pressure, moving it down his abdomen. She drew it over his navel before lifting it off just before his groin. Francis sensed suddenly that he knew what was coming, and tried desperately to struggle out of his predicament. But it was too late, he was too weak from the punishment already, and Jess was simply too strong for him. Resultantly, he groaned loudly, resigned to the fact that he would have to endure her 'method of persuasion'. With a slight pause, Jess' hand came down on his crotch, and proceeded to grab his balls firmly as she held his arms a little tighter. She laughed as she felt Francis' manhood, especially when he groaned in humiliation and pain. Jess made sure she didn't squeeze too hard; she didn't want to actually damage his balls, but she needed him to be at least in a little pain. Francis desperately kicked his legs around to try and get some relief from the constant pressure, but her position was too good and he did not succeed in anything except getting a little extra pressure applied. She continued to squeeze as she turned her head to see his grimacing face scrunched up in pain. "Now, why did you come here, I can't remember", she said, forming an expression of mock seriousness. "Can you remind me, 'little' man?" Francis groaned, both because of the pain and having to submit to her demands. He knew there was no choice, but it didn't mean he wanted to. He certainly wasn't enjoying their meeting as much as he thought he would when she was simply standing over him. "How you ... bully ... me at work..", he managed to force out. A look of mock comprehension met his reply. "That's right, I remember now", nodded Jess, her hand applying the same constant pressure as she had been for the last minute or so. "And you thought you would be able to make me change.. ha!" His cock began to grow under her hand, becoming rock hard despite the even pressure that was being applied to his balls. Jess laughed again, moving her hand slightly so that she could grab his cock as well. She gave both parts of Francis a good, hard squeeze, eliciting a groan from him, before suddenly releasing him and standing up. She looked down on him, still lying on the floor, not moving on account of the embarrassment he had just endured. With a note of finality in her voice, Jess made her position on their work status absolutely clear. "Francis, I will do whatever I want at work, including whatever it is you complain about me doing", she stated. "That's our agreement, and if you have any problems with it, tell me and I will 'persuade' you otherwise" He was willing to do whatever she said after the events in that room, so he nodded, and rolled over to hide his erection. "Now, if you don't want me to kick your ass all the way out the door, be gone within five minutes", she continued, a note of anger creeping back into her voice. "I never want to see you anywhere near my house again, or else you're going to be in a world of hurt" Without a moment's hesitation, Francis stood up, rushed over to where his clothes lay on the floor, and scrambled into them as quickly as possible. With a final look back to Jess as he exited the room, he quickly got his shoes from by the door and grabbed his jacket as well. He opened the door, and ran out as fast as he could, towards the street and away from her house, only glancing back when he was at least fifty metres away. Francis always knew that Jess was a stronger, better lawyer. Now he knew that she was a stronger, better fighter as well.