UNITY OVERPOWERED by FemaleMuscleWorshipper89 Unity finds his match PART I Earth like we know it lives in one of the many parallel universes. Even scientists on Earth have grounded theories about the existence of many parallel universes. Despite the fact science can't find a way to physically proof these theories, it would explain a lot of some life questions we humans have. It's the year 1989. Maria and Steven are walking back from a pleasant, romantic dinner. Both early in the age of dirty the couple celebrated theirten year anniversary. Together they make the best of life although they were forced to accept Maria would never be able to have children from her own. Since a couple of years they are on a list to adopt a child but there still waiting, waiting to finally have the chance of adopting a child and raise It together, with love and caring. Steven works in the administration of the town they live in. Maria is a very respected doctor in her Town. Maria and Steven, now ten years together still love each other as when they were just a month together. On their way home they walk in an alley, giggling as little teenagers and making love together? It's the year 1989. Earth? Earth in a parallel universe? Here earth is different. Like in our universe man are physically stronger then woman, but here the difference is enormous. Due an evolutionary mutation men here have superhuman strength and muscular physique, also they have special powers you would never find on other planets, probably in no other universes. But like on the earth we know men are much more capable of commit violence and killing. Although a lot of men fight also for peace in there world, the majority wants to rule. The desire to rule the world has resulted in a world war where the human race is on the edge of distinction. In a deep, strong shelter Janice lives with her man and in fear they followed the events that don't seem to have a positive course. Janice her man, Rick has a very big intellect and since the fights on earth escalated in a world war he searched a way to leave earth. Rick is a scientist and worked on a way to create a wormhole, strong and big enough to travel to another, parallel dimension. At first he intended to flee together with his wife to a better place. But witnessing the horror the men here are causing, also knowing he alone cannot defend his wife against two or more rebellion men, men who don't hesitate to rape woman for their own please, he decided that if he ever would succeed in creating such a device, it would only be intended to send his wife true it, not even his young birthed son. But Janice loves her son and realizing not all men are evil, she always disagreed with her man asking to leave together, as a family. Because of Janice determination he convinced his wife by letting her believe he would stay behind to use his skills and knowledge to bring peace to the world. He would need his son once he reached an age to help him., then he would follow his wife. Of course, Rick tolled this to ensure that when the day would come he could save the woman of his dreams and to sacrifice even his own son, believing his gender is just evil and not capable of doing good, in any universe. The radio is on while Rick works on a very big ring-device. A device that would be able to open a wormhole to another version of earth, one were men hopefully are different. But time is running out as the war is escalating to a deadly, final end. A group of rebellions, the most evil group on the entire planet, not capable of any reason, insane to have ultimate power or not wanting anyone have something, they toke a ship and took off in the direction of the sun. Rick follows the different communication channels and realizes that this could mean the end of the world. The rebellions threaten the rest of the world, claiming everyone to give them lordship over the whole world or they else will destroy the sun. An explosion of the sun would, even in this world, result in the destruction of the whole planet. Rick hurries to finish his ring-device, so he at least can save the love of his life. Rick found a way to tap all the electricity left of the city off to power his device. Rick his radio is still on, listing secretly to the communication between a peace division of the US in this version of earth and the rebellion group now very close to the sun, ready to fire of a beam that will result in the explosion of the sun? "This is captain Amar of the US Peace Division, we demand you to stop this madness and return with your ship?" "This is Lord Iso, the leader of this ship. We will never stop! We are rightfully in a position of true, ultimate might. Only bending to our will can save the planet, else you will find death and destruction!" "Lord Iso, this is madness! You won't reach your goals by destroying everything! Don't do this!" "Bend to our will, that's all you must do. Otherwise face death!" Rick listens to the intern communication of the Peace Division to and hears how they are convinced Lord Iso is bluffing. Rick knows better, his intuition tells him that Lord Iso rather wants to destroy everything, at least he would have been in control, then let everyone life but not being sure of ultimate power and dominion. "Janice, come here! Hurry!" Rick has finalized his device, its ready to turn on. He is not sure if it will work but he has no time for testing it, in a couple of minutes the world will be gone. "Janice, I will turn on the device in a couple of seconds. Listen very good to me, you must leave to the other version of earth I will send you to and build a new life there. "Honey, but our son, what about our son! I won't leave him behind!" "Janice, we discussed this, I will raise him and he will help me to bring peace to this world." Suddenly there is an explosion just outside there room. A rebellion group has discovered the family's shelter. Rick turns on the device in a final attempt to save his wife. The lights go out, all the energy of the city goes to the device. It won't hold a steady wormhole for long! The cruel rebellions break in and immediately they attack Rick. Two men attack Rick and he gets a beat so hard he falls meters away, hurting is wife in the flight. Janice is seriously wounded and even Rick sees her surviving chances are slim now. In a rage of anger Rick strikes back and manages to let the men back off for a little while, he is luckily very strong. But it seems his actions are to late, Janice is dying. Rick takes her in his arms and starts crying at the sight of his dying wife: "Janice, hold on, I will send you to a hospital in the alternate Earth, please, don't give up!" Janice caresses Rick his cheek and looks him seriously in his eyes: "I have no choice Rick and you?" Janice coughs some blood. "?know it. If you really love me you must fulfill my last wish..." "What my love, tell me, I do everything." Says Rick, desperate. "Save our son, send him true the wormhole. He has a good, gentle father, give him a chance to do good to the world he arrives in. We must believe in what we have created out of love together?" Against the plans he had earlier, almost against his principals, Rick doesn't want his wife to die without fulfilling her last wish. He takes his son out of his room, the young baby cries. Before the eyes of his dying wife Rick lays his son in several blankets. Not having much more time Janice asks Rick one more thing. "Rick, in my purse there's an audio recorder. Please send it with him, I made those messages for when I would be forced to leave him." Rick gets the device and lays it in one of the blankets. He then lets Janice take goodbye and sends his son into the wormhole, not knowing what will happen to him next. Minutes later Earths sun exploded, destroying the whole planet and ending his life and the life of his already dying wife? In a quiet alley on Earth, the Earth as we know it, on a beautiful night, a loving couple makes love together. Suddenly Maria and Steven see a kind of liquid, very light giving tube. They are scared off and never before saw something like this in their life. Gently, they walk closer to the tube, curious but also anxious. Suddenly a child falls out of it and barely Steven is able to catch the young baby. The couple witnessed something unbelievable and due the fact this child came out of nowhere on a way not known to mankind they decide to keep the baby and raise it as their own son. Because Steven works at the administration of their town he is able to create a birth certificate and to legalize as it would seem it is their own child. It's not easy but the couple are both smart people and they succeed in letting the state and their environment believe this is their own child. Ian is the new name of their adopted child and Maria and Steven do everything they can to raise Ian with all the love they have, with protection and caring. But very early they discover that Ian is not an ordinary baby. Even as a baby he is able to lift extremely heavy furniture and develops a supermuscular physique. But full with love and loyalty to their adopted son they do everything they can to learn Ian to control his strength and powers and to adapt to the world he lives in. Ian grows up and Maria managed to let his environment believe he has an abnormal muscular mass but has no superhuman strength. As a respected doctor nobody doubts her diagnose and everyone threatens Ian as a normal boy, he himself learned early to be kind to others. There where moment other childs where bullying him but whatever they did, Ian always stayed cool and never used his power, not even in sports. Twenty-five years later Ian is now a young but extremely muscular man. His muscular mass is much more than any human can reach and he has powers others only can dream off. Something is missing in his life. He wants to use his powers to do good in a world where is a lot of misery and violence. Therefor Ian decides to build a shelter with the money his parents spared for him. He is planning to live there when he is not helping others. He is inspired by a lot of superhero comics on Earth and the empathy he feels, the goodness in his heart he has that makes it impossible for him to do nothing while having so much gifts. Because of his abnormal muscularity he gives up having a normal life, knowing that everybody would now he is the new superhero he is planning to be. Ian designs a suit and devises a name: 'Unity', as for 'Uniting'. Then finally, he decides to do his first, good deeds. There is a big fire in an apartment not far from his living place. He hears the sirens rushing to the building. With his superhearing he knows now that most of the people are safe but there is a young woman surrounded by a wall of fire and the building is collapsing. The firemen can't reach her, the panic is immense. A local newsteam is filming everything. The firemen are thinking of a way to save her but the building is to tall. They ask a helicopter for help but at the time it arrives it will probably to late. The woman screams and is terrified. Suddenly everybody hears a sound breaking the sound barrier and flying into the building. Everyone looks confused to each other, no one saw what this was. To avoid the public he flies with to woman to the roof of the hospital. There he sets the woman on the ground and asks if she is okay. Ian was a little imprudent as he forgot take on his mask to make his face unrecognizable. The beautiful woman is thankful and hugs Ian. "Oh thanks, thanks! You saved my life! Your wonderfull!!! "You're welcome miss, I'm glad I could help you." Euphoric the woman hugs him and gives him a kiss on the mouth. When she touches his cheeks Ian then realizes he forgot to take on his mask? "I must leave now, I think you are safe now?" "No! Don't leave yet, please! I want to know your name! The name of my hero! The man of my dreams!" For Ian it is obvious this woman feels just more than gratitude, it seems she admires him, despite she just saw him a couple of minutes. Ian is a normal man and never having experience in love, due his superhuman body, he never knew how it is to have an erection by another woman. Ian is an extremely attractive man and this woman starts touching his penis, on a subtle way like it is almost not on purpose. Ian gets an erection, a big one and not wanting to feel more embarrassed than he already is, he pushes the woman away from him and flies off. Back in his shelter Ian is mad on himself for being so careless and also not be able to avoid having an erection. He hopes the woman won't tell this further so he can still be able to help others as Unity. After his first action as superhero Ian made mistakes and is now determined to be much cautious. The woman he saved is Lisa and since her first encounter with Unity she tries desperately to meet him again. On benefits she is always in the front side of the public attempting to talk to him. Lisa even called for fake help but Unity saw just in time it wasn't real. Lisa feels in love and wants to do everything to win Unity's heart. Years gone by and the world has changed for the better. There's peace in the world thanks to Unity's interventions and peace talks. Lisa tried years to get in contact with Unity but he simply ignores her. But one day she thinks of a cunning plan. She pays a criminal to attack her and to do it for real, except for really killing her, so that Unity can save her. Then she will place an GPS-transmitter on Unity so she can trace where he lives? It's a very dark night and the moment that the criminal will attack Lisa. Unity, not living far from this place hears screams. He knows it Lisa but he always takes a look, although he just expects a fake call for help. This time, flying in the ear observing what is happening it seems this is real and he immediately rushes to save Lisa from getting wounded. Lisa then places the transmitter on Unity's left boot, although he immediately leaves she had just enough time? On her Smartphone-app she now can see where Unity is going and where he lives. To her surprise she discovers it's just 30 kilometers from her livingplace. She takes her car and drives to the location. She arrives at a abandon field but according to her app he must be here somewhere. She walks around for hours but there's nothing here. She fears Unity discovered the transmitter or loosed it while flying above this area. Disappointed she walks back to her car that is parked 2 kilometers from the point the transmitter seemed to be. When she starts walking she then hears a loud sound and sees something fast flying out of the ground into the air. Her disappointment immediately turns into euphoria as see realizes his living place is underground! Now he is gone she decides to break in to his living place. She walks to the place Unity flied out and searches for a hatch or another way in. To her surprise she easily finds a hatch, as she expected a high secured system to prevent anyone to enter the shelter she discovers it's easy to enter the shelter. She then follows a long ladder down. Because Unity can be back any moment she searches a place to hide. Suddenly she finds Unity's bedroom. Right next to his bedroom there is another room, seemingly almost never used. Assuming Unity won't get into this room she hides here, waiting until the man of her dreams comes home. Minutes later she hears noise, Unity is back. From her point of view she can observe almost the entire bedroom without Unity noticing it. Unity may have superhearing, he is focused on cries for help, sirens or other important sounds from outside his home. Lisa observes Unity and finds his behavior a little strange. It seems the superhero is extremely tired. Unity takes of his suit and gets into bed. Before falling asleep he makes a call to his parents with his cellphone. Because it's very quiet and Lisa sits very close to Ian she can hear some parts Ian's mom is saying. "Mom, it's your son Ian. You probably know why I'm calling." "Hi Ian, yes my dear it's time for your two weekly sleepingtime I suppose?" "Yeah mom, two weeks without sleep is my limit. Everybody must sleep some time, luckily I only need a night of sleep once in two weeks. Although I HATE the fact that my sleep is always so deep, not able to wake up! If a disaster would occur the moment I'm in my restingtime I would never forgive myself." "My son, you dedicated your life to help others. Whatever happens, the world will accept the fact even there superhero has his limits." It seems Unity wants to speak longer with his mom but even he can't fight it any longer, Ian falls asleep without ending the conversation. Lisa realizes that Unity doesn't need to sleep everyday like normal humans but does need sleep, only once in two weeks, apparently for a lot of hours. She also knows that when he sleeps it is so vast and deep he cannot wake up. Ian lays naked in his bed, he lives in a shelter, without windows and is most of the time Unity, the only clothes he wears are his supersuit. A suit that is able to expand. Of course this is like a dream coming true for Lisa, being able to touch Ian's body for hours without being pushed away or being ignored. Gently she walks to Ian and crawls aside his bed. She then tickles him in the ears to ensure he is really in a deep sleep. Nothing happens, it seems he is really in a very deep sleep and won't wake up for at least a couple of hours. Lecherous and obsessed by Ian and his body she takes her clothes off and crawls onto him. To her surprise, although the superhero of this world is apparently in a deep sleep, the movements of her body and especially her pussy onto his cock makes him getting an erection. Wet, horny and aroused Lisa starts making love with Ian, the most strongest being in this world, although in an kind of deep sleep, he gets a erection and therefor Lisa is able to have sex with him, the man of her dreams. Lisa moans, this is the most wonderful feeling she ever experienced. She now has sex with the most strongest human on Earth and it feels great! Despite the worlds hero is in a deep sleep Lisa feels his erected penis is reacting more and more on her movements? His penis gets even stiffer as she continues moving on him, on his huge cock. But all those great feelings she has are nothing compared to what happens next. Suddenly Ian's cock shoots a big load of cum into Lisa's pussy, on that moment, above another great orgasm she feels her body changing. Lisa's moans go over in screams, screams still out of pleasure but the feelings are so infinite great that moaning is just not enough to represent the enjoyment she has now. Suddenly Lisa realizes her body is transforming somehow but on that moment it is too late to stop the changing that is going on. She notices her body grows in muscular mass, far beyond any human ever could have! Lisa already is bigger than Unity and it seems she is still growing! Her body is freakishly huge, enormous muscles everywhere! Biceps twice as big then Unity's superhuman body, broad shoulders, monstrous thighs, a gigantic back, massive legs and extremely big breasts makes Lisa not only incredible sexy but also far much stronger then Unity. Totally impressed by her own transformation and also in a little panic she jumps in the air, not entirely knowing what she's doing and especially not knowing her own strength, she flies true the thick layer of ground above her leaving an enormous hole in Unity's shelter. Flying at superspeed Lisa reaches space and is able to stop the flight before leaving orbit. Without realizing it Lisa is apparently floating before the ISS-station and gets a brief moment eye-contact with an astronaut, the man is so shocked by what he sees he loses consciousness. To prevent being seen again Lisa tries to fly in the direction of the moon, but because she still isn't used to her new body, flying at superspeed and not able to stop on time she crashes onto the surface of the moon creating a gigantic crater in the process. She gets up and tries to get think about everything that happened and to stop panicking: "Calm down Lisa, calm down. You are alone here, take your time." While trying to exhale on the much calmer rate. "I must think about what just happened. I was alone in Unity's shelter, he needed to rest and was in a deep sleep, I just crawled onto him longing for sex, he came into me and then? Om my god! I transformed into a goddess! I'm so huge, this is crazy! But?that means Unity's cum has a special effect on the female body! I bet he doesn't know or he would secured his home better. This means I'm now the most strongest person on earth! Unity will discover there was someone in his house. This is fantastic! He can't ignore me anymore, even if he wants to! I must control my strength and my powers and think of a plan to surprise him." Lisa trains a couple hours on the moon to learn how to control her powers. She then decides to fly to her home now it's still dark. There she creates her own bikini, luckily Lisa is handy in such things so she succeeds in creating a sexy, nice bikini that fits her new, extreme muscular physique. Now she has learned to control her new powers she decides to fly above Unity's shelter to check if he is already awake. To her nice surprise he is and so she starts with her plan she worked out. Lisa lands in the center of New York, a city where the media will massively be present when something should happen? She then starts to force people to leave there cars and blocks the most used street in the center of NY by laying the cars across the road. In just a couple of minutes the first reporters arrive, and some minutes later helicopters are flying above her head, immediately tons of shows are being interrupted to live report the events happening in the streets of NY. Unity would normally be here in a couple of seconds but is now looking on the TV totally amazed by what he sees. He recognizes Lisa's face but clearly sees her body is changed in an unthinkable way. He knows there's something not right about this but he has no choice then to go in there and to stop her creating such chaos and material damage. Especially because he knows with his superhearing that the military is planning to intervene. Besides, although Lisa her body is changed and she is twice as big as he is, he still assumes that he is the most strongest being on the world. Lifting cars isn't enough to assume she is stronger than him. Some minutes later he lands in NY, a couple of meters before her. "Aaaaa, I was wondering why it took you so long to be here. I think you should stop me Unity, the world is counting on you." Says Lisa on a cocky and confident way. "I don't know how you changed like this young lady, but this has to stop." While looking at her Unity feels aroused by her sexy, strong appearance but is focused in stopping her. He walks closer to her, looking confident but inside very nervous. Not by assuming she is stronger but by feeling attracted to her. Suddenly his 'enemy' does something unusual: Lisa starts to flex her enormous biceps and on that moment Unity can't stop himself from getting an erection. Lisa smiles and says: "Are you going to stop me with your cock maybe? I can assure you, that's just the opposite of what that thing would do." Feeling humiliated and getting angry Unity throws a punch in Lisa's stomach? All the people hold their breath in, its quiet in every bar, office or public place that is live streaming the events, even the reporters are speechless. Lisa starts to laughs, it seems it didn't hurt her at all? "Is that all you've got?" laughs Lisa while she then moves her gigantic, round and firm breasts what makes Unity's cock even bigger. Lisa then takes Unity's pants and immediately he sees her enormous biceps bulging while moving. Before she teares it apart he begs her to stop: "No please Lisa, stop. Don't do this, I never harmed you and I just want to do good in this world. Don't humiliate me further or I will never be able to be a hero on earth." Lisa laughes and while holding his pants, ready to take it off by tearing it, she looks into his eyes and says: "That's my intention. From now one you will do everything I want. But to assure you will never play hero again I must show the world who is the most strongest now." Lisa then flexes the gigantic, monstrous muscles of her yet feminine, sexy body and then tears his pants off. The world is shocked witnessing how their worlds hero is easily overpowered by this woman. Lisa then takes Unity at the waist, she lifts his penis between her enormous but powerful breasts, flexes her enormous biceps and starts massaging Unity's cock by titfucking him. Her grip from her pecs is so strong that even Unity is unable to break free. The movements of her breasts would distract him anyway as he is getting extremely aroused before the eyes of millions people all over the world. Lisa makes a 360 ° turn to show everyone how strong she is and how their world hero is under her control. Finally, not able to contain it anymore Unity cums all over Lisa her mighty breasts, showing the world he is no longer in control. Although it felt wonderful, it was not what he wanted. Lisa lets Unity fall onto the ground. She then holds him at his superhero emblem and lifts him in the air. To demonstrate how she became so strong she takes a fingertip of his cum and takes in in her mouth. Immediately he notices her body getting a little bigger. "So this is the deal. I will stop destroying half this city, endangering people if you stop being a hero. I know where you live and I can do with you whatever I want. Something to say about that?" Unity is terrified, he knows he is no match for her and surrenders to her demands. "I find it sad you don't want me to save others, but I think I have no choice then accepting my defeat. My heart bleeds but if I can prevent further damage or risking lives then I must listen to your demands, although they are not reasonable." And with that he even cries a little. Half-naked he flies away, totally humiliated and defeated although he luckily didn't get his ass kicked. Unity is a smart man and so he realizes Lisa became like this by using his sperm. Because Lisa doesn't has interest in saving others as also she intends to keep harassing him he thinks of a plan. Maybe he himself will never be a match for her but if he can find a woman that has a good, sincere heart and would use her powers to do good he can asks her to defeat Lisa? PART II Unity is in a dilemma. The world's hero has been humiliated by a woman twice his size. It seems that woman get an extreme growth in strength and muscle mass using his sperm. Lisa, a woman that he once saved and since then was obsessed by him, discovered this, had sex with Unity while he was in his two weekly, deep sleep and is now two times stronger than him. He is powerless against her and because of his will to help others he intends to find a way to stop her. He figured out that the only way to do that is by giving another woman he trusts more strength than her. But it's seems he still has to choose between two bad things. If he gives another woman the same or more strength Lisa has there will be two people far much stronger then him and he has to hope that woman never misuses her powers, even if he carefully chooses someone he trusts. On the other hand Lisa has clearly stated that she won't let him be a hero anymore. So maybe he is forced to risk it if he wants the world to be protected by his powers? Unity was raised by a respected couple in a relative little city. Here he spend all of his youth and he had one girl he practically spend all of his time with. It's when he decided to become a hero he broke with his past to prevent risking the lives of all the people near him. He always had a special connection with her, Hope is her name and because he has to think fast, knowing Lisa can arrive any moment to rule over him. He goes back to his city from his youth and searches the only woman he think he can trust. With his superhearing he could determine she home, the house next to where his parents live, and so he decides to visit her immediately? Ian rings the door. Hope lives alone now, her parents moved to another house. When Hope opens the door she is stunned? Her best friend is suddenly there again, after all these years! Hope was the only person that knew Unity wasn't a normal human. She followed the events on TV and thinks Ian is her for comfort and a shoulder to cry on. She lets Ian in and because he hasn't a lot of time to explain everything he immediately gets to the point? "Ian, I suppose it's not going well with you for the moment?" says Hope. "No, it isn't. That's why I'm here. You already know I'm Unity. Do you remember from in our youth I only needed once in two weeks a deep sleep? That woman found my hiding place and crawled on me in my sleep, she succeeded in letting me cum and apparently my sperm has the effect on the female body as you saw on the news.." Hope is shocked, also by the direct words. "That's terrible. I wish I've could help you but I'm just an ordinary girl?" "Hope, actually you can help me but what I'm about to ask is a heavy decision for you. Sadly I haven't much time, Lisa can arrive any moment to use me as her personal slave and there's nothing I can do to stop her?" "Say it then if it is so urgent!" says Hope. "Well, you could stop her if you use my cum to get stronger than her. I know I'm asking you a lot now but the protection of our world may depend on it, Lisa won't let me be Unity anymore?" Hope always loved Ian and knows him best. She decides to help him as she also sees no other way to stop Lisa. Hope tears her blouse open, revealing her nice, beautiful, round and firm breasts. "Take me." She says. Ian takes of his clothes and those from Hope. Immediately Ian's cock is stiff and also Hope is so aroused and horny she is ready to have sex with the soon third strongest human on the planet. She feels excited, not only because she's having sex but not also wondering how it will feel to be superstrong and muscular. For Unity the feeling is double, it is the only change to not being a slave from Lisa but on the other hand it means there will be a second person that is far much stronger than him. Hope feels as more Ian is getting to the point of ejaculation her body is already reacting and the transformation is already in progress. Ian notices her body is starting slowly changing, not much but enough to receive a full ejaculation of the world's hero. Hope feels like being in an ecstasy, the sex feels almost magical, surely already superhuman. But then she would realize this is nothing compared by what happens next. Ian is so erected, so aroused he finally cums into her and Hope immediately feels an immense feeling of pain true her body as the changing is so intense it feels painful on the moment itself. She wants to push Unity away but without wanting it she throws him several meters true the room. Ian is stunned, for the first time he is witnessing the transformation caused by his sperm. Hope is transforming into the ultimate, female muscle goddess. Her muscle mass is increasing fast and to gigantic proportions! Her legs are massive, perfectly defined with raw, phenomenal muscle, filled with unimaginable, superhuman strength. The seemingly diamond shaped abs are nothing he saw before with above that enormous, round breasts and although they look soft they are pure, yet feminine shaped muscles. Her biceps are three times bigger than his and her enormous wide, broad shoulders makes her looking intimidating and fearful. After minutes of screaming and adapting to her new, extreme muscular form Hopes finally looks calmed down. She looks to her now gigantic arms and thereafter to her breasts. She's smiles and feels great. She steps towards Ian and although he knows he and Hope did this, willingly and together with her, he can't help feeling a little afraid when she walks to him. Hope notices his fear? "Hey Ian, you don't have to be afraid from me, you know that. Don't step away." Hope suddenly takes a short supersprint and stands before Ian, her breasts almost touching his nose. "You know better than anyone that you cannot run from me if you would try." Ian is scared, he did not expect Hope being so dominant. Then she laughes? "Jesus, you are really afraid from me! Ian, you know I would never hurt you!" Still feeling aroused and horny she starts massing his cock. Without even flexing for real, her biceps are so huge and big and her body extremely sexy and attractive that Ian immediately gets an erection again. But knowing she is now strong enough to beat Lisa he doesn't wants sex again? "Hope, stop it. That's enough, you are clearly strong enough to beat Lisa?" While moving her breasts to arouse Ian even more she says: "I know, but I'm still horny and I don't want a man having his pleasure without I had mine?" says Hope, finding a reason to go one. "Hope, you said you would never hurt me, so stop this." "I've said I would never (intentionally) hurt you. Giving you an erection is a sign you like my new body and what I'm doing to you, so that's surely not hurting you!" Moving more rapidly her hands on his cock she poses her other arm and flexes her colossal mountains of muscle. Displaying her magnificent, strength. Despite the fact it physically feels wonderful what she's doing he is mentally getting raped because he repeatedly asks her to stop but Hope is too focused on arousing him and in the process herself. Just him erected by her doings motivates her to keep playing with him until his erection is gone. Seen the fact he is still superhuman that can take a long time, especially he is doing everything he can to prevent getting another ejaculation. "Come on Ian, why are you holding back? I know you like it so I'm not misusing my powers too. You know I will eventually get what I want?" "Stop it Hope, you are misusing your powers, no matter how strong you are, you may never use your strength to force people doing things they don't want." Hope laughes sarcastically, she sees it different and is yet convinced she means well. "Ian, the fact you get an erection just by seeing my is enough for me to know that deep down you like this. There is no reason for me to stop, I will stop when your cock had enough. And of course until I had my juice? Just look at what this body can do to you, just learn to enjoy! I'm on your side!" Hope takes Ian at the waist and lifts him easily in the air. Ian is totally amazed by witnessing the movements of her extreme huge, massive muscles. "This isn't new anymore to you but with a body twice as strong as her you will enjoy this even more." Hope places Ian his cock between her superstrong, round, enormous breasts and starts moving them as an alternative way to masturbate him. Despite his efforts to not ejaculate he can't hold it any longer, Ian comes and it's so intense his spasms would have kill an normal woman, of course in this case is doesn't any harm. Hope throws Ian meters further in the room onto her bed. On a very sexy way she walks towards the bed and gives Ian a chance to proof he wants her to stop? "Ian, you're still erected but I give you a chance to proof that's just temporality and you want me to stop. I won't touch you but I do want you to look at me, if you refuse you know I can force you. You may lay there in the bed and if your erection goes away I will leave you alone." Ian is surprised by this gesture and thinks this is his chance to focus Hope on other things then her sexual desires. Ian's cum is still all over her chest. She takes an fingertip while looking seductive at him and licks it off? Immediately her muscles begin to grow again, they expand with every swallow of his cum. Ian can do nothing more than to hope his cock goes in a normal state but the sight of an gorgeous Hope flexing her gigantic, growing muscles is just too sexy and something that no man could ignore. Although in his mind he wants things to be different, this woman knows how to arouse him. "Oh no! There's no more sperm on my breasts! Hmmmm? But I see your cock is still erected my sweet superhero. Time to have some more?" 'Not again' thinks Unity in himself. Hope crawls onto him and starts riding his cock. She moans and longs for more of his cum. Although Ian is force to this he does enjoy the magnificent ride. Again, despite his efforts to prevent form ejaculation Hope handles him too well and succeeds in letting him come once again. But then something very unexpected happens. Hope faints just before the moment her body would start absorbing his cum. Her enormous body lays now motionless onto him, covering his whole body. He gets out of bed, lays his one arm under her gigantic back and the other under her monstrous legs. He lifts her out of the bed and plans to take her to his mom, who is a doctor? He sees himself in the mirror while lifting her. A very unusual sight, although he is much more muscular then any normal human could ever be, he looks very thin in comparison with Hope, who he carries in his arms. The sight of this female, gorgeous muscle beast in his arms, the gigantic proportions of her body and knowing he's holding the must strongest being in his arms is kind of exciting