TRUTH VS FICTION FOR KAREN THE BOXER I gave this a lot of thought as I pondered the pro's and con's of writing a public letter like this. I decided to write this here since over the past several years there is more and more being written about her, by her, by her x-husbands, by her opponents, more pictures than ever showing up all over the net plus her own website get's, supposedly, a lot of traffic. I have read through her blog, I have read the "wall" on her site and most importantly I knew her back in the day and am still friendly with her first husband. He has NO idea I am writing this. I want to set the record straight since I read so much about her. It should be known that I have seen her as recently as last year but she did not see me as it was at some live event in NYC. The last time we really hung out together was 19 years ago. However, I intimately know what I am talking about here without going into more explanation. I will not comment on any of the sexual things and there are many, that appear in so many places. Firsthand I know nothing, second hand I know a lot but will stay away from that topic in deference to my friend, aka her first husband. Simply none of anyone's business. I first met Karen in the summer of 1991 on the east end of Long Island, NY. Back then it was popular for "young people" to rent summer houses for the weekends as we always did. She was AND still is a stunning woman on every level and every guy was trying to hit on her back then. I never had the guts to approach her nor am I saying she would have given me the time of day. I will tell you that she was always very friendly, engaging, welcoming, funny and one of the smartest people I ever met. She was also the first woman I ever met with some incredible muscles. Not in one of those hyper steroid creatures I see around sometimes but in a purely feminine sexy way. She had an 8 pack back when you could not find a guy who was anything close to that plus she had muscles everywhere else. Especially back then, she was unique looking. I would say super athletic looking. Towards the end of that summer she had a few different boyfriends according to the rumor mill. I cannot swear to that one although I had two "friends of friends" who bragged endlessly that they slept with her. I do not know. But what I do know, since I not only witnessed it but experienced it, an abdominal punching contest. Everyone talked about her all the time, between her Israeli accent, the fact she was an Entertainment Lawyer at a serious firm ( I am a lawyer too but was never able to get into her firm) and her beauty, she was always a topic of conversation. In any event, one early morning me a 2 buddy's were walking on the beach and saw Karen, who just finished a multi mile run, doing some pushups on the deserted beach and stretching. Needless to say it was quite the scene to see her like that. As we approached she was her usual funny, pleasant, bright self. We surrounded her and we were all talking but of course trying not to stare at her was impossible. One buddy commented on her abs, which were highlighted due to her tan and the sweat from her run and looked almost surreal to me at least. This same friend said something lighthearted and kidding around about her abs and her boxing and this conversation took on a life of it's own. Next thing I know we all agreed to an ab punching contest. I had no clue as to what to expect of course but it was like one minute we were walking on the beach and the next I agreed to punch this beautiful woman in her stomach!!! We all already had erections just being that close to her to be brutally honest. The rules were simple, each person would take 4 shots into her stomach and she would do the same. I remember staring at her thinking that she is a smart woman who "supposedly" boxed ( I will get into her boxing soon) and there were three of us but one of her so how could she do this. None of us were rough and tough guys but we were all young and athletic and out weighed her by a lot. We all agreed that she would go first and she chose me to be her first "opponent". All I will say is that it took only 2 blows from her to put me on the sand throwing up my bagel and coffee not to mention turning purple and unable to get up for like 5 minutes. I was unable to return the favor for like 20 minutes. Meantime the same scene was played out by my 2 other friends. All of us humiliated to the hilt as we rolled around the sand in tremendous pain. We got our opportunity to attack her back but all that yielded was some red marks on her ripped abdominals, slightly sore fists, some embarrassing erections that were impossible to hide and our red faces with her big white friendly smile. Afterwards, as we all stood around waiting for the last guy to finish she assured us that she would never tell a soul, and she never has! There are stories on her "wall" on her very popular and free website that she works as an attorney for some NATO organization and that is false. The stories that she lives in Israel is false as she lives in Florida now. The stories of the Underground, a private fistfighting club are true but not 100% sure to what extent. I was there three times to see her fight and each time I was scared to death of the seedy crowd. A really wild place, far more than anyone who was never there could ever imagine. Loud, dingy, violent, smelly and dangerous. I was scared shitless each time I went. The people looked out of their minds, dangerous looking. You can smell the blood and sweat and what goes on right in front of you is barbaric at times. MMA is a joke compared to this. For all intent and purposes, this club, which is still there in Downtown Manhattan although I have not been there in 15 years, is a warehouse where they do or did barefisted fighting. I saw Karen absolutely BRUTALIZE and knockout several women AND 2 men during my visits. Each time I went it remains the most amazing out of body experience ever. Seeing this woman, BAREFISTED, bloody and I mean bloody these people and totally fuck them up with an anger and a level of violence that for me was unparalleled. The crowd acted like they were watching a fight in the Colosseum with the Romans. Karen's display of power, skill and guts was awe inspiring. Her beauty, her strength, her playing to the crowd by taking off her top and doing these muscle poses as her opponents lie unconscious and seriously injured to this day has me shaking my head in disbelief. Those stories are all true. I saw her, with my own two eyes, beat a female bodybuilder who was huge, into a bloody crying pulp before she knocked her unconscious and then sat on her belly and threw at least 6 full blows into her face as she lied there unconscious and all along the crowd screamed it's approval. It was horrifying to watch yet thrilling too. I know that sounds crazy but it is crazy. This bodybuilder was 180 pounds and was a beast compared to Karen who was like 135 pounds. The match was not competitive as Karen punched her so often, with such power and perfect aim that the bodybuilder ran for her life. There was a point where Karen had her in the corner and did a number on her body that had this woman screaming and crying in pain. It was awful on some levels and knocking her out was compassion. Then seeing her beat these men, almost as badly, big fit men who were fighters themselves was crazy to see. Knocking them all out, parading around topless, daring their friends to come in for the same was intense. Meeting up with her 2-3 hours later at a bar nearby, a very nice place and nothing at all like the Underground, and seeing her dressed to the nine's, looking as incredibly sexy, mature, sophisticated as she usually does and goofing around like she always does always made her a mystery to me. A few hours ago you were a beast, an athlete, a muscular powerhouse with more guts than anyone I ever met, beating people out of their minds and now you look like a million dollars with just the slightest of bruising was some neat shit. What is not true were a slew of stories about her beating that police officer from NJ, his wife the "bodybuilder" and her fighting their last year in 2015 when she was back in NYC. She was never a professional bodybuilder but did participate in amateur contests twice, 3 physique contests and several bikini contests. She never fought as a professional kickboxer or a boxer. However, as I have seen the video and again I am best friends with one of her X husband's, she has fought several x- professional boxers. The list on her site is 100% true and she lists right there in plain sight the results of those fights. She never appeared in Playboy magazine. She does speak 5 languages, did publish a book that to this very day is sold at the bookstore in NYC where she went to college and Law School She has never had plastic surgery. She never dated any of the "famous" people that some very special person wrote on her wall. She does have children She is on her third marriage She does appear or has appeared on billboards in Florida for a health club and has appeared in many print ads for boutique clothing stores She does have a well known brother in Israel and sisters in NYC Her father is extremely wealthy and they have am extremely close family and she lost her mother recently Karen is well known in the philanthropic world of Jewish giving Husband #2 was a real jerk that she beat several times Well, there is most of the true's and false's. She still boxes and is still friendly with her x #1. I just thought it was important for people to know the truth, the facts as they are. Thank you