Shadow Samurai: Under the Big Top Part 2 "Emma!" Shadow Samurai groaned. Emma felt like she was wrapped in a soft warm blanket on a cold winter moving and she had no intention of leaving bed. Her limbs were refusing to move while Emma's head felt like it weighed a million pounds. Shadow wasn't sure how much time passed but it seemed like hours before she could even think about moving. Eventually her legs managed to start function followed not long after by her arms. Slowly Emma pushed herself up onto her elbows. Sighing she tried to speak but found that forming a thought was difficult. It took a few more minutes till she could answer. "Sarah ... .uhhhh ... ..what ... happened?" The blue figure of Sarah looked worrying at Emma, "How are you feeling?" The superheroine put a hand to her head, Emma's blue eyes closed as she dealt with a headache, "Feel like well ... .there was this one night with Clara ... and a box of wine ... " "Whatever she used on you was strong stuff. I've been working on clearing it from you but even with a full focus on healing you it's taking a while." Sarah explained, "Try and make it over to me." Emma took her time. She first tried standing but her legs gave out under her so she settled for less dignified crawl on her hands and knees. Sarah watched as she eventually made it over to where Orchid had tossed the sword. To try and channel more healing power into Emma more effectively, Sarah had changed back to the stone. Shadow Samurai sighed as she placed her back against the wall. Usually Sarah didn't mind the limitations of her spectral form but right now she wished that she could reach out and touch Emma. "She's ... .long since ... gone I imagine." Shadow asked. "Yes, think you can pick me up?" Sarah inquired. Emma weakly nodded, reaching out for the stone. Once she had it a warm refreshing wave washed over her. Sarah spoke to Emma through their mental link, Emma I'll work on clearing that drug from your system but to do my best work I need to transform you back. "Got it ... lucky I ... didn't go home to change." Emma joked. There was a flash of energy and Shadow Samurai transformed back into Emma Sapphire, English Professor. She just about instantly felt better now that she back in her normal physical form. The black leotard, shorts, tights of Shadow Samurai had been replaced by her teaching clothes. Today Emma had gone with a white blouse, grey vest, matching skirt, brown tights, and her leather boots. The redhead's glasses were also back which she adjusted on her nose. You okay getting back home? Emma stood up feeling a lot better, yeah I can make it. Thanks Sarah for looking out for me. Always Emma, Sarah replied reassuringly. Emma headed for the door before wondering aloud, "I really hope my ID card works on the locks this late at night." ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... With a soft landing, Orchid touched down by her trailer. The brunette thief looked back to the large tree she had jumped from to cross the fence back home. It wasn't a hard leap she had performed a lot more difficult stunts in her life. Walking up the stairs to the door she entered the unlocked trailer flipping on the light as she did so. Her home was a small mess with clothes lying everywhere. Orchid considered cleaning up but figured she had earned a night off. Slipping out of her heels the brightly colored thief walked her way across the floor. Her gloves went off next getting tossed aside like the rest of her clothes. Orchid would admit while she carefully planned her thefts along with her day job stunts, she was actually quite unorganized. Now that her hands were free the thief went for the mask on her face. This she was more careful with laying it onto a mannequin head model resting on her dresser. Her green eyes looked into the mirror that was part of the dresser as she took a seat in front of it. It had been a fun night as well as a successful one. Reaching under her skirt, Orchid removed a throwing knife studying the weapon. "Looks like my latest cocktail is prefect for Shadow Samurai", she thought aloud, "She was quite good, just as I had been led to expect." Looking down to a picture frame on her desk the young lady smiled, "You would have liked her Dad." A photo of a man dressed in a black & white tuxedo with a top hat. He was waving to the camera a smile on his face. Admiring the photo, Orchid placed a finger to her lips then pressing it on the picture. Feeling a little down at old memories Orchid stood up to finish changing out of her costume. First to go was her skirt which revealed her leotard covered bum along with her leather holders for her knives. These she took off her thighs putting them carefully away into a special case. Once that was done it was a simple matter of unzipping her leotard and sliding it down her pink tights. Finally she rolled these off leaving Orchid in nothing but her bra & panties. She looked for the first clothes that were in sight, a light pink blouse with some jean shorts, slipping these on just in time for a knock to come to her door. Walking over she smiled seeing who it was before opening the door, "How's it going David?" The lanky circus hand smiled, "Hey Katy you want to come grab a late snack?" he had a slight accent which charmed visitors, "Chef broke out the S'mores stuff and a bunch of us are going to have some by the fire." "Sounds great I'll be right there." Katherine answered warmly. Grabbing a fleece to pull over her shirt the circus performer Katherine Barton headed out to spend some time with her coworkers. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Professor John Smith was lying back on the couch enjoying his book. The film professor was catching up on some work for his class. Their Literature to Film class was a little project he and Emma had come up with. Her English class would crossover with his film class where the compared the film & novel versions of different classics. They looked at what changed in theme, tone, characters, and other literacy elements. So far the class had been a huge success. He was of course enjoying working so closely with Emma but their little venture required him to read all the novels to go with the fims. He had just thumbed over a fresh page of War of the Worlds when the door to the apartment opened. Surprised he looked over to see his fiancé Emma Sapphire walking in, "That's odd." Emma looking a bit tired asked, "What's odd?" "You coming back through the front door." John got up off the couch walking over to embrace Emma. She looked a bit glum, "Well let's just say I wasn't in the right condition to do my whole leap tall buildings in a single bound trick." Hugging his lover tight, John kissed Emma on the lips, "Tell me all about it while I take care of my lovely superheroine." Sweeping Emma off her feet which caused the redhead to giggle she let John carry her over to the couch. Lying her down, John proceeded to slip off her boots. Sensually giving Emma's legs a massage he said, "What happened?" Emma went through the encounter with Orchid step by step. As they talked, John moved his massage up Emma's body giving her back a rub and finally her shoulders. Lying back against her fiancé Emma felt better but still couldn't hide her disappointment as she said, "What really kicks me John is ... she was completely human. Sure really fit, well equipped, but no powers. She didn't use a Light Stone to weaken me, swooned me with a spell, she beat me all by herself." "Hey." He made sure to look around so that he could look Emma in the eyes, "She won round one and still cheated bit." He rubbed her thigh where Shadow had been nicked by the drugged knife. "Yeah but before that, she matched my every move, was so quick." John rolled Emma so that the two of them now faced each other, "And you are Shadow Samurai. You bested the Sorority, cut down an unstoppable demon, and defeated the Brotherhood helping save not just your best friend but the love of her life and of course me." Emma felt a swell of pride from the words, "Thanks." They kissed slowly then picking up the pace as John leaned back with Emma a top him. She pulled away to remove her glasses and began unbuttoning her vest. John was right she had been beaten by Orchid but that was only round one, and John deserves a proper thank you for reminding me of that, Emma thought with a impish smile. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. The apartment was dark except for a blue glow from the center table. Sarah Winchester was hovering above the Shadow Stone. In deep meditation she had finished healing Shadow Samurai hours earlier and now was concentrating on recharging herself. As Emma's guardian she was feeling irked that Orchid had managed to get the better of the two of them. Sarah especially remembered Orchid threatening the fallen Shadow and how helpless she had been to help Emma. In fact it irked her so much that she was having trouble concentrating. "Ugh ... ." Sarah hissed opening her eyes. "Can't mediate?" Sarah turned to see Emma coming out from her bedroom. She was dressed in a black tank top John had gotten her that said; TRUST ME I AM THE DOCTOR. Walking over in bare feet Sarah also saw that Emma's only other clothing was her black panties. Sarah had noticed the pile of clothes on the floor earlier but she didn't say anything to Emma just having a sly smile on her face. The redhead sat on the floor on her knees leaning over the table to look Sarah at eye level, "How you doing?" "Alright, listen I'm ... " "Don't be." Emma told her, "John reminded me that just because we lost the battle doesn't mean we lost the war." Sarah looked at Emma, feeling a bit better, "He's a smart guy." "I know that's why I love him." Emma beamed. "I can tell ... " Sarah joked looking to the discarded clothes. Emma just smiled mischievously before chuckling. With the both of them feeling better Emma looked to Sarah and said, "Listen I had an idea. This Orchid she's quite striking for a thief right?" Sarah agreed so Emma continued, "Well somebody like that doesn't commit crimes without leaving some sort of trail. I'm thinking about paying a visit to Abby Harris." "The Pre-Law Professor, that's a great idea Emma." Abby was known for her almost encyclopedia knowledge of criminal cases. The redhead nodded, "Right let's see if she can give us any clues about this Orchid. Maybe we can find something out that will let us track her down." "Then we get even with our little flower thief." Sarah added with a grin. "Damn right." Emma responded taking the stone and hugging it to her chest. Sarah appreciated the contact. Eventually Emma pulled her back a bit and asked, "Want to come sleep in our room tonight?" "Depends, you young lovers all done?" Sarah teased. "Well maybe that's for me to know and you and John to find out." Emma joked back. Sarah shook her head as Emma picked her up for the walk back to the bedroom. John was still asleep lying chest down under the covers. Carefully Emma placed Sarah and the stone on the nightstand before settling back in with John. Looking at her partner Emma whispered, "Sweet dreams Sarah." "You too." Sarah replied watching as Emma eventually drifted back to sleep. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The next morning Emma wandered over to the building where most of the pre-law classes were held. Today she was dressed in a white blouse, grey jacket, matching skirt, black tights, and some heels. Emma recognized a few students saying hi to them as she headed for the floor that held the teachers' offices. Eventually Emma arrived at a heavy wooden door which had some foggy glassed built in. It reminded Emma of a private eye's or lawyer's office, which was quite fitting for who was inside. Knocking at the door a commanding voice told her to enter just a few seconds later. Opening the door and coming inside Emma found Professor Harris standing on a ladder. It was built into the wall which was a giant bookshelf was filled with volumes of law books. Abby was reading one as she hung onto the ladder. She glanced up to see Emma, "Professor Sapphire what brings you to my neck of the woods?" The two were roughly the same age, Abby being about two years older. They knew each other mostly form university functions. Emma began by saying, "I have some questions for that encyclopedia you call a brain. Got a few minutes?" "Sure. Just looking up something to show a student they don't know as much as they think about trial law." Abby closed the book placing it back on the shelf. Coming down the stairs Emma saw she and Abby shared similar tastes. Abby wore a white shirt with short sleeves; the brown skirt of a suit went down to her mid-thigh, while Abby's long legs were clad in rich sheer black hosiery. She had climbed the ladder in stocking feet but now slipped on some heels since she was off the ladder. Abby walked over to her desk which had her jacket hanging on the back of her chair. Taking a seat she looked every bit the former District Attorney that she was, "So what's on your mind Emma?" "I've got a student who wants to write about famous crime sprees for his non-fiction project. He came to me with one story that I couldn't believe but I figured I'd run it by you and see if he's on to something." Emma explained her cover story hoping that Abby wouldn't ask many more questions about it. "Truth is stranger than fiction Professor, lay the story on me." Abby smiled as she relaxed in her chair as Emma began the 'story'. When she finished Abby looked real interested, "You student isn't making this up Emma, the case or cases are quite real." She reached behind her desk to pull a book off the shelf. Turning back to Emma, "For the last few years now there have been a series of robberies. Everything from high tech products to valuable antiques. In almost every case the thief was described to be highly skilled, competent, and had a flair for her dress." Sounds like Orchid, Sarah said to Emma through their mental link as the English professor continued to listen. "Seems like people know a lot about her." Emma offered, "But if that's the case why hasn't she been caught?" "Look at the title." Abby replied to which Emma did, the book was titled Greatest Crime Legends. The professor of law continued, "Orchid is a rumor one of dozens out there in the law enforcement world. People think she exists but there is little actual evidence. Most of what I told you came from witnesses but most of them were unreliable since they were found drugged or otherwise impaired. Nobody could confirm if a colorful costumed thief pulled of the crime or not. Plus most investigators think Orchid is a meta-human based on the different feats, so they pass the buck to the Feds who in turn are already overstretched." Scanning through the chapter about Orchid Emma saw the list of places she had supposedly been was vast, Chicago, San Fransisco, Paladin City, New York, Steel City. She of course wanted to read more about Orchid, "Think I can borrow this?" "Go ahead and forward me that paper when its done should be an interesting read." Abby smiled. Emma nodded getting up and after a couple more minutes of talking about school things before leaving her colleages office behind. Shaking her head Emma thought to Sarah, Great now I have to create a fake paper for her! Sarah answered back teasing, the pitfalls of having a secret identity. Laugh it up, guess whose going to help me write this up when the time comes, Emma sent back with a smile. It didn't take long for her to head back to class. John was waiting for her, sitting on the edge of her desk. She walked over giving him a quick peck on the cheek. They talked about what Abby had shared ending with Emma handing over the book He, "So going to read up on Orchid's adventures, smart." "Yep, turns out this Orchid character has been around. Hoping I can get some more clues from this." Emma confirmed. He nodded, "I'm sure you will but tonight we are going to have some fun." "Oh? We're not playing the Kissogram and the Professor are we?" Emma winked at him. John felt a bit flush quickly glancing around to see if anybody had heard. "No...actually I thought we could use a night out." he reached into his jacket pocket, "Emma did you ever want to runaway and join the circus?" Emma looked at a pair of tickets in John's hand. He explained further, "One of those traveling circuses is in town. From what I read on the web its one of the best actually. They've got the works, acrobats, animals, and clowns the ha ha kind not the scary kind." "Well that's good to know." Emma chuckled. "I even got us a backstage pass so we could meet some of the performers." John added with grin. "Why Professor Smith I do believe you are now showing off." Emma said right before kissing him on the lips. He kissed back just as the first students began to come into the room. Force to break off their kiss John promised to pick up Emma later. She pocketed the tickets and then watched him leave. After John had left Emma decided to put the book along with the tickets in her purse. With a quick thought she said, Hey Sarah think you can take a look at the book? Sure thing Emma, have a good class, Sarah wished. While Emma got onto teaching Sarah used her power to look at the pages on the book. She didn't notice that the tickets John had purchased featured a colorful female acrobat on them.