Jennifer Portman: Slave Market part 1 Jennifer Portman was an attractive woman. She had long shiny red hair, green eyes, and a great figure. She was a good person. She was always there for her friends and family. Helped anyone she could. Her life was going great, until one afternoon. She heard a cry coming from an allyway. "No, please, don't hurt me!" Jennifer had a sense of justice. Whoever was torminting that poor girl was going to pay for it. She was going to give them a piece of her 1st degree black belt in Shotokahn. When she arrived in the alleyway she saw a muscular guy grabbing at a small woman. "Please, I'll do anything you ask just don't hurt me!" She cried out. "Hey you!" Jennifer exclaimed. "Leave her alone! If you want to mess with someone, mess with me!" The guy turned and looked at her. "Well what have we here?" he asked mockingly. "You do look better than she does. I'll kidnap you instead." He said and darted towards Jennifer. "Like hell you will!" She shouted at him. Jennifer was always had a firey temper. As he rushed at her she threw a round kick at his face. It connected sending him to the ground. "Kitten has claws." He said as he got up, rubbing his cheek. "I like that. this is gonna be fun." He said with a malicious grin. The grin scared Jennifer. She saw that his guard was down so she hit him with a back fist, ridge hand combo. He hit the ground again. He laughed and said, "You're really spunky. Too bad I have to end this now." As he said that a hand came from behind and covered Jennifers mouth and nose. "Mmpphhh!" A slender arm was wrapped around her torso. She bucked and kicked to try and escape. A sweet scent entered her nose. She felt groggy. Her energy being taken from her by the sweet scented cloth on her face. She faught for as long as she could, but the cloth was winning. Her vision blurred, and then, darkness. When she awoke her head was pounding. She noticed that she couldn't move. Her strength was still gone from the clothe soaked with chloroform. She tried to move again and still couldn't. She realized why. She was bound and gagged. Her arms were behind her with tape wrapped around then at her wrists. She had tape wrapped around her torso pinning her hands to her sides.Her legs were taped together. She felt something in her mouth. Something on her face stopped her from spitting it out. "Mmmm." Is all she could manage to get out. "Hey, look who's awake." She knew who the guy was. Then a woman turned around and looked at Jennifer. She became enraged when she saw who it was. "Mmmmmphhmm!" She tried to scream in rage. It was the woman being "attacked" in the alleyway. "Sorry I had to set you up babe. but this is bussiness." The woman said. "It's almost time to start the show." She said. Jennifer was scared and confused. She didn't know what was going to become of her. A curtian started to rise near her. Jennifer squirmed and bucked against her restraints. "Mmummph!" She tried to shout but the gag was too effective. She started to hear voices. A light was shining on her. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is the next item up for bid." She couldn't believe what she heard. Her, up for bid? "She has a temper as firey as her red hair. You'll want to keep this girl tied down. We'll start the bidding at 2k." She started to struggle even more. As the price went up, she started to envision many possible outcomes of her situation. "I hear 30k from the gentlemen in the front row." She thought' "This can't be happening to me." The bids kept getting higher. It was up to 100,000. all she could do was await the outcome. She stopped struggling. She gave up. She accepted that she wasn't getting out of this. "I hear 120k, do I hear 130k?" The auctioneer went on. Suddenly a voice rang out, "300,000!" "Sold to the lady in the back." Jennifer looked at here new owner. She was a fairly attractive young woman. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and very nice curves. "At least it wasn't a perverted old man." Jennifer thought, trying to give her self hope. Some men picked up Jennifers bound body and carried her to the woman's car. She was being strapped into the seat as the woman got into the car. "Thank you gentlemen I can take it from here." She said to them. "Yes ma'am." One of the men said back. She started the car and drove off. "My name is Mina." She introduced herself. "Mina McGrath. What is your name?" She asked. "Mmmph." "Oh sorry, I forgot about the gag, Let me take it off of you." She reached up with one hand and peeled the tape off of Jennifer's lips. She spit out the object that was in her mouth. "A sponge?" "Yes, the slave marketeers use them to keep their catches quiet." She answered. "My name is Jennifer Portman, Mina." "Call me Mistress." "Ok, Mistress." She reached for sponge. "Time to be quiet again, now be a good girl and open wide." Jennifer didn't want to fight against Mina in the car. A car wreck would make things worse. She opened her mouth. "You are a good girl aren't you?" Mina said. She stuffed the sponge back into Jennifer's mouth. She then smoothed the tape over her lips as well as she could with one hand. "Relax and enjoy the ride, we'll be home soon. Jennifer felt tired. She was emotionally exhausted. "we're home." She heard mina say. She saw a mansion. Some men came out and unbuckled Jennifer from the seat. "Where do you want her madam?" One of the men asked. She'll stay in the dungeon for tonight, make sure she's tucked in nice and tight for me." she answered. "Yes madam." she was taken into this room with alot of weird equipment. The men untied her. Jennifer ungagged herself. She was too tired to try to fight these guys. "Lay on that table." One of the men demanded. She did as he said not wanting any trouble. They strapped her arms down. At her wrists, above and below her elbows, and at her shoulders. Then her lags. At her ankles, above abd below her knees, and her thighs. Then two straps on her body. Above and below her breasts. She could only move her head now, but that wouldn't be long. "open up." She did as she was told. A strap went over her mouth as a ball went into it. Strapping her head down and gagging her at the same time. Then a trap went over her eyes putting her into darkness. she couldn't move at all now. All she could do was wait. Jennifer's eyes flutter open and her mind is lost in a haze. Many thoughts run through her mind. She thinks back on the events that had befallen her. A woman's scream. Her heart poinding as she sees the situation through her window. Heroically rushing to save the woman in danger. Adrenaline pumping through her veins as she tussles with the big guy that was attacking the woman. The sweet smelling cloth that she had been forced to breathe through. Being bound with silvery tape and gagged with a sponge forced into her maw and more silvery tape sealing her lips. Then she was bought, by a beautiful and veluptuous woman. Mina. Her name was Mina, McGrath. Jennifer was carried into the large victorian style mansion and led to a basement where she was strapped down, gagged, and blind... Wait. She could see. The restraints had been removed, along with the blindfold and gag. The redhaired woman slowly and cautiosly gets off of the bed. This wasn't the room that she was brought into. The dusty and grey stoned walls that she had last seen were replaced by solid white ones. She thought to herself, "Just what is going on?" Some one had freed her and carried her into this nice and lavish bedroom. The carpeting was lush and blue in color. The drapes that covered the windows, which had sunlight pouring in through them, were a nice shade of light pink. The bed that she had risen from had pure, white sheets on it. She shakes the thoughts from her mind. A woman won't get anywhere if she just stands in one place. Jennifer thought as she carefully steps from the room and into a hallway, narrow with bare walls, nothing was hanging on them. She counted her lucky stars that the blue tank top and tan cargo shorts were still part of her attire. Jennifer lightly tip-toed toward the the end of the hall, which opened up into a larger room. She could see a wooden counter, painted white, with a marble counter top placed atop the structure. Sounds of sizzling and humming come from the room. A delicious arome wafts through the air. She now knew that the room was the kitchen, and that someone was in it. Those green orbs are alight as they zip around, to try and find any sign of someone else that may be around. Closer and closer, she draws to the kitchen. The smell becomes stronger and she can make out what scents are there. Grease, and sizzling. Bacon. The person in the kitchen was cooking bacon, and possibly eggs. Hunger rears its head and Jennifer doesn't hesitate to walk into the kitchen. At the stove stood the blonde, slender woman. She was dressed all in black. A sweat shirt and matching sweat pants. Mina. She was the one humming. Jennifer turns around slowly and starts to silently move away from Mina. She looks back and doesn't pay attention to what is in front of her until it is too late. She walks into the marble counter top and yelps in surprise. That yelp had caught the the attention of Mina. "It's about time that you have woken up." Her voice danced through the air like soft velvet to Jennifer's ears. Jennifer lets out a sigh at her own failure to stay silent. "Please, sit and eat. We have things to talk about." Mina turns off the white electric stove with black glass top as she said it. Then she extended her arm and index finger to point at a large, round table. The surface was smooth with a shiny finish. The table was wooden, brown with black swirls. Jennifer relunctantly moves to the table to sit down. As she sat, Mina brought over a white porcelain plate, with blue floral patterns. On it was the bacon and eggs, that she had smelled, and a silver fork. Jennifer looks to the blonde with a bewildering look. She was confused to say the least. Mina sits across from Jennifer, the table bare in front of her. "I suppose that I should tell you why you are here." Those blue eyes of Mina stares onto the greens of the red haired beauty before her. "In short, I saved you. You would have been bought by some very nasty costumers if I hadn't come." The squeaks of Jennifer's fork on the plate echoed in the dining room as she ate. The dining room and kitchen had no walls between them. The were connected. Mina starts to talk again. "I'm not who you think I am. I'm an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation." Jennifer almost chokes on her food after hearing that. "You? An FBI agent? Don't make me laugh. What kind of an agent buys kidnapped girls?" Jennifer scoffs at her with an annoyed look in her eyes. Mina just laughs lightly and shakes her head. "One that is under cover." Mina pulls something from the pocket of her sweat pants. It looks like a leather bound wallet, black in color. Mina opens it to reveal her agent shield and ID card. It was real alright. "I "bought" you for a reason. I have been undercover as a patron of an illegal slave trade auction. The very same that you were in." Jennifer just listens now. She doesn't know what to say. "I bought you because you seem the most capable of the catch that was brought in, and only a slave can get into the areas I haven't been yet. You will be paid for your services and maybe even hired into the bureau. What do you say?" Mina asked. Jennifer thought long and hard. She opens her mouth to speak. The next words to pass Jennifer's lips were "I'm not so sure that it's a good idea for me to do this with you Mina. I'm thankful to you, for getting me out of that mess, but this is something that I feel that I need to do alone." Mina sighs and shakes her head. "I see. Well we'll keep an eye on you in case you get in over your head. Are you sure I can't change your mind?" Mina asks, her hands flat on the table. "I have no interest in being a good little slave girl, for you or anyone else." Jennifer's defiant streak was so blatently obvious that Mina stops and just nods. "Alright, but if you get caught, and I bail you out again, you'll have no choice but to work alongside me as my undercover slave girl." Jennifer smiles and nods a bit. "Deal. I do owe you for saving me and this breakfast. If you save me again, I'll accept your offer." Jennifer wasn't enthusiastic, but she knew that it would only be right since she was in Mina's debt already. After getting directions from Mina, Jennifer decided to walk the way to the slave market building that she was kept at. It was still early morning and the temperature was in the sixties. Not exactly cold, but to a woman in a tank top and cargo shorts, it would feel that way. Cars rush by her as she walks, and a few stop that had young male drivers offering a pretty girl a lift. She replies to them with a simple "No thanks." and continues to walk. The market was a few miles from Mina's place, so it didn't take long for her to get to it. The outside was full of activity. There were already girls chained up on the auctioning block. Jennifer saw them as she entered. Each girl looked scared, and one had tears streaming down her face. Each girl was fitted with a large red ball gag that had numerous straps wrapping their heads and faces. The girl on the right side of the stage was fairly attractive. She was a brunette with hair that looked to be a little over shoulder length. She was presented in nothing but a royal blue bra with matching panties. The cups of the bra were embroidered with white lace and the waist band of the panties featured the same. She was forced to stay on her knees. The chains that held her were attaches to cuffs that were tightened around her wrists and ankles. The two pairs of cuffs were connected in a sort of hogtie. A spreader bar that was positioned just below her knees insured a nice view of the "merchandise" through her spread legs. The glare through those dark brown eyes could kill if they had that ability. The woman looked Hispanic, with a tan like appearance. The other girl was the one that was crying. The tears streak down from the corners of her beautiful green eyes. Her hair was unruly and appeared to be a strawberry blonde color, that seemed to be kept short, and feathered. Her skin was pale, and slightly tanned. She was shorter than the other girl, and less curvy. The other girl appeared to have c-cupped breasts, while this girl had small, what seems like a-cups. She was bound in a similar way as the Hispanic girl. She was also stripped down to her under garments. Pure white with pink bows nestled between the cups of her bra and the waist band of her panties. Jennifer has to question the age of this girl, she looks to be a minor. The crowd, however, was buzzing with bids for the smaller and younger looking girl. A crowd like this has to be bidding for her because she looks the most scared of the two. Jennifer was very upset from the sight that lay before her. With the crowd as big as it is, and the security, one member of the personnel standing at each exit, the way that it is, she would do well not to start any kind of commotion. She wished that she had taken Mina up on offer. Her pride may get her caught again and maybe even killed this time. She decides to turn back and walk through the door that she came in when her heart stops at what she sees. The man and woman that kidnapped her the first time, were smiling as they saw her. "it seems that you escaped. Well have to fix that little problem." The smaller woman said with a sadistic grin. The man moves closer to Jennifer. With the crowd at her back, her best bet would be to try and lose them in the crowd. As the taller man moves toward her. Jennifer turns and darts into the crowd. The excited bidders drown out the noise of the people Jennifer pushes out of her way as she maneuvers through the large herd of people. "SOLD!" Shouts the announcer. The scream of the younger looking girl could be heard over the crowd. Jennifer's mind snaps and she has one goal now. To save that girl from whoever bought her. Before Jennifer realizes it, she is on the stage, and the four men that were about to carry away the young girl lay on the floor holding various parts of them body and groaning in pain. She had blacked out and pure instinct had taken over before she realized what she was doing. Jennifer was the type that wanted to help, needed to help. The scream of pure fear that the girl emitted was enough to cause Jennifer to run to her aid. The girl whimpers as they both get surrounded by the guards that were posted by the exits. Jennifer curses herself for acting before thinking. The curtain at the back of the stage shifts and a figure steps out. It was a male. Dark hair and eyes, and a little taller than Jennifer. The man was wearing a suit that made him look like a businessman. "It seems that we have an uninvited guest." The man said. His accent was American. "You bastarmmmph." Jennifer begins to yell bit is grabbed from behind by two guards. One twists her right arm behind her back in trained fashion, while the other seizes her left arm and clamps his hand over her lips. "Such language from such a pretty girl. Punish her, and the one that she tried to save." It was clear now, that man was the owner, and leader of this accursed place. Jennifer heard that the girl would be punished because of her. Images of the girl, crying and bleeding as she was tortured, danced through her mind. Her eyebrows form a v shape as anger and rage take over. "MMMMMMMMMMMM!" she yells into the hand and starts to fight the two man holding her. The men are taken aback but manage to hold her,though" Jennifer is stronger in body, as well as will. "Boss, I don't think that I can hold her. This bitch is strong for her size." The man in the business suit steps closer to the pale girl and pulls a butterfly knife from his pants pocket and makes a show of opening it by spinning it around and around. Then, the blade presses to the younger looking girls cheek, her skin given a dimple by the pressure of the tip. Jennifer's struggles halt and the shakes her head, then looks at the floor in defeat. The man laughs and moves the knife down the girls body, the girl frozen in pure fear. "Are you going to go quietly, like a good girl, or will I have to..." The blade slices through the girls left bra strap. "...have to hurt this girl." The blade slices through the other bra strap. "Her well being lies with you." In another stroke of his knife, the girls bra falls to the floor and her pale breasts are exposed, her nipples small and pink in color. A tear streaks down Jennifer's cheek as she nods her submission. "Good, prove that you will be. Release her." The man says as he gestures with his hand by waving it. The strong arms that hold Jennifer release her. "Strip for us." He said as the knife slowly travels down the girl's belly, toward her navel. With a sigh, and another tear, Jennifer grasps the hem of her tank top and slowly pulls it up, and over her head. Her pink bra comes into view. As she reaches back, quite hesitantly, to unhook it, she is stopped by the dark haired man. "You may leave that on." He said, though it was only a small comfort. Jennifer would rather be as naked as the girl. Her caring nature overrides her shame, humiliation, and dignity. Soon her bra hits the floor and her breasts are exposed, much like the girls. Jennifer's were definitely b-cups, nice and shapely. Her nipples were a light reddish color. The blade of the knife is down to the girls panties now, the blade cutting through the waist band. The girl cries and whimpers as her sex becomes exposed. Jennifer's next move is clear. She unbuttons and zips her tan shorts and lets them drop to the floor, revealing her pink panties, though they fall to the floor soon enough. "Very good." He puts his knife away after closing it. "Bind her with the leather cuffs. Give her a pink ball gag. It will match the underwear that she threw away." The man grins and Jennifer just places her arms behind her and opens her mouth. She looks at the girl as she waits. The girl's face was wet, with sweat, tears, and drool seeping from the corners of her mouth, around the ball of her gag. She feels the leather of the cuffs tighten around her wrists and sees a man in front of her, in a guard uniform, holding the large pink ball with numerous straps. She closes her eyes as the ball starts to be forced into her mouth. It seems bigger than her opening, and is getting stopped by her teeth. She feels it pop past her teeth, and her jaw is stretched painfully. The first two straps are fastened tightly behing her head. The next two, under her chin, forcing her to clamp on the ball, her teeth still being in front of the ball. The next strap was two straps that become one. The two straps are placed on either side of her nose and meet at the top of it, then moves up to wrap the top of her head. Once she is ready, her and the girl are led down into the basement. The escorts talk amongst themselves. "I wonder what the boss has planned for their punishment." One of the says, another answers. "Maybe a good lashing." "No, new guy. The boss doesn't like physically scarring the products." Jennifer's heart sinks as she hears the man refer to her and the girl as mere objects. "He'll use something that will hurt them, but not leave any permanent marks." The guards keep talking about possible torments, each sounding worse than the last. They finally reach the bottom of the stairs that they were descending and the dark man was already there. The room was lit well enough for Jennifer to make out some of the things in the room. The walls were stone, and barely lit by several candles along them. Tables full of bondage and torture gear line them as well. "I think that the smaller girl will feel all of the physical pain." The dark man laughs and takes the girl's chin into his fingers lightly. "Release them from the cuffs and mummify them with duct tape. Don't place anything between the tape and their skin." Jennifer looks at the smaller girl and cringes at the thought that it is her fault that the girl is in this situation with her. The cuffs are removed but Jennifer dares not move her arms from their positions. Jennifer hears the tape ripping from the rools before hearing an order from a man behind her. "Lock your hands together." She sighs and watches the dark man as she weaves her fingers together and holds her hands tightly together. As she does that, the dark man moves to a table and picks up three white, square pads. The pads have wires hanging down. It was then, that Jennifer noticed something she didn't bother to pay attention to. The girl was standing under a metal bar, attached to two columns that rises from the floor to the ceiling. She couldn't make out what the metal object was that was behind the girl. Her sight was taken to the dark man as he places the pads onto the girls breasts, over her nipples, the wires hanging down from them. She feels tape start to circle her hands, locking them together, crushing her fingers into place. Each circle slightly overlaps the last, making sure that no skin peaks through the adhesive strip that continuously wraps a little higher each time. The girl is screaming and crying as the same is done to her. Jennifer's thoughts turn to the pads on the girls breasts, before she sees the third placed over the girls sex, again the wires dangling down. She expects some to be placed on her as well. As the tape reaches her elbows, she winces as they are painfully pushed together by the tight wrapping. After that, the tape moves around her torso, above her breasts. She feels drool start to drip down her chin as the tape is worked up to her shoulders the tape wrapping upwards and around to hide them. The girl was getting the same treatment, except the dark man was holding the wires so that they didn't hang down. After Jennifer's shoulders are hidden, the tape moves down, eventually covering her breasts and crushing them into her body. The tape keeps moving down until all that could be seen of her and the girl were their feet, neck, and head. The pads on the girl were hidden but the wires droop down on the other side of her silvery duct taped cocoon. Jennifer looks down at her own silver chrysalis. She still wondered why she didn't have the pads that the girl was given. Next, a rope was wrapped around the girls waist and she was being hoisted up. The rope was over the bar and being pulled by a guard on the other side. As her feet left the floor. Jennifer could see the metal object that was hidden by the girl's legs before. It was a metal tube, slanted at an angle, attached to two small rods that disappeared into the floor. The tube seemed to be able to swivel. The design of it reminded her of the water collecting bamboo tubes that can be found in zen gardens. The ones that swivel as they fill with water, then empty as the open end reaches low enough and clacks after spinning back the other direction. Her thoughts are broken as a rope is wrapped and tied around her waist and she starts to be hoisted up as well. The girl was already as high as they wanted her to be. Ropes were being fixed to her ankles, knees, chest, below and above her breasts, then the ends were tied to the columns. The rope holding her is released and the girl drops until the ropes on the columns catch and hold her, suspended in the air. Jennifer is done the same way. A ladder is placed on the column, on te girl's left side, and a guard climbs it, a rope in his hands. When he reaches the top, he forces one end of the thin rope through the top strap, the one that starts as two and connects into one at the top of her head, and ties it on. The other end is moved to the metal pole and tied to it. He signals for more ropes, and more of the thin white ropes are given to him. Those are tied to the straps on the sides, then to the columns. The girl was now quite immobile, from head to ankles. She could move her feet and wiggle her toes. Jennifer, again, was given the same treatment. Before her head was fixed so that she could only look at the scared girl, she saw the dark man connecting the other ends of the pad's wires to the strange metal tube. Now, the girl could only look at Jennifer, and Jennifer her. Both were completely helpless and could only move their feet and toes. Jennifer can see what her punishment is already. She was being tortured mentally, psychologically. She was forced to look at the girl's suffering, brought about by her own rash actions. Everyone left and her and the girl were the only ones left. The only sound was the girl's whimpers and cries. The tape trapped Jennifer's body heat in and she started to sweat inside of her cocoon, the temperature in the room already being hot. She can see a glimmer of light in the girl's drool string that hung down from her chin and seemingly fell to the floor. She tries to look down to see where on the floor, but can't move her head in any direction. It seems like hours have passed and nothing seemingly happens. The thoughts of the metal contraption that the wires of the girl's pads spring to Jennifer's mind. Suddenly, a metallic clank is heard and the girl screams into her gag and writhes, seemingly in pain before another, louder clank is heard and the girl stops. Tears stain her beautiful, young looking face and her heavy breathing is all that can be heard now. Jennifer's mind races, as well as her heart. It was her fault that the girl was in this situation. Tears break through the corners of her eyes and roll down her cheeks. She now knew what the girl's torture was. It was obvious now. The drool string slowly filled the metal tube, which swiveled, and completed an electrical connection when the end of the tube touched and it emptied. Since the ballgag prevents her from stopping her saliva, there is nothing the girl, or Jennifer, can do to stop it. To Jennifer this was pure hell. The worst torture she could think of. She wouldn't have minded getting the same treatment as the girl. She would have gladly taken that over seeing the girl's most sensitive parts, subjected to powerful electrical shocks. She witness the girl writhe and scream again after what seemed like another hour. "Mmm phooommmie." she tries to apologize to the girl numerous times, but the gag doesn't let her words be known for what they are. Through the pain, the girl only makes out garbled patches. How long will this go on, Jennifer thought to herself. She wasn't sure how long the girl, or she could take it. She had hoped that Mina was keeping her word, and keeping an eye on her as well. Meanwhile, outside, men in black formfitting suits sneak around like a special forces squad. It was a small group of five, one being a woman. The team slowly made their way to the door. "Were here to rescue the mark. Do not give away your locations and don't be seen." The females voice was heard, her blue eyes look through the holes of her dark mask, at the four men under her command. "Marks and Spavinski, you're with me. Rollins and Taizune, servey the outside and remain in radio contact. If a fly lands on the building, I want to know about it." She gives the four men orders and a "Yes ma'am." Is heard from them. "Hold on Jennifer." The woman thinks as she looks at her men, then back to the door near the bushes that they were hiding in. Their mission was about to begin.