Nocturne must Die original timeline Ever since Nocturne began to interfere with Helix's schemes, she had become a marked woman. Lawrence wanted nothing more than to see the Mistress of the Night dead and he was more than willing to pay the price for it. Sure enough, quite a few despicable characters stepped in, from Lawrence's own forces, to hired mercenaries, everyone tried to take Nocturne out but sure enough she put each and everyone of them in their place. One of them came close to beating the Mistress of the Night, but once again through sheer luck, Nocturne prevailed. A storm was brewing and it sure was about to rain. "Nightshade, I'm on my way to the port. I want you to investigate the case we have at palace street. Let me know what you find." Nocturne gave instructions to Nightshade through her communicator, as she dashed her way towards the port on her bike. "Got it, don't worry, I'll solve this before you are done over there!" Nightshade replied enthusiastically. "Remember, be careful." Nocturne warned, "I'm no kid, don't worry. Besides this isn't the first time I'm out on my own." Nightshade shot back, "I know, but I don't want anything bad to happen to you." Nocturne sounded almost maternal, "Got it, mom." Nightshade playfully replied. "All right, good luck." Nocturne cut the transmission and focused on the road. Nocturne had received a tip from Hawke that a shipment of drugs and weapons was to arrive on that night. Apparently the Mancini crime family wanted to regain a lot of the power they lost in the past two decades. Mancinis were a shadow of their former self, but nevertheless wasn't gonna led them rise to power once more. Heeding his intel, Nocturne decided to strike before they could reform. Nocturne parked her bike and proceeded to perch herself into a few crates so as to first gather intel on her surroundings. Nocturne scanned the area to quickly trace the ship that was holding the cargo. Once she had located it, she began to inspect the surroundings. Truth be told, the ship seemed to be heavily as they were preparing to unload the goods into their trucks. Nocturne quickly surveyed any possible vantage points, sadly, the ship was heavily illuminated, so entering through the sky wasn't going to be an option. Instead she opted for a more creative solution, she noticed that the vans were being brought up into the ship, because transporting the drugs had to be top secret. It was then that she hatched a plan. Nocturne quickly descended into the shadows and crept her way towards the vans. Standing in her way were two goons, since stealth was a extreme priority, Nocturne took out her classic trusty dart gun and silently shot two sleeping darts at the goons. It didn't take more than 15 seconds for the goons to fall unconscious, Nocturne quickly dragged and hid them in the shadows, continuing her way towards the vans. Once she made it there, she noticed that there were only two vans remaining outside. The vans' two guards were already dealt with and no one seem to pay much attention to the vans as they weren't already loaded with the drugs. Nocturne took the opportunity and hid inside one of them, she then waited for her moment to strike. A few minutes later one of the goons got inside the van and began to drive it into the ship. Nocturne managed to dodge the heavy defense and make her way into the ship without much resistance. Once inside, she sent a signal for the police hq to prepare the ambush. The goon driving the van parked inside the ship's interior and went back to open the van's back door, to his surprise, Nocturne was waiting for him. Before the goon could do anything, Nocturne grabbed him by the throat and dragged him inside the van, quickly dispatching him and concealing him from the others. With the goon taken care of, it was time to infiltrate the ship and find the drugs. Nocturne, once more scanned the area before she sprang into action. At first, she considered causing a small emp to turn off the lights, but that would only draw suspicion and they needed to remain unaware of her presence until she found the shipment and the boss. Nocturne realized that in the current floor that she was located, there were five goons surrounding the vans and these goons were placed in strategic positions, far away enough from each other so as to avoid a quick assault. Nocturne had to take one at a time and discreetly, she looked for a shadowy corner from which to hide and she launched her attack. She quickly shot a dart at the one covering the northeast corner, then she moved towards the one covering the southeast corner, moving on to take the other two corners. The last one was guarding the stairs that led to the lower floor, so after taking the other four goons, Nocturne took care of him and proceeded further down the ship. Nocturne was now in the same floor where the drugs were located, a goon was heading towards her, but before he could spot her she launched at him, smashing his head against the floor and leaving him unconscious. Nocturne then hid in a vent as she scanned her surroundings. To her surprise, the Mancini's boss himself, Hector Mancini, was overlooking the operation. He had five armed goons along with him and they were all awaiting his orders. "Boss, we haven't heard from the drivers, they should be here by now. Do you want me to check?" One of the goons asked, "I hope these idiots aren't slacking, go check and if anyone is slacking. You know what to do." Hector replied, as he continued to count the goods. Before the goon could go check, suddenly the lights went off and all the electrical devices ceased to function. "What the fuck is going on?!?" Hector shouted at his goons, "I dunno boss, there seems to be some sort of electrical malfunction." "Well go fucking fix it!!" Hector shouted once more, "But I du....AHHHHHH!" One of the goons screamed as Nocturne attacked him. The other goons tried to shoot, but they couldn't aim as the room became engulfed in smoke. One by one, they all fell to Nocturne's might and once the smoke cleared, the only one standing was Hector and the Mistress of the Night. "Ahh fuck it's Nocturne!!" Hector barked, as he tried to grab a gun. Sadly for him, his chubby physique wasn't ready for Nocturne's speed and before he knew it she had him grabbed by the throat. "Hector Mancini, you little worm. Thought you could get away with your dirty little deed without me noticing?" Nocturne intensified her grip over his throat. "How the fuck did ya knew?" Hector could barely get the words out due to Nocturne's hold. "This is my domain, Hector. Nothing goes in or out without me knowing." Nocturne grinned, as the man before her broke in fear, "I'll get you for this, you bitch!" Hector shouted. "Empty words from a pathetic little worm." Nocturne proceeded to smash his head against the crates, rendering him unconscious. She tied him up, along with the other goons, and by the time the goons on the outside realized that something was wrong, the police was already there. Nocturne brought Hector to the police and left the ship.With her job done, she wanted to check on Nightshade and see how she was doing. She tuned her communicator to Nightshade's signal, yet the only thing she could hear was static. "Hello!? Nightshade can you hear me?" Nocturne spoke, hoping someone would answer on the other side. Suddenly the static ceased, but the voiced that responded didn't belong to Nightshade, "If you want to see your precious one safe, come to the abandoned theater at palace street right now." The voice demanded, "Who the hell are you!?!?" Nocturne shouted, "An old friend. Do as I tell you or else you won't see her again." The voice demanded, "YOU BASTARD!" Nocturne shouted, but the person had already hanged up. Without hesitation, Nocturne got on her bike and dashed away to the theater. Whomever had made the threat was about to pay, as Nocturne was sure to make an example out of them. In less than ten minutes she had arrived at the theater. She barged in, knocking down the door. When she arrived, to her dismay, Nightshade had been tied to a chair in the middle of the theater. Nocturne rushed towards her, but before she could rescue her, someone fired at warning shot, near Nightshade's feet. "Nonono, can't have you do that. Nightshade can't miss the grand finale of my play." The person who had fired was none other than Aksana, the bounty hunter. "After all, who wants to miss out on my masterpiece? The Fall of Nocturne, quite a catchy title, huh?" Aksana said in a mocking tone. Nocturne walked into the stage, unafraid of Aksana, ready to take her down even if she had to pay the ultimate price. "This is between you and me, leave her out of it." Nocturne looked furious. "Oh don't worry, I don't intend on killing her, no, not yet. I want her to see her heroine fall before I put a bullet in her chest." Aksana once more mocked Nocturne, "Last time, that little snake saved you in the nick of time. This time, I will finish you for good, no one is coming to save you." Aksana pointed her gun at Nocturne, but the latter took out her grapnel gun and fired it at the gun, grabbing it and tossing it away."If you want me to make your death a slow and painful one, then so be it." Aksana replied nonchalantly, not minding the lack of a gun. Nocturne replied with a stern look as she spoke "You better kill me tonight. Because I promise you one thing, if you can't finish the job, I will make your life a living hell. You will death to be a mercy that I will not give to you." Aksana launched her attack, throwing a barrage of punches, but Nocturne avoided them all. Nocturne then responded with a couple of punches of her own, the assassin was agile as well, dodging the swift punches being thrown at her. Nocturne however, was not in her usual tactician mindset, she had come with the sole purpose of destroying Aksana and her fighting style showed it. Her punches packed a lot more of strength, Aksana had clearly tried to get her out of her game, but sadly for her this strategy had backfired on her. Aksana had to shift her strategy into defensive as Nocturne's aggression was becoming hard to counterattack. Nocturne landed some heavy blows that drove Aksana backwards. Nocturne kept pressing her attacks, however Aksana was able to grab a hold of her. Putting her feet against Nocturne's abdomen Aksana fell backwards and catapulted Nocturne over her, tossing her hard on her back. As Nocturne hit the floor Aksana quickly pounced on her. Swiftly she trapped Nocturne's arm between her thighs and fell backwards in an armbar trying to hyperextend her arm over her hip. Nocturne tried her best to defend the armbar but the assassin began to extend her arm, making Nocturne scream in pain as her elbow popped. As her elbow joint was about to get dislocated the heroine changed direction and managed to slither out of the hold. Both women got back to their feet and Nocturne was barely able to avoid a whirling kick aimed at her head. A bit more measured Nocturne landed some heavy punches towards the Sambo expert. A punch straight into her face caused Aksana to fall on her knees. Aksana retaliated by charging at Nocturne with a tackle that had them crashing through the red curtain. Pinning Nocturne down by pressing her knee on her belly, Aksana tried to punch her in the face, but Nocturne avoided her attacks, instead struggling from underneath her and hitting Aksana with her feet on the chest. Aksana fell down, giving Nocturne the chance get up and retaliate, Nocturne proceeded to grab Aksana and dragged her towards the wall, she then began to smash her against the wall. Nocturne landed three hits like that, but on her fourth, Aksana countered with her elbow to Nocturne's stomach, making her lose grip. Aksana then connected a solid punch to Nocturne's jaw that dazed her. A groggy Nocturne was unable to dodge Aksana's kick, knocking her straight into the floor, Aksana then began to brutally kick her in the stomach and ribs in an attempt to make Nocturne lose her breath, but Nocturne countered with a side sweep, making Aksana fall on the ground. Aksana got back up but Nocturne immediately threw her to the floor. Nocturne was able to straddle her chest and landed heavy punches straight into her face. Aksana however still had fight left in her and was able to buck her hips up and get her legs around Nocturne's waist. Nocturne tried to keep punching but Aksana wrapped her arms around her and pulled the heroine tightly against her. Aksana held Nocturne in a tight embrace, staying chest to chest with her rival as she did not gave Nocturne any space to punch. Both women breathed slowly as the pace of the fight had slowed down. Aksana suddenly threw her legs up and wrapped them tightly around Nocturne's neck and shoulder, creating a tight triangle choke. Nocturne tried to get out but this only resulted in falling on her side with Aksana's thighs still choking her. The heroine felt the pressure on her jaw and neck increase. Slowly her vision was getting blurry as she realized Aksana was tightening the triangle to make her pass out. "Not exactly the ending I had in mind for you, however I am not complaining. The Mistress of the Night choked to death by the Great Aksana" Aksana talked satisfied as she saw Nocturne struggle unsuccessfully in an attempt to escape the triangle choke. "You know you lost, stop fighting, it will be just like when you go to sleep. Except you will never wake up again." Aksana said with a mocking laugh as she watched Nocturne's face turning deep red and her struggling slowing down. Suddenly she felt a jolt of pain through her thighs and in a loud scream she let go off Nocturne. Nocturne rolled away quickly and got back to her feet as Aksana saw the taser in her hand she had just used to give the assassin a high voltage shock. "You are not the only one who uses tools. " Aksana rubbed her leg which now had a burn mark, she then got back to her feet in a fighting stance. "I must admit you have a talent for escaping death." Having recovered from the choke Nocturne tried to hit Aksana with the taser. However the nimble assassin dodged her attempt and kicked the taser out of her hands. She aimed another kick for Nocturne's head. However the heroine caught her leg and threw her towards the floor. Nocturne tried to apply a submission hold on her leg however the assassin slithered free and pushed Nocturne away, the two women quickly stood up once more, ready to continue their brutal duel. Aksana launched her wave of punches, landing some hard punches to the face and belly, Nocturne quickly recovered and landed a knee to her stomach. This time, Nocturne launched her own tackle, pinning Aksana against the wall and landing a barrage of punches to Aksana's ribs. Nocturne aimed a knee for her gut, but Aksana blocked the knee with her forearms. In a swift motion Aksana pushed Nocturne back and at the same time sweeped her leg away with her feet, making the heroine lose her balance and fall to her knees. In a swift motion Aksana jumped on her back and wrapped her legs around the heroine's waist. Nocturne fell on her side with Aksana behind her hooking her legs inside the heroine's thighs to keep her immobilized. With her left hand Aksana pulled Nocturne's forehead back while trying to sneak her right arm around her neck to apply a chokehold. "You are a great warrior, but when I took the contract on your life you faith was sealed." With both hands Nocturne was able to pry the arm away from her neck. "You must be proud to kill for money, selling yourself to the highest bidder." Nocturne replied and at the same time she spun to the side and was able to escape the hold of the assassin. Both women stood back to their feet and circled each other for a moment as they took a breather. "Oh yes I am, however the money is merely a formality. I take pride in taking down the hardest targets. Proving that I am simply the best." Aksana glared at Nocturne and then sended a kick to her belly which she barely blocked. Nocturne replied with a swift punching combination but Aksana dodged her blows and then performed a low kick, slamming her shin hard on the outer thigh of Nocturne. The kick nearly knocked Nocturne of balance and Aksana used the moment to land a looping punch that made her head snap back. Nocturne tried her best to fend off the attacks of the assassin. However Aksana kept attacking the heroine. Nocturne tried to throw a punch but Aksana blocked and at the same time slammed a punch into her belly which made her gasp for air. Aksana placed her left hand at the back of Nocturne's head to keep her in place, with her right hand she began to send violent uppercuts towards Nocturne's belly, further winding her. Nocturne tried to block the uppercuts but Aksana then dazed her with an upwards elbow towards her chin. As Nocturne staggered Aksana wrapped her left arm around her head and flung Nocturne towards the floor in a perfect hipthrow. With a loud thud Nocturne fell on her back and gasped for air. Aksana stood over her with a devilish smile on her face and kicked her hard in the stomach, knocking the air out of the heroine's lungs. "Pretty hard to fight when you cannot breath right?" with a mean smile Aksana raised her feet high in the air and then began to stomp on Nocturne's side, hearing ribs break as she stomped down with all her might. Amused Aksana looked down at Nocturne who seemed on the brink of passing out. Then she looked around and noticed her gun laying on the floor. "Before we leave I want to thank you. You were probably one of the hardest targets I ever had. It makes me even more proud to finally take you out." Calmly she walked towards the gun and picked it up. "I thought about making this long and painful but I think a quick end will be more fitting." As she turned around she saw Nocturne had managed to get up towards her knees. However she was still clutching her injured ribs and panting heavily. Aksana calmly stepped in front of Nocturne and pointed the gun at her face. "I always fulfill my contract, even if it involves killing the Mistress of the Night. Any final words? " Nocturne slowly raised her head and looked her nemesis straight in the eyes. "Yes, remember what you said during our first fight?" As she talked Nocturne placed both hands on the decorated carpet covering the middle of the hallway. Aksana looked at her with a quizzed look as she did not expected this as her final words. "Always mind your surroundings." Nocturne spoke and at the same time she gave a hard yank, pulling the carpet form underneath Aksana's feet. With a surprised scream Aksana lost her feet and fell to the floor. The gun went off and Nocturne felt the bullet fly past her head, missing her by mere inches. Nocturne quickly pounced on Aksana and pinned her down once more. Straddling her body Nocturne took the gun, pushing it aside. "I am so fucking tired of you!!" Nocturne shouted at Aksana, clearly enraged. She began to punch her, repeatedly and furiously. Aksana failed to dodge the first punch and she soon realized it was too late, as Nocturne landed punch after punch. Aksana soon found herself battling for consciousness as Nocturne kept on hitting her over and over, making a mess of her face. It was not until Nocturne's fists were covered in blood that she came back to her senses, realizing that if she continued, she would kill her. By then Aksana was an unconscious and broken mess, her face more than likely disfigured, however it couldn't be seen as her entire face was covered in blood. Nocturne ceased her attack and landed on the floor, trying to catch her breath. She had been disturbed by how close she had been on the brink of killing a person. Tears began to pour of her mask, it took her a few minutes to regain her composure. Once she came back to herself, she quickly checked on Nightshade, she scanned to see if there were some traps, seeing that it was safe she proceeded to untie Nightshade and remove the tape over her mouth. "I'm sorry that you had to see that. I should have controlled myself....but when I saw you like that....When I saw what she was capable of doing....I lost sight...." Nocturne said, as she looked at Nightshade to see if she had any damage. Nightshade quickly hugged her, "You don't have to apologize for anything. You saved me." Nightshade comforted her, "But I came close to..." Nocturne replied, "But you didn't. You were able to control yourself despite the situation. You are no monster, you don't have to worry, you are a good person and you know it." Nightshade smiled, "Thanks." Nocturne replied, giving a bit of a smile. "Honestly, if I was in your place and you were in mine, I would had killed that bitch. Heck, I would have emptied that gun on her, probably do the world a public service." Nightshade laughed. "Let's not get carried away." Nocturne patted Nightshade in the back. A while later, the police arrived after being summoned by Nocturne. They quickly took the unconscious Aksana into custody, happy to finally have one of Fortune City's most wanted murderers behind bars. Nocturne and Nightshade parted ways with the cops and headed back home to nurse the injuries of Nocturne. After such an intense battle, a good night's rest was exactly what the two heroines deserved.