Lila Spencer - Rules of the Game CHAPTER ONE " ... the Rams are still down by four with only 6 seconds left on the clock," the announcer spoke tensely through his microphone as he watched intently from the small room at the highest point of Hamilton High Stadium. "It's fourth down and a long fourteen on the 22 yard line as the Lancers has altogether shutdown the Rams offense in the fourth quarter. It all comes down to this one final play for only a touchdown can win the game for the Rams." The packed crowds in the stands began rising from their seats, yelling so loud that they drowned out the cheerleaders on the sidelines who were giving their all for the team. "Spencer calls out the plays to his wide receivers and the ball is snapped! ... He steps back and waits for a moment ... He hurls the ball right over the defensive line finding Wilkinson in the end zone ... He catches it right before reaching out-of-bounds ... Oh my God, the Rams win it 26 to 24!!" The crowd goes wild as the whole team sprints out into the field. "The Hamilton Rams are going to the Regional Championship next week on Thanksgiving Day to play the undefeated St. John Wolverines!" "Coach Farnsworth really made a comeback this season with this group of young talented players led by quarterback David Spencer to win the division over a fierce twelve-game schedule," another man spoke seated next to the announcer while watching the celebration below as the fans now began running into the field. "The question now though is can they rise up again to defeat the Wolverines who look unstoppable." "Well, I can tell you this ... " the announcer replied, "if any one has a good shot at making an upset, it's definitely the Rams for they were the only team to almost beat the near-invincible Wolverines four weeks ago. That credit goes to Spencer who has been the driving force for this squad, despite the absence of both corner back Eric Knight and wide receiver Mark Johnston due to a sudden illness""plus a valiant effort by the Lancers defense""he rose to the occasion again to win when it counts." Out on the football field, David was hoisted up on the shoulders by some of his offensive linebacks while cheering all the way. He looked into the crowd of fans and hopped off, running into the arms of co-head cheerleader, Jennifer Ramsey. He kissed her hungrily on the lips as he wrapped his muscular arms around her slim waist. As happy as he was in winning this crucial game, all that mattered now was his undying love for Jen, who had been there with him over the past two years. "I can't believe we're actually going to the Championship!" she yelled over the deafening roar of the crowd around them. Fellow cheerleader Rachel Palermo made her way over to them and hugged David tightly as well. "Congratulations, QB!" "Thanks ... " he finally responded through his fatigue of playing a grueling 60 minutes of hard-hitting football. "But it's still not over ... " "We can beat those Wolverines!" Rachel exclaimed confidently. "We have the greatest high school football team on the Florida west coast, not to mention the best cheerleading squad. Wooooooo! ... " she shouted out, waving her Navy Blue & Orange pom-poms high up into the air. Over on the sidelines near the bleachers, a man stood there alone quietly as he watched the jubilation with a troubled look etched on his aged face. He grabbed a cell phone from his coat pocket and dialed a number. "We have a problem ... " CHAPTER TWO Donovan's Pub was a popular bar located on the outskirts of town where employees from the nearby Allied Machining Plant could unwind with a cold beer and a game of pool after a long hard day's work. However, after recent economic troubles that have been gripping the nation, the bar has been forced to close down due to the increasing cost of supplies that it can't keep up with. So the pub has now been the setting to a more sinister purpose, where illegal organized gambling is conducted in secret ... An emergency meeting was called as one by one, the members of the "Triad" (a name given by the founding members""three brothers who are also triplets) assembled in a small private room directly over the bar. "I want to thank you all for making it here on such short notice," one of the brothers, Will Hubbard, announced as he stood up looking at the group of seven men seated around a long rectangular table. "As you all probably know by now the Hamilton Rams scored an unexpected victory today, moving them into next week's big game, which complicates our plan by a considerable measure." "How could they have won!? ... " Steve Ladden exclaimed irately. "We had two of their best players down with food poisoning!" "It was the brilliant playing of quarterback David Spencer that overcame that handicap," Forrest Jones, owner of the establishment, interjected. "I told you we should've targeted him instead." "That option was discussed before ... " the other brother, Phil Hubbard, spoke up. "Taking Spencer out of commission would've looked a little too suspicious, not to mention getting close to him has proven rather difficult." "Well, now him being able to continue to play has become a big problem," Lance Gault expressed his view. "I don't care what it takes ... David Spencer must not win that game!" "And he won't, I assure you all ... " the eldest of the three brothers, Gil Hubbard, reassured the tenseness of the mood around the table. "My brothers and I have concocted a plan to ensure that Spencer will throw the game next week." "And just how do you plan on doing that ... pay him off?" Adam Werner snickered for it was widely known that David was an upstanding and loyal person to both his school and community. "By endangering the one thing he loves more than football ... his girlfriend ... " Gil replied with an ominous tone, which quieted the other five men. "You're talking about kidnapping ... " Carlos Ramirez said aghast. "That's a major felony; we could all do some hard time for that." "Relax ... " Will said confidently, " ... nobody, not even the cops, will be able to connect her disappearance to any of us. Need I remind you all the massive amount of money we stand to lose if St. John actually loses the Championship? ... which now could possibly happen." The others seated grumbled in agreement for the risk was just too great by having all their money at stake on a realistic upset. "Okay, then ... " Gil spoke up, " ... with Hamilton now in the picture, the point spread is still in our favor. The Wolverines have remained undefeated, and we're gonna make sure it stays that way ... " CHAPTER THREE It was later that day after the game that Bruce Spencer hosted an impromptu victory celebration at his house, inviting the entire team as well as the cheerleader squad. Having a houseful to a bunch of overgrown teenage boys proved a bit daunting at first for Susan Spencer to take, but being a mother to an athlete herself, she stepped right in line with them, shooing them out of her kitchen while she was preparing a variety of hot and cold snacks. Lila of course, was nowhere to be found, as she had no interest in sports, so she had spent the afternoon with Ashley and Tina at the local strip mall. Outside in the backyard on the other end of pool, sat a large gazebo nestled around a decorative rock and flower garden. Inside the gazebo was a wooden swing large enough to hold two, and sitting in it rocking gently were David and Jen wrapped in each other's arms. The two young lovers wanted to take a break from the loud festivities inside and share a quiet moment together. "I'm so proud of you for winning today," Jen spoke softly as she gazed her hazel eyes upon him. David smiled warmly at her and responded with a quick kiss on the lips for he always valued her support during their relationship. "How could I've been so lucky to end up with someone like you?" Jen blushed at his remark, thinking it was actually her that was the lucky one. "I guess fate put us together," she replied coyly for she was a believer of such things. "Well, whatever the reason I'm so glad to have you in my life that I want us to stay together forever. I love you so much ... " David spoke with such sincerity for a football jock to say, but he took after his mother in the sensitive department. It was Jen's turn now to smile and give her man a passionate kiss. "I love you too ... " she spoke tenderly, holding him tightly wishing this night would never end. CHAPTER FOUR Jen stepped into the girl's locker room after finishing up some last minute practicing on a number of new cheers for tomorrow's big game. As squad captain, she stayed out on the field the longest making sure that things goes smoothly for their work does make some difference during the games, and this one was going to be the most important game she will ever cheer""so everything needed to be perfect. It was quiet inside for all the other girls had already left being that today was a half-school day. Jen enjoyed the solitude for it allowed her to clear her thoughts, and think about David. The team was scheduled for their last practice later on in the day, and for tonight he was going to take her out for a quiet romantic evening at Sabino's restaurant, even though the team really wanted him to join them on a night of pre-game partying. Opening the combination lock on her locker door, she heard clicking sounds approaching her, and knew right away that Rachel was still in the building. Turning around, she saw her fellow cheerleader""and best friend of eleven years""standing there at the end of the lockers. "You always have to make an entrance with those shoes of yours," Jen spoke of her friend's infatuation of wearing high-heeled shoes. "Of course, I need for the guys to know when I'm coming," she replied in her usual brazen attitude, which never really bothered Jen before since she's more demure in her personality, and allows Rachel to have the attention she craves. "I thought you already left with the others," Jen said. "I was planning to, but I noticed you weren't with us ... still making sure everything goes flawlessly as always," Rachel replied, knowing all too well how much of a perfectionist Jen Ramsey can be. "In case you haven't heard, this is the biggest game for us ... even ESPN is planning on televising it." "Would you relax ... it's just another game," Rachel said in her laid-back demeanor, which always manages to calm her often uptight friend""an essential aspect in their long-lasting friendship. "I'll be just outside waiting for you, okay?" Jen smiled back at her, "Thanks ... I wasn't really looking forward on having to go home on the city bus." Rachel had gotten her driver's license last month, and now drives her mother's car to school and back (since she now works from home). After she was alone again, Jen opened her locker door. Just then, she heard a noise coming behind her. Thinking it was Rachel again, she turned around, but instead saw this tall person standing before her wearing a black ski mask over his face. Startled by that, she was about to let out a scream when a hand holding a piece of cloth clamped itself firmly over her nose and mouth from behind her, for she felt being seized strongly by another man. "Mmmmmmmmm ... " she tried to cry out from the hand-gag, but her panicked struggles to break free began to slow down as the cloth held some kind of strong odor in it, which was making her drowsy. At that moment, the sound of clicking heels returned again as that alerted the two kidnappers that someone was coming. Not able to move fast enough out of there while Jen was still conscious, the other man standing idly hid behind a row of lockers. Rachel then appeared again. "Jen ... I almost forgot to ask, but ... " her sentence was cut short at the shocking sight in front of her as Jen's droopy hazel eyes pleaded to her startled friend. Backing away slowly, the other man appeared from behind her and swiftly shoved a knotted red bandanna in her mouth, tying the ends quickly in back of her head. Regaining her senses after being taken by surprise, she jabbed her foot on her assailant's leg, digging her four-inch stiletto heel brutally into his shin. "Owww! ... " he howled in pain, which distracted him long enough for Rachel to elbow him solidly in the stomach. Without any haste, she bolted towards the exit door to get help. Wearing high heels since she was fourteen has taught her how to run effectively in them for her pursuer was having trouble gaining on her. Seeing the exit doors ahead, Rachel reached up to remove the cloth that firmly gagged her, when suddenly, her foot slipped on something wet and she fell down hard on the tiled floor. A mop bucket was left behind, which had some water in it, and the bad guy used it by spilling it across the floor over to where Rachel was. In an instant, he was on top of the teenage girl while she was still down. Before she could get the bandanna free from her mouth, her arms were pulled roughly behind her back, and felt something thin and strong being wrapped tightly around her wrists, biting into her delicate skin. Pulling her back up, the man dragged his captive being mindful of her killer shoes as she kicked out frantically with her denim-clad legs. "Haaaaaaammmmphhh! ... " Rachel cried out inaudibly through her cloth-filled mouth as she hoped that someone was close enough to hear her. Reaching back to where she was first seized, Rachel saw that Jen was now completely out cold as she laid motionless on the floor. The other man approached her with that cloth in his hand""her brown eyes etched in absolute fear at seeing that, knowing what was going to happen as she recalled of what her younger sister, Tina, had explained about the nasty effects of chloroform. Twisting her head in an effort to avoid it, the man grabbed her jaw harshly and placed the damp rag over her face, sending her into a deep, deep slumber ... Once she was finally overtaken by the drug, the man let go of her, dropping her to the floor. "Man, she's sure a feisty one ... " he spoke to his comrade, " ... I never saw a woman run that fast in heels before." "Just be lucky it wasn't someone else, like the janitor," the other said. "So what're we gonna do with her?" he asked apprehensively regarding the sleeping brunette. "We'll have to take her as well, she knows too much now, and besides, she could act as extra leverage for pressuring Spencer to throw the game," the other replied quickly. "Now let's get out of here before that janitor does comes back to look for his bucket." Each of them hurriedly dragged an unconscious girl towards the rear exit door, where a van parked outside nearby was waiting ... CHAPTER FIVE Lila sat in front of her computer, chatting away on MysteryChicks. One of the users online""called "BettinaFan"""was sharing an experience regarding her mother's lived-in boyfriend who turned out to be a drug-dealer. Thankfully though, he was caught and arrested, but not before the police had rescued her and a friend for they were found tied up in the basement after uncovering the illegal narcotics, which were secretly stashed there. Reading about all these girls either getting mixed up with actual mysteries or just simply fans of the genre, made Lila realize that it wasn't just her and Katie being the only girl detectives out there for there seemed to be hundreds more. It was fun comparing notes for she learned quite a bit, and passed on some of her limited knowledge from the adventures she had undertaken. A knock on her door was heard and she turned to see David peering his head out. "Where's mom?" he asked his little sister. "She's still out food shopping with Aunt Caroline," Lila responded plainly. This year for Thanksgiving, Caroline and Brian were invited for dinner since they had no other place to go. "Great ... " he said restlessly, " ... I hope she doesn't forget my dry-cleaning." "I'm sure she'll remember after you reminded her like twenty times this morning," Lila snickered at her brother's tense mood regarding at looking good for his date with Jen tonight. "I'm gonna hop in the shower so please don't use the toilet, okay?" he pleaded as their septic system causes the hot water to go whenever someone flushes it""and Lila has been known to do that on occasion ... "Fine, I'm busy here anyway," she said wanting to get back to her chatting. Typing a reply to another message on the forum, she heard the phone ring. "Lila, could you get that!" the voice of her brother yelled from outside her room. Rolling her eyes at being interrupted again, she got up and walked into her parents bedroom where the nearest cordless phone was located. Picking it up, she answered it, "Hello?" "I need to speak with David Spencer ... " a voice on the other end said in a dry tone. "He's taking a shower now, could I have him call you back?" she replied quickly. "This is an emergency, I need to speak with him now ... " the voice said, this time with an impolite tone. Tempted to just hang it up at being treated that way, she walked over to her brother's room and knocked on the door. He opened it as he was still getting undressed from his football uniform. "It's for you ... " she said, handing the phone to him, " ... some kind of emergency." David took the phone and closed his door. "You're welcome ... " she replied softly in a mocking tone at being treated rudely twice now. As she walked off she heard David suddenly yelling from inside his room. "What've you done with her!" was what she heard through the door. In a split-second, Lila headed for the stairs and raced down them, slipping on her socked foot as she tumbled down on her butt the rest of the way. Picking herself back up, she scampered into the kitchen and grabbed the other phone. She pressed the "on" button and listened in ... "It's very simple really ... " that mysterious voice was heard again, " ... you either throw the game tomorrow, or you'll never see your beloved girlfriend again." Lila tried not to make a sound as she quietly gasped at what she just heard. "Please let me speak with her!" her brother's voice spoke up in obvious pain. There was a short pause in the conversation as Lila heard some kind of banging noise in the background like from some large machine. "David! ... " a high-pitched voice suddenly screamed out that Lila instantly recognized as Jen""and she sounded terrified! "Jen! ... " David yelled back in anguish. Some muffling sounds were then heard for Lila ascertained from her experience that Jen was probably being gagged. "Do not call the police, or tell anyone about this, or the next time you see her will be at her gravesite ... " and with that there was a click and the line hung up. Hanging the phone up herself, Lila was shaken to her core at what just occurred. She heard a thumping sound from upstairs and realized that it was her brother banging his fist in the wall for he sometimes does that to relieve undue stress, much to their mother's condemnation with regards to the house. Lila turned the phone back on and searched the caller ID list to see who it was that just called. She looked frustrated as the name listed was Jen and the phone number was her cell, as they obviously used her phone so as not to trace their identity back to them. She sat there sullenly on the kitchen stool, wondering if there was anything that she could do to help ... CHAPTER SIX "I'm so sorry to hear that Jen came down with a stomach bug," Susan spoke up, sitting at the dinner table, "I hope she'll be well enough for tomorrow ... she's the heart and soul of that cheerleading squad." "Yes, she is ... " David responded glumly while picking at his plate of meatloaf with red potatoes and green beans. Lila tried her best at not looking obvious as she made an effort to eat, but the recollections of that dreaded phone call earlier still kept coming back. "I know you feel down about not going on your date, but you shouldn't punish yourself by staying here ... you should be out with your teammates to help you to relax, for you're going to need it tomorrow," Bruce said encouragingly to his dejected son. "I ... just don't feel like going out tonight, okay?" David responded with an almost curt tone to his voice. Not wanting to ignite the issue anymore, Bruce continued with his meal. Just then, the telephone rang and Susan got up to answer it. "Hello?" she said cordially. "No, I haven't heard from her ... " Lila turned and noticed the look on her mother's face had changed to a more serious expression. "Okay, I will ... please let me know if you do hear anything ... 'bye," she hung up the phone and sat back down. "Who was that?" Bruce asked his wife. "That was Angie ... " Susan replied, " ... she said that Rachel never came home from cheerleading practice, and wasn't answering her cell phone." Lila suddenly dropped her fork on her plate, which startled everyone seated. "Sorry ... butterfingers I guess," she said timidly. "I wouldn't worry so much, it's only 6:30 ... " Bruce said casually, "She probably hooked up with some of her friends on a night out before the big game. Remember the time we heard that she broke curfew and went to Tampa for that concert." "Yes, I do ... " Susan agreed, " ... but I thought Rachel would've learned her lesson after that." Her parents had grounded her for two whole months with extra chores on top of that. "Teenagers often do things on a whim for they seem to have no sense of responsibility ... isn't that right?" Bruce directed his attention to Lila, who sat there with a puzzled look on her freckled face. "What? ... I don't stay out at all hours of the night," she defended herself adamantly. "No, but you do tend to act careless at times, like at Aunt Caroline's wedding? ... " "Hey, that was Katie's idea, I just went along to make sure she wouldn't get into any trouble, which you know she usually does." "Don't try and pass the blame on your cousin," Susan said firmly to her youngest daughter, "You have been known to be just as reckless also, young lady." David suddenly got up from the table. "I'm not very hungry, so I'm just gonna go up to my room." After he left the kitchen, Susan looked really concerned regarding her son's odd behavior. "Jen's illness really has him down, he's acting as if her life was in actual danger." Lila glanced at her mother, not realizing how right she really was with that remark ... After supper was over, Lila grabbed the phone in the kitchen and was heading for the stairs to go to her room. She noticed David walking down and stopped right in front of her. "We need to talk," he said softly but firmly. "I really have to call Tina first, okay?" she responded and went to go upstairs. She felt her arm being grabbed, which halted her, and was about to yell at him, but stopped as she saw the strain in his green eyes. "Please ... " he uttered with a more anguished tone. Softening up herself, Lila replied, "Okay ... " David led her to the sliding doors and opened them, stepping out onto the deck out back. "What, the house is too hot for you to talk?" Lila said sarcastically as she shivered a little in the cool late November evening. "This is the only secure place without being overheard," he replied after closing the windowed door shut. "What's this about?" she demanded for she wanted back in, wearing just a t-shirt and shorts was a bit underdressed outside attire for this time of year. "I know that you know that Jen was actually kidnapped," he flat-out said. Lila did her very best to feign ignorance at David's allegation. "I don't know what you're talking about ... " "Don't lie to me ... I saw your face when mom mentioned Jen, and when you dropped your fork at hearing Rachel's name." Lila attempted to rebuttal, but she saw the pain in his eyes as he wasn't angry with her. "Okay ... I listened in on the conversation in the kitchen, I'm sorry." Man, I really need to work harder at my game face ... "And you were gonna tell Tina, weren't you?" "Look at what we know ... " Lila explained, " ... Jen was obviously grabbed before going home, and Rachel is now MIA. I don't think she's out with friends ... her absence might very well be linked with Jen's, since they were both at practice, and Tina's family has a right to know about that." "You heard what that man said if we tell anyone, they'll kill her, and Rachel too if they probably have her!" he responded heatedly. "We can't just sit around and pretend that nothing's happened," she tried reasoning with him despite his emotional turmoil. "That's exactly what we're gonna do ... I don't care about the game if it means losing Jen forever." Walking right up to him, Lila looked up into his eyes, "David, do you honestly believe that even if you do what they say that they'll just let her go?" "What choice do I have? I love her ... " he responded faintly and began sniveling as tears rolled down his cheeks. Lila had never seen her brother get so upset before for he always seemed so strong all the time. She reached out to him and held him firmly as he began sobbing. "Promise me you'll keep quiet? ... " he asked shakily. "I ... promise ... " she responded back with a hurtful look in her blue eyes, questioning herself if she made the right decision ... CHAPTER SEVEN Sitting on the cold concrete floor with wearing her cheerleading skirt on made Jen's butt numb after sometime now. She was locked in some kind of storage room with an almost burnt out bulb overhead providing the only source of light. Her arms were bound behind her, tied to a section of one of the storage cabinets. Her ankles were also bound together, but was able to move her legs freely. Her breaths were hampered through the bandanna tied in her mouth for she found breathing just through her nose somewhat difficult, especially when she occasionally suffered from her allergies""and today was one of those days. Seated across in the smallish room, Rachel was tied up in the exact same manner. She struggled with her tongue to lodge the gag from her mouth, fearing that she would choke on it, but it was fixed on too tight. Confusion added to fear as both girls had no idea who these men that grabbed them were, and what was to be done with them. Being together did allow some comfort in an otherwise terrifying situation. Rachel knew that Jen was their intended target and she was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, but what she didn't understand was why kidnap her in the first place""her parents were not especially wealthy enough to ask for a sizable ransom. Jen, in turn, found it puzzling that they let her speak to David, and not her parents, for what interest did these men have with her boyfriend? And then it hit her""the championship game tomorrow! These men must want David to throw the game for some reason and they're using her as leverage. That thought made her more angry now as these men were tearing poor David apart at the seams between his love for football, and his love for her. She knew that he was hurting deeply right now. In the midst of her despair, Jen tried yet again to free herself and stop this insidious plot from carrying out. Moving the thin ropes along the beam of the cabinet, she suddenly found a small protrusion a bit higher up. She touched it delicately with her finger, and felt it was sharp enough to hopefully cut the cord around her wrists. Raising her hands, she began rubbing in earnest against the jagged lip. A few minutes later, she felt the cord snap off! Twisting her wrists frantically, the rope began to loosen around them, and before long her hands were free! Rachel smiled through her knotted gag at seeing that, anxious herself now at getting free from these cursed ropes""she came to sympathize with Tina at what it felt like to be all tied up. With her hands now back in front of her, Jen removed the bandanna from her mouth and took in a deep breath for that felt really good. "Hold on a sec, Rach ... " she spoke very softly, " ... I'll get you loose real soon." She then started untying the tight knot that secured her ankles. Noises were heard from the other side of the door, as both girls looked on fearfully, hoping they wouldn't intrude in on their rescue in-progress. Jen hurried more so at freeing her feet, and just as she unwound the ropes off, the sound of the door being unlocked was then heard. She gave a Rachel a quick glance, telling her with her hazel eyes that she'll get help. In a flash she was up on her sock-clad feet and rushed at the door in full force as soon as it opened. Will Hubbard was thrown down to the floor as the heavy door smashed right into him. He saw a quick flash of bare legs run right past him. "Stop her! ... " he managed to yell out. Jen didn't even look back as she zeroed in on the exit door at the other end of the room she was in as she recognized immediately that it was a bar. Running as fast as her well-toned legs would take her, she reached the door and opened it! Feeling the rush of cold air against her skin, she began to scream out. "HEEEEEELLLLL!!! ... MMMMPPPPHHHH ... " her cry was abruptly cut short as a hand clamped itself strongly over her mouth. She was then being dragged back all the while fighting to prevent that from happening. Her beautiful eyes darted around, hoping to see someone close by witnessing her assault. In a flash, she was back inside the establishment. Forrest locked the front door and peered through the small window. "I don't see anyone coming over here ... " he said relieved as it appeared no one heard her screams. "Just the same ... " Gil spoke up, " ... I don't want to take that chance for this place has now been compromised." "So where do we take them now?" Will asked after recovering from his surprise attack. "We'll have to move them to a more secured location ... and I know just the place ... " Gil responded confidently. "Tie her up again, and make it tighter this time!" he barked angrily at his brother. Being hauled roughly back into that claustrophobic space of a room, Jen managed to work one of her rings off her ring finger using her thumb, and let it fall to the floor undetected by her fellow kidnappers. Forrest looked over at his "boss" with a very worried look in his speckled eyes. "She's seen our faces and could identify us now ... " he said tensely, " ... you said that they would be released after the game." "Well, it looks like she ruined it for her and her friend now ... " Gil spoke forebodingly. "If I were you ... " he gazed back at him, " ... I'd seriously think about leaving the country after collecting your winnings." CHAPTER EIGHT Lila was lounging on the sofa with her mother cradling next to her as they, along with her father, were watching a movie on TV. After her heart-wrenching talk with David (who was locked in his room), Lila wasn't up to doing anything except to be with her family during this time of crisis. Of course her folks were completely clueless as to what was really going on, and were surprised""but very happy""to have their youngest spend some quality time with them, for that has happened ever since Lila had gotten her own computer. Just as the end credits to the movie were rolling, the phone rang from inside the kitchen. Standing up to stretch out, Susan walked over there to answer it. Raising her head up to get a better listen, Lila could tell that it was Mrs. Palermo calling again""hopefully with some good news regarding Rachel's whereabouts. After a couple of minutes later, Susan called out, "Lila ... the phone is for you now." Getting up herself, she strolled to the kitchen, grabbing the phone from her mother's outstretched arm. Her bleak expression told Lila that all was still not well at the Palermo house. "Hello? ... " she answered, figuring that it was still Tina's mom. "Hey, Lila ... " the voice of Tina herself answered instead, which actually brightened her sour mood a little. Seeing her mom heading back into the living room, Lila moved over to the far end of the kitchen and sat down at the breakfast table. "I heard about Rachel, I'm sorry ... " "Thanks ... " Tina replied clearly sounding upset. "Dad just came back from the police station after filing a missing persons report, and he and Joey are out now looking for her." "I hope that she will be found soon ... " Lila consoled as she bit her tongue for she wanted to say more. "If it wasn't for the fact that her car was still at the school, she most likely would've been out somewhere she wasn't supposed to be," Tina said in reference to her sister's often wild streak, "but she wouldn't leave the car behind voluntarily ... God, I hope she's alright ... " Lila could hear her friend sobbing quietly and it tugged at her heart. Promise or no promise, Tina doesn't deserve to be tortured like this not when there's something she could do to help. "Tina, there's something I need to tell you, but you have to promise that you won't tell anyone else, not even your parents no matter how much you want to." "What is it? ... " she asked nervously. Lila explained everything she knew regarding that phone call her brother received, being mindful that her parents sitting nearby didn't hear her""also she wasn't a hundred percent certain if David was actually listening in on them. Of course if he was he would most likely tell her to stop talking before she did. After she was finished explaining, Lila apologized again for not telling her much sooner because of her promise she made. "What right does David have in deciding not to tell us about my own sister," Tina fumed with an angry tone in her voice now. "You're absolutely right ... " Lila readily agreed, " ... but he was thinking about Jen also, for if the men who took them got wind that the police know, who knows what they will do to them." "I'm sorry, you're right ... " Tina said in a more calming manner. "So what can we do to find them?" "I'm really not sure right now ... " Lila confessed for she was absolutely stumped on how to proceed from here. "I got to go now, mom wants me off the phone in case my dad calls ... I talk to you tomorrow." "Okay ... you try and relax ... 'bye ... " Lila hung up the phone and sat there with a blank stare for a moment. This was supposed to be a happy time with the high school on the verge of becoming football champions as the whole town was celebrating, instead a dark cloud hung over on a select few that felt powerless to do anything to remove it ... Standing up, she hung up the phone and walked back into the living room, where her folks were now watching the 10 o'clock news. "I'm off to bed now, I feel really tired," she announced, yawning widely. "Goodnight, honey ... " her mom said, looking up at her from the couch. Lila glanced at the television, where a reporter was talking, and a sound in the background had suddenly caught her attention. Listening to it more carefully, she recognized that particular sound as the exact same one she overheard during that phone call. "Dad, do you hear that banging noise in the background?" Paying attention to it really for the first time, he responded, "Sure, that's the sounds of the piston generators over at the Allied Machining Plant, I remember that because I used to work there when I was intern in their Engineering department." Based on the volume of that noise, it was more or less consistent with the same level that was heard on that call, which meant that the call had to have originated in the area where that reporter was standing. Watching the report more carefully now (which was taped since it was daylight at the time), the woman speaking was mentioning about a bar that was being shut down as part of a story of the impending recession that was having an effect all over the local community. She saw the name of it out front, and it was called: "Donovan's Pub." Walking upstairs to her room, Lila realized she may just have a lead to follow after all ... CHAPTER NINE Getting up early on Thanksgiving Day, Lila quietly stepped out of the house before her brother got up for his big game today as she didn't want to openly confront him regarding her impromptu outing. She told her mother that she was going over to Tina's house to help out there with Rachel still missing, which she was actually going to do after checking out this lead first. Riding her bike in the cool morning air, she liked it that the traffic was very light today, as no doubt people had slept in from partying last night. Finding out where that bar was on mapquest before going to bed, she memorized the route, as there were only a few turns to get there. Of course there was no indication to suggest that Jen and Rachel were in fact being held there, but it seemed like a good place to start first as she planned on scouting out the surrounding area as well. She did feel bad of not informing Tina before she left, but going to her house first would've taken her much out of her way, and besides this was just simple reconnaissance work. Arriving at the destination in no time flat, Lila spotted the bar in question situated on a corner of an intersection. She also scanned the immediate area and found some other buildings that also looked promising to hide two girls prisoner. The streets were free of cars, except for two parked right next to the bar""meaning that there must be someone inside that could hopefully give her some useful information. Heading over there, she parked her bike out front and walked up to the front door. Noticing that it was unlocked she opened it and peered her head through. "Hello? ... " she called out into the darkened interior for the lights were turned off. Not seeing or hearing anyone around, she slowly walked inside. Seeing as this building has a second story, she guessed whoever was here was most likely upstairs at the moment. Walking further inside she called out again a little louder, "Hello?! ... " Hearing noises from above, she remained where she stood and waited to be greeted. Gazing down on the floor, a sparkle reflecting from the sunlight shining through a window caught her eyes. Bending down, she saw that it was a gold ring and grabbed it. "Who're you!" a voice barked out suddenly, startling the teen sleuth. She stood back up and saw an older man with glasses looking at her irritably. "I-I'm sorry to intrude ... " she spoke a bit uneasily, " ... but I'm here for some information." "What kind of information?" he asked again deliberately, walking slowly towards her. Lila stepped back a little to keep some distance from him. "I was wondering if you happened to have seen or heard anything suspicious around here yesterday." Stopping his advance, Lila could detect a slight tad of nervousness on his wrinkled face. "Ah, no ... " he replied quickly, " ... why do you ask?" She was about to answer him, when she stopped herself. "I was just looking for ... someone, that's all ... I'm very sorry to have disturbed you, so I'll just be going now," and with that Lila turned and headed back for the front door. Glancing at the ring she held, she quietly gasped as she immediately recognized that it belonged to Jen, for she remembered David showing it to her before giving it to his girlfriend in honor of their one-year anniversary together. If her ring is here, that must mean ... Wanting to really get out of there now, Lila stopped abruptly as she saw a woman with long dark hair standing in front of the door, blocking her escape! "What do you have there in your hands, girl?" she asked offhandedly with a wicked smirk on her pale face. CHAPTER TEN It wasn't very long for Tina to learn that Lila had fibbed about coming to see her when she had called her house asking to speak with her""and she wasn't very happy about it either for she strongly suspected that her detective friend's outing was most likely connected with her sister's disappearance. If Lila knew about something to find Rachel last night, she should've told me ... She did have one chance at figuring out where Lila could've gone to, but she needed to be at her computer in order to find that out. Opening the front door, Tina let herself in for she called ahead to say that she was coming by to drop off some food for Lila's mom had offered for Tina's family to come over for Thanksgiving Dinner, since they had canceled theirs for obvious reasons. Entering the kitchen, she saw Lila's mom, and was surprised at seeing Ashley with her. Noticing Tina standing there, Ashley rushed over and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry to hear about Rachel, how're you holding up?" Tina managed a weak smile at her friend's kindness. "Not very well ... there's still been no word yet." "Tina, honey ... " Susan also embraced the cute brunette, kissing her tenderly on the forehead. "I just know that Rachel will be found soon." Tina smiled warmly for Lila's parents were such great people, as they had always helped out her family in times of need. "So, what are you doing here?" she asked Ashley in reference to her presence. "My mom needed an extra oven to use for our dinner, and Mrs. Spencer was gracious enough to loan one out." Their kitchen has one of those nifty double ovens. "Lila asked me to get something in her room she forgot, so I'll just be up there for a minute," Tina said to Susan""who nodded 'yes'""and headed for the stairs. "Wait up, I'll come with you," Ashley called out and followed her. "What do you need to get from Lila's room, if I may ask?" Reaching the top of the stairs, Tina replied softly, "I'm here to find out where she went off to ... " "But isn't she at your house?" Ashley asked, a bit confused at Tina's answer. "No, she isn't ... but that's what she told her mom though ... " Tina replied and opened the door to Lila's room, heading straight to her computer at the corner of the room. "You mean she's off somewhere, like on another case?" Turning it on, Tina answered deliberately, "That's exactly what she's doing." Navigating through the clutter of shortcut icons on her desktop screen, Tina found the right one and clicked on it. "You're going into her eLog?" Ashley asked for they knew that Lila always kept an active journal of her investigations. Tina then typed in a password and was granted access. "You know Lila's secret password? ... " she asked again, this time in shock. "Of course ... " Tina replied wryly, " ... Lila may be clever, but she's not that clever ... you just gotta know how she thinks. Who's the one person she idolizes the most?" Ashley nodded knowingly, "Katie ... " "Bingo ... and now we're in." Scrolling over to the latest entry, Tina clicked on the message. "Donovan's Pub ... where's that?" Ashley inquired quizzically. "I'm way ahead of you ... " Tina responded as she was already logged onto mapquest. Typing in the destination, she noticed that it prompted her to automatically enter it""which proved that Lila had went to get directions for that place. After it was printed, Ashley grabbed the sheet of paper and studied it. "Uh, that's for me ... " Tina spoke, snatching it up from her. "Hey, if you're going out to find her, then I'm coming too ... " she said adamantly. "Suit yourself ... " Tina replied dryly while shutting down the computer, " ... but I should warn you that there could be trouble on this trip." Ashley looked a bit pale as Tina walked past her to the door. "Trouble? ... " she peeped. * * * Lila struggled at the ropes that tightly bound her wrists to the arms of the chair she sat on. More rope was wrapped around her chest securing her to the base of the chair, while her ankles were also tied firmly to the wooden legs. And if that weren't enough, a green bandanna was placed in her mouth and tied snugly in back of her head. She was stashed in a room upstairs, and was alone at the moment. During her tying up period, she had asked her captors where Rachel and Jen were being held""assuming they were still in the building somewhere""but they just ignored her pleas. Hearing them return, Lila looked over and saw them enter""the one that blocked her escape was holding some kind of metal box in his hands. She observed him going over to some pipes on a wall and attached the box onto them with duct tape. "All set ... " he said quickly as he finished. Forrest then looked mournfully around him. "I'm really gonna miss this place ... it's been a part of my life for over twenty-five years ... " "Look at it this way ... " Will spoke, trying to cheer him up, " ... you'll be able to open a new one up somewhere in the Caribbean ... where the weather is warm and the women are hot." Lila rolled her blue eyes at that sexist remark. "The one thing I don't understand is, how did this girl know about our plan?" Forrest asked stupefied. "I dunno, maybe she doesn't and was just looking for her friends." "Yeah, but she came to the bar, that's no coincidence in my book!" he yelled out. "Would you just relax ... " Will soothed his irate friend, " ... Gil was right that you're gonna give yourself a heart-attack with your constant worrying. Besides, she came here all alone, so I wouldn't count on anyone coming to save her before it's too late." Lila's eyes widen in fear at his words and what he meant by that. "I guess I should tell what's coming, it's the least I could do ... " Will said to their 'guest' and walked over to that box he installed. "This is a small explosive device I conjured up that's attached to these gas pipes, which lead down into the basement to the furnace. When the bomb goes off it will ignite the gas and cause a chain reaction to the furnace causing a massive explosion that should blow the whole place to kingdom come." "Hmmmmpphhh ... mmmmmpphh ... " she moaned out through her gag with pleading eyes not to kill her. "You have twenty minutes to enjoy what's left of your young life," and with that Will set the digital timer as it started counting down. "I hope there's enough food and beer on the boat for the big game, wouldn't want to miss St. John's make us all rich," Will said as he walked out the door with his arm around a dejected Forrest, then closed it behind them, sealing a terrified Lila inside with a bomb set to go off! CHAPTER ELEVEN Taking their bikes before setting off to find Lila, Tina and Ashley had arrived at their destination. All was very quiet and a little creepy for the surroundings didn't look particularly inviting, especially for a couple of thirteen-year-old girls. "Lila can sure pick the most precarious of places ... " Ashley dithered warily. After parking their bikes on the sidewalk, Tina walked up to the front door of the bar and found that it was locked. Looking frustrated at the possibility that Lila had gone someplace else, she scanned around the immediate area, checking for any signs of life. "Now where could she be? ... " Ashley walked around towards the rear of the building, being very mindful of her surroundings all the while, and spotted something that caught her by surprise ... "Tina, come over here quickly!" Running to where her friend stood, Tina gazed at where Ashley was looking and saw it as well""the rear end of a bicycle sticking out of a garbage dumpster. Moving closer to get a better look, both girls determined that it was in fact Lila's. Ashley had a very scared look on her face, "You don't think that something bad has happened to her, do you? ... " Tina also looked worried, despite the fact that she was still angry with her. Glancing up at the building of the bar, she spotted some movement at a second-story window. Staring at it carefully, she could see that it was Lila inside looking down at them with something over her mouth! "Look, it's Lila! ... " she yelled pointing up as Ashley saw her as well. "Quick, call the police on your cell phone!" Ashley insisted to Tina for she didn't have one herself as of yet. "Oh shoot ... I forgot to bring mine!" Tina exclaimed, realizing how dumb that oversight was. "Well, we gotta go in there and rescue her!" Ashley cried out, stating the obvious. Running back to the front door, Tina looked around for something she could use to break that door down. Not seeing anything suitable, she started to go across the street when suddenly, she heard this loud crashing sound behind her. Turning around she saw Ashley standing in front of one of the large windows, which had just been shattered to pieces. "Another good use for a brick ... " she said simply. Looking surprised at her timid friend's rather bold move, she grabbed a fallen stick from a tree and began clearing out the remaining shards of broken glass. "Well, that's one way of getting in ... " Tina said candidly. Using some crates that were stacked next to the dumpster, the girls made a makeshift stepladder and climbed very carefully through the improvised opening. Running up the stairs to the second floor, Ashley could hear faint moaning sounds up ahead. Lila looked over at her two friends as they entered the room with panic in her blue eyes. Ashley rushed over to her to remove the bandanna from her mouth when Tina spoke up, "Wait! ... " she shouted out. Stopping in her tracks, Ashley saw Tina sauntering over to Lila. "Well, well, well ... look at what we have here," she gloated over her trussed-up friend. "You wanted to play detective again, and look at what happens as a result ... not so smart coming here all by yourself when you should've called me first!" "Hhhheeeerrrrrss ... aaaaaaa ... mmmmoooommm ... " Lila rolled her eyes and tried speaking through her gag urgently at her thick-headed friend. Ashley studied Lila's frantic behavior and followed her eyes to where she was gesturing. She gasped audibly at what she saw, "Tina ... there's a bomb in here!" "Whaaaat? ... " she whirled in shock, looking at it herself. Tina turned as pale as Ashley in total fright as she noticed the timer read""58 seconds and counting! With her gag off finally, Lila spoke frantically, "Quick, get rid of that thing before we're all blown to bits!" "I don't know how to defuse a bomb!" Tina cried out in panic. "You don't have to, just remove it from the pipes, it's not that big of a charge to kill us all," Lila said in a more controlled voice to calm her terror-filled friend. Tina ripped off the duct tape that fixed it in place, and nervously held onto it. "Now what?!" she yelled as her hands were trembling. "Throw it out of here ... NOW!!!" Lila screamed. Tina hurled the weighty object out the door as far as she could, and a second later it detonated with a loud BANG!, causing the place to shake momentarily. After the dust had settled, Tina slowly got up after covering her head and noticed she couldn't stop shaking. "You did really good ... " Lila spoke shakily herself, but happily. Finding the ability to move again from her near-death experience, Ashley began to untie""with wobbly hands also""the ropes that bound Lila to the chair. "Where's Rachel?" Tina asked as she finally came around to her senses, and assisted Ashley in freeing their imprisoned friend. "She was here along with Jen, but were moved before I got here," Lila explained. "Did you happen to hear where they could've taken them?" Ashley asked hopefully. "The only thing I can recall was them mentioning about a boat to watch the game ... " Lila remembered what Will had said before leaving. "Well, it's a start ... " Tina said, and finished with untying the ropes from Lila's ankles. Getting up to her feet, Lila hugged her two friends closely. "Thanks for coming to save me," she said very sincerely. "What are friends for? ... " Ashley replied happily that everything in the end turned out alright, considering. Grabbing her handbag she brought along, Lila opened it. "Great, they took my cell phone ... you wouldn't happen to have yours on?" she asked Tina who avoided eye contact as she looked a little ashamed. "Princess here forgot hers ... " Ashley joked, " ... looks like someone else isn't so smart." Tina gave her brainy friend a dirty sneer in response. "Then we'll have to check it out ourselves, the marina shouldn't be very far from here ... " Lila concluded. She then checked the time on her pink watch. "The game started about thirty minutes ago ... that means we don't have much time to prevent my brother from throwing the championship." CHAPTER TWELVE Coach Farnsworth did not look at all pleased as he paced irritably in the locker room while his team sat dismally concerning his mood. It was half-time, and the score was 17 to 7 in favor of the Wolverines. "I don't understand it ... " he finally spoke up, " ... this is the championship, the game we've been working so hard for all season! ... and you guys are playing like you don't really care!" David sat near the back of the room, with his head held down in deep despair for he couldn't even look at the coach. He just prayed silently that Jen would be released unharmed ... for he had to believe that. * * * Lila was correct about the marina not being far as it took them only ten minutes by bike to get there. After coming to a halt, the girls scanned over the spacious boatyard and spotted one right away that looked promising""a fifty-foot yacht with all the trimmings. There were two men sitting on the upper deck and Lila recognized one of them as the man that had planted that bomb. However, there was no sign of Rachel or Jen on the vessel. Parking their bikes, Lila and Tina were walking towards the docks when Ashley spoke, "You're actually going on board?" "What other choice is there?" Lila asked her nervous friend, "We need proof that they're actually held in there before the police can get involved." As they continued their trek, Ashley started following them figuring that three people were better than two in searching through that massive boat. Lila could see that the gang plank was still lowered, offering them easy access inside. After the coast was clear, the three girls quickly dashed onboard. All was quiet on the level they were on for it seemed that everyone else was on the upper deck. Not wanting to call out to Jen and Rachel, especially since they would most likely be gagged anyway, the three snoops decided it was best to keep very quiet and search through the rooms one at a time. Opening one door down the short hallway, Lila gasped as she saw Forrest inside, leaning back on a chair and listening to music with headphones on. His eyes were also closed as he was no doubt immersed in the music, which from what Lila could hear sounded through the headphones sounded like Classical. She closed the door gently and exhaled at that close call. * * * On the upper deck, a 46" high-definition TV was situated near the banister at the stern of the boat, and on it was the football game in progress. "Hamilton snaps the ball on their 46-yard line, and David Spencer looks back and throws it downfield to Wilkinson, who's wide open ... but it falls short as the ball was under-thrown by a good ten yards," the announcer spoke during the play. "This has not been a good game for Spencer at all ... " another announcer said, " ... he's only had five receptions out of twenty-three today, it's as if his mind is not on the game ... " Gil, along with his brothers, was seated on lounge chairs in front of the large television, and turned his head around, looking at Jen and Rachel""who were also seated in lounge chairs, but tied to them""with a devilish grin on his face. "Your boyfriend is playing really good ... " he said mockingly. "He must love you an awful lot, what to risk his chances on a great football scholarship with such an embarrassing loss during the championship ... " he chuckled maliciously as Jen gave him a really wicked glare in place of a nasty remark due to the blue bandanna that gagged her mouth. Oh, man ... we're out of beer!" Will exclaimed after reaching his hand into the now-empty cooler. "Relax, I'll get some more ... " Gil replied, then got up and headed towards the stairs leading out of the deck. "Don't go anywhere, ladies ... " he said amusingly as he walked by the captive cheerleaders who sat under a large canopy so as to keep them hidden from prying eyes offshore. Below deck, Ashley heard the sound of footsteps up ahead as someone was approaching. "Somebody's coming ... " she whispered urgently, and all three hustled into a room next to them, closing the door quickly. Just then, Gil appeared as he walked down the hall, totally oblivious of the three stowaways onboard. Once he was gone, the door opened and they all hurried towards where he came from. Reaching the top of the stairs, the girls noticed the layout on the upper deck. Seeing the two men up ahead with their backs to them watching the game, Lila quietly rushed over to Jen, while Tina made her way to Rachel""Ashley stayed behind and kept watch on the two rowdy men. Jen turned her head at the presence of someone crouched down right behind her, and looked totally surprised at seeing that it was Lila coming to her rescue. "I'm gonna get you loose, so just stay cool, okay?" She nodded to the junior sleuth in acknowledgement and kept her head facing forward. Rachel glanced over to her best friend as Tina was busy untying the rope binding her to the chair, wondering how on earth they were all going to get off this boat unnoticed ... Phil looked back at their unwilling guests to make another drool comment, when he happened to see a head quickly duck down from behind where the striking brunette sat. Getting up to his feet, he looked a bit perplexed. Lila had just finished undoing the rope securing Jen to the chair, when she stopped and stayed completely still, wondering if they were discovered. "What is it? ... " Will called out to his brother, who remained transfixed on the imprisoned girls. "I thought I saw something ... oh, never mind ... " Phil said and sat back down to the game. Tina quietly exhaled in relief, then finished with the rope around Rachel's chair, when all of sudden, "Aaaachhhoooo! ... " she let out this loud, unexpected sneeze! She quickly covered her nose and mouth with her hands, expressing a startled look on her face""the salt in the air from the sea water was aggravating her allergies. Phil got up quickly upon hearing that, and approached the trussed-up cheerleaders. He looked at each of them carefully. "Either one of you sneezed?" he asked, and Rachel nodded 'yes', uttering a fake sneeze, but much more faint than what he heard before. It was just then that Rachel realized she couldn't sneeze properly through her mouth because of the red bandanna wedged into it. He then detected a slight movement in his peripheral vision. Moving his eyes towards it, he saw the shadow of Rachel sitting on the floor of the deck ... and another shadow right behind it! "Will ... we got some company!" he yelled out, flushing Lila and Tina out of their little hiding spots. They both bolted for the stairs as two of the Hubbard brothers gave pursuit. Walking back to the upper deck, Gil carried a large case of beer. He then heard running sounds and soon came face-to-face with two teenage girls! "How many of them are there? ... " Tina exclaimed, regarding the presence of the third triplet. Startled by their sudden appearance, Gil dropped the case right on his foot. "Yooooowwwww! ... " he howled in pain. There was a connecting hallway to their left, and the girls quickly dashed for it. A moment later, the two brothers appeared. "Will! ... " Gil shouted from the pain, " ... you go back up and watch them, and Phil ... they went that way!" he pointed to the linking hallway, then began limping back the way he came from. Forrest opened his blue-green eyes as the volume to his CD of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was suddenly lowered. Looking annoyed, he took off his headphones while seeing Gil standing over him with a harried look in his brown eyes. "Get on your feet ... we got some unexpected company ... " * * * Ashley stepped out of her hiding spot once the identical-looking brothers left the deck, and hurried over to Jen (who was sitting the closest to her), unfastening the knotted blue bandanna from her full lips. "I'll get you free in a second ... by the way, I'm Ashley," she introduced herself while untying the rope around the cheerleader's wrists. "Pleased to meet you ... I wished it were under better circumstances," Jen replied as she waited anxiously to get free. Rachel looked on awaiting her turn at getting freed. Once Ashley was done releasing Jen's hands, she got back up and proceeded over to Rachel, when Will came back up, seeing the new girl present. "How many of you are on this ship?" Will then rushed after the fair-haired girl, trying to grab her, while Jen was busy untying the rope securing her ankles together. Ashley made her way over to the large TV and stood behind it, keeping it between them as Will tried to maneuver around it in an effort to seize her. Once Jen was completely free of her bonds she jumped out of her chair. Will managed to grab Ashley by the arm as she squealed loudly. Pulling her towards him, he suddenly felt something hard slamming into his back. The force was strong enough that it sent him plummeting to the floor, letting go of Ashley in the process. He looked up and saw Jen standing over him with a hateful expression on her otherwise cheerful face""Ashley quickly ran over to her side. "You kick pretty good for a girl ... " he said a bit weakly as he tried to downplay the amount of pain he was really in. Attempting to get back up, Jen kicked him once more solidly in his stomach causing him to stumble again. * * * Lila and Tina reached the other end of the hallway into a T-intersection. "Let's split up and make our way back to the upper deck," Lila suggested, and they both headed in opposite directions. Phil soon made his way over there, but didn't know which route to take. Thinking quickly, he chose the one on the right. Tina's route took her to the next level down, but her path had led to a dead-end. Hearing someone approaching, she went to the end of the short pathway and hid behind some very large pipes positioned vertically. Phil then appeared and saw no one around. He walked carefully towards the end and noticed a door slightly ajar to his left. Opening it slowly, he peered his head through to peek inside. Tina came out of her hiding spot, and pushed the unsuspecting Phil from behind into the room. She quickly shut the door and turned the large wheel on it, locking it tight. Muffled sounds of banging on the other end were heard as Tina backtracked out. * * * Lila's path had taken her to the outside walkway of the boat. She figured that there must be a stairway leading back up to the upper deck, so she walked around searching for it. Finding one, she ran for it, but slammed right into Forrest, who stood there like he was waiting for her. Lila stared up at him with fear in her blue eyes! * * * "Go untie Rachel ... I can take care of him for now," Jen said to Ashley a bit confidently for her years of training as a cheerleader had made her very agile and strong, particularly with her legs. Will looked at the smug teenager with a slight hint of embarrassment at being bested by a girl. Dashing over to the bound and gagged Rachel, Ashley quickly halted for she spotted Gil standing right behind her, holding a gun in his hand! CHAPTER THIRTEEN Ashley reacted fast she spun around and swung her feet hard towards his arm holding the gun. However Gil seemed to have expected this as he blocked her kick with both arms. Before Rachel could react he backhanded her hard across the face and then pushed her to the floor. Stunned Rachel was on her back holding her cheek with her hands. Gil stepped forward and placed his boot on her chest, aiming the pistol lethally to her head. Will smiled at this turn of events and stood up, grabbing Jen roughly by her arm and dragging her over to where Ashley was laying petrified with fear. "It seems the little rescue attempt is now over ... good try, but the gun always decides the outcome." "You won't get away with this!" Jen cried out bravely, "Even if you get your precious winnings, the police will track you all down!" Gil chuckled lightly at her candor remark. "Maybe, but you all won't be around to witness that should it happen ... " his tone then switched malevolently. Moving the girls over to where Jen had sat, Will grabbed some rope and tied both Jen and Ashley's hands behind their backs. After that, he pulled out an orange bandanna from his back pocket, and rolled it up, tying a big knot in the center. He shoved it into Ashley's mouth, and tied the ends in back of her head. Will then picked up the blue bandanna that was lying on the floor, when all of a sudden, the sounds of sirens were heard in the distance. He had a nervous look on his face, "Is that the police heading this way?" The high-pitched noises were getting louder, which now confirmed his inquiry. Gil also had a troubled look as well, for the situation began to deteriorate rapidly. "Throw them off the boat, starting with her!" he motioned to Rachel, who squealed in response. What, now? ... but were still docked!" Will exclaimed for they planned on doing that once they pulled out to sea. "Do it!" Gil screamed. He held the gun onto Jen and Ashley as Will reached over and grabbed Rachel, writhing in his arms as she was dragged mercilessly to the edge of the boat. "No ... please don't do this!" Jen pleaded frantically to the icy demeanor of Gil Hubbard. Rachel desperately tried her best at stopping Will from carrying out his evil act, but was powerless to prevent it as she was being pushed over the railing, seeing the cold dark water below ... And a moment later, she was dropped out of sight. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Jen cried out in agony. "RACHEL!!" another voice screamed out as Tina suddenly emerged on the deck, and ran over to the railing, jumping over the side. "Get them next!" Gil barked to his brother, who headed over to Jen and Ashley as they huddled next to each other dreadfully. "Who called the police anyway? ... " Will asked as he grabbed Ashley's slender arm, " ... one of you girls?" "I did ... " a male-sounding voice was suddenly heard as the brothers turned and saw Forrest standing there with Lila right behind him. * * * Rachel has always been an excellent swimmer ever since she was little, but being tied hand and foot, she could do nothing but sink into the shallow waters of the dock. She tried her best at holding her breath, but without breaking free of her bonds, she would surely drown. Her lungs ached as it was starving for air. Images of her life began flashing before her as she slowly started to black out ... Upon hitting the murky water, Tina began swimming down below, searching frantically all around her. She spotted a dark blur up ahead, and swam for that ... A closer look revealed it to be Rachel, and she wasn't moving! * * * "I can't believe you would betray the Triad after all these years ... " Gil said in disbelief as he directed the gun toward his now former partner. "Gambling is one thing, even fixed ... but kidnapping and now murder ... I can't live with that on my conscious," the rugged older man said solemnly. "That can be arranged ... " Gil replied coldly, and aimed the pistol right at Forrest's head. While standing behind the tall man, Lila very discreetly grabbed the end of a thick rope that was wrapped around a fixture on a nearby pole, for it was attached to the canopy overhead. After unwinding it, a portion of the awning fell right onto Gil. He struggled to break free as the heavy fabric enveloped him. Will went to his aid, but fell right to the floor as Jen tripped him up with her foot. Forrest rushed at Gil before he got himself loose, being mindful of the gun he had with him. In the struggle, Lila heard a knocking sound and saw the gun lying on the floor. She quickly dove for it and grabbed it! The wailing sirens then ceased as five police cars converged and stopped near the boat. "It's all over now!" Lila shouted as she emptied the bullets from the revolver, then threw the gun down. Forrest punched powerfully at Gil still wrapped in the tarp, and he collapsed from the blow. Will attempted to get back up, but Jen kicked him again to keep him down. * * * Tina appeared from the surface of the water, taking in a deep breath, then pulled her sister's face up, and tried greatly to keep her afloat. She spotted a couple of police officers on the deck close by. "Help!! ... " she screamed out urgently, "I need help here!" One of the officers responded to her cries by quickly removing his belt and shoes, then diving into the water. Rachel was soon placed on the wooden deck still unconscious. Another officer removed the red bandanna from her mouth and began administering CPR on the unresponsive girl. Tina knelt beside her, crying her brown eyes out as she prayed that Rachel would wake up. After a few more tries of resuscitating her, Rachel coughed up a bunch of sea water and began to open her eyes slowly. She looked around in a daze, then saw Tina and smiled weakly at her ... CHAPTER FOURTEEN David got word on the sidelines that Jen (as well as Rachel) was safe now. With the fourth quarter just starting, and the score now 21 to 7, David rallied his team together and delivered one of the most stunning comebacks in Florida high school football history, edging the Wolverines 24 to 21, capping it with a last second field goal to seal the deal. Right after the game, David didn't even stand around for interviews as he, and some members of the team, raced over to Memorial Hospital, where Jen had stayed by Rachel's side (along with her three rescuers) after her near drowning experience. The doctor said she would recuperate fully, but needed to remain hospitalized for a couple of days. The members of "Triad" were all rounded up and arrested on a load of charges that will get them all very lengthy prison terms, especially the Hubbard brothers. However, Forrest was spared the worst of it as it was he who turned his fellow gamblers in. Lila, Tina, Ashley, even Jen and Rachel, urged the head prosecutor in the case to grant him some leniency, for he was responsible for practically saving their lives, which that was taken under serious consideration. Due to the alarming chain of events over the holiday, Thanksgiving dinner was postponed a week later, and the Spencer household hosted not only the Palermo family, but the Ramsey and Emerson families as well! The thankfulness of the holiday season took on an even special meaning as everyone was thankful that their loved ones, who were in danger, were alive and well ...