Kelly & Nicole: Caught up by the Past Kelly(32) ran into her house covered in water from the pouring rain outside. She hung up her coat in the closet and tossed her umbrella (which had been broken) in the trash. "Hey Kelly how was work?" Nicole(34) asked as she gave her partner (lover) a hug and kiss as they sat down to eat dinner. My day just sucked overall how about you?" Kelly answered sitting down looking at the food on the table. "Well it was ok I was later for a meeting but other than that it was a normal day." Nicole replied taking a bite of the roasted chicken. A half hour later the women had finished their food and cleaned up before taking their showers/baths and going to bed. At around 2:00 in the morning a loud crash was heard coming from the kitchen. "What the hell was that?" Nicole asked trying to look around the room with her sleepy eyes. "Don't worry I'll go take a look hunny." Kelly replied as she got out of bed in her bra and pajama bottoms. Kelly waited a second to wake up before proceeding to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen Kelly turned on the lights and looked around for anything that could have made the sound. After finding nothing she decided to turn off the lights and wanted to head back to her room. "Even when you run away to the end of the world and back again. You cannot escape you past ... Samantha, Kelly or whatever it is you call yourself now." In the hallway way stood a woman in a tight cat suit that perfectly covered her athletic frame. A mask covered her face but Kelly instantly recognized her eyes. It were the eyes of someone she had hoped she would never see again. "I told you I would find you." The woman spoke in low whispering voice. Kelly's heart skipped a beat as she realized her worst nightmare had come out. Despite all those years and all her precautions she had been found. However she had build a life here with Nicole and she realized it was not just about herself. Old habits resurfaced as Kelly dropped into her fighting stance and faced the masked woman. Without a word the woman dropped into a fighting stance as well and she came at Kelly. The two exchanged some strikes as both looked to find an opening in the other's defense. Kelly moved fluidly and long forgotten reflexes kicked in as she fought her masked nemesis. She managed to hit the woman in the face but was quickly countered with a swift blow towards her bare belly that made her cheeks puff as her air got knocked out. Kelly kept fighting but as she aimed a punch the woman countered it by going low and driving her shoulder against her hips. Wrapping her arms around Kelly's shapely thighs the woman performed a perfect takedown and forced Kelly on her back. Kelly responded immediately and tried to push her nemesis off while trying to stand back to her feet. As she stood back up the woman wrapped her arms around her in a tight bodylock, her ample bosom was pressed against Kelly's breasts as they struggled. Kelly could feel the hot breath on her face as the woman attempted to wrestle her back to the floor. However this time Kelly was able to counter it, performing a perfect hip throw she forced the woman on her back and quickly pounced on her. Kelly managed to straddle the woman and pressed her forearm in her throat. "What happened was four years ago. You should have left me alone." The woman gasped for air but was then able to slither free and wrap her legs around Kelly's right thigh. "Poor girl. Thinking you could somehow walk away from your past. " the woman said with a mocking laugh. In a swift motion she rocked Kelly off balance and slit from underneath her. Both woman struggled hard trying to overpower the other. However the woman was able to outmatch her and ended up on top. "AAAKHHH!" Kelly's eyes opened wide as her nemesis wrapped her legs around her neck in a vice-like grip. "Same old Samantha, still thinking you stand a chance against me." The woman laughed as she twisted her hips to apply more pressure to her airways. Unable to breathe Kelly squirmed while her lungs were starving for oxygen. Darkness began to creep in from the side of her vision but just as she was about to pass out the woman let go off her. Kelly was lying on the floor gasping for air as she held her neck. Looking up she noticed another woman wearing a catsuit had joined her victor. "You are pathetic, I held back and even then you were still unable to put up a decent fight. You deserve everything that is coming for you Samantha." With her feet she rolled Kelly over to her belly and clamped a hand over her mouth while the other woman began to bind Kelly's hands and feet. "Kelly? Hun? Anything wrong?" Nicole called out of the room and down the hall. Kelly came walking in her hands and feet cuffed and a ballgag in her mouth. "Hmphhh!!!" Kelly called out but before Nicole could think the two women dressed in rubber walked in. "If you want the woman to live then get out of the bed and don't move!" one of the women ordered. Nicole did as she was told and got out of her bed revealing her cute yellow panties and bra. The second woman walked over to Nicole and swiftly cuffed her hands and feet before popping a nice big multi-colored ballgag into Nicole's mouth. The women lead their captives out and into a black van parked across the street from the house. The couple were dumped into the back and the van took off...