Gustaff In an era of wars and power struggles, most human kingdoms at war declared against the race of Orcs, while humans had his forces split into several independent kingdoms, the power of the Orcs was much more centralized, and the infighting power, fairer, less political interference, victories in battle were the factor that most Orcs considered for choosing their leaders. Gracyanne was leader of a large group of orcs between his race she was very respected for being a very strong warrior, extremely skilled with the sword, and cunning, its value was recognized even being female, according to the stories they tell, it also has a sexual appetite unusual. During this period, the Paragon clan was in crisis for decades have been considered among the most powerful among all the kingdoms, still command the kingdom of Janus, but now lost allies, resources and live amidst many internal power struggles and fear for worse in this war, the population of their territory has suffered from the high tax burden to keep the troops in battle, there is the family that owns the reign in power for 4 generations, this is the most difficult period of that era. Gustaff was the young king on the throne 4 years ago by then was 21, his reign has been marked by oppression of the people, the taxes were too high, one of the reasons for this were the various attack campaigns that King proposed , Gustaff wanted to be a conqueror, but his works did not reach success, could not keep the power in the territories it conquered and could not much profit through plunder, and these attacks on several cities caused kingdoms politically depart from Janus in a time of crisis like this there were strong allies to turn to.