Power of the Enchantress http://mad-man-with-a-pen.deviantart.com/art/Power-of-the-Enchantress-61656622 9 * I'm so done for the night. Power Girl thought that with a heavy sigh as she flew back towards her apartment. The blonde bombshell was gliding through the night sky with an arm extended out in front of her. I'm crawling into the bath tub, turning on some music, and not responding to anything. If the JSA want me they can go clone me! Karen concluded as she casually flew home. Today had done nothing but exhaust her reserve of giving a crap. Between the day to day headaches of running her up and coming tech company and life as costumed superheroine, the Princess of Power was ready for a night off. The half-moon in the night sky illuminated Power Girl as she flew over the coastline. Her blonde bob cut to chin length fluttered in the slipstream while her crystal blue eyes were heavy but not from actual physical fatigue. Karen was clad in her easily recognizable costume, the white high necked leotard which featured her infamous 'picture window' a circular cut which showed off part of Karen's cleavage. While the window did call attention to her sizable 'assets', it didn't bother Karen who was more than willing to discuss the issue with anyone who had a problem. Her white leotard was paired with a red cape which hung off her shoulder. A golden clasp with some matching braid held the cape in place while a red belt loosely encircled her waist. Power Girl usually let the belt slide some down from her waist at an angle, touching her lovely hips. Blue gloves, some fleshtone tights, and blue boots completed Karen's attire. It was her own take on the colors of her family from Krypton (though not exactly this universe's Krypton, long story). Power Girl could just see the glowing lights of her home town, New York, approaching and was looking forward to that bath. Help me! Please somebody help me! Power Girl snapped her head in the direction of the sounds. Her first thought was, oh great. Despite the desire to just keep going, Karen for all her quirks was still a hero. She changed direction her cape snapping in the wind as she headed towards the source of the cry. She spotted a small harbor on the New Jersey coast where the cries were coming from. Karen turned her eyes a faint blue as she used X-Ray vision to try and peal back the layers of the building. All she got was a fuzzy return, ugh thank you un-ecofriendly 20th Century, Power Girl thought with a groan. Lead used in the old warehouse's construction was interfering with what she could see. As she neared the roof Power Girl decided to vent some of her frustrating into a 'superhero landing.' Changing position she aimed her blue boots at the warehouse and crashed through at high speed. Metal groaned and then loudly crashed to the ground which rocked as Power Girl touched down. "Alright whoever is in danger scream, if you're causing the danger stop, if you're trying to mess with me can we get started so I can go home already?" Karen's normally dry wit was a bit on empty. Some boot heels clicked on the floor and Power Girl turned her head to look. "Well, blunt as usual aren't we Power Girl?" The voice belonged to a young woman dressed in a mix of dark greens and browns. Her dress was very fantasy like in cut, with gold inlaid patterns, leather belt about her waist, and the witch's/sorceress's hat on her head. Dark brown tights covered her legs and she wore knee high leather boots. She put a hand on her hips and smiled at the superheroine. "Enchantress what an annoying surprise," Karen sighed as she crossed her arms. Enchantress aka June Moon was a former college student turned dark magic user who had first crossed Karen's 'sister' also known as her Earth-1 counterpart, Supergirl. June had a long dark hair which went down to her shoulders and dark green eyes which admired Power Girl's form with malevolent enjoyment. Since becoming a fulltime supervillainess, Enchantress had run afoul Kara, Karen, and Zatanna. "Greetings Power Girl, I hope you appreciate ... ." June began before Power Girl cut her off. "Yeah, yeah," Karen rolled her eyes, "All the trouble you went to lure me here, seriously a fake call for help? I thought you were past the freshman year of villainy?" Power Girl thought, gesh I get flippant when I'm beat. Enchantress's eyes flashed her own annoyance, "Fine Power Girl we'll dispense with the pleasantries. I'll enjoy soon having you bound and powerless at my hands." "Blah, blah, blah," Power Girl quipped, "Just put up or shut up June." "Fine!" She raised her hands and dark energy outlined in purple lashed out. Power Girl flew up and avoided the dark energy blast. For all her taunting, Karen knew Enchantress was powered by magic. And superpowers or no, Karen was just as vulnerable to magic as anyone else on Earth. The best thing for her would be to end the fight quickly so June couldn't pull out any surprises. Power Girl dropped down quickly landing with a slight bend in her knees. Karen snatched up a piece of debris from her entrance and chucked it at Enchantress. June quickly uttered a protective spell which formed a glowing energy shield in front of her. The rock slammed into it but that wasn't Power Girl's real attack. She flew at Enchantress right behind the projectile and ducked over the energy barrier. A surprised Enchantress was nailed by a punch which sent her flying back. "UGH!" June grunted as she hit a nearby wall. Power Girl shook her head floating over towards Enchantress. The villainess scrambled to her feet and tried to use a new form of attack, "Promethean Flame!" Fire shot forth from Enchantress's hands but colored like her early energy attack. Karen had a slight double take as she took in the oddly colored fire. She dodged it and several more blast of flames from June. "I've got some heat of my own Enchantress!" Karen told her as she focused her eyes. Red heat pooled underneath her skin and twin red beams shot out at the villainess. Enchantress dodged the heat-vison attack and tried to counter with some more of her energy. Power Girl dodged the blast with a flying loop and flew at June hitting her again this time with both of her boots. The green clad villainess was knocked away and she rolled hard on the ground. Power Girl landed and heard Enchantress moan. Weakly the villainess raised a hand and asked, "Stop ... .please ... stop." Karen shook her head, "You done now Enchantress?" Power Girl strolled forwards her stocking clad legs carrying her over to the fallen sorceress. June nodded weakly her hair falling around her face. She had lost her witch's hat in the struggled. Enchantress pointed to it, "Let me ... just ... " Power Girl rolled her eyes. Had she not been so focused on ending the fight and bringing Enchantress in she might have thought of a different move. "Oh no I don't think so," Karen said as she walked the short distance and snatched up the hat, "I don't need you pulling some trap from this thing like a killer rabbit." Enchantress who by this point had shifted herself into a upright position, sitting on her bent tights clad knees, smiled thinly, "Who says I need to pull something from the hat?" Karen wondered what June was talking about when suddenly something shot out of the hat like it had a life of its own. Power Girl dropped the hat just as she saw what had emerged. It was a length of chain, dark, outlined with purple energy and it held itself upright like a snake. Before she could move away it shot at her with the rattle of its metal links. Power Girl's eyes shot wide open as the chain snaked around her upper body. It had caught Karen with her arms close to her sides and as a result her bicepts were pulled tightly against her sides. "What the Hell!" Power Girl snapped as the chain encircled itself around her chest, crisscrossing over her picture window. Karen flexed her arms and tried to snap the links but they didn't yield to her super strength! I can't ... break these ... they're, Sheoul! They're magical! Power Girl realized. "I don't need a rabbit Power Girl," Enchantress laughed, "Not when I can keep much more entertaining toys in my hat." She raised a hand and made some motions, dark magic trailing from her fingers. The hat's empty space released a new chain which lashed out and wrapped around one of Power Girl's wrists. Karen pulled on the chain trying to toss the hat away but it was suddenly like the green witch's hat weight a million pounds. It refused to move and the chain snagged to Power Girl's wrist broke at the hat and moved to wrap its free end around her other wrist. "Uhhhhh ... ." Power Girl strained as the chain seemed to pull her wrists together and coil around them. Enchantress smiled as she watched Power Girl's gloved wrists, bound over the small of her lap. "Oh, yes you look so fetching in chains Power Girl," June taunted as she rose to her feet, her dress slipping over her brown tights clad thighs. Using her hand she summoned even more of the dark energy chains. Karen tried to fly away lifting up and away from Enchantress and her TARDIS like hat. However the dark glowing chain was faster. A fresh link shot out and wrapped itself around Power Girl's blue boots. "No!" the heroine protested as her ankles were snapped together and secured. Power Girl winced and put all the strength she could into her leg muscles. Normally she could have smashed the armor on a battleship with her legs, now though, her tights clad legs quivered and struggled, the chains snug and secure on her boots. "Now, now Power Girl you can't go anywhere just yet," Enchantress smirked. Another length of chain went out and wrapped around Power Girl like tentacle. It reeled her back towards June and Power Girl tried to break her bounds, struggling while hovering in the air. It was time for Enchantress to move to the next part of her plan. "Hmmm such feistiness," she thought aloud so Power Girl could hear, "Maybe we need to calm you down some. "Vinculum exhaurire," Enchantress spoke her eyes glowing for a moment. Power Girl, still struggling against the glowing bonds which held her, wondered what Enchantress was doing next. Moments after the words were spoken though Karen felt a wave of fatigue strike her. What ... what's going on? The Princess of Power thought. Power Girl tried to break free again but she felt the fatigue only grow stronger. Desperate she aimed her eyes at the chains and allowed her heat vision to kick in. The red hot beams struck the chains but to her horror she saw the plasma energy get sucked right into the dark purple outlined metal links. "Uhhhhhh ... ." Power Girl let an exhausted sigh escape her lips. I feel so weak, she thought, no ... she's ... she's, "Enchantress ... stop ... .." Power Girl's body was starting to slow, her struggles easing, while her flight power faltered. Power Girl could feel her powers being drained away and was losing her ability to stay in the air. "Stop what ... sapping every last ounce of power from your body?" Enchantress laughed at the idea. Power Girl moaned as she fell to the ground not far from the hat which still held her with its length of chain. Karen's body slowly rolled as she moved her legs, the sounds of the metal links on her ankles clinking. Her forearms weakly moved unable to rise far from their bound position in her lap. Her red cape became tangled around her as well, showing off her backside and bum. Enchantress used her magic to cut the length of chain. She directed it to now coil around Power Girl's form, starting at her alreadly bound chest. Karen raised her head, her crystal blue eyes now genially heavy with fatigue. It's ... coiling around me ... like a snake. The black chain glowing faintly with purple moved down her form causing Power Girl's skin to tingle under her leotard and tights. The spiral pattern curved around her waist and then over her stocking clad thighs. Finally the chain settled connecting to her already bound ankles. Power Girl took a glance at her body, "No ... ." she was completely bound and now feeling her powers being totally drained. Enchantress took her time, taking slow deliberate steps towards Power Girl. June basked in the view of her foe, chained in spiral coil, her chest heaving as she struggled to deal with the loss of her strength and power. She plucked her hat from the floor, placing it atop her head, "Well look whose all-powerful now, eh girl?" Power Girl's head slowly lolled, "So ... .weak ... " she muttered not use to the feeling. Hell, Karen wasn't used to being bound. Pounded, blasted, even exposed to Kryptonite, but chained up like some maiden in peril, it humbled her greatly and only added to the weakness she felt. June knelt on a stocking knee. Her hand ran up Power Girl's bound form, "You are just the first of my foes to fall ... soon Supergirl will join you in those chains Power Girl." A little bit of the old fiery Power Girl surfaced, "She'll ... kick ... your ass." While she and Kara had a complicated relationship, deep down Karen respected and loved her Earth-1 counterpart. "Like you were going to do to me?" Enchantress laughed. She reached into her belt which featured some leather pouches. Power Girl couldn't see what she was grabbing. The effort to lift her head exhausted her and Karen sighed heavily as she tried to save what little strength she had left. Enchantress removed a potion vial from her belt along with a silken cloth. She opened the vial as she spoke, "Supergirl nor the Mistress of Magic will be able to stop me." Pouring the contents onto the silken cloth she took the empty vial and showed it to Power Girl, "Would you like to know what this is?" Power Girl sighed, "I'm guessing not chandelle number five?" June smiled; she had to admit the blonde bombshell had a sense of humor, "Not quite." She lifted Power Girl up, her bound body resting against Enchantress's own. "Just something to help you sleep my dear." She waived the empty vial which still smelled faintly of the sleeping potion within. Karen involuntarily took a whiff and it caused her head to grow even more cloudy and foggy than it already was. "Uhhhh ... ..no ... ..you ... .don't need to ... .use that, I'm ... .powerless." It was a feeble plea. Enchantress palmed the silken cloth in her hand, "No, but I want to you to be completely defeated." She used her free hand to touch the chains, "Bound ... ." June then lifted Power Girl's bound arms, "Weak ... " she dropped them and like limp noodles, Karen's chained wrists fell back into her lap. "And ... .finally," June slowly brought the cloth to Power Girl's face. "No ... ... no ... ..uhhhhhhmmmmph," her lush red lips were covered by the cloth along with her nose. Only the heroine's weak eyes looked to Enchantress, whose lips were in a sinister smile, enjoying the sight of her bound beauty. "Totally helpless," June said as she pressed the cloth down and let the sleepy fumes fill Power Girl's lungs. Power Girl struggled weakly in her chains and against June's body. All Karen could do really though was to try and hold her breath. She had already taken a whiff of the sleeping potion and didn't want to get the full experience. Got ... to ... fight it ... can't ... let her put ... me out,Karen struggled to focus. June though saw what Power Girl was trying to do and shook her head. "That won't work my dear," Enchantress said, her hand moving up Power Girl's body. Karen's eyes went wide as she felt Enchantress's fingers slipping over her chest and caressing her exposed skin where the 'picture window' showed off her body. June smiled as the surprised touch caused Power Girl to gasp and taken in a heavy dose of the fumes. "MMMMPHHHH!" Power Girl protested but the damage had been done. Her body already weak and drained felt like it had fallen into the softest and warmest bed she could ever remember. What little strength she retained melted away from her limbs. Her legs which had wiggled some slowed as her stocking clad legs settled down. Karen's bound hands rose for a moment but plopped back down with a heavy chink. So ... weak ... so sleepy ... .must ... must ... . Karen's eyes told the story. June could see the crystal blue orbs fighting between staying awake and surrendering to her sleepy potion. Enchantress stroked Power Girl's chest again. The heroine sighed sensually as she both took in the fumes and responded to Enchantress's touch. "That's it ... .just take it in Power Girl ... " Enchantress softly ordered. Power Girl didn't seem to be disobeying as her chest heaved with each breath, but the breaths coming more regularly. Karen's mind was so lost in sleepiness and softness she now just breathed in the fumes from the silken cloth. Never ... have ... been so helpless ... so weak, was her final real thought. Power Girl's head slowly began to drift towards her right shoulder. Enchantress feeling victory was at hand pressed the cloth tighter, she had to be sure Power Girl was truly out. "Uhhhhhh ... ." A final soft sigh escaped Power Girl's lips as she breathed in the last of the fumes. Even if June hadn't pressed home the sleepy potion, Karen would have been rendered just as helpless and unconscious. Her head fell all the way to her shoulder and June removed the cloth seeing the slightly parted lips of Power Girl. "Yes ... ..yes!" June beamed she lifted Power Girl by the chin seeing if there were any signs of life. There were none, the heroines eyes were closed and her breath soft yet subdued. Power Girl, one of the mightiest women in the world, was defeated.