Batgirl in Catnap! Batgirl: Catnap It was dark at the Gotham Museum of Natural History. Most of the lights inside the museum were off, in order to save power. As a result the security guard walking past the Ancient Egypt exhibit was using a flashlight. She was in her mid-twenties and wore a white uniform shirt with long sleeves and had the logo of the security company that employed her. A policeman's style hat was worn on her short blonde hair. She was wearing a black skirt and matching black pantyhose with her dark shoes. The small heels clicked as she checked out the Egyptian exhibit on her routine patrol. She was shining her light among the different artifacts and was focused on the ground level. It was this mistake which allowed her attacker to slip down from the rafters unnoticed. A sexy, feminine figure in a tight gray catsuit quietly landed behind the security guard. She wore a mask that was black over her face but gray where the cowl covered her head. At the top of the costume was a pair of cat ears. She let go of the long black whip that she had used to lower herself to the ground. If the guard had turned around she would have found herself face to face with the infamous thief, Catwoman. The burglar smiled as she prepared to deal with the guard. Reaching for her belt, Catwoman removed a small yellow circle from it. A series of these were attached to the belt as it encircled her waist. Holding it in the palm of one of her black elbow length gloves, Catwoman approached silently in her custom designed black boots. The guard was about to turn when Catwoman grabbed her from behind and placed the yellow circle over the girl's face, while wrapping another arm around her waist. With a muffled scream the guard started to struggle but could smell something on the yellow thing over her face. Specially made by Catwoman, the circles were hard on the outside, but on the inside they were soft and absorbent, prefect for being soaked in chloroform. Catwoman enjoyed the young woman's struggles as she tried to escape but it was no use. The thief was both too strong and with every passing moment the chloroform sapped the guard's strength. As her struggles subsided Catwoman lowered the guard to the ground. Carefully she let the woman lay flat on her back. Kneeling over the guard, Catwoman held the chloroform pad in place long enough to ensure the guard stayed asleep. Once she removed the pad she put it back on her belt and stood up, Catwoman aka Selina Kyle said, "Rest my dear your coworkers are napping as well." She had taken out the main guard room by rolling a gas device into the control room. It had knocked out all the security people there. It would be hours till they woke up. While Catwoman had just locked those guards inside the room, she would make sure this guard was more secure. Retrieving her whip Catwoman opened a small compartment built into the handle. Inside was spool of her special Cat-Whiskers. The wire was thin and no one would have thought it could hold anyone. However this was no ordinary thread. She quickly wrapped the wire around the guard's wrists and arms, pinning them to guard's sides. Catwoman moved to wrap up her sleeping victim's legs. Selina enjoyed the sliding her hands up and down the woman's legs, they looked good in nylon. Catwoman removed the guard's shoes and tied her whiskers tight around the guard's ankles. Having secured the guard Catwoman moved towards her prize for the night. Sitting inside a glass display was the Emerald Isis, a cat-statue that would be worth quite a bit. Selina's green eyes eyed the statue and she brought her gloved hand up. At the tips of her gloves were diamond tipped cutters. Placing her fingers on the glass she was prepared to cut it when she heard, "Catwoman, stop right there." The thief looked over her shoulder. Standing in a heroic pose was none other than Batgirl. Wearing her dark gray catsuit, dark blue cape, boots, and cowl, the only bright color came from her yellow utility belt and similar colored bat symbol on her chest. Plus there was her red hair coming out of the bottom of her bat-cowl. Catwoman turned to face Batman's partner. "Batgirl so we meet again." "We do Catwoman, and I have you finally." Batgirl answered. Selina smiled stepping closer to the superheroine, she could use a little fun, "No you are here and so am I, catching me is entirely a different matter." Cautiously the two masked woman approached each other. Catwoman swept out with her legs, tripping Batgirl. The bat damsel wasn't put off by the move, as she started cartwheeling back and landing on her hands. Once she was on her feet again she threw a batarang at Catwoman. Selina rolled out of the way and climbed up a nearby Egyptian pillar. She leapt with incredible grace and over Batgirl, landing by the still sleeping guard. Grabbing her whip, Catwoman snapped it at the heroine. Batgirl avoided it and reached into her belt, throwing a sharp edged bat-shaped weapon. Selina cursed as it cut her whip in half. She dropped it and instead reached for her belt. Batgirl, sensing she had the advantage charged ready to kick Catwoman into next week. The thief let Batgirl get close and quickly moved, spinning away and letting Batgirl move past her. Before the protégé of the Dark Knight could realize her mistake, Catwoman grabbed Batgirl from behind and while pinning the heroine's arms to her sides with one arm, Selina shoved her chloroform pad over Batgirl's face. Batgirl's eyes widened as she reached for the hand plus pad that covered her face. Like a wildcat she struggled but Catwoman held her tight. "Oh my we are so feisty but I think you need a catnap Batgirl, this chloroform should help with that." Selina teased. Batgirl struggled, but could feel she was weakening. Her hands couldn't pry open the thief's grip which seemed to be getting stronger. Her muscles felt heavy and drained, the gyration of her body against Catwoman's became more sluggish, and her eyelids were getting heavy. Selina smiled as the powerful chemical took care of Batgirl for her, "That's it Batgirl just relax." Batgirl's eyes were only halfway open as she slumped more into Catwoman's embrace. Her breathing was slow and steadier a sign that she was almost out. Selina enjoyed watching as Batgirl slipped into sleep. Her eyes closed once, than reopened, and closed, they barely got open one more time before Batgirl was out cold. Catwoman removed her pad and chuckled, "Now that's how I prefer my bats, out cold." The thief eased Batgirl to ground and kneeled next to her. Like she had with the guard Selina would make sure Batgirl couldn't interfere if she woke up. First she would take Batgirl's belt. Catwoman lifted Batgirl up into a sitting position, reaching under her cape Selina felt for the latch that held the crime fighter's belt on her waist. With a click Catwoman removed the belt and started to examine it. "As well stocked as Batman's" Catwoman commented. She slipped the belt onto her shoulder and continued her neutralization of Batgirl. Catwoman laid Batgirl against a display case, letting the sleeping superheroine sit upright. Getting her broken whip, Selina unspooled the Cat-Whiskers from their spot inside the handle. The thin threads were pulled tight around Batgirl's upper body, arms, and wrists behind the superheroine's back. She also tied it tightly around Batgirl's thighs. Selina of course let her hands wander during this process, feeling Batgirl's body in the skintight costume. Finally she tied the heroine's boots together. Standing back to admire her work Catwoman grinned. It took Catwoman about a half hour to defeat the security systems built inside the case, but she eventually got the Emerald Isis from it. Holding the prize in her hands Catwoman enjoyed touching the ancient piece of art. As she admired the cat, the sounds of someone stirring reached her ears. Walking over she saw it was Batgirl. The superheroine was struggling against the Cat-Whiskers. "I don't get it ... .how can these ... .be so strong." Batgirl thought out loud. "Because they are specially made with a new titanium-carbon mix Batgirl" Catwoman answered. The heroine frowned seeing Catwoman, Selina chuckled, "Now don't be so glum Batgirl, after all I have this beautiful piece of art." "That you're stealing from the museum." Batgirl said she struggled with the wire which bound her but eventually stopped. Catwoman concluded Batgirl had finally figured out it was useless. "Well someone stole it from Egypt long ago; I'm just continuing the tradition." Catwoman lowered herself to look Batgirl in the eyes, "You're pretty tough Batgirl that guard over there is still sleeping." "I'm glad you're impressed." Batgirl sarcastically answered. Catwoman grinned, "Well someone is cranky I think you need some more beauty sleep." Selina put the cat statue away and reached for her belt, "If you just relax this time Batgirl, this will go much quicker. All that useless struggling, just prolonging the inevitable." Batgirl watched as Catwoman came down low again, yellow pad in hand, "Nightie night." Batgirl however wasn't worried but surprisingly grinned, "For you Catwoman." Suddenly the dark damsel's arms broke free and she nailed Catwoman with a punch across the face. Falling onto her butt, Selina shook her head and asked, "How? How did you free yourself?" Batgirl showed off her gloves after freeing herself from the other whiskers. On the sides were three blade like objects, "What did you think Catwoman, that these were for show?" Catwoman got up but Batgirl didn't go to attack her, instead the heroine doubled back and grabbed her utility belt from where Catwoman had left it. Reaching into one of the compartments she pulled out a small sphere. Batgirl tossed it at Catwoman who had started to move towards her, it landed at the thief's feet. It exploded in a cloud of white gas. Catwoman coughed and was stopped in place by the smoke. Batgirl put her belt on and explained, "Bat-Gas Catwoman, it's time for you to take a catnap." Stepping out of the cloud Catwoman coughed and covered her face. She struggled to stay upright but Batgirl watched as the thief's legs gave out. Landing on her hands and knees, Catwoman sighed and slipped to the floor. Batgirl knew that the gas would be too much for Catwoman. The thief's green eyes rolled up into her head with a final sigh. Batgirl smiled happily since she had turned the tables on the thief. It was a good night's work for the commissioner's daughter, Barbara Gordon. She had done something Batman didn't often do, catch Catwoman. Basking in her victory, Barbara went to check on the sleeping security guard. As she bent over to check on the woman, she was grabbed from behind and had a chloroform pad placed over her mouth and nose. Impossible! Batgirl thought, I knocked her out with the gas bomb. As if reading her thoughts Catwoman who held the crime fighter once more explained, "I borrowed some stuff from your belt Batgirl, including the anti-sedative pill. It provided me with enough protection from your gas to let me wake up quite fast. However I don't think you were smart enough to take one were you?" Batgirl was already too weak to fight. The suddenness of the attack combined with a second dose of chloroform was quickly knocking Barbara out. As she slipped into unconsciousness, Batgirl heard Catwoman whisper in her ear, "Sleep tight."