Camino de Santiago 2 by Michael Elk A young man is kidnapped and enslaved After completing his college degree, Chris Young took a break before entering the work world by hiking the famed Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain. At a rest stop, he met a Spanish woman of Asian descent who lured him off the trail to her cabin in the hills. If Chris had ideas that the woman was a Cougar out to seduce him, he soon discovered his error. He was seduced, but then he was also tasered, bound and chloroformed, and eventually found himself imprisoned in Madrid, where he was forced by his captress to service rich women. After three months of sexual slavery, Chris had earned his mistress impressive sums of money. His youth and general good looks were popular with many of Amy's clientele, and she was able to market him as a virgin. Amy herself had fallen half in love, and frequently pleasured herself with her captive. Amy had used the taser on Chris twice while subduing him at her cabin, and the treat of a repeat was sufficient to keep control of her minion. Chris' Story - Sophia Of course everyone has heard of sexual slavery, but always we assume it is a 3rd world plague and assume the victims to be female. However I now find myself imprisoned and forced to have sex with female clients of my captor, Amy. I don't know her last name. One might wonder how a reasonably strong and youthful male can be dominated and subjugated by an ordinary woman. I would dearly love to beat the crap out of this woman for what she has put me through. But I am never allowed near her without that massive taser pointed directly at me. She has used it on me twice, and it is a horrible experience. The pain is excruciating, and one loses all muscle control. It is so potent that I fear if she uses it again, it could easily kill me. And that's how she keeps me under control. I respect that taser, and therefore I fear its keeper. I have been forced to have sex with many women, often 2 or 3 a night. If I were to refuse, I would have to face the wrath of my owner. She has informed me of the consequences of refusal, and they would not be pleasant. No doubt many men would think that my situation was Nirvana. However it is not my nature to sleep with every thing in a skirt, and many of my clients are older and not particularly attractive. I suspect that Amy puts something in my food, because I never have problems with stamina or erections. One day I serviced 4 women in 4 hours and performed competently throughout, Then one evening, something unusual happened. Amy came for me, and led me out of the 3 room unit where I was being held captive. In 3 months, I'd never been outside my prison. I was led down a hall a couple of doors. I considered making a play for freedom, but Amy held that taser at the ready, and kept a considerable distance from me as we walked. "I have a lady wants to wrestle you." Amy said. "Takes all kinds, I guess, but she is willing to pay a bonus for the pleasure. And it'll give you a break from all the sex." With that she indicated to me to open one of the doors, which I did. It opened to a large room with gym mats covering most of the floor and exercise and weight equipment to one side of the room. "Get inside" Amy ordered. And when I did, the door swung shut behind me and a loud click indicated that the lock was set. I had no illusions that it wouldn't be secured, but reached back to test it anyway. "Hi. I'm Sophia" I heard from the far side of the room, the side without the exercise apparatus. I hadn't noticed that I wasn't alone. "I understand that you're willing to wrestle, Chris. It should be fun." Sophia was a woman of about 40, I guessed, and certainly no Sophia Loren; and not because she wasn't Italian. Unattractive was a kind description, and my first thought was that it was a good thing we were only wrestling, because I wouldn't have wanted to have sex with her. She was tall and gangly, with thin arms and long thin legs. Her face was also long and thin, with a large slightly hooked nose, bad hair, and a bad complexion. She wore shorts (for the wrestling, I assumed), when she would have been better to cover her legs. Her tank top showed a couple small protrusions, but little swelling in the location of her breasts. Her shoulders curved forward, giving her a slight stoop in her posture. I've always appreciated confidence in a female, and the way she held herself did nothing to suggest that. She wouldn't exactly have made children flee, screaming in terror, but she was not a woman one would associate with sexual desire, and I could envision 'hag' as a descriptor in 30 or 40 years. My immediate thought was to get the distasteful wrestling obligation over as quickly as possible. "Well Chris. I hope we both will enjoy this. Ever wrestled a girl? " she continued. She seemed pleasant enough, but I couldn't picture this woman as a girl exactly. "I see you're already in your wrestling shorts, so I guess I better get ready as well." Now I was already in my wrestling shorts because that is all that Amy ever allowed me to wear. However this Sophia began pulling her tank top off over her head. To my shock, she was wearing no bra, and we now stood facing each other, both bare chested. One might think the sight of naked female breasts might be somewhat titillating, but not with this Sophia. Hers were decidedly small, with no particular darkness of the areola to frame what was there. And the inward slope of her shoulders lessened the slight swelling of flesh that did exist. For all the pleasure I would derive, I might as well have been wrestling a boy. I wanted to holler "stand up straight, and be proud of what you have." At Sophia's suggestion, we began on our knees, so that nobody would be hurt crashing to the mat. We locked arms, and I discovered that she was stronger than the size of her biceps might have indicated. However I did manage to win the first encounter by getting a head lock and forcing her to the mat. That's when I discovered that she had two advantages. The first was that she had bad breath, which was distracting and made me consider relinquishing the head lock. The second was those long, seemingly thin and weak legs of hers. She used her left one to swing over my body and hook my leg. Then she had enough torque with their length to pull her body up and over my back and force her head free. Of course she wound up on my back where she took control. It was a bit like trying to shake oneself free of a leech, as those long legs wrapped my waist and one of her long bony arms sneaked under mine and secured it in a chicken wing. Within a minute she had me on the defensive with a hold that wasn't easy to break. From there she rolled us over, so that we were both on our backs with me on top. Her legs still wrapped my body in a scissors, but at least I had managed to escaped the chicken wing as we went over. I considered myself reasonably strong, but my hands were not strong enough to pry her legs apart. So instead, I turned my body 180 degrees while still trapped in the scissors, so that we wound up face to face with me on the top. However in order to take control, it was necessary to work my way out from between her legs, and she had other ideas. Those legs proved to be a formidable defense. She had them wrapped around my torso as I knelt over her with my hands on her shoulders. She grabbed one of my wrists with both her hands, and those long legs were suddenly up and attacking my neck area. I've watched enough MMA to realize the danger, and after fighting off a couple of her efforts, decided that retreat was the best option. I stood up and tried to back out from those entangling limbs. However her hands were suddenly around my ankles and I tripped and landed on my rump. With a thump. And she was on me before I could react, and was once again the aggressor. I quickly learned that this was her wrestling modus operandi. She wasn't as strong as I was, but she was wiry and quick, and she kept coming at me. I would have liked to take a breather, but she constantly maintained the pressure so that I was often forced onto the defensive. The experience wasn't all negative, and I must admit that once I was fully into the wrestling, I forgot that it wasn't a Hollywood model I was wrestling or even a female, and I found myself, if not exactly enjoying the exercise, at least fully involved and with the sole aim of dominating my opponent. But her aggression quickly took a toll on my stamina. As I tired, it became tougher and tougher to maintain the upper hand, and I found myself more and more on the defensive, more and more in awkward positions, and having more and more difficulty getting out from under her pins, or getting her off my back. I was rapidly tiring, and my opponent didn't appear to be showing the same signs of fatigue. Wrestling is one of the most exhausting sports. I used to wrestle in high school, but was in better shape then. Now I was breathing hard, and my arms were beginning to feel like rubber. My opponent became more aggressive and her holds more expert. Those long legs were particularly effective weapons, and seemed always to be wrapped around my head or my torso, and at times both, while her thin arms worked at controlling my thicker male ones. From past experience, I was perfectly capable of recognizing holds she put me in, but there was now little I could do to prevent or escape them. Losing to this woman might have damaged my pride, but might still have been acceptable. However it was soon obvious that she began to toy with me. I had little left and she probably could have pinned me at her leisure, but rather than finishing me, she would let me escape one hold, only to capture me in another. Then, worse, she began to attack me sexually, casually rubbing an arm against my crotch, or breathing heavily on my neck while I was tied up in her arms and legs. She was not attractive, and I had no wish for anything physical with this stringbean. If she thought I would be aroused or turned on, she was mistaken. I could now visualize how an abused a girl might feel about unwanted physical violation. Suddenly I found myself in a cradle. Her right arm was around my arm and neck, and her left reached down to capture my left leg. Then she closed her arms and locked her hands together. I was bent like a pretzel. I wriggled and struggled, but I couldn't break her grip. I was only ever cradled once before in my wrestling career, and at that time, I'd found it a humiliating hold, being bent into an unnatural position and helpless. Suddenly I felt her mouth on my chest, then her tongue licking my nipple. That might have been something I would have enjoyed in lovemaking, but this was forced violation and I was shocked and repulsed. With my pride and manhood under attack my dislike of this woman returned with a vengeance. It was partly that an unattractive female was forcing her perversions on me, and partly that I was helpless to stop her. Worse was that despite my disgust, I was experiencing an arousal, and felt an unwanted growing presence in my shorts. Hopefully my antagonist wouldn't notice and think that I was interested. God. The shame and degradation was almost unbearable. I began fighting with renewed intensity, spurred on with a desperate need to escape the clutches of this witch. Several times I curled my captured leg tight to my chest and then violently rammed it against her controlling arm. Then, whether from my efforts or from her largess, I felt her entwined fingers begin to slip and with one last thrust, her arms separated and I was out. I rolled away from her and was free. But this woman was not inclined to grant rest breaks or reprieves. She stayed with me like a leech as I rolled. I wound up face down, flat on the mat, with her full weight on my back. Then I felt those long arms of hers slide under mine and back up to unite behind my neck in a full nelson. I tried to bring my arms down to break the hold, but she had those long strong fingers fully entwined, and I was once again helpless in her grip. Talk about frustration. I was furious at being dominated like this, but helpless to prevent it as well. My male ego, what was left of it, was taking a beating. I'm not sure what I hoped to gain, but I fought against her weight and her impeding arms, and managed to draw my legs under me and get to my knees. Sophia simply maintained her full nelson and leaned us sideways, tipping us over. I wound up on my back, turtle-like, still securely in her grasp. Then her long right leg snaked across my lower abdomen to be met by the knee of her left leg hooking its ankle. The muscles of those long thin legs clamped down viciously in a tight figure four scissors. I can't say that the hold was especially painful, but it was firm and constricting, and together with the full nelson, left me totally secured and helpless. At that point I squeaked out a belated surrender. ******* "Accepted" was all Sofia said, casually, as though she had expected nothing less. She released my arms and I worked my shoulders and neck which had stiffened up with the pressure. I hadn't realized how constricting the hold had been. But she still maintained the scissors on my abdomen, and suddenly rolled me over onto my stomach. Then her arm snaked around my neck. Suddenly I realized that she meant to choke me, and I was barely able to get my hand between her arm and my neck to stop her. I was flat on my stomach, with her full weight on my back and with my body scissored, I couldn't move. Her bony leg was under me and digging painfully into my abdomen. However the discomfort was the least of my worries as I had to concentrate at keeping her arms off my throat. I might have been losing the war, but this battle I was winning; at least for the time being. I kept both hands on her attacking arm and she couldn't get it across my throat. I'm not sure how long I could have fought her off, but I was managing an effective defense. Temporarily at least we were in a stalemate. "Give it up, Chris" she snarled from atop of me, but I could hear frustration in her voice. Suddenly she hit me hard on the side of the head with the heel of her hand. Twice. They were no love taps, and the force stunned me. While I was distracted, her arm slid under my chin and tightened on my neck like a boa constrictor. I couldn't breath. I tried weakly to tug at her arms, but that was hopeless. I tapped hard on her thigh to indicate my surrender - my second surrender of the match. ******* I guess I expected my opponent to release her hold and claim her triumph. Instead, she tightened her grip, and I began to see stars. My last thought was one of panic that this maniac woman was going to kill me. Then everything went black, and I was mercifully spared further pain. I came to in a groggy state, not sure what was transpiring. I realized I was being dragged by my arms across the mat, and I tried to sit up. Surprisingly, my tormentor helped me sit up, then knelt with her body tight against my back and kept me from falling over. "Back to sleep, sweetheart" I heard, and then felt strong hands pressed hard against my neck on both sides. When I next regained consciousness, Sophia was sitting astride my chest and working at tying my right wrist to the bars on the exercise equipment. I tried to stop her only to discover that my left wrist was already firmly secured. Then with her task complete, she sat back, and leered down on me. "You don't like me much, do you Chris?" I didn't answer as I thought the response would be obvious. "It's funny, Chris, but men don't seem to like me. But I like them, a lot. And I especially like raping them. That's why I work out 2 hours a day, so that I can force them against their will. And now I'm going to rape you, Chris. How do you think you'll like that, Chris?" Sophia stood up at this point, and began tugging off my shorts. I spread my legs to stop her, and received a slap in the nuts to show that my actions were unacceptable. Then I was nude before my tormentor and it was the worst humiliation of my life. And I had to watch as Sophia removed her own shorts. As I might have suspected, she wore no underwear, and I was treated to the site of her dark bush. But believe me, it was no treat. Sophia straddled my body once more, and I could only imagine her sex mere inches from mine and what she intended to do. I lifted my knees in an attempt to deny her access to my penis. Fortunately the latter was shivering in terror, and trying to make itself so small as to be invisible. "Straighten your legs." she ordered, and when I didn't, she drove a thumb deep into my neck where it sought out and found a nerve that I didn't know existed. Excruciating pain flashed across my neck and down the full length of my arm. I shrieked in agony, and quickly submitted to her request. "Kiss me." she said, leaning forward so that her thin lips hovered near mine. That thumb of hers also hovered threateningly at the site of its recent attack, so that I raised my head slightly and let our lips touch. She then moved them lightly back and forth over mine, causing a tingling sensation down my backbone. "Give me your tongue." she ordered, and I got a whiff of her breath which I didn't like. I had no choice, and slowly pushed my tongue part way out between my teeth, feeling like I was sending my first child for a religious sacrifice. Sofia seized on the proffered gift, and quickly drew it fully into the void, where it was greedily welcomed, sucked and caressed by her own domineering organ. Her kissing was sloppy and aggressive, but expert as well, and though I was finding it obscene, it was also erotic and I was not surprised to feel a reaction in the area of my groin. Sophia reached back to capture the traitorous member and using her hand, worked it fully erect before steering it towards her bush. Briefly I considered stopping her by raising my knees and legs, but remembered the pain she could inflict. She might just as well have been holding a knife to my throat. So I lay there like a coward and passively accepted the rape. Sofia moved her sex aggressively against mine, until she found the opening and worked me inside. I couldn't deny that there was pleasure as my staff was slowly forced deeper and deeper. In fact, I went into mental surrender mode, thinking that perhaps this debauchery would not be as unpleasant as imagined. That was until she began violent pelvic thrusts that left me fearing that my member might be bent and broken. It hurt. Her sexual technique could be classified as brutal, and kept me from any enjoyment of the act. She must have been highly aroused, because she came quickly and noisily, with heavy breathing, moaning and trembling. It was only her vagina's more gentle post-orgasmic squeezing and stroking that brought me to climax as well, but overall the activity had not been agreeable. Sofia climbed off me, and quickly dressed, while totally ignoring my abused and still bound body. Then she moved towards the exit, pushed a buzzer that must have been to alert Amy, and left when the door swung open. Not a word was spoken; there was no "Well, that was fun", or "Thanks for the fuck". In fact, nothing. And no releasing her hostage. Amy Observes: I had watched Sophia beat up and rape my young captive on the close circuit TV system, and I'd found it amazingly erotic. I sincerely wished that I had the ability to take him physically like that. It almost gave me the incentive to train and take up weight lifting. Sophia is a strange duck, a client who had formerly paid for a couple sessions with my other captive, Lisa. Lisa hadn't liked her because of some unusual sexual habits, and perhaps because Sophia was a tad unattractive. However I was surprised when Sophia was interested in my male captive, then surprised when she had requested the wrestling, and even more surprised that she had asked for restraints so she could tie him to the gym equipment. I didn't think she would be able to subdue Chris like she did because he was so young and strong. Nevertheless, she had seemed confident, so I asked her to leave him tied when she left. The sexual spectacle I'd witnessed had left me aroused. And I suspect that I wouldn't be the only one to find it erotic and stimulating. The video should be worth a fortune if I market it intelligently. And after Sophia had left, I'd watched Chris' helpless and ravished body on the TV for a couple minutes getting more and more horny. How could a female have been able to do this to a young man - to overwhelm and rape him like she had? The wrestling hadn't even been close. He'd been taken by a woman nearly twice his age. It was a case of stamina and technique vanquishing youth and brawn. I was so aroused that I could scarcely wait to get at him myself. "Hi Chris!" I said as I entered the exercise room where he still lay tied to the equipment. "What did she do to you? I'm so sorry. I thought she just wanted to wrestle. She didn't hurt you I hope." It was all I could do to keep a straight face. He was such an innocent, so helpless and so available. My lust was far beyond my control. He was mine for the taking. I began to remove my clothes in a slow and, I hoped, seductive manner.