Black Cat VS Catwoman Selina Kyle skitted back and forth through her chique skyrise apartment, adding the final touches to her makeup while trying to locate the small designer handbag that perfectly matched her dazzling evening gown. The sometimes thief, sometimes heroine/villainess was running unreasonably, borderline unfashionably, late for another in a seemingly endless parade of high profile charity galas hosted by the Wayne Foundation; Feed the Children or some such nonsense; in the end it was just another excuse for Gotham City's rich and beautiful to gather and pat themselves on the back, applauding their own misplaced sense of social awareness; a chance to smooze, drink free booze, eat tiny, unfilling, h'dourves, and determine which vapid, stupidly wealthy, man-about-town she would next take the opportunity to fleece of whatever treasures or trinkets he was bragging about while trying to sneak a peak down the front of her dress. As she stood in front of the full length mirror, she took a moment to adjust her ample breasts, which sat snuggly cradled in her tight, push-up underwire bra; Selina was hanging lower than she would like lately, and begrudingly accepted the need for the extra little boost offered by the lacey contraption. Despite this, though, not many woman can claim to have aged as gracefully as Selina; she was as beautiful now as she had been in her early career, and still turned many a head; the slight signs of her age only helped to give her character and hint at her practiced experience; something those vapid and brainless young debutants couldn't compete with. Perhaps she'd even the head of the event's host, Bruce Wayne. Selina relished the chance to flirt, tease, and inevitably seduce the millionaire playboy; and hopefully later that night his even sexier crimefighting persona; the Cat and the Bat, together at last. She smiled at the reflection that greeted her in the full length mirror, running her hands over her hips and up her curvacious body approvingly, lingering over her pushed up and firm looking breasts, which spilled over the edge of the tight gown slightly, emphasising their size and pliancy, "Ooooooh, Kitten, you've still got it!" she purred, running her hands down her long legs to adjusting the slit in her dress; she wanted just enough curvy, toned, leg had to stick out to entice without screaming, 'I'm a whore', like those other, well, whores would. Selina was nothing if not the epitamy of class and breeding. "What do you think, Isis? Is Mommy still sexy?" Selina playfully asked of her black Kalico, who lazily yawned it's agreement from it's perch on the edge of the sofa. She stepped into her favorite high heels; a slick black pair of strap-ons whose sharp stilletto heels added at least three inches to her already imposing height. Selina topped this all off with a final adjustment to her long dark hair, which she had pinned up and held in place with an antique pair of jade Chinese hair pins carved to look like two slim and slinky Siamese cats; a favorite 'aquisition' of hers. She gave herself a final once over, blowing a cheeky kiss to her reflected counterpart, before making her way to the door. Her mind was filled with fanciful daydreams of a night of passion with Gotham's most eligable, and richest, bachelor, or his stoic counterpart, as she didn't notice the warning hiss of her cat, Isis, as she threw open the door to allow exit from the posh apartment, only she was savagely snapped back to reality; her lustful daydream shattered like so much stained glass by the hard impact of a fist with her unprepared gut; the air forced out of her unwilling lungs as she staggered back into her home; unaware of what had hit her. She regained focus only in time to see a gloved fist smash directly into her delicate, thin, nose. Selina's heels slipped on the slickly polished tile of the foyer as she lost her footing, falling gracelessly onto her shapely, toned, ass. Her nose throbbed from the haymaker and sent painful pulses through her face. Her eyes were watering as she blinked repeatly to regain her focus; she could just barely make out the familiary shilouhette of her former friendly rival and competition, the sultry Black Cat, standing in the arch of her oak doorway. Isis hissed and got her back up threateningly. Felicia responded with her own catlike hiss; sending a shiver through the hostile beast, which scurried out the door past her, frightened by this superior threat, saving it's own skin and betraying her master. Selina could only mentally curse her own carelessness; Felicia shouldn't have been able to find her this easily; as she attempted to regain her footing, her uncooperative heels scratching and skidding against the smooth tile; but was met with an unforgiving knee to the chin from the unrelenting platinum blonde. The blow slammed her mandible into her upper jaw, rattling her pearly white teeth, and she could taste the blood begin to pooling in her mouth from the loosened teeth. Felicia stood triumphantly over her downed foe, hands on her wide, shapely, hips. Selina could almost feel the savage fury burning in the blonde Goddess' eyes, and knew she'd have to do something, anything, to defend herself quickly and turn this around, or she'd be in real trouble. Felicia allowed her to get to claw her way up the wall, and watched as Selina stumbled to her feet on unsteady legs, still dazed and confused from the initial blows. Backing up to give Selina some space, Felicia slowly stalked her prey with silent focus and determination. She was giving no quarter and betraying no weakness; this was all business. "F-fucking bitch. You dare attack me in my own home, like some kind of common street thug? I'm going to kill you for this," Catwoman spat clumsily as she backed away, propping herself up against the wall. Throwing herself off the wall at her attacker, Selina lobbed a desperate, sloppy, looping punch, which sailed lazily toward Felicia, only to be easily and dismissively swatted away. "Nice try, you feeble, aging, cunt," Felicia spit out, returning the aggressive gesture with a right hook of her own that connected soundly with Selina's recently made up face. The singular punch was nearly enough to put her out, but Felicia followed with a nasty combination, whipping her foot in a straight kick to Catwoman's exposed ribs, nearly folded her in half, followed in due course by a basic but effective left-right combo, rattling her head painfully back and forth. Unable to keep balance in her high heels, Selina again tumbled back tothe floor. "Ugh..Shit, fuck!" she griped and moaned as she fell with a soft thud. Without a chance to recover she sceamed painfully as she was hauled to her feet by her long dark locks; taloned fingers entangling themselves in the brunette hair; the jade hair piece clattering on the hard floor as her locks came undone. Felicia kept her doubled over by her hair; like a jersyed hockey goon; and alternatinfly rammed her knees into the brunette's head. Catwoman desperately tried to claw at her attacker's wrists and arms in a futile attempt to free herself, but without her clawed gloves, it was impossible to do any harm to the Black Cat's leather sheaved arm. Maintaining control, Felicia began to swing and whip her overwhelmed opponent around by her now unkempt hair; jerking her head down then up, tugging and tearing painfully at the roots; befire Felicia finally, mercifully, released her firm grip and allowed the momentum to carry the brunette back to the hallway mirror, shattering it, "Looks like you're having nothing but bad luck today, deary," Felicia mocked playfully, as she grabbed Selina by her arm and spun her further into the apartment, cruelly jerking her arm and almost dislocating it. Moving faster than the brunette's addled brain could comprehend, Felicia kicked straight out with her heeled boot, nailing her directly in the belly button, driving the breath from her overmatched opponents lungs. Selina gasped raggedly, trying to recapture her breath, as she tumbled clumsily back, tripping into a small, plush, armchair in her living room, which promptly tipped over backwards, dumping her unto the floor. The back of Selina's head hit the hardwood floor with a dull thud as she rolled out of the chair. She groaned as she tried to turn over and crawl away, clawing at the floor, her legs spasming and slipping against the smoothly polished hardwood, trying to drive her forward, in an attempt to put some distance between her and her attacker, allowing time to recover. Selina managed to lift herself onto her hands and knees, clumsily making her way toward the sanctity of her bedroom. Unfortunately, before she even got close she felt strong, leather gloved hands grip her ankles and drag her back; pulling her off her hands, causing her to fall jaw first onto the floor, again rattling her jaw, and chipping a tooth. She felt Felicia unstrap and remove one of her black heels, followed by a sharp, painful, blow to the head, before everything began to faded to black, her eyes lazily closing, her last bit of consciousness leaving her as Felicia stood menacingly overhead. Selina's eyes fluttered open; she had no idea how much time had passed. Her throbbing head was a painful reminder of what had transpired before she'd been overtaken by the inky blackness of unconsciousness; she could feel her hair sticky and matted with blood that trickled from a small gash had been opened in the back of her head from where the sharp spike of the heel had struck her. Her face felt puffy and swollen, she'd almost certainly be sporting a set of racoon eyes in the morning. Her nose was still bleeding, her every exhale sending a little sputter of blood running down her over her split lip and into her mouth; there was a coppery taste of blood and phelgm. She coughed a bit, splattering a fine spray of the viscous good onto her exposed chest. Selina was sitting up, bent at the waist, her back supported by pillows. She tried to move her hand to wipe the red tinged goo from her chest, only to meet with immediate resistance; she was fastened to her own bedpost. She lazily turned her head and brought her eyes into focus to see what it was that bound her. Both her wrists had been lashed to the bedpost by her own bras; Selina failed to see the humor in this. "Well rise and shine, you busted old cunt," Selina's eyes widened in shocked realization, the memories of who her assailant had been and the short brutal fight came flooding back to her; the cold and calculating voice reminded her that this ordeal was far from over. She slowly raised her head from where it lazily drooled to witness her dominant foe, Felicia Hardy, standing confidently and unmarked over her. Her platinum blonde assailant smiled menacing, her plump red lips parting to reveal the flash of white teeth underneath; like those of a Chesire Cat starring with malicious intent from the shadows; as she stalked up to her helplessly bound and prostate brunette victim, crawling cat-like across the large matress and sliding up Selina's prone body, her expansive cleavage hugged tightly against her chest by the skintight catsuit. Felicia grabbed Selina's once pretty face; her makeup was smudged and her eyes and cheeks already bruising, her nose looked slightly crooked; her fingers squeezing her cheeks firmly between strong, sharp, fingers, giving her a 'kissy face' look as she compressed her cheeks together, pushing out her plump, bloodied lips. Felicia's face held mere inches from Selina's, and the broken Cat could feel the warmth of the blonde's hot breath against her face; it smelt sweet, like milk and honey. "Did you really think you'd get away with what you did to me? It's not hard to figure out who you are; you're so incompetent you've been caught and booked numerous times by the Bat; it's public knowledge now to anyone that can type 'Catwoman' into Google. I knew I couldn't trust you from the get-go, I just didn't think you'd be so weak and desperate that you'd stoop to becoming the helper monkey of that inflated red-headed bitch for a second time; it didn't go well for you the first time, you stupid old hag. You've been a very naughty kitty, Selina Kyle," Felicia hissed threateningly, slowly increasing the tension of her grip, her sharp talons digging into Selina's soft cheeks. "Get... the fuck out of my home. This is-is Breaking and Entering... Assault! You're going to pay for this. You are d-" the brunette's words were cut short by the impact of Felicia's hard fist with her soft, pliant, and vurnerable stomach, before mocking her idle, useless threats, "That's rich; the catburlgar threatening to call the police? Don't make me laugh. Are you already going senile, Grandma?" Felicia rose up on bended knee, and backfisted Catwoman across her already badly abused face; blood flew from her lips in a spatter, staining the white silk sheets that surrounded her. She returned her attention to Selina's crumpled belly and began throwing piston like punches into Selina's exposed and vurnerable womb. Every blow met it's mark with punishing efficiency; pounding and softening Selina's once tight abs, leaving them tenderized like so much raw meat. Her mouth hung open but nothing would come out. No scream, no plead for mercy, not even a gasp of air. After no less than fifteen punches, Selina couldn't stop herself from throwing up; a small amount of pink tinged fluid spewed out of her mouth and onto her exposed chest. "Awww, you're making a mess of your cheap tart dress. Aren't you a little old to be dressing like this anyway? Act your age; no man wants to see these sagging plastic sacks, you used up old spinster," Felica taunted playfully, enjoying her one-sided domination of her Gotham City counterpart. She grabbed the lowcut dress between Selina's barely contained, often admired breasts, and in one swift motion ripped it down. The material shredded and split as the overtaxed shoulder straps gave out, and instantly exposed Selina's chest. Felicia grinned with michievious glee as she grabbed at her helpless enemy's breasts with both strong black gloved hands. Selina's purple push-up bra offered no protection against Felicia's grasping claws, as she roughly kneaded and squeezed her senstive tits. Selina arched her head back and cried out as Felicia dug her talons in, each sharp nail drawing a trickle of blood. She closed her hands around her bloodied bra and easily ripped it from Selina's helplessly slumped shoulders, making sure to drag her sharp claws across her skin as she did. Selina's head slumped loosely as she was forced to survey the damage done to her once admirable breasts; there were little puncture holes and welts from which a small amount of blood trailed down the arch and curve of her large red streaked breasts, which sagged lower without the uplifting support of her underwire bra. Her breasts were an upturned tear drop shape, slightly bottom heavy and soft looking; gravity was starting to have an effect, however minor it may be, and to be truthful, Selina has considered getting a breast lift to preserve her vanity after having encountered Felicia and Mary Jane's prodigious, envy envoking, chests. "Look at those floppy old things, all soft and saggy; they could stand some toughening up, don't you agree?" Felicia mused before she turned away from her prostate victim and slinked over to Selina's nightstand. She opened the top drawer daintily, looked back and winking at the bound brunette, and Catwoman's fear grew ten fold as she realized what Felicia was extracting from the drawer, 'How could she know? How could she know that's where I keep it?' Selina thought desperately as she shook her head and moaned in protest, watching helplessly as Felicia extracted her famous bullwhip from it's easily accessible resting place. Felicia turned back to Selina, the weapon rolled up in her hand, getting a feel for it. Making a spectacle of it, she allowed the weapon unfurl to its full length. With a quick snap of her wrist, the leather weapon snaked across the room, cracked the air as it snapped a picture frame off the wall, cracking the glass before it even hit the floor; Felicia knew what she was doing, and this amplified Selina's well founded concerns. "Don't look so suprised. I've been practicing with one of these ever since that night. You remember the one, right? The night you were going to whip me? You crazy old bitch.... You were going to lash me with this fucking thing. Well one good turn deserves another," Felicia cracked the whip again to emphasis her point, this time shattering a porcelain lamp on the other side of he bed. Selina knew what kind of damage the weapon could do to her exposed breasts; she'd inflicted that damage on others before. She began crying freely, snivelling and sniffling, tears and bloody snot running down her swollen face as visions of her once beautiful and envious breasts scarred and broken filled her minds eye. "No, oh God, no! Please... I'll do anything. Oh fuck, please don't," Selina begged, all pretense of confident defiance having disapated like smoke hanging in the air. She was truly terrified of this. She had always been on the giving end of the bullwhip, had seen it destroy victims, and did not relish the idea of being on the other side. "It wouldnt be fair of me not to whip you, would it? I mean, it was only the in intervention of New York's Finest that stopped you last time, right?" Felicia mused, running her hands up and down the length of the leather device contemplatively, "Well... I supposed I'm not completely without mercy. I'll tell ya what... answer a few questions and then do me a teeny-tiny favor; whatever I ask, without question or hesitation; and maybe I won't lash your sorry old bags the way you intended to lash my beautiful babies." "Yes, anything!" Selina was visibly relieved. Felicia took a seat on the bed, next to the bound helpless Catwoman. She set the whip on the bed beside herself, on the edge of Selina's line of sight, as a reminder of what would happen if she welshed on the deal, "I already have an idea how that lunatic Mary Jane became an over inflated super-cunt. I don't think I'll ever forget the bizarre shit that happened to me after you two buggered off, leaving me lying there. What I do want to know is what she has planned now? Im sure she couldn't shut up about her plans for when you two 'got rid of me'. So spill it." Composing herself somewhat, Selina began her confession, willingly spilling her guts to her hate filled foe, "Well, it's not like she confided in me; we're not exactly friends. She's a nutcase, completely obsessed with you. When she came to me the first time, she just wanted you laid up so she could get back together with that lanky spider guy, but I don't even think she cares about that as much as she does showing you up, now. She just kept going on and on about how she was better than you, and how you didn't deserve anything you'd got, and that she'd expose what a selfish, evil, cunt you were to the world, and on and on... Frankly, darling, it was a little tiresome; I just wanted to put you in your place, but that loopy bitch has issues; she needs serious help," Selina paused, gulping back a mouthful of blood and spit, "What did you do to her?" Felicia quietly considered her answer, before responding, "Enough. Also, coming from you, isn't that a little like the pot calling the kettle black? That's sad. But yeah I'll 'help' her alright. Continue," Felicia demanded softly, her face pensive as she absorbed the information. "She mentioned something about getting into the whole crimefighting thing, making a name for herself," Selina paused to spit out some of the blood pooling in her mouth, no longer caring about how she looked to Felicia, "Prove to this guy that she can handle herself; that it's the only reason he bothered with you in the first place, because there was always a barrier there, that he was always worried about including her in that part of his life. She ranted and raved about how if you were out of the picture, it'd be childs play seducing him with this new body of hers, show him how much better and stronger than you she was, and how perfect they were together, and how she wasn't afraid of you anymore; that we'd put you in your place. She was a broken record; always singing the same ol' song; you weren't so hot, your tits weren't that great compared to hers, that you couldn't fight without using cheap tricks. Petty schoolyard stuff. That's all I know, I swear," Selina coughed a bit, looking at Felicia with hopeful eyes. Felicia quietly thought on what had been said, before speaking again, "All right. Good, I believe you. But now for that little favor. You are going to do exactly as I say, word for word, or so help me, I will find you no matter where you are, and finish what I started; and you know I can," Felicia cold threated. Selina nodded her head in silent consent and listened intently, " I want you to tell that loopy bitch that I'm done. Tell her I left the city in fear, or some such bullshit, after what you two did. Understand? Also I don't want to see or hear from you again, as in ever. The next time this Black Cat crosses your path, it's going to be more than bad luck." "Yes, fine, of course, anything. I'm finished with this shit. I'm sticking to Gotham from now on," Selina swore, sighing in relief; she just might get through this after all. "You mean you're to OLD for this shit, don't you?" Felicia cruelly mocked, grabbing a slightly sagging breast and jiggling it tauntingly, sending jello-like ripples through her soft flesh, "Fine, you held up your part. I'm not going to destroy those store bought tits with your little toy," Felicia stated dismissively. Selina visibly relaxed, thinking she was in the clear. Felicia chuckled to herself as she crawled back onto the bed, and loomed over Selina. Slowly she began to unzip her costume, pulling the brass ring between her breasts down, revealing the depth of her dark, menacing cleavage; her massive and perfectly formed breasts surging forth, struggling to get free. "What the fu-...what are you doing? You said you werent going to hurt me anymore!" Selina protested, unable to tear her eyes away from the spectacle of Felicia's slow striptease. "No, I said I wasnt going to whip you. I'm still not completely satisfied that you know who the Top Cat around here is; you're the old school and I'm the new hotness, Selina; your old, wrinkled ass should have retired after our first fight. Now make sure you pass that message along to her exactly as I said, when you wake up, or I'll find out..." Felicia threatened as her tits spilled out, bouncing heavily on her chest. Selina's eyes went wide; she'd seen Felicia's naked chest during their last encounter, and even battered and bruised it'd been intimdating; she was envious of the younger beauties flawless, perky and creamy, tits, but up this close she could see that her own were obviously no match for the fit blonde Goddess' perfect rack, possibly even in her prime. Felicia slowly loomed closer to Selina, recognizing her that wonderstruck look of the submissive acknowlegdement of her superiority in Selina's eyes; she felt completely vindicated as the tall brunette thrashed and struggled against her own bra's, which held firm and continued to restrain her. Felicia dug her fingers into her captives dark hair and pulled her face firmly into her waiting breasts, "Take a deep breath Kitty-Cat; I want you to last a little while." The helpless catburglar's eyes widened in abject terror as Felicia's breasts engulfed her bruised and battered face; the soft, pliant flesh, warm and inviting, molding around her face as Felicia pressed it firmly against her imposing tit, cutting her off from oxygen. Her smashed nose and blood filled mouth were already hampering her ability to breath, but now both airways were completely smothered and blocked by by creamy titflesh. She struggled weakly, trying to thrash her head free from Felicia's firm, uncompromising, grasp on her matted hair, but her exertions only wasted precious breath, and she soon felt lightheaded. Felicia held Selina's broken and beaten face against her breast, moving her head around with strong hands, snuggling her face deeper and more firmly into her flesh, relishing the empowering feeling of dominance that flushed through her breast. She could feel Selina's busted mouth desperately opening and closing, sucking in a mouthful of her sensitive flesh, as she desperately struggled to breath, her teeth gently nipping at her flesh sent erotic pulses through her body. Felicia pressed her body forward, forcing Selina back against her antique headboard; grinding her seeping vagina against the prostate brunette's slender leg with need, as felt Selina's desperate struggles fade as she weakened; the platinum Goddess was taking her breath away as her breast spilled over and engulged Selina's once pretty face. 'Oh God, no...' Selina desperately thought to herself, 'Not like this!' There was nothing more humiliating to her than to be smothered out by another woman's breasts; to be forced to give into another woman's superior feminine power and have your breath literally taken away; particularly when the breasts doing the smothering are bigger, firmer, and sexier than your own; forceably hammering in the acknowledgement of your own inferiority. It was the most potent form of sexual humiliation Selina could envision; she should know, she'd done this enough times herself to other uppity bitches that crossed her path. These were Selina's last thoughts before everything slowly went dark for the second time that night. Selina was roused out of her deep, dreamless sleep by the mumur of voices. Her eyes cracked open as she awoke, only to be blinded by a harsh light that shone in her eyes. She closed her eyes tightly, blocking out the bright light that crept past her slit eyes. She tried to move, but discovered she was still bound. Slowly her eyes readjusted as she opened her eyes, looking around through the narrowed slits of her eyes. It was still night, but she now sprawled out on the flithy concrete of an unfamiliar rooftop; the chilly night air having hardened her nipples. She was no longer in her tattered and torn evening gown, but instead in a ripped and threadbare costume. The light emanated from a large, powerful spotlight that shone out the window and danced across the clouds. She turned toward the murmuring voices to see who else was on the roof with her. There stood the Black Cat and the Batman, discussing something she couldn't make out in hushed tones. The fog in Selina's head was instantly dissapated as she came to an awareness of what was happening here; Selina was intelligent and cunning, and quick on the uptake, because this is exactly the kind of thing she would have done. She watched helpessly as Felicia handed the Caped Crusader the same Jade Cat statue she and Felicia had fought over in their first encounter. Batman offered his hand to Felicia in a sign of gratitude and respect, but she smiled mischeiviously, brushing past it and planting a lingering kiss on his lips, crushing her large breasts insistantly against his muscled chest. As she smooched with him she sent Selina a sideways glance to ensure she was watching. Felicia pulled away and bit her lower lip playfully. Batman, for his part, stood grim and stoic as every, betraying no surprise; but to the observant eye the sides of his lips where slightly upturned, betraying the hint of a self satisfied smile. Batman was a grim and serious enemy of criminals, but his alter ego was a rich and boisterous playboy; he had a weak spot for beautiful, cat-themed, women. The slight crack in his usually unflinching exterior as more hurtful to Selina than anything else that had happened to her that night; it'd taken her years to melt his icy exterior and get him to open up to her, even slightly, and Felicia accomplished it in one bold move. She watched as Felicia held up her hand at her and waved goodbye, gracefully rolling her fingers like a wave crashing into the beach, as she made her way to the open balcony, "Ciao, darling! Don't forget what I told you, and do try to straighten up your act, dear! You're too old to be playing games like this!" She took a few strides, picking up speed, and jumped off the side of the building, a small grappling hook shotting form the top of her hand toward the building across the street, before deftly swinging away with the practiced ease of a professional acrobat. Batman silently slid across the floor, approaching Selina, his cape barely fluttering, as she shook his head in disappointment. He flipped the switch on the portable Batsignal to turn it off. "Selina," he began in his deep, gruff voice; his voice had always reminded her of how her father sounded when she'd done something naughty; never mad, just disappointed, "You promised me you had reformed; given up this self-destructive life of crime. How can I ever trust you when you keep pulling stunts like this?" He admonished her, his voice dripping with forlorn disappointment. "B-But I didn't! She stole that!" She protested, desperate for Batman to believe her; believe IN her. "So the Black Cat came all the way from New York to Gotham just to plant a priceless Jade Cat stolen from the Gotham Museum of Culture and History; which, incidentally is covered in your fingerprints; and trashed you, only to turn it AND you in?" He asked skeptically. "Yes! S-She did! I was there!" Selina's normally sultry and confident voice cracked as tears filled her eyes and rolled down her hot cheeks, her mascare running as well, leaving unattractive black trails. She knew this was a forgone conclusion. She had decieved Batman plenty in the past, and always recieved the benefit of the doubt, only to inevitably betray him again; she knew he'd never believe her now. The sad thing was that she had made the effort to go straight, and that she actually was telling the truth this time, which hurt even more. "So you admit you were at the scene of the crime? I'm sorry Selina, but I can't let you walk away this time. Commissioner Gordon's job has been on the line ever since this was stolen last year. You'll have your day in court, but I suggest you get a good lawyer; the evidence is overwhelming. Your apartment is filled with stolen heirlooms and artifacts, all tracing back to other crimes in and around Gotham within the last few months. I am truly disappointed in you," he sighed grimly, his usual stone-faced scowl melting into a genuine frown of disappointment. Selina sobbed as Batman cut her loose from her bonds and draped his cape over her partially naked, battered and bruised body. He gently hoisted her up in his strong arms, craddling her against his chest as he carried her to the stairwell, "This is so fucking not fair," she cried and snivelled like a child that had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, pulling herself closer to Batman's strong chest, trying to get what little comfort she could now, as he slowly carried her into the building below them, which happened be the Station House of the Gotham PD. Felicia had nailed her older counterpart dead to rights; Catwoman had become sloppy and complacent, having left a trail of evidence that the Black Cat could easily exploit. There was no easy way out for Selina this time; she was screwed quite competently by Felicia, and though she entertained thoughts of betraying Felicia to Mary Jane; of warning the red-headed bimbo that had gotten her into this mess in the first place; she dared not. If this was Felicia being 'merciful', she feared of what Felicia could do to her if she was really wanted to destroy her. END