Big Game Hunter Part 3 * Big Game Hunter - Chapter 3 - "Soup du Jour" Supergirl took off in the direction of the forest in search of Wonder Woman and Black Canary. It was the middle of the night, but this was no worry to the Kryptonian; her superior vision allowed her to see quite well, and her x-ray vision enabled her to see things hidden behind other things. As she approached the area where the two signals were getting strong, she stopped, hovering over the trees, and scanned the area. The first thing she picked up was the cabin ... she dropped down to land in front of the door, to get a closer look. She scanned the inside of the building and didn't see anyone inside, so she went in to look. The décor was rather spartan; it looked like a typical hunting cabin. She turned around and noticed the wall behind her was covered with a number of wooden panels. All of them were empty ... except one. Supergirl gasped in shock as she saw the head of Wonder Woman. "It can't be!" she exclaimed as she went in for a closer look ... but as she got close it was obvious that it was really her head, mounted for eternity, a glazed and satiated look frozen on her beautiful face. Kara had never ever seen anything that shocked and appalled her in such a fashion as she literally turned white. After she finally composed herself, she realized that Black Canary wasn't on the wall and hoped she was still alive somewhere ... her communicator indicated she was in the forest somewhere, so Supergirl left the cabin and started to scan the area for any sign of her teammate. About a hundred yards from the cabin, she found something unusual: a box suspended from a tree, abut six feet square, with some kind of covering over it. She used her x-ray vision and was overjoyed to discover that Black Canary was inside and still alive! "Canary!" she yelled. "Hang on, I'm on my way!" The exhausted Canary gasped in joy. "Supergirl? Is that you?" "It is! Are you ok?" Kara shouted as she approached the cage. "I am ... I think ... so far ... be careful though, there might be a trap ... " Supergirl stopped and looked around quickly. Everything seemed normal ... she couldn't sense any danger ... without hesitating any more, the young blonde ran to the cage and grabbed the cover, pulling it off! The moment she took hold of the cover, she felt dizzy and weak. Still holding it in her hand, she stumbled backwards, away from the cage. "Noooo ... " Supergirl moaned as she felt the effects of the kryptonite cleverly embedded within the fabric of the cover ... Dinah rushed to the side of the cage, helpless to assist Kara as she weakly stumbled backwards, tripping over an exposed tree root and falling on her back, the cover billowing up and then over top of her like a blanket. "Help me ... .uuuunnnhhhhh ... ." Supergirl moaned as she felt weaker and weaker. The triumphant Hunter gave a wink to Canary as he walked over to the struggling Girl of Steel. "The mighty Supergirl ... defeated by a little blankie ... !" "Please," Kara pleaded, "it's killing me ... noooo ... " "You monster!" Canary screamed through the bars of her cage. She knew she had to try something, she just couldn't let Supergirl die ... so she concentrated hard and tried her scream again, but the results were the same as before, Dinah was thrown back hard against the back of her cage, stunned and dazed, as she slid down the side of the cage to the floor. "Don't worry, Supergirl," the Hunter chuckled as he wrapped the blanket around her, just leaving her head exposed, and securing it around her with a piece of twine. "There's not quite enough Kryptonite inside this to kill you, just keep you weak as a kitten." He then walked around the back of Canary's cage and reached in with both hands around her. "You have got to be the dumbest chick ever!" he exclaimed as he patted her tummy. "My my, that special food you ate last night is already starting to fatten you up a bit ... you really will be the perfect bird come Turkey Day." Black Canary could only mumble weakly as the Hunter squeezed her, and then gasped as he began to slowly remove her clothing. First her boots came off, then her leather suit, and finally her fishnets. The Hunter smiled in approval as he removed her clothing from the cage and then slid another large bowl of food in. Supergirl could only watch in shock, weakened and wrapped up like a burrito, as her fellow heroine was stripped by the Hunter. He walked over next to Kara and smiled as he sat down next to her, and pulled her into his lap. "Watch this," the Hunter said. "The food she ate earlier, unknown to her, contained a very strong appetite enhancing drug. She will struggle like crazy, but in the end she will eat every last crumb, I guarantee it. It's really quite fascinating!" "Why are you doing this to us ... " Supergirl moaned as she watched Canary crawling towards the plate on her hands and knees, sniffing at the food, the struggle so clear in her face. "As I told your delicious friend Wonder Woman, I am the consummate hunter. It's what I do, it's what I've always done, and I'm the best at it! I have hunted down, killed, and eaten every kind of creature on this planet, but this is my greatest challenge! To hunt and kill the greatest heroines on this planet! Although I must say it hasn't been nearly the challenge I expected so far, you three were ridiculously easy to capture! So confident in your ability, arrogant even ... each of you coming here alone, thinking there was no way you could ever be defeated like this. And then your stupidity ... do I even need to go there? Apparently none of you were brought in for your brains, that's for sure. How ironic is it that it's your empty heads I'll be keeping for my trophy wall!" Supergirl could only mumble as she watched Canary losing the fight. Her head kept dipping closer and closer to the plate, and when her tongue took just a tiny taste of the feast before her, her remaining resistance crumbled, as she went facedown into the plate, devouring the food much like a pig would gobble up its slop. "I think she has proved my point, no?" the Hunter laughed. "She's just a dumb turkey. I think she is much better suited for my dinner table than she ever was as a crimefighter ... " He stood up, letting Supergirl fall back on the ground. She looked up at him weakly and asked, "what ... about me ... " "Good question! You'll see the answer soon enough!" And the Hunter walked away, leaving the two heroines there in the woods. Supergirl was lying there in the leaves, wrapped up, the struggle against the Kryptonite wearing her out. All she wanted to do right then was sleep, but she knew she had to fight it. But the harder she fought, the more exhausted she became, until finally her eyes slammed shut and she fell asleep. Black Canary too had fallen asleep, her slumber induced by the huge amount of food she had consumed that night. She had nodded off as she finished the last crumb, her head propped up on the empty plate. The sun rose over the forest as the Hunter returned to his two sleeping beauties. He had already returned there once, to start a nice roaring fire, and was ecstatic to see his prey sleeping so soundly. This time, he was rolling a large cast iron pot on a large metal cart. He placed the cart a few feet away from the fire and then walked over to the sleeping Supergirl, removing the blanket. He laid it next to her on the ground as he reached behind her neck and removed her cape. Her boots were next, followed by her tight blue top and then finally her skirt. The Girl of Steel continued to sleep as she lay naked on the forest floor. The Hunter poured a bit of broth into the pot that he had made from Wonder Woman's remaining meat, and then added enough water to fill the pot about halfway. He rolled the pot over the fire, and then walked back to pick up the sleeping heroine. He lay her down gently inside the pot, making sure her head was above the water, but the rest of her body was completely submerged. The water/broth mixture warmed quickly, turning the pot into a sort of hot tub, as the liquid began to bubble slowly. The hunter then poured in a mixture of spices he had carefully prepared beforehand, and finally a large bowl filled with carrots, potatoes, and other vegetables was carried over and added to the mix. Black Canary slowly woke from her slumber to a most delicious smell. She rubbed her eyes as she got to her knees and turned to find the source, and then saw the large stewpot. She looked around for her blonde companion but only saw the Hunter; he was standing next to the pot lowering a large spoon into it. The water reached boiling as the aroma caused Canary's tummy to rumble. "What's ... cooking ... ", Canary slowly mumbled. The Hunter turned and smiled at the half-awake heroine. "Why don't you stand up, turkey, and you can see for yourself!" Canary pulled herself up to her feet, using the bars of the cage. What she saw caused her to scream. Supergirl was lying still in the boiling pot, covered with spices and veggies. The sound of her non-powered scream woke up Supergirl. Her eyes opened, and the first feeling she had was warmth, as if she was lying in a spa, getting treatment. Then she looked down and gasped loudly as she realized it was not that at all! "Oh my god!" Kara shouted as she tried desperately to move, to get herself out of the pot, but her previous exposure to the kryptonite was still leaving her weak, and the time she had already spent in the pot had made her muscles too lazy and lethargic. She struggled as mightily as she could but all her efforts were not enough to get herself out of the quickly heating pot. "It's so hot in here ... " she moaned. The Hunter stirred the pot a bit more and then pulled the spoon out. "I think it's quite fitting. You were Supergirl ... now you are just Soup!" he laughed. "very ... funny ... soup-ergirl ... please ... get me ... out ... " "Not a chance, my dear, you are the meat for my delicious soup, nothing more! After a while, your flesh will be so tender it will just slide right off your bones. An out-of this-world recipe if I ever saw it! The heat is already making you dizzy ... isn't it?" "uh huh ... " Supergirl answered as he lowered the spoon back into the pot. This time, however, he didn't stir the soup ... he slid the spoon down her chest, along her stomach, and then suddenly he pushed it sharply between her open thighs. "Ohhhh!!!!!!!!!" Kara gasped. "Don't do this, please!" Canary pleaded to him. Never moving the spoon, the Hunter slid another ready and heaping plate of food to Canary. "No more chirping out of you! Now be a good little turkey and gobble all that up!" He turned his attention back to the trembling Supergirl. "Wonder Woman had one final, mind-blowing orgasm before she became dinner. I bet you'd like that too, wouldn't you?" And he eased the round part of the spoon inside her soft, warm pussy. "Ohhhhh!!!!!!!" Kara gasped again as the Hunter deftly manipulated the handle of the spoon. Seeing her body responding so quickly, and fearing she might slip completely under the broth, he pressed a button on the outside of the pot. A smooth metal cable shot out of the pot and wrapped around Supergirl's neck, pinning her head in place above the surface of the soup. "Now we can't have anything happen to that pretty little head of yours ... can we?" he chuckled as he reached down and pulled her hair up, making sure it would also not dangle into the soup. Then he resumed stirring her excited pussy into an absolute frenzy. Black Canary had once again lost the struggle against the plate of food. Her face was buried in it, greedily munching away, and totally impervious to Supergirl's situation. Supergirl's moans became louder, her panting heavier, as the Hunter kept the spoon churning deep inside her. "Ohhhh yes, ohhhh yes ... please ... " she moaned over and over as her mind succumbed totally to pleasure and yearned for sweet release. "Come NOW!" the Hunter ordered as he stopped churning and thrust the spoon up into her as hard as he could. Supergirl screamed in total ecstasy as she climaxed harder than she ever had before, and the Hunter pressed a second button on the back of the pot. With a WHOOSH! the cable snapped back into the pot, severing her head cleanly as it did. He reached over and picked Supergirl's head up by her flowing blonde hair, watching her body slide completely down into the soup. He sat her head aside as he slowly removed the spoon from her lifeless body, waiting for it to cool down before he took a taste. "Delicious!" he exclaimed. "And different! I would wager that nothing quite like it has ever been tasted on earth." He glanced over at his prize turkey as she started to nod off again, stuffed and satisfied, and then he picked up his newest trophy, and her costume, and headed to the cabin to get them displayed, overjoyed at how well his plan was working, far beyond his wildest expectations! To Be Continued ...