Superheroines ambushed Three figures slipped into the abandoned factory on the outskirts of Noble City. They looked around the room they found themselves in and found no sign of surveilence or the presence of any hostile foes. The woman dressed in star spangled gear peaked down a small hallway to check and see if the coast was clear. As this happened the figures dressed in white as well as the one clad with the british emblem across her body scanned around them for possible traps. The man they were searching for one cunning, and they were not sure they were walking into a trap created by the man. The reknown amazon known as Curia took the lead, stepping into the hallway. Looking around she held an arm back, signalling to her friends to stop. She noticed there was nobody near, so she felt it safe to talk. Speaking in a soft voice she said "That creepy Pizza Guy kidnapped my protege Kimberly and is hiding in here." With her back to a shelf with boxes of abandoned merchandise White Owl glanced to her friend and asked "Wasn't that the blonde chick who kept asking me for my autograph?" as she remembered meeting the blonde when she first came to visit this city, and was now trying to save her. Miss Britain who was in the city still trying to locate where the fiendish man was hiding her prized tiara in addition to the rookie amazon. She found a heavy iron door to her right and tried to open it, it swung open with little effort. The english superheroine begun to enter as she said "Maybe we should split up. I'll go this way." Seeing no objections, all three heroines split up. But what was waiting for each of them within the building? As she and her comrades went their seperate ways throughout the warehouse, White Owl remained vigilant as she searched for any clue of the captive Kimberly. The entire building seemed to be well organized, not a speck out of place. As Athena walked amongst the shelves she found several long strands of golden blonde hair, as well as scuff marks on solid floor. Looking around she thought 'It looks like she was dragged through here.' However unbeknownst to the Queen City superheroine light footsteps came up from behind her. Had Athena looked behind her she would see the villain she and her companions were searching for. The Pizza Guy had stumbled upon White Owl searching through the building, assuming she was here to rescue the amazon known as Kimberly. As he reached into his pocket for a rag already doused in chloroform, he couldn't help admire the view in front of him. The heroine's long toned legs, shapely rear end, and nice waist nearly made the man drool. As he found the rag in his hand ready to use the only thought on his mind was 'Holy shit, who is she and why haven't I met her before?' As White Owl followed the trail scuff marks before her, she didn't hear the light footsteps lightly catching up to her before it was too late. The villain wrapped his arms around Athena, just beneath her ample breasts as he forced the chloroform soaked rag onto White Owls face. He pulled her back against a stack of boxes. As the Pizza Guy held the struggling heroine as tightly as he could while trying to sedate her he whispered "Hi there Doll! Let's get better acquainted." as his hand slip up and began to caress her ample Cleavage. As Athena fought with all her might to shake the guy off she heard distant footsteps approaching, as well as her friend Curia calling out to her. As she heard say out loud "Was that you Owl?" Athena tried to stomp her feet, attempting to make as much noise as she possibly could. However as she did so Athena failed to notice two important things. The first was the more she struggled and fought back, the faster the drugs invaded her system. But perhaps the most crucial thing was that there were two sets of footsteps approaching... not one. Curia followed the sounds of stomping and subtle sounds when she saw the villain chloroforming White Owl. Stridding forward Curia said with authority "Get your hands off her you pervert!" However unbeknownst to Curia the man's accomplice former amazon turned villainess Jade, now known as Virago crept up behind her and faintly brushed against her back. As she stepped back she bore a light smirk on her face as she held within her hands the source of Curia's power, her magical lasso. With it out of Curia's power Virago said "You'd better worry about yourself sweetheart." Casually sliding her hand down her waist Curia as she thought 'Don't tell me'. That was when she discovered that indeed her lasso had been stripped from her. Before Curia could present any kind of offensive against the wicked villainess, Virago used the lasso of the amazon before her and wrapped it around Curia's throat. Pulling with her superpowered strength Virago delighted as she felt the helpless amazon attempt at first to fight her off, but quickly became weakened as the fight was choked out of her. As Virago felt the hands of Curia drop to her sides, she peered into the fading cerulean of the defenseless amazon. With a wicked smirk the villainess gave the lasso some slack as she said "While I have this in my hands, your not only powerless but have to do what I say. isn't that right?" as she herself remembered a few times the Pizza Guy used Virago's old lasso on herself. Curia felt the lasso loosening around her throat, giving her desperately needed oxygen. But she could feel the influence of the villainess taking hold of her with the power of her own lasso. While her arms hung lumply at her sides she silently cursed herself as she knew she would be forced to obey as she said unwillingly "Yes... that's right." "Good, now tell me how many more of you there are, not including your little friend right there." Virago said as she forced the amazon watch the Pizza Guy scoop up the unconscious form of the heroine from Queen City. "There is only Miss Britain" Curia said as her vision faded, barely able to stay conscious. Virago was slightly disappointed, but got over it as she begun to come up with things she would do to the amazon in her grasp. With a wicked smile she said "Wonderful. Now fall asleep and don't wake up until I say so." 'Damn it' Was the last thought Curia had before the will of the villainess took hold of her as she felt herself slipping into a deep sleep... Unaware of her companions plight on the floor above, Miss Britain searches the lower levels of the warehouse. As the english superheroine searches for her objectives, she wonders why she hasn't ran into any type of hostile opposition. As Penelope rounded each tweetering wooden crate as she wondering what halfassed trap the man would try and pull, that was until she found herself staring down at a large wooden table with a peacefully sleeping amazon upon it. Penelope walked over to the sleeping amazon and said mostly to herself "So you must be Kimberly. Let's get out of here before that creepy pizza dude finds out we're here." as she stood over the the rookie heroine. Miss Britain noticed that Kim's magical power lasso was missing, which meant her powers had been stripped from her. If Penelope didn't get Kim out of there and meet up with her comrades she thought there was the chance they could all be in trouble. Penelope glanced around the area as she walked beside Kimberly as the blonde amazon slept peacefully, wondering where that man could be hiding. Putting her thoughts on hold the english superheroine decided that the mission was more important, and that was rescuing the young heroine before her. Gently lifting Kimberly off of the table Miss Britain thought this was all according to plan, with Kim freed they could freely tear the warehouse apart without any disregard. But the moment the young amazon's figure was lifted freely from the wooden surface a soft beeping noise rang beneath her, as a pressure plate had been planted beneath Kimberly and activated! Gas poured all around Miss Britain as she held Kimberly within her grasp. Penelope realized what happened and figured out that she not only walked into a trap, but she had sprung it too. As her body grow as heavy as lead, and her head was growing slightly faint Penelope muttered "What on earth... is... ooh..." as her vision begun to fade. The noxious gas within the room begun to fade long after both heroines succumbed to the effects, neither of them able to resist. During the gassous assualt the table that Kimberly had been laid to rest upon tilted over and she collapsed on top of her savior who now joined her in captivity. As they lay unconscious on the warehouse floor, both were unaware that the villain and villainess responsible had eliminated the two other rescuers. As both Kimberly and Miss Britain laid unconscious, neither of them were aware of him entering where they slept. As the villain looked within the room at the sleeping heroines he said "Ooh Miss Britain, I see you met Kimberly. Should I come back in ten minutes, or would you like some company?" as he carried the other two members of the Kimberly rescue squad. With all three rescuers dispatched, the team of Virago and the wicked Pizza Guy realized that if these heroines were able to find them, it was only a matter of time before more heroines would storm the warehouse and overwhelm them. They begun to load up their escape van with the heroines, however the transporting of all the unconscious women were done by a single man. He took great pleasure in carrying each captive heroine to their escape van where he caressed each of them. He decided to leave behind her belt, gloves and boots after discovering certain tools within the belt that could lead more heroines to his front door. As Virago made the rest of the arrangements like directions she walked over to the man as he was carrying White Owl. Slightly annoyed the villainess said "We got ten minutes before more heroines show up." Glancing back the Pizza Guy said with a smirk on his face "Got the last one here, can't wait to get them home tonight." Mentally rolling her eyes Virago said "When you're done handling the bird, load her up in the van." The morning after the failed rescue attempt, a faint sliver of light begun to shine within the room. The four heroines that had been captured were waking up not only in unfamiliar location, but had been put on display like the trophies the villain saw them as. White Owl had been locked inside a solid steel cage like a caged bird, her signature belt as well as her matching boots and gloves were removed and left in case they had concealed weapons or a tracking device. Miss Britain was in a similar position as the Queen City savior. As she woke up Penelope noticed her arms were shackled far apart high over her head as she dangled inches off the floor. To add insult to injury for some reason the man wrapped thick amounts of rope around her thighs, arms and waist. However if there was any trophy; or in this case trophies, in a humiliating position it was Curia and and her protege Kimberly. Both of their belts and lassos were confiscated, rendering them completely powerless. Both of their legs were shackled were shackled to the ground and their hands together as well, however the manner which their bracelets were chained together was perhaps the most embarrassing. Their hands were wrapped one another as they slept, pressing both amazons in close with one another. As the two of them slept, their foreheads against each other. Both of their amble cleavage pressed in tightly together, crashing together even worse with each breath they took. White Owl, otherwise known as Athena Nikos, was the first to awaken as she glanced around the room and saw the predicament the four of them were in. Looking down at the slight state of undress that she had been left in, memories of what happened flooded through her mind like a broken dam. As she fought against her restraints Athena said "When I get my hands on that bastard, he'll never eat pizza again." Miss Britain, known to the world as Penelope York was slow to wake up. Her arms shackled apart and above her head, she looked grogilly around the room, taking in the sight of her comrades. In her drugged induced state her body was unresponsive as she tried to swing her legs in some way to earn her freedom. as she swung her legs she muttered "I can't become his hypnotized servant again. If I could only get untied." as she remembered memories of her previous hypnotic enslavement.