Amanda vs Wendy By WS2003 Amanda is forced to fight Wendy. This is part 95 in a series of wrestling stories. The first story was done in 2003. If you need a link to any of my otherstories, please email me at the email listed at the end of this story. On the night of her big revenge fight vs Wendy, news has reached Amanda that Tanya's wrestling career is done. The knee injury she sustained from Wendy is severe and will keep her out of the ring from here on. Amanda broke down crying at the loss of her partner. She talked to Tanya and vowed to finish Wendy off in her match. There is a lot at stake for both Wendy and Amanda in this fight...the loser must leave the league and never return...the winner keeps the red boots forever...and the winner gets to date the commissioner. The stakes have never been higher. Now on to the fight... The arena is sold out, all the fans eagerly awaiting this main event. The announcer goes over the consequences of the match. Then he goes over the rules: There is no outside interference allowed. The first girl to put their opponent through a table (and breaking it), is the winner. Otherwise anything else is legal. The spotlight moves toward the ramp and the first to appear is Amanda. The crowd cheers as Amanda waves and heads toward the ring barefoot, wearing her white cutoff t-shirt and blue string bikini panties. She stops near our table and gives the commissioner a kiss. Nancy (Wendy's mother who is sitting a few rows back) says, "Hope you enjoy your last kiss Amanda...because after this match he will not be yours anymore." Amanda glares at Nancy for a long 30 seconds. She then climbs up the metal stairs and enters the ring. Next Wendy emerges, getting even louder cheers than Amanda. The hot 18 year old walks to the ring wearing red high-heeled boots and a black bikini. She winks at her mom. She walks past our table and then runs her hand across the top of the two empty tables lined up next to ours. She then climbs up the metal stairs, showing off her sexy red boots to the crowd. She slides into the ring and parades around a bit, enjoying the cheers. Amanda watches her in disgust. Finally she cannot take anymore and she rushes across the ring and clothesline Wendy. Wendy falls to the mat with the wind knocked out of her. The ring bell is rung, officially starting the fight... Amanda moves in and stomps on Wendy's belly with her foot. Wendy loses the remaining air in her lungs. Amanda reaches down and grabs Wendy's long black hair. She pulls her to her feet as she tries to suck in air. Amanda leads Wendy toward the nearest corner and slams her head down on the top turnbuckle. As Wendy groans, Amanda continues to slam her head down on the turnbuckle over and over and over. Wendy is in a daze as Amanda has the early advantage. Amanda stops and spins her around, pushing her into the corner and slinging her arms over the top rope. Amanda pulls her fist back and sends a hard jab into Wendy's left tit. Wendy winces in pain as she lets out a sharp cry. Amanda keeps the punches coming, alternating between each of Wendy's breasts and all Wendy can do is cry out in pain... Amanda then drives her knee right between Wendy's legs. Wendy howls in pain as her arms slip off the ropes, letting her crumple to the mat. Wendy buries her hands between her legs as she lies on the mat. Amanda then slides out of the ring and moves to the crowd near us. She grabs a metal folding chair and heads back to the ring. She slides in with her weapon. Wendy is starting to push herself up. Amanda waits for her as she grabs the ropes and pulls herself up. Wendy gets to her feet and turns around to look for Amanda. Amanda swings the chair sending it right into Wendy's chest, smashing her tits. Wendy falls to the mat in pain. Amanda really seems to be on a mission in this match. There is a lot at stake here. The commissioner, Amanda's boyfriend, looks happy. Nancy, Wendy's mom, is looking a bit scared. Amanda drops the chair in the middle of the ring. She goes back to Wendy and grabs her by the hair and yanks her up. She leads her to the nearest corner. She slugs Wendy in the gut twice, forcing the young girl to bend forward. Amanda quickly puts her in a side headlock. Then Amanda runs with Wendy in tow. As they get close to the center of the ring Amanda jumps forward and sends Wendy headfirst down on the metal chair, delivering a huge bulldog! The crowd erupts with cheers. Amanda moves back over to Wendy and rolls her onto her back. Wendy is very dazed and has a gash on her forehead. Wendy is primed to be put through a table now. Amanda moves down to Wendy's legs. She starts to unzip Wendy's left boot. Wendy is too dazed to realize what is going on. Nancy yells to Wendy but she cannot hear her. Amanda pulls the boot off and then unzips the right boot and pulls it off. Amanda sits down and puts the boots back on her legs. She stands up and the crowd cheers as Amanda has her boots back on! Amanda then slides out of the ring and goes toward one of the tables. Nancy yells, "Amanda you do this and I will make you pay dearly." Amanda looks back at her and says, "I am not scared of you old cow. Once i am done with your daughter, then I will come after you next." Amanda then drags the table closer to the ring. Amanda slides back into the ring to where Wendy is lying. Amanda then rolls Wendy to the edge of the ring and slides her under the ropes, but keeping her on the apron... Amanda then slides out of the ring and scoops Wendy in her arms and turns around and places her on the table. Wendy lets out a few moans as she shakes her head. Amanda turns around and climbs back on the ring apron. Then Amanda moves to the corner and starts up the ropes. Nancy yells, "Look out Wendy...get off the table...quick!" Amanda gets to the top and looks down at the young girl. This move could be risky for Amanda, because if Wendy moves, Amanda could send herself through the table. As Amanda raises her hands and prepares to jump, Wendy gets her senses and rolls herself off the table. With Wendy not in position anymore, Amanda climbs down the ropes and slides out of the ring to go after Wendy... Wendy is on her feet staggering toward our table. Amanda makes her way around the table and reaches out, grabbing Wendy's hair as she leans on our table. As Amanda pulls Wendy's hair, Wendy grabs some of my papers. As Amanda turns Wendy around, Wendy throws the papers as Amanda's face. Amanda releases Wendy's hair and starts to swat away the papers. Wendy's body turns back and she and leans back down across the table. Amanda reaches for Wendy's shoulder to spin her around. Wendy reaches out for something and the commissioner gasps, "Nnnooo..." Amanda spins Wendy around and Wendy's body turns quickly and she has the ring bell in her hand. Wendy swings the ring bell high as she turns, and it is sent directly into Amanda's forehead! Amanda instantly falls backwards to the arena floor. She lands hard. Her forehead is cut open as she lies on the floor. The commissioner and the crowd are shocked. Nancy is all smiles. Amanda has never won a match in which she was hit in the head with the ring bell... Wendy leans back against the table, the ring bell still in her hands. She looks down at Amanda and starts to smile. Wendy is still a bit weak. She looks down and sees the red boots. Nancy yells, "WENDY...don't worry about the boots now...go after her back!" Wendy seems to snap out of it and turns to Nancy and nods. Wendy reaches down and rolls Amanda onto her belly. Wendy then drops to her knees. As she does she brings the ring bell down, driving it down on Amanda's lower back. Wendy drops the weapon and grabs Amanda's white shirt and rips it off. Amanda wasn't wearing a bra and is now topless. Wendy then slides herself onto Amanda's back. She reaches for Amanda's arms and pulls them up and over her knees, locking in a camel clutch. Amanda is in big trouble now... Wendy pulls her off the floor, displaying Amanda's bare breasts and bleeding forehead for the crowd. Amanda lets out a shallow groan as she feels the pain in her back. Wendy starts to lean back, forcing Amanda to let out some more moans of pain. Wendy says, "Not so tough are you now, huh Amanda???" Wendy reaches behind her back and undoes her black bikini top and peels it off. The crowd cheers as they see Wendy's large breasts. She takes her bikini top and places it around Amanda's neck and yanks back hard. Wendy says, "This is the beginning of the end for you!" Wendy leans back further, pulling hard on her bikini top, which causes Amanda's back to bend further back. Wendy moves her feet up on her toes, adding even more pressure. Amanda kicks her boots on the floor, unable to break this killer hold. One minute has passed and I don't think Wendy has any intention of releasing this hold. This is of course weakening Amanda's back, but at the same time it is allowing Wendy to recoup some of her strength. Amanda continues to softly moan in pain, each passing second doing more damage to her back. Wendy eases up the pressure a bit as she leans forward. She whispers in Amanda's ear, "A nice long camel clutch will surely weaken that fragile back of yours...and once I have your back at the brink of being destroyed...I will drive it right through the table to finish you off for good!" Wendy then suddenly leans way back. Amanda's back is being bent way back now. The black bikini top still wrapped around Amanda's throat choking her. Wendy is smiling and in total control of this match now... Wendy has kept this camel clutch really long and Amanda is hurting. Amanda's kicks are weakening. With the choke Amanda is also close to passing out. Wendy then leans back as far as she can...holding it there....holding it...holding it...and then finally releasing the hold, allowing Amanda to flop down to the floor. Amanda just lies there, almost out of it, only letting out a few soft moans. Wendy then slides herself back down Amanda's legs. She says, "Now, time to put these boots back where they belong." She slowly starts to unzip Amanda's left boot. Amanda's back is too hurt for her to protest and Wendy slowly removes the boot. Then Wendy slowly unzips the right boot and pulls it off. Wendy slides each boot on her own legs and zips them up. She stands up and the crowd explodes with cheers. Wendy looks down at Amanda, lying face down in only her blue string bikini panties now. Wendy chuckles to herself. She then reaches down and grabs Amanda's long brown hair and pulls the topless beauty to her feet. Wendy grabs her arm and quickly whips her around, sending Amanda back first into the edge of the ring apron. Amanda lets out a cry and drops to her knees. She reaches her hand behind her to massage her back. Wendy strolls over to her and grabs Amanda by the hair again, yanking up. Amanda is a bit slow to rise. Once Amanda is on her feet, Wendy drives her knee into Amanda's pussy two times. Amanda lets out a cry and buries her hands between her legs. Wendy wraps her arms around Amanda's midsection and locks her fists and begins to squeeze, trapping Amanda in a bearhug... Amanda groans in pain as Wendy digs her fists into her weak back. Amanda's head falls forward and Wendy whispers into Amanda's ear, "I am not only going to get you out of the league Amanda, but I am going to injure your back so bad that you won't be able to wrestle ever again." Amanda moans, "Nnnnoooooo...." Wendy adds more pressure and then says, "Oh yes Amanda. And after your injured back is driven through the table, I am gonna apply a nice long camel finish you off for good! The commissioner will be right there to watch...and since he will be my boyfriend at that time, he won't stop me." Wendy lifts Amanda up, giving a hard squeeze in the bearhug. Amanda's legs dangle down as she arches her body back to try to relieve the pressure... Wendy then moves a few feet over to the table and dumps Amanda down on the table. Wendy rolls Amanda onto her stomach and then heads toward the crowd. She grabs a folding chair and heads back to Amanda, who is still lying face down on the table. Wendy climbs onto the table with the weapon. She kneels down on Amanda's legs, facing Amanda's upper body. She raises the folded chair up and then drives the top edge of the chair down on Amanda's lower back. Amanda lets out a sharp cry, as the chair is driven into her lower back. Wendy raises the chair up and drives the edge down again...and again...and again...and again. The crowd cheers the young girl on, as she continues her brutal assault on Amanda's back... Amanda is really in trouble and her back is hurting. I am not too sure how much more her back can take. But I think she might be too weak to fight Wendy off. After Wendy's 10th hit, she finally stops and slides off Amanda and the table. Wendy throws the chair down. Amanda is hurt and she whimpers, " back can't take anymore." Wendy leans down and says, "We will see how much more your back can take...before it gives out...and I have just the thing to do to make your back give out!" Wendy then grabs Amanda and rolls her off the table right into her arms. She carries her toward the crowd. She stops at the divider as the crowd cheers. She raises her up higher and then quickly brings her down, dropping her lower back right down across the metal crowd divider. Her back bends cruelly over the divider and Amanda cries out in agony, "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH...MY BACK!!!!!" Wendy holds Amanda in place, not letting her slide off. With the state of Amanda's back, this could be the end for the sexy brunette. Wendy keeps her left hand on Amanda as she raises her right fist and drives it into Amanda's blue panties. Wendy raises her fist and drives another punch into the same spot. The crowd goes crazy, as the action is only two feet away. Wendy delivers a few more punches to Amanda's crotch. Then she brings her hands together over her head. She drives them down, sending a huge blow to Amanda's belly, and driving her lower back into the metal divider. Wendy has a determined look as she drives another half dozen pounding hits to Amanda's belly. Amanda is really starting to fade and her moans of pain are becoming more shallow. Wendy now places one hand on Amanda's thigh and one on her neck. She pushes down, adding more pressure and bending Amanda's back even more. Someone needs to stop this...Amanda's back is going to be seriously hurt. The commissioner looks on and he is terribly worried, but there is nothing he can do since the match cannot end until one girl is put through a table. Wendy continues to apply the pressure and Amanda's back bends further over the metal crowd divider. Al Amanda can do is moan in pain, unable to escape this hold. With the height of the divider, Amanda's limbs dangle off the floor, putting all the pressure on her lower back. Wendy looks down at Amanda and says, " are FINISHED!" Wendy applies maximum pressure, bending Amanda's back to its limits... Amanda's eyes are closed as her back is bent by Wendy. Wendy has kept this hold for over a minute. Amanda is almost out of it and her back is throbbing in pain. Wendy gives a really hard push on Amanda's thigh and neck. Finally, Wendy releases the pressure. This allows Amanda's body to slide off the divider and crumple to the floor. Amanda just lies there, face down and unmoving. Wendy raises her hands as the crowd cheers for her. Wendy reaches down and scoops up Amanda's limp body. She carries her back to the ring and rolls her under the bottom ropes. Wendy slides in after her. She grabs Amanda and lifts her up, propping her up in the nearest corner. Wendy leans in and says to Amanda, "So how weak is your back now, Amanda?" Wendy waits for an answer and when Amanda does not reply Wendy says, "I will take that non response as 'extremely weak'. Well i guess it is time for me to make this match official." Wendy bends over and sticks her shoulder into Amanda's gut and then stands up, slinging Amanda over her shoulder. Wendy grabs the ropes and starts to climb up. The fans quickly get to their feet as they see the table set up below. This could be it fans...Amanda could be finished off right here! The commissioner buries his head in his hands, unable to watch. Wendy is on the second rope and looks down at the table below. Amanda is in big trouble. Amanda's back is so weak right now and being sent through the table could give her the worst back injury of her wrestling career. Wendy says, "Enjoy your fall Amanda." With that she throws Amanda off her shoulder. Amanda's body flies through the air as cameras flash. Her back hits the table hard...CRASH!!!!!! The sound echos throughout the area as the table shatters, sending Amanda and the derbies to the floor. The crowd erupts with cheers. Wendy has done it...she has defeated Amanda...eliminating her from the league forever, taken her boots, and now has the commissioner as her boyfriend! Wendy jumps down from the second rope into the ring, raising her hands in victory. Amanda is just lying in the broken mess of the table and has not moved. The commissioner rushes to her side and quickly yells, "Amanda...can you hear me? Are you ok? WE NEED MEDICAL STAFF NOW!!!" Wendy slides out of the ring and places her hand on his chest and says, "Honey, I gave the medical staff the night off...I am trying to save your league a few dollars. Plus, this piece of trash is not your girlfriend." Wendy then bends down and grabs Amanda's blue panties and slides them off, saying, "I might as well keep these as a souvenir." She then turns toward the commissioner and runs her hand down to his crotch and says, "I know how excited you are. And now you get to watch your girlfriend first hand as she puts this loser in a camel clutch and ruins her back forever." The commissioner is shocked, hearing Wendy's plan. Unsure of what to do, he grabs Wendy and moves in, giving her a long and passionate kiss. As they break, Wendy says, "I always knew you had the hots for me. " The commissioner says, "Wendy...I am so turned on right now...I need you NOW!" She smiles and says, "Oh really? Well lets go back to the locker room. And while we go, then I will switch to plan 'B'." She takes the commissioner's hand and as they turn to leave, she sees her mom in the crowd and winks as she says, "The loser is all yours." As Wendy leaves with the commissioner, Nancy steps out of the crowd and heads toward Amanda. She reaches down and grabs Amanda legs and drags her out of the broken table. She flips her over. OH NO...this can't be happening!!! Nancy is going for a camel clutch! Nancy is going to finish off Amanda for good! The crowd is in a frenzy. They start up a chant, "BREAK HER! BREAK HER!" Nancy smiles and then squats down and reaches for Amanda's arms. Nancy whispers, "Well gotta give the crowd what they want." Just then a couple big security bouncers grab Nancy and drag her off of Amanda. She starts to protest, "Hey leave me daughter is dating the commissioner and you will lose your job for this." They continue to drag her away as Nancy continues her protest. Two more security guys are there. One is on a cell phone and soon paramedics rush toward the ring with a gurney. Amanda is carefully loaded up and taken to the hospital. ************************* Amanda's medical update. Amanda's back was badly injured, but luckily was not broken. Had Wendy or Nancy locked in that last camel clutch, it very well could have delivered some permanent damage. Amanda's back will heal with months of rehab and she will eventually be cleared to wrestle again. But as of now, Amanda is without her boots...her boyfriend...and a league to wrestle in... The end Please send anycomments or suggestions to: