A little fun http://gaggedboy.deviantart.com/art/A-little-fun-564796298 I awoke without being able to say how I had lost track of the world. Blurry memories from a nightclub danced through my foggy mind and I tried to get up only to find myself both seated and tied up. "Hnnmmpf" my voice was a muffled moan, something soft covered my eyes. I started to come back to my senses. I remembered being drunk, but then...on my way home, something smelly had suddenly been pressed into my face. And now I was sitting on a chair...it felt like silk held me in place. I struggled, my muscles tensed to fight the gentle bonds, but all I could do was wiggle dangerously with my chair. That was when a hand lay on my chest and held me. I jerked in shock of the sudden touch. The hand felt warm and incredible smooth and slick, like no flesh and blood could. The hand rubbed my bare chest a little, so I could feel the vinyl glove. I trashed in the bonds, fought the mysterious kidnapper, who just kept fondling me. I could feel a second hand join the first. Whoever was this stood behind me and explored my body lovingly. "Gnnfffkkk offgggmmme!" I yelled into the silken ball in my mouth. The only response was a warm, vinyl clad body pressing into my back. My head was pressed against someone´s belly, while the hands twitched my nipples. My angry cries grew louder as I furiously fought against my bonds. And then suddenly the hands were gone. I could hear the other move around me, felt the air of my captor´s move. And then without warning a gloved hand seized my limp cock. "Gnnnh" the sound escaped me before I had a chance to cut it off, the surprised pleasure as the incredibly smooth glove touched my sensitive skin, mixed with the angry shock. And then the hand rubbed, rubbed my cock up and down, no matter how much I fought and kicked. I felt my face get how as the treacherous little guy grew from the fondlling. Once more the mysterious kidnapper stopped. I waited, tried to listen, get a guess what was coming. Warm lips touched the head of my cock, before a warm, wet mouth engulfed my semi erect pride. An unwanted moan from me seemed to encourage my kidnapper to forcibly pleasure me even more. The mouth slid down and a tongue rubbed and tickled my flesh, made me moan and pant, as I grew fully hard. I tried to fight it and lost. Soon I moaned like a whore and pushed my hard prick upwards into the hungry mouth. "Oh yessss" A voice moaned. A man´s voice. I froze. Somehow I had assumed a woman...the vinyl, the fondling and the blowjob. Reality hit me hard in the guts as I bucked up in disgust about the thought of a man...licking me there. And as I struggled with all I had he continued and moaned even louder "Oh god yesss!" and sucked my hard cock completely into his throat. I cried in despair...when a cloth was forced on my face once more. The drugging fumes hit my nose. It was a similar smell like the first time, but I also recognized something different. My body started to feel numb, except for my cock. With each breath I was forced to suck in through the cloth I drifted away, but my cock seemed to get more sensitive from this. A soft, pleasant shiver ran through my drugged body. I was horny...so horny. The feeling of the man licking my cock was the last thing I felt as darkness swallowed me. With a groan I woke up once again. I could see a dim light. I blinked. I felt different. And as I took a deep breath I knew why. Latex sucked against my face as I breathed and a vent opened as I breathed out. I saw a ceiling through the holes of a latex gasmask. "Gnnn?" I moaned and looked down. My body was no langer naked, but bound once more. Red vinyl pants hugged my legs and crotch like a glove and I caught a glimplse of some black and shiny shirt from a different fetish shirt. My whole body was secured with black, soft leather straps. Though as I looked around a young man came into view. He was young, perhaps 20 or so. Blond hair, blue eyes and a slender, yet sporty guy. He smiled at me. "Hey my tasty cock...slept well?" he mocked me and ran a hand over my crotch. He was clad in black vinyl, a full suit, with gloves and boots. I noticed a hard, throbbing bulge in the suit and with a faint cry I struggled and tried to wiggle away from him. I almost fell of the couch as I did that, I obviously lay over the corner of an L shaped leather couch. My kidnapper hurried to catch me and his hands held me securely. "Who...so lively already. Maybe we can get to the next round then." he said and I protested into the gag still in my mouth and shook my head. He just rubbed his crotch bulge and knelt in front of me. I did not see from where the hand came, but someone else was here, as I got a filter attached to the mask. The smell of the knockout drug teased my sensed, this time the scent of the other thing was stronger, though. "Nnmmmmm" I yelled, but a moment later started to feel weak. My limbs felt so heavy in the bonds, while in my belly a warm tickling started. I moaned, while my senses faded slowly. I got aroused, these guys drugged me with some aphrodisiac to rape me while asleep. But I did not loose consciousness...damn them. The invisible second kidnapper rubbed my shoulders and arms, but the blonde rubbed me back into erection. "You taste so good...I want another load from you" he purred, looking deep into my dazed eyes as he pulled the vinyl down and though my legs got freed I was too groggy to fight. Drugged to be totally helpless I watched in hateful bliss how the young man licked my hard cock and closed his eyes with joy. He moaned, his mouth vibrating around my cock, sending dirty pleasure into me. His partner kneaded my shoulders, not willing to interfere with the oral rape. Drugged fumes let my hips raise to meet his lips...or was that just me? I didn´t know and didn´t care anymore. I closed my eyes, too and let him rape me and loved it. I hated myself but it was the hottest blowjob in my life. The climax almost knocked me out as I spurted into his mouth and felt how he lapped everything up. Then a tall, blond woman stepped in front of me. My half closed eyes noticed the curvy figure in a latex catsuit as she kissed the boy and licked my cum from his lips. "Hmmm we keep this one a while?" she asked...and her boyfriend nodded. That was when she took a spray bottle and wet the filter once more, to send me to dreamland again...and I dreamed of two bodies rubbing against me as they made love on my sleeping form.