By Gersheimer
1943: Escaped French pilot rescued by a huge German
woman - his future wife. A war-time romance ' improbable, but true story. Part 2
"Wake up,
sleepyhead, now you really must wake up!" was what Raynal heard next, before
opening his eyes. He was lying on a heap of rugs and carpets on the floor next
to an iron bathtub and Verena was shaking him. She smiled when seeing him awake
and continued: "It#s late afternoon, but Wednesday, not Tuesday. You have slept
over 30 hours continuously! I was scared that you might have died and tried to
wake you up several times, but it wasn#t possible. The tub here is full, you
can wash yourself and then just wrap yourself into one of the blankets there
and call me. Yes, clothing will be a problem ' I don#t have any clothes in the
house apart from mine and my late husbands#, who was the same height as me, and
these would be no use for you-". She smiled at him again and planted a kiss on
his forehead before turning and leaving the bathroom.
was even a mirror and that was where Raynal suffered the greatest shock when he
disrobed. "Truly, a walking skeleton would be rather an understatement", he
reasoned. "I never wanted to wear a moustache but now I wear a full beard"."And
how incredibly dirty I am. How come that this woman didn#t run away from me in
disgust?". He quickly got into the lukewarm water and used up a whole bar of
soap when rubbing it furiously all around his body, including hair. There was
another pot of warm water so when he was finished, he re-filled the tub, flushing
away water almost totally black, and repeated the procedure once more. After
that, he finally felt like a new person. Then he got out, wrapped a bed blanket
lying nearby around him like a Roman toga and called Verena#s name.
opened the door and that#s when Raynal for the first time really experienced
the enormous size difference between him and her ' and more. As both of them
were finally once standing upright barefoot toe to toe, he was basically
looking below her enormous breasts that were almost tearing her dark blue shirt
apart. The shirt was anyway too short, leaving her lower abs visible- these
were flat and visibly hard. Its sleeves were rolled up to her elbows and Raynal
realized that Verena#s muscular forearms are probably thicker than his own
weakened thighs now, not speaking about his bony arms, that were now the
thickest in his elbow joint. "How her upper arms and shoulders must look
like?", he wondered. "Moreover, what an immense strength must this body
contain?". Even her hands seemed to be at least twice as big as his, the same
with her shapely feet that Raynal, son of a shoemaker from the little French
town of Pontarlier in the Jura mountains, estimated easily over size 55. On her legs she wore brown trousers '
probably out of a foresters# uniform - that were, strangely, perfectly sized.
took his hand gently in hers and let him to a dinner table. There was a pot of
hot herb tea, glass of honey, bread and another pot full of steaming hot soup.
"Take your time, Jean ' can I call you that way? Don#t eat too hastily, it
might even kill you. Use all of the honey if you want, it is the best for
people left long hungry. Only then I would like to hear your story and we will
find out how possibly I could help you".
While he sat at the table on a normal-size chair, Verena sat next to him
on the hardwood floor and, incredibly, their eyes were almost at the same
level. She looked at him encouragingly.
followed her advice and took a long time between bites of bread and spoons of
soup, describing his life since childhood through secondary school in
Pontarlier after which he entered the armed forces and started attending pilot#
schools. Then the eight months of "Phoney war" in 1939 and 1940 and then the
degrading Blitzkrieg conquest of France in May and June 1940 when Raynal shot
down four German bombers during the first week of the offensive, but then was
downed himself and didn#t manage it back to the right side of the fast-moving
frontline. And then his miserable life in POW camps and the last escape itself,
with his hopes to make it to neutral Switzerland and then perhaps to continue
fighting for France again.
listened carefully and after a long period of silence she softly spoke: "You
are really an extraordinary man. I would be happy to help you. You are lucky,
because I am originally a miller#s daughter from L#rrach in Baden, and that
place is just across the Swiss border near Basel. I know every tree and stone
there from my childhood and I will be travelling there anyway in the upcoming
Christmas time, to see my parents. I hope to be able to find a way how to get
you there with me ' there are harsh police controls on every train and in every
major town now, and you haven#t got any personal papers.
Once you get there, it will be as easy as a
promenade ' from my father#s mill you see a steep hill some five kilometers
away, topped by a radio mast. The border runs across it, the mast is on Swiss soil
and there are some barracks below, and from there you will see the free town of
Basel, further five kilometers away."
will tell you more about me soon, but now I have to go feed my little twins, I
hear them crying already", said Verena before rising and walking into adjacent
room from where actually some baby#s crying could be heard. "What?!?" thought
Raynal. "This incredible woman has two little babies and still she is ready to
help an unknown enemy soldier in flight while she must know that the Nazis
regularly punish such a help with death penalty?!?" "No, I can#t do that. I will
leave this place yet tonight". He stood up, following Verena to the other room
to tell her about his resolution.
serene picture that awaited him sent him almost to his knees. Verena was
sitting at the edge of a large bed, and two baby girls, maybe a little over one
year old, were sucking simultaneously at her bare breasts that looked bigger
than his own head. The shirt was away and he saw now also Verena#s wide and
muscular shoulders and arms. Apart from that though, she looked like a Madonna
with her angelic face and long wavy hair.
the bed he saw some photos. There was a bearded man of the same height as
Verena in foresters#uniform, while all the other guests were at least a head
smaller. Then there were a few photos of the two newlyweds alone, then of Verena being pregnant and then one of the husband in German
military uniform.
smiled: "Meet Frederika and Johanna ' aren#t they beautiful?" "They are all
that remained when three months ago I received a note that Hubert, my husband,
has been killed in Russia. That#s him" she said, pointing at one of the
photographs, with glint in her eyes.
am just an ordinary girl, as you can see", continued Verena with an ironic
smile. "Only I was always a bit big and strong ' sixty centimeters at birth,
150 at six, two meters at thirteen and 220 at the wedding. I think I still
continue growing a little bit, but I don#t care. After school at fourteen I
started to help in my father#s mill ' I was already the strongest one in the
family ' but then a nice change came in the summer of #37, when I was sixteen.
circus came to L#rrach and my friends tricked me into challenging the circus
strongman. He seemed to take it a little too easy ' even though I had never
wrestled before, I had him pinned to the ground in twenty seconds. Then he
demanded a rematch, in front of all the audience, and this time he fought very
dirty. I understood him later ' his job was at stake. But I grew angry then and
pinned him again, breaking both of his collarbones. And then, on the spot, the
director of the circus offered me to assume the strongman#s post. I was
enthusiastic and even though my parents weren#t quite happy with this, they
finally agreed.
I spent two and a half seasons with the circus. Its people were nice at me, I
liked it a lot. They made me somehow their biggest attraction, I even earned a
nice pack of money. We were travelling mostly through Alsace and southern
France ' that#s where I learned a bit of French. A week before the war broke in
#39, we had fortunately just crossed the border to Switzerland and thus,
everyone of the all-nation circus crew was able to return home after the
season, but my circus career was over. Next year, some people put me together
with Hubert - a sixth or seventh generation of an old family of Black Forest foresters, and, most importantly, a man of the
same height as me. He was quite nice and I grew into liking him ' however, some
time later, he seemed not to take it well when he found out that I was, in
fact, a lot stronger then him-
least, the wedding was a great spectacle. There was a lot of high-ranking
guests, photographers, journalists and so on, one even from America. We were
some kind of local celebrities then ' the tallest man and woman of Germany -
but the interest of totally strange people steadily became unpleasant. However,
people soon forgot about us. It was in summer of #40, as the war was in a lull.
Hubert was exempted from military service at that time and we led a happy life,
despite the circumstances".
in the forest, away from people and their curious looks, seemed fine. However,
all changed last year in spring. Half a year after I got pregnant, Hubert was
drafted - after first defeats in Russia there was a need for new soldiers. He
had never seen our babies and only four months later I received notice of his
demise. I didn#t believe and thought that he might finish in captivity and
appear suddenly after the war, but then his friend who was with him confirmed
that he saw Hubert shot and helped burying his body..."
"I decided to assume his job so that I wasn#t
forced to leave the secluded life. It wasn#t easy to persuade the Forest
Service heads that I can do it, but there were no other candidates for the post
anyway ' everyone was in the army. I took on Hubert#s uniform and his tasks, as
feeding the game and maintaining the trails. When the babies were born, my
mother-in-law at first came to live with me to help me with the babies, but
some weeks ago, her husband, also an active forester on the opposite side of
the mountains, fell ill and she had to return home to care for him". Verena
slowly finished feeding and put the toddlers one by one back to the crib,
caressing their heads.
you are crazy", said Raynal finally. "Amazing, intelligent, beautiful, tender
and desirable, but crazy. What you are doing is a suicide, not only for you but
also for your babies. You must know that
any aid to enemy soldiers is punished with death in present Germany. Think of
your babies and let me leave".
no, how ever can I let go away such a nice flattering little man?", said Verena
smiling. Then, in a more serious tone, she continued:
"You would freeze the next day in the present weather ' there are now
snowstorms outside, at minus eight to ten. And you needn#t be afraid about me,
I am not alone ' people from the Black Forest always helped each other."
wasn#t convinced, but decided not to contradict her now. Verena also went to
eat supper and then she motioned him to the bed "Now you can sleep with me, if
you are not scared of me-", she said and started to disrobe. Her body, despite
its size, would pass at any beauty contest should there be one in the wartime.
She was in fact slim, with flat and hard tummy, her shoulders wide and capped
with muscles and veins, and her breasts were more than proportionate to her
enormous stature, with one inch nipples rising from big brown aureolas.
was excited, but in a different way than might be expected. After all, he
had spent over three years in POW camps
without seeing a woman at all. But he was also exhausted and starved half to
death and wasn#t sure what his body would be capable of in its present state.
However, he was resolute at least to repay somehow Verena#s kindness to him.
started with a hand and foot massage that itself seemed to bring the big woman
close to the edge of an orgasm. She then started kissing him vigorously and
guided his hands to her big boobs. He caressed them for a long time and then,
amazingly, his membrum virile started to come to life too. She took notice of
this and guided it to her private areas. In that position, his head was
directly between her boobs, which he kept kissing and licking. His member was
already pulsating and in a short while he was close to cum.
where the world suddenly blackened for him. Next feeling was being shaken
vigorously and Raynal opened his eyes. "Don#t you ever do that again!" "I mean,
passing out in my loving embrace" said Verena with tears in her eyes. "I was
really scared about you!" "Take notice, please, of my
exhausted state", defended Raynal himself. "Yes, I know, I was only joking.
Anyway, I enjoy the French art of loving more and more every second!", said
Verena. "Speaking of which, I surely should present you more, ma belle-" smiled
Raynal, before moving his mouth to Verena#s lower orifices and starting to work
with his tongue, driving her to yet many peaks that night. ----
Verena fell soundly asleep and Raynal sat on the edge of the bed and assessed
the situation. He was terribly torn between his heart and reason. "What an
amazing experience, after the years in captivity and after freezing on flight!"
"Did I really make an impression on her too?" "If only the cursed war didn#t
make my presence so threatening for her!" "Am I really starting to love her?"
Those were the ideas running through his mind. Then reason kicked in and he
stood up. "No, it#s all impossible. I cannot put her through the risk for her
life and life of her children". "Even if I freeze to death yet tomorrow, it would
be better than if she is exposed and executed". He paid a last look at the
beautiful babies in the crib as well as at Verena#s sleeping face and snuck
through the bedroom door.
cuckoo clock on the wall showed three a.m. and in an
almost complete darkness Raynal put on his "toga" and began looking for
possible other pieces of clothing. His own clothes were not to be found. Apart
from the forester#s uniform there were two extra long overcoats and Raynal took
on one of them, mumbling excuses to Verena. On his small body it was
ridiculously big, sleeves over
a few minutes he felt as ready to continue his flight as he might possibly ever
be. He opened the entrance door and the severity of the storm hit him. However,
he closed the door after him and started walking in unknown direction.
Visibility was low, less than two metres, and his legs and especially feet
started to freeze almost immediately.
walking about three kilometers in knee-deep snow between trees he stopped for a
moment. He contemplated about returning on his own tracks to the forestry
house, but decided not to. "May you live a happy life, Verena, good bye!". He
crossed a creek that soaked his overcoat with icy water and moved on. It wasn#t
long, however, before he stopped feeling his legs at all and leaned on a tree
nearby. "O.K, the end is coming, sooner than I thought",
he mused and started to recite some prayers. Heavy whistling of wind ringed in
his ears and he started to cough.
when his whole body shot suddenly upwards and fell back, into something soft,
remaining in horizontal position. He tried to focus his eyes and saw Verena#s
face, stern looking. "You can escape the Wehrmacht, you can escape the Gestapo,
but you cannot escape the mighty Verena!", she said in a seemingly stern voice,
but then she laughed wildly and her voice softened. "You are crazy, not me. You
would die in an hour, if I didn#t wake up and follow your tracks". She kissed
him, put him over her shoulder and walked back home.
am deeply moved that you wanted to protect me even at the cost of your life.
But still, it is not necessary at all. I can promise you that everything will
go well and you will be in Switzerland by the Christmas", said Verena when they
got there. "I would need some help from you in the meantime, there will be some
interesting events in this house. However, if you keep doing what I tell you to
do, the risk for both of us will be actually minimal". Raynal unfroze by that
time and decided to play along and enjoy whatever the future may bring. "Thank
you, Verena. I will do what you say, I swear". She threw him high above and
caught him in midair, kissing him again and again.
next two days Raynal spent inside the house basically as a babysitter of
Frederika and Johanna, trying to eat and rest as much as possible while Verena
was doing her usual job outside. On the second evening she brought him a basic
set of men#s clothes and fitting boots. "You see, the people from the Black
Forest Brotherhood support each other in need", she said cryptically.
that evening when they went to bed and prepared for another love session,
Raynal asked Verena what she would need from him in the meantime. "You know, in
a few days comes December, the start of the hunting season. There will be only
one hunt in my forest precinct (Revier), the second Sunday in December, but
this year there will be important guests, including the highest-ranking one",
she sneered.
confused face spoke for itself, so Verena explained in an ironic voice: "I
mean, we are to be blessed by the presence of the Supreme Forester of the Third
Reich, who will attend the hunt himself with his entourage. And I will be
cursed with tending to their needs, including cooking the whole dinner for them
at the end of the hunt. That#s where I could use your help, among other-"
Supreme Forester of the Reich? Who is it?" asked Raynal. "You are an airman and
he is too ' in fact the highest ranking airman in Germany, you thus should know
him", replied Verena, still sneering. "No, Verena, be serious, what is his
name?" She took a while before responding: "You didn#t figure out yet, Jean?
Reichsmarschall Herrmann G#ring himself-".