The traffic stop by amber was driving towards her suburban home in seattle, with tears inher eyes. it was mid-september, and on this beautiful autumn day, shewished that she had never been born. for the ninth time that year,her date had ended in disaster. by now, a routine had beenestablished. about once a month, she would go out on a date with ahandsome guy, only for it to end in disaster. at 29, she was startingto panic with regards to ever finding a husband. there was nothingwrong with her, and that is what made her feel that life was veryunfair. if anything, she was gorgeous : long jet-black hair, largebrown eyes, skin as smooth as silk, straight nose, perfect teeth, fulllips, high cheekbones, full breasts, long graceful legs and arms, fullbuttocks. there was only one problem : she was 6' 8", and weighed250 pounds. she was on the voluptuous side, but only in a good way.there wasn't an ounce of extra fat anywhere on her body; in fact, allthe fat on her body happened to be in the right and necessary places. on her online dating profile, it stated that she was an artist, whohad gone to college at stanford. she always included pictures ofherself, and filled out every profile detail except for her height.her inbox was always full of messages from guys. after chatting withthem online for a long time, guys would always ask to see her inperson, and she would always relent, only to have the guys bolt awaywhen they saw her in person on the night of their first date. and itwas always the same excuse : she was gorgeous, brilliant, kind, etc,it was just that she was too tall, and they would be the laughingstock of the whole town if they were seen together. besides, theyalways criticized her, asking why she had to wear four-inch heels attower at 7 feet when she was already that tall ?! amber couldn't helpit though. she loved wearing heels !! lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize she was going 20 miles fasterthan the posted speed limit as she raced towards her house. theofficer on the motorcycle hiding behind the huge billboard advertisinga planned community clocked her at 60 miles per hour in a 40 mile perhour zone, turned on his siren and started to follow her car. amberfinally snapped out of her trance, and cursed under her lips as sherealized that she had been clocked going over the speed limit. sheangrily pulled over to the side of the road. looking in the rear viewmirror, she saw the officer pull his motorcycle to the side of theroad as well, get off of it, and walk towards her. what she noticedfirst was how small he was. and indeed, john johnson was a very small man, and that is why he haddecided to become a cop. he had tried to compensate for his lack ofsize by becoming an authority figure. standing at 5' 2" tall, andweighing in at 110 pounds, he had always been smaller than everyonehad had remembered. with short brown hair, blue eyes, and typicalcaucasian features, he was as nondescript as a smile white male couldbe. his dates had also always ended in disaster, and he had grown toresent women. as he approached amber's car with his helmet andsun-glasses still on, he tired to act as stern and authoritarian aspossible : "good afternoon ma'am, do you know why i pulled you over ?"amber tried to answer in her warmest voice : "no officer, i am notsure." john replied: "you were doing 60 in a 40 mile per hour zone"may i see your driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance?" amber reached into the glove-box and her purse, and produced theitems. john johnson looked at them and said : "ma'am i believe thatyour driver's license has expired. i am afraid that i am going tohave to impound your vehicle, and write you a citation for speedingand driving with an expired license !" amber just realized that herlicense had expired last month on her birthday. she replied to the officer : "i am terribly sorry officer. i havebeen going through a lot lately. i would appreciate it if you did notimpound my car. i live right around the corner from here. i promisethat if you let me drive home, i will renew my license right away."the officer replied : "I am sorry ma'am, but i can not do that.please step out of the vehicle !" amber hated hearing that sentence.police only asked criminals and those with outstanding warrants tostep of their cars. at this point, she just stated to cry. onceagain, the officer repeated his order. amber however, was so upset,that she heard the officer, but her brain didn't really registeranything. the policeman once again ordered amber out of the car, andonce again there was no response. finally, the officer said : "ma'ami am going to ask you one last time, to step out of the vehicle. ifyou do not obey my orders, i am going to have to force you out !!"once again, amber's brain did not register anything. at this point,john johnson opened the car door, grabbed onto amber's wrist, andstarted to pull saying : "ma'am step out of the car ! you are underarrest for refusing to follow orders from an officer of the law !!" although amber's brain had had trouble registering the last fewevents, her brain had no problem registering the fact that someone wasnow pulling forcibly on her wrist. john johnson was yanking on herwrist trying to get her out of the car. amber got angry and saiddefiantly : "let go of my wrist ! i haven't done anything wrong !!stop treating me like a criminal !!" but the officer continued topull, and amber refused to budge. in fact, the harder john tried toget her out of the car, the more defiant amber became." finally,john became extremely frustrated and reached for his baton with hisright hand. amber saw this, and alarms went off in her head. johnhad enough time to pull his baton out, but not enough time to swing ather. amber took this opportunity to grab on to his right wrist, andstep out of her car. a struggle ensued, and john proved to be nomatch for amber. amber squeezed john's wrist very tightly, and john'sfingers opened up, and the baton fell out of his hand. enraged, johntried swing at amber's face with his left hand, but amber grabbed ontohis other wrist as well. with his hands trapped, all john could donow was to use his legs. john raised his right knee with all of hisstrength, and drove it into amber's midsection. this caught ambercompletely off guard, and her breath was momentarily knocked out ofher. she didn't lose her grip on his wrists however, and she quicklyregained her senses. extremely angry, she responded by giving him ataste of his own medicine by driving her right knee upwards intojohn's midsection as well, not once or twice, but three times in quicksuccession. due to their extreme size differential, john's puny bodywas in no position to take that kind of pounding from amber's body.not only was john's breath knocked completely out of him after thefirst two hits, but the third hit caused him to black out, and slumponto the ground. amber finally snapped out of it and said : "oh my god !! what have itdone ?!" she quickly looked around her, and saw that the road wasempty. being from this area, she knew that no one had seen them, asthe area was very sparsely populated. she knew however that she hadto act quickly, as sooner or later someone was going to pass by. notwanting to go to prison for assaulting an officer of the law, her mindonce again went into survival mode. she quickly popped open the trunkof her car, effortlessly lifted john's body off the ground, and placedit gently inside the trunk, and closed the lid to the trunk. next,she went to his motorcycle that was on the side of the road, andpushed it into the adjacent field that was covered with densevegetation. walking back to the side of the road, she looked back andsaw that the motorcycle was not visible. next, she quickly got intoher car and started to drive home. she had made a mental note thatthe officer's motorcycle did not have a mounted camera, so that theirscuffle had not been recorded. she approached her home in about fiveminutes, pushed the button on her garage door opener, and drove intoher garage, with the garage door closing behind her. next, shequickly got out of her car, popped open the trunk, and saw that johnwas still out. she easily lifted him out of her trunk, and carriedhim inside her house, and to her bedroom, and placed him on her, she closed the door behind her, and also closed the, she went to her chest of drawers, and pulled out four of herlongest silk stockings. next, she removed john's leather belt, hisgun, badge, and his uniform from his body, until he was down to hissocks, a white cotton t-shirt, and a white pair of cotton boxerbriefs. she also removed his socks and t-shirt, until he only had hisboxer-briefs on. next, she placed john's body right in the middle of herbed, and spread out his arms and legs. next she proceeded to tiejohn's arms and legs securely to the bedposts, so that he ended upspreadeagled. next, she changed her clothing into something morecomfortable, and at long last sighed in relief, collapsed onto herbedroom floor, and waited for the officer to come to. this also gaveher a chance to review everything that had happened. amber started to cry uncontrollably, cursing her bad luck. now shehad this to worry about. why did life have to be so unfair ? whatwas she going to do now ? after crying for about fifteen minutes, shefinally got a hold of herself, and said to herself that she had to getthrough this one day at a time. she went into the bathroom andsplashed some water on her face. next, she took a few deep breaths,and went back to her bedroom, and waited for john to come to. afteranother 10 minutes, john started to move, and finally opened his eyes.he tried to shake off the cobwebs from his brain, as his head wasspinning. after a few minutes he finally regained his senses. hetried to move his arms and legs, but realized that he couldn't. next,he tried to survey his surroundings, and finally saw amber's gorgeousface looking down curiously into his eyes from very high up in hisfield of vision. he finally said : "w-what's going on here ? wheream i ? why can't i move my arms and legs ?" amber replied : "helloofficer johnson. this is amber. you are in my bedroom, and you can'tmove because your arms and legs are tied to the bedposts of my bedwith my silk stockings ! in our struggle, you blacked out after idrove my knee into your abdomen the third time !" hearing this from a woman made john feel completely emasculated. hisface turned red with rage and he said : "are you out of your mind youcrazy bitch ?! i am an officer of the law !! do you know what thepenalty is for assaulting and kidnapping me ?! i order you to let mego !! in fact not only am i ordering you, but i also demand it !!"amber hated being called a bitch. in fact, she had been called a 'bigbitch' many times in her life by mean boys and men, and she hatedhearing that word. she replied : "listen darling ! i hate beingcalled a bitch ! in fact no lady likes to be called one, butespecially me !! and yes i know what the penalty for assaulting andkidnapping an officer is. they lock you up and throw away the fact, that is why you are here in the first place: i don't want togo to prison. furthermore, you are not in a position to order me ordemand anything. it seems to me that you need some time to cool off.and i know just how to solve that problem !!" and with that amberwent to her chest of drawers, and pulled out another one of her silkstockings. next she took off her panties, formed it into a ball, andshoved it into john's mouth, and wrapped her stocking around his mouthand head, gagging him firmly in the process. she taunted him by saying : "without your baton, gun and uniform, youdon't look so tough now, do you little man ? i suggest you try andcool off, and think about what you have done wrong today. i alsohighly suggest that you never call me a big bitch again !!" hearingthis made john's ears burn !! he started to struggle to get free, andtried to scream, but his cries were muffled by the gag. this processwent on for a little longer, but soon john realized that it was futileto try and struggle anymore. all he could do now was to wait untilshe untied him. in the meantime, with her panties balled up in hismouth, he was starting to taste her femininity. her taste wasstarting to get him aroused despite the rage that he felt, and thisonly added to his sense of shame. finally he stopped struggling outof exhaustion after about an hour. but now he was having anotherproblem. he had to go to the bathroom. he tried to let amber know bytrying to talk, but the gag made him sound inaudible. amber notedthis as well, and sensed that this time there was something differentabout the sounds that were coming from him. she looked down into hiseyes and said : "ok john, i can tell that there is something urgentthat you are trying to tell me, but before i ungag you, you have topromise that you won't try and do anything stupid. nod if you agree."john desperately nodded, and amber removed his gag. john finallysaid : "please ! i need to go to the bathroom i can't hold it muchlonger !" amber slowly and reluctantly untied him, and john boltedinto her bathroom, and emptied his bladder. he washed his hand andface, and came out of her bathroom. while he had been in the bathroom, amber had hidden his gun, badge,baton and uniform, and she had gone to her bedroom door, locked itfrom the inside, and hidden that key as well. when john madeeye-contact with her, she was now standing in front of the door, withher arms on her hips. john wasn't sure what to do now. after theirprevious scuffle, he was reluctant to fight her again, but his ego hadbeen severely bruised as well. amber sensed this as well and she said: "don't even think about it darling, you wouldn't stand a chance !!"after a little thinking john replied : "you know they are going tocome and look for me sooner or later !" amber replied : "i knowdarling, but i can't think about that now." and in fact, amber didn'twant to think too far ahead. her biggest problem now was, what wasshe going to do next ? given it was a friday, amber knew that she had the weekend to thinkthings through. for the time being, she decided to take the path ofleast resistance. she slowly walked towards john and he instinctivelybacked away from her. once he was backed up against her bed, shelooked down into his eyes and said : "well darling, guess what ? youknow how you cops love to take people to jail and lock them up ?well, you are about to experience a role-reversal. you are going tobe a prisoner in my bedroom for at least the weekend !! beyond that,i honestly don't know what to tell you. at least not yet, because ofi haven't decided." upon hearing this, john got this queasy feeling inhis gut. he panicked, and bolted for the door. amber made no effortto catch him. john started to desperately pull on the door knob andturn it, but nothing happened. next he tried to break the door downby kicking into it, or ramming his body into it, but again, nothing.amber started to giggle and teased him, saying : "go ahead and tryyou best little man, you are not going anywhere !" after a few more futile attempts, john gave up trying. in themeantime, amber had grabbed two of her silk stockings again. shestarted walking slowly towards john. john was too afraid to ask whatshe was going to do with him next. once amber was standing at thedoor also, she looked down into his eyes and said : "ok little man,turn around, and put your hands on the door. i highly suggest thatyou make things easy on yourself and cooperate. the more you struggleand resist, the more you are going to be punished." gripped withfear, john did as he was told. amber took one of her very long silkstockings, and started to wrap it around johns legs, starting at hisankles, and working her way up all the way to his knees. she tied thefree ends together, and turned him around. next, she placed her handsunder his armpits, effortlessly lifted him up, and threw him over hershoulder, carried him to her bed, and dumped him on it, his bodybouncing up several times. she ordered him to back up against on ofthe bedposts, and she wrapped the other stocking around his waist andthe post, tying the ends together behind him. amber looked down into john's eyes and burst out laughing. she teasedhim and said : "well, john, it seems like we are going to spend theweekend together. but don't worry, as long as you behave, and promiseto be a good little man, nothing bad will happen to you." turning redwith embarrassment, all john could do now was to look dejectedly atthe ground, and await his fate at the hands on this gorgeous amazon. at this point, amber decided to probe john's mind a little, and teasehim at the same time. she sat down at the opposite end of her bedfrom john and said : "darling, how tall are you and how much do youweigh ?" john hesitated at first, by finally said : "i - i'm 5' 2"and i weigh 110 pounds. " amber started to giggle, and asked at the sametime : "don't you think you are too small for being a cop ?! however did you get past their screening procedures ?" amber continuedto tease him, she said : "i know what you were thinking. you triedto compensate for you lack of size and strength by becoming a cop,thinking that a gun, a baton, a pair of handcuffs, and a shiny badgewould make up for your shortcomings as a man !! but i sure proved youwrong didn't i ?!" hearing this almost brought john to tears. butamber still wasn't done. she continued to taunt him : "darling, areyou a ladies man ? did becoming a cop help you in that department ?when was the last time you were out on a date ?" although john hadbeen able to take it up until now, amber's final verbal salvo reallybruised his ego and sense of manhood. he finally blurted out : "shutthe fuck up you big fat cow !! i am not the problem. you bitches are!! it is you feminists who have turned society on its heads, and arethe source of all of its problems. if you knew that your place was inthe kitchen, and serving a man and his needs, the world wouldn't bethe shit hole that it has become !!" john wasn't quite finished yet. he continued : "and speaking ofdates, why would anyone want to go out with an amazon like you ? andwhy on god's earth do you wear heels ? aren't you tall enough ? "john's final verbal attack was the straw that broke the camel's back,as he had managed to find the very sore spot in her heart. amberstarted to sob and cry uncontrollably for the next 30 minutes. shereplied by saying : "can i help it if i am 6' 8" and 250 pounds ?there is not an extra ounce of fat in my body. why do you men haveto be so insecure around a taller woman ?! and why do i wear heals ?because they accentuate my greatest attribute : my legs ! did youknow that i have been on a date every month this year since januarywith guys who love my profile online, and beg me to go out with them,only to have them bolt away when they see me in person ? did you knowthat the last good date i was on was 7 years ago , when i was 22 andin college ? i am 29 now, and still single ! all because of youbastards and your eggshell egos " as amber continued to cry , john replied : "lady, life hasn't been acakewalk for me either ! how do you think it feels to go through lifebeing shorter and smaller than everyone, even all the girls ?! you're29 ? so am i ! and when was the last time i was on a good date ?never ?! " in an odd way, this outpouring of anger and extremelypersonal feelings and frustrations about life served as a catharsisfor both of them. although they were extremely angry at one-another,they also seemed to share some common ground, oddly enough. theyboth also sensed that some of all the pent-up tension that had builtin them over the years, had been released. furthermore, 30 minutes ofamber's crying was also starting to have its effect on john. what wasit about a woman's crying that was so disarming to a man ? finallyjohn relented a little and said : "look amber, maybe i didn't reallymean all those hurtful things that i said. maybe there is somebodyout there for you. you just have to get lucky and find that person."hearing this from john completely surprised amber. it softened herheart a little and she said : "and i am sorry about the hurtfulthings that i said as well. nothing personal" now that some of the emotional tension had left her, amber decided to relax a little. she had developed the habit of always stripping down to just her panties in her home, as she usually kept all the blinds and curtains closed. she proceeded to take off all of her clothes, until she was down to just her underwear. next, she grabbed some red nail-polish and sat on her bed, and proceeded to polish her toe-nails. this went on for a little while, and john found this a little awkward. amber almost ignored him completely, humming a song to herself, and occasionally looking up at john. when they made eye-contact, john felt somewhat uncomfortable, and all he could do was to shyly look away. amber finally said : "oh don't mind me john, i always strip down to my panties in my bedroom. you don't mind darling, do you ?" all john could do was to nervously shake his head and look down at the ground. finally, amber was done with her nails. she stretched out her magnificent legs to their full length on her bed, until her feet could almost touch john's body. she looked into his eyes and asked him if he could do her a favor. john said : "s-sure. w-what did you have in mind ?" amber wiggled her toes and replied : "be a darling and blow on my toes, it will help the polish dry faster !" john's face turned red, but he started to hesitantly and shyly do as he was told. john started to blow, and amber would occasionally giggle at his predicament. when john was done, amber thanked him and started to read a magazine. she kept her legs stretched out in front of her the entire time, and she would occasionally look up at john. john meanwhile, tried his best not to get distracted, but he would occasionally check out amber's legs and breasts. this did not escape amber's attention, and after about the sixth time she looked into his eyes and said : "darling, how would you describe my body ? particularly my legs and breasts ?" after some hesitation, john replied : "th-they're magnificent !" heather was genuinely flattered, and she cupped his face with her feet and said : "oh johnny ! that is the nicest compliment someone has given me in a very long time ! i want you to do something else for me now. i want you to kiss my toes, and also suck on them !" john was speechless, and he just stared into amber's eyes. when nothing happened, amber continued : "remember that you are my prisoner darling ! you might want to consider doing it, and you might just be surprised and like it !" and with that, she wiggled her toes in his face. john's resistance melted, and he started to gently kiss the toes of her right feet, and then her left feet. he next moved to gently sucking on them, gradually increasing the pace. amber loved the feeling, and she started to slowly moan to herself. this continued for a little while, until amber told him to finally stop. she untied his hands from the bedpost and said : "ok johnny, now you are going to kiss the rest of my lower body, starting at my feet, and working your way upwards until i tell you to stop. john did as he was told, starting at the arch of her feet, working his way up her calves, hamstrings, thighs, and finally buttocks, first on her right leg, and then her left leg. this process on and on and on, and amber loved every minute of it. it had been so long that a man had been intimate with her. john eventually worked his way up to her upper body. when he finally got to her breasts, amber stopped him and said : "not yet darling. i have something very special in mind for this part !" she produced a jar of 'body chocolate' from a drawer and said : "this is a jar of body chocolate ! i am going to spread it over my breasts, and you are going to suck it off of them !" and with that, amber spread the chocolate all over her magnificently large breasts, particularly over her nipples, and he guided john's mouth to them. john needed no further instructions, and started to eagerly suck on her marvelous breasts, particularly her large nipples. heather started to moan once again, slowly at first, and then louder and louder. after a long while she said : "oh my GOD !! i'm burning up !! i want your face between my legs !" and she proceeded to take off her panties, and guide john's head the space between her thighs. lying on her back and looking up at the ceiling, john ended up on his stomach, with his head held securely against her vagina by the awesome power of her legs. she instructed him to lick her vaginal lips, clitoris, and finally her vagina itself, slowly at first, and then faster and faster. the smell, musk and taste of her vagina and its fluids overwhelmed john, but he continued to faithfully serve his master for a very very long time. heather started to moan once again, slowly at first, but then faster and faster and louder and louder, as her body was brought to the verge, until she finally exploded in a crushing orgasm, first once, and then another time and another time and another time. heather's powerful thighs constricted themselves around john's head multiple times, and john felt as if his skull was going to shatter. john serviced heather orally until she was could no longer orgasm, which proved to be a very very very long time. amber needed a very long time to regain her senses, and so did john, as he had been assaulted by her vaginal secretions so many times. once amber was back on earth, she untied john's arms from the bedpost, freed his legs as well, and cradle-carried him into her shower stall. she laughed out load when she saw that his face was completely covered in her sticky juices. she turned on the water, and the hot water hit both their bodies, and they proceeded to wash each-other on amber's instructions. john marveled at the size of amber's body, and amber giggled at how small john was. when she washed his genitals, she was surprised to find out that john was relatively well endowed, and this pleased her. since john couldn't reach up very high to wash her upper body, amber picked john up and told him to wrap his legs around her body, and wash her upper body. john felt like a little baby that way, but he also found it strangely arousing, as he eagerly washed her body. when at long last they were done, they stepped out of the shower stall, and stood naked in front of her full-length mirror. amber said : "well johnny here we are : a 29 year old man and 29 year old women, standing side by side, with my 6' 8" and 250 pounds body versus your 5' 2" and 110 pounds ! what where you thinking when you tried to attack me ?" all john could do was to look down at the ground in shame and stay silent. at this point, john and amber dried their bodies. john put his underwear back on, and amber put on her panties. she took his hand in hers, guided him to the kitchen, and asked him if he wanted to have something to eat. john replied that he wasn't hungry. amber burst out laughing and said : "i guess you've already had your meal for the day !! how about some coffee ?" john replied that he would like some. amber had some chicken herself, and she poured john some coffee. john drank his coffee, and tried his best to clear his senses, but amber knew that he was going to remember the smell and taste of her body for quite a long time. when they retired back to her bedroom, amber removed her panties, and tied john's hands and arms together around her right leg and behind his body with one of her silk stockings. she went to bed with him, and john spent the night either pleasuring her either vaginally or anally, and once again, amber proved to be capable of having orgasms with seemingly endless pleasure and power. when the sun finally came up over the horizon on saturday, john had spend his first day and night as amber's prisoner. he could only wonder what else was in store for him from this day onwards. in the morning, after amber was fully awake and had regained her senses, she freed john from his bondage. she took the silk stockings, and threw john over her shoulder, and carried him to the gym in her home, and closed the door behind her. she carried john to a stationary exercise bike, and placed him on it, so that his head ended up on the seat of the bike that was very large and comfortable, and his body on the lower part of the bike. she proceeded to tie his arms, legs, and chest and abdomen to the body of the bike with the stockings. next, amber took off her panties, and proceeded to get on the bike, and sit on john's head. john said : "oh god no !! m-my skull with crack !!" amber replied : "oh ! don't worry johnny !! the seat is quite large, and will absorb most of my weight" john looked up with a mixture of awe, fear and horror, as amber's formidable rear deck descended lower and lower onto his face, and darkened his view of the world. amber's broad posterior completely sealed off his world, with her massive moons completely surrounding and engulfing his head. her vagina formed an air-tight seal on his mouth and nose. as she started to pedal away, and rock back and forth on his head, her vagina started to get moist, and filled his world with the smell and taste of her femininity. soon amber was sweating heavily and moaning and gasping in earnest, and she was on the verge. at long last, she exploded, and her ample fluids assaulted his nose and mouth, as they worked they way down her cavity, to her lips, to his lips, into his mouth and down his throat. some of the fluid also made in into his nasal cavity. john coughed and gagged, as he had no choice but to swallow her vaginal offerings. she ignored his muffled cries and screams as she continued to grind away on his face, her mind being completely in another universe. in reality, she had completely forgotten that there was a human being in captivity under her. when at long long last she regained her senses, she remembered about john, and she reluctantly raised her impressive back side to temporarily release him from his vaginal prison. john desperately gasped and gulped in the precious air that was needed to keep him conscious. when she was sure that john had sufficiently recovered, she looked into his eyes and said that she expected him to service her vagina and anus orally from now on, or else she would simply not allow him any more air. amber once again lowered her formidable feminine weaponry, and started the process all over again. this time, around half-way through, she moved her butt so that her anus formed a tight seal with his nose, in addition to her vagina forming a tight seal on her mouth. she warned him that she was going to release the air from her bowels, and with that, she started to gradually release all the air in her colon, and it had nowhere to go back into john's nose, and down his windpipe and lungs. to john, it seemed like amber was riding his face into eternity itself, as his world had become completely dark due to amber's lower anatomy, and all he could sense was this gorgeous amazon herself. as amber continued to ride away into the final frontier, she lost count as to how many orgasms she had, but it was by far the most she had ever had in succession. and john's soaked hair, face, neck, and upper body, and the floor beneath the bike were a testament to that. on her last ride on john's face, amber once again made sure that her vagina made an air-tight seal on his nose and mouth. this time, she warned him that she was about the release the contents of her bladder, and that he should brace himself. and with that, a slow trickle of urine entered john's mouth, followed by a steady stream, and eventually a torrent. john leaned the hard way about amber's bladder capacity, as he struggled to keep up with her. at long long last, amber was done. by now, john's entire world had become amber. his sense of smell, taste, and the contents of his stomach were a testament to that. in fact, if someone had entered the gym at that moment, all they would have smelled would have been amber herself, with the smell from her sweat, and vaginal secretions and urine filling up every corner of the room. after a while, amber got off the bicycle, and took in her surroundings. she started to laugh out load hysterically as she saw john's upper body and face covered with her bodily secretions. it was almost as if she had branded him as her property. once she was done laughing, she proceeded to untie him. she giggled as she taunted him and said : "gee little man ! i'm sorry, i guess i don't know the power of my own body !" next, she instructed him to fetch some cleaning material and towels, and clean up the mess. she also told him to meet her in the shower when he was done. john did as he was told, quickly cleaning up the mess, and meeting her in the shower. once again, they washed each other as the hot water hit their bodies, and cleaned up amber's markings from john's hair, face, and upper body. once again, they dried off their bodies, and john put on his underwear, and amber put on her panties. after brushing their mouths, she took john's hand in hers, and took him to her kitchen, and they proceeded to have breakfast. she asked john what he wanted for breakfast, and he once again said that he only needed some coffee. amber laughed out load, as she teased him by saying that she could understand why he wasn't that hungry, after their earlier encounter. amber however, had worked up quite an appetite, and she ate voraciously. after breakfast, they once again retreated to amber's bedroom, where john spent the remainder of saturday pleasuring amber. amber's gasps, moans, and screams shook her entire room, and john descended further and further into her universe. he lost more and more of his self-concept as he pleasured her, bringing her to the verge countless times. this time, amber saw no need in immobilizing john with her stockings, as he no longer showed any initiative or desire for escaping. it had been so so long since either had been with a member of the opposite sex. throughout saturday, amber proved to john numerous times how she was his new master, as she continued to overpower him physically, sexually, and psychologically. throughout that day and night, john continued to experience a mixture of fear, pleasure, shock, disorientation, humiliation and ecstasy, as amber served as the source of both his pleasure and pain, as she continued to deprogram his mind and sense of self, and reprogram it as she saw fit, as only a woman is capable of !! finally, at long last, sunday morning arrived. on sunday moring, amber and john went to the kitchen in the nude. amber told john that he was to pleasure her while she had her breakfast. after making breakfast, amber sat down with her legs wide open, and guided john's face to the space between her legs. john started to lap away while amber enjoyed her morning meal. soon she was gasping and moaning, as john continued to pleasure her. john struggled to keep up with amber's generous vaginal offerings, as she reached orgasm after orgasm. to encourage john to keep up with her, amber would occasionally take the tip of his penis between her large toe and second toe and squeeze it gently. with amber's patient coaching, john learned to pace himself, and eventually a harmonious pace was established between them. after a long long time, amber decided that she needed to be stimulated anally as well, and she ordered john to place his head on the seat of her chair. soon, john's found himself licking and sucking amber's anus, and sure enough, amber was once again moaning and gasping loudly, and on the verge once more. amber lost count as to how many more orgasms she had, courtesy of her obedient stimulator. at long long last she gasped out : "oh God !! this had been an out-of-this-world experience for me !! and all the while, i don't even know which stimulation i have enjoyed more : oral, anal, or vaginal !! i guess the combination and the synergy between them has been the best experience " when finally john was released from his fleshy prison, amber looked down into his face, and teased him by saying : "do you know what i just realized johnny ? since your captivity, all the meals that you have had have been courtesy of my body !! how does that make you feel ?!" and with that, amber roared out in laughter, and all john could do was to feel absolutely pathetic and emasculated, and look away dejectedly in shame. after breakfast, with both of them still completely nude, amber took john's hand in hers, and took him back to her bedroom. she lied down on her bed, and ordered him to message her entire body, starting at her toes, and working his way up to her shoulders and breasts. john obliged, and started to eagerly message amber's magnificent amazonian body. amber loved the feel of his little hands, as he obediently followed her instructions to the letter. this also placed their bodies intimately close, and john's erect penis ended up sandwiched between heather's humongous moons. heather started to tease john by swinging her hips from side to side, and then rotating them clockwise and counter-clockwise. she looked back over her shoulder into john's eyes and warned him that if he lost control, he was going to be severely punished. john meekly replied : "p-please... you are driving me insane !!" but amber ignored his pleas and continued to tease him with her buttocks. finally, at long last, amber relented, and john bolted into the bathroom, and erupted like a geyser. for the remainder of sunday, amber treated john as her personal property, as he was forced to pleasure he in so many different ways that he lost count. by the time monday morning arrived, john was experiencing a complete sense of confusion and disorientation, as amber had managed to completely change his sense of self. his only objective now was to pleasure his new master, and amber was also completely aware of this. that morning, after john had had breakfast and regained his senses, amber told john that he was free to go, and after giving him back his clothes, uniform, badge, gun and handcuffs, she drove him back to where his motorcycle was. amber bid him goodbye, and drove back to her home. john meanwhile got on his motorcycle, and rode back to police headquarters. he told his supervisor that over the weekend, he had made up his mind that being a cop was no longer for him, and he resigned his position. next, as if controlled by an invisible force, he found himself taking a cab back to amber's home. he rung her doorbell, and amber answered. she greeted him with a smile and said : "johnny !! i knew you'd be back !! come on in, come on in !!" and with that she took his hand in hers, and guided him to her bedroom. they sat on her bed and amber asked him why he was back. john said that he wasn't sure, and that he had just quit his job, and he wasn't sure why he had done that either. john went on to explain that he had practically no savings, and that the lease of his apartment was about to expire. amber listened patiently and replied : "oh ! you poor little man ! you have no place to stay ? well, that's ok, you can come and live with me now !" while listening to john, amber had never felt more powerful. in the course of a weekend, she had managed to completely destroy his self-concept and sense of identity, and make him completely dependent on her. now, not only was she going to control him physically, sexually, and psychologically, but he was going to be dependent on her financially as well !! she knew that it was going to be a wonderful year !