Talia Hi everyone, my name is Talia, age 38 and this is a true story about our boxing family, here in Staten Island, N.Y. I was raised in a poor section of Brooklyn in a very Italian house with my 4 brothers. The neighborhood was rough, that's for sure, and I was in a gang from the age of 9, fighting, smoking and drinking by the time I was 12; stealing from the local stores and always and I mean always, fighting with the other gangs. There were black and Puerto Rican gangs in our neighborhood and there was always one gang for the guys and one for us girls. Back then we used our fists, nobody had a gun and the girls at least, never used a knife or anything else. Even the guys, more often than not, simply used their fists. In other words, the good old days. In a short time I became one of the leaders of our gang because I was one of the best fighters. I actually enjoyed overpowering some girl and punching her in the face as many times as I could to do the maximum damage was the goal and that goal was shared by everyone. Oh yes, I have been on the bad end of my share of fights, no doubt, but for the most part I was damn good and usually got the best of the other girls. I had the swagger, always had the hottest guy and most importantly, the respect when I walked down the street as a result of being fearless and good with these fists. Fear = Respect back then!! I beat up some girls REALLY bad; we're talking broken noses, teeth knocked out, I mean brutally beaten. I was 14 when I knocked out my first girl, and I knocked out my first guy -- NO not a gang member that's for sure -- when I was 17. I was that good with my fists and later on in life those fists supported me and my daughters! I knew I was a bad girl, make no mistake about that. I was drinking, smoking cigarettes and pot, screwing way too many guys and heading for big trouble sooner than later. I was expelled several times, my father beat the shit out of me several times since just like my brothers, I was trouble all day and every day but unlike my brothers, I was a girl and he could not handle that too well. I know he got a kick out of all the people I beat the shit out of but he would never admit that being an old style Italian man but I know he liked it. Still he beat the shit out of me, and I am not kidding when I say he beat the shit out of me with his own fists, belts and hangers too. I was just a troubled bad kid. And the "bad" came in the form of getting married at 17 because I was pregnant. I was two months pregnant at my High School graduation. So there I was getting married to Vincent, a guy I did not know that well, a fellow gang member so pretty much a good for nothing, and my life was about to take some turns for the worse. Even before the birth of my first beautiful daughter Vince started using cocaine and was drinking more and more and he "supported" us by selling drugs and stealing. It was a dangerous and horrible situation, especially at the tender age of 17 and being pregnant and virtually alone. Worse than that was his violence which he acted out in the streets on a daily basis but worse on me. I was beaten often and terribly on many occasions for just about anything that popped into his drug/drunk head. Yes, I was definitely a fighter, a damn good one too, and I was tough yes I was and still am a very tough human being but no match for a man who outweighed me by 50 pounds and was a seasoned street fighter, too. How about 8 trips to the Emergency Room; how about countless black eyes, 2 broken ribs ? it was terrifying. Sadly and stupidly, I was raised where the man is always right and my job was to be at his beck and call when he was hungry or sex starved, both of which was constant, I was there servicing him. Three months after my daughter was born Vince was killed driving drunk/drugged, and to this day that was a blessing, not only for me and my daughter but for the entire society!!!!!! Nobody else was hurt thankfully. He was an evil man and a waste of humanity. Being left alone like that was not that bad as both my parents and Vince's parents, who was an only child, came to the rescue. Vince's parents were nice people and helped a lot and were involved as they could be with their granddaughter. My issue was how do I get some extra money immediately to support us. The only thing I knew was to how to fight and I was good at it, too. I heard about an Underground fighting club in Manhattan and went there to check it out. It was a grungy, male dominated, loud and crazy place that just recently started allowing women to participate. The money was OK; they would pay me $250 to start and the owner said there was an opportunity to make many times that via betting. I was in. Since I had no choice, plus being on the other end of Vince's fists for too long, I was eager to fight people my size and release my anger. As it turned out it was a great experience for the most part. We fought bare fisted at first, and the women I fought were not very good at the beginning, mostly fat drunk women who needed some money, so that made it easy for me. The first ten fights I had were all easy knockout victories and even with that the owner told me, "Bring them along a little longer and bloody them" for the paying customers. Again, in the angry mood I was in, that was fine by me. The next fight was against some black lady with a big mouth and I punched the shit out of her like I never did in the streets. In the street you want it to end fast and get out of there. But here I was punching her all over her face (mostly) and some body shots until she looked like a monster; I swear, swollen and beaten -- by far the worst beating I ever gave anyone. Crowd loved it, the money was rolling in fast and all was good and I was a popular and respected fighter. I knew I was good at this plus I liked it a LOT and the money was really becoming significant. I did not feel bad at all that I beat this black chick as badly and for as long as I did. Hearing the crowd scream with each punch to her bloody face made me feel great, having my fists sink into her gut and watch the blood come shooting out of her mouth and nose when I did was also great fun for me since I never beat anyone that bad. My fists killed me for days afterwards but it was worth it as the money they paid me went through the roof plus I was offered a lot of private fight gigs too which was profitable. I liked fighting and was good at it. To come home with $11,300 in cash for bashing some black chick senseless was a dream come true for me. I never saw that much money in my life plus I loved fighting and especially these easy fights!! Both of Vince's parents passed within a one year period and left me their entire "estate," which was substantial for back then. Hard working immigrants from Italy, they amassed three homes and some cash, all of which was worth a substantial amount of money at that point. That money allowed us to move to Staten Island and buy a home and a large building to start the business I still own today. I always loved dancing and created a dance studio that has now expanded to a gymnastic studio and light workout area with a private boxing ring in a secluded room that I will get to later. I also bought a home for my parents who, always lived in a crowded apartment. That made me feel good after making their lives a hell with me for years before growing up. Meantime, I continued fighting at the Underground, which by that time had a great reputation and was attracting all kinds of fighters, kickboxers, MMA types, and a LOT more women than the early days. There were about 25 steady women who fought there all the time plus ALL the time we had new women trying it out. There was one woman who was the top dog and she beat me 4 times, 3 of them pretty bad. But besides her, some Israeli conceited crazy lady, I was in the top tier. By the way, since I was a known quantity, even when I lost I was paid really well. Of course I preferred winning, DUH, but this woman I could not beat, that much I learned the hard way. There are some people who are on a different level and she was one of them, plus she was formally trained whereas I was a raw streetfighter. Whatever. Some of us actually fought men as well and sometimes that worked out and sometimes not, but we were there -- or at least I was -- for the money, for the excitement, for the sport but always about the money. Since Vince's parents died and left me some good money, plus I had no mortgages on anything, the need for me to fight there became less and less. Plus, I met a nice guy there -- a firefighter to die for, I used to say -- and that began a new chapter of my life: couple fighting. John was a good man -- loyal, handsome, good job, a man's man -- and I really loved him. It was so nice being with such a handsome guy with a great body who complimented mine so well and the fact that he was a fistfighter made him even hotter for me. When we started fighting couples I was in a new stratosphere in terms of enjoyment. The first couple that agreed to fight us lived outside of NYC, like an hour away. John and the guy fought twice, with John winning twice, close, but he won. They thought it would be great if the 4 of us fought out there in private. I was seriously nervous since all I saw was pictures of her. She looked like a big girl and I was told she was 180 pounds and a real fist-fighter type. OK I thought, here it goes traveling an hour and a half to fight this mammoth chick who is going to knock me out cold. Hmmm... not sounding like fun to me, but I want to try this. Meantime I am 5'7" 140lbs, very lean and muscular from dancing, 38C-26-34 and everyone says I am very pretty VS this mammoth chick with big boobs and probably eats hay for all I know. When we faced off I had a feeling she had no idea how to really fight VS just punching someone out in some hick bar or something, more like a cat fight type fighter than a real punch-you-in-the-face type and I was right. I knocked her out in 51 seconds and she hardly touched me, besides pulling my hair. I LOVED IT!!! Thankfully, John took care of business too, but not after getting a good beat-down so I drove home. But it was still fun and we made love like wild people that night, despite him being sore and beaten up. We fought as couples 11 more times before he lost in the 12th fight; I never lost, by the way. That was VERY disappointing to me and then in the next 3 couple fights he was knocked out which was really pathetic especially since the last guy, who was also a firefighter, really beat the shit out of him. I had a hard time watching my man get his ass kicked. We stayed together for a year after that and during that year I became pregnant again and had another daughter and soon thereafter broke it off with John. He tried to get back together and see his daughter but I told him 10 times that the baby may not even be his. That was a lie since I knew it was his but the truth is I cannot be around or with a weak man and being knocked out cold 3 times in a row -- and the last time by a smaller and uglier guy -- I wanted nothing more to do with him. Call me what you want, but I need a real man; a man I can depend on to be protected and not the other way around. I am not saying I could take him, no way, but I do need a man better than him. Sorry to say!!!! Now fast forward to the present day. I taught my girls how to protect themselves from an early age. I always had them wearing gloves and trained them pretty hard. I wanted them never to suffer like I did with my first husband, so I made sure they could handle themselves. I had them boxing boys at age 12 in my basement, and by the time they were 14ish they were whipping up a storm in the neighborhood and entering local contests. Neither was a gang member but both were very good fighters, period. Jenna is now 21, a beautiful young lady with an exotic look, great dancer and excellent fighter. A lot of speed and accuracy but not a ton of power. She is 5'6 130lbs and stunning figure, I would bet 34B-24-34, all feminine muscle. Actually ripped and vascular with her muscles what they call a real "looker" in my day and now everyone says how hot she is and I agree. She was married once, to a very beautiful young man who was becoming a dentist. Sadly, after only 14 months of marriage she beat him up one too many times and he filed for divorced. Let's say his parents made my Jenna a comfortable young lady after the divorce. Jenna is a sweet girl most of the time but has the ability to hurt you in a heartbeat and has hurt many people. She's a good student who wants to study kickboxing next. My youngest daughter, Angelina, is 19; also beautiful at 5'8 155 pounds, very large breasts; not a dancer, and a tremendous fighter with a reputation. I mean really tremendous fighter, a brutal and very strong in your face fearless type who will fight anyone for any reason. She worries me a lot!! She is probably 36D, 29-34. Jenna was always a good student and stayed out of trouble for the most part. Even when she divorced her husband and put him and his brother in the hospital with beatings to write home about, she did it in "her" way where there was minimal outside interference, if you get my gist. Angelina is the opposite. Her childhood issues were like mine in terms of violence/drugs and all. She was a "bad" girl, and still is, who punched everyone out, always and everywhere and countless times in an inappropriate place. I spent more time in her school than she did trying to smooth things out with her principal. Like my Dad did with me. She even beat the shit out of her female history teacher once and it cost me 15K in legal bills. Poor woman was not a fighter and had no chance against her!!! Angelina has incredible strength and hits like a mule, and she did beat up her sister a lot over the years -- more than I liked and more than she needed to -- and it was wrong. On three separate occasions she literally took Jenna's boyfriend from her. One time she punched out Jenna in our basement in front of her boyfriend and made love to him in the house as Jenna stayed in the basement crying!! I was against it all. It's one thing for Angelina to pull her shit on "people" but not on her sister. There was a time Ang was pummeling a male neighbor who was older than me for "staring at her tits" when she was in the yard in a bikini. He deserved to be spoken to and maybe punched once to make the point, but she pummeled so badly he lost 2 teeth and his nose was broken. When Jenna tried to intervene she was knocked out cold. Awful thing to do to your sister. When I came home (I was in Arizona for a private fight that paid me a ton of money) I was distraught. And there was another time where Ang approached some young man Jenna was seeing for 3-4 months and basically threw herself at him, and later that night beat him up really bad, bad enough that police took him to the emergency room. Thankfully, the young man was too scared to file any charges and both of his parents know me from the neighborhood and I am sure they knew I would humiliate and annihilate them if they did. Remember the private boxing ring I have in my building? Well, it is a way I have earned a lot of "private" money by fighting people right there for significant amounts of money. The father of this boy she beat up was one of those men who paid to box me after I beat on his friend. He lost badly and was humiliated, trust me. But she is a handful, and I need to bring her back to reality. Both of my girls know I rule the roost, I am the best fighter, I have more experience and I am physically stronger and a lot smarter than them in terms of fighting. The last straw was last Sunday when I came home from sleeping at my boyfriend's house. I come home and see Jenna sitting on the deck smoking a cigarette, crying and clearly beaten pretty bad. "WHAT HAPPENED?" I asked as she had one very black eye and swollen lips and looked like hell. I said to her, "Tell me his name and I will fucking kill him." In between sobs she said it was Ang. "What? She did this to you?" Through sobs she told me how Ang took her boyfriend from her again, and they had a serious boxing match in the private ring in front of 24 of their friends. I was just shaking my head. She told me how pissed off and upset she was that her sister slept with her guy when she can have her pick of any guy but she slept with hers on purpose and that she snapped and challenged her to a match once and for all. Ang not only beat her good, but also knocked her out cold and had Jenna eat her out in front of everyone as she continued to punch her in her face and arms and ribs. She lifted her t-shirt to show me the bruises. I was furious. "And she had you eat her out and in front of her friends?" Fucking crazy sick shit I thought. Yes, I know all about what the winner gets, been there and done that. But it's nothing I advertise nor am particularly into myself. YES I DO IT AND HAVE DONE IT but not my thing. Anyway, I wanted to know where she is and was told she is with Jenna's b/f somewhere. I called her on the phone and told her to get home immediately and it's time to settle things NOW. Her obnoxious response? "Sure mom, you sound upset so maybe it's time for us to fight, for real and I will show you who is really in charge." I could not believe my ears? This little snot thinks she can take me??????????????????????????? It won't even be close and yes I think this has to get done. I told her to get over here NOW and if it is a fight you want it is a fucking fight you got baby!!! Jenna begged me not to fight her. She pleaded with me not to fight her and began rattling off neighborhood women she beat the shit out of that I was unaware of. I was very surprised to hear some of these names as they were all older and really good and big time fighters, and then Jenna told me some men she beat up and I was floored. What you have to understand I have been a fixture in this area for a long time and made a name for myself with my looks, my fighting ability, my business and my history. Many a woman has challenged me over the years for one reason or another and 99% have gotten their asses kicked, and kicked royally, and yes, I have slept with my share of their men and all of that crap. So when I heard the names of the women she beat up, it was impressive and could have been intimidating to someone else. But it is clear that the girl can fight, no doubt about that. Two or three of the women have an impressive history and to beat them in the manner Jenna said is impressive. Plus Jenna witnessed most of them. I really could not believe it on one hand but I know it was true if Jenna said so. Jenna told me more details regarding the number of times Ang actually beat her up and I was appalled; I was sick and upset to hear all of this. Poor Jenna, a BEAUTIFUL and bright young lady smart, and someone who will get "that" guy; you know the type, similar to her first husband but BETTER. The girl is beautiful, great great body and really super sexy muscles -- perfect in so many ways. I learned that Jenna was knocked out FIVE times by Ang over the past 3 years, and each time there was some sex involved, ranging from a strap on to Jenna eating out her pussy -- or FAR worse her asshole. DISGUSTING. Jenna saw the look on my face and she said, "You know Mom, we all know the winner takes her spoils," and I interrupted: "BUT NOT FROM HER SISTER!!!!!!" All of this came out of Jenna's mouth in tears, and I mean big time tears. Ang beat up and took 4 of her serious boyfriends, and once slapped her around in a movie theatre in front of all of their friends and made her cry and even made her beg for her to stop and was made to lick the bottom of her shoes. I was DISGUSTED AND ANGRY -- and I hardly ever get angry. Who does she think she is? And beating Jenna is no easy task, just ask all of the people, guys included, who left my private basement ring with the shit beat out of them!!!!! She told me she hits way harder than most men and does not give a shit about anything and will fight anywhere. One time, Jenna said, she was trying on clothes in a local Macy's when Ang came into the dressing room and out of the blue punched her several times in the gut in front of 2 other women, took her money and left Jenna on the floor gasping for air. Why I didn't know about any of this before was getting me angry but all Jenna said -- and this bothered me too -- was: "Mom, you raised us to be tough, and not take shit; you trained us to fight. Physically, I know I am stronger than most of the guys, I do hundreds of crunches every single day -- religiously -- and do everything you have always told me. I love these little muscles, love being strong; I may not fight that much anymore, but you raised us to take care of business and not to complain." So I said, "But Jenna..." and she interrupted me and continued. "Mom, you did a great job in raising me to be a fist fighter, a street fighter, and I have used those skills as you know 100 times. I beat Michael AND his brother bad enough to hospitalize them and do you know why?" "Jenna, I loved Michael and thought he was going to be a great husband. So why did you do it? She lit another cigarette as I did too. "Why, Mom... because he talked trash about you and his stupid brother agreed." "What did he say?" "He told me that I had too many muscles and that the fighting thing is sick and that 'Your mother raised you like shit'" "What?" "Yeah, Mom, he said that. And when he did I took him to school as you say. I told him to stand up and I gave him fair warning what was going to happen next and I beat him as good as I could despite his screaming for help and all the blood. "When his brother came in to help him, he got it worse and," she finally laughed with her black eye and pain and all, "I enjoyed it. Like you always said, it IS hard being with a weaker man." I had to ask, since I never did, how was the sex with him? Thankfully she smiled again. "It was OK at first, but never good since he was not very experienced or romantic. But he followed orders well..." and then she cracked up with laughter. "And mom, to be honest, I was cheating on him from before day one; a LOT too. But I did love him; he was a good guy and that's that." I asked if I knew any of the guys she cheated with, and I knew a few of them, local men. I smiled, "Do you ever see him around since I know he has a dental practice here on Staten Island." She smiled. "Yes, I have seen him a few times, but each time he turns and runs," and we both laughed. "Mom, one more thing. I went to the hospital and visited him late one night after visiting hours, just walked right past security without a word. I walked into his room and told him that if I don't get everything I want from the divorce I would beat the fuck out of his other brother." "What did he say?" "He sobbed and begged me not to touch him and I would get anything I wanted. I smiled at him and looked at what I did to him and was kind of proud that I could beat someone that badly if I wanted to." I high-fived her and we hugged, but she grabbed me tightly and said, "But I cannot beat Ang, this I know. Mom, she is a dangerous woman blessed with skills and strength way past mine. PLEASE DO NOT FIGHT HER." She held me tightly. "Jenna," I said, "I am going to fight her and teach her a lesson that she needs to learn before someone really hurts her. She is just 19 years old and is acting like a crazy lady and this has to stop." Jenna held me tight and said, "Mom, I think she can beat you and I never want to see that and I know if she beats you..." and then she started crying and holding me even tighter, "She may make you do things a mother should never do to a child and I am afraid I cannot stop her, she is that good, and mom, she is very strong." "Jenna relax," I said, but she was holding me so tightly I could not separate myself from her. "Mom, ask around the gym and ask how much she can lift; it is really a lot. I love you, Mom." I stayed with Jenna a long time and she spent the night at my house and Ang never came home or called me back so I was super upset and angry with her. The following morning as I was teaching a dance class, I saw her enter the studio with 3 of her friends. We exchange stares and she smiles and the second the class ended I went to the workout area to see her chatting away. "Ang," I said, "we have to talk, NOW." "Calm down, Mother; we can talk later." "NO Ang, now!!" "Woweee Mother, what got into you? Acting so brave." and she laughs. "Acting brave? Why don't you shut your mouth and show some respect, young lady?" Then she turned towards me and says, "Ya know Mother, nobody around here ever talks to me that way because they know I would hammer them." "Hammer them?" "Yes, Mother; beat the shit out of them." And she stares at me and does this absurd double bicep flex to show off in front of her friends of rather impressive and large and defined biceps. "That's enough Ang, let's go into the private ring area and settle this once and for fucking all!!" "Thought you would never ask, dear Mother. It's time to prove who the real head of this house is." "Holy shit Ang, what have you been smoking?" "Mother dearest, time to shut your mouth and put the gloves on to see what your little daughter can really do. And after I show you how much better of a fighter I am than you and certainly better than my sister, it will be ME who is control of this household." "Did you just tell me to shut up?" "Yes mother, shut your fucking mouth." I took a deep breath, went to the locker, and put on MMA gloves, just 4 ounces, and told her to do the same. She laughed the whole time with her friends walking behind her. Ang was wearing jeans and a tight fitting T-shirt and I was wearing a danceskin after teaching my class and was VERY angry. Her muscles are on the larger side -- very evident and in fact bulging -- due to her weight lifting. Even her abs were evident through her T shirt since it was tight enough, and of course her breasts are always showing in the ways she wants to show them off. She is a strong and muscular young lady. Compared to Jenna who is lean and vascular and ripped with smaller muscles much more like mine but both of them have a lot more muscle due to their training. Once in the ring I told her we'll fight until one of us quits or is knocked out, no rounds. She laughed in my face and said, "OK, Mom; so in other words we'll fight for a minute or two before I knock you out?" She banged her gloves together and smiled, since nobody I have ever met likes to fight more than this one. I stepped back angry as hell and put my hands up and said, "OK, Ang; let's do this." Then I saw the door open up and Jenna entered. Ang looked over and laughs and put her hands up and began to circle. Ang is a big girl, bigger than me and I know she spends a lot of time lifting and boxing in the gym. I also know all about her training with MMA and that Judo crap, even though she thought it was a secret. I do not care as I have been fighting my entire life against all kinds of people, men, women bodybuilders, steroid freaks, you name it and I fought 'em. I see how big her arms are and it was radiating power but I did not care. I throw a double left jab that lands square in her face, then missed with a left hook but connected with a right hook to her side. I think I have the speed, the experience and I will give her the power. She is smiling the whole time. One more jab lands, and one she moves out of the way from. She has no problem taking punches!! Then, BAM! she lands a straight right and I am on my ass looking up at her. She takes her mouthpiece out and says, "Save yourself some embarrassment and move out of your bedroom now and into my room and I promise not to beat you too badly." Really? I do not respond to that and stand up and ready to fight and very, very determined. She puts her mouthpiece in, shrugs her shoulders and gets ready. I am circling her and she is stalking me and my next 4 jabs fall on her hands and my hooks all miss by too much of a distance. She throws 2 jabs that feel like I was kicked by a donkey and I taste the blood from my nose running into my mouth already. She looks serious and is stalking me and lands 4 good ? well, very good -- body shots and she is very much stronger than me, but I am still fine. We are now close to one another and in a position I really like where I can beat on my opponent's body and we start in trading punches. I am landing 4 to her one, but her one is taking its toll, and mine are bouncing off her body like nothing. I feel myself weakening and my hands lowering from the blows, and they hurt now too, and she pushes me away with ease and lands another straight right that has me woozy. I hear Jenna yelling to "STOP THIS NOW!" and Ang looks over and says something I could not make out. Ang says, "Sorry Mother dearest, but time for me to put a beating on you so you do not forget." She is methodically punching me all over the ring, from my face to my body and I cannot stop her. She is faster than I thought -- and my god, she is so strong I cannot believe it at just 19 years old. Rarely have I been so overpowered. It was a bad place to be as I saw the gloves coming towards me but I was unable to get out of the way most of the time. The few blows I was able to land did not have much of an effect. All the time Jenna is yelling at Ang to stop fighting, which meant nothing to Ang, as she continued to beat me to a pulp. I was in pain all over my body and face, and the blood was pouring out of my nose and mouth. I was getting tired and the pain in my body from her body blows was killing me. Feeling winded and not comfortable being the one chased I decided to hold my ground and I timed a nice 3 punch combo to her face and body: a straight right to her face a left hook to her side and a right hook to her jaw and all landed and she stepped back, FINALLY, for a second to recover. I thought that was an invitation to be more aggressive so I walked towards her -- and she lands a long swooping right hook to my jaw that had my head spinning. My hands dropped and I tried to retreat but she was on me in a flash, so I tried to grab and smother her. But she was too strong, and began landing multiple blows to my body, hooks and uppercuts, and they all hurt. My arms were around her neck trying to bring her in close to reduce her power. Finally, I was able to push off and retreat to recover. She started stalking me and talking a lot of bullshit and loud enough in a quiet gym for all of her friends to hear and laugh. Thankfully Jenna was there, and I saw her walk over to them to say something. Jenna may have been beaten by Ang the day before and looked like hell except for a few things. Jenna is in FACT a great fighter herself and that is no secret. She is ripped with lean muscles and has fought each of these girls at least twice in the past and has beaten all of them. They were acting tough because of their friendship with Ang, but they were no match against Jenna. None. In short time they were quiet but that did not help me that much as I had my hands full. I was seeing that Ang is much stronger than me, and she is really an accomplished fighter, but again that did not help me either at the moment. There we stood, in our boxing stances, facing each other. I was bleeding slightly from my nose and was gassed and in some pain, and she looked perfectly fine. But it was time to teach her a lesson. I bobbed and weaved my way inside firing off jabs and they were landing but not doing much damage, but that too was fine. Now understand me, I'm very experienced but have very little weight lifting experience, so maybe I'm not as strong as her. I am very muscular but that is because I do train a lot; I lift light weights, but am much more into pushups, situps, pullups and dancing and that is where I get all of my muscles. Jenna is like me but she does lift and as a result is far more muscular. But so what; muscles do not win fights, that much I know. Plus, yes, I am a fighter for many years -- in fact decades at this point -- but 95% of the women I fought were either aware we were going to fight or had a pre arranged fight setup, yes a handful of exceptions. Compare that to Ang who fights all the time, no matter if her opponent is trained, ready, or has ever fought in her life. We both have one-punch knockouts and we both have beaten up, and yes, KO'd men -- but our mentality is far different. Jenna falls right in between both of us. Like Jenna beat her ex-hubby and his brother so badly they were sent to the hospital. Where I would do that to a husband or boyfriend, Ang does that all the time. So as the fight continued she began getting more aggressive and more talkative. She lands a nice 1-2 combo to my face and then blocked my onslaught of 7 punches for the most part; some landed on her massive arms, but that was nothing. She had me in the corner and I was stuck. She was so strong I was having trouble getting out as she landed 2 massive hooks to my belly that hurt, and a left uppercut to my jaw that jerked my head back violently. I was hurt and had to get away but couldn't. She was still talking away, telling me how she was going to rape me and control the house types of things. I grabbed her again to tie her up but before I could she landed a short left hook that dropped me. I was not terribly hurt, but things were spinning around some. She stood there counting over me. When I finally was aware where I was she was at 6 and I stood up. With her hands by her side she said, "OK Mom, just give it up already before I hurt you, say you are moving out of the bedroom and giving me your car and you can walk out of the ring now." I did not answer her and instead put my gloves up and said, "Lets go, Ang; I am far from done." She smiled and said, "Mom, you were done before you were dumb enough to get in this ring with me." I looked over and Jenna is looking at me with sad eyes. I see this beautiful, muscular, good fighter, shiny haired beauty, smart and happy I thought wishing me with her eyes to stop fighting her. I had to. My hands up and now in the middle of the ring, I tried my best to land blows. But she was too fast and too strong. I landed some jabs, and some good ones, but nothing good enough. I grabbed her by her waist to spin her around, but instead she pushed off and landed a right hook that put me on my back--------------unconscious. It was a nightmare. I opened my eyes and found her standing over me counting, 49... 50... 51..." and then said, "Oh, decided to join us earthlings now?" smiling. I was woozy and now Jenna was kneeling by my side rubbing my head and sobbing. Ang goes to sit on my stomach and says, "OK, Mom, so I just knocked you out cold, right?" I did not answer. "Hello, Mother; I just knocked your shit out cold, right?" And then she looked at Jenna and said, "She better say something or I WILL punch her out again." Jenna pleaded, "Mom, just say yes," and I did. I looked up as Ang sat on my stomach and I saw this huge woman on top of me; her arms looked incredibly defined with muscles and big; her abs were apparent even through her T shirt, and I look over at Jenna who is also on her knees next to me and I see this beautiful ripped with muscles, a young lady I love, a lady who can seriously kick ass -- but not a mean bone on her body -- and the differences between them, physically and spiritually were clear. Ang is ME but far, FAR, better at that age. Jenna is a goody two shoes type that I hated back then, but of course she can fight. Ang was me!!!!!! I took a deep breath and told Ang, "OK let me up now; you won fair and square," and Ang patted me on the head and said "good girl" laughed and stood up. I looked over at Jenna and I said, "I know, I know; 99% of anyone else who did and said that you would fucking destroy," and she nodded her head, still sporting her black eye and pain from getting beaten by Ang the other day. I stood up and still felt woozy; one eye was slightly purple but otherwise not bad. I turned around and Ang's friends were all gone, not sure where, so it was just the three of us standing in the ring. Ang poses her muscles for us and says, "OK ladies, who rules the house now?" and we both said, "YOU DO ANG, so now what?" "What now mother? Hmm." So she takes off her top and bra and is standing there with her huge tits, gloves still on and says, "Well for starters, both of you can feel my biceps and suck my breasts." "Oh, c'mon Ang, stop this crap. I am your mother and Jenna is your sister!!!" "Mother, Jenna has sucked these breasts many times; she has eaten me out and I have raped her three times." I look over at Jenna, not knowing all of this and Jenna nods her head. Weakly Jenna says, "Mom, I have raped 6 men and 11 women in my life." I was floored since that was not my thing at all; I loved men and that was that. So, it got quiet for a while and I walked over with Jenna and kissed and fondled her biceps as she posed and talked about all the weights she lifts. She told me she can curl 40-pound dumbbells and for reps, and bench-press 210 pounds for reps. The little lifting I do is with 15-pound dumbbells and 110 pound bench-presses. I looked over at Jenna and she nods her head. "How about you, Jenna?" So Ang laughs and says, "Yeah, Jenna, how about you?" Jenna says, "I curl 25-pound dumbbells and bench 125 max for reps." Neither of us close to Ang of course. Then Ang grabs my head and says to both of us, "OK, ladies, now show some respect since neither of you have these babies either and start sucking my tits." I look at both of them but was not sure what to do. Both Ang and I are still wearing our gloves and Ang says, "Now ladies, I do not want to hurt either of you again, but I WILL WITH GLEE AND JOY unless I feel your suction cup lips sucking these babies." Jenna immediately starts to suck away, and I mean really sucking away, and I was really surprised, and then Ang looks at me as she is taking off her gloves and says, "Mom, be smart," and I bend over and start sucking the other breast. It was like a bad dream as Ang put her hands behind each of our heads and forced us in to suck hard. I felt her pec muscles shaking and moving even though she is a D cup. It was very weird for me to say the least. She grabbed us both by her hair and yanked us off and pushed us back. I have had countless fights in this ring over the many years since I built it. I don't know, 30-40 women at least have had their asses kicked inside this ring by me. Women who thought, some rightfully, that I was after their men, some who were just fighters like me, and some who wanted to prove themselves in front of their lovers. The great majority got their asses kicked. I have fought at least 20 men over the years in here too, some multiple times and always or almost always for money. Some of the women too were for money. I beat 16 of the men and lost to 4. None of this includes all of the fights in the Underground in Manhattan or in private fights, again all for money. Never in a million years would I expect to fight my daughter and LOSE. Yet here I was and it had not been close. In all of my years of fighting, besides some men, the only woman I ever lost to (4 times) and I knew I could never beat, was that Israeli from the Underground. So I was in a new place and not happy. As we both stood there looking at Ang I was curious what was next. Ang told us to take our tops off, which we did, and stood there as Ang walked around us giving us her opinion. And it was demeaning. "Ah, my big sis, Jenna. Nice firm tits I see, but no comparison to these puppies. And Mom, nice tits for you too, but again, these are better." "You know Ang, I have had enough of this crap," I said, when without me seeing a thing, she slaps me so hard she literally knocked me down and made me woozy again. I felt blood in my mouth as I held on to the bottom rope but I was almost knocked out, no kidding, by her slap. I was woozy so I did not see what happened next, but I heard Jenna yell out and I heard another slap echo in the gym and then a grunt, and I see Jenna on her knees holding her face and belly. Ang had slapped her too, and then threw an uppercut into her gut. We were both on the ground, both woozy and beaten in a second. I stayed there for a good 2 minutes until I felt OK to stand and Jenna followed in a few seconds rubbing her 6-pack belly. We stood there in silence realizing what was happening here. Ang was in charge and had the power to beat both of us badly. Jenna and I stood there topless, as was Ang, and Ang started to strut around the ring posing her muscles for us -- and for herself, too. I walked over to her and started sucking her breasts out of respect and then started to rub her abs telling her I was amazed how strong she was. She smiled and rubbed my head and told me to move my stuff out of my bedroom and her stuff into mine. I told her yes I would, and then kissed her fists and told her she earned it. Jenna walked over and pulled down her shorts and started to eat her out and I watched as Ang looked right at me and had an orgasm and exploded in Jenna's mouth. Then Jenna sat on her ass and looked up at her, black eye and all. I told Jenna to stand up and had both girls in front of me and I spoke with them. I said: "Jenna, you are a beautiful young lady; your body is amazing, you can fight, you are smart, but Ang is the better fighter by far. Ang, you are beautiful, too; strong as hell and can fight like unreal, but you need some growing up and maturity. You will hurt the wrong person sooner or later, girl. "But you are in control; I cannot beat you, that much I know. You can have the room and the car, no problem. But, you must stop beating on your sister and leave her men alone, OK?" Ang paused and said, "Maybe. I will see, but I will decide that." I was angry but had no choice. She told Jenna to get her strap-on out of her gym bag and Jenna walked over to get it and walked it back. She said, "Jenna, be a good older sister and put it on me." I have used a strap-on just 13 times in my life, and had it used on me 6 -- and I enjoyed it. Once it was on she started playing with it, jerking off with it like guys do and pushing the bulb into her pussy to get wet, I know the deal. She said, "OK Jenna, now go to the ringpost and hold on while I fuck you in your pussy." Jenna is standing there, naked, she has the perfect hourglass shaped figure, a solid sexy 6 pack, and well defined muscles in her arms, and I know how many men were and still are after her. Ang was always jealous of her; Jenna was always a better student, had a very feminine body that attracted guys like flies to shit, and was always my favorite. Jenna stood there, radiating sexuality in a way Ang never could; she walked over to the ringpost and Ang followed and began gently inserting the dildo. Jenna grabbed and held the ring post as Ang thrusted repeatedly into her. They both had a rather huge orgasm and Ang kept it inside of her as she rubbed her breasts and then did a double bicep pose. She withdrew it and Jenna sank to her knees. Ang grabbed her by the hair and turned her around and, without a word, Jenna began to suck that big dildo clean as Ang thrust it into her mouth and held her by her hair. It was a scene that was making me realize what power Ang had and how much Jenna, despite her own fighting ability, was defenseless against her younger sister. After a while Ang walked away and came back with cigarettes for both of them and they both stood up and lit their cigarettes. Ang relaxed against the ropes and Jenna sucked her breasts as she smoked her cigarette. I stood there speechless and watched. Ang walked over to me and we spoke about some particulars. She wanted a monthly allowance, the car, the room, a new cell phone, and the key to the boxing room. I said yes to it all. She agreed to leave Jenna's boyfriends alone and never to enter Jenna's house without permission. That was a big one!!!! At that point Jenna had her arms on top of the ring ropes and was looking a little better. Then Ang says, "OK Mom, your turn." "My turn for what?" "Mom, don't play dumb OK I am not in the mood," and she raises her voice. "Lie down and I am now going to use this on you." "Ang, would you please grow up. I am your mother; do you really want to try to use that on me??????" I was ready to punch her in her face so hard and knock her out; like never was so angry. She took a deep breath and said, "Really mom? Is your memory that bad? Wasn't that you I just beat the shit out of???????" I clinched my fists and she saw that and again with lightning speed she slaps me but this time it was followed by a second and third and fourth slap, backhand style -- that, as fucked up as it was, had me woozy, hands by my side losing my balance -- when she drops me with a massive uppercut to my gut. On the mat in SERIOUS pain and feeling drunk and woozy and unable to hear her yelling at me nor hear Jenna yelling for me "just to listen to her and get it over with". I really was woozy and thinking how uncool it was to be knocked out cold, and then pretty much KO'd a second and third time. I just lied down and said "OK, Ang." And next thing I know I was being raped by my daughter. At one point I was having that orgasmic feeling wash over my body and we both had our orgasms together. She kept the dildo in there as I felt it pulsate -- or that's what I thought at least. She whispered some things in my ear I cannot repeat but after a while I was on my knees sucking it clean like Jenna did. Ang put her hand on my forehead and told me to "stop, it was clean". She had Jenna undo it and put it way in its box. We were all standing there in the ring, quiet, looking at each other and we began to laugh. It was weird but funny for some reason. So I spoke: "So, as fucked up as this all is let me point out a few things. You are both beautiful women who I love and trained NEVER to be abused by a man like I was and that mission was accomplished. Jenna, you are a beautiful woman and you can fight and you have a home and a lot of money, too." I walked over to her and grabbed her fists and said, "You have that home and money due to THESE fists and my training. I have our home, the studio and my money due to these fists. Ang, you will have all of this, too -- and of course, with your own fists. You are the strongest one among us; you have the strongest and biggest muscles and you are the best fighter, proven fact. You can have everything you earned tonight, the room the car, etc. But girls, ladies, we must not live like this. "With you, Ang, hurting us because you can. This cannot be!!!! You want to beat up Jenna every week, rape her, beat and take her boyfriends? I say no. You want to do the same to me and take my men? C'mon Ang, no way. Men are always around you so get your own, treat us with some respect and I PROMISE we will treat you with what you have earned, right here in this ring, as the best fighter in our family. "You just fucked, yes FUCKED, your sister and mother in this ring after beating Jenna senseless yesterday and me today. Do you realize how many people I beat the shit out of? Men I humiliated right here in this ring, men and women I made cry and beg right here in this ring? How many men and women your sister beat up here, and of course outside? Shit, she beat her husband and his brother so badly they were hospitalized for 5 days! Look at us; we are all VERY well known quantities in this borough. People fear and respect us; we can have any man we want at pretty much any time. "My point is we are lucky -- lucky to have our strength and skills and lucky to have one another. Yes, it is official, Ang: you rule the house, whatever that means for you. But you knocked me out cold -- and did so with ease, and it was a fair fight. You have beaten your sister a lot, too, and now you raped us both, right there in this ring, this ring that has seen so much." After a few minutes we all hugged. We agreed with everything that I said and Ang got everything we agreed upon. Jenna and I then sucked Ang's tits for what felt like 15 minutes and rubbed and honored her muscles, and Jenna spoke to her with more honesty than ever before. She was rubbing her abs and told her how powerful they were and how much she feared being beaten by her. She told her that she was amazed watching her lift weights and watching all of the guys watch her lift those heavy weights made her jealous and how being knocked out the first time by Ang made her feel inferior, yet respectful. She said she looked forward to being raped by her and how beautiful she thought she was. Ang was taken aback for sure. Ang said to Jenna how she was always the smart one in school and every teacher always wanted to compare them, and that made her feel horrible. She said that she always thought her body was better by far and even her friends said that, Jenna has the hourglass figure, the deep and exaggerated 6 pack of muscles and her biceps were like always perfect, her hair always better and just sexier than anyone else she has ever seen. She said that watching her fight against (she named some people) and seeing them bleed and cry made her jealous too, since she thought Jenna was so fast and smooth and strong when she fought. And she said she always saw guys either cum in their pants or have these huge erections when Jenna was beating them and that she spoke with Jenna's ex-hubby and brother weeks after their beatings and both masturbated while they were telling their stories about their beatings and she was amazed at that. Jenna said, "I know." "What do you mean you know?" Ang asked. "Because I met with Alexander several times after he was released from the hospital to discuss your divorce and he told her everything." Ang and her laughed. "And the brother, too?" Ang asked. "Yes," Jenna said, as she stood there naked in the ring laughing about them jerking off telling her younger sister about the beating. Ang said, "Should I beat the shit out of them now?" Both Jenna and I said in unison, "NOOOOOOOOOO!" and we all laughed again. "Come here girls." We all hugged. "Ang, you win. You deserve it and earned it. We must stand united. We are family, just us against the world!!!" We hugged and cried a little. I said, "It is PERFECTLY OK to tell your friends about what happened and who is in charge. Let's be proud that we are all strong women, talented and beautiful. Tell the story, be proud of who we are. "Now Ang, I want you to consider calming down a little. And Jenna, I want you to get back in the gym and lift and box more." We all agreed. "I can live my life this way as long as we are nice to one another... Ang I am speaking more to you. Jenna and I know we can never beat you in the ring. At 19 you will only get bigger, stronger and more skilled. Jenna is not built that way and I am getting older. Ladies, we are GREAT together and this situation will -- and has! -- made us stronger than ever!!!!" The End