The weaker sex no more Jan 20 at 2:53 PM On the phone last night Kelly told me today would be a functional strength workout. I thought about how I really needed to step up my effort this time because when we trained at the gym last time, my newly hired trainer destroyed me in the weight room. I am large, tall and muscular guy and I have been training at the gym for many, many years. About two years ago she stated training at our gym. She moved from the Western part of the state. She seemed to be of average height and build for a woman. I discounted her at first as another clueless gym newbie that would be gone in a couple of months. I figured she'd be weak, clueless and out of place like the typical new woman that appears then disappears embarrassed from the gym from time to time... But things were in fact turned out completely different. She came in on day one with a big attitude and quickly established herself as the alpha female at the gym As it turned out she was very strong, she wasn't shy and trained hard, often and intensely. I learned that she had a medical background and her knowledge, education and training intensity helped her to develop some serious strength and muscle. She got noticed by others too and started working at the gym as a personal trainer. It soon became evident that she was easily the best personal trainer and she was promptly promoted to the director of training. With this validation she justifiably started to assert herself more, walking around the gym acting like she owned the place. As it turned out she enjoyed training at our gym so much that she actually did buy it. I didn't know it at the time but she had won a national level physique transformation contest and moved to the area to retire and essentially train full time. One evening last week I was squatting in the gym as I usually do and she walked over and told me I was using incorrect form and she wanted to help me correct it so I could get stronger and lift more. Pissed off by her condescending attitude I indignantly responded "So why don't you step in here and show me how it's done Kelly!" To that she replied "OK, step aside but leave it loaded". I then to watched in amazement as this much smaller woman slowly and very deeply squatting with my maximum weight. Not seeming to struggle or be bothered by it much it at all she pointed out her more correct form. It was very humbling and to further compound this she then loaded on another big plate on either side of the bar and squatting for many repetitions so deeply that her butt almost touched the floor. She said "It makes me so happy when I can teach you big guys a lesson! You get so set in your ways and don't understand that your brain is the most powerful muscle. I train smarter than you. That is why I lift heavier than you?Speaking of lessons, I think you should ask me to be your trainer? That way I can show you all the other things you've been doing wrong". So I did hire her as my trainer and today I planned to make up for my earlier failings. I did have a hidden agenda because I wanted to outdo her and put her in her place. Maximum effort today would show her that size does matter and put her back in her place. School was out for the summer and the football field was empty. She was on the field warming up and stretching out as I approached. It was warm and the sun was shining. She had a big smile for me and looked more perfectly tanned and toned than I had remembered. As always my gaze went straight to that body. She looked so powerful and amazing! The size and definition of her muscles made her look as if she was flexing all the time even though she wasn't? You could not help but stare at her with admiration. "Hello! Good morning. It looks like we have the whole field all to ourselves today!" She said. "Did you bring you're A game for me today big guy? I decided it would be fun to test your functional strength today with a mini Olympics! I chose events designed to test total body strength. We can compete against each other and the winner will get a prize!" "Really?" I asked trying to flirt a bit "And what will that prize be?" She replied by winking" I don't expect to give it out so if you win, I'll show"... I started feeling pretty good about the whole mini Olympics situation. I am much bigger and my upper body at least, is must be stronger. I can't say that pound for pound I am stronger than her, but as for total upper body strength? I definitely rule! She tells me "run over to my car and get the duffle bag!" Run, I think? Well that's OK. The duffle bag I find in the trunk is full of sand bags and it weighs a lot. I walk back to the field with it. Kelly is waiting and holding a whistle in one hand and a stopwatch in the other. She says "Let me tell you the rules. We are going to load half our bodyweight into the duffle bag, put it up on our shoulders and run up and down that hillside as many times as we can in for two minutes. It's a simple test, whoever goes up and down the hill the most times in two minutes is the winner. This will be a test of your legs, core strength and endurance." Handing me the watch and whistle she says "I'll go first, you can watch me and learn!" We load the bag with 65 lbs of sandbags reflecting her 130 lbs weight and when she is ready, I blow the whistle. Up the hill she goes. She's fast! I think. She definitely has sprinter power going up that hill. A minute passes and she has been up and down 4 times. I notice that the weight seems to be getting to her as I watch her chiseled abs and leg muscles flex hard while she is huffing and puffing for air. I blow the whistle at exactly two minutes just after she finishes her eighth time back around. "So I got eight!" Says Kelly huffing! "Great job" I add. We start loading the bag with 120 lbs. I'm proud to think that I've lost a little weight since I started working out! At 240 lbs I will only need to carry 120. I take my place at the starting point on the bottom of the hill as Kelly readies with the stopwatch and whistle but then she pauses, staring me right in the eyes, laughs smiling and says "Ray, remember our last workout? Remember how much stronger I was? I'm not that little chic you looked down on when I first started. If you lose at this today I pretty much own you from now on!" Her speech gets me aroused and a little nervous. I'm suddenly feeling all weak and shaky. I tell myself that I need to get control of myself, stop feeling like this. I wonder how she really knows how to get to me... I can't let her mess with my head! Determined I hoist the bag up on my shoulders. She blows the whistle blows and I'm off! I feel a little uncoordinated running at first because of the weight on me and the angle of the hill but I get used to it and I'm running hard. At minute one I am keeping pace with her at 4 laps but I'm starting to feel some burning in my calves and the tops of my knees hurt. As I come around to go back up the hill for lap 6. I briefly make eye contact with her at the bottom of the hill... She stares at me with a big grin on her face then sticks out her tongue? What was that all about? I wonder?Trying to refocus, half way up the hill I lose my footing and fall flat on my face. "Damn it!" I quickly bounce back up, pick up the bag and go as I'm nearing the top of the hill the whistle blows. I hear her voice faintly at the bottom of the hill. "Almost 7, after one event it stands as me one, big guy zero!" I throw off the bag and limp back down the hill. She asks "Are you OK? Do you want to quit?" I answer "Yes I'm OK, I just need a couple minutes to get it together."She says "OK, I thought you might want to have yourself a good cry because you were beaten by the girl again?Take a minute to pout and then get yourself back up the hill and get that bag you threw. Then, you can go to my car. There is another duffle bag just like that one on the back seat. Bring it here, we will need it!". When I return from the car with the bag she says "So let's get a few ground rules straight. If you want me to train you have to learn to behave properly. I will not be putting up with your little tantrums. You need to win or lose like a man. So, let me tell you the rules for the next event. We are going to load half our bodyweight into the bags again and do push-up burpees. Do you know how to do a burpee ? Place the bag on the ground in front of you. While holding either side of the bag beneath you, do a push up. Then jump up?" Annoyed, I cut off her explanation saying loudly "Yes, I understand, I have been training a long time and I don't need you to explain it to me! It sounds like another rigged contest anyway, where you get to lift less weight than me so you can easily win!" "Ray, don't be such a bitch!" She says annoyed while pulling her long hair back. With big eyes, she asks "What do you think would be fairer for you?" I take a few seconds to ponder it. Meanwhile Kelly works on getting her hair fixed back into a pony tail. While she does her chest sticks out and her arms flex. She looks really great I think! Refocusing, I say "I think it would be fair if we both did the same weight on this one!" "Really that would be fair in your opinion? OK" she says "So I will do it with half of my bodyweight and you with a quarter of yours? I guess me doing twice as much as you would make it almost fair" She says laughing while shrugging and smiling "Set your bag up for 65 lbs and let's go!" I adjust the sand bags in my duffle and am soon ready to go. Pointing, she says "set yourself up straight across from me so we can do them together and I'll count them off as we go. This exercise is as much about endurance and stamina as it is about power" Nodding I say "Ready" Kelly says " OK, 1,2,3" We push up then pull our legs up to a crouched position then stand and press the bags up overhead in unison. "5,6,7" I think this is probably the best view in the world right now! I can see her entire body flexing as she bounces in front of me. I'm in a bit of a trance. "25,26,27" Coming out of my trance, I think about how this is really starting to burn! I look her in the eyes and she parses her lips drinking the sweat from her upper lip. "41, 42, 43" It is extremely painful now and my arms shake but I'm not giving up because I believe she is struggling too! "48, 49, 50! OK Ray" She says dropping the bag. "I'll let you have this one!" "Kelly 1, Ray 1" I say while painfully raising my arms in victory. We agree to take a breather, have some water and towel off before the final event. I tell her that she did a really great job on the last exercise. Laughing at me she asks "How do you think you would have done with half of your weight?" Kelly says that there will be no weights used on the final event so I will not feel cheated" I ask "What is the next event" She responds "Freestyle wrestling!" I'm in heaven! I've been dreaming of tossing around with her for the longest time..." Let me tell you the rules" She says "There will be no striking. We would not want you to get bruised. We will wrestle until someone taps out or is pinned. Two wins of three bouts". I ask "Kelly, I'm so much heavier and bigger than you are. Do you really want me to try my hardest at this? I really don't want to hurt you. Raising her eyebrows, she responds "Really? I am confident that even at half your size that I can easily beat you". I respond "OK, but remember, I asked if it was alright!" Reassuring me again she adds "You need to try your hardest because I don't want to hear you whining about how you didn't when you lose!" With that I say "OK, let's do this!" She strips off her t-shirt and run shorts right there in front of me. Her body is so amazing and I cannot help but become immediately aroused. Underneath Kelly is wearing a bikini swimsuit. I love this little outfit?. With her hands on her hips she explains to me "Wrestling is similar to Judo. I have studied martial arts and boxed in the past and your big heavy upper body muscles don't matter much because they are not in play. Intelligence and technique matter most. I have the advantage over you because a wrestler's power is derived from below their core muscles, the hips and legs. I just listen to her talking. Blah,blah,blah?I'm just admiring her body and not too worried. I figure at her130 lbs I'll just pick her up and pin her down and her lower body core power won't really matter. All the technique and brains in the world can't help her with that. It's just plain old physics that I'm heavier and bigger. I'll grab on and bring her down. "Ready when you are!" I announce. We face off against each other assuming the classic wrestler's poses; our knees bent, crouched over, and bent arms extended out. We circle?I put my hands on her shoulders and Kelly's hands go to either side of my elbows. I try to push her straight back but she resists and doesn't budge, she gets lower and wider in her stance when I push and resists with equal power. Our dance continues for quite some time? I lead by pushing; she follows by resisting or deflecting. It is getting pretty hot out in the sun and we are both sweating. Looking up at me she asks "Is this all you got Ray?" Annoyed, I start to push harder and with this she pushes my elbows up and crouches under my arms, driving her shoulder down into my midsection, grabbing my left thigh and pulling it up. With one leg I try to hold on by grabbing over the top of her body and wrapping my arms around her waist. With my one leg lifted up she pushes harder towards me. I can't hold her back with one leg. In slowly start to fall backwards while holding on tight to her midsection. I roll and fall onto my back and in doing so flip her up and over me completely. It all happens so quickly! I am on my back with her lying opposite to me but on top of me. I push her off and quickly spin around onto my hands and knees to get up. As I try to get up I feel her quickly jump onto my back. She is momentarily riding me like a horse! Her legs quickly wrap around my waist and her arms lock around my neck. Still on top of me she whispers into my ear "You've lost big guy, in wrestling this is called the rear naked choke. I give you two choices. You can either tap out or I can choke you out to sleep?" For a few more seconds I try to pull her arms off my neck but we are too sweaty and ultimately she is just too strong. I roll onto my side and work my way up in a seated position. My arms flap around as I try to pull her arms off. Kelly is still on my back holding tightly. My head is locked securely sideways with one of her arms completely around it and her second locking it in, her legs are now wrapped around my sides and her feet locked in behind my knees. She straightens her body out by standing more upright and pulling up. It feels like my head will be torn off. She says "I really thought you'd be tougher than this. You are starting to bore me, time to tap out bitch". I struggle for as long as I can but the pain is too much. Just before I'm going to pass out, I tap out? She releases me and jumps right up at the ready. I slump onto the grass. I lay there on my side wheezing, coughing and feeling my sore neck, trying to catch my breath. Kelly circles around me, strutting as if an imaginary ring doing an impromptu victory lap while adjusting her bikini and ponytail. She says. "I love the feeling I have right now! It is amazing! I feel myself getting stronger every time I beat you! It is such a turn on for me because it is actually getting easier to beat you every time? Can I tell you a secret Ray?" Weary and happy for the break I agree saying "OK" She says "I let you win at the burpees earlier. I could have easily done 50 more! My power and energy feel almost limitless. I was sweating a bit but I wasn't tired at all? I didn't want to win it too soon. I wanted to beat you at wrestling" Still recovering, I answer "Great!" As I lay there I wonder what I am doing here and if there is a way that I can just run away. I hear Kelly say "Come on Ray I'm really pumped up now, let's have another go, best 2 out of 3!" I sit up for another minute and watch her burn off energy by practicing her somersaults and hand stand pushups?. I announce "OK, let's just finish this" We face each other again assuming the classic wrestling pose. Our dance starts anew but this time she is leading, more as the aggressor. She leads by pushing me now and I resist by cautiously backing away and spinning away. I really don't want to let her near me anymore. I've have come to realize that she is I fact too skilled and strong! I'm actually scared to engage her and she is half my size! Our dance goes on for a few minutes and then Kelly just drops her guard and stands up straight facing me with her hands on her hips and says. "Are you going to wrestle or will you just keep running away?" I do not respond but continue to circle. She spins to face me as I do this and says "Why don't you just get down on your knees and beg me to let you tap out instead of dancing around me like this!" I briefly consider the option but then with her hands down on her sides and I make my move. Rushing straight at her, I try to tackle her? As she did me, I drive my shoulder into her midsection. As I do this she quickly begins to back pedal and grabs onto the back my head, pulling her legs up on me she straddles me upside down, locking her legs around my waist. She releases my head and grabs hold of my wrists. I stand straight up with her straddling me, her legs scissor locked around my waist. She says "What are you going to do now Ray?" Getting my waist squeezed I try to push them her legs down and off but her legs are much too strong. Her chest is pushed right up in my face. She laughs at me while she balances herself in front of me? She flexes her arms in front of me in a double bicep pose as she continues to squeeze my midsection. As she does this she jokes saying "You like these? They measure over 15 inches now. Time to play a game Ray! I'm going to pump you up!" She drops her forearms horizontal and squeezes her biceps together again. Each time she flexes her arms I feel here legs squeeze tighter around my waist. Like a boa constrictor she flexes and squeezes again. With every flex her biceps seem to grow bigger and bigger. Her arms look so big and her skin so thin and tight, they look like they may pop. I'm in tremendous pain and I'm close to blacking out. I can only imagine what this scene would look like if someone were to walk out onto the field now and see us! She flexes her muscular legs again and I can no longer breathe, the pain is excruciating. She says "I think you should tap out now Ray" She flexes one final time and I hear something go "twonk" then I'm overcome with excruciating burning pain. Screaming"Argggh!" Kelly releases me and jumps off landing on her feet as I collapse onto the grass in front of her screaming "My ribs!" She responds "Sorry; I guess I got a little carried away?" Kelly pulls me up onto her shoulder and carries me across the field to the car. She places me in the back seat and drives me to the emergency room. The doctor asks me what happen but there is no way in hell that I'm telling him that I got beat up by her and that she also broke my ribs?They tell me that I have to take it easy and prescribe bed rest for 2-3 weeks. Kelly drives me home takes my keys and tells me that she will stay and take care of me while I heal. Every morning she wakes up early makes me breakfast then runs the 5 miles to and from the gym so she can work out for a couple of hours. She returns and we have lunch and dinner together then she runs the 5 miles again to and from the gym so she can work out again for a couple of hours. I wonder if running 20 miles and working out at the gym for 4 hours every day is OK but she is living proof that it is.I hear the door open about three hours later. She comes in to find me lying on the bed. She strips off her soaking wet gym clothes. She is thoroughly pumped up and looks phenomenal! She says "I think you are sufficiently healed now so here is your prize for being such a good sport" Stepping up onto the bed, she positions her sweaty all day soaked vagina over me. I admire its beauty as she lowers herself down onto my face. I feel my face soaked with full day's worth of sweaty juice. I love the salty taste and smell of it. I never want this moment to end. I almost forget about the pain from my ribs. She sits atop me for close to an hour driving her clit into my face while I lick her deeply to several orgasms. My hair and the face are soaked as I gulp down as much juice as I can swallow. When she is fully satisfied she reaches back to stroke my Cock but just the touch of her hand causes me to Ejaculate immediately. She turns back smiling and wipes her cum soaked hand on my chest saying "That always seems to happen to me? I just touch a guy's cock and he cums straight away! I think I'll hit the shower now". I plead "No! I'm not done yet! C,mon please, just let me lick you a little while longer." Ignoring my plea she heads to the bathroom saying "You need to shower too. Your head looks like a glazed donut!" When her shower is done as she is toweling off I again say "Please come sit here for just a little longer!" She replies "No Ray, you need to lie there quietly and heal. I'd thought you'd learned that if you listen to me and you will be OK? You'll get a chance to pleasure me when I decide. You need to accept my decisions. If you don't I'll break you again!" I respond obediently with "Yes