Harry Potter Horror: The bitch is back part 3 From her position, bound sitting to a chair, Ginny could only watch helplessly as Hermione and Luna were released from their chairs, and led away to a separate room, their hands still bound behind their backs. "What have you done with them?" Ginny demanded of Bellatrix when she returned a few minutes later, dark eyes glittering in the light. Bellatrix just smiled. "I just moved them to another room. I thought that you might like some privacy." "Privacy?" Ginny tried to suppress the fear she felt from that statement. "What are you going to do to me?" "Why ruin the surprise? All I'll tell you is that I'm going to have a lot of fun. You on the other hand..." Ginny gave her bonds another tug. "You won't get away with this." Bellatrix snorted. "Of course I won't, wittle Weasy." Hearing Bellatrix speak in that annoying baby tone made Ginny want to throttle the older witch with her bare hands. Flexing her wrists against the ropes, she gave the older witch a murderous glare. "The Order will come looking for us if we don't return." "I'm counting on it." Ginny's eyes widened. "Harry. You're using us as bait for Harry." Bellatrix clapped happily. "Good girl. When your boyfriend gets here, I'll kill him and keep you three as pleasure pets. Won't that be fun?" Ginny paled. "I'd rather die than serve you," she said bravely, trying to force her terror down. Bellatrix smiled cruelly as she traced a finger down Ginny's cheek. "Well, I can arrange that to but why would I want to destroy something so beautiful?" Ginny twisted her head in an attempt to shake off Bellatrix's finger but to no avail. "Do your worst, I will never submit to you." "Feisty, huh? Oh, yes, I'm going to have a lot of fun with you. But first, let's get you out of that uncomfortable chair. I'm going to remove the ropes, but if you try to hit me or resist in any way, your friends die. Understand? Ginny nodded. The thought of becoming someone's pleasure slave, whether they were men or women, was horrible, but she couldn't risk her friends. As soon as the ropes vanished, she pulled her hands through the bars of the chair and began rubbing her sore wrists. Almost immediately, Bellatrix yanked her wrists in front of her and secured them together with a long length of rope, leaving the excess to trail down. Waving her wand, Bellatrix cast a charm on the ropes. Ginny grunted through her teeth as the rope travelled into the air and coiled around a beam on the ceiling, hoisting her up onto her toes. The rough rope dug into her flesh and put a strain on her wrists. "Open up," Bellatrix ordered as Ginny twisted in her bonds. Looking at the insane witch, Ginny saw that she was holding a ball gag in her hands. Only the thoughts of her friend's safety prevented Ginny from spitting in the Dark Witch's face. Instead, she opened her mouth, allowing Bellatrix to wedge the dark red sphere between her teeth and tightly buckle the straps round her head. The gag fit tightly, and the redhead pressed her tongue against the large ball in an attempt to see if could be dislodged, but no good. "Oh, don't you look adorable," Bellatrix cooed. "Uk of," Ginny said, her speech muffled by the gag. Bellatrix responded by slapping her on the bottom, drawing a squeak from her captive. "Bad girl. Don't use such language. Gagged or not, that is rude." Ginny blinked. Rude? She was being called rude by a psychopathic murderer? "You know," Bellatrix said conversationally. "That is a very sexy outfit. Did you have a date tonight? Hoping to get a certain itch scratched?" Ginny glared at her captor, trying not to rise to the bait. "Ah, what's the matter, Ginny?" Bellatrix purred. "Is Potty not giving you any satisfaction?" "Sut p." "Did I hit a nerve there?" Bellatrix asked with a light chuckle. Ginny scowled, but didn't answer. When they had first formed, the DA learned about the major threats within the Death Eaters, their strengths, their weaknesses, their actions. Lestrange received the lion's share of the attention, and Ginny knew how the dark sorceress liked to toy with her victims like a cat playing with a helpless mouse. She relished in controlling them, degrading them, breaking them, but if this was her end, then Ginny resolved not to go peacefully. Harry would find her and win, no matter what fiendish traps Bellatrix had conceived. All she had to do was endure, no matter what. Such courageous thoughts evaporated as she felt Bellatrix's wand trace the curves of her breasts. "Of the three of you, I have to admit that you disappoint me the most, pretty one," Bellatrix whispered. "Granger is a Mudblood and beyond redemption, while Lovegood's mind has been so addled I doubt she would have been useful to the Dark Lord, pureblood or no. But you, you are a pureblood. Your parents are peasants, but the blood is key. You could have been so much more than Potty's personal whore." The girl gave a gagged yelp as Bellatrix began to remove her clothes with a spell, the black, form-fitting fabric evaporating and exposing her pale skin to view. Bellatrix made a sound of pleasure as she saw Ginny's black silk bra and panties, tapping her wand against the girl's stomach thoughtfully. "At the very least, the Dark Lord would have found use for you as a breeder. Be fruitful and multiply, he told us, and he hoped to bolster the ranks of purebloods with new children." A clawed hand pressed against her stomach, causing Ginny to throw back her head and scream. "You are ripe, my pretty, and I know of a few pureblood men in need of worthy heirs. Perhaps when I am finished with you..." Ginny's cheeks burned with humiliation. She was bound and gagged in her sexy underwear, completely helpless and at the mercy of a monster. The room was cold, and Ginny groaned as goosebumps started appearing on her naked pale flesh, while the talon-like fingernails of her captor lightly drew over them. With every sudden caress, the young woman gave a gagged protest and continued her struggles, but the bondage was too tight, too secure. She wailed as Bellatrix's wand traced a path up the curves of her stocking-clad legs, before the tip rested at her apex, threateningly. Oh, please Merlin, don't let this happen to me, she begged, wide, frightened eyes watching Lestrange's every move. Be with me now, and give me the strength to survive this... More ropes appeared in the woman's hands, and Ginny felt them settle over her body in an elaborate harness, knots and joints of rope pressing down upon erogenous zones and points of arousal. The girl moaned despite herself, and Bellatrix smiled at her captive's reaction. "Trust me, girl, this is the least of what I offer..." SMASH!!! In one fluid motion, Bellatrix spun and drew her wand, pointing it towards the room she had stored Hermione and Luna earlier. "Well, well. It looks like your friends are trying to escape. I'll be back to play with you in a few minutes, Weasley." As soon as Bellatrix had left the room, Ginny immediately began pulling and straining against her wrist bonds, the panic welling up in her and threatening to burst. All she could think about was Bellatrix returning and molesting her while she bragged about how she had tortured and killed her friends. She screamed as the ropes rubbed harshly against her skin. Panicking, she began to thrash about. No matter how many times or how hard she pulled at the ropes, she couldn't slip her wrists free. She stopped at the sound of a loud clapping. Looking around, she saw Bellatrix watching her with an amused grin. "Oh, don't stop on my account. That was quite a show that your breasts were putting on. Very sexy." Ginny flushed red as she realised that all the shaking was making her breasts bounce up and down. Bellatrix stalked towards her captive, a lustful look on her face. "It's playtime." 3A "Now," Bellatrix said as she trailed a finger down Hermione's cheek, "I want you and your loony friend here to stay perfectly still. Once I've finished with your blood traitor friend in the other room, I'll be back to deal with you." Hermione glared at Bellatrix over the black panel gag that covered her lower face like a second skin. Beside her, Luna gave a small groan through the wooden bit forced between her teeth. After bringing the two here, Bellatrix had re-tied them back to back with their hands tied behind the other one's belly in a backwards hug. This made their struggles all the more difficult, giving them less leverage and ensuring that they couldn't pick away at each other's bonds. "Defiance. That's something I'm going to enjoy ridding you of. Slowly and painfully, little Mudblood. You might be brave now, but you'll be begging for mercy in the end. They all do." Hermione felt an icy chill crawl up her spine at Bellatrix's threat. "See you later, Mudblood." Hermione wasn't sure how long she sat there after Bellatrix had left, the threat still echoing in her mind. She was broken out of her train of thought by Luna wriggling behind her. "Wt o dng?" Hermione asked through her gag. "Espng," Luna replied. "Std p." With a bit of effort, the two were able to force themselves to their feet. In their desperate attempts at freedom, they over-estimated the amount of force needed to stand up and shot up like a rocket. The resulting momentum made them stagger. Squeaking into the gag, Hermione tried to stabilise, but to no avail. The two tripped and walked into a wooden table, knocking the antique vase on top to the floor. SMASH!!! Both girls froze, like deer caught in the headlights, realizing what they had just done. Sure enough, the two heard footsteps heading in their direction. The click of a woman's heels sounded, moving ever-closer to the door, and Hermione began panicking, brown eyes frightfully looking around the room for an alternate way out. The door flew open and Bellatrix stalked in, slamming it behind her and fixing the helpless young women with her cruel gaze. "Well, well, well," she said with an amused smile. "What do we have here? I believe I told you not to move and now I find you moving about." Her eyes narrowed. "Not only have the nerve to try and escape, but you've smashed an antique Lestrange family heirloom in the process. That vase was ancient when your degenerate mothers opened their filthy thighs!" Despite herself, Hermione began to plead into the gag, shaking her head anxiously. Lestrange's cruelty and temper were harsh enough to begin with, and she feared they had only provoked her anger to new heights. The brunette closed her eyes, dreading the horror to come. The rage was visible in Bellatrix's eyes. "Lucky for you, I'm having a lot of fun with your red-headed friend first. She's Potty's favourite, after all, and it would be rude of me not to show the same courtesy. Don't worry, my pretties, I'll be done with her eventually, and you'll be certain to get lots of attention from me. Mark my words; I'm going to make you suffer." The two bound witches recoiled in fear as the psychotic advanced on them. With a few motions of her wand, Bellatrix caused the ropes binding the two to disintegrate, before dispelling Hermione's gag. Another short spell, and Luna fell, paralysed before she could even consider moving. Revelling in the fear of her captives, Bellatrix turned her wand on Hermione, aiming straight for her heart. "Right then, Mudblood, strip down to your underwear." Hermione's eyes widened at the command. "What did you ask me to do?" she stammered, unbelieving. "Take off your clothes, you filthy strumpet!" Bellatrix screamed, a gaunt hand seizing the brunette by the throat. Hermione gasped in pain as the older woman's nails began to dig into her neck. "Strip, now, or I will strip you down myself." Hesitantly, Hermione obeyed. With trembling hands, she pulled her t-shirt over her head, revealing her green cotton bra. Wilting under Lestrange's gaze, the Muggleborn witch slowly unclasped her belt and jeans, letting them fall to the floor. Bellatrix made an irritated noise, and cast a spell, causing the captive's clothes to vanish, including her shoes and socks. "I'm surprised, actually. I thought that Mudblood whores like yourself didn't have any shame. Tell me, Mudblood, how do you feel?" "Humiliated," Hermione muttered. How else would she feel? She was standing in a small room in just her matching green underwear at the end of a psycho's wand. Bellatrix's eyes traced every inch of her curvaceous body, and she shivered. "Please..." "Oh, we're just getting started here, my dear," Bellatrix mocked her, tilting her face up to meet hers. "You're a smart girl, aren't you, Mudblood? Then you should be able to learn your place in no time at all. Mudbloods are meant to serve and please their betters. During the War, I educated many of you vermin in their place in the social order, and I became very good at it. Alright, Mudblood, put your hands above your head," she ordered. Once Hermione had complied, Bellatrix took a length of rope and tied her into a tight chest harness. Hermione flushed red as the thick material wrapped around her sizable breasts, squeezing them tightly as the ropes were knotted. Taking another length of rope, Bellatrix tied a thick belt around Hermione's waist and then tucked the length through and passed it through Hermione's legs. Hermione winced as the rope was tied to the back of her chest harness, digging into her apex. Next Bellatrix bound Hermione at the knees, above and below to prevent her from trying to make a run for it. Taking some more rope, she bound Hermione's hands in front of her and bandaged her fingers together to stop her from picking at the ropes. "Keep those hands above your head. Good. Now hop to the bed. Shake those breasts." Humiliated and degraded, Hermione hopped towards the bed, her breasts bouncing in time with each movement. It was the final straw; she began to sob, the tears running down her face as she put on a show for Lestrange's amusement. "Please, don't do this." "It's probably nothing you haven't done before, Mudblood. Tell me, who was the first to pluck you? Was it the blood-traitor Weasley? Was it that tub of lard Longbottom, or maybe even Potty? Did you moan and beg for more, like the whore you are?" Hermione's weeping was the only response. "Right, now lie on the bed." Wincing as she hopped forward, the crotchrope rubbing against her, Hermione struggled onto the bed. Forced onto the mattress, her wrists were bound to the headboard and her ankles were bound to the bottom railings preventing all movement. "Our friends will come for us, Lestrange," she croaked, turning red eyes to her tormentor. "You won't win." "I think not, girl. By the time all is said and done, you won't want to leave this place," Bellatrix remarked, placing a hand on her thigh. "Is the fact that I'm a woman so repulsive to you?" "The fact that you're a Death Eater is what makes you so repulsive, Lestrange." "Others thought the same, Mudblood, but they all broke before the end. Sex is about power, about control. You and your friends have been a thorn in my side for too long. Now, I will take power over you." Before Hermione could retort, a wad of black cloth was forced into her open mouth. As the girl began to cough into the filthy gag, a thick slab of wood was forced into her mouth and tight leather straps were buckled around her head, keeping it in place. "Control is the ultimate aphrodisiac, Mudblood, that transcendences gender or sexuality. I look forward to controlling you." "Mnhhpg." Satisfied that the Mudblood was now completely helpless, Bellatrix turned her attention to the other captive. "So," she said as she trailed her wand down Luna's shirt, emitting a soft blue light that parted the fabric, slicing through it cleanly. "Your daddy owns the Quibbler? Worthless nonsense. I wonder what kind of story he'll write when I send his daughter back to him piece by bloody piece." Still immobilised, Luna could only look at her captor in terror. Bellatrix cackled as she finished stripping Luna down to her yellow underwear. "Very cute," she commented before she took some rope and bound a crotchrope onto Luna's body. Pressing Luna's arms by her sides, Bellatrix tied more lengths to each side of the crotchrope and began the process of working the ropes around Luna's torso in an intricate web-like pattern. She then released the charm, allowing the captive girl to struggle. Grabbing her legs, she bound her ankles and thighs together in a strict frog-tie, rendering her helpless to escape. The slender blonde thrashed and struggled as Bellatrix ran a hand through her hair, silver eyes wide with panic. Her other hand tugged on the crotchrope, and Luna arched her back, a scream escaping the bit gag. "So very sensitive! I'll be sure to give you lots of attention later." Bellatrix then levitated her into the air and dropped her onto the bed next to Hermione. The sight of the two witches, bound, struggling and helpless was intoxicating, and Bellatrix licked her full red lips in anticipation of the joys to come. But first, the redhead..."Have fun, you two. Don't worry, I'll be back later." As the sound of her heels retreated into the distance, Luna and Hermione renewed their attempts at escape, struggling and straining against their bondage, panting and crying into their gags. Sweet Merlin, it can't end like this! Hermione screamed in her mind, bucking against the ropes, trying not to flinch as Luna's bare flesh brushed up against her in her own struggles. We're human beings! This isn't right! This isn't right...