Conquest Chapter 1 -------------------------------------- Date : 01/01/01 Today is the beginning of The New Era. I am now the complete master of Earth. My generals have completed their conquest of this planet. My armies went from country to country and continent to continent conquering everything in their path. In reality, after the first ten conquests, my armies were known to be invincible, and most of my opponents only put up a token resistance. I have long believed that there have been two main reasons for the stagnation of human society on our planet. One has been the constant infighting between peoples, societies, and populations. The other has been the confusion over the role of men and women in society. I have always been a student of history, and looking back at our planet's history, I have realized that until the invention of agriculture, men were hunters, and women were gatherers. As human society evolved, the role of men and women remained the same. It just took on a different form. Men were the breadwinners, while women raised children. That was until the invention of a delusional concept called feminism. In theory, it called for equality between men and women. At the beginning, changes were slow, and society remained more or less unchanged. However, with the passage of time, things spiraled out of control, until men were no longer allowed to be men, and women no longer wanted to be women. Another disaster which followed feminism was societal tolerance for variance in sexual behavior. Soon men were in open sexual relations with men, women with women, men with men and women, and women with women and men. Some people gave up on having sexual relations. All this liberalism eventually resulted in complete social chaos and confusion. I however, never allowed such ideas and behavior to pollute my domain. Our society has had a long tradition of militarism, and respect for law, order and authority. Any social agitators were quickly put to the sword. Our men get married in their early thirties, and women in their early twenties. Women are strictly prohibited from having extramarital relations. Our men are not allowed to have extramarital relations within in their own society. However they are free to explore other societies, and sow their wild oats. This also accounts for the ten year gap for marriage between the different genders in our society. In reality other societies' tolerance for feminism and variance in sexual behavior was also their undoing in the face of my armies. While the men of other societies ended up emasculated by these ideas, my soldiers were still real men, and they had very little trouble in conquering these tolerant and liberal societies. Furthermore, my men had become familiarized with these societies when they had visited them while sowing their wild oats. To finally set this planet on the right path, I have proclaimed the following rules. I have tried to keep them succinct and short : 1. The role of men is society is to be men, which means being the providers for their families, and their protectors. 2. The role of women is to be women, which means being good mothers and wives. 3. The punishment for any extramarital affair by women, or variance in sexual behavior by any member of society is being hanged in public. 4. I am now the king and complete lord and master of this planet. I have placed one of my many trusted generals along with the men he commands in each of the conquered domains. These men have sworn an oath of loyalty to me unto death, and they are willing to completely annihilate anyone or anything who dares to stand in my way or question my authority. 5. To consolidate my rule over this planet for my remaining years, and the coming years, I plan on marrying a woman from each conquered domain. She will bear me many children, and her most able son will rule that domain and become its king. If she does not have a son, the most able son from one of the neighboring domains will take over that sonless domain. 6. After my death, the new ruler of this planet will be the son who makes his domain the most similar to my native land. He will be called the king of kings. To be continued...