Bound from all directions I always enjoed going to the library. So much information in all of thos great books. Then they put computers in their also. Where else can you get all of this information and fictional books as well as novels etc.? I have also seen some very nice looking women in there but never had the nerve to ask anyone of them out. I was pretty shy and unless they showed interest in me I always just looked and hoped one of them would flirt with or something. Then it happened my hope came true. I walked in the minute the library opened one morning. I at reading quietly at the end table in the corner. I happened to hear the most soft sweetest voice I'd ever heard. I peered up from my book to see the beautiful woman that belonged to the voice. Her golden blonde locks were just beyond her shoulders. Her lips of ruby red inbeded in my mind forever as I gazed upon her beauty. Her eyes sparkled and twinkled as our eyes met for seconds as she past by carrying some new books she was placing on the shelves. She wore thin black framed glasses and I wondered how much more her eyes would dazzle me if she took them off and looked in my direction. They were bluer then blue itself and as she walked away from me I could not take my eyes from her perfect frame. She was dressed in a black dress which really showed her figure off. The dressed was matched by her black high heels and I was in heaven. Moments later it hit me like a ton of bricks. I slowly turned back to my book and could not read another word. I just sat there starring at the page. The words meant nothing as my thoughts were filled with my shyness and inability to talk to such a beautiful woman. She would go in the list in my mind as one of the untouchable women that always come here. "Good morning my name is Cheryl", she said as she bent over to shake my hand. I was completely taken off guard. "I'm new here and I am told you come here all of the time, I don't know where everything is yet but if you could help me out we could make it our little secret". I cleared my throat which could not have been very attractive but she totally stunned me with her greeting. I took her soft slender hand in mine. I love women's hands if they are taken care of I also admire their hands even more if their fingernails are taken care of. Her hands were perfect and my first thought was she could be a hand model. I wanted to kiss her hand instead of shaking it. I could still smell the fingernail polish as I noticed her fingernails were perfect. They were long enough to be noticed by a fetishist as myself but not long enough that people might stare at her. Then I did something I'd never done before. I came out of my shell for that moment. With a smile upon my face that must have light up her morning I took her fingers in my hand and kiss the backside of her hand. Her eyes light up as I gazed up at her as I kissed those soft hands. "Very nice to meet you Cheryl I am Mark". Our hands parted as she smiled back at me. "Is this your standard new librarian greeting", she asked while still smiling. "It is now,I'm sorry Cheryl you seriously caught me way off guard, I am actually quite shy if you must know". She placed her hand on my arm as she looked into my eyes. "Oh my goodness Mark, I can't believe you're reading this book, it is truly one of my all time favorites"!! "I love it too, this will be my third time reading it". Her hand was still on my arm as she continued to talk to me. "I hope I am not being to forward with you but we should have coffee sometime and talk about the book". She moved her hand slowly from my arm. "Yes I would like that,whenever you are free is fine with me". She smiled again. "I will let you know Mark", Then she walked back to the front desk and continued her work. "Whenever you are free", I said in a soft quiet voice. I began talking to myself in my head. Why did you say that? Why didn't you just ask her out for coffee after she gets out of work tomorrow. Why do guys screw up those opportunities like that? A few days had gone by and we had again exchanged some small talk and some smiles but she did not mention having coffee together at all. My days and my nights were filled with thoughts of dating her and being with her. Being able to share our common likes together. I had this whole thing planned out in my head but the problem was I was too afraid and too damn shy to actually act upon it. The entire week had passed and it was now Friday night. While other guys my age (3hat1) were out with their girlfriends or drinking buddies I usually went to the library. They stayed open until 10 pm so guys like myself had something to do before the news came on at 11. The place was just about barren as I walked through the doors. Two girls sat together while another guy probably around my age was busy on the computer. I didn't see a librarian anywhere. I decided to thumb through some books I had been interested in. I made my way between the high shelves of books toward the back of the library. "Oh great", I said rather loudly, "It figures only one out of five is here, damn it"!!! I was upset but not about the books really. I'd managed to place Cheryl above all of my other thoughts and the fact that nothing aside from some harmless flirting on her part anyway was really starting to get to me. Just then a hand clamped over my mouth rather softly. "Mark you know you're suppose to be quiet in the library, do I have to gag you to keep you quiet"? She starled me for a brief moment and then managed to totally turn me on. For that moment in time she had control over me by keeping me quiet. I'd not ever had thoughts of ever being gagged by a woman except for this babysitter I had when i was a kid who actually did tie me up and gag me several times but that is another story and perhaps it will be told at a later date and time. She moved her hand from my mouth. "Cheryl you startled me,so you want to gag me do you"? I came out of shell again which was only the second time I'd ever done that with anyone. "Sorry, I was kidding but if you want me to gag you I guess I'll have to tie your hand too so you won't take the gag off", she giggled a soft quiet giggle as she said this. "No I don't want to be gagged,thanks anyway". Then she did it again. She placed her hand on my shoulder and caressed it for a few seconds and then she stopped and kept her hand there. "Who knows it might be fun to see you with your hands tied behind your back with say a ballgag in your mouth". I was shocked by her words. "Are you serious"? "Very serious Mark,have you not ever done anything adventurous". I paused and then thought. "Well there was this one time, I-I um, well I guess not actually, as I told you I am very shy but did you still want to get that coffee and discuss the book"? Her hand fell from my shoulder and then she took both of my hands in hers. "Mark I never wanted to get coffee nor have I ever read that book I simply wanted you to ask me out silly". "I-um really,well you, I mean". She shsshhhed me and place her index finger over my lips. I wanted to to open my mouth and suck on her finger and her perfectly manicured polished figernail. Again my shyness completely took over. Then she stunned me yet again. She pushed my lips with no effort as she guided her fingernail between my lips. Her fingernail parted my lips as they opened she slide her finger into my mouth. "Suck on it,I've seen the way you look at my hand and my nails". She did not have to tell me twice but I was shaking in my shoes just the same. "Calm down and you get to lick and worship all of them". I heard what she said but I made no mind to the actual words she used. Another second and I was so excited as I licked and sucked her fingers. Not only could I smell her fresh polish but I could also taste it and I loved her moment of it. "For a shy guy Mark,you seem to be very aware of just about every movement I make,do I interest you that much"? She slide her fingers from my mouth so I could answer her. "Cheryl I-i um". "Mark", she said as she caressed my cheek with the tips of her nails. They felt cool and soft and I wanted more of it, "you can just say what you feel and you don't need to be shy around me anymore, I like you Mark". I smiled and took a deep breath. "Yes Cheryl you do interest me and I think about you all of the time, I can even tell you exactly what you wore to work everyday that I was here, I've memorized each conversation we had and I bet you think now that I'm some sort of a freak". "Mark I am just going to say this once so listen closely, I don't want to get coffee with you at all and I don't want you to take me to dinner, you and I both know we are hot for each other so let's just skip all of this and do what we really want to do and that is to have sex with each other". "You-you um wow, did you just really say that to me"? She just smiled and nodded. "Yes but I want to, I want more then just that Cheryl, I want to go to the beach with you and", she cut me off in mid thought. "Me too Mark but I want you tonight, I want to be with you first but if you can't handle that I understand". "No Cheryl I want that too and yes tonight". "Excuse me miss I need some assistance out here". "Mark I have to go right now but we'll talk while I close up after everyone else has left". "I will be right there". She held my face in her hands and french kissed me deeply and then walked out to the main desk. Excited as I was I managed to finally walk to where I usually sit. I placed a book in front of my face but I could not concentrate. Then the thought hit me bigtime. I will go find a book about bondage since she seemed to really want to tie me up. It took about fifteen minutes to find one that looked as though it might be infomrative enough for me. I sat reading the book and learning all of this stuff and why people like to tie others up and why others like to be tied up. Then it got very graphic and quite sexual. Just then Cheryl was standing right over me. "So you do want me to tie you up and gag you after all don't you"? "No Cheryl I was merely curious about what you said back there in thhhbbackkroommmpphhh". My words wwre muffled by her hand over my mouth only this time it had force behind it. I looked around the room to see that everyone was gone. The clock read 10 after 10. "Yes my dear Mark I closed and locked up ten minutes ago,now I have always tied up anyone I have ever had sex with so if we are going to do this Mark then you will have to be tied up and I will more then likely be gagging you also". "Well I,Cheryl I've only been tied a few times when I was a kind so I don't, umm can't we just have well you know". Her tone changed a bit after I said that to her. "No Mark I am sorry I don't know, I just do not get excited unless I am in control and that is the way it is for me, you either agree and we leave now or you don't agree and we part now the choice is yours Mark,what's it going to be"? "I want to be with you but I, yes Cheryl the answer is yes but only if you promise to take care of me during this". She leaned over me and kissed me on my forehead. "Yes sweetie I will take good care of you, that I promise you". I walked out of the building first as Cheryl had to set the alarm. "Meet me around the corner Mark that is where I am parked". I waited at her car patiently and nervously and after about five minutes which seemed like a half an hour to me she was there. She glanced up and down the street as she unlocked her car doors. I started to get into the passenger seat when she said, "No Mark you ride in the backseat, come over here". PUzzled as i was I walked over to the driverside of the car. "Take your coat off and lie on the back seat with your hands behind your back I am going to tie them now and then place you in a strict hogtie because you need to be blindfolded in case things don't work out between us I don't want you to know where I live". This all sounded strange to me and as I hesitated I kept looking at her thinking she could be the love of my life so I did as i was told. I laid my coat on the seat and got on top of it. She got in and sat on my legs and began to tie my wrists behind my back. When she had tied and knotted my wrists I could not move them at all. Then I heard duct tappe being stripped from the roll. "Why do you need that too"? "Because I just like besides it's not fun if you can easily get out of this". I doubted I could anyway. "Cheryl I don't think i could even without the duct tape". "Well good then you won't be escaping from me in the middle of the night then will you"? "What do you mean,you're going to keep me bound and gagged all night long"? Put it this way honey neither of us have to be anywhere until Tuesday since Monday is a holiday so maybe just maybe if you are a good boy I won't keep you gagged the entire time". "Ok this isn't funny Cheryl and I ummmppphhh" At that very moment she shoved a pink damp bandana into my mouth pushing it back as far as she could push it without it making me choke or gag. I tried to spit it out but she kept pushing it back inside with her fingers. Then I felt something being placed on my head. She pulled it doen and I saw the red ball press against my lips. I could smell the leather and knew it was something I saw in the book. It was a leather trainer with attached ball gag. She pulled the straps in the back tight and buckled them and did the same on each side of my head. The top buckles that kept it over the top of my head had already been buckled. I protested with a muffled sound as she forced the ball into my mouth and then pulled the chin straps down tight as she buckled them into the very last hole making it very tight and very uncomfortable. Then she took some more tape of the roll of duct tape and placed about six pieces tightly over the ball. "There that should keep you nice and quiet will I tie your ankles together and then pull them up behind your back and hogtie you". I started to struggle as I no longer wished to be part of this. "It's too late honey you promised just as i pormised to take care of you now cooperate or I will cause you to pass out and place you in my trunk overnight as punishment for breaking your promise to me, do you understand"? I nodded my head and stopped struggling. It didn't take long for her to secure my ankles and then pull them to my wrists to hogtie me. "Now the finishing touches, earplugs a blindfold and a body bag for secure mummification,oh did I forget to mention this was my last night of working here, I am moving a few states away so it will be a long ride for you and come to think of it Mark I will be putting you in the trunk just to make sure so no one see's I have a man bound and gagged in my backseat one might think I was kidnapping you or something,don't you find that a bit humorous Mark that someone might think I am kidnapping you". I heard those words followed by a sadistic evil laugh as she placed foam earplugs into my ears. "Total sensory deprivation honey you will come to enjoy it or hate". I heard those words followed by a sadistic evil laugh as she placed foam earplugs into my ears. "Total sensory deprivation honey you will come to enjoy it or hate it". Then I felt the trunk close and into total darkness I went. As I lay there helpless and not knowing my fate I fetl excited and freaked out at the possibilites of what could happen to me. Was she pulling my chain about moving and it being her last night at the library? I had no idea as I realized I let an almost complete stranger tie me up and for what? Sex! How could I be so stupid? Yet she was the girl of my dreams or is she my worse nightmare come true? I started to doze off as the car drove for quite sometime. I had no realization of time being bound and gagged in her trunk. One thing was for sure though as soon as I have the opportunity to escape it is exactly what I will do. I am not going to be someone's prisoner no matter how gorgeous I thought she was. Was I even going to get what I was promised by her? I had many thoughts going through my mind as I woke up and dozed off over however long I was in her trunk. Suddenly the rode seemed to change drastically as I could feel a different vibration underneath me. Maybe it was a dirt road or perhaps we went off the road completely. After a few minutes the car came to a stop. The next thing I knew I was being pulled from the trunk. The bounds on my ankles were removed and the earplugs got pulled out. After a few seconds I was standing out of the car and able to walk as she pushed me along. I was no longer deprivated and could see and hear. The night air felt good to breathe in. I stretched my legs and wished I could do the same with my arms but they were still bound behind my back. I was still gagged as Cheryl walked me to the back of the house. She began to open a bulkhead door that lead to the basement. "Cheryl,that you", came a female voice from the other side of the door. "Yes hun it's me I've kidnapped another one". The door opened all the way and the woman stepped to the top stair. She was an Asian woman with jet black hair and jet black clothes. At a closer look as I was pushed toward her I saw how beautiful she was. "Oh I like this one,his training shall begin tonight because I can't wait to chain him up and torture him with my talons". We reached the basement floor and Cheryl walked back up the stairs to close and lock the door. As she did this the Asian woman took me by the arm and walked me into a room. "ON the floor now", she commanded me. I sat on the floor and she came over kicked me in the side. "No,on your knees fool and worship The Mistress of the house". I got to my knees and wondered if she meant herself or if someone else would be coming to the room shortly. She stood in front of me and pushed my head to her boots. "You can't lick yet as you will stay gagged for the first few days but you will smell the sweet scent of my sexy leather boots". I hesitated to smell them as she moved her hand back from my head. I turned my head away quickly and mummbled something to her through the gag. "So you wish to play games with me,good I will take care of you now then". She forced me to the floor in a prone position. Sitting down on my lower back she made sure I could not move. My face was almost to the floor as she placed a plastic bag over my head and began to pinch my nose shut. "Since I don't have time for crap like this you will be suffocated to death ". This woman meant business as she cut off all of my air at once. I knew if she did not let go I would pass out within a minute. Weakly I attempted to move my head but she easily held the plactic bag over my head. Just then Cheryl came into the room. "Kim,Kim, please not yet give him a chance he's different,ya know shy and unexperienced in pretty much everything". Kim removed the plastic bag and let me breathe again. Even though she had kidnapped me the sweet librarian had saved my life tonight. Kim gave me a false look before she walked away from me and left me alone with Cheryl. She whispered into my ear, " she was going to give you shock treatment, she is very sadistic and frankly she would just assume kill anyone as train them so for your own good just follow commands in the future". I wondered why Cheryl was now helping me after she had set me up and kidnapped me. Cheryl brought me to a small room and secured me to a bed for the night. "I've convinced Kim to let me work with you so your time here will not be as bad as it could have been but I need you to do exactly as I tell you to do or Kim will take over and I know you will not survive her". I took all of this into account as I finally feel asleep. I woke up all night long and soon feel back to sleep. Morning finally came and I awoke to find Cheryl standing over me waiting for me to wake up. She took my gag off and fed me some breakfast. Then she brushed my teeth and forced the ballgag back into my mouth. She sat anr read for an hour before getting up and leaving and locking the door behind her. The next day she actually let me get off from the bed but left my hands bound and my mouth gagged. This went on for about a week. One night while I was asleep Kim entered the room where I was bound and gagged to the bed. A sadistic smile was on her face as I looked up at her. I knew right away what was about to happen. She undid my bonds from the bed but still keeping my wrists and ankles bound and of course she kept me gagged. I was then taken to the center of the room where my wrists were chained above my head and my ankles were chained to a spreader bar. She then stretched me out from my wrists to my ankles and began spanking me with a hard wooden paddle. I screamed loudly in my gag as the constant blows made the pain unbearable. My muffled screams only seemed to encourage her as she kept hitting harder. She did this on and off for over an hour. Amused she walked around me as my ass was black and blue by the spanking. You are not getting away from me this easily she said as she nearly pressed her face against mine. She then slammed her knee in my balls and I felt like I needed to puke as my body shook in pain. She finally stopped her torture as she left me in this predicament and left the room. I am not sure how long I was kept like this but it felt like forever until Cheryl finally entered the room and undid all of my bonds. "I have to tell you something and you need to listen to me carefully because it is a matter of our live and death, I know you have no reason to trust me but I am working undercover and I needed to bring you here because Kim ordered me to abduct you so they could train and sell you as a slave, I am here to bust this male slavery ring and put these women behind bars". I didn't know whether to believe her or not but seriously what did I have to lose. I shook my head and she unlocked the ballgag and undid the buckles. There wasn't too much for me to put on but a pair of sweat pants. She watched the door as i quickly slipped them on and tied the tie string. "Ok now follow me and be quiet, I am going to get you out of here and call for back up". I don't think you're going anywhere,grab them and chain both of them up tight,very tight",came the echo from behind us as we made our way through the dark corridor in the basement. Of course I had no idea when I was brought here that this place was huge almost like a castle. The basement as I called it was in fact a dungeon. Not the kind you read about in a Dominatirzes basement either. No this was like something you would see or read about in Eurpoean history. Or perhaps in movies where the bad guys always capture and put the good guys before they execute them. It was dark and damp and had very little light if not for the torches hanging off from the walls. "This way hurry", Cheryl said to me as she pulled me along faster. "There is an exit up there around the corner". As we got around the corner four women came out of nowhere. All of them were small Asian and dressed in leather clothing like dominatrixes. Two of them grabbed Cheryl by the arms and forced her against the wall. The other two grabbed me and tried to do the same. I resisted as best I could to break free from their grip. Yanking my right arm free I noticed Cherlyl was resisting as hard she could but one of the woman grabbed her hair en pulled her head back, the other women punched her in the throat and Cheryl gasped for air. The two women then forced her on her belly and began to twist her arms behind her back. Fueled by new energy I used my right hand to punch one girl hard in the cheek. Dazed she fell over. The other women kept a hold of my left arm and started to painfully dig her fingers in my elbow. Her fingers felt like iron pins and I realized she was pressing some kind of pressure point. The effect was almost instantly, my arm felt numb and the pressure caused huge pain which forced me downward. Winching inn pain I got forced to my knees as she kept a vice like grip on my arm. However I managed to swing my leg against her ankle and make her fall to the floor. As she fell I managed to ignore the pain of my arm and struck her with the edge of my hand against the side of her neck. She gasped and then her body went limp as she passed out. I turned to help Cheryl when Kim grabbed me from behind. She wrapped her right arm around my neck and placed me in a chokehold. Then she covered my mouth with a chloroformed soaked rag. I grabbed both of her hands and tried to pry them free. Realizing I could not do get of her chokehold I concentrated on getting her hand off from my mouth so I would not end up chloformed. Keeping my breath to avoid the chloform I slowly pulled her hand away from my mouth. As I escaped I felt her reach with her other hand between my legs as she tried to grab me by my balls. I moved her hand away quickly and shoved her against the wall. I ran to Cheryl where the two women were starting to chain her wrists together. "I don't think so ladies", as I took the rag from Kim and placed it over of one of the women's mouth. She resisted hard and clawed at my hands like a cat. However I held her tight and soon her body went limp and she slumped to the floor. Cheryl elbowed the other hard against her cheek. They wrestled fiercely for dominance. Cheryl managed to get on top but the women leaned forward and bit her boob. Distracted by the pain Cheryl got rolled over and the women straddled her waist. As I tried to move forward Kim suddenly came up behind me. She kicked the back of my knee to rock me off balance and then tightly wrapped a rope around my neck. Coughing and gasping I attempted to pull at the rope or grab her wrists but I could barely get a hold of anything as the rope tightened harder and harder. You are going to die now! Do not worry, that howr Cheryl will follow you soon, she said with a almost animal like voice in my ear. As I got choked the Asian woman had managed to pin the wrists of Cheryl down and had now slided up and pinned her arms under her knees. Cheryl could only look helplessly up at her as she was unable to move. The rope around my neck was tightening fast and I realize I could pass out any second. With my last strength I stepped forward and kicked my feet hard against the head of the women pinning down Cheryl. The women gave a surprised yelp and then fell of Cheryl. Cheryl quickly used the moment to roll away. Cheryl took a pistol from underneath her jacket and pointed it at the women. Let go off him Kim, she said as she pointed the gun at her head. Kim growled angry as she was forced to remove the rope from my neck. Coughing and gasping I fell on my knees and held my neck. Wow, a second later and I was done.  "Ok Kim toss your keys to me or I will shoot you and you know I will do it". Reluctantly Kim tossed the keys to Cheryl. "Now ladies chain each other up with these", as she threw the wrist and leg irons to the floor. "First chain Kim,then you two and we will take care of you two last,and not a word just do as you're told". After a minute or so all of them were shackled around their wrists and their ankles. "Ok now what Cheryl"? "I need to make a phone call and call for backup you just stand here and hold my gun on them". I held the gun after she handed it to me. She went around the corner to make her phone call. She was still talking as she walked up behind me. "Ok everything is all set they will be here within five minutes,just relax ladies and stay on the floor". She motioned for me to come with her as we walked around the corner together.  "I'm real sorry for what I put you through and I would like to make it up to you,are you still interested in me the way you were before"? I had a lot to think about since I have always lived a quiet shy life and this was just freaking me out. "Cheryl I really need to think about things for awhile so". "Yes I understand", she said before I even had a chance to finish what I was saying. "Will you go and check the cells down the corridor to your left to see if they have anyone held captive in them while I make sure they don't try anything stupid"? I nodded and turned away to walk down the corridor. Just as I did Cheryl grabbed me from behind and forced the chloroformed soaked rag over my mouth with both of her hands. I struggled and twisted my head from side to side but with already having breathed some of it in just minutes before I think the affect was quickened as I fell backward into to her arms. "There,there I have big plans for you". I nodded and turned away to walk down the corridor. Just as I did Cheryl grabbed me from behind and forced the chloroformed soaked rag over my mouth with both of her hands. I struggled and twisted my head from side to side but with already having breathed some of it in just minutes before I think the affect was quickened as I fell backward into to her arms. "There,there I have big plans for you". I could hear the police outside as they placed Kim and her small army of slave traders and kidnappers under arrest. The officer read their rights to them as they cuffed and stuffed them into the police vans. I was once again bound and gagged in Cheryl's trunk. I tried to move to kick the side of the car as to make some noise so someone would come and investigate the noise coming from inside of her trunk. I struggled to stretch my legs only to find I could not move at all. I was gagged so tight that barely any sound came from my mouth. Then I felt the car moving forward as she took off down the long road away from the wicked castle. It was many hours that I spent in her trunk. I fell asleep and woke up at least half a dozen times. My limbs and joints were starting to hurt from being bound so tight and for so long. My jaw ached from being gagged to tight for so many hours. Finally her car stopped and I heard her heels click on the pavement as she walked toward the trunk. It took a couple of minutes for my eyes to focus and as I did I realized that we were inside a car garage. A small light behind her on the ceiling revealed garden tools in the background among other things. Perhaps she had brought me to her new home. "Welcome to my new home, I recently purchased this with reward money from some very rich people whose son had been kidnapped and on me finding them I was given quite a huge chunk of money,of course I was the one who kidnapped him but no one was the wiser about it". She cut the ropes and the tape that kept me from being able to move and shackled my wrists and ankles then she helped me out of the car and onto the cold cement floor of her two car garage. She loosened my gag so it didn't hurt so much anymore. As I lay on the floor at her feet I was able to stretch a bit. "I was going to let you go but then I had a change of heart and decided to see what it would be like to own someone as my slave, don't worry I am not going to beat you like Kim would have done, in fact I am hoping you will fall in love with me and we will live together as owner and slave". I grunted as I tried to beg her to let me go. "Of course if you prove to be difficult while I try and mold you the way I want you to be there will be some strict bondage and some severe punishment but I won't beat you just because I can like Kim would have done to you". This woman has to be nuts I thought. "Now I am going to remove your gag and I want you to worship my high heeled shoes with your tongue,lick and suck and clean them and I will reward you with a nice bath and something to eat,dissapoint me and I will chloroform you again and you will spend the night in the trunk bound and gagged the way you were on the long ride here,the choice is yours". As i was on my knees licking her bright red shoes I was thinking of a way out of this mess. Maybe I could turn the tables on her after I gain her trust and I could then tie her up and gag her and see how she liked it. Fifteen minutes went by and she was finally satisfied with what I had done in worshipping and cleaning her high heeled shoes with my tongue. She forced a ball gag into my mouth and tied it behind my head double knotting it. A leather strap holding it in place, I thought I might have a chance to somehow loosen the knots and spit it from my mouth. I mean she had to go to the store to buy food sometime so maybe this might be my chance to at least yell while she was out. We walked quietly into her lovely home and up the stairs. I looked around as best I could while being guided by her quickly through the living room. I saw a small box with lights on it near the front door which tells me there is an alarm system here. Maybe I could use this to my advantage somehow. We were soon in the bathroom where she forced me to kneel on the floor. The shackles around my ankles were removed and replaced with some sort of plastic tie. The same was done with my wrists only they were secured behind my back. She drew the bath and left the room as I was left to kneel upon the floor waiting for her return. The shackles around my ankles were removed and replaced with some sort of plastic tie. The same was done with my wrists only they were secured behind my back. She drew the bath and left the room as I was left to kneel upon the floor waiting for her return. I stayed still as I waited for her to return. Moments later she came back into the bathroom."Do as you're told and you will be treated fairly,disobey me and you will wish you had never been born". With a threat such as this I was defintely planning to follow her rules and commands. I looked down to the floor as I nodded yes. She grabbed my amrs and picked me up off from the floor. She reached to the fawcett and turned the water off. "I will guide you into the bathtub, I can't have a dirty pet you know". She helped me into the bathtub slowly. I settled down into the hot water and it felt great. She took the bar of soap into her hands as well as a washcloth and began to wash my face, neck and arms. When she was through washing my entire body she didn't say a word as she grab my head and pushed me under the water. It scared the crap out of me because she held my head under the water longer then she needed to do. "Oh did I frighten you, I just need your hair wet so I can wash it for you". When the hair washing and the bath were over she helped me from the tub and placed a towel around me and began to dry me off. "I will need to take your gag off while I shave your face and brush your teeth for you, now remember what I said about obeying me, this means you had better be very quiet for me while I do this". Again I nodded yes. It kind of felt weird to have someone shaving my face and brushing my teeth for me but it was also a turn on. Surprisingly enough she didn't cut my face or neck at all. "Spit", she said as she removed the toothbrush from my mouth. I knew she had done this before because it went very smooth. "Now you wait here and be quiet, I will only be gone for a minute". I stood in front of the mirror and took a long good look at myself. I knew I was no muscle man but surely I could overpower her and escape because this was not how I wanted it to be between the two of us. I mean I was very attracted to her but to be her pet. No way in hell, I thought silently to myself. She came back into the bathroom and placed a robe on me. She started to tell me something when a knock came on the front door. We looked at each as she thought I was going to yell for help or something. She got up in my face and pointed her index finger right into my eyes. "You better keep your mouth shut if you know what is good for you". She reached for the ball gag she had left a shelf near the door. "I'm going to have gag you again and see who is at the door". She shoved the ball gag into my mouth and buckled and locked it behind my head. "On the floor now", she commanded. I knlet on the floor and she pushed me face down and began to bind my ankles and legs together. She tied them in two places and then went into the hallway. Then I heard her asking who it was at the door. She must have an intercom system with a control panel just outside the bathroom. I heard another female voice but I didn't quite her name. "I'll be a minute just use the key,you know where it is and wait for me on the sofa". Then I heard the click of her heels moving away from me. I struggled and kicked my feet in hopes to get them free so I could reveal myself to whoever her company was. Surely her friends would think it odd if a bound and gagged man walk down the stairs and into the livingroom. If I could just get my feet and legs undone I might be home free from this madwoman. I could feel the ropes loosen as I moved quickly and silently. "Well I guess you cannot be trusted, I knew I needed to use this on you again". She sat on my back as she covered my mouth and nose with a rag and held it tight in place. "I told you that you should obey me now you'll pay for your disobedience". I moved my head figurously back and forth and up and down to avoid breathing in the chloroform. "I thought perhaps you might be trainable but now I am not so sure,I just might have to dispose of you soon". Darkness once again overtook me. When I was awaken I found myself still in total darkness. I could not move or speak or see but I could hear just fine. "My long time friend is here,she was suppose to come over to help me train you to be my pet but now I am not so sure if you are in fact trainable". I nudged myself against the wooden arm of the chair to try and scratch and itch on my forearm. "You see what I mean he isn't even paying attention as I speak, it seems he is just not the one for me which hurts because I thought he loved me too". Then a familar voice hammered through my ears and into my brain which stuck there like a locomotive idling on the tracks. I knew this voice before but for the moment I could not yet place it. Perhaps it was the after affects from the chloroform but my mind was clouded and I felt weak and dizzy. "Yes he does seem like a problem, maybe you should let me take him off your hands for a month or so". "Why what will you do that I can't do"? The woman giggled, "Cheryl I have so many young nurses that would love to get their hands on him, you do know that I am responsible for brainwashing over 100 men in the last five years". Cheryl was irritated to say the least as I could hear it not only in her voice but in her foot steps as well as her heels clicked across the floor. She took a few steps away and then paused and turned and then walked in another direction and repeated this a few times before she replied to the woman. "You could seriously damage him forever and I want him as my pet not some mindless unfeeling creature, you know what kind of family I come from, all the women in my family made their love interests into their pets but they did not brainwash them,they seduced them and trained them with methods of punishments and rewards, they showed them how to properly serve their needs and that is how I want to do it". The woman cleared her throat loudly. "Cheryl what you just described is brainwashing,don't you see it is the same except for our methods differ but it is the same result and I use methods of severe punishments and very small rewards simply because I am a highly sadistic bitch which in fact I am quite proud of, I mean it has made me millions of dollars and every major government agency has hired me to get information from various spies and secret agents and I have never failed to bring it home if you know what I mean". Cheryl stopped pacing around in circles and gathered her thoughts. "I do understand everything you are saying and it kind of makes sense but you forget I was with you many times and helped you also but the thing is, (she paused) I know your methods and I have even used them before, you drug their food and keep them bound and gagged for days at a time without food or water,you gag them so tight that if they move around too much they will choke, your use of shock treatment is well over the top because you don't care about the lasting results it will have on those you have used it on". Then her tone changed as she sounded defensive. "Cheryl I have always done whatever I had to do and I always got the results that I was paid to get". "I know but at what cost"? "Cheryl honey you've either gone soft or you have fallen in love with this guy or both". "Maybe I have gone soft and yes I do love him, I think you should leave now". Cheryl began to walk toward the door as I followed her footsteps closely with my ears. The woman walked behind her as they left the room. "Oh Cheryl, just one more thing". "What's thammmmppphhhmpphh". "I'm sorry honey but I am taking him from you and who knows he might survive my methods but either way he will be my pet not yours". Cheryl fought with all her might and even managed to get the cloth off her face a couple of times. I heard her directly in front of me as they wrestled one another. "You bitch let me gommmmmpppphhhh". I heard the woman speak softly and seductively as she laid Cheryl on the floor in front of my feet. "Now sweet dreams Cheryl,it is all for the best". I moved my head just right and saw Cheryl lying at my feet. Just then the woman tore the blindfold from my face and I knew just who she was immediately. Five years ago I went through a bad breakup with a girl I was set to marry. We had a joint account and bought a car together which both of our names were on. I still could not prove it even to this day but I knew she was cheating on me with some guy she met on one of her photo shoots. Yes she was an aspiring model and I cringe everytime I see her face in a magazine. She advertizes makeup, footwear and just about anything you can wear. I came home one day and we had it out bigtime. Since I am a rather shy person I usually do not say much of how I am feeling until I am very angry at the person. This day I was quite angry. My bank called me on the phone at work and told me I was overdrawn at a total of 3,000 dollars. I knew she had to be the one responsible for it. We had this big blow out and the next thing I knew the cops showed up. The person who called said I was holding her in the house and I would not let her leave and that I abused her. A long story made short they took me to the station and I spent that night in jail. The following morning I stood in front fo the judge while she brought a handful of her female friends in to testify that I in fact was jealous of her career and mentally and emotionally abused her and at time got physical with her. I didn't go to jail or anything but they made me go to anger management classes with pissed me off even more then I already was. I was no longer aloud to step foot in the house I bought and owned. Her name was not on the deed but the judge said she could stay there until I completed all of the courses and therapy they put me through. She ruined my credit with the car because she did not keep the payments up and I was not allowed to contact her. To this day I have no idea why she set me up like that and I might never know. But all of this is how I knew the woman now standing in front of me. She is my former therapist who tried to convince me to sign some papers to committ myself to a private facility she ran. I never signed the papers but she kept me there for an entire year and forged the papers in my name. During this period she took immense pleasure from sadistically tormenting me. I underwent illegal shock treatments performed by her each week. She kept me away from the other patients and most of the time I was either strapped down and gagged or locked in a padded cell wearing a straight jacket. She seemed to enjoy my misery and during the sessions she constantly reminded me of how I had failed in life and now was hers. Almost a year to after the day that I was basically abducted by her I was freed. An FBI agent had busted the place and exposed them for holding patients illegally. She fled the scene a day before they raided the place and they never found her as she had been using a fake identity. Now she stood there in front of me while Cheryl lay at my feet. The sinister smile on her face scared the crap right out of me. "How nice to see you, I told you that we would meet again and now I will finish what I started years ago and I promise you that you will never see Cheryrl or anyone else ever again because I am going to lock you away so that no one ever finds you". I didn't even bother to struggle as I remembered how much she liked to punish disobedience. She untied my legs and shackled me around my ankles. "I am going to untie your hands from the chair and I am trusting you to behave". As she said the word "behave" she took a taser from her purse ans pressed up into my crotch area. "Should you decide to disobey me I will make sure I taze you three times right where you feel it the most". I didn't even dare to move as she untied the ropes and then cuffed my hands together in the front. She pulled me up to my feet and ran a chain around my waist which she chained the handcuffs to and then she ran another chain from my ankle shackles to the chain around my waist and padlocked all of the chains together. The chain that attached each shackle together was long enough so that I could walk as she directed me toward the door. I tried to speak but I was still tightly gagged. I looked down at Cheryl again and she must have noticed the concerned look in my eyes. She slapped my face hard to turn my attention to her instead of it being on Cheryl. "Well I was going to leave her here but perhaps I should take her with us, it would be interesting to see you both begging me to stop while I torture the other, what an interesting game that would be". Then she ordered me up the stairs and took me to the hallway that led into the garage. She unlocked the van door and pushed me inside. There were no seats in the back of the van only the carpet with tie down hooks sticking out from the top of the carpet. Then I was placed down as she undid my cuffs and recuffed my hands behind my back. Then she took some pieces of rope and tied them to the handcuffs and the shackles that were around my ankles. "Oh don't you just love a good hogtie, I'll bet you miss all those days I kept you tightly bound in a strict hogtie, well no more freting those days are back again". She tied it so tight my fingers could touch my toes but not for long as she duct taped my fingers together. Then I was blindfolded and ear plugs were placed in both of my ears.