A Rose Blooms Submitted by Greatguy87 Rose Waters was your typical 18 year old young woman: outgoing and eager to flex the muscles of her independence. The Latina-Black mixed beauty hated doctors though.At her physical however, she found some strange changes. "Your shirt is tight my dear. Your cleavage has expanded from B to C.", her doc informed her. He continued writing, raising an eyebrow as he checked his findings. "Increased height and weight from 5'4 to 5'6. Weight from 140 to 150lbs. Bones are quite dense for her size. Muscle system is very detailed. Patient must be naturally strong and/or a athlete." After his notes were sent to the nurse, the doctor asked the small young lady to flex her muscles so the nurse can measure them. After the exam, she was proclaimed healthy as a horse. "Your a athlete aren't you?", the doc asked. Rose shook her head no. "You are quite strong for a non athlete. It looks that way at least.", the doc said as she left his office. Rose smirked as she walked outside. The crisp fall air whipped her red hair and sent a chill which caused her to bunch her coat more. Unfortunately, a friend decided to visit so she hurried to the store for supplies. Once she got back to her dorm, the busty woman took care of her problem. Her 13" arms streaked out in unison with her whole body as she prepared for bed. Then her 15" legs followed the same pattern. After more stretching, she laid down to a sound sleep. When she awoke, the young college freshman noticed something odd: She was taller. "I'm still growing. Damn.", she swore. Her 5'6 frame was now 5'8, yet her weight didn't go up as her scale confirmed she still was 150. Other than the height, nothing changed. After getting dressed, she went to class, then stopped by the gym to check on her friends. With some encouragement she busted out 10 reps of 70lbs in her arms and 60lbs in her legs. "Wow. I am ripped. Maybe I should keep going.", Rose thought. "Jack, load it till I say stop!", she screamed to the campus trainer. The Greek god of a man loaded another 20lbs on the machines and the stunned young lady ripped out more reps on every machine. After her workout, the fresh as a daisy female jogged around campus, only stopping to call her Dr. She told him everything, so he checked his charts. "Ms. Waters, come to my office asap. Its urgent!", he advised. With that, the still fresh woman jogged to the office. When she arrived, her clothes were tattered. The staff was stunned. "What?", the confused female asked. Then the doctor appeared. His face was near white with shock. "Ms. Waters, I need to run some tests. With your permission of course." The now massive woman shrugged her boulder like shoulders and said "Fire away doc." The medical team transported her to a blast proof testing center to run every test imaginable. As each test result came back, the doctor became more stunned. "The gland that helps your body grow is in overdrive! A rare genetic find! It must be in your family tree dating back many centuries! Coupled with the fact that you worked out, this sent the overactive particles through your body!", he screamed as the undiscovered mutation slowly engulfed its host. After two hours, Rose let out a female primal roar and howled in delight at her final form. She was a super model with a massive man's form. Standing at 6'6 and 250lbs with 35F tits was a woman with 20" arms all around,tree trunk 30" legs, as well as a wide 30" back. The creases and divots of her new form could break new ground in biology with the definition it possessed. Every fiber cut like a new diamond hewed from earth's core. The sweat that erupted from her skin poured like a river along a mountain range. The scant body fat that covered the gargantuan female was like the cover on a engine of muscle. The core of the engine was her 18 pack abs that could crush titanium if it smashed into her fleshly armor. As the new figure of female mastery turned around, she looked into the mirror and smiled. She thought to herself: "Ahh. This is power. I am female perfection. Woman personified. Every man's dream and nightmare. This is glorious. Haha." "Are you alright my dear?", the doctor asked. "I'm perfect!", the muscled young lady screamed. From that day to this, she truly was perfect. She conquered every sport, feat and academic endevour put in her way. From collegiate wrestling, the Olympics and mma to having Doctorates from every prestigious university, her mastery was unrivaled. Playing every other major sport on Earth and dominating led to many a ceremony with her being a first ballot hall of famer in them. She used to tie her opponents in knots at the Olympic Games and won the gold in every event she did. Seeing Rose playing LB in the NFL made coaches shudder and offenses shit themselves in fear. Qbs woke up in cold sweats every single time she stepped on the field because she hit so hard. This was Rose Waters, a woman who blossomed like no other.