three and three - part 2 by parthian ----- email : website : ----- questions or comments are welcome. this story will have multiple parts. if you have any ideas or suggestions for the next part, feel free to share them. ----- the girls' paternal grandparents had each weighed about 100 pounds, and had they been under the covers together, they would have been roughly the size of one of their grand-daughters. and that is exactly what hans, karl and otto assumed as they walked into the rooms, and saw the covers covering what seemed like the elderly couple. there was a full moon out tonight, and so the guys had a pretty clear view of the bed and its covers. each one of the guys assumed that he had walked into the right room, and from this point on they just followed their usual routine. each one of them jumped on the bed, and started to punch and kick at what was underneath the covers as hard as he could for a few minutes. once that was over, each guy took hold of the covers and jumped off the bed, roughly pulling them away. it was from this point on that things were going to be different than usual. expecting to find the frightened elderly couple screaming by now, they had each closed the door behind them as they had walked in. the image that greeted each one of them however, was more or less the same : it was that of a persian jewish girl, who was a foot taller than them and twice their size, now standing at her full height looming down at them in nothing more than her skimpy bra and panties, along with a gold star of david necklace around her neck. the look in the eyes of roshanak, roya, and afsoon was exactly the same : it was a mixture of surprise, fear, and grogginess. meanwhile, the look that had formed on the face of the guys was exactly the same also : it was a mixture of surprise, and disbelief. the three sisters had also more or less been greeted with the same image : it was that of a scrawny blonde and blue-eyed german neo-nazi, who was a foot shorter than them and half their size, having to look upwards to make eye contact. once everyone's initial shock had worn off, the same scenario unfolded in the same room. each guy, confident of being male and german, assumed that he would have an easy time roughhousing a persian jewish girl, no matter what her size. so, each one of them charged the girl that was in the room. if someone had been standing in the hallway leading to the rooms, he or she would have heard the sounds of struggling coming out of each room, along with the screaming of the girls, followed by an occasional phrase in german or persian. after a few minutes however, the screaming stopped and so did the struggling. all of a sudden, the doors to the rooms swung open almost at the same time, and the three sisters stepped out of the rooms, each one holding one of the guys securely in a headlock. the girls had a few bruises here and there, but aside from that they were more or less unscathed. as soon as the sisters had made eye contact with one-another, they started to talk to each other quickly and excitedly, and asking each other questions. even though they guys didn't understand a word of persian, they knew that the girls were asking each other if either of them had been hurt. there was a brief period of silence, and once again the sisters started to chat excitedly among themselves. this time however, the guys couldn't possibly know what the girls were discussing. while the girls had been talking to one another, hans, karl and otto had been struggling to free themselves from the headlocks. but, it was all to no avail, as the girls held them very securely, especially in their surprised and excited states. in fact, the guys hadn't been able to budge the slightest bit, and the girls hadn't even seemed to notice their struggles. it was now that they started to wonder if they had made a mistake of invading this home. once the sisters made sure that neither of them had been seriously hurt, they started to discuss their next move. initially they contemplated calling the police, but soon they changed their mind. they reasoned that since they had been in germany for only a week as foreigners, calling the police might not be such a good idea, as they were jews and in a country with a horrific history and record of antisemitism. as the girls started to think about the best course of action, roshanak finally had the following suggestion : given they had a large basement which was practically soundproof, and they were living in an isolated area to begin with, they could take the guys downstairs and keep them there for a few days, until they could come up with a realistic plan. end of part 2.