Terry meets her match Based on Hardscape by Musclehead Terry was pumping away in the gym. Her whole body pumped to the max every single muscle engorged . She was so vascular veins criss crossing her whole body like a road map. It's had been 3 years since terry had dominated her sister Angela and her now husband bill. Terry used them to achieve the most amazing orgasams in probably history. She had finally surpassed her younger sister in strength and used it for sexual control. But many years had passed since then. Terry was no longer controlling ppl sexually, Angela and bill were married now and lives in Atlanta where Bill's business was expanding. Angela had managed to to put on another 15lbs of muscle to her frame was was now bodybuilding at 190lbs, however she was never able to catch her younger sister again. Her granddad was enjoying retirement in Florida. Bob and Sam were now running the landscaping business proving they were as big of idiots as the family thought, because things were more profitable then ever. This left terry with nothing to do really. So she invested her free time into her body. She was still a sexual dynamo but only used her powers when needed. Most of the guys in town had already had their attitudes adjusted or knew of reputation she now she was treated with the utmost respect. She was still having sex but her constant state if arousal had subsided so no one was getting hurt. She said she was done fighting but needed to do something with her goddess body so she took to mma. She was still undefeated beating any man or woman she faced. And the money she made on the said allowed her open a gym and train others. It also allowed her A LOT of time to workout. It was a late Tuesday night and Terry was finishing up her workout. Her new body was incredible now weighting 170lbs of solid muscle and no body fat, unless you count her d cup boobs. Her hamstring had her workout tights screaming for help as the bulged out. Her back looked carved from steel and each muscles twitched and her traps flared. Her delts were like striated stones. She tightened her powerful core as solid 8 pack looked like it could absorb and blow from a canon. She was the last person in the gym as she finished her 5th and last set of 330 lb deadlifts. 23.....24.....25. She dropped the weight with loud boom. Standing in a pool of her own sweat her body shining from another hard session. She looked in the mirror flexed her massive body and was all too satisfied. As she was cleaning up and ready to lock down for the night a woman walked in wearing baggy sweat pants and a oversized hoodie. The woman checked in just as terry was letting her know they were closing for the night. In a thick Russian accent she said "just one set" figuring there was no harm in one set Terry was willing to let the woman finish and watch her. The woman walked over to where Terry had just finished her deadlifts and added 50lbs. Terry thought the woman must have been a power lifter going for a max lift. Then to Terry's surprise the woman proceeded to do 35 rep with the massive weight. Also dropping the weight with a thud she looked over at Terry, her green eyes meeting the woman's blue eyes. "Have a goodnight see you soon" said the woman. As she walked out of the gym, impossible is all Terry could think. As terry jogged home her mind was flooded with questions. "Who was that woman?" " How could she be so strong?" "What did she mean see you soon?" Once home Terry stripped out of sweat soaked workout gear and hopped in the shower. Since Terry loved her body so much she had fog proof mirrors installed she could watch herself bath. The hot water cascaded over her muscle pumped body. Terry began to fondle her nipples and a soft moan escaped her lips. She ran her hands down her rock hard 8 pack and began rubbing her throbbing clit. Terry was always horny after a hard workout. As she touched herself she flexed her huge bicep in the mirror and brought herself to such an amazing orgasam she almost fell over. Terry laid in her queen bed and nodded off to sleep thinking she'd never see that mystery woman again. The next morning Terry was running to the gym at her usual 6 minute pace. She was getting whistles and yells as she passed men wearing only a tight white sports bra and some extra small tye dye shorts And knee high socks. Sweat poured down her body as her meaty quads burst with power. Some men cumming a little just at the mere sight of her. Then out of nowhere the young Russian pops up next to Terry matching her stride for stride still wearing her baggy sweats that are covered in sweat. "How long has she been running?" Terry thought. She looks over at Terry and gives her a wink and a smile then passes Terry. Terry refusing to late this unknown woman beat her ups her pace to catch her. Terry is running her fasted but can't seem to catch the beautiful blonde. Once at the gym Terry is shocked, she hasn't been pushed to her limit in such a long time. She is getting water and catching her breath. She notices the blonde doing the same. "She is human" she thinks to herself. After they cool over the blonde walks over to the squat rack and loads up 475lbs. She stares back at Terry and Terry understands. This is a challenge, let's see how strong you really are. The blonde bust out 25 reps. Next Terry hits 30. This continues for four more sets the blonde only does 39 and Terry bust out 40 on the last set. Terry nearly collapses but shoots the blonde a cold state to say that how strong I am! The blonde just smiles and walks over to the pull up bar. Terry walks next to her and they begin again. 95....96....97 Terry's arms give out and she drops to her feet on the floor. The blonde however is still going strong she manage 120 pull-ups and doesn't even seem tired. Terry looks amazed at the young woman. Her hoodie covered in sweat. You can consider this a draw is the look the young Russian returns with a smirk. Terry grabs some water and continues on the rest of her workout. The Russian dons a pair of boxing gloves and proceeds to almost destroy the heavy bag. Hitting it so hard and fast almost knocking it from the ceiling. Terry can hear the thuds from the impact on the other side of the gym. After 30 minutes or so of this the blonde steps into the ring where two fighters that Terry has trained are sparring. "You boys look strong, like you can hold your own. How about the two you test yourself against me" "look lady we don't want any trouble we just wanna train" the young man said nervously having seen her and Terry's little contest earlier. "Whats the matter you two big strong fellas scared of little old me" her accent sexy and prominent. The other man says "Lady we don't want no problems" as they both tried to leave the blonde rushes them in a blur grabbing one and suplexing him. The other man charged her with full force but in the blink of an eye he was on the floor unconscious with a broken bloody nose. She walks over to the still groggy man, recovering from being dropped on the back of his head. The blonde grabs the man and shoves it between her meaty thighs. She locks her ankles and begins to squeeze the life out of the poor boy. The young mans face turning purple as he fought for air. The young blonde so turned on by her own power begin biting her lip and rubbing her nipples. But before she can reach an orgasam a pair of strong arms wrap around her prying her from the young mans neck. Terry was shocked finally feel what the woman was hiding under sweats. Her body was rock hard and she was strong as a bull. It took more strength to remove the young lady than she thought. Pulling the woman to her feet the meet eye to eye the nipples brushing. Both woman felt a wave of arousal crash over them. Terry does her best to regain her composure. "I don't who the the fuck you think you are but no one beats up on my fighters but me". Again the blonde gives her an arrogant smirk." Perhaps we should talk in your office Terry" . A confused Terry leads the woman to her office." Who the hell are you and how do you know who I am?" " I've seen your videos. I've heard about your strength, your skill" " You are very powerful and undefeated. My name is Natalia I am from Moscow and I too am undefeated. I have spent years trying to find competition someone who can keep up with me mentally, physically and sexually. So I'm here to propose and challenge". Terry replied curiously " You have my attention" "I challenge you to sex fight. First person to get knocked out loses. No hold barred. If you win I leave and you never hear from me again. However if I win you mine for as long as i see fit. Terry steps up to blonde their nipples touching again, this time Terry cums a little from the sensual contact. She shakes the woman's hand "Well Natalia I accept your challenge. I'm stronger than physically and mentally" and with that both women tighten their grips. They stare into each other eyes. The only movement is the arms shaking from the force they're exerting in the hand shake. Suddenly Terry drops to the floor from a enormous orgasam. Natalia looks down and says " Not as mentally strong as you used to be I see. I be at your place tomorrow at 10 get some rest, you are going to need it" Terry decided to walk home instead of run. She could've used some time to clear her head. "How did this woman get so strong?" She wondered. "I thought I was the only person who could give a person a orgasam with their mind". Whoever she was she was the real deal. Terry got home and stretched for an hour. Then she took a long hot bath, she wanted her body as rested as possible for her sexual showdown. Natalia had gotten inside of Terry's head and she needed to slow her mind down. A few minutes later she was naked in bed smoking a blunt. She started smoking 2 yrs ago to keep her mood level and sexual urges at bay. Overtime it really helped her stay calm and focus her mind. It also kept her metabolism high so her body-fat stayed low. She wanted to touch her wet pussy(wet since her encounter with Natalia but decided it was one more advantage the strong Russian didn't need Ten o' clock that night came out of no where. Terry had already readied the wrestling room she was already warmed up and sweat was dripping down her ripped, sexy, muscular body she had already worked the heavy to get loose. The she had 300 push-ups and 100 pull-ups just to warm up (her warm up was most people's whole workout) and was ready to go. Then there was a slow deliberate knock at the door. Terry opened it and welcomed Natalia in. She was there in heels and full length fox fur coat. Then it happened, the moment Terry had been waiting for Natalia finally dropped her coat and exposed her body and what a body it was. She kicked off her heels and stood even with Terry. Her own d cup breast set high on top of thick pec muscles. Her delts looked like boulders connecting to her thick traps. Down from that delt hung enormous arms. Horse shoe triceps and round hard full vascular biceps. Her forearms look thick and rugged veins criss crossing all over them. Beneath her beautiful breast was an rippling rock hard 8 pack. It looked tougher than Terry's own very impressive abs. Terry just stared at a lost for words. Her nipples rock hard and her pussy now throbbing and soaking wet. Natalia finally broke the silence "Do you like what you see ?" With that Natalia stuck one leg out and flexed and flared her quad. "I was Russia's top gymnast and sprinters until I put on too much muscle to continue. Then like you I turned to sex and fighting to sooth my competitive urges, there has been no one who can stand in my path until I saw your videos. Then I knew I had to find you" Terry now having regained her composure was enraged." Be careful what you wish for honey!" Then Terry jumped up and threw out her own thick quad and struck a double bicep pose. Natalia stepped up and matched her pose. Every muscle in their super human bodies pumped to the extreme. They switched to a most muscular there boulders shoulders and traps exploded. Both their pussies sopping having never in the presence of another such magnificent body. They made their way to the wrestling room. Natalia peels her black sports bra standing only in a tiny black thong. Terry takes her tank top off and is only wearing little white thong. Natalia Terry 5'4 Height 5'4 176lbs Weight 170lbs 17in Arms 16in 27in Legs 26.5 16in Calves 17in Natalia walks to the middle of the room and raises her arms in a test of strength. Terry meets her and they lock hands. Now the battle has begin. You can feel the force shake the room. Neither has felt so much power before. Their whole bodies exploded their quads and and calves driving their bodies forward. Their back muscles pumped to the max. Their huge arms flexing as hard as they can trying to resist the force being exerted against them. After struggling for the longest five minutes of their lives Natalia slowly begin forcing Terry to the ground. Terry was in shock flexing with all her strength. She couldn't remember the last time besides Angela had over powered her. Natalia had forced Terry to her knees despite Terry's best efforts to stop her. With Natalia still controlling her arms she did the only thing she could and head butt Natalia in her abs. The force of the blow was enough to make Natalia take a step backwards and releasing her grip but Terry damn near gave herself a concussion of those abs of steel. Terry stood up and was shaking out the cobwebs and Natalia was catching the breath that had been knocked out of her. Both raised their fist, time to see who the toughest really is. Natalia launches a straight right that Terry ducks and send an uppercut to Natalia's abs. Natalia doesn't even flinch when the loud thud hits her abs. As Terry wonders if she broke her hand she get hit in the face by a solid knee from Natalia sending her flying backwards. Natalia picks her up and pins her again the wall. Then she begins to send lefts and rights into Terry's solid strong core. Terry let off moans and grunts of pain. Even her strong abs could only take so much punishment. Clasping her hands together and brought a thunderous hammer down on Natalia's broad back. The blonde let out a loud grunt of pain but continued her body assault. A second hammer finally moved the blonde muscle goddess. As she stumbled backwards Terry caught her with a right hook and left cross that sent the big blonde reeling. Finally a big knee to the stomach folded Natalia's diamond hard abs. Terry was gaining the advantage but one big shove from Natalia sent the red head across the room giving Natalia time to recover. The two stood up and rushed each other locking up in a mutual bear hug, with both squeezing for all they were worth. Their huge arms bulging. Their huge boobs were smashed together with nipples in constant. Their pecs flexing and grinding against the others. Each woman gasping both from the pressure on their torsos and the mounting pressure in their panties. As they squeeze they began to gaze deep into each others eyes. In a instant the two are as locked in a deep kiss. Each's tongue proving to be just as strong as the rest of them. They slowly dropped their arms and begin to feel they're sexy bodies and engorged muscles. Next they slipped their hands into the others panties and jammed three fingers in the others throbbing waiting pussy. They began fingering away feverishly. This time it was Natalia to cum with her pussy gushing reassuring Terry that she still had it before she had her own huge orgasam. For 15 solid minutes the muscle queens exchanged orgasams until they both collapsed on the mat. Exhausted and sweating profusely both knew the battle was far from over. Terry acted first and jumped on top of Natalia. After rolling around among punches and elbows they found each other trapped in the others body scissor. The power in Natalia's thighs was amazing, Terry thought her rips were instantly broken. As hard as she was squeezing the rock solid blonde only seemed to be regaining her strength." How could her abs still be so tough" thought Terry. All the while Terry felt she was being cut in half. The strength in her legs was being sapped away and she eventually had to release her hold. Now she felt the full force of the Russians vise like scissors. The room was going black and Terry began to panic. Acting quickly Terry used all the strength she could gather and ripped Natalia's thong off and began rubbing her swollen clit. This was almost Terry's downfall and the blonde came so hard it increased her strength, sending one last jolt of pain almost knocking Terry out cold before releasing the hold. Natalia recovered first and tore Terry's tiny thong. She reapplied her scissors this time locking her pussy against Terry's. For five minutes the two slammed their pussies against each other cumming everywhere. Their fluids mixing together, you can smell the sex in the air it's so thick. The went to a stalemate and the two decided it was time to put an end to this. They laid they're big bodies in a 69 position. They started licking and sucking the others pussy. They also locked in head scissors, this was going to be the end. Terry had given it all she had but the Russian girl was just to strong the pressure on her head was immense and Natalia's multiple orgasams were practically drowning her. She felt her own tremendous orgasam building, bigger than anything she had ever felt. Her head was spinning and Terry was starting to black out. Then she came so hard it felt like her pussy exploded and that was the last thing she remembered. When she awoke Natalia's pussy was being ground into her face so her tongue just went to work. Natalia had somehow gotten stronger after every orgasam. How could've Terry not noticed. She had been set up she never stood a chance. Natalia was surprised Terry hung on and was so tough. She had indeed made a good choice. Terry looked up at the only person to ever beat her. Natalia's nipples were rock hard and every muscle was pumped up beyond belief . She played her boobs and flexed her huge bicep. Terry, so turned on by this display of dominance came again. Before Natalia climaxed she rolls over on her back and squeezed Terry head between her swollen quads, knocking her out again. This time Terry awoke with her feet off the ground being lifted in a giant Russian bear hug. Natalia bulging arms squeezing the life out of her. At the same grinding her rock hard abs bringing Terry to another orgasam. Terry had never cum so much in her life. Natalia dropped the defeated and depleted redhead to the floor. The beautiful Russian muscle goddess stood in front of Terry's full length mirror her muscles throbbing. " I think I am going to like it here"