My Mum's girlfriend, part 2 By K Brown Sam continues to fascinate It had been approximately one month since my Mum's girlfriend Sam had seen off her ex boyfriend and in that time I had only seen them once. The reason for this was simple, I felt very uncomfortable with my thoughts about Sam. I admit that I was falling for her and the fact that I had a boyfriend and she was my Mother's partner were major guilt factors to my feelings. I thought that I had to suppress my attraction and attempted to treat her normally. What I was thinking of in asking her to train me is something that I cannot explain. Perhaps I could not stay away? Mum had contacted me to invite me round as I had not visited for some time. During this visit, Mum asked if I could help Sam unload her pick-up truck as she has brought lots of logs and branches to use as fire wood. I had no ready excuse to decline this request. Sam carried all the heavy large logs that she needed to chop up before using, which were far too heavy for me and I am sure too much for most men probably. I brought the loose but light branches to the outhouse building. Sam was wearing her work attire of quite small denim shorts, vest and baseball cap as she had just got back from work as a tree surgeon. Being in Sam's company seemed just so relaxed, enjoyable and natural. We chatted as we worked and her large muscles were like magnets to my eyes as she carried logs either on her shoulder or cradle carry. I also kept noticing her impressive and what looked immensely powerful legs. Whilst we were in the outbuilding , I paid Sam yet another compliment on her physique, telling her that her muscles are far more impressive than my boyfriend or Dad's and that I thought that she looked absolutely amazing (I fell short of saying sexy). Sam smiled and thanked me. I blurted out a request to touch her arms for the first time. Sam smiled again and said, "don't worry, I somehow doubt that you will be the last to ask me that question" adding that she gets it all the time. She then extended her right arm towards me and said "here you are". I tentatively raised my hand, which was actually trembling and rested my fingers on her forearm. It was rock solid yet covered in the smoothest silky skin that could be. My hand then crept up her arm and began tracing the prominent vein which ran along her right bicep. She felt so incredibly strong. Sam then asked if I wanted her to flex her muscle. Breathing rather heavily, I nodded yes please. She then flexed her bicep and I grabbed it with both hands. It felt so huge to touch. I actually said the word "wow" out aloud. Sam smiled and said "I can tense it if you like". The next thing I knew it expanded before my eyes into a bulging peak and seemed to about to burst through her skin, which looked very very taught and stretched around her massive muscles. It was as solid as a rock and the most impressive thing I had ever touched in my life. My fingers caressed and explored the bulges, humps, undulations and peaks in her bicep and tricep. My hand also explored her shoulder, which protruded from her body like a big round ball. I became aware that my whole body was trembling as I literally caressed Sams bulging muscles with my fingers and hands. She then moved her arm away and said that we needed to finish off unloading the truck. I was so frustrated at this but thought that she felt even better than she looked! As we placed the remaining wood in the outbuilding I asked if she could train me to look like her. Sam explained that if I wanted to begin training, it would be her pleasure to help me but warned that her muscles are down to more than just training. She told me that she has always been immensly strong naturally, even as a kid. She said that as long as she could remember, she could always beat her older brother at wrestling, running and trials of strength and was always the toughest and strongest person at school, albeit boy or girl. She said that by the age of 15 she was stronger than her Dad and could beat him at arm wrestling. She says that she always liked sports, wrestling, climbing trees and rocks as a kid. She did say that she could improve my physique and strength to a lesser degree than her's though. I accepted this and we arranged for my first session to take place on Tuesday evening. I could not wait for Tuesday and was so distracted that my boyfriend must have noticed that something was not right. He had begun noticing my constant talking about Sam, so much so that he said "do you want her to move in to your bedroom". Although I would have loved it I denied this to my boyfriend. I considered Sam so much more sexy, captivating and beautiful than him and I preferred spending time with her. I did not tell him that she was to help me with training, perhaps out of a guilty conscience or to prevent his questions. When I turned up for training on Tuesday evening it was Mum who answered the door. She said "So, Sam is to put you through your paces is she?". I laughed and said yes. Sam was ready for our session, dressed in gym wear. I tried to play it cool but on seeing her, the smile on my face lit up. We went up to her gym (the spare bedroom) and she began asking me questions about my exercising past and goals I wanted to achieve. She showed me a number of stretching exercises before saying that she would demonstrate a few simple arm exercises. The weight she used was what what she considered appropriate for me to start with, but still her biceps bulged like balloons as she showed me how to perform arm curls with this weight. I asked what weight she uses when she works out and she said, to warm up 35kg on free weights. She was currently using 15 kg. She said what she has planned for me is 3 sets, a 15kg, 20kg and 25kg as fairly heavy weights to gauge my level. I asked what her 3 sets usually consist of, with Sam saying 35, 55, 70 kg. I said that what you are lifting now looks like it would be too heavy for me, show me how you manage your routine. She agreed to do so and loaded 35kg on to the bar. She said this would be her warm up set for a heavy weight work out. I commented how heavy the weights must be. She stood up and began curling the bar. It was immediately clear that this 35kg bar made her muscle swell to an even more pronounced degree than that of the 15kg. I stood aghast as her biceps expanded considerably in volume, making solid steel like mounds as she curled the weight. She completed 20 repetitions. She then started loading more weight on the bar, to total 55kg. I doubt that I could even budge this. Sam lifted it from the floor and stood ready to curl the bar. It looked such a huge weight for a trim but very muscular woman to lift. She then completed 12 repetitions. it has to be said that her muscles were now inflated beyond description and her veins and sinews were blatantly prominent. I couldn't help saying that she was just so strong. Sam smiled and again loaded more weight onto the bar. She now prepared to complete her final set with 70Kg (11 stones) of weight. I was gob-smacked as she lifted the bar and began to curl it. It weighed more than me and only slightly lighter than my boyfriend and Sam was curling it! she was finding it a strain though as she breathed quite heavily as she completed each repetition of 7. I just stood aghast as I was memorized. Sam asked if I wanted to continue with my training but I asked if she could show me how she does things first. Sam said that she lifts weights but prefers body weight exercises and using her own body weight with extra weight added. She said that it would be best for me to develop my strength a bit before trying this. I asked her if I could test my current strength against her in some way. She looked puzzled but suggested arm wrestling as such a test. As there was no table, we used her weight bench, with me putting my left arm into position. Sam obliged and we both placed our left elbows on the work bench and clasped hands ready to go. Sam said that she does not really want to compete with me in this way and said we would just take it easy. I said that I would try as hard as I could though. She checked that I was ready and we started. At first nothing happened, it was just as though our arms were statues. Not silent statues though, well not me anyway, as I began grunting and straining. I just could not budge her even a mm. I put my head right down and tried my absolute hardest. Still no movement. I could hear Sam saying that I was doing well, most likely out of encouragement. She did not seem to be trying though, beyond just holding her arm in the start position. I now squealed I was straining so hard and it felt as though I was pushing against a two ton weight. My head was bowing forwards and my arm was trembling profusely. Sam without warning began unlocking hands and moved away declaring a draw. I was breathless and exclaimed, why did you do that! She again said that I did well. I said that she was far too strong for my one arm and asked if we could go again, my two arms against her one. She proclaimed, that in the arm wrestling competition which she entered last year, bouts were always best of three so why not. She again offered her left arm, which she had said was her weak arm onto the weight bench and I put my left hand to meet her conventionally and then cupped my right hand around my left for much extra support. Although it started like the first arm wrestle, with no real progress either way, having two arms felt more comfortable for me. I still could not budge her one arm though. I thought that perhaps she would tire only having one arm and then I could strike, as I could not even make her arm stir with backwards movement and I was trying my utmost to. I caught Sam looking into my eyes with a serene expression; her blue eyes were just so soft and angelic. I found myself gazing into them whilst straining to win the arm-wrestle. She perhaps held her look in my eyes for ten seconds before looking away. I was despondent at this and again tried to attack and make arm wrestling progress. I breathlessly blurted, "you are not trying, you promised" Sam then with one arm, slowly and carefully it seemed, guided my arm down to he table. It was almost as though I was against machinery as my two arms could do absolutely nothing to prevent her one from having its will with me. I again commented that she is unbelievably strong. Straight after she had beaten me, whilst still sat in the arm-wrestling position I let go with my right hand and moved us back to the start position (Sam went with me on this). I then started feeling and stroking her rippling left bicep with my right hand and It was almost as though she knew what I wanted as she tensed it into arm-wrestling mode which again notably clearly inflated it to the hyper lean, solid and bulging mass what it was when we were arm-wrestling. I gasped so audibly and just blurted out "ohhhh Sam" whilst stroking and caressing her upper arm with my fingers. I again looked into her face and saw that she was smiling and looking at my hand feeling and squeezing her muscle. I say squeezing, but it was far too solid for me to make any indentation on and just too large for my fingers to fully engulf it. I continued caressing it with my fingers, whilst my eyes flitted to and throw between her strapping arm and delicate, angelic blue eyes. it was the latter which my gaze now fixed on Sam actually looked into my face at this point, our eyes were momentarily locked. Our left hands were still holding (in an arm-wrestling grip), my right hand clutched and stroked her bicep and our eyes were met. I was transfixed and knew that I was in love with Sam. She was just so beautiful, with such a well chiselled nose which dimpled as she smiled, high prominent cheek bones, thin but prominent perfectly formed luscious lips, the sunniest smile in the world and silky soft skin. I just could not stop myself leaning forward and going in for a kiss on her smooth soft lips, I was just so overcome. As I did though Sam had simultaneously looked away and released the grip on our fingers. My initial reaction was immense frustration as she began to move away as my passion levels were higher than they have ever felt in my life. I could feel her humongous bicep slide away from my fingers, which tried to retain a grip on it but were not able to as it was too big and strong. As Sam got to her feet I froze to the spot with embarrassment and fear as I thought she must have known that I leaned in to kiss her. Amazingly she must have missed it though as she just smiled and said , "Are you okay Katherine?" I was a bit stunned by my mixture of high passion and anxiety but managed to nod a response that I was alright. Sam knelt down before me as I remained crouched at the work bench, took my hand in hers' and checked whether she had hurt me during the arm wrestle. I said that she hadn't.She said that she was really pleased that she hadn't and that she was trying to be as gentle as possible. Whilst she still clasped my hand, as my passion was still highly charged my right hand grasped her bare thigh. Her leg felt incredibly smooth, supple and so so strong. Whilst we remained in that position, I complimented that she was such a good arm-wrestler. She smiled cheerily at me and said that she was pretty good at it. Behind Sam I could see the large framed picture of my Mum which she has on her gym wall. This was sobering and I tried to get back onto the track of normal conversation. I did not feel that I wanted to remove my hand from her leg though. I asked her to tell me about the pub arm wrestling competition she entered last year. Unfortunately for me, she got up at that point and sat crossed legged on the floor, to tell me her story. Sam explained that the arm wrestling competition was held at her ex boyfriend, Darren's gym in the sports hall, which she attended occasionally with him. It was Darren who had put his name forward to enter. All 32 competitors would pay an entrance fee, with the 2 losing semi finalists taking home a joint third prize, the runner up and the winner taking proportionately more. Sam said she entered as she overheard staff saying that they were 2 people short to make up the numbers. On hearing Sam enter, another female customer also put her name forward. Darren was not happy about Sam entering, saying it was something for the guys. Sam brushed this off and said that it may be fun. Sam told me that in the first round she was drawn against a nineteen year old lad, who had a reputation in the area for being a hard case and most young people were terrified of him. Sam said that she saw him as a kid though and was confident despite the fact that he was 6 inches taller than her. As he was left hander, the rules were that the first arm wrestle would be with the right hand and the bout would be timed. The second would be with the left hand and also be timed. In the vent of a tie after 2 bouts, the competitor who won quicker would use their arm of preference in the decider. Sam says that she took her position opposite the 19 year old, who stripped his sweater off to reveal a sports vest. Sam kept her tracksuit top on though. She says that he smiled at her as they clasped right hands. Sam thought that judging by his grip, she felt stronger than him but decided to win as quickly as possible in case he won with the left. As soon as the buzzer sounded for them to start Sam put his arm down to the table in a thump. The lad looked shocked to death but protested that he wasn't ready. Although Sam agreed to replay the bout, he said that they would move on to the left arm. The bout was times at 2 seconds. The left arm was a similar story, with Sam winning in 3 seconds. The lad complained that a heavy gym session yesterday had depleted him badly. It sounded like a total mismatch with the lad being way out of his depth against Sam He went straight home whilst his mates stayed on. In her second bout, approximately 35 minutes later, Sam was drawn against a man from a rival gym, who was huge in size, having massive arms but a huge stomach to go with it. She thought that this guy would tire quickly if she could keep him from pinning her arm back and thought that her fitness levels and stamina would be the key to this contest. Sam again kept her tracksuit top on as she did not want her muscular arms to draw the attention of leering men. The big guy was also right handed so they clasped hands and awaited the signal to start. Sam thought that his hands were huge and actually swallowed her's. As the buzzer sounded Sam decided to hold position. She managed to do this, and was not forced back at all. She just held firm whilst beginning to look the big guy in the eye She could hear him begin to grunt with effort and begin straining heavily in his attempt to force her arm back. Sam remembers noticing his forehead turn red at this point and sweat begin to drip down his face. He was trying to gee him self up making "arrrgggghhhh" noises, when she decided to make a move on him. Sam said that she decided to begin pushing his arm to feel his strength. He looked aghast and horrified as his arm began to be pushed back towards the table. Sam clarified that although the term is "push", the action is to actually to pull the opponent down. He increased the vocalization level of his straining as his arm was placed flat on the table by Sam. He was so tired with his efforts that he slumped forwards and rested his head on the table for a few seconds. Sam checked whether he was okay and said she was sorry. The referee checked that they were both ready for the second bout, with Sam assuming the arm wrestling stance again and waited for the big guy to clasp her hand. Instead, he forfeited the tie by saying he was "done" and returning to sit at his table. This bout had a lot of people talking about Sam, murmuring whilst staring at her and wondering how a woman her size cold be so strong. Other competitors were checking her out with particular interest. Darren had won his first two bouts too and joined Sam in the quarter finals. Sam faced a man from her old gym in this round, who lifted about the same amount of weight as Sam with his arms but Sam recalls her legs being able to out-lift his by some way. The guy already had knowledge and respect of Sam from the gym and looked a bit uneasy as they lined up on the table. Sam thought this would be by far her hardest bout so far though as he was what she considered to be a very strong man. She again considered that her superior stamina may be an important factor in this tussle. They clasped right hands and the buzzer sounded. Sam recalls that there was an initial 50/50 tussle with neither being able to push the other back. Sam kept calm and did not show any sign of strain, although she could feel that this man was definitely some way stronger than the previous big guy. They remained deadlocked for thirty seconds or so before the man began to show signs that he was feeling the pace. His arm seemed to start vibrating and his face now became contorted. Sam increased the power in her pulling motion which drove his arm back approximately six inches into a decent towards the table. She watched his face intently and noticed him begin to make a noise resembling "nnnggghhh". He could not even budge Sam's arm back though. She told me that she that she just cracked up her power level into her next move, drawing particularly on the muscle groups in her huge defined shoulders and impressive and wide lattisimus muscles which gave her a very pronounced triangle shape to her body (wide shoulders and upper chest tapering to a very slim waist), which began to obliterate the man's resistance as his arm crashed down in a second or so. As his arm was forced to the table, a loud cracking noise came from his forearm area and his body weight was forced to his right unexpectedly, resulting in the sudden mumentum of his arm being slammed down actually shifting his whold body off his chair. Luckily people watching broke his fall and three men helped guide him back to his chair where he still clasped Sam's hand, albeit whilst his arm lay flat on the table. He was now moaning ridiculously loud in pain clutching his right forearm with his left hand, saying "My arm, aaarrrrhhhhh" Sam placed her hand on his shoulder tenderly and asked him to show her where it hurt. He was in lots of pain and was tearful in his eyes. His eyes started rolling and he was passing out with pain and or shock as his forearm began to swell and develop red patches of internal bleeding. He was in no condition to stand or walk and needed to lay down somewhere comfortable and be seen by a doctor. Sam offered to take him to the hospital. He was with his girlfriend and another man who said they would take him though. Sam still helped though by lifting him from his chair and cradle carrying him through the huge function room, down a corridor and out to the car, where she placed him on he back seat By now he was coming round slightly, but still dazed a bit and in tremendous pain. Sam said that she was very sorry to him and off they went to the hospital. She was just on her way back in, shaken by what had happened when Darren came outside. He told her that she has been drawn to face him in the semi finals. Before she could answer, Darren pleaded with her to just withdraw from the competition as he could not stand the beating to his reputation if Sam beat him. He said that he knows she is too strong for him and pleaded with her to pull out. His face was serious and desperate. Sam agreed to withdraw as she told him she is shaken up by the incident that just happened and knows her really wanted this competition. She went back in to watch and sat near the back She spoke with the referee that she had to quit as she was feeling unwell and Darren was given a bye to the final to face either a huge power lifter from his and Sam's gym or a muscular bald middle aged man. It was the power lifter who made the final where he easily beat Daren 2-0 I sat on the floor spellbound by this story, which happened last year. I said to her, if you had gone on you would have won. She said she would have made the final but the power lifter is far stronger than the man she hurt in the quarter final. I moved towards her, placed a hand on either shoulder and looked her in the eye, telling her that she would have won as she is so strong and is my superhero. Sam laughed nervously and said thank you. Once back at home my head was full of Sam and I was perhaps distracted around my boyfriend. He and I made love that night, all initiated by him, with me feeling cold and passionless until I thought of Sam which illuminated things to the degree that I climaxed heavily. I obviously let him think that he was the object of my desires but today he had been the vehicle which delivered Sam to me sexually. The following morning he actually snapped as me as I told him again how Sam had fared in the arm wrestling tournament. He said, Katherine, I am sick to the back teeth of hearing about "Super Sam, how beautiful she is, how strong she is, what a body she has and every small detail of what she wears, what she does and what she says. It is almost as though you are falling for her. Even in bed last night you mentioned Sam 7 times, 3 times before sex, 3 during and 1 after. It is ridiculous". I told him that he is being ludicrous and that unless it had escaped his attention, that she is a woman. He retorted that the fact she is a woman "Did not stop your Mother". For the next Friday night, my Mum had invited my boyfriend and I round for dinner with her and Sam. It would be Sam and his first time meeting. As we walked in, Mum was just finishing the dinner, whilst Sam had gone to the shop for a bottle of wine (although she never touches alcohol herself). Mum asked us to wait in the living room and made us a cup of tea. Within minutes we heard the door, and Mum and Sam talking in he kitchen. Sam then came in and said greeted us warmly. Seh always brightened up the room when she entered. I could not stop beaming as she walked in and walked over to exchange kisses on the cheek. Sam then looked at my boyfriend and said "Hello Mr Katherine". I then introduced them properly, with my boyfriend and Sam shaking hands. He seemed to assume an overly masculine hand shake though, which Sam reacted to cheerily, stating "That is quite a handshake that you have". As we sat down, my boyfriend and I on one sofa and Sam on the armchair, I could see him studying her arms as she wore a sleeveless dress, which showed off her arms and shoulders. She looked so elegant and lean. Dinner came and went without incident, other than my boyfriend and I stealing glances at Sam across the table, mine out of desire and his most likely out of curiosity. When my Mum and Sam returned the plates to the kitchen my boyfriend said that we would try and settle our little bet now. When Sam retuned he said to her, "I hear that you are quite good at arm wrestling?". Sam seemed slightly bamboozled and replied "I am okay at it". My boyfriend then proposed that have a bout now. Sam declined, saying that perhaps later would be more suitable. Mum now came in and must of overheard as she stated "Yes, that would be good, I like to see you arm wrestle Sam" At this Sam agreed . As Darren took his shirt off to reveal an tight t-shirt underneath, Sam sat down in her over blouse which she had put on for dinner. Mum requested she take his off as she wanted to see her muscles as she arm wrestled. Sam smiled coyly, removed her top and passed it to Mum, who began to ready her mobile phone to video the bout. As they took their positions and clasped hands Sam's incredibly lean arms bulged with muscle against my boyfriend's competitively puny arms. From a side angle the contrast in their toning, muscle size and strength was glaring. As they lined up, I shouted "Go on Sammy" (my private name for her in my head). As hey started to wrestle, Sam looked at me and said, Why are you not rooting for your boyfriend? He was trying to win whilst she sat there not only holding him effortlessly at bay but talking with me, where I informed her that he had bet he could beat her and would do all housework for 1 month if Sam won but i must do it he he won. Sam seemed to contemplate this before returning her focus to the match and slowly but carefully began to put his arm down. As she did this her biceps seemed to swell and the tendons and muscles in her forearm rippled . My boyfriend was grunting with effort and beginning to sweat. Sam very gently and slowly guided his am down to the table to win the bout and smiled at him warmly. My boyfriend looked shocked and said with heavy breath "Bloody hell", and after getting his breath back, commented she is "Mega strong, why didn't you warn me Katherine". I told him that I did. He then said to Sam "You were not even trying as well were you"? Sam looked him in the eyes and he followed up with "Chores for a month for me then" Sam said "I'm sorry". He then asked her to flex her right bicep, which she was forced by Mum to do and my boyfriend gasped in amazement at the sheer huge size of it and how lean her arm is. He said hat he never stood a chance against that! He commented, "Blimey Sam, immense beauty and unbelievable strength, the perfect package" Sam laughed and said "you can come again". Mum slinked right up to Sam and put her arm around her bare shoulders and said "I am going to watch my girlfriend in an arm wrestling context nest month" As she did this she kissed Sam lovingly on the cheek. Sam said that she had agreed to enter to please Mum. It turned out that it was the same contest as she had reached the semi finals in last year, which she withdrew from due to pressure from her ex and being shocked at her quarter final opponents forearm injury. Mum said that she will be there to cheer her on and will be the proudest partner in the room, regardless of how far Sam gets. Sam said that unlike last year, she will do a bit of training for am wrestling power as she wants to please her woman. My boyfriend said that he will be there to cheer her on also. I made that three of us. .