muscle eruption A girl experiences amazing amounts of muscle growth while in bed with her boyfriend. Gloria, my wife, came home to find me watching the television. I met her in the Philippines. She was stunningly beautiful with the sexiest voice I have ever heard. She had the cutest dimples on her face with black hair just below her shoulder line. She was wearing a long sleeve pink neon colored semi-see through shirt, with jeans and bare feet. With an athletic physique, she was amazingly proportioned. Her arms were muscled; she had a wide back, with a rounded butt and nice calves that flexed when she walked above her beautifully manicured feet. I have been happily married to her for the past few years. "Hi honey" she said. "Hi babe". She took out a vial of the experimental sarm she had been taking for the past year. "Looks like I'll need another bottle" as she swished the fluid around at the bottom of the bottle. "This stuff is amazing. When I work out with weights at the gym, I can almost go as heavy as most of the guys working out there". I lifted my eyebrows. "You really have been making progress" I said staring at her like it was the first time. She put the bottle down and made herself a protein shake. She used 4 scoops of protein mixed in milk and downed it without taking a breath. "Wow ... .you must be thirsty." She looked at the empty shaker bottle ... ."I am." She took her index finger and sexily wiped the extra protein from her mouth and stuck it slowly in her mouth before bringing it back out with a "sucking" sound. "As a matter of fact ... I could use some of your protein" . She smiled coyly. "Well ... let's take it to the next level then, shall we?" I said as I picked her up and carried her into my room. She giggled. I was actually straining as I was carrying her. I couldn't believe she was getting so heavy. She was only 5' 4" ... but this girl felt like she was 250 lbs.. She noticed the strain on my face and said "Maybe you should start working out more" showing those sexy dimples as she smiled. In bed with our clothes on, I caressed her and felt her getting warmer. "UUU ... baby ... .keep rubbing me" she cooed. Slowly I felt her temperature rising to where she was actually starting to sweat. I looked up at her concerned, "Gloria ... are you alright?" You are burning up. "Keep it up" she said through half lidded eyes. "Something is happening ... and it feels sooo good!" I continued kissing her all over ... lips, arms, down to her tits. I felt her ass growing hard ... and was it my imagination, or were her legs getting bigger. It just felt as if her quads were thicker than I imagined. I found myself getting even more turned on ... so started rubbing her breasts. I could feel her small breasts move underneath my hand and her nipples were getting erect. "ohhh god yess. " she panted. "I need more of this" she started gulping air like she was a fish out of water. I was caressing her back and felt that her shirt was tighter. "oooh yeah". She sat up and looked at me with the horniest expression I had ever seen. " I feel so good you have no idea. I don't know if it's because of that stuff I'm taking but ... I just feel like I'm bursting with muscle." She looked all over my body quickly with sweat dripping off her chest. She then started attacking my cock with her mouth. I quickly came into her mouth which she lapped up. She then sat up erect again with a look of erotic pleasure ... or pain, I couldn't tell which. She then started kissing my neck with a ferocity that I had never known her to have. I started hearing some ripping sounds coming from her back. I sat her up and saw that her upper body had grown and where her sleeves were loose before on her arms, were now strained to the limit. I saw small mounds of muscular traps peaking out of her shirt. I just stared amazed and yet excited all at once. She saw me looking and she seemed turned on by it. "Oh baby. Something IS happening to me. I feel like there's all this pressure inside ... it's ... I don't know. Like I want bust open. It feels good though" she said erotically licking her lips. " Really, really good!" breathing heavier. She breathed "aaaaaahhhh". She looked at her right arm and slowly bent it ... what I saw was a perfect outline of a bulging bicep that was straining the limits of the see through shirt. She curled her arm all the way and I saw a small amount of tearing of fabric pull away exposing muscled flesh in the middle of a large bicep trying to punch its way through the fabric. It turned out that her arm was relaxed. When she flexed it, there was a loud tearing sound and I saw a muscled peaked bicep slamming its way out of the fabric; glistening in the small light coming from the lamp next to the bed. She continued straining the flex and saw the bicep peak squirm and grow. She relaxed it and then milked another flex which rewarded her with additional growth. Her bicep peak looked more like an erection of muscle with veins appearing and thickening around the muscled bicep peak. It had to of been at least 25 inches around. "Watch this!" she said gasping for breath. She showed me the other arm and lifted it like a female hercules by flexing her arm all the way. Gloria just got it more than half way before the bicep and triceps shred her sleeve. She then went into a double bicep pose while sitting on my legs; with her legs spread out. All I saw was glistening muscle that strained to be free as the biceps shot up to almost the height of her tiny fists. She then looked at her forearm and breathed out and flexed it for more growth. "uuuuuuu ... yeaaahh ... this is turning me on ... how about you lover boy" she smirked wickedly. Looking at her forearm, a crackling was heard as I saw her tiny hand move around a slab of forearm muscle. She grunted and strained as more muscle jumped to attention. Her veins crisscrossed her arm. They were meaty as this feminine hand bent down and strained her forearm again which cause more growth. She let me lick it ... "oooohhhh yeah" I felt something slam into my face and realized she had flexed her forearm again. Muscle just bulged and writhed like a snakes on her forearm. "Honey ... .I'm just getting started ... this feels almost like an orgasm ... .but better.." Her eyelids were still in a "dreamy" state as she was immersed into a muscle growth sexual state. "I don't want you to miss this.." She stood up and faced away from me so that the beautiful heels of her feet were facing away from me. She then stood up on her toes and I saw upside down heart-shaped calf muscle straining through the jeans. The material was stretched and I could clearly see her calf muscles pushing slowly harder as they got bigger. I put my hands on them and they felt like they were made out of stone. She then let her heels touch the bed before putting her right foot behind her. I caressed and kissed the underneath of her foot. I heard her let out a sigh. She then flexed the foot up towards my face, and the calf muscle burst through the seams with a loud "RRRIIIIPPP". Material flew everywhere. A glistening ball of muscle ripped a 'V' shape through her pant leg. More tearing sounds came as she continued to pump her foot up and down while standing on her left foot. It was this upside down heart that was straining against her skin and rising slowly away from her leg. It looked like it was going to rip out of her skin it was getting so deep and massive. "mmmmmmm ... oohh yeah ... .my calf muscle is bulging out of control honey ... " she said seductively. The sheer mass of her calf just got bigger and started rising and bulging up her leg with veins that had to feed her blood engorged mass of muscle. She then twisted her foot side to side slowly which caused more granite muscle to push upward until it was hitting the back of her leg and pushed back on it. More foot pumping and her calf was slowly forced down away from the leg. I thought the skin would tear with this huge muscle pushing up vertically that looked to be 8 inches deep. A cliff of calf muscle exposed with the sexiest foot. I started kissing the underside of her foot "mmmmmmm ... .ooooooo" and felt the foot lower even more as the calf pushed more growth against her leg. She then set her foot down and put her left foot in back of her and slowly lifted the heel up with a tense of her calf and it exploded with muscle that burst through the jeans like it was tissue paper "RRRIIIIPPPP". This bulging slab of muscle that looked like it was made of granite flexed wickedly with deep indentations in the middle. I kissed her calf all over and stuck my tongue in its deep crevice "ooooohhhhh ... that feeeelss gooood" another flex and calf muscle slammed into my face "BULGE ... THWAK ... ." She turned her foot and caused a greater spurting of calf muscle ... .BULGE ... . "mmmmmm ... .uuuuuu ... yeaahhh that feels soooo gooood..make the muscle groooww..uuuuuuu ... .mooorrre muscle"". I massaged the calf muscle and had to put 2 hands on it just to get the backside of the entire calf muscle. BULGE ... BULGE ... ..and the calf muscle slid out of my grip becoming wider ..CRACKLE ... ..I started kissing it again. She slowly lifted her foot and caused more hot calf muscle to press against my face. Another slow flex and the calf grew still wider with more deep crevices. "mmmmmm ... oooohhh ... this muscle is so amazing..mmmmmmmm ... it wants to grow to your touch" I caressed her calf and stuck my dick on it to rub and that seemed to turn her on even more. She flexed harder and I saw more muscle leaping and squirming up towards me. I started slurping and licking every square corner of it. She then turned around and stuck out her right foot again so I could suck on her toes. "oooohhh yeah. That is making me grow faster ... more ... ..more ... " she breathed. The inseams of her pant leg started tearing with slow ripping sounds from the shear pressure of muscle pushing on it. She let the muscle growth take over which increased the tearing sounds as her quad muscle bulked up to new levels without her flexing. "rrripppp ... ..rrrripppp ... rrrriiippp" Eventually the pant leg was shredded and hung in streamers down her leg. She changed legs and let him get a close up view of her left quad that was already starting to rip through; showing muscle that was starting to force its way out. She moved my head closer to where my mouth was almost touching it "I want you to experience this explosion of muscle up close". She then bore down on her quads and flexed hard "BOOM" the material flew apart. Another grunt and I saw a gargantuan twitching of massive proportions of muscle that grew and crackled with every flex. She did the same to the other leg. I kissed them furiously and felt her clench up. Her quads hit my head from the side and snapped it around as they added more size. Striated, immense muscle quivered and flexed in front of me with deep trenches in the muscle. Her kneecap was barely exposed with the gargantuan muscle bulging outward on top of it. I looked down and saw veins in her thick quad muscle with gigantic calves that looked like they were made from marble. She shook her right leg to let the muscle swish back and forth which blew cool air on my face like a fan before letting out another grunt and seeing the quads thicken even more. There was now no way that any jeans would fit her. I looked closer and saw the muscle quivering and writhing under her skin like it was alive. She held the flex to allow me to experience the wonder of her muscle growth. I saw new muscle being pushed up to the surface in all directions. Bulges appeared at every angle of rock hard muscle. Her leg was dripping with sweat from the exertion. It was incredible to watch! "Huuuuhhhhh" flexing harder her knee started to disappear before the onslaught of muscle rising; fighting each other to take up space. I stood up and my tongue entered her mouth. Even her tongue was muscular ... I could feel it reaching the back of my throat with strong, seductive strokes. She broke the kiss and turned around so I could view her ever widening back. She went into a lat spread and I saw the shirt that had already torn in a few spots from the muscle growth on her thickening back, just disintegrate before a wide slab of muscle that looked like it could be part of my windshield. The glistening muscled lats quivered with feminine muscle. I looked down at her ass and saw that it had become block shaped with what was left of the jeans being painted on. I stuck my member on the crack of her granite-like ass. She flexed her butt and "BBOOOOOMM", the material just exploded off with muscle fibers with deep indentations on both cheeks like granite. I touched the hot bricks of steel. She flexed them as they expanded with growth in my hands and pushed them away. I couldn't even make a dent in her striated ass no matter how hard I pushed. She strained her lats and flexed for more growth as her arms were pushed farther away from her body. "My god" she said in a loud voice. "I can't stop ... I have to go all the way and ERUPT WITH MUSCLE!!" Just then she turned around and went into another double biceps pose. Her bicep peak squirmed even higher as her lats were exposed from behind her. Her forearms bulged out in an uneven pattern with muscle bulging in all directions. Her shirt could take no more which was hanging off her neck like rags. Her thickening neck snapped what was left of the material and fell to the ground. Her tits had turned to muscle on their own. I couldn't help it ... I started rubbing them ... kissing them ... she closed her eyes and willed more growth. Suddenly, she opened her eyes and flexed down with her arms and her tits grew forward with added muscle. Muscle fibers were straining and adding to themselves. She relaxed and flexed again as her muscled tits crackled out again wanting to be free. Her chest just kept adding slabs of striated muscle. Even when she was looked like she was relaxing and then flexing again. But it only appeared that way ... her muscles were just adding to the bulk becoming bigger. Every time she flexed them, new muscle would push out ... straining to touch my chest. Sweat trickled in droplets off her chest onto the bed. She now had 2 breasts the size of bowling balls of pure muscle. Her nipples grew in size and became more prominent. The muscle grew around her nipple and thickened. She grunted again and this time, her bulging muscled tits slammed into me moving me back a couple inches. "oops ... sorry" she said with a barely aware grin. She looked down at my erect cock and reached down for another protein drink. As I ejaculated in her, I saw her back thickening more. The added protein in the semen was accelerating the muscle growth even more. She slurped my wad up and then licked my cock clean. She then stood up again and went into a crab flex. Her traps thickened and raised into 2 muscled peaks on both sides of her head. She strained it again with the peaks crackling and squirming. Sweat beaded and dripped down her thick, bulging traps. I touched them and found them soft and hot to the touch. She then went into another crab flex and saw them rise up in ever thickening muscle like they were being pushed from underneath. Veins crisscrossed the traps which had her head in between them. Her ears disappeared between them. She turned her head and started licking and kissing them. She was getting wet from the muscle orgy. I was engrossed at her beauty. I couldn't take any more of it, I had her get underneath me on the bed and I entered her. It wasn't easy. Her thick mass of muscle that made up her quads were pressing on my cock. She had to spread her legs even wider so that I could enter her. I started pumping ... .and pumping her. She strained her pecs and arms to grow more. I could see it in her expression ... she was using the intercourse to stimulate more growth. "oooooooohhhhh yeeeeessss ... .ooooooohhhh ... ..mmmooooooorre ... " Her tits were so muscled that I could suck on her nipples that were rammed into my mouth. They actually thickened and got bigger to where I was almost gagging. The squirming mounds of muscle that made up her tits slid on both sides of my face; she flexed and I felt her muscled soak filled orbs of muscle growing past my ears to the back of my head "mmmmm ... aaaaaa ... ". The mass of muscle started flexing and pressing against my ears and head ... making it hard for me to hear anything. I continued to feel her muscled tits moving past my ears and head with each contraction. We were reaching the climax ... .I was slamming her body with my shaft and felt her quads starting to push against my balls as she flexed them. It felt like she was lifting me with her leg, but as I looked down I noticed it was the bulking muscle lifting up underneath me ... growing and pushing me higher up. Under the weight and mass of her growing muscles ... I was afraid the bed was going to buckle. Slam ... .slam ... .slam ... I saw her face in an expression of almost orgasm. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth was open like in a silent scream. I put my hands around her muscular ass and could feel the muscled indentation of both cheeks. They were as hard as brick. Slam ... slam ... .slam ... slam ... the bed was creaking and banging against the wall. She looked up at me with gasping breaths ... "This ... 'gasp' ... ... .'gasp' ... .it.." She then went into another double bicep flex and erotically flexed them. Her peaked biceps strained with a spider web of veins shooting across her thick arm. "oooooohh ... .OOOOOHHHH ... .HEEEEERREEE ... COOOMMMEESS..TTHHE..MMUUSSCLE ... .ERUPTION..!!!!" Her whole body quivered like all her muscles had a life of their own. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH ... .MMMOOOORRRREEE MUUUSSCLLLE!" As I was ejaculating ... I saw her entire body quiver and spurt muscle. Feminine muscle was crackling and squirming like hundreds of snakes underneath her skin as she added size to her body. Her face showed an intensity of total focus and orgasmic pleasure with a smile ... she then went into body contraction. It looked like her entire body was bulging with muscle at the same time. Muscles just started coming out of nowhere and were popping up with added growth ... .bulge ... bulge ... bulge...the sweat streaming down her body made it seem like it was made of wax. Back to a double bicep flex, her peaks started rocketing upward as what looked like the head of a penis grew in spurts of muscle growth.."MMMUUUUSCCLLE EXPLOOOOSSION!!." "AAAAAAAHHHH ... .HRRRRRRRRRR ... ... AAAAAAAAHHHH" I heard loud banging sounds against the wall and thought it was someone next door hitting the wall. It was her bicep muscles that had bulked up so high, that the penis head of muscle was starting to slam into the wall and gouge chunks out with white powder sticking to her peaked biceps. "YESSSSS ... .MMOOORRRE..MMOOORRE" She went into another body flex which caused more striations of muscle to explode out of her. "HHRRRRRRR" Then changed into another double bicep flex like it was in slow motion with pure rapture on her face ... she looked over at both peaks squirming slowly upward like the head of a penis made of clay growing in an erection pushing upward. Then came her muscle orgasm."MY ARMS ARE VOLCANOES OF MUSCLE!!!!!!!! ... grunting ... .(slam ... slam ... .slam) ... focusing on her right bicep peak..she started licking and kissing it all over which brought on a crackling sound ... .. "hrrrrrrrr"Gloria poured on her muscle power and strained her biceps to erupt with beefy muscle ... her biceps started shaking and shivering (slam ... slam...slam)."YEEESSS ... .YESSSS ... . NOW ... ERUPT ... .ERUPT WITH MUUUUSCCCCLLLLEEE ... .AAAAHH!!! What was seen was simply an explosion of muscle that thickened her arms and sent her biceps outward ... . MOOORRE MUSCLE ... ..YEEESSS ... . FUCK ME ... .. HARDER ... HARDER ... ..HARDER ... AAAAAHHHH ... .YESSSSS ... I FEEL ANOTHER EXPLOSION COMING ... GROOOWWWING ... VOLCAANNOOO OF MUUUSCLE ERECTION" Her bicep peaks accelerated its growth so fast he could barely see it ... her biceps split and built softballs of muscle one on top of each other ... it looked like 3 scoops of ice cream on top of her arm with the erect penis still rising into the air which crackled and squirmed with glistening muscle above her tiny fists ... I almost imagined it was going to spew sputum everywhere "AAAH ... AAAAAH ... " Then a gigantic growth spurt all at once made her biceps add incredible amounts of muscle slamming her biceps in and through the wall with a loud crunching sound that was earsplitting "OOOOOHHHH ... .GOD ... ITS ERUPTING!!!.." her biceps punched farther through the wall with chunks flying out in every direction ... she just kept milking it for more muscle growth ... the holes in the wall got bigger as her 3 scoops of bicep muscle expanded. Her shoulders added thick muscular mass with shredded muscle fibers that were growing outward. I heard a crackling sound while this was happening. Her muscled tits shot outward another couple inches with muscle that contorted and bulged all over her chest where it looked like they were gigantic with bulging muscle striking out in all directions..I started sucking and licking on them. They responded in kind. "CRACKLE ... ..BULGE ... CRACKLE ... .BULGE ... ." They were jutting out so far she could easily have used them as battering rams. She flexed them again and their striations became deeper and added mass to them where they were starting to push her chin upwards. I was caught in the middle of them. "BOOM ... .CRUNCH" I turned around and saw white powder all over as chunks of the wall came apart. Her breast had indeed slammed into the wall punching 2 large holes into them. One more flex and they went deeper into the hold ... and they got bigger tearing out more chunks of wall. Veins were crisscrossing her huge muscular tits. Her abs churned a deeper six pack and legs thickened and were causing her to rise up on my body because of the added mass. I finished my load and was spent but she was still in her 'muscle orgasm state'. She immediately sat up and went into a crab flex "OOOOOOHHHHHH ... .MMYYY GGOOOOOOODDDD ... ..MMMMOOORREEE MUUSSCCLLLE ... AAAA ... she took a huge breath..and went into another most muscular ... "AAAAAAHHH ... ." Her traps shot up, bulking with bigger mounds of muscle. They went past the height of her head. Her arms flexed and grew with thickening fore arms. Her neck size thickened with muscle. Striations of muscle grew all around it and merged with her gigantic orbs that made up her traps. I was in heaven as she slid my cock into her mouth sucking for more of the sputum protein. I instantly became hard. The muscles in her cheek and tongue were amazingly strong as she slammed my cock for more juice. I immediately came in her mouth. Finally the bed could take it no more and broke under the sheer weight of Gloria's muscle. With a crashing sound, the legs gave way causing the bed to hit the ground. We were both sweating just laying there. She kissed me gently on the lips. "I can't believe what just happened. Let me test my strength. She got out of bed and grabbed one of the wooden broken legs. She took both ends in her hands and effortlessly broke it in half as her chest pounded outward and her biceps bulged. She then turned around so that I could see her calves. "Let me just pumps these babies up a little more". With that, she pumped her right calf up and down and caused a deeper crevice in the middle of the upside down heart that was jutting out of her leg above her heel. She then pressed down with her manicured feet. Her quads almost doubled in size as they flexed with tanned muscle. Her erotically looking foot had put on muscle of its own and had small veins running through it. Cracking ... which was faint before not became louder and louder ... until "eeeEEEERRRRR ... SMASSH" Her foot broke through the carpeted floor. I got down on my knees and started kissing the calf muscle as she flexed it. It slammed into my face. Everytime she flexed it, veins and muscle fibers could be seen clearly etched on the bulging calf muscle. We climbed in bed again where I stuck my dick in her calf muscle. She pumped it up and down for more growth. Her feet were beautifully small and feminine as her muscle calf muscle bulged and writhed and contracted with life. Straining to be set free, the upside down heart just kept pressing forward like a leviathan. I shot my load which she scooped up with her hand and slurped up. "oooohhh ... .looks like I have a little more protein. Time for some more flexing" She grinned. I grabbed her calf muscle which were so wide I could only brush my hands over the hardened chiseled surface. She rolled over on the bed and pumped the underside of her foot up and down with her toes pointing towards me. Her calf muscle became wider. The crevice down the middle was so big and deep now, that I could stick my entire dick in it and pump it back and forth. I was greeted with 'sigh' from her lips and the heart pushing up towards me with the cliff of muscle still pushing upwards. "MMMMMM ... ooooo ... .that's goooood" She flexed harder and her entire calf muscle wrapped around my dick like a vagina. I went faster and pumped it for all it was worth as she continued gyrating her foot to allow the muscles to bulge this way and that. I shot my load again. I scooped it up this time and fed it to her. She slurped it up as she looked up at me with sexual lust. I couldn't wait to see what part of her sexy body would grow next!