Mengran and Hans Part 1 by Questions and comments are welcome. ----- By the year 2799, humanity had made spectacular advances in all facets of life. Life had become standardized throughout the world, and everyone spoke English. That all changed in the year 2800, when an Influenza epidemic wiped out most of the world's population, and the Earth's population plummeted to around 20,000 people. After two centuries, in the year 3000, there were only two population centers left on earth. First, there were around 100,000 people left in the most remote parts of Northern Scandinavia closest to the North pole. The Influenza epidemic had started out in China and moved Westward, annihilating entire populations along its path. Due to the extreme remoteness of Northern Scandinavia, 10,000 people survived the epidemic. From the years 2800 to 3000, things changed dramatically in this region. By the year 3000, the 100,000 people of this region were nomadic horsemen. Given the scarcity of food and resources in this region, the only people that had survived over these 200 years were the ones who were the most savage and ruthless. In addition, only the smallest people and horses had survived during this time, as they needed less food. In terms of appearance, the people in this region now looked like small Vikings. On average they were around 5' 0' to 5' 2" tall, and weighed between 100 to 110 pounds. They all had a very fair complexion, with blue or green eyes, and blond or light brown hair. The only other part of the Earth that was still populated was an extremely remote and mountainous part of Northeast China. Given the influenza epidemic had started West of this region and moved Westward, and that this region was extremely remote to begin with, the people of this area had also been spared annihilation. When the epidemic had started in 2800, this area's population had been 10,000. Over the next 200 years, the population had increased steadily, so that by the year 3000 this region had around 100,000 people. Generally speaking, this region had always had an excellent and consistent supply of food. Over the past 1000 years, the mountainous nature of the region had selected for very tall and robust people. By the year 3000, the people in this region were between 7' 0" and 7' 2" tall, and weighed between 300 and 330 pounds. They were not fat, they were just big-boned. In terms of appearance, the people here were completely Asian in appearance. They had almond eyes, strait black hair, high cheekbones, and yellowish skin. Over the years, the nomads had developed strict rules of conduct for survival. One of the rules was that it was forbidden to travel Eastward towards the 'land of the rising sun', given that was where the Influenza epidemic had come from. Another rule was that their society was ruled by the 'leader'. The leader always worked his way up through the ranks by bravery and skill in battle. He demanded and received complete obedience. The nomads also followed a very strict code of honor. When a nomad made a promise, he always kept his word. In addition, collective survival meant much more than survival of the individual. The leader of the nomads in Northern Scandinavia was called Hans. He was 28 years old. Every morning, as the sun rose over the horizon from the East, he would look eastward and wonder about the mysterious lands that lay ahead. Looking back at the past decade, Hans recalled that it had gotten progressively colder. The past year had been the coldest yet, as far as he could recall. The entire livelihood of the nomads revolved around their horses. During the past decade, and particularly the last year, as the supply of resources available to their horses dropped, Hans realized that something had to be done, or they would not survive for much longer. He called for a meeting with the 'council of elders' and addressed them : "There are no longer enough resources available for everyone's survival here. Our only option is for a group of us to leave and go towards the land of the rising sun. It is impossible for us to venture in any other direction simply because we are either surrounded by water, mountains that our horses can't climb, or terrain that is not suitable for our horses. I realize that we will be breaking one of our sacred laws, but those laws were made for our survival." Hans said that the males between the ages of 20 and 29 would be ones with the highest chances of surviving an expedition towards the land of the rising sun. After some debate, the council of elders voiced their approval of Hans' proposal. In July of the year 3000, all the male nomads who were between 20 and 29 years of age set out Eastwards on horseback towards the land of the rising sun. There were roughly 7500 of them. They took their supplies in carts. Among their supplies were, swords, maces, lances, bows and arrows, armor, tents, food, and extra clothing. Given that both the nomads and their horses were lightweight and had tremendous stamina, they could travel remarkably long distances in a given day. At the beginning of their journey, tensions were very high, as fear of the unknown existed. By October, the nomads were much more at ease, as almost all of them were still alive. During this period, they had not encountered any deadly diseases, and they had not come across any humans. By now, they were in the open plains of Central Asia, which proved to be ideal for their horses, as their horses now had access to more resources than before. During November and December, the nomads pushed further and further eastwards into the heart of Asia without encountering any people. By the start of 3001, it had gotten very cold, but it was nothing compared to how cold it had gotten back in Northern Scandinavia. It proved to be the coldest winter of the past 100 years. During the first three months of 3001, the nomads pushed further and further East until they reached the remote region of Northeast China where people also lived. During the first 3 months of 3001, the nomads lost 2500 people due to the very cold weather. However this was nothing compared to the catastrophe back home. By the end of March, the entire nomad population of Northern Scandinavia was wiped out due to the extreme cold, with lead to the death of all the horses, followed by the starvation of the nomads in Scandinavia. So by now, the only populated place on Earth happened to be remote Northeast China, with its 100,000 inhabitants, and the 5000 nomads that had just arrived at their doorstep. On April first of 3001, Hans and his followers came face to face with other humans for the first time in nine months. It was also the first time in 200 years that two different human populations had come into contact. The people of this remote region were sedentary, and lived in small communities. They had never experienced warfare, as they were peace-loving, gentle and kind by nature. In short they were the complete opposite of the nomads. In their initial encounter, both sides were completely surprised. Neither group had seen another human population in their lifetime. Furthermore, each group noted their differences in appearance. As the two groups continued to study each-other with curiosity and caution, Hans suddenly ordered the nomads to turn around and follow him. Once they were about a mile away, he ordered the nomads to stop and addressed them : "My followers : after nine months of traveling towards the land of the rising sun, we have finally encountered another human population. As you are aware, this past winter was the coldest in memory, and I am certain that our relatives back home have all died due to starvation. Furthermore, the resources in this land are much more plentiful. Thus there is no reason to turn back, or go any further. At this point, we can establish a new settlement in this region and start new lives. The women of this region will help us achieve that objective. I hereby order you to invade this human settlement. Anyone who does not look like a female between the ages of 20 and 29 is to be killed. The males are of no use to us. With regards to the females, the ones older than 30 are too old for bringing healthy children into this world, and those younger than 20 will just be an extra mouth to feed, and thus a burden." Hans gave the order for the attack, and the nomads charged on horseback. They used their bows and arrows, maces, swords and lances to massacre their victims. To the residents of this remote region of Northeast China, it must have seemed like armageddon. By the end of the first day 5000 people had been killed or lay wounded. This carnage continued for the next 20 days, until there were only about 5000 female left unharmed, and all looked more or less to be between the ages of 20 and 29. Everyone else had either been killed, or lay wounded. The streets of the town were filled with blood, and the smell and stench of death filled the air. Next the wounded were either crucified or impaled, and they suffered a slow and painful death over the course of the next 10 days. By May first, the only residents of the town that had been spared were the 5000 females who appeared to be between the ages of 20 and 29. Hans ordered his men out of the town, and told the 5000 women that they had the next 30 days to bury their dead. Given the sheer number of bodies, the women only had enough time to bury everyone in mass graves. On June first, Hans ordered his troops to round up the 5000 surviving women and bring them to the outskirts of their settlements. He informed the women that from now on they were going to be slaves. He also informed them that one of them was going to be selected by a lottery to be sacrificed. The women were all gathered in an open field. Hans informed the women that he was going to shoot an arrow with a dull tip into the air towards the women. Whoever it landed closest to would be sacrificed. Hans shot the arrow into the air and it landed closest to a 24 year old. One of the nomads went towards her, and ordered her to follow him, and she was taken to Hans. Hans looked at his intended victim and asked her her name and age. She replied that her name was Mengran, and that she was 24 years old. Hans informed her that his name was Hans and that he was the leader of the nomads. He also told her that she was going to be sacrificed on July first, in an arena that his men were going to build during the next 30 days. She had the option of fighting for her life or putting up no resistance. He recommended the latter, as it would make her death quicker and much more painless. Mengran replied that she would like to fight for her life. Hans accepted her response, and informed her that she could bring anything she wanted with her to the arena. He also told her that she didn't have to worry about being killed during the next month, as a nomad never went back on his word, and that the others followed his orders to the letter unconditionally. For some unknown reason, Mengran knew in her gut that she could trust him. Given that there were now roughly 5000 male nomads and 5000 women left, each of the nomads picked one of the woman as his slave. Hans decided that for the moment he did not need to pick a woman as a slave, since as the leader of the tribe, he could have his pick of anyone he wanted down the road. The nomads took the woman to their tents that were pitched on the outskirts of the community. Mengran was assigned her own tent and horse, and she was told that she could go back to her home and bring back anything she wanted. She was also told that she could also ask the nomads themselves for any weapons or supplies. That afternoon, Mengran took the horse and went back to her community that was now a ghost town. She gathered what she needed and placed it in a large trunk, placed the trunk on the horse, and made her may back to her assigned tent. For the rest of the month of june, Mengran lived in her tent among the nomads. Now she had a chance to observe the nomads and the remaining members of her own community side by side. She noted that the male nomads were all between 5' 0" and 5' 2" tall, and weighed between 100 to 110 pounds. She also saw that they were all very fair skinned, and that they had blue or green eyes, and blond or light brown hair. She noticed that they all also had long hair, and plenty of facial hair in the forms of beards and mustaches. She also noted that their facial features were very chiseled, and that savagery and ruthlessness was also evident in their eyes. She compared their appearance to that of the surviving women of her own community, who were all between 7' 0" and 7' 2" inches tall, weighed between 300 to 320 pounds due to being big-boned, and who also had almond eyes, long strait black hair, high cheekbones, and yellowish skin. She also noted the soft facial features of the surviving women of her own community, and the kindness and gentleness that was evident in their eyes. In short, she noted that the two groups were complete opposites in every sense of the word. During the course of the month she also studied the appearance of Hans and compared it to her own. She had noted that Hans was around 5' 0" inches tall, and weighed around 100 pounds. She had also noticed his blue eyes, blonde hair and mustache. She also noted that his facial features were amongst the most chiseled and masculine of his people, and that he was probably one of the most ruthless and savage members of his people, if not the most savage and ruthless one of all. With regards to her own appearance, she obviously knew that she was 7' 2" tall and weighed 330 pounds. She also knew that compared to the women of her own community, her hair was very long coming down to her lower back, and that her eyes were almond shaped but still on the larger side, and that her cheekbones were also among the highest, and her facial features among the softest and most feminine, and the look in her eyes among the kindest and most gentle. She had always been very confident of her looks and knew that she was among the best looking women of her community. She also knew that her figure was voluptuous, like that of the rest of the women of her community, with her large breasts, wide hips, round buttocks and thick legs. She had also learned that Hans was 28, being very close to her own age of 24. Beginning in early June, the nomads started construction on the arena where Mengran would be fighting Hans for her life. As the days went by, the structure slowly started to take form. By the time it was completed, it had enough seating for 10,000 spectators. The area where the fight would take place was in the form of a square that was 70 feet long on each side. This area was to be surrounded by a 20 foot high chain-linked fence, to prevent anyone's escape. The arena was to also have a wooden floor. At night, when the sun would set, the area would be illuminated by torches of fire. During the month of June, Mengran tried to prepare as best as she could for her encounter with Hans. She tried to eat as best as she could, and she got all the supplies that she needed from her home and the nomads. In the week prior her fight, a strange sense of calm came over her. She had reasoned that she had prepared as best as she had could, and now it was all up to fate. The only thing that slightly bothered her was that in the two days prior to the fight, she couldn't urinate or have a bowel movement, as her excitement level rose. The night prior to the fight, Mengran placed all the supplies that she had gathered in the trunk. She had a good night's sleep, and when the sun finally rose over the horizon, she got up , got dressed, and awaited the inevitable. She had decided to wear a white cotton long sleeve shirt, long white cotton pants, and white cotton underwear. Finally one of Hans' men came and asked Mengran to follow him to the arena. Another one of Hans' men took Mengran's trunk and followed them. When they approached the arena, the seats had already been filled with the nomads and the women from Mengran's community. Each woman had been seated next to the nomad that had picked her as his slave. Mengran followed the nomad into the arena, with the other nomad carrying her trunk in tow. Mengran was instructed to wait in the Eastern corner of the arena. The other nomad placed Mengran's trunk next to her, and the two nomads exited the arena. Next Hans came towards the arena on his horse, followed by a nomad who was carrying his weapons in a trunk. Amongst his weapons were his bow and arrow, mace, sword, and lance. Hans was dressed in light-blue silk clothing that covered his body. On top of that, we was wearing his light chain-linked armor. As Hans dismounted his horse and entered the arena, there was a roar from the nomads in the crowd. Hans occupied the Western corner of the arena. The nomad that had been carrying his trunk placed it next to him on the ground and exited the arena. The door to the arena was locked shut. A trumpet sounded, signalling the beginning of the fight. Hans made eye contact with Mengran, and walked to the center of the arena unarmed. Mengran did the same, and once she was there, Hans extended out his arm for a handshake. Mengran extended out her arm and shook Hans' hand. Hans noticed that Mengran wasn't as nervous as he thought she should have been, but he didn't give it much thought. Having lived among the nomads for 30 days and observed them, she had gotten the feeling that they were not as deadly once they were off their horses, and in an enclosed space in a one on one combat situation. That had helped her come up with a collective game plan for her battle, and to pick out he contents of her trunk accordingly. She had had a month to think things through. When Mengran had walked into the arena, she had noticed that in the Northern corner of the fighting area, two 10 foot high wooden poles had been planted into the ground 20 feet from each other, and that two long pieces of rope hanged from the top of the poles. She asked Hans what their purpose was, and Hans replied that given that she was going to be a sacrifice, after she had been killed, her body was to be cut in half and hung from the ropes so that the vultures could feed on her carcass. Mengran had also noticed a full length mirror in the Southern corner of the arena, and she also asked about its purpose. Hans replied that it was for him to enjoy seeing his own reflection holding her severed head after she had been defeated and killed. Hans told Mengran that he would try and kill her as swiftly as possible, to minimize her suffering. Having answered Mengran's questions and shaken her hand, Hans informed her that it was time to start fighting and they went to their respective corners. Hans decided to start the battle with his sword. It was medium and light-weight and razor sharp. Hans started to go through a warm-up routine with it. Mengran had meanwhile reached into the chest and produced two large sheilds, holding one tightly in each of her hands. After around five minutes Hans confidently approached Mengran. Hans attacked swiftly and with determination, aiming for her neck and swinging his sword around in a 360 degree circle, determined to decapitate her instantly. However, given that mengran was 26 inches taller than hans, she had a considerable reach advantage, and she easily blocked him with her right shield. Hans backed up, and charged at her once again, this time bringing his sword around in the opposite direction. Mengran successfully blocked him again this time with her left shield. This cycle repeated itself another four times, until Hans decided it was time for another strategy. After resting for about five minutes, Hans approached mengran once again with his sword, this time aiming and thrusting the sword directly at her abdomen with the goal of disemboweling her. But once again, mengran's reach advantage proved decisive and she blocked his thrust with one of her shields. Hans backed up and charged once again, but mengran successfully blocked him once more. Hans spent the next 10 minutes attacking savagely and mercilessly, trying to either decapitate or disembowel her, but it all proved to be futile. Finally, Hans decided that he needed another strategy. He returned to his corner, put down his sword, and started to contemplate his next move. After about five minutes, Hans picked up his mace and attacked. Once again, Hans attacked swiftly and with determination. Swiftness had always been one of his advantages in battle. Hans had reasoned Mengran had survived their last encounter because of the shields, so the shields had to be destroyed. Hans obviously knew that a mace would deliver a stronger impact than a sword. This time his strategy was simple. He would hit the sheilds until they were destroyed, or until mengran dropped them from the force of the impact. Hans spent the next 10 minutes relentlessly attacking. The sheilds were however made of very thick wood, and the impact from Hans' blows simply wasn't strong enough. Hans' predominant strong point in battle had always been speed, and not brute strength. Also, Mengran never dropped either of the shields as hans had hoped that she might. After another five minutes with no results, realizing the futility of his strategy, Hans went back to his corner, dropped his mace to contemplate his next move. By now, Hans had been completely surprised at the level of Mengran's first display of strength, with her carrying two of their largest shields. He himself had always carried one shield, which was of medium size, and he had found it somewhat heavy. And here was mengran carrying two of their largest shields, without the slightest show of fatigue or exhaustion. But he brushed it off, believing in the concept of male superiority. Given the level of determination and speed with which Hans had attacked mengran with, he was now beginning to experience fatigue in his right arm. His remaining two weapons were now a lance and a bow and arrow. He spent the next 10 minutes messaging his right arm, and then approached Mengran with the bow and arrow. He started shooting the arrows at Mengran. Mengran however, had picked two shields that were 30 inches in diameter each. When placed side by side they literally formed a 5 foot wall of defense. Hans fired a volley of arrows at mengran, but with the surface area provided by her two large shields, Mengran blocked all the arrows successfully. After resting, with his only remaining weapon being a lance, Hans picked up that weapon and approached her. Once again, Mengran's height and reach advantage, and the surface area of her shields saved her life. Mengran successfully blocked each of Hans' thrusts with the lance. Finally, Hans threw the lance towards Mengran with all his strength as a last effort. The lance hit the shield as expected, and this time stayed stuck in the shield. Out of weapons, and more importantly frustrated, Hans returned to his own corner to contemplate his next move. This gave Mengran a chance to stretch and message her arms, as they had cramped up a little, given that the shields had been very heavy and they had also received all the impacts from hans. As far as Mengran was concerned the most dangerous part of their confrontation was now over. She knew that Hans was now out of weapons, and he hadn't brought anything else with him. She had had a feeling that Hans' ideal battle would happen on horseback in an open field, and she had also sensed that he was used to lightning quick fights. At this point mengran decided to change her clothes. Mengran took off her white cotton long sleeve shirt, her long white cotton pants, and her white cotton underwear. She also took off her socks and shoes, until she was completely nude. She reached into her trunk and pulled out a one-piece see-through silk lace article of clothing that would cover her entire body. It had a very fine zipper in the front, two heart shaped pieces of pink silk fabric that would cover just her nipples, and a heart shaped piece of pink silk fabric to cover her pubic region. Mengran opened the zipper, and slipped on the article of clothing, and zipped herself up. It fit her like a second skin, and even covered the sole of her feet and palms. Ideally she would have worn it from the beginning, but it had been a birthday gift from her mother, and she didn't want to risk getting it torn. If someone had been looking at mengran from far-away, she would have seemed almost naked, with only her nipples and pubic region covered by the pink silk hearts. By now, Hans concluded that they were down to hand-to-hand combat. He approached Mengran with his clenched fists. He was momentarily startled by her change in appearance. Hans thought about punching Mengran in her face, but her 26 inch height advantage made that seem very impractical. Instead, he concentrated on her abdomen. Numerous times he tried punching her there, but each time she would lift her thigh and block him. Finally, completely frustrated, he tried punching her breasts, first with his right hand and then with his left. Each time, Mengran successfully grabbed his wrists. For some reason, Mengran took this very personally, and tripped him backwards, landing on top of him with her full weight. Hans was momentarily stunned. Still very angry at him, while he was still stunned, Mengran lifted him up slightly, placed one of her hands on his sternum, and another hand on the inside of his thigh, lifted him up above her head, jumped into the air with him, and they came back down together, with Mengran on top of Hans, their bodies hitting the ground together at the same time. Hans felt the full impact of Mengran's weight from that height in a classic power slam. That power slam completely knocked the wind out of hans. Judging by the look on Hans' face, Mengran knew that she now had the opportunity to try a few moves on him. But she decided that it would be best if she first took off his light-blue silk clothing and his light chain-linked armor. That proved to be very easy, as his light chain-linked armor wasn't fastened to anything. It had just been put-on on top of his regular silk clothing. Mengran soon relieved Hans of his chain-linked light armor, his silk long-sleeve shirt and pants, and his shoes and socks. By the time she was done with him, he was down to just a pair of white cotton boxers. By now, Hans was beginning to recover from the power slam. Mengran picked up Hans' right leg, stepped over it, wrapped it with one of her own legs, and applied a figure-four leg lock to hans. She laid on her back to complete the move. From her lying position she looked up at Hans who had by now regained his senses. Hans tried to stand up, but soon realized that he couldn't. He looked at his legs, and saw that they were intertwined with Mengrans'. Mengran also looked at their legs and saw that Hans had tensed his calves and thighs, to try and get free. She had hardly felt his struggles. Hans continued to struggle, but to no avail. Mengran knew then and there that she had him trapped, and that he wasn't going anywhere. She started to slowly increase the pressure in her buttocks, calves, and thighs, tensing them and looking into his eyes the entire time. Hans responded by increasing the tension in his own legs to counteract the pressure. Mengran in turn increased the pressure again. Hans had no choice but to increase the pressure. Soon a rhythm and pattern was established, with Mengran initiating and Hans responding. Hans' muscles started to cramp up though, forcing hans to decrease the tension and consequently the resistance in his legs. To this, Mengran would obviously respond by increasing the pressure even more, slowly, surely and methodically. Soon, the most important difference turned out to be their reserves in leg strength. While mengran had only used a fraction of her power, Hans had tapped into a good portion of his strength. This soon became evident however, as Hans' legs cramped up completely, and their resistance collapsed. Mengran took this opportunity to compare their legs, her own thick and shapely feminine calves and thighs, solid mammoth buttocks and thick waist versus his thin yet masculine calves and thighs, small buttocks and thin waist. She had known all along that there was just so much more of her than there was of him. Mengran decided to increase the pressure once more, and inform hans that she had applied only a fraction of the true power of her legs, just to see what kind of response she would get from him. Tensing her magnificant legs and buttocks once more, Mengran told Hans how much she had truly held back when applying pressure, and how little effort it had taken on her part to completely drain his leg strength. Hearing this from Mengran not only made Hans' earn burn, but it also severely bruised his ego. Most important and urgent of all, he felt as if his knee was going to snap into two or shatter altogether. All that he actually did however was to gasp and moan in pain, the pain becoming completely unbearable. He refused to ask for mercy from Mengran however. What ultimately prevented him was the sense of honor and pride that had developed in him over the years as the leader of the nomads. It was that fragile egg-shell ego of his, and other men in general, and the belief in male superiority. This was not the way Hans had imagined the fight would progress. Mengran's muscular calves, and thick thighs and hamstrings were killing him. Why did she have to be so feminine and powerful at the same time, and be inflicting so much pain on him ? She almost acted like he wasn't even there, and she barely felt his struggles. Hans felt that she could do anything that she wanted to with him. In reality, that is exactly how Mengran was now feeling. At this point, Mengran decided to release Hans from her figure four leglock. She was curious to see how he would respond. Once she had released him, Hans responded by massaging his tortured knee. He tried to instinctively back away from her, and instantly realized that he couldn't place any pressure on his tortured leg. All he could do now was to hop away from her back to his own corner. Mengran also walked to her own corner. Mengran spent the next fifteen minutes resting, and thinking about the next stage of her batttle with Hans. Hans meanwhile continued to massage his tortured knee. That is all he had time for, as soon the fifteen minutes was up. Looking towards Mengran's direction, Hans saw that mengran was walking towards him, looking intently in his direction the entire time. Hans hadn't come up with a game-plan in these fifteen minutes, contrary to Mengran. Mengran continued walking towards him, until she got to the center of the arena. At the point, she stopped, but continued looking towards him. Hans knew that she was now openly challenging him for the first time during their match. With all the nomads intently watching him, Hans knew that his only choice was to go towards Mengran and face her. Unable to put any pressure on his injured knee, Hans' only option was to hop towards Mengran. At the beginning of the match, anytime Hans initiated an attack, the nomads cheered him on. But by now the nomads had grown silent. Once he was face to face with Mengran, Hans decided that his only option now was to use his fists. To his surprise, Mengran did not try to initiate any offense. Hans responded by trying to punch her in the ribs, abdomen, upper body, or face. Mengran responded by successfully blocking his punches every time. On his second to last punch, Mengran grabbed his fist in the palm of her hand. She also did the same with his last punch. Hans struggled to break free, but he was now completely trapped. Mengran responded by tripping him backwards and landing on top of him. Just like last time, the impact of the fall dazed him just long enough for Mengran to follow through with a devastating power slam. With the breath once again knocked completely out of him, Mengran placed his left leg in a figure four leg-lock this time. She was patient, methodical and relentless with the onslaught on his left leg this time, using a fraction of the awesome power of her magnificent legs to render his left leg and knee completely useless. Once again, she continued to apply pressure even after all his resistance was gone, just to see if Hans would respond in the same way. Once again, Hans responded by gasping and moaning in pain. He refused to beg for mercy once again, choosing to just absorb and internalize the horrific pain that was being inflicted upon him by the awesome power of her legs. By now, Mengran was feeling strong tingling sensations in her nipples, and in her crotch. Ever since he had struggled in her figure four leglock, Mengran could feel his thin masculine hairly legs through the silk lacy material of her pink dress and she relished the feel of his legs. The feel of the silky lace material of her dress also amplified her feelings. He in turn was arounsed by the feel of the silky smoothness of her thick legs. Mengran finally decided to release hans from her figure four leg lock. She released him, and walked back to her own corner to rest. Hans meanwhile cleared the cobwebs from his head, sat up and started to massage his knees. After fifteen minutes, he tried to stand, but it proved to be an exercise in futility, as both knees completely gave out from under him. His only choice at this point was to try and crawl back to his corner, but he saw that as pointless, and decided to stay in the center of the arena. Since releasing Hans from her figure four, Mengran had done some stretching exercises. Finally she walked back towards Hans at the center of the ring. Hans thought of crawling away from her, but decided against it. Hans looked up at her from his position not knowing what to expect. Mengran responded by placing the sole of her foot on his chest and pressing down, forcing Hans to the ground on his back. Next she forced Hans onto his stomach. Next she placed both of her feet on his small buttocks, standing on them. Next Mengran reached down and caught hold of his arms by the wrists. She stood up straight again, forcing his upper body off the ground, while his lower body was still pinned down. She leaned back, bending his body in a way it wasn't meant to bend. She began to twist his arms by the wrists, as she continued to pull back on them. He tried to break free, but he could not. Mengran was standing on his buttocks with his upper body lifted off the ground, and she held his arms firmly in this position. After a while, when she felt that the tension and resistance in his arms were all but gone, she let his arms go and they fell limply to his sides. Now that Mengran had completely immobilized Hans, and there were no rules, referee or time limit, she had a completely free hand in what she could do with him. First however, she decided to stretch out a little bit and rest. Mengran's body had always been extremely flexible, and she went through a routine for the next 15 minutes, occasionally looking over at hans and making eye-contact with him. The entire time, Hans looked up at her with fear, wondering what was in store for him. Once she was done with her routine, Mengran sat hans up, sat on his lap, and wrapped her legs around his midsection. She felt an erection under her buttocks. She told him : "after living among you for a month, i realized that you wouldn't be as deadly once you were off your horses and in a enclosed space. Furthermore, you only anticipated a short fight, and didn't prepare for any alternative, did you?" And with those words, Mengran started to squeeze Hans between her legs. Using a fraction of her power, Mengran squeezed Hans, increasing the pressure slowly and steadily. Hans responeded by screaming in pain. She straitened her legs, increasing the pressure even more. Hans struggled desperately and with futility between her legs, causing Mengran to become aroused with his struggles. Mengran wanted him to feel her dominating him, to feel that she was not even trying that hard. She wanted to destroy him. She looked right into his face, into his eyes, as she spoke. Gently, she asked him if it hurt, increasing the pressure slightly, and forcing a grunt and then a scream from him. She asked him if it was humiliating for him, knowing that she wasn't even squeezing that hard. Mengran felt his stomach muscles between her legs, as she sat on his lap and squeezed. Though Hans was trying to flex his stomach muscles, to stop her from squeezing the air from him, she was able to feel, with her thighs, when he tried to rest his muscles. Whenever he did, she clamped down on him, forcing more air from him, looking directly into his face each time. She continued to constrict the space in his mid-section. She was weakening Hans between her legs, teasing and humiliating him. This process went on until his stomach muscles were completely wasted, and his resistance completely collapsed. Eventually she could even feel his internal organs between her legs, and they had become completely squishy. She again squeezed the air from him. This time, she squeezed him until his flow of air was severely cut off. He struggled desperately for breath, but she squeezed him and held him there until she was satisfied that he had completely weakened. By now her nipples were erect, and she felt this very strong tingling sensation in her pubic region again. She looked into Hans' eyes and said: "look at my nipples darling, can you tell that i am aroused ?? " Gasping for air, Hans decided to remain silent. Mengran undid the zipper that held her outfit together, and bared her breasts. Still looking into his eyes she said : "darling, if i let you breath, will you suck on my nipples ??" Hans still chose to remain silent, but this time moved his head up and down, signaling that he would. And with that, Mengran loosened her thighs and calves and allowed him to breathe. Next, she forced her nipple into his mouth. She said to him : "go ahead darling, suck on it" , and Hans began sucking in earnest. Mengran moaned in pleasure as she felt so good. He was very good at it, and he continued to suck and lick her nipple for a very long time. Mengran did the same with her other breast. Once Hans was done sucking on Mengran's nipples, Mengran decided that her next target would be his chest. After placing her breasts back in her dress and zipping herself up, she placed one of her thighs between the mat and his chest, and placed the other one over his chest, and locked her ankles together. She started to slowly increase the pressure on his chest. Hans responded by tensing his muscles in response. Sooner or later he would have to breathe, and when he did, she would simply clamp down on his chest. This way, his breathing space gradually decreased, until he was soon gasping for air. Hans' struggles started to turn her on once again. He was constantly rubbing against her pubic region with his struggles. She once again felt a tingling sensation, only this time it was much stronger than before. She looked at his small masculine chest trapped against her massive feminine thighs. She had only used a fraction of her strength, and he was completely worn out. By now Hans was wheezing and gasping for air, as each breath was a painful ordeal for him. Mengran took his right hand in hers and glided it all over her calves, thighs, and buttocks. She teased him, saying : "these feminine legs of mine are the source of your pain my darling, can you feel my muscles??" He chose to stay silent, and she did the same with his left hand. With her mammoth feminine thighs around Hans### masculine little chest, Mengran continued to increase the pressure until she reached the point where, with the slightest increase in pressure, Hans' ribcage would shatter into splinters of bone. She could feel his little heart beating so fast, it was as if it was trying to escape the confines of a space that was about to be destroyed. Up until now, Hans has not uttered a word, rather he has just gasped, moaned, and cried in pain, choosing to internalize his pain, thoughts and feelings rather than verbalizing them. Mengran told Hans that she was just using a fraction of the power of her magnificent mammoth thighs against little chest, and that unless he wanted to have his ribcage pulverized, he'd better answer her next question. she asked him : "how would you describe my figure and looks ?" Hans hesitated in answering. Mengran pretended to apply the needed extra pressure, when Hans finally screamed out : "You're voluptuously gorgeous !!" "You're voluptuously gorgeous !!" Surprised by his choice to finally talk she said : "are you calling me fat ?!" Hans replied : "no ! no ! your just big-boned !! what I mean is you have a big frame !!" Hans went on to explain that she had large bones that were covered by even larger muscles, giving her awesome power that she had demonstrated so effectively, to him at least. He went on to tell her that her body did contain fat, but it was distributed evenly across her body on her magnificent muscles, giving it a very healthy feminine feel, appearance, and glow. He also said that the bone structure of her face was very delicate and feminine as well. Mengran was genuinely flattered by Hans' response, and a smile formed on her face for a brief moment. Sensing an opportunity, Hans said : "Please !! Please have mercy on me !! You're killing me with your legs !!" Mengran replied : "Oh, come on darling !! I know you've been loving what I've been doing to you !! I know you've loved the silky feel of my dress and legs !! Don't you think I haven't noticed your erection ? You've had it ever since I put you in that figure-four leg-lock. It seems like you don't know what's good for you. Maybe you should just stop resisting , and just try and enjoy what I have planned for the rest of our match !" And with those words, Mengran finally released Hans from between her legs. Next, she stood up, and picked up Hans and threw him over her shoulder, carrying him to the mirror that was in the arena. Placing him on the ground, Mengran asked Hans : "How would you describe the relative size of our bodies ?" Hans went on to explain that one of her legs was as big as his entire body, and that one of her muscular calves was easily bigger than one of his thighs. He also admitted that one of her thighs was thicker than his entire upper body.