Kaitlyn - part 3c Just after 9am on wednesday morning Kaitlyn had been through the first of her daily workouts and diet routines. Then had randomly entered Fabios room, stripped naked before slipping under the covers with him for a hug. With her arms and legs rapped around him in a light embrace. Fabio lay still for a little while, not sure what to say. But he definitely did not object to this act of flertation. Kaitlyn wanted to rest her muscle's after her workout, but found Fabios quietly confident, no-nonsence style to be very intriguing. She could tell that he liked her, but she was not used to being around a man who controlled his emotions so well. While she had her arms and legs wrapped around him she could feel what and see what his body was like without the usual suit the he often had on. She noticed that whilst even at this moment he put on the cool calm exterior, his cock was finding it hard to follow his brains wishes to stay calm. She gently started to play with his hands by intertwining them with her right hand, while her left arm was under his body (she was laying on her left side, he was on his back). Fabio turned his head to his right so he was looking her in the eyes. ' I thought you wanted a nap he wispered to her'. Kaitlyn smiling back at him responded 'Are you all work and no play'? Fabio felt a little bit of shyness at this point as he had a beautiful, sexy woman draped over him and being playful. But the fact he hadn't had any physical contact with her before this moment and her incredible muscle mass right next to him, still made him unsure what to do next. Kaitlyn then slowly readjusted his body to lay on his right side while pulling him in closer to her.Their bodies just a few inches apart from each other, but now in a very intimate position. She gently reached for his left hand with her right hand and proceeded in guiding it into touching her on her rock solid abs. Fabio could not hide how nervous he now felt, but also the excitement was now evident on his face as she delicately directed his hands over her abs. Her pec muscles pulsed making her tits dance in front of him. She looked down again at his crotch and noticed that the bulge in his shorts had got bigger. She guided his hand up her wall of solid abs and placed it on her right breast. Fabio squeezed it softly while keeping his hand on the exact spot that she left it on. She then pumped and flexed her right arm making her bicep swell in front of him. She was enjoying the control she was having over him. 'Mmmmm' she purred quietly. 'I want you to know that I like being touched' she said as her pec muscle pulsed under Fabios hand. Kaitlyn then reached around his back with both her arms and pulled his taller, but lighter body into hers, keeping the high ground by pulling his face into a gentle breast hug and wrapping her big muscle thighs around his hips. She now had him in her embrace, incased in her muscles. His crotch area still covered by shorts was pressing against her wet muscle pussy, while his face was sinking deeper into her cleavage. His arms were now trapped by her abs area. She held him there for just over an hour. It was gone 10.10 am before she carefully released him and returned to the buffet table for her next pre work out meal. To be continued shortly