Winners and Losers (part 4) Written by Jamie competes in an athletic reality show Directed by and dedicated to Jamie ?And next on Newsnight we turn to the subject of Winners and Losers. No, not the political results of last week?s elections, I mean of course the CBS reality show where a female contestant, her success, and her attitude towards that success, has now become a global phenomenon catapulting Jamie to an unprecedented level of fame for a reality TV star?? Ugly Chris sat watching with his mouth agape. To see an establishment like the BBC debating a girl who was essentially his every fantasy come to life was surreal to say the least. He leaned over to take another look at the national newspaper he had bought that morning. On the front page was the iconic picture which had now become known as the ?Gladiatrix?: Jamie holding her pugil stick to the throat of the defeated Chuck, her other fist clenched in the air, her triumphant and superior smile a total contrast to the defeated, dead-eyed expression of Chuck. Her body shimmering and glistening in the light, long smooth stomach and supple yet subtley-flexed arm, his body battered and bruised with welts across his shoulders and swollen eyes. It was the most striking image of real female domination over a man that mainstream media had ever seen. The caption read JAMIE: QUEEN OF THE NEW FEMINISM? On the television a Newsnight reporter was interviewing some young fans who had gathered as close as they could to the mansion in the hope of catching a glimpse of Jamie. ?What is it you like about Jamie?? ?Ohmygodohmygod, she?s like, so totally sexy and strong and perfect!? said the Jamie-crazy young man. He looked to be in his mid-teens and sported the Bieber-swirl haircut so popular with the young lads of today (Ugly Chris taking note, and once again cursing his genetic destiny to possess a balding pate). ?And you are the boy?s father, how do you feel about this?? ?I think my son and the many like him here today are looking up to a girl who just didn?t exist in my day! Women?s rights have come along such a long way, and I think Jamie represents that in a very powerful way,? said a man with a moustache, the boy?s father. Suddenly there was a commotion in the crowd of Jamie fanboys old as a teen with binoculars claimed to see Jamie walking through a corridor in the upper floor of the mansion. Much hollering began, with signs being waved reading ?JAMIE FOR PRESIDENT!? and ?WE LOVE YOU JAMIE? among others. ?But not everyone is so enamoured by this powerful sex symbol of the new millennium?? The show then cut to a ?Muslim scholar? (Ugly Chris almost choking on his Mountain Dew at what he perceived to be such an oxymoronic statement) in full religious attire. ?This girl is a disgrace of western culture, dressing like a whore and acting so disrespectfully to the menfolk she encounters?? Ugly Chris stopped listening to him and instead imagined what a one-sided affair a fight between he and Jamie would have been. He was a skinny little man, not a patch on Chuck. Ugly Chris fantasized briefly about Jamie beating 3 or 4 such men at a time for daring to challenge her authority as ?Queen of the new feminism?. It didn?t surprise him to learn the idiots had been protesting in the streets of Pakistan over her triumphs. ?But who is the real Jamie, and how has she been able to accomplish this remarkable feat and gain the attention of the world?? Photographs obtained by less reputable outfits were then shown. These were generally from Jamie?s facebook page, from friends who had been offered money for them. There were shots of her at parties, on the beach, playing soccer and even some self-taken shots for profile pictures. Her outfits highlighted that she liked to show off her body. Then there was a picture of her at the beach with a young man covered in sand kissing her feet as she struck a victory pose. There was a shot of her pointing and laughing at some dorkier kids in her highschool, who seemed very upset about it. And then one final photo of her wrestling with her older brother, sitting atop his chest and smiling with that slightly chilling grin of hers. He was crying beneath her. There then followed a panel discussion, with one commentator (an old history-professor type) believing he had seen through her inspiring fa#ade to a less pleasant core. ?What we are ? what we are ? Excuse me, could I finish please? What we are dealing with here is a narcissistic bully who just happens to be an attractive, young female. Yes, she is remarkably strong, unprecedentedly so in fact, but that is the unpleasant truth of the situation.? Ugly Chris imagined his bloated face struggling between the thighs of mighty Jamie. ?Tonight we shall find out whether Henry, a 26 year old American football lineback, is one challenge too far for Jamie. With the world watching, the significance of the final battle for gender relations in the future is extraordinary. Good night.? With the programme finished, Ugly Chris grabbed his smartphone and checked his Tweeter account. The number one trending topic was #JamieManBeater. ?hobosapien78: damn I hope henry beats her ass or maybe gets his ass beat I don?t know lol #JamieManBeater? ?lilprincess99: Jamie is such an inspiration to me I love her attitude go get him girl! #JamieManBeater? ?brostepper88: WHAT a babe but wow would she sting a man?s pride. My kind of girl! #JamieManBeater? ? Ugly Chris felt dizzy. He?d grown up keeping his love of strong and dominant females a secret, and barely met more than a handful during his early years. But now the entire world was going crazy for his ultimate fantasy come to life. He checked up on some Viewtube videos. They were now getting many millions of views, her conquest of Chuck racking up 65 million and climbing. He watched a video discussing how Jamie would be granted sponsors exemptions for national track meets and there was even talk of her being given a trial for a men?s soccer team. It was all too much for Ugly Chris. Even at such a distance, Jamie had overwhelmed him (like she had the entire world, it seemed). He drew his blinds closed, reached for his toilet tissue and unbuckled his belt? Meanwhile in the mansion, tension between Jamie and Henry had been slowly rising. Although there was a lot of space for only two people, they were often in the same room as each other. Jamie seemed to keep a close eye on Henry and would often actively invade his space. The most obvious case was the gymnasium. Although there were plenty of opportunities for Jamie to use the gym at different times, she always made a note of when Henry entered the gymnasium, following him there to perform her workouts at the same time as him. Henry had struggled through the penalty shootout 3-2, and although he had only been 0.2 of a second slower than Jamie in the sprint, she was obviously capable of a much faster time than she had shown against Pete (whereas Henry was gasping and sprinting for the whole of his race). And indeed in the gymnasium it became very apparent that Jamie was his superior when it came to all manner of cardio workouts. There were a whole row of running machines. Like urinal politics in men?s toilets, she could have chosen one at the other end of the row, or at least a few along. But no, she chose to use the treadmill next to his. She?d followed him into the gym from the lounge, and now she followed him onto the treadmills, beginning her session less than a minute after Henry had begun. She was wearing another of her spandex two-piece outfits. It seemed like she had them in every bright and sexy colour (this time a florescent orange combination). Henry tried to ignore her and concentrate on his run, but once her sexy perfume wafted over it was impossible. He looked over and saw her adjusting the speed setting on her machine, looking over to check his machine?s setting to match it. They made eye contact for a moment and Jamie smiled cheekily before Henry turned away, embarrassed. When Henry looked over some ten minutes later, he noticed she had increased the speed of her machine. Curious, he took note of the setting and switched his up to match it. Within 5 minutes he felt his legs growing weaker. It felt like nearly sprinting pace! Yet Jamie strode on and on, her legs being very long for her height, her youthful energy bottomless. After 10 minutes at Jamie?s pace Henry was forced to turn his treadmill?s speed down again to his usual setting. He heard Jamie chuckle out loud, ?hm hm hm!? letting him know she had noticed his concession. Henry stepped off the machine after 10 further minutes of humiliating running and headed over to the weights bench. As he sat and prepared to lie back to bench, he looked up to Jamie. She was staring straight at him as she turned up her treadmill even faster. Henry sat there, looking up into her eyes as she coldly stared at him and felt a lump in his throat and a stirring in his groin. He knew she was great at sprint but what she was demonstrating was something else. A girl like that, with that kind of stamina? his gaze drifted down to her legs and he watched them for a moment, silky soft young skin forming around hard little muscles beneath, but when he looked back up to her face she wore a frown. After remembering the treatment Chuck had received for ?perving?, he shook his head and leaned backwards to bench. As he worked through his weighted circuit Jamie continued to run. Eventually she stepped from the treadmill and followed Henry to the weights. She sat on the bench and leaned backwards, not changing the weights from those Henry had been using. She arched her back in a highly exaggerated manner, using all of her flexibility to find a position most supportive of lifting. Her chest and luscious boobs stuck up along with the first half of her tummy, but it was bent in the middle to return her butt to the bench, her legs braced either side. Henry?s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. Surely she wasn?t going to try to? ?Wait, Jamie, you might want to-? Before he could even move to spot her, she had lifted the weight above her chest and was slowly lowering it. Henry rushed over to her, ready to take the weight from her to save her from being crushed. Before he arrived there, it was slowly rising back to its original position, where she replaced it on its rack. This time Jamie looked up at Henry from an upside down position, but it was her who still held the power. As Henry gazed into her deep eyes, her contorted upper body (rock solid aside from her beautiful breasts) in his peripheral vision, he felt something change inside him. What she was doing in this gym was beyond words. As their eyes remained locked together, Jamie gritted her teeth and performed another rep. Henry actually choked a little on his own breath and Jamie smirked at him, suddenly returning to her aloof and nasty expression. ?I don?t need your help, Henry,? she said icily, no hint of breathlessness in her tone. It wasn?t just Jamie following Henry around and harassing him with evidence of her physical superiority, Henry seemed to want to be with her too. Even though she spoke to him like crap most of the time. ?Where are the potatoes, have you eaten the last of the potatoes again Henry? God you are such a heap of shit.? Henry, trying to prepare his meal as Jamie stormed around the kitchen deliberately getting in his way, laughed, trying to play her comment off as a joke. ?I?m not joking, idiot. My God you are a loser. Are you looking forward to going back to your old life, your old job on the construction site? Because I cannot wait to send you back there.? Henry seemed shaken, being spoke to in such terms by such a smaller and younger hot girl. ?Jamie, I?m sorry I used the potatoes but we have some instant mash potato packets-? ?I don?t want those! Ok whenever you want to eat anything ask me in future ok? When this is MY kitchen I?ll be a lot happier, you?re just in the way,? she said as she deliberately blocked Henry from a cupboard he was trying to access. Despite the fact that he clearly had a crush on her, Henry?s male pride had not been entirely extinguished yet, and a confrontation was inevitable. It occurred outside by the pool. Jamie had been performing some crazy swimming gymnastics in the infinity pool, throwing her legs up out of the water and doing the splits, like synchornised swimmers. Henry had laughed at her and said it looked silly. Jamie got in his face and started talking down to him, expecting him to leave into the house as usual. But some other part of Henry snapped, and a terrible expression darkened his features. He straightened to his full height and towered over Jamie, who remained defiant. "Listen, you goddamn spoilt, arrogant little upper-class bitch! When we wrestle tomorrow night, and you damn well know it is going to be wrestling, I am going to bend your goddamn trim little waist over my knee and spank your perky butt. What you really need is a big dick inside you! You talk all of this shit, you think you?re so fucking perfect, well come tomorrow I will show you that there are LIMITS to what women can achieve and I?ll take this goddamn mansion and change my life around! Fuck you, Jamie, FU-" Jamie?s slap echoed around the world. It sounded like a whiplash, and Henry?s face was swept along to the side. He held his face where she had slapped him and for a moment he seemed to shrink into submission. But then his anger returned, and he walked without a word past her into the house. He did not leave his room before the final competition the next day? The show?s producers originally intended to have the final competition held on the mansion lawn as previously, but with the increased popularity and hype surrounded the series they decided to go for something more fitting for the occasion. They managed to sell out the LA Coliseum which, lit in the night like a great blazing beacon, seemed primed for an event of the size and importance of the Superbowl. The pre-fight atmosphere was like a giant party, with rock legends Green Day being hired to warm the crowd up with some of their greatest hits. The vast majority of people were Jamie fans. Banners and chants of ?JAMIE RULES? were everywhere, but as she peeked out from the executive box (to the delight of those seated in that area and astute enough to spot her), she sighed with disgust. She was pleased to see so many obedient fans, yes, but she also couldn?t shake her judgement of them as being so, so much weaker than her. The losers. She closed the curtain and returned to the room to sign the relevant legal documents. There were pockets of Henry supports in the crowd too, a mixture of friends and family, people basing their support on his New York heritage, and some regular chauvinistic pig-types, but any attempts at heckling Jamie were shouted down by the vastly greater number of Jamie fans. ?Jamie, Jamie! Make him pay Jamie? ?Jamie?s too fast, Jamie?s too strong! They said girls are weak but Jamie proved them wrong!? Then suddenly, the lights were cut and for a moment, in the dark and warm LA night, the stadium hushed to near-silence. Then the ?Winners and Losers? theme started its pumping rhythm and the light show began. The spotlights swung around in intricate patterns as Chip Chipperson?s voice boomed out of the speakers. ?Welcome everyone, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, to the finale of WINNERS VS LOOOSERS!? The crowd went bananas as Chip strode into the arena, ever the professional. He made his way to a podium to speak as a repetitive chant of ?JAMIE, JAMIE, JAMIE? filled the night. You could hear both masculine and feminine voices all saying that same name over and over. Chip struggled to be heard over it despite the incredible sound system. ?I know you are all excited to see this go down but please! I have a job to do folks!? Gradually the noise subsided and Chip was able to speak. ?Well, we?ve come a long way to get to this point. When we first started the regional trials for Winners vs Losers we never thought we would finish here at the LA Coliseum. This is probably my biggest gig!? he got a few laughs for that, and waited before continuing. ?But NONE of you have come here to see me perform, no sir! What you are here to see is what has been described as the ultimate battle of the sexes! Against all the odds a female competitor has made it to the grand final of the most competitive amateur athletic competitions this country has ever seen!? The crowd were picking up again so Chip quickly moved on. ?But first, we have our representative from the male side, the accepted ?stronger sex? through history. Will we see history upturned today? Well not if HENRY has anything to do with it! 26 years of age, 6?2 and 225lbs, please welcome to the Coliseum, HENRY!? Henry strode from the tunnel entrance in a hooded black robe, accompanied by the musical theme of ?It?s a Man?s World?, and also the majority of the stadium booing and hissing at him. Across the back was emblazoned ?HENRY RULES?, which elicited laughter when it was shown on the big screen. He expected some abuse but it was almost deafening. He wondered what he?d done to deserve such treatment. ?Just not being her, I guess.? Once he reached Chip?s podium he removed his robe, revealing a black pair of boxer?s shorts and his athletic body. A barrel chest, well-muscled arms, broad thighs and a bull neck. Chuck was stocky and strong but Henry was a different calibre of athlete. On the back of his shorts was also embossed ?HENRY RULES? Chip stepped down to speak to Henry, shushing the crowd?s hostility for a minute. ?So Henry, since we saw you and Jamie in the gym, we have seen that she is clearer fitter than you and stronger in the legs than you. She also managed to lift your weights for a couple of reps, buddy. Obviously the majority of the crowd are expecting a win from Jamie today, so what exactly is your plan?? Henry looked pained as he listened to Chip, but he had an answer rehearsed for this very question. He stood up straight in the face of the jeers and said ?It?s my size, Chip. I?m too big for her. We are wrestling today, and when a wrestler is on top of another, they can use their weight. I will be too big for her to manhandle today, you?ll see.? Chip looked sceptical. After what she had done to Chuck, Jamie had been pegged as the favourite to win this, although some were still disbelieving they were in the minority. ?Ok Henry, whatever you say, man!? Another round of laughter from the crowd and Henry seemed to shrivel visibly. Then he seemed to brighten as he remembered something. ?Oh, and I wanted to say hi to mom and pops and the boys from the yard!? brought more boos, but much of the crowd showed a little respect for his parents, at least. The big screen showed a couple in their 50s, a larger lady with a greying man sweetly smiling for the cameras. They didn?t care how many people booed their son, he was taking part in a major event and they were proud. ?If you?d just like to take your place over to that side there Henry and I?ll introduce our second grand finalist!? The crowd started to build up a crescendo again, so Chip hurried through his intro. ?She needs no introductions, except to remind you that she is only 19 years of age, 5?5 in height, top performer in ALL previous events, from California please welcome JAMIE!? Jamie strode through the tunnel wearing a hooded boxer?s robe like Henry?s, only her?s was golden in color, and had her name on the back. Her theme song was a specially recorded track by pop star Selena Gomez called ?Jamie Rulez OK!? which had topped the charts in the week running up to the final. As she reached the podium, the guest rapper ?J-Boy? (a professed Jamie fanboy) rapped about how ?she brings the pain to fools, Jamie rules, she takes the game and makes her own rules? (Jamie noticing how the idiot rhymed ?rules? with itself). She ignored her fans totally, her face hidden behind her hood, just her bangs showing through. Like Henry, she was barefooted. She faced Henry and despite being smaller, with her face hidden and her fists clenched at her sides, she looked terrifying, like she was ready to murder him. But then she drew her hand slowly across her robe and whipped it up into the air in a quick motion, instantly disrobing to reveal? a sight which caused Henry?s jaw to drop. She was wearing a bikini, and sure he had seen her in those before, but this one was the tiniest bikini he had ever seen. Yet at the same time it glittered with a quality beyond mere fabric. Her body looked as spectacular as ever, and revealed more than ever before now also. Extra inches around her breasts and inner thighs. There was even a hint of what losers like Ugly Chris would call ?underboob? (below her bikini line). She raised one arm and pointed at Henry with the other, recreating the ?Gladiatrix?, and the crowd went mad. Chip had to wait for almost 3 minutes for the furore to die down. ?Jamie, that outfit looks quite special, would you like to tell us about it?? ?Sure, Chip. This is a custom-made bikini, made for me by Prada, and it contains 50,000 dollars worth of gold, which is more than this lumphead makes in a year probably.? Chuck lowered his face from her gaze. ?And what do you think of what he said, about his size being his big advantage in a wrestling match?? Jamie looked at Chip and laughed, the crowd echoing her sentiment. ?I?ve shown I?m faster, smarter, stronger and just better than him in every way.? She leaned back, rocking into an abs- flex pose. ?Today, I make that clear for the world to see. Bring him on!? Henry looked up to her and just saw the most haughty and spoilt expression on her face. She was so beautiful, though, it hurt to see a young hottie look at him like she just wanted to beat his ass across the sidewalk. His brain just couldn?t process her in its entirety, she was like a newly discovered form of life, unprecedented. He felt that odd mixture of revulsion and passion that had dominated his mind in the mansion. The mansion! Hell, he wanted that place. He HAD to win this! He decided to focus on that to get him through. ?The following contest will be a wrestling match decided by the submission confession of Loserdom! No punches or kicks are allowed,? (Jamie seemed to sulk at this) ?and most definitely no low blows. If both finalists are ready, please shake hands and we?ll get this on the road!? Henry seemed relived to offer his hand to Jamie, for their first physical contact to be relatively friendly. He extended his hair hand towards her and nervously smiled. Jamie reacted by looking down at it as if he had shown her a tray of dogshit. Then she looked up to her face with that sneering, upturned-nose snobbishness which Henry had seen so much of the past week. She turned and walked away from Henry and as always his eyes were drawn to her ass, where he read the words ?JAMIE RULES?, although he had to squint to see them so small were her bikini briefs. They were very, very well manufactured though, from exceptional material, the letters spelt out in gold sequins positioned to reflect differently to the others. He was hypnotised by her ass as it swayed away from him, glittering exotically, her butt muscles bulging slightly around the sides. Then she turned back and Henry realized he had been caught perving on her again, and he kept his head down, not wanting to see that disdain she held for him again. The crowd seemed to worship her, like she could literally do no wrong. Henry wondered what his parents and his friends thought of her, whether they had proved immune to her spell or not. He wasn?t sure if even he was. She looked too good to be real, even. The mansion. Remember the mansion, stay focussed. Henry made his way over to his side of the marked-off area, willing his budding erection down with everything he had. It would not help in the tough battle he knew lay ahead of him. ?This is it, folks!? enthused Chip, building the hype. ?Here we GO, this is the final of Winners vs Losers. 3?. 2.... 1?.? Henry and Jamie dropped into a crouch and eyed each other, both focussing on the battle ahead now. Henry had kept the worst of his erection down to only a semi, it shouldn?t hinder him. He couldn?t help noticing Jamie?s nipples were somewhat visible against her strained bikini, though. ?WRESTLE!? Jamie hit a full sprint as quickly as she had against Pete. Henry panicked. He couldn?t be forced out the back of his end of the ring, that would be a very fast and humiliating defeat. He leapt towards the centre of the ring to meet her there. Jamie was much quicker out of the blocks, and a faster sprinter, so she made it first. But instead of stopping to awaiting Henry in the centre she carried on, aggressively powering head-on towards him, beautiful body flexing and flowing. Henry didn?t want the fight to take place anywhere near his end of the ring?s border, but he didn?t have time to get out of the way of her charge, and she hit him faster than he thought. Jamie had dropped her shoulders and tackled him low, hitting hard like a cross between the most beautiful cheerleader and the most powerful football player. Jamie drove her shoulder into his waist, wrapped her arms around under his thighs and, using her momentum, actually drove him backwards, momentarily off his feet, and onto his back. Many in the crowd were worried, seeing the giant Henry and the smaller Jamie rush towards each other, but when Henry?s momentum was stolen from him and he was driven back, they erupted in relieved cheers. Their belief was justified, she had what it took to win. Henry hit the ground hard, totally winded, Jamie landing hard on top of him. He flailed with his arms trying to get a grip on the girl on her, but when he came to take a breath he realized she?d winded him pretty badly. His hands ran across her tautly muscled back, in any other situation her incredibly sexy body. He wished they were in bed together. But they were not, they were fighting, and he felt scared. He didn't understand where she got her power from. Henry had a little knowledge of jiu jitsu, and moments before Jamie had time to crawl higher up his body, and despite his fear and disadvantaged position, he instinctively closed his legs around her waist, encircling her in his 'guard' at the last moment. He flexed down with his legs and somehow managed to hold her away. Jamie reacted by standing and pushing down on his legs, looking down on him and laughing a throaty chuckle. "Way to fight like a bitch! On your back, legs wrapped around my waist? What a bitch you are." Indeed, it did look like a total role reversal. Henry seemed to be hanging onto her with his legs for dear life. As she jerked him around, growing impatience with his defensive tactic. After being stuck for maybe ten seconds she succeeded in jerking his legs aside and stepping forward in one smooth motion. She passed his guard and took what Henry recognized as ?side control? (not that Jamie had ever heard of it before. She fought in her own style, her own way) Henry finally recovering his breath, looked to his left and saw Jamie's legs scooting around closer to his head, her chest now pressed across his own, her body aligned at a '3o'clock' position to his. Although she was relatively light, Henry didn't have any leverage, he had no way of getting up to his feet, and he just couldn't seem to get a grip on any part of her fast-moving and firm body, his hands sliding across her smooth, bronzed skin. She stretched across him and grasped his arm with both of her hands. He felt her breath against him, and caught the aroma of her perfume. She was like a beautiful warm serpent slowly coiling around him and as she scooted her lower body around a little closer, her legs now formed a 10 o'clock position to his head. Henry suddenly understood her plan. He needed to get her off of him. He wrapped his free arm around her bent back and marvelled at how unbreakable her slender muscles felt. The thought of what an incredible partner in the bedroom she must have been skipped through his mind again. But then the money. The mansion. The pride! He bucked hard, with all his impressive strength, trying to throw her off, or at least buy a little space to turn. But Jamie stuck to him like glue, her chest pushing forcefully down on his own, driving him back to the ground and almost winding him all over again So much for that idea. With this final failed attempt to escape over, Jamie finally moved her legs to the 12 o'clock position, aka Henry's head. His time was up, the deadline reached. As hadn?t even been able to free his arm. Her thighs suddenly engulfed his head, her smooth skin sliding with no resistance into place and locking around his skull. Jamie's thighs were locked around Henry's jaw. They were not especially large, but were like two incredibly compacted vice grips. Within seconds of her hold being established, Jamie concentrated on gradually increasing her squeezing, crushing power of her favourite move, the straight-legged front headscissors. Henry?s facial expression started to become very strained, his cheeks and brow quickly turning red. His only chance would have been to try to pry her ankles apart, but they were way out of his reach way behind him. Instead, his hands shot towards Jamie and she seized them by the wrists tightly. All the while, her twin columns of crushing power increased their hold on him. His gaze drifted up into her face and he saw that she was looking down straight at him with that superior smile again, more intense than ever before. She licked her lips, even. He made a move to try to roll over but to counter this Jamie poured some extra power into her scissors. With a girlish grunt, she lifted her delicious ass off the ground and thundered its power into Henry?s jaw. Stars flashed across his vision and his arms flopped lifelessly in her hands. Smirking at the result of her quick burst of pressure, Jamie let up a little again, allowing him to stay conscious. No longer being a threat now, Jamie dropped his arms to the ground and seized the back of his head, pulling it even more tightly into the confines of her thighs. The spaces left behind him as he was roughly shoved further into her hold were instantly filled by her flesh as he slid slowly but smoothly along her silky soft skin With Jamie?s fingers deeply entwined in his hair, pulling his head painfully and forcefully into her, his jaw landed flush against her most inner of thigh muscles. He felt these new muscles relax to let him in, and then tighten up again, locking him into place. He felt the crotch of her bikini, her crotch, now force its way to press harshly against his adam's apple, it?s harsh gold sequins roughly digging into him as her strong muscles squeezed around the side. His entire lower-half of his face was now covered by her thighs alone, and with another haughty smirk, as his dizzied vision gazed up into her perfect eyes, seeing her satisfaction, she completely locked him into place. She had her legs crossed not merely at the ankles now, but most of the way up her calves. Jamie had no knowledge of jiu jitsu, and she had no need for stupid leverage tricks of triangle chokes. She preferred pure power. She snapped her legs out straight, violently jerking his face around, checking to see that her scissor hold was now truly air-tight. It was. So she let go of the back of his head with her hands and secured him entirely with just her legs. Jamie had tremendous muscle control, and she squeezed him with one group, then another, squishing his face around until she could feel his jaw creaking, his cheek bones pressured. She would settle into rhythms, always making sure to keep him conscious. His hand occasionally raised the slightest from the ground, but Jamie, resting on her elbows, would raise a hand to slap it down and look at it with that scorn from earlier before pouring on some extra power. Henry could hear only a rushing sound of his own blood in his ears, he couldn?t hear the crowd?s cheers at all now. His vision was blurry and filled with stars, and all he could feel were the young and solid muscles crushing the life from him. He heard her feminine grunt, felt a new group of muscles kick in, heard a crackling sound, and suddenly felt as if scolding hot water had been poured on his face. He tried to open his mouth to scream but Jamie?s thighs didn?t allow it. Medics watched carefully from the sidelines, to make sure Henry's health wasn't being seriously compromised, but although Jamie could have killed him at any point, she was careful not to break anything. Her muscles just rhythmically worked away at him, reducing his bull-like neck to jelly. He knew the image he saw in front of him now, of the bronzed young girl grunting and twisting as she mercilessly ground his face down with her muscles, disregarding him, but then looking back into his eyes every now and then and fixing him with a cold stare, he knew she would forever dominate his thoughts. Despite his pain and confusion, he felt his boner return. The fight was over the moment her thighs slid around him, he knew that now. He started to enter a curious mode of consciousness. He felt he was becoming familiar with the rhythms of her squeezing power on him, felt like he was somehow a partner, no, not a partner, but somehow involved in a dance. A dance she was leading, dragging him along with her like he was a lifeless marionette. The closeness of them now was beyond intimate and into brutal as Jamie?s body over-ruled the space Henry?s body needed to exist. He tried to swallow his saliva, which was choking him, to gulp it down, but he could feel her calves cross more deeply and her golden crotch pull more tightly into his throat, to the point where he was stalled mid-swallow. His terrified eyes shot up to meet her own, and he saw the thrill this gave Jamie, as she dispassionately watched him suffer. "... Henry" she said in a quiet, almost sensitive tone now, confident her scissors locked into an immovable position, holding both their bodies as if set in stone. Henry summoned the tiniest sound, a pathetic little animal noise from his nose, which was as close to a reply as he could muster "Are you trying to swallow without my permission?" He felt her crotch dig even deeper into his throat now, as she choked him with it. She would drive her point home with further subtle squeezes Henry blinked once. It was the only way he could answer in the affirmative, like she?d reduced him to a paralysed cripple. "Well, I won't let you. You're going to have to ask me." He was actually very close to choking at this point but try as he could, he didn't have the room to make the words come. His mouth was squashed up in her slender-yet-bulging thighs, totally without fat and totally unyielding in their control of him. He sounded like a dying animal as the crunching power of Jamie's hold intensified. Then, just like that, she relaxed a group of muscles, he felt her upper thigh change shape, while her crotch still held his throat in a stranglehold. She was letting him speak, but not letting him swallow. ".... pl.... pleee.... pleeeeassss" But before he could finish, her legs had slid away from him and his head thunked lightly to the ground. Jamie stood up and brushed herself down, acknowledging the crowd?s admiration a little this time, at least granting them a wave. Her inner thighs bore slight red marks from where they had been compacting the bones of Henry's face, but their form and strength were undiminished. At her age there had been no time for the wear and tear of life to effect her supple young physique. She looked down at Henry's face, reduced to a strange death-rictus expression and totally unmoving after her brutal mauling (except his neck which twitched wildly). She rolled him onto his back (to no resistance) and stood, her feet either side of his head now, facing his feet. She leaned over to the side and made eye contact with the terrified animal beneath her. "Oh Henry, do you enjoy reading? Because I have a message for you." Then she slowly lowered herself down onto him. Henry saw the sparkling bikini worth more than his livelihood descend towards him, and the words JAMIE RULES getting closer and closer and closer until they were so close he couldn?t read them anymore. She'd sat her firm little ass straight on top of his face. Jamie bounced up and down a couple of times on her seat, snuggling herself into a more comfortable position, her beautiful pert breasts bouncing slightly with her movements. Jamie used her butt to feel out his face, vying for the best position to settle with each bounce. Every face was a different seat, she had learnt from experience. First her butthole landed on his mouth, then her cheeks bashed against his forehead. He somehow found the strength to raise his head a fraction of an inch from the ground, but Jamie noticed and landed her next few bounces with a little extra malice, and a ?Hm! Hm! Ugh!? series of grunts. Then she landed one last time, the tip of his nose disappearing into the back of her bikini to rest in her pristine crack. Her cheeks were flush against his eyes now, her golden-clad pussy hovering above his mouth. Jamie smirked, shook her hair out, and started talking to him "You lost to me, big man. But tell me, do you like my butt? Answer me Henry" His answer was too quiet for her to hear, but she felt his breath feather against her. She smirked in a bratty way. It felt good to be riding again. "You see my golden pussy there?" Jamie asked, knowing full well that Henry saw absolutely nothing but the pitch blackness of her butt cheeks resting against his eyes. "Kiss it. Try and kiss it, loser." Jamie raised herself slightly, her faint (but defined) abdominal muscles flexing as she maintained her downwards pressure on him while raising her front slightly. Henry's mouth puckered as high as it could but could not reach her crotch. "No, you see Henry, that's not for you. I'll show you what part of me you can kiss. Can you guess?" Henry suddenly felt the pressure of her buttcheeks lift a little, and the words JAMIE RULES once again became visible. Then they moved down and were gone, and he felt her butt settle down onto his mouth. "Ya, you can kiss that. That's all you can kiss. And you are VERY LUCKY to do so, do you understand?" She felt him mouth "Yes, Jamie" as he flicked kiss after kiss upon her bikini clad asshole. Then she gently but forceably replaced her cheeks onto his eyes, and snuggled his nose back into her crack. "Your parents are here, Henry" No. Don't do this, he thought. "Oh, but I have already done it. I have destroyed you in front of your family, Henry. It is already done." A sadness washed over Henry. "And not just you, either. Your kind. Men have had their day, things will be different now. Anyone who fucks with me, but ESPECIALLY men, gets this treatment. You are but the first. I would do this in front of your father, I AM doing it, and if he dared object to what I have done to you today, Henry, I would do it to him too." Henry gasped in shock. Feeling had returned to his hands somewhat, but he had no will to fight at all. The realisation of that came with a prickling sensation at the corners of his eyes. Jamie seemed to sense his weakness. "Let it out and weep for me, Henry." Jamie's cheeks pressed down ever so slightly more firmly now as she wriggled down heavier on his face, grabbing his arms and squeezing his wrists as tightly as she could. One of his eyes was actually open and pressed flat against her imposing buttcheek. Henry's tears came very quickly. They soaked straight into Jamie's bikini briefs, and directly into her skin. Jamie thought about her shower later, how she would scrub this loser's tears from her, but for now she would allow him this. Jamie had squeezed his wrists in her hands so tightly that he had lost feeling in his hands and when she dropped them to the floor they felt like dead pieces of meat to Henry. Henry's body racked with sobs for perhaps ten minutes as Jamie sat up on him. She locked her feet behind his head now, bringing her thighs closely around his face and head, so when she leaned forwards to push down on his heaving chest, she took his head with her. A truly scary smile spread across her face as she pushed down on his chest so hard he gasped out into her butt. Jamie enjoyed the rush of warm air down there, it felt good like a personal air conditioning system. Alternating between pushing his chest and slamming his head down to the floor, her facesit was a form of torture for him. She called him so many names under the sun too, to rub insult into injury. ?Loser?, ?Crybaby?, ?Worthless idiot?, ?Son of a bitch, and yes I know she is here? among others. She looked down at his sad little male legs, so scrawny, and thought about how easily she could break them in her own. Henry's tears kept coming, tears that had been building up for weeks. The smells of her body mingled with her perfume and totally enveloped him, and he felt some very, very private muscles even tweak on his nose up in her incredible, smooth, sexy but evil butt. Finally, after what seemed like an age, Henry's tears ended. He felt like he had cried every drop of moisture from his body. Jamie said "If you've ruined these bikini briefs I'm going to beat the shit out of you, Henry!" like it was some sort of sitcom joke, and he found more tears. She milked him for tears with her cruel comments. Jamie decided she wouldn't wait any longer. It was time for her to receive the prize that was always her birthright, always something only she was worthy of receiving. She stood quickly and without fuss, and Henry seemed shocked, even somewhat sad that she was so suddenly gone from him. His left eye in particular was very bloodshot. Jamie looked to the crowd, and found a distinct contrast from earlier The arena was in a state of shocked silence. Her fans gazed with a mixture of fascination and horror at what had unfolded. It seemed like too much for them to process. Jamie didn't much care what the losers thought anyway, they would learn to adapt to her new world, the new way of things now she had arrived. She lifted a leg up high and brought her foot smashing down towards Henry's chest at great speed. And then, exerting perfect muscle control yet again, slowed at the last second, placing her dainty foot upon his huge barrel chest. She laughed, again as if she had made a joke. Then her face became deadly serious and she fixed Henry's sad and pathetic face, and gazed deeply into his soul. "You. Male. Henry. Whatever." Henry felt her foot resting so lightly on him, by far the most gentle touch she had bestowed that evening. "Yes" he wheezed almost imperceptibly quietly, his creaking and crackling jaw protesting every movement. He could still smell her, only her. Jamie's foot lifted and stomped down on his chest. "Yes WHAT" Henry's arms shot up in response to the rib-crunching blow and spittle shot out of his mouth, landing back on his own face "Ye... yes Goddess Jamie" Jamie smirked at that, looking very pleased with herself. "I have proven myself better than you in every way. You are a worm to me, you are nothing. I find it amusing that you even turned up. Where's the camera," she turned towards the camera Addressing it, she said "Henry's dad, are you watching this? I know you're here somewhere, but you'll be watching this over and over. You see what I did to your useless son? He's a loser, just like you, and your ugly whore wife. Holy shit what a bunch of losers your entire genetic line is!" Turning back to Henry, she gave him an awful, awful grin, dripping with arrogance and malevolence. "Gonna do anything about it, stud? You hear what I just said to your pops? Comeon, fight me, Henry Come onnn!" she purred, and then she laughed at his wheezing breaths and lack of reply. "The truth is I am so much better than you, and your kind, that I am offended at your presence in the same world as me. I don't belong with your kind. That was the whole point of this show, right? To separate the likes of ME from the likes of YOU. If I had my way, you would be tied up in my basement and beaten daily. Say ?yes, Jamie?? Henry felt her toes dig harshly into his flesh as he replied "Yes, goddess Jamie" "Now announce me the winner and yourself the loser right now and let us get this formality over with." Henry found more tears. What was this girl, a monster? No... she had deserved the prize, and she WAS better than him. The things she had done, her spirit, she deserved his utter respect. He felt her foot pushing down harder and harder so he hurried to say it while he still had breath: "Jamie, you are the winner. I Henry am the loser." The stadium erupted in cheers, the Jamie fans once again falling under her spell after the shock of what torture she had committed on Henry. Jamie accepted the crowd's applause, her haughty and elitist face melting into a gracious smile, as if she had just won a beauty contest. She raised her arms aloft and stepped forwards onto Henry's poor mangled face, now a parody of the manliness it once represented. Her heel covered his nostrils, and Henry found he took in deep, deep breaths, savouring the divine smell of her flesh. It smelt so wonderful. Her toes carelessly slapped across one of his eyes, obscuring his sight somewhat, but not preventing him from gazing up at her. As his pain slowly subsided it was replaced by pure longing for her. Her legs from this angle seemed so long and so strong, pumped from the mauling they gave his face, the glittering bikini leaving so little to the imagination. It was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen, easily. Jamie's foot carelessly smooshed his face around and she sneered down at him like he wasn?t even a good doormat. He cried again, but tears of happiness now, a deep contentment somehow settling into his mind. This was right, he felt he was in the correct place, like a puzzle piece had just slid together. He would miss this foot once it was withdrawn from his face, this perfect strong sole with its perfect soft skin, he knew he would miss it so he savoured it, gulping down big breaths through his nose under her heel. Jamie pumped her arms and flexed her body, feeling powerful self-righteous satisfaction at what she had achieved. Hell, she could have beat the shit out of 3 Henry's, he was pathetic to her. After pinching his nose between her toes and pulling his face off the ground by it she let his head fall to the ground. Then she took her foot off him, moved behind him and sat him up into a seated position. She turned to the crowd and winked then crouched down in front of Henry, putting her face right in front of his. Henry?s eyes swam but eventually found her gaze and locked on, his mouth agape, jaw damaged. ?Now listen up, Henry. I?m going to give you a little show, ok? I?m going to turn around and walk away from you ok? I want you to watch my ass. I know you like it. You?ve had it on your face for the past half an hour, and I saw your pants twitching. I know you like my ass because it is perfect. So watch it!? Jamie stood and turned away from Henry, jutting her ass towards his face. He flinched, fearing another assault, but then grew fascinated, his face yearning to be buried once more within it. But then it started moving away, and Henry lifted his arm, reached out with his hand towards it, as if trying to clutch it close, to keep it near him. But those incredible pins of hers carried it away from him, as it twitched from side to side, her pumped muscles strutting in a catwalk style for the cameras, the fans, and least of all, Henry. She looked over her shoulder as she powerfully strode away from him and flicked her hair. The words JAMIE RULES glittered and shone, and Henry was transfixed. She had broken him and rebuilt him to be the biggest fan of all. He knew he loved her at that moment, that he truly wanted to be with her, yet knew he never could. Jamie swirled around to face him and stamped her foot, making her butt and boobs bounce. She slapped a hand on her thigh. ?HEEL, doggie, come HEEL to your mistress NOW! Hands and knees, Henry, do not stand or I will hurt you again!? Henry immediately went to crawl on his hands and knees to her, but he forgotten her squeezing on his wrists. Blood had not fully returned to his hands and so he fell on his face at first attempt, the crowd hooting with laughter at his failure at such a simple task. Henry looked so sad, but looked up to Jamie again. She was worth more than any amount of money, or any mansion. To crawl to her was a greater prize than either. He shook his hands, gritted his teeth, and slowly crawled his way over to her. ?Keep your head DOWN and your eyes UP to me, doggie Henry!? Henry did as he was told, even though it made his crawling more awkward. Jamie grinned at him, her eyes narrowing as she tapped her hand on her thigh, summoning Henry to take his place on his haunches against it. ?Stay below my waist, do NOT touch me above my waist. You can stay down there but if you hump my leg I will hurt you again. Behave yourself.? Henry rested his head against her thigh, careful not to contact her above her waist in any way. Chip Chipperson was in shock at what Jamie had been doing, but eventually snapped out and began the presentation of the prize??.. (to be continued?)