Winners and Losers (part 3) Written by Jamie competes in an athletic reality show Directed by and dedicated to Jamie The door to Ugly Chris' cheap apartment creaked open and the fat, unemployed loser walked through. He took a good long look at his untidy single room. Somewhere nearby in the building one of the alcoholic tenants slammed a door. Ugly Chris sighed deeply. He was sick of living in such a cramped and dehumanising environment but he was starting to accept that he lacked the skills or energy to escape it to something better. He even had to sell his car recently just to make rent, limiting his lifestyle further. After pulling the door closed behind him, he threw his keys onto the surface of his kitchen/lounge worktop. They landed atop the open 'Jobs' page of the local newspaper. With visible effort he summoned the energy to put the milk from his shopping bag into the refrigerator before collapsing into his lazy-boy chair. Cushioned within its ergonomically pleasing angles, Ugly Chris started to feel slightly better about life. This was where he belonged, where he felt at home. Only one thing was missing. He swivelled the chair to one side, as if he were the pilot of some mechanical battle suit (like in one of his dumb videogames) before leaning forward towards the corner of his bed where his laptop computer sat. He almost pulled a muscle in his side over-reaching, but eventually his grasping hands found their target. Wincing with exertion, he leaned back and flipped the laptop open. Despite being increasingly prone to overheating in its old age, it still worked well, instantly waking from its electronic hibernation. Pausing to open a bag of Doritos and a can of Mountain Dew, while the wi-fi signal connected, Ugly Chris then opened his browser and headed straight for his most favourite website: Viewtube. He'd grown up during the dawn of the internet age, and the advances it had made in such a short time never ceased to enchant him. Indeed, he was envious of kids these days who took it all for granted. It seemed like everything ever broadcast could be found on Viewtube, but right now he was only after one thing. SEARCH: Winners Losers Jamie won't take it Seconds later he'd found what he was searching for; a video of Jamie's latest confrontation in the mansion. It had only been broadcast on TV the previous day but already the official Viewtube clip of the incident had over 1 million views, 135,219 up-votes and 8,504 down-votes. The top comment, with 452 up-votes, was 'Like if you think JAMIE RULES! <3' Ugly Chris wiped the sweat from his brow and clicked 'like', 'play', and then 'full-screen'. In the clip, Jamie was seen outside the house, lounging in a sun chair beside the infinity pool. As usual she was wearing one of her skimpy bikini outfits (red with white stripes). Her bronzed skin, glistening with a self-applied layer of lotion, was more than a match for the sun's blaring heat. From head to toe she looked like a magazine advertisement for the most exclusively branded perfume. Her nails were manicured and pedicured to perfection, favouring a shorter and more practical length, yet sexily coloured a bright shade of pink. She wore her large sunglasses and a sunhat too, and idly tapped messages on her mobile phone, engaged in some kind of online chat. Across the other side of the pool was Chuck. He'd brought a stool outside and was sat shirtless, pumping out reps with his dumbbell weights. His bicep swelled to an impressive size as he curled the dumbbell up and down. Naturally quite pale in complexion, he struggled with the intense California sun, his body a few shades redder than Jamie's golden tan. He had an extremely stocky torso, with one of those 'no-neck' physiques you'd likely find on the beach kicking sand in the faces of the more wimpy guys. He mostly seemed lost in his workout, his face creasing up as he 'felt the burn' on his final reps, but every so often he would glance over to Jamie. He would do this almost imperceptibly at first, just little glances, but gradually he became more brazen. As time passed Chuck was rather obviously staring in her direction for minutes at a time. From the angle of the camera it seemed like Jamie was looking away from him, however behind her sunglasses Jamie most definitely was watching him. She stretched herself alluringly on the sunbed, as if welcoming his attentions but after perhaps the tenth time he'd had a good, long look at her shapely body she snapped her phone shut, removed her sunhat and shades, leapt to her feet, and angrily swept towards him around the pool. Chuck couldn't hide his surprise at this development, and immediately ceased his lifting. As Jamie rounded the side of the infinity pool and stood in front of him, he stood up too, knocking the stool over behind him, squaring up to her. He dropped his dumbbell weights to the floor with a CLANG sound, and looked down on her from his height of 5'10. Jamie planted her hands on her hips and stomped her bare foot down, hard. Ugly Chris felt like she could have cracked the damn tiles if she'd stomped any harder. 'Listen, creep, I am only going to say this once. You are perving on me and I do not like it. You've been doing it the whole time we've been in here but I'm NOT going to take it anymore. Do you understand, Chump?' Jamie leaned forward as she quietly but firmly made her point, using her insulting nickname for him. Chuck laughed. 'What the fu' listen, kid, I don't know who you think you are but I'm out here trying to lift-' Before he could finish, Jamie quickly crouched forward and snatched up his weights in each of her hands. Chuck leaned down towards her but before he could take them back Jamie had stood up and moved away, holding both his dumbbells by her hips. They seemed disproportionately large for a girl of her size. The muscles of her arms were not overly large, but stood out in clear- cut lines now that she exerted them. 'I gave you a chance and you didn't listen,' Jamie snorted, blowing a strand of her hair out of her face as her bangs dangled. Chuck was lost for words but eventually stepped towards her, reaching for his weights. Before he could get close to her, Jamie turned and dashed for the pool, swinging his weights behind her. Muscles pumped up just a little more now, Jamie swung his weights in front of her and let them go, hurling them together, into the air above the pool. The editing guys at the TV station slowed down the clip as the weights hovered up there, Chuck reaching in vain for Jamie's arms as she leapt up, beautiful boobs bouncing, to release the weights. Time was restored to its normal speed. There was quite a splash as the dumbbells hit the water's surface. Jamie quickly turned and smiled insultingly at Chuck, putting one finger to her lips and cupping her other hand to her ear. A distant THUNK-THUNK sound could then be heard as the two dumbbells sank to the bottom of the pool within a second of each other. Jamie laughed and dusted her hands down, looking oh-so pleased with herself. 'Go inside, Chimp. I don't want you perving on me. You can get your weights back from the pool when I'm finished out here.' Chuck seemed to snap out of his daze for a second. 'You' you can't do this! You crazy bitch!' he protested, but once Jamie walked back to her sun lounger and smiled sarcastically at him he slouched back into the building. Once he had gone, Jamie seemed totally unbothered by their confrontation, returning to her chat. Chuck voiced his disbelief to the other guys, and even went so far as to complain officially, but no disciplinary action was brought against Jamie. Life in the mansion continued much as before, although Chuck now avoided Jamie as much as possible. Whenever they did cross paths, he could not hide his hatred of her, yet she would just ignore him or even giggle at his behaviour as he hurried to finish whatever he was doing before moving to another room. He'd recovered his weights in the dead of night when nobody else would see. An alarm went off on Ugly Chris' phone. Shit, the show had started! He'd become so enthralled in watching clips of Jamie, and flicking over to a separate tab full of image search results for 'Jamie Winners Losers bikini' that he'd nearly missed it! Goddamn idiot, no wonder he couldn't get anywhere in life. He switched from his laptop to his TV, a large but heavy older model he bought in a sale. The final four contestants were stood in front of Chip Chepperson in swimwear. Jamie was actually wearing the kind of two-piece outfit she usually lounged around the infinity pool in, a pink Abercrombie bikini with white trim and small white logo print. Of the remaining guys, Henry and a black guy called Charles wore fairly conservative swim shorts while Chuck had opted for Speedos. As the camera panned around, the reason for the contestants' garments became clear: they were lined up alongside a large swimming pool. Then, the camera cut to Chip. 'Hello Winners and hello Losers! We are here to find out which of you fit into which category because, yes, it is time for our semi-final event! And what might we have in store for you this week? Some kind of swimming challenge, perhaps?' The camera swung along the contestants, catching Jamie bending down, her pink-painted fingernails meeting her pink-painted toes as she limbered up. Chuck was bending side-to-side at the waist and noticeably took a quick peek at Jamie's rear-end when he turned to her direction. He just couldn't seem to help himself (and who could blame him, thought Ugly Chris). 'Well think again! It's time this competition got more physical!' With a wave of his hand, Chip summoned four female assistants, each carrying a large double-ended pugel stick. The show's theme music, a militaristic trumpet melody backed by a techno beat, blasted out as the girls handed each of the contestants their weapon. The boys all had blue and white sticks while Jamie's was pink and white. 'That's right, it's time for THE JOUST!' The camera then zoomed across the pool, showing two pedestals rising from the water. Their top side was a circular platform approximately 4 feet in diameter, with around a 2 foot gap between the two. When the camera returned to the contestants they were all clutching their pugil sticks with the requisite double-handed grip. Jamie suddenly seemed a lot more aggressive now, swinging the stick in intricate patterns as she warmed up with some skilful-looking shadow strikes. 'Our first pair of combatants is ' Jamie and Chuck!' Chuck's gaze shot straight to Jamie and the look of malice he'd been carrying around the mansion descended onto his features. Jamie demurely looked over to Chip with quiet delight at the news she would be fighting Chuck. When she turned her head to look at him, and she saw the murderous look on his face, she broke out a girlish parody of his expression, cheeks blown out and a frown crinkling her beautiful features, flexing her arms down low in a muscleman pose (actually summoning a pretty decent-looking set of young muscles in the process). Then she straightened up and laughed right at him. This removed the wind from his sails and he seemed confused as he followed Jamie over to Chip for the pre-battle interview. 'So if I can speak to you, Chuck, first of all'' Jamie looked at Chip as if she'd been insulted, that he might dare to speak to somebody else first, but she let it pass. 'With the way things have been in the house, this is a matchup that I assume is very personal for you?' Chuck composed himself as best he could, feeling his anger rising again. 'Yes. Listen, Chip, I am not a bad guy. I do not like hitting women, I would never do that in my normal life. But this girl right here?' he gestured to Jamie who stood preening for the cameras, ignoring him. 'This girl? I cannot wait to smack her upside her pretty little head. Her time has come, she has treated us guys like crap for too long and it's time someone put her in her place! I know she's fit, Chip, but this event is too physical for her. I've boxed, I've played football, this little waif stands no chance. It's time Jamie learnt what man-power is all about, am I right GUYS?!' With this both Henry and Charles cheered their support for Chuck. 'YEAH!' 'Get her, Chuck!' All three of them had grown sick of being pushed around by the young upstart Jamie. 'And Jamie? What do you say to that?' Jamie suddenly cowered in mock terror, eyes wide with 'fear', hiding behind her hands. 'Aw, haylp me Popeye, haylp!' As Chip looked on in astonishment at her mocking behaviour, she broke out of character and burst out laughing, hand upon her chest. 'What a joke! I'll shove the big meat-head into the pool so he can go find his weights again. Then maybe these losers will finally realize who the real winner is here.' Chuck's face went bright red and he looked at her with pure hatred in his eyes. 'Ok well let's get this battle of the sexes on so we can settle this once and for all! Winner is the competitor to knock the loser into the water, good luck both of you!' said Chip, gesturing towards the platforms as a row of steps raised out from the pool to lead the competitors up to their pedestals. As they walked across the steps, Jamie couldn't resist one last jibe. 'Nice speedos, Chump. You're showing nearly as much ass as me. Too bad yours is so scraggy.' Chuck's grip tightened on his pugil stick. 'I hope you like swimming, girl.' Jamie rounded on him, sensing weakness. 'Oh yes, yes I do Chuck. I'll beat you at that after I beat your ass off the platform. Let's do this!' They stood up there in the harsh studio lights, their vastly different bodies poised in preparation for battle. Little Jamie's tight, supple body straining the confines of her tiny bikini, and big Chuck and his lobster-red muscles. Jamie's pugil stick looked the size of a broadsword, Chuck's like a toothpick, but in reality both were the same size. Back in his home, Ugly Chris felt so conflicted. His masculine pride wanted to see Chuck knock some sense into the girl, while his 'fanboy' side wanted only to see more of Jamie in action the next week. And then Chip spoke. '3' 2' 1' JOUST!' Chuck's plan was to swing first, immediately putting Jamie on the defensive and hopefully ending the battle quickly with his superior power. The problem was that Jamie was way too quick for that to work. As he began moving into his first one-two combination, Jamie popped her pugil stick straight forward in a left jab. It connected with his own stick, throwing his movement off balance. Then that same left end came rushing up towards his face. It slapped his left cheek, and then his right, batting his face around one way and then the other. Chuck made to bring his guard up before any further strikes could land, but by that time Jamie's stick had gone. She had basically bitch slapped him forehanded and backhanded, in the blink of an eye. Chuck looked around his raised stick to see her giggling at him, bouncing back and forth lightly on her feet. His face stung a little, but his pride hurt worse. This was not how it was supposed to go. Chuck tried again, this time aiming lower. The left side of his paddle hit her abs, then the right struck her side in a beautiful one-two bodyblow. Jamie actually held her stick up high to allow him the strikes, soaking them up across her hard tummy muscles. The slap sounds, the force behind the strikes, her ability to take it with no lasting damage, it was all fuel to her. She answered with a powerful flurry of shots at his head and neck forcing him to cover up, and two powerful bodyshots of her own. There was a brief pause where the two of them made eye contact, and then they went at it. Both competitors threw blow after blow, toe-to-toe with each other. Jamie's dodges were smooth but there was not a lot of room to manoeuvre up there, so even she was tagged by the occasional shot to her face. Her chin was surprisingly good, however, as tough and solid as the rest of her (and its line also possessing the same feminine strength as her other curves). Chuck may have boxed in his past, and to his credit he did seem to be able to transfer these skills to the use of the paddle, but Jamie was a natural specimen, a born competitor and graceful fighter. Despite the weight difference she was more than holding her own up there as their pugil stick paddles clashed and smashed away at each other's bodies. Chuck gradually drifted into a defensive, counter-style of fighting. Truth be told, he was tiring. He could not believe Jamie was still on her pedestal giving him everything she had. He had hit her with some seriously hard headshots, a few real bruisers to the body, and yet each time she'd sent twice the number of shots back at him. And they were hurting. His ribs were sore where she'd tagged him with a couple of straight pokes, he limped on his left thigh from where she'd been pounding away at it with some cleverly targeted low strikes, and then BAM yet another shot smashed into his face, rolling his head over to the side before he could cover up. Suddenly Jamie's combinations went from 2 or 3 shots to 5 or 6. Chuck's responses were becoming rarer in number and weaker in power. She was totally tireless in her assault. Jamie was beating at him like she was tenderizing a piece of meat, and as he bent double around yet another shot deep into his gut, Chuck felt his emotions lurch as the prospect of actually losing to the sexy little bitch became a clear reality. This was never something he seriously considered, the size difference alone assuring him of victory. His heart leapt in defiance of the idea and he somehow found the energy to swing a mighty double-handed spinning strike at her head. Jamie was waiting for it, the great 'Conan the Barbarian' comeback swing which would supposedly rescue this flailing, failing male from defeat. She grinned as she saw it coming a mile away. Yes, if it had connected, it would surely have knocked her down like a pi#ata, but she would have had to have been asleep for it to threaten her. She ducked way underneath the haymaker swing, waited for Chuck to rotate just a little further, and then prodded him right at the perfect moment. Her little nudge into the back of his silly speedos sent Chuck teetering onto the precipice of his pedestal. Chuck was looking over the edge, away from Jamie. He knew he was totally vulnerable. With a heavy heart he awaited the final push to send him down. It never came. Instead, he heard her: 'Is that all you've got, Chimp? Seriously? I don't think you'd make much of a gladiator.' He turned to find her spinning her pugil stick in her hands skilfully, like a majorette with a baton. 'Here, have a free shot. Go on, give it your best!' Chuck felt defeated, but his anger propelled one last shot at her pretty face, hoping to wipe the sneering grin off it. Chuck wasn't sure what happened, and even Ugly Chris watching in slow motion struggled to follow exactly what she'd done, but his stick was swallowed up by her twirling motion and by the end of it, Chuck's pugil stick was sent flying out of his hands into the water behind him. Jamie then pushed the end of her stick towards his face but stopped it a fraction of an inch in front, holding it there. She clutched her paddle with just one hand now, and raised her other arm, making a fist, smiling. The crowd cheered for her and Chuck dropped to his knees, exhausted, defeated. The end of Jamie's paddle followed him down. Chuck's face drooped, his chin resting on his chest. If not for the padding on her pugil stick, the scene could have come straight from a fantasy artwork, the powerful female warrior holding her sword inches from the throat of her defeated opponent. A smelly orc, thought Jamie, who enjoyed the roleplay fantasy in her head. 'Just finish it, you goddamn machine.' Jamie snorted in a bratty way, not amused by Chuck's insult. She jabbed her stick under his chin and lifted his head, forcing him to face her. 'Tut tut Chump. Does a machine have these?' she said, provocatively jutting her breasts forward. She felt Chuck swallow deeply, causing her stick to bob slightly, saw the power she still held over him in more ways than one. Chuck noticed her jutting nipples and couldn't believe the bitch was actually turned on by the beating she'd delivered him. He saw those red marks on her abs, maybe a little mark on her chin. He consoled himself that at least he'd managed those minor injuries on her. 'Say it.' Chuck knew the rules. Now that he had to face up to the reality of it, he was determined to at least be a man about it. 'Jamie, you are the winner. I, Chuck, am'' His eyes dropped and he felt her paddle push tighter into his throat as he hesitated. 'Say it, Chump. Tell me what you are, what you've been all along.' 'I am the loser-' Suddenly Jamie's pugil stick was gone and Chuck's head was in freefall. Then he felt a tremendous impact, like he was involved in a high-speed car accident. Then he felt nothing at all for a few moments. He'd suddenly been removed from his body, like he was looking down on the scene from above. He saw that Jamie had thrown the mother of all uppercut blows with that thing, chambering all her power into a scything blow which rose right from her toes in an arc which, unfortunately for him, cut straight through his chin. He saw blood, and a tooth, and his body hurled up from its knees into the air beyond the platform. When it hit the water, his consciousness seemed to drop back into his body. He seemed to take a long time sinking through the water, regaining his orientation, righting himself, swimming to the surface, body aching. In reality he was in pretty shallow water and could easily stand up, if not for the pain in his leg. The pain in his jaw also came back to him. She'd really hurt him. His gaze slowly climbed the pedestal until it fixed upon that 19 year old brat who'd literally beat him off there, knocked him down here to look up at her. She was twirling that stick around like a goddamn Playboy ninja. Where did she learn that shit? His scrambled senses needed to understand what had happened. She'd beaten him. Shit. Shit shit shit. She'd won. He was the loser. He was a tough guy, but he wasn't immune. She'd knocked away a tooth for fuck's sake. How could this have happened?! She wasn't in the weight category below him, never mind the same one. That was a source of shame to a guy like Chuck. He had really needed that money, too, but she'd taken it from him, bullied it away from him. His muscles all seemed to melt away. They felt so useless, so pointless, now. They hadn't saved him, all his hard work on them had been for nothing. Jamie turned and executed a perfect swan dive into the pool. Perfect. She swam past poor Chuck with a powerful crawl technique, Chuck actually stepping back to give her space to pass. Then she lifted herself effortlessly from the pool and Chuck had absolutely no shame in drinking up every inch of her body as it rose in shimmering perfection from the pool. It might be the last chance he ever had. He imagined it was like she was apologising to him, 'I destroyed you, but here's a little show, just for you'' Only that wasn't how it was in reality, at all. 'I TOLD you to stop perving on me, Chimp!' she spat, a disgusted look distorting her pretty face. Chuck had never deserved this kind of treatment, he knew he was a good guy, but she'd worn him away over the weeks and now cut out his heart. As Jamie soaked up the crowd's support and made her way over for her interview, Chuck, in a state of shell-shock, marinated in a chlorinated mixture of pool water and his own blood, tears and piss.