Timmy's New Life: Chapter 5 by C.L.T. A young man is brought to heel by tall dominant women Chapters 1-4 here: http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc32/timmysnewlife.txt Please vote for and discuss your favorite female characters here: http://www.amazonlove.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5708&hilit= * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 5: Shopping Trip with the Thollens! When Timmy awoke the next morning, he felt as though he had slept for a year. The first thing he noted was the immense amount of sunlight, flooding in through the white curtains of Martha's big bedroom windows. The second thing he noted was that he was totally immobile and couldn't budge an inch. Gradually, as the fog of strange dreams lifted from his mind, he realized what the problem was: In her sleep Martha had totally encased Timmy's little body between her giant thighs. She lay on her right side, breathing faintly, her head far above Timmy's; her right leg was against the mattress, her left leg was crooked over it, and Timmy was between the two, mashed tight in between the two colossal thighs. Only his head was sticking out, and the rest of his body must have been trapped and squeezed for so long that it had all fallen "asleep". At least, Timmy hoped that this was the case. The only other explanation was that in her violent lovemaking Martha had paralyzed or wrecked Timmy's little body some other way. "Martha," he said, and his voice sounded like a weak squeak, surprising and dismaying him. No answer, "Martha!" he yelled, after clearing his throat, now more sure of himself. The big woman smiled in her sleep and made a little cooing noise. Timmy could tell now that both of them were completely naked. He noted that Martha still had traces of red lipstick on, and this reminded him of all the fun they had the previous night--at least, the fun they had before he passed out. Who knows how much more fun Martha had had with him after she had overwhelmed him with sweat and exhaustion. She had been so very rough with him, an insatiable sexual bully. "Martha!" She seemed to stir a bit and mutter something in her sleep that could have been "Timmy". Then she absentmindedly squeezed him hard, simply by straightening up her legs a bit and stretching. "OW!" The pain came sharp and quickly, then stopped. Timmy was relieved to know that at least he hadn't lost sense in his body, but the squeeze was so piercing that he instantly feared IT may have paralyzed him anyway. He was still trapped and his body would not respond to his impulses. His arms were trapped between Martha's legs and even under perfect conditions he wasn't sure he would be strong enough to get out. He couldn't even see his arms at the moment, but he could see Martha's big bulging legs--he could see little else, in fact--and he knew for sure that his arms weren't even a 10th as big around. Maybe not even 100th as big in terms of volume. Last night at Sarah's birthday party he had learned that he himself had sunk to a height of only 4'10". And then he watched as Martha was measured at just over 5'10". It was inconceivable to Timmy. She was a middle-aged woman. A couple years ago they both looked each other square in the eye, and they were both just a couple inches over the 5- foot mark. But now, thanks only in part to the big heels Martha had taken to wearing, compounded with Timmy's tendency to stoop a bit these days out of general fearfulness, Martha completely dwarfed him to a laughable extent, not only in terms of height but also in terms of girth and apparent strength and vitality. But wasn't HE supposed to be in the prime of his life? And wasn't SHE supposed to be a bit "over the hill"? Instead, it was almost as if they weren't even of the same species anymore, as if she hailed from a race of domineering, well-fed giantesses, while he came from a family of malnourished pipsqueak slave imps. Just then he felt a warm throbbing sensation, and realized that he was getting a boner. ("At least one muscle in my body still works," Timmy thought.) His penis, however, must have been doubled-over or bent in some way, for he sensed a growing uncomfortable feeling, as if his penis were unable to straighten itself out and lengthen itself unimpeded. Just then Martha cooed again, and Timmy looked up fearfully to see that she had indeed awoken. "Just what are you doing, my little boy?" she asked him, a sleepy bemused look on her fair-featured face, her ruby-red hair falling down across one cheek. "Martha!" Timmy squeaked. "Help me!" "Oh you are so adorable, Timmy," Martha mused. Timmy's groin continued to tighten. "Please!" he tried again. "Let me out!" "Are you popping a STIFFY for MOI, Timmy?" Martha asked, that same familiar wide smile returning to her face. "Yes! But--Oh! It's trapped! I'm trapped, and--!" "You are so cute and desperate, Timmy," Martha drawled, sitting up a bit. Timmy whined hopelessly. "Oh all right," she said. "Out you pop." She took her one leg off of him, leaving him laying against the length of the other. "I said 'Out you POP', Timmy!" Then she bounced her lower leg against the mattress, springing Timmy's little body up into the air. Disoriented, the little man scrambled uselessly, flailing his arms, before falling right into Martha's lap. "Can't stay away, huh?" she asked him. Her crotch was spread wide and Timmy could smell her sweet musk. So overwhelmed was he, by everything, that he could only look down at his throbbing boner, whine again, and then gesture from his crotch to hers. "Oh Timmy," she said, "what are we going to do with you? Last night you couldn't stay awake for it, but now you want it first thing in the morning. And I am NOT a morning person." She straightened herself up in bed, threw off what little expanse of the sheets were actually covering her massive body, and then stood up, totally unconcerned with how any of her movements might jostle Timmy about. He found himself face-down against the mattress, and when he picked his head up he saw that he was staring into Martha's big rear end as she was admiring herself in the full-length mirror. She thrust out one curvy leg and then the other, posing, then raised her arms--which were slightly chubby, yet slightly defined, and VERY feminine--and flexed her bicep muscles. Next she put one hand and then the other on her voluptuous hips and turned from left to right. Timmy could see the reflection of her face in the mirror, and it was clear that Martha was pleased with her changing body. "Mmm," she said. "I love the new me. Don't YOU love the new me?" she asked Timmy, whirling around to face him. He had sat up a bit and dangled his legs over the edge of the bed. His feet were nowhere near the floor, though. "Yes, Martha," he replied dutifully. "What do you like BEST about me, Timmy?" the naked woman asked, then cupped and jiggled her immense breasts a bit. "And don't say my boobs. That's just a boring answer." Timmy's erection throbbed hard and he involuntarily shot his hands to his crotch to simultaneously touch and hide it. "Uh..." he muttered, so turned on now that he could scarcely think. "We-e-e-e-ell?" Martha said, sashaying towards him, bending down, and putting a single finger under Timmy's chin to force him to look up into her bright eyes. "Uh," he said again. "I-I g-guess I like how big you are." "Well," she said, turning away from him again, clearly a bit disappointed in his response. "YES, I SUPPOSE so... *I* like how big I'm getting too. But really, Timmy, in your position pretty much EVERYONE is 'big'." "I-I know," Timmy murmured, ashamed of himself. "M-Martha?" "Y-yes, T-Timmy?" she answered, whirling around again and mocking his stutter. "C-can I p-please have sex w-with you again this m-morning? My penis-- I-I'm just so turned on and h-hard. A-and I can't take it--I-I can't take it--I-I n-need to come into your big b-body!" Martha threw her head back and laughed, then provocatively posed for him a bit, rubbing her hands all over her immense body while smiling down at him wolfishly. "The answer is NO, Timmy!" she said, seemingly happy to disappoint him. "I already told you! I don't like sex in the morning! Don't be a whiner!" She bounded over to sit down on the bed next to him. This caused the entire mattress to tilt and Timmy's body slammed hard into her big bare thigh. ("How much does she WEIGH?" Timmy wondered.) "Now if you make me tell you this a THIRD time," Martha continued, "I'm afraid I will have no choice but to discipline you. I spank very hard now--I spanked hard before all this, just ask my ex-husband--but I shudder to think what your backside would look like, or how long it would take you to recover, if I really went to town on your little fanny now!" Timmy whimpered. "Perhaps we can come to an agreement, however," Martha said, picking up Timmy with one arm and plopping his little body belly-down across her lap. "Would you like that?" "Oh! U-uh, yes, Martha," Timmy said, distracted by how she was running her short nails along his back and buttocks. "Perhaps I will let you have your way with me, let you 'get off' however you'd like--PROVIDED that we are both standing up. And you can have NO use of stools." "U-um, um," Timmy murmured. "No high heels on my part either, Timmy," Martha added. "Fair is fair, after all." "O-okay!" Timmy said. "VERY good!" Martha chirped, then got up, holding Timmy by wrapping one hand around the back of his neck before putting him down. Martha walked back over to the full-length mirror, her insane curves jiggling all over in the process. "Here is where I'll stand," she told him, "the better that I can watch the proceedings." Timmy tentatively crept up to her gigantic body, unsure where or how to begin. "NOW," she informed him, "you have five minutes. Do your worst, you brute you!" She threw the back of one of her hands over her eyes, sarcastically. It seemed impossible, but to Timmy Martha looked a good deal more than the 12 inches--or at most 13 inches--that she had towered over him by as recently as the previous night. She certainly looked more than a foot taller to him now, and she wasn't even wearing heels, as she had worn when they made love standing up--or, more accurately, when Martha had used his body to fuck herself--about eight or nine hours ago. His eyes weren't even up to the level of Martha's nipples. "You can stop STARING so much, Timmy!" she said merrily. "I KNOW I have nice breasts! I know they are very big and don't sag very much--but you are on the clock, little man! I'm not going to stand here in my birthday suit forever!" He waddled over to her, crouching a bit as he walked, almost feeling weighed down by his throbbing boner--though this couldn't be the case. His penis hadn't shrunk in recent weeks; it was the only part of his body that hadn't! But, still, Timmy was not a well-endowed man, not in any sense. He came up behind Martha. Just noticing that her gigantic ass now extended all the way from his shoulders to his crotch now excited him almost to the point of premature orgasm. He wrapped his hands as far as he could around Martha's middle and just squeezed her. It was the sort of hug a toddler might give. Still holding onto her, he attempted to raise himself up, but he couldn't hold his own weight and soon fell back down. Then, after struggling back to his feet, he couldn't help but just bury his face in Martha's left ass cheek, smelling it and kissing it and licking it ravenously. "Just two or three more minutes, Timmy," Martha called, seeming to be totally bored by Timmy's actions. He whined and walked around Martha a few times, somewhat panicked and not able to decide the best plan of attack. There was nothing that he wanted more in the world than to put his penis inside Martha Thollen's ass or cunt, but both were almost a foot too high for his erection to reach. Finally he stopped in front of her and gestured his open arms up at her. "Oh, you want me to pick you up?" Martha asked. "How adorable! Unfortunately, no, the rules say I can't. We must both be STANDING UP." Timmy whined again, his penis still throbbing more urgently than ever, but Martha just smiled down at him. "You are even more pathetic than I thought you were, Timmy!" she told him, this time with real harshness in her voice. "You only have a minute left. Why don't you just hump my leg like the little puppydog you are and get this over with!" He threw himself at her feet now, groveling and giving off a whine that seemed ready to turn into crying. Why wouldn't she be nice to him? He was driven mad with desire for her big body, for her to just pick him up and put his penis inside the places of her body that were nice and warm and cozy. "OOooh, little Timmy!" Martha cooed happily from high above, suddenly changing her tune completely. "I'm sowwy if I scaahd yew!" As Timmy kissed and licked Martha's feet, the big woman knelt down and put a friendly hand on his bent back. He furtively gazed up at her, and above her massive cleavage saw her sweet face observing him with soft understanding. "We REALLY have to get ready to go to the mall, though, Timmy, so we don't have MUCH TIME," she explained. "That's the point I was trying to drive home to you." She stood back up to her full height and put her hands delicately on Timmy's shoulders as he stood as well. ("My god," Timmy thought, "she HAS to be above six feet now. It ISN'T just my lowly perspective.") "I present to you my left leg, Timmy," Martha said, thrusting her leg out towards him and jostling him a bit in the process, her gigantic thigh crashing against his groin and lifting him up in the air briefly. "You may hump and love this leg now if you wish, treating it like it was your girlfriend. And I want you to enjoy yourself, Timmy, but please... be somewhat quick about it." Timmy didn't need to be told twice, and by now he was most grateful for Martha's patience with him. He knew that other women--Brooks, for instance--would have put him over their knee and spanked him soundly long before now, if he had annoyed and delayed them even half so long as he had delayed Martha this morning. To start with, he noticed that his drooping little ballsack rested on Martha's kneecap. Her hips came up to his shoulders, and just her leg reached up to his mid-chest. Hunched over a bit as he was, overcome with desire, he found that Martha's leg really was almost the size of a woman to him. Of course, that was under the old, prejudiced, stereotypical way of viewing things, when most women were expected to be somewhat shorter than the men they were paired with. But even then, Timmy couldn't help noticing, Martha's leg probably outweighed him. He put his arms around it and felt how huge and solid it was. He remembered how last night it looked as though two of Little Dewey might be able to fit in one of Martha's legs. He was still bigger than Dewey was compared to Martha, proportionately speaking, but he wondered how long it would be, if she kept growing at such a rapid pace and he kept slowly withering away, before he looked and felt even smaller than Dewey looked last night. He embraced Martha's leg feverishly--just barely able to wrap his arms around it--and then thrust his groin against it. From high above he heard her throaty laugh and felt her bounce and lift and shake her leg a bit, almost as if someone had told her to "put her left leg in and shake it all about". He moaned in sheer ecstasy at the sensation of so much smooth soft flesh against his body. He rubbed his hands greedily over the gigantic expanse of Martha's thigh. She continued to jostle his body effortlessly, just by bouncing her leg a little bit. Clearly his weight was no impedance to her. He stretched his right hand around to the side as far as he could reach, and was just able to feel enough of Martha's gigantic rump to placate his fetish for her big shapely ass. All the while he humped her leg, mashing and jabbing his stiff little dick against her thigh and kneecap. "COME along now, Timmy," Martha teased. "Spunk your little load for me already! I know you're obsessed with how at age 43 I'm suddenly becoming the hottest girl in the known universe!" Timmy licked her stomach and side and then stood on his tiptoes to just barely lick the underside of Martha's left boob. His penis was rock hard, and between his own grip and Martha's jiggling, they had gotten into a pretty good rhythm of his little body getting bounced and banged, dick-first, against her big leg. "I know there are other girls in your life," Martha continued, in a strange hypnotic tone, "younger and newer and taller for the time being. And I know that I was just 'an old friend of your parents'. But you know as well as I do, Timmy, that no one can compete with my sexual appetite or curves! I know you think I'm getting to be the hottest chick EVER, and I won't rest until the whole WORLD thinks of me the same way YOU DO! But don't worry, my little special boy, when I grow to MONSTER size, Timmy, you're gonna be the first little snack I crush and gobble up, just as soon as I squeeze all the semen out of you!" Martha's dirty talk had done it; her thigh bounced him up particularly high and when he came crashing down, his sack hitting her kneecap, he exploded in ecstasy, shooting a long, large load all over her thigh. He collapsed as it happened, the life draining out of him, and he had to grab onto Martha's leg for support. He felt so weak and just wanted to shrivel up then and rest. Martha, however, wouldn't let him. She held him up by putting one of her plump but deceptively strong hands under his shoulder. With her other hand she wiped up most of the semen on her thigh and then licked her palm clean, flicking her tongue a few extra times for Timmy's benefit as she stared down into his eyes. A minute later, when he had relatively recovered, Martha let him stand on his own feet again finally, and then walked over to her closet to look for some clothes. Facing her gigantic ass again, which she had just covered in lacy see-thru red panties, Timmy once again wondered just how big she had gotten and how much bigger she was going to get. Still totally naked, he clumsily walked towards her, looking down bashfully and noticing how absolutely tiny his little feet looked in comparison with Martha's. Then he looked up, to see that absolutely huge creamy white ass again. He considered it the best ass ever, as it was so shapely, and as he approached it now it seemed bigger and higher than ever to him. He didn't care how much older than him Martha was, or how strange she was sometimes; he didn't care if she was going through a midlife crisis or what. Whatever the negatives might be, her attractiveness overrode all of them. From her sexy face, with its wide lips and beaklike nose, to her relatively dainty hands and feet, to her monstrous proportions everywhere else--he wanted her more than anything and thought this big Jewish woman, whom others might call a "yenta", was becoming the very epitome of sexiness. Even though she was turned away from him it was as if Martha sensed his approach, for just before he reached her, his arms outstretched and poised to hug his tiny little manform to her gigantic womanform, she snapped: "Timmy, go away now, hurry, and go get dressed! And I don't mean that little costume you wore to the party, either! Last night I laid out some nice little clothes for you in the bathroom down the hall! Go put them on and meet me and Sarah in the kitchen for breakfast!" ----- He wasn't all that surprised when he saw the little pile of purple and pink clothing waiting for him in the bathroom. Of course Martha would make sure that he was wearing the girliest clothes possible. No doubt these were some of Sarah's clothes from when she was younger. None of this surprised him. He put on the frilly pink panties, the little pink socks, and the pink cotton tights with an unamused but resigned expression on his face. After all, he DID just get to sleep and have sex multiple times with a budding giantess. The situation wasn't ideal- -far from it--and the sex itself was certainly problematic to say the least. But all in all things weren't so bad for Timmy. Maybe this simply said more about the rock-bottom expectations that he had going in: the idea of attending Sarah's Sweet Thirteen birthday party and then spending the night initially sounded like it would probably turn into the worst 24 hours of Timmy's life. But it was far from that. Sure, now he had to go shopping with the Thollens--and it wasn't easily to look forward to such a sure-to-be obnoxious and prolongated affair-- but if he played his cards right he'd probably get to release himself in Martha's presence, or maybe IN MARTHA, at least once more before being driven back home to his Aunt Rose's mansion. He stepped into the tiny little ballet-style slippers that Martha had left out for him, and even this was bearable. No doubt both Martha and Sarah would be wearing heels when they went out today, and after all the ostensible reason for the outing was to return a pair of gigantically heeled boots that Timmy had been coerced into giving Sarah for her birthday, but still, Timmy was used to this treatment by now. He put on the little tiny white shoes without any mental anguish, and finally turned to the last item of clothing Martha had left him. It was here that Timmy finally felt an upshot, a pin-prick of shame. The bright purple garment looked familiar to him from the very second he started unfolding it. It was an old shirt and he recognized it even before he saw what was on the front of it. It was not only a shirt that Sarah used to wear, it was a shirt that Timmy had SEEN Sarah wearing plenty of times before. It was Sarah's favorite shirt from the days, roughly two-and-a-half years ago, when Timmy had been her babysitter. Timmy finished unfolding the shirt and held it out before him. There it was: a vintage-style image of Wonder Woman in a muscular pose, her long bare legs bent somewhat to the side, as if she were flying, one of her hands on her hip and the other held forth in a clenched fist, with a long red thumbnail showing. Beneath the superheroine it said "Girl POWER!" in big cursive letters. Timmy knew that NOT wearing the shirt, or turning it inside-out, would cause more problems than it would solve. He frowned, gritted his teeth- -clearly annoyed now at how he was being treated, demeaned and taken advantage of--but then he put the shirt on. And this is when "insult to injury" kicked in, for he realized that the shirt was actually a little BIG on him. "It can't be," he thought. But it was. Maybe Sarah had stretched it out some? Very possibly she had continued to wear the shirt long after she had outgrown it; after all, it WAS her favorite shirt from childhood. Timmy couldn't convince himself that the shirt LOOKED stretched out--it just looked very WORN--but perhaps the shirt was stretched in a way that wouldn't show? Furthermore, perhaps Martha had purposely stretched the shirt out before leaving it there for Timmy; possibly she wanted to give him the impression that he was smaller than he really was. Any of those things could be true, but the fact remained that there Timmy stood, wearing a notable shirt belonging to the girl he used to babysit--a shirt that she used to wear all the time when he babysat for her--and it was definitely BIG on him. Had he shrunk so much? Did Sarah used to be bigger than he remembered? As recently as a month ago, Timmy was nearly 5'2", and he had been that height for years. As recently as last night, he was 4'10". Had Sarah been 4'10" when he babysat for her? He didn't remember. During that time he certainly had no worries of Sarah passing him in height in the then-near future. She was definitely shorter than him. Could she had come within four inches of his height without him noticing? Timmy didn't know and he didn't want to think about it anymore. It made him feel small and pathetic and weak, and besides, his little stomach was gurgling. He was hungry. Awash in fresh shame, he walked out of the door, wearing Sarah's Wonder Woman shirt, and headed toward the Thollen's breakfast table. ----- The smell of sizzling bacon greeted him, and Timmy didn't think anything ever smelled so good. The strict vegetarian diet that Aunt Rose had imposed upon him meant that he hadn't had any meat in longer than he cared to remember. The one exception had been the pitifully small bits of crayfish and lobster that Brooks had bought him on their "date", but grateful as he was for that, it was only seafood. This was real bacon! The indignity of his girly attire totally forgotten, Timmy strode into the kitchen. Martha was standing over the stove, humming to herself as she cooked. She was clothed in a huge red bathrobe, and this made Timmy think of how she had played "Mrs. Claus" for him a few weeks ago. He'd love to sit on her lap again now, especially if she'd feed him breakfast that way. "Take a seat at the counter please, Timmy," Martha instructed him, throwing hardly a glance in his direction. "Everything is almost ready. There's coffee and milk and orange juice there, and there's glasses..." Timmy had to climb, literally, onto one of the high stools by the counter. His legs dangled two or three feet above the ground. It was a precarious perch for such a little man. "This all looks great, Martha," he told her, "and it smells fantastic!" "Mm," Martha considered, still busying herself around the stove, "I'm glad you think so. I've found that very few men these days--my ex- husband, for instance--fully appreciate how some of us women still SLAVE away to provide you men with good homecooked meals..." ("Jeez," Timmy thought, grabbing a napkin and some silverware from across the counter, "ragging on the ex-husband again. Any excuse to put him down. She wasn't even this obsessed with him when I used to come over here to babysit, and that was fresh after the divorce happened. It's almost like Martha is developing anger issues or something, though why it's happening now is anyone's guess. Maybe the pills she takes? Still, it isn't like I have any love lost for the ex-husband. Any guy who wouldn't worship the ground Martha walked on and do everything he could to get her back--that's a guy I can't understand. Of course, Martha is overbearing, and she didn't have the body she does now back when she was married, but...") His thoughts trailed off as he noticed the flaw in his original argument, but it was at that moment that Martha brought the sizzling fryingpan over and slid two portions of sunny-side-up eggs onto Timmy's plate. The little man was dumbfounded, especially once some bacon and sausages--SAUSAGES too!--were placed beside them. "Eat up, Timmy," Martha instructed. "If you don't clean your plate I'll take it as an insult to my cooking. And you wouldn't like me when I'm insulted!" Timmy didn't really know where to begin. The knife and fork felt heavy in his hands as they hovered over his plate. "Hey," he suddenly asked, "where's Sarah?" "Right here, spud," came a voice, and on cue the leggy teenager bounded into the kitchen. She wore only black mesh exercise shorts that scarcely came a quarter of the way down her thighs, and a black shorts bra. Her hair was somewhat wet, and droplets of water collected at the tips of her dark bangs. For the first time ever, Timmy noticed that Sarah's navel was pierced; a teardrop-shaped pearl ornament hung inside her bellybutton. Aside from that, the rest of her abdomen rippled with a faint definition that Timmy had never seen on Sarah before. She was officially a teenager now, and it was as if she really had grown up-- even more so than before--overnight. She glided over to her mother, gave Martha a peck on the cheek, and then the two women began dishing up their own shares of breakfast onto their plates. Their shares, needless to say, were much larger than Timmy's. Timmy sat dumbfounded. This was so for many reasons, but at the moment one single element captured his attention: Martha and Sarah were the same height. Just last night he KNEW that the daughter was taller. He had seen it with his own eyes. Sarah was--and maybe WAS was the key word--exactly six feet tall, and Martha was measured at 5'10". Earlier this morning Timmy thought that Martha was taller than she had been, and this morning she looked just as tall as Sarah. But had Sarah grown any overnight as well, or was it safe to conclude that they were both 6-feet even? Timmy didn't want to slide down from his stool to try and find out if Sarah looked taller as well. He was too scared to find out. Besides, he was pretty sure that he had shrunk some overnight--again-- so there was no way to be certain of anything unless they brought out the measuring tape again, and Timmy's nerves could not handle that kind of tension so early in the morning. "Nice shirt, spud," Sarah said, snapping Timmy out of his reverie and tousling his hair with her long fingers, "I used to have one JUST like it." She pulled up a stool, sat down next to him, and began to eat. God she looked gigantic to Timmy. Her long bare legs easily reached the floor. Her plate had roughly twice as much on it as Timmy's did, and she was devouring it ravenously, while he had basically been too afraid to even touch any of his, a fact which didn't escape Martha's notice. "I said EAT, Timmy!" she bellowed. There was a touch of humor to her directive, but only just a touch. Then Timmy dug in, eating happily. The meat really did taste good to him. "Don't you want anything to drink, Timmy?" Martha asked. "Coffee? Orange juice?" "Err," Timmy began, undecided on what he wanted. At the moment he was content with just the food. Couldn't Martha leave him alone for more than two seconds? "I would recommend the orange juice, Timmy," said Sarah, holding up her own glass of OJ. It looked small in her hands, and Timmy couldn't help noticing that her trim almond-shaped nails had been painted a smooth shiny black. "Do you know why?" Timmy nervously looked up at Sarah while pouring the big pitcher of orange juice into the cup before him. It was almost too heavy for him to pour with any confidence. "Err, no, Sarah. W-why?" The big teen smiled and then leaned way down to stare into Timmy's little face. "Because COFFEE stunts your GROWTH, Timmy!" she said, and then began giggling. Martha joined in the laughter, and Timmy looked over to see the older woman shoving an entire meaty handful of bacon into her mouth as she cackled. Timmy felt a bit ill. It was weird being around them. It would have been weird being at the Thollens' house for breakfast even under normal circumstances--and how impossible it seemed that "normal" circumstances would ever return for Timmy--but given the tenor of the conversation, which seemed progressively anti-Timmy, everything seemed too nerve- wracking. He didn't know how he was going to get through an entire sure-to-be-long shopping trip with these two beautiful bullies. "AW!" Sarah said sarcastically, as Timmy put his head down bashfully and with growing frustration. "AW!" Then she propelled herself forward, out of her high stool and towards Timmy. As he clenched his arms close to his body and retreated inward, he felt Sarah's big hands inevitably force their way under his armpits. Still sarcastically cooing over him, Sarah stood up to her full height and held Timmy in midair before her, at arms' length. "Did the big mean girls make little Timmy sad?" Sarah asked him mockingly, talking to him as if he were nothing but a little baby--not even a big baby, but a little one. Timmy said nothing. He was very aware that in any other situation he would be seething in raw anger, but here Sarah was so humiliating him by holding him aloft with such ease, that he had no choice but to feel meek and modest before his obvious superior. And here he thought that Sarah, well, LIKED him. "I-I-I'm sorry, Sarah," he said, not knowing why exactly he was apologizing but feeling that he should, since he was obviously deficient in some way. At that Sarah smiled slyly and drew Timmy in for a long close embrace. "Awww! Come here!" His head nuzzled against her bare shoulder and he did his best to put his arms around her to hang on. Meanwhile she easily wrapped her arms around his body and stroked him comfortingly from his back, down past his butt and to his thighs, which she squeezed and grabbed a bit in order to hoist him up and get a better grip. Sarah then started patting Timmy's back reassuringly, swinging him back and forth almost as if she were rocking him to sleep. His dangling little feet randomly bounced against Sarah's legs, far above the ground as she held him. Suddenly a flash came, and Timmy turned to see that Martha had indeed taken their picture. "So adorable!" she cried. "That's gonna be my new profile pic!" Sarah chirped, then bent in to give Timmy a loud kiss on his nose. "I take it you already did your exercises today, Sarah?" Martha asked. "Yep!" Sarah said happily, holding out an arm and flexing a very noticeable bicep right in Timmy's face. "Too bad you slept in, Timmy, you coulda watched me do yoga in my supercool workout gear!" Martha munched a final mouthful of meat and then began clearing the counter. "Okay then, if you're almost ready then we can leave soon. Timmy is all dressed, Sarah, so you need to--" "I know, I know!" the teenager moaned, rolling her eyes. "Forgive me for not wanting to keep you waiting at the breakfast table. I decided I'd change AFTER we ate." "No cheek today, young lady!" Martha warned, pointing a spatula at Sarah. "We both get enough of it from Timmy." She walked over to them, a smile growing on her face. "And rather than argue amongst ourselves, we need to be a united female front against Timmy here, don't we?" Here she began tickling Timmy's tummy, and the little male laughed and squirmed in Sarah's arms. "Alright, alright..." Timmy moaned. And once Martha backed off Sarah gradually released him and let gravity slowly pull him down the long length of her body. When Timmy reached the floor and stood on his own two feet, he noticed that Sarah's bellybutton, along with her pretty pearl piercing, was at shoulder level to him. Clearly she HAD grown overnight. Or had he just shrunk? Sarah said, "Okay, I'll go get dressed now so we can leave," Sarah said, and Martha turned back to the dishes. Just as Sarah was about to leave the room, though, she leaned back over towards Timmy, who was making his way back to his breakfast, and abruptly yanked him out of the room with her. They stood alone in the hallway. A confused Timmy looked way up into Sarah's eyes, and couldn't help noticing that high above him on the wall was the marking of "Sarah age 12 yrs. & 11.5 mos. - 5'9.6"!"", which he had noticed two weeks ago. Here and now, the pretty head of the just-turned-13 version of Sarah Thollen stood well above that mark. She grinned down at Timmy in an odd fashion, guided his body around so as to back him up against the wall, and then gazed down at him. Timmy started to feel very, very small and nervous. "W-w-w-what d-do you w-w-want, S-Sarah?" he murmured. "We're going to have a NICE, NICE time today, Timmy," she told him, ignoring his direct question. "We're going to go to the mall with my mom and have a NICE, NICE time." "O-o-okay, Sarah. I-I-I know that, a-a-and I a-agree. W-we'll h-have a n-n--" "Timmy, stop babbling and just listen to me," she said in the very nicest way possible. "We're supposed to be friends, right?" Timmy's eyes darted from side to side. "U-uhm, y-yeah, we're friends." "Best friends," Sarah amended. It wasn't a question. The very idea of a nearly 27-year-old man being "BEST FRIENDS" with a 13-year-old girl, a girl he used to babysit for years ago, now a giant teen girl whose breasts were slightly above eye-level to him--it all seemed insane to Timmy. Still, fearful of the repercussions if he dared turn her down, as Sarah's long soft fingers with their black nail polish were creeping around his slight shoulders, Timmy was forced to conclude: "Y-yes, Sarah. W-we're best friends." "Then why did you sneak out of my room last night!?" she snapped, her voice like that of a spoiled child--like that of the spoiled young girl which in fact she was. And then she throttled him a bit, knocking his bony little shoulders back against the wall. "Why did you leave me, Timmy?!" she hissed again. Her big brown doe- eyes had never looked so piercing and intense. "I-I-I'm sorry, Sarah, i-it's just that I c-couldn't sleep a-and you were hugging me t-too tight a-and y-your m-mom offered me--" "Omigod, I KNOW what my mom 'offered' you, Timmy," Sarah said, throwing him back against the wall and releasing him, turning around and rolling her eyes. "I'm sorry, Sarah," he said again. "I-I c-couldn't r-really h-help it." "I KNOW you couldn't help it," she said, turning to him again and squatting down so that she was roughly eye-level with him. "That's the problem. You SHOULD be able to help it. You SHOULD do what your friends ask you to." "I-I'm friends with y-your mom too, y'know," Timmy said, and instantly regretted it. The words were like an uppercut to Sarah's chin, like a punch thrown by someone far larger than Timmy. Sarah's feelings were getting hurt; she was quite aware of Timmy and her mother's "friendship", but she wanted to be "best friends" with Timmy, friends in a clean, perfect, honest way that superseded any other sort of attraction. At this point, Sarah didn't have to explain the details to Timmy; her wounded reaction told him everything. Feeling guilty, he leaned into the still-kneeling girl, wrapped his arms around her shoulders and hugged her tight. "I'm sorry, Sarah, I'll do better next time." After some sniffling and eye-wiping, Sarah patted Timmy on his head and then stood back up to her full, imposing height. "See that you do," she said, once she had composed herself. "You forget that even though we're besties, and even though you're older than me, I'm still in charge of you." Timmy definitely didn't like that idea, but before he could decide whether or not to dissent, Sarah continued: "I can be awfully mean if I want. AND I'm awfully strong, as you know firsthand from yesterday. So DON'T get on my badside, ol' buddy of mine." With that she bent her knees a bit in order to playfully punch Timmy right in his breadbasket--approximately right were Wonder Woman's fist was on his shirt, in fact. The jovial blow caught Timmy off-guard and it hurt him far more than he knew it should have. Still, he tried to laugh it off; he was just glad that Sarah had stopped crying. It broke his heart to see her cry. "Remember, little boy," she told him as she walked down the hall to go get dressed, "I'm the boss of you once we get to the mall and my mom inevitably goes off on her own. Be on your best behavior, guy. You might be my best friend but I will still spank you if I need to." Unnerved, but unsurprised, Timmy turned back to the kitchen. His stomach was beginning to hurt him, and not just from Sarah's punch. As he climbed back up to his stool, he began wondering whether or not it was a good idea to feed his digestive system so much meat again all of a sudden. He wasn't used to eating it anymore and wasn't sure how easily his body could process it. "What's wrong?" Martha asked him, whirling around from the sink. "You don't look very well, Timmy. I certainly hope you don't think there's a problem with my cooking!" "N-no no!" Timmy hurriedly told her. "It's just that I haven't eaten meat in so long, because--" "Due to your weird aunt's dietary rules," Martha finished. "Yes, well, I certainly respect her decisions and her ability to put you on what she thinks is the right diet..." ("Even if I'm a 26-year-old man who wants to eat OTHER things of my own free will?" Timmy asked himself.) "...but in my house I always like to feed little boys just what they want to eat. You saw how I handed out candies to Little Dewey and Hans last night? I like giving out sweets and goodies, or in your case meat treats. It makes me feel... oh, like Mrs. Claus, I guess you could say!" She sauntered over to Timmy in a sexy walk, turned and then thrust her big, red-robe covered ass in his direction. Timmy certainly enjoyed Martha's banter and shape, but the illness rising in his gut superseded everything else at the moment. "You poor dear," Martha said. "Hang on a minute..." As she left the room, Timmy raced over to the garbage bin. He opened it and quickly vomited up everything he had eaten that morning: all of the eggs, sausage, bacon and orange juice--gone. The upside was that as soon as his stomach was empty, he instantly felt good again. Hungry, but good. He drank a bit more orange juice and was sitting in his stool again when Martha returned, as if nothing had happened. "Here you go," she said, holding out two blue pills in the palm of her hand. "What are they?" Timmy asked, picking them up. "They'll make you feel better today, Timmy." "No funny stuff, r-right, Martha?" She gave him a dirty look. "You're going to be holding hands with my daughter most of the day, Timmy. I'm certainly NOT going to want you to have a big, permanent, out-of-control boner the whole time!" Too tired to argue or question anymore, Timmy gulped down the pills. ("They must be some sort of digestive or painkiller," he told himself.) Just as Timmy was about to tell Martha about his accident, and about how he was still hungry, she abruptly snapped at him: "DO finish your orange juice, Timmy! Sarah is dressed now and we're BOTH waiting on YOU! How typical it is for the weakest link and slowest person to be the one MALE in the house!" ("Jeez," he thought, "I've never seen a woman in a bathrobe so anxious to get out the door to go shopping on a Sunday morning.") "Uh," he offered, unable to help himself, "are you just going to wear your ROBE to the mall, then, Martha?" She smiled, as if she were expecting this question. "NO, TIMMY!" she bellowed happily. "I've decided to be a bit daring on this fine winter's day, and it's only what's UNDER the robe that I'll be wearing!" With that Martha stepped back to give Timmy a better view. She then promptly dropped her robe to reveal nothing more than the skimpiest of bikinis. Its coloring was a swirl of hot fluorescent pink and baby blue, and it barely covered any of Martha's humungous curves. Her insane cleavage thrust out close to a foot from her chest. She jiggled all over as she placed a dainty hand on a heaving hip and beamed down proudly at the quivering little male sitting before her. The sight caused Timmy to almost fall off his stool. He was in shock and awe at Martha's boldness and daring. Was she really going to wear nothing but an almost nonexistent swimsuit to the mall--in February, no less? "...Now," she said, clearing the air and stroking her cleavage absent- mindedly with her other hand. "All I'VE yet to do is put on my 6-inch platform boots and we're out the door! Sarah is waiting in the convertible for you to sit on her lap--so once again, I know you have a tiny tummy, but squeeze those last two drops of orange juice inside, Timmy--for you are a growing boy and need your vitamin C--and LET'S GO!" And with that Martha turned around to storm out of the room, leaving a stunned Timmy to gaze speechlessly at her monstrously large ass cheeks as they jiggled back and forth, the thin strip of bikini bottom disappearing deep inside them. ----- It was frightfully cold outside. Dressed in only his threadbare hand- me-down clothing, Timmy hurriedly pranced down the driveway towards the red convertible. Martha's mountainous form was in the driver's seat, and Sarah was waiting in the passenger's seat. Just as she said, Martha was indeed wearing only her swimsuit. Timmy couldn't believe it. Thankfully, Sarah had on a long black coat, and as Timmy climbed onto her lap--she was wearing dark blue jeans and a tight black turtleneck-- Sarah folded the coat over his body, protecting him from the cold. "Is everybody finally ready, then?" Martha asked. Without waiting for an answer she started the car out of the driveway and began to race toward the mall. Aside from being a cold day, it was also a sunny day. Both women had sunglasses on. Sarah's were big, circular and dark. Martha's were fairly big too, but they had light blue lenses, allowing for observers to see her pretty eyes. Timmy glanced over and noticed that, sure enough, the frigid air and wind had ensured that the points of Martha's nipples were very visible through her bikini top. In the confined space, both Martha and her boobs had never looked bigger. Timmy shivered. He heard Sarah make an "Aw!" sound and then snuggled him closer to her. Her lap was relatively soft and warm. His feet didn't even come close to touching the floor, but looking down he noticed that Sarah was wearing a very sharp pair of brown leather booties with 3-inch heels. As if she needed them. Glancing over he saw that Martha too was wearing heels. She was indeed wearing the 6-inch platform boots she had alluded to earlier. Made out of a plasticky/pleather material, they came up to her knees. They were bright blue, a shade that matched the blue in her swimsuit, and their heels were very cartoonish, dramatic and chunky. The thought of walking next to these towering superbabes--Martha especially--in a public place made Timmy shiver again. "Aww!" Sarah said again, louder this time. She squeezed Timmy tightly and then snaked her hands back through the arms of her coat. She was wearing simple black cloth gloves, and with her hands she rubbed Timmy's little body rigorously, in an effort to warm him up. "Th-thanks, Sarah," he said, quite happy for her to assume that his shivering only had to do with the cold and not with any other sort of nervousness. And what Sarah was doing really did feel good. Her coat was still buttoned and wrapped around the both of them, and Timmy was really starting to feel cozy, despite being in a convertible barreling down the highway in wintertime. Eventually Sarah stopped rubbing, squeezed Timmy tightly, and then rested her gloved hands on Timmy's lap. It was then that Martha decided to turn the radio on. Trashy pop music, of course, but from the slight banter they made it seemed that Martha knew the songs better than Sarah did. ("A 40-something-year-old woman," Timmy thought, "dressed in an outrageous manner, going to the mall on a Sunday morning. At times it seems that the 13-year-old daughter is more respectable and mature. I wonder what Sarah can possibly think of her mother? Isn't she embarrassed? I mean...") Timmy's thoughts trailed off as he glanced over at Martha again. She was bopping the steering wheel in time with the music, and even that slight action was causing her massive breasts to jiggle quite a lot. There was almost nothing on her. Her incredible curviness was revealed to a scandalous extent. Timmy began to wonder whether the mall would even let her enter the building like this. Before he knew it, he was developing a hardon. He shut his eyes and turned his head away from Martha, trying to get her ungodly feminine form out of his mind. Sarah's hands were still resting quite near his crotch, and if he wasn't careful... He opened his eyes and tried to concentrate on and care about the passing urban waste. Few people were out and about at this hour, and none of the rundown buildings caught his eye or imagination. All he could think about was how gargantuan Martha Thollen was going to look, dressed in next to nothing, stomping through the mall in heels that made her closer to 7 feet tall than 6, as insane as that... He couldn't help it. "Hmph!" he heard Sarah say, from above and behind his head. "I-I-I..." Timmy stuttered, trying to apologize and explain, somehow. The girl pulled her hands away from his lap, paused, and then thought better of it: she suddenly shot her hands back down to Timmy's crotch and in one sharp motion grabbed onto everything down there and just SQUEEZED. "OOOOWWW!" Timmy screamed. And then Sarah snaked her hands back out through the sleeves of her coat, as if nothing had happened. "What are you two kids doing, huh?" Martha asked rhetorically, not taking her eyes off the road. Sarah casually put her hands together over Timmy's lap again, but this time through the outside of her long coat. "I thought we might put our earlier unpleasantness behind us," she whispered in his ear. "But now I see that you want to be naughty today. In case you were wondering, Timmy, that sort of naughtiness from you does NOT amuse me. But I'll give you one more chance to prove to me that you can be a good boy, and we'll have a nice day at the mall." Then Sarah bent down and kissed him sweetly on the head. Timmy said nothing, frozen in fear and trepidation, as Martha pulled into the mall parking lot. ----- Sitting on Sarah's lap as he was, Timmy had to be the first one out of the car. He had but a short few seconds of pacing around nervously before Martha appeared before him for the first time while wearing her big blue boots with the 6-inch heels. Nothing could have prepared Timmy for the sight before him. She stood somewhere between six-and-a-half and seven feet tall. She was nearly naked and her expansive curves almost completely filled little Timmy's vision. Without a word Martha backed Timmy up against the car and beamed down happily from behind her designer shades. "You LIKE?" she asked him rhetorically. His shoulders were below Martha's waist. Her bellybutton was level with his thin, gulping neck. One of her big knees knocked--perhaps unintentionally--against Timmy's raging boner and she pinned him tight between the car and her naked belly. The tiny string bikini seemed stretched to the breaking point, with Martha's big crotch thrust forward into Timmy's meager chest. He just gagged and made sputtering noises. "Oh Mom..." Sarah mused. The tall teenager shut the car door and walked over to stand beside her mother, her 3-inch bootie heels making loud noises against the pavement. She had tossed her longcoat in the car and only wore her tight jeans and clingy black turtleneck. "Poor Timmy. Let him go." Martha continued to grin down at him but then slowly backed away. Freed, Timmy instinctively turned toward Sarah and gave her a hug around her waist. "Yes," the girl told him, patting his back, "hug your savior." "Get the boots from the trunk, Sarah, and come along." Smiling happily, the girl opened the trunk and removed the gigantic heels--every bit as tall as the ones Martha was wearing--and handed them to Timmy. "Here, Timmy," she said. "I'm not the one who bought them. You did. So you can carry them for me. Otherwise your 'gift' is just more work for me, and that's definitely not how it should work." Martha nodded approvingly. The boots were each half as tall as Timmy himself was. He had his arms full but thought that he could probably manage them all right. Martha led the way, clearly eager to enter the mall. Sarah followed and Timmy stumbled behind. Sarah's black longcoat would occasionally get in the way, and the big boots he was carrying obscured his vision somewhat, but he still had an excellent view of Martha's gigantic asscheeks as she strode ahead of them. They were such a big target that they were hard to miss. He wasn't sure how it was all going to work out, though, especially if Martha was there, when he returned the boots. Of course this was all an elaborate ruse, an excuse just to go to the mall. Sarah had tried the boots on last night and they fit her fine. He supposed that he and Sarah would just wait until Martha went off on her own, and then they would pretend to return the boots, tell her mother that they had, and then simply walk back out with the same pair they walked in with. "Don't slip, Timmy!" Sarah cautioned "Keep your mind on what you're doing!" There was still a bit of slush and snow in the parking lot. In his pathetic little hand-me-down ballet shoes, which could have passed for little doll's shoes, Timmy was not dressed for February. Then again, neither was Martha. "I wish you had a free hand I could hold!" Sarah complained, as they neared the entrance. "I think I'd like to hold my little man-friend's baby paw," she added quietly, giggling a bit and clearly trying to get a rise out of Timmy. "I wasn't thinking," Martha said, tossing her shoulder-length red hair back as she addressed her daughter. "I agree it's best for Timmy to carry your boots--but at the same time perhaps I could have carried HIM!" Sarah giggled. "Would YEW have LIKED that, Timmy!?" Martha asked patronizingly, turning around fully and bending down in Timmy's face for a moment. She breathed in deep, heaved her chest out a bit, and did something between a muscle pose and a "vogue" shot. "Mom," Sarah laughed, "I think if you so much as touch Timmy right now, even with your pinky against the tip of his nose, I'd be needing to escort him to the little boys room and help him change his panties!" Both women laughed. By now Timmy was used to being embarrassed and emasculated all the time, but this degree of raunchiness from Sarah was something new and troubling to him. They finally reached the mall doors, but both Martha and Sarah just seemed to pause there. Blank expressions were on their faces. Timmy looked up at both of them puzzled. Then Martha sighed and began tapping the front of one boot. Then Sarah sighed and began examining her painted nails. Finally Timmy got the idea. He snuck his way in front of the women--they weren't making it easy, since they were standing so close to the doors--and began to try to get a grip on one of the door handles. This wasn't easy either, since his arms were already full. "Watch those boots, Timmy," Sarah instructed. "If they fall and get slush and salt on them, that will probably mean they can't be returned. And in that case I'll be very, very pissed at you, and you will probably be getting a very severe spanking on the spot." By now, Timmy knew that even though Sarah was currently joking, she probably WOULD spank him in the event that he dropped a boot. And even if Sarah wouldn't want to do it, he had the impression that Martha would make sure it happened. It simply wasn't a wise idea for a woman to threaten a man without making good on the promise. That kind of laxity could throw off an entire training and obedience regiment. "C-Can y-you h-h-hold the boots?" Timmy asked, as he struggled to get enough fingers free to budge the door handle. Both women sighed simultaneously, and then chuckled at this coincidence under their breath. They were obviously not going to help him. It was too much fun to watch him squirm and struggle. Finally Timmy, using three fingers and the entire strength of his right arm, was barely able to open the door just far enough for him to sneak his little foot in. He couldn't maintain the pressure, though, and the door swung back shut, silently crushing his leg in the process. He stifled a scream. Thankfully he wasn't hurt too bad and was able to use his leg as leverage to open the door again. Then, with his entire body, Sarah's birthday boots still jumbled and somehow balanced in his arms, he managed to hold it open wide enough and long enough for Sarah to nonchalantly walk through. Martha, however, was skeptical. "I think you might have to open the adjacent door too, Timmy," she remarked. "I'm afraid that I'm simply too... voluptuous to fit through one door." "I-I... I CAN'T," Timmy said, struggling to keep the one door open. "Oh very well," Martha said dismissively. "But don't say I didn't warn you." She squeezed past Timmy then, and went out of her way to squish his little body very hard against the doorframe in the process. Timmy felt Martha's big curves crushing his existence away, and there was nothing he could do about it. Just as he was about to pass out, and just as he was also about to come in his panties, Martha let up. She was inside the mall now. Dazed and recovering from the experience, Timmy let one of Sarah's boots slip from his grasp. He shrieked and pawed the air, but it was too late. Lucky for Timmy, however, the falling boot ended up inside the mall, landing sole-down, standing upright, on the clean linoleum floor. "Aw," Sarah said, rubbing her hands together, "and I was just getting warmed up to give one naughty little boy a spanking. I guess that'll have to wait for later." She winked at him. Timmy picked up the boot and quickly scampered behind the two ladies. His little legs weren't nearly as long as theirs, so he had to walk a lot faster to keep up. And he had reason to keep up. As no one had been out and about in the parking lot, this was Timmy's first chance to see how people reacted to Martha's lack of clothes. He didn't want to miss their reactions, and half of him still expected some mall cops to try and convince Martha to leave the premises due to some violation of public indecency conduct. "Sarah," Martha said suddenly, "why don't you try on those boots right now, just to make sure that they don't fit. No sense in wasting a trip to the shoe store." ("Oh yeah right," Timmy thought. "Maybe you should've thought about that before we left to go to the mall. That's what any sane person would've done.") "...Because if they actually DO fit you well enough," Martha continued, "or are only a little too small, perhaps I could wear them." ("Oh there we go," Timmy thought. "So that was your angle. You just wanted to get your daughter's present for yourself, if possible. What a greedy, materialistic...") "Okay, Mom," Sarah said, and motioned Timmy over towards a bench. ("Of course they're going to fit," Timmy thought. "We don't really have to trade them in. So at least that means one fewer stop before I get out of this mall.") Sarah sat at the bench, patted the space next to her to show Timmy where she wanted him to sit, and began taking her sharp black leather booties off. Timmy gazed over at Martha, who was standing about twenty feet away, and noticed the first passerby: a man in his late thirties, dressed in a tan sports jacket. He looked to be of slightly less than average height, and Martha stood head, neck, and shoulders above him. She showed the world a beaming smile, directed at nothing in particular, and seemed to maneuver herself so that she got nearly in the man's way as he passed. Timmy noticed that he looked up at her nervously as he quickly walked--almost ran--by her. When he was past, Timmy's eyes kept following him, and he caught the man glancing back three or four times to look at Martha again. In particular, once Martha herself had turned away, the man paused and looked for a long time at Martha's gigantic bare asscheeks. "Oh! They are WAY TOO SMALL!" Sarah said, making grunting noises as she tried to put the boots on. Timmy was puzzled. Martha strode over quickly and squatted her bulky form down by her daughter. "Are you sure?" the mother asked, putting her hands on the boot and trying to force it onto Sarah's foot. "OW!" the daughter said. "Okay, enough, Mom! They don't fit!" They really didn't. But just last night Sarah had worn them in front of Timmy, had worn them FOR Timmy, just to see how much taller than him she was when she had them on. He suspected that Martha had grown overnight--No, he KNEW that she had--but now he knew that Sarah had grown overnight as well. And what's more, even her feet had gotten significantly bigger! Timmy furtively put his head down and sighed. The picture of Wonder Woman on his shirt looked back at him tauntingly. "Girl POWER!" Sarah put one of her long index fingers with the glossy black nail polish under Timmy's chin and tilted his head up. "Hey," she told him, "buck up, little sprout." Timmy just sniffled. Sarah took the boot off and began to put back on her black leather booties with the 3-inch heels. They had long thin laces, and the eyelets that the laces went through were shiny silver circles, but all Sarah really had to do was zip up the side zippers than ran down inner side of the booties. "W-wow," Timmy said, glad to finally have something to contribute in the way of conversation, "th-those are really cool shoes, Sarah." She smiled. "I'm glad you like them, Timmy." She reached over and hugged him close with one arm, sliding his little body along the bench with great ease. "Maybe when you're older and I outgrow them, I'll hand 'em on down to you!" Timmy flushed with embarrassment. There was no way he could EVER fit into those slick booties of Sarah's. They were probably at least ten sizes too big for him. With their shiny leather heels, they looked gigantic, dangerous and scary next to the innocent, childish little baby slippers that Timmy was wearing. "Would you like that?" Sarah continued. "I'm sure you'd like havin' three extra inches of height, huh?" Timmy blushed and shrank a bit in Sarah's gentle embrace. "Those three extra inches of height MIGHT be just enough to get you over the ever-elusive five-foot marker, huh?" Sarah teased. Timmy blushed again, beet red. He liked it when Sarah paid attention to him and made him feel this way. He was her special little guy. Sarah zipped up the second bootie and ruffled Timmy's hair before standing up and answering her own question by happily concluding: "Nah! Even three extra inches wouldn't make little Timmy five feet tall! Not anymore, anyway!" In the precious seconds he had before they pressed onwards, Timmy's mind raced to ponder this. Last night, as Sarah herself had measured, he was 4'10", so three extra inches would have put him over the five- foot mark. But today he did feel somewhat smaller. Did Sarah realize that he was smaller? She must have, but-- "You go with Sarah," Martha was commanding him. "I'm going to go to the spa and maybe get a bit of a makeover. I'll meet you at the restaurant for lunch in about an hour." ("She really thinks she needs a makeover AGAIN?" Timmy asked himself in disbelief. Still, his seemingly permanent, pulsating hardon had the effect of tempering his inner, passive-aggressive criticisms of Martha, which until recently were the only things he had to feel good about regarding her. Now, however, he got more out of just taking her all in and experiencing her fantastic, powerful presence. "I hope she doesn't change herself TOO much," Timmy considered. "As it is, she's basically become an impossibly sexy walking fuck-fantasy.") "Come here before you go, Timmy," Martha instructed him, as if she were going to miss ordering him around and nannying over him constantly, and so she wanted to get one more command in before they parted company. Timmy walked up and stood well in the shadow of the imposing woman. She had to be over two feet taller than him. Around 6'10" to his 4'9", he reckoned. "Oh I can barely see you under these!" Martha opined, clutching one massive breast in each hand. "Come give Big Martha a big hug and a kiss before you go!" She bent down, wrapped her shapely arms around his tiny form and smushed him into her endless cleavage. His face lost in her boob-flesh, Timmy was thoroughly overwhelmed and disoriented. Somewhere in it all he remembered Martha's lips on his own, but more than anything he remembered his tongue licking as much of her tits as he could manage. They were so big that it seemed like it would take an hour for him to cover all of them, but still, he got more than a mouthful and was very grateful. Sarah caught his hand when Martha was done with him, and as the teen led him away he snuck a quick glance behind him to see Martha's towering, bikini'd form as she lumbered past grown adults who looked like children beside her. From their body language, Timmy could tell that everyone in the vicinity--man, woman, and child--was totally distracted almost to the point of obsession with Martha's very physical presence. One man was so focused on staring at Martha that he came within one step of walking into a pillar. Another man nearly walked into a garbage can. "I-I'm sorry, Sarah," Timmy squeaked as she led him onwards. "Here, take the boots again," she snapped, thrusting the two boots towards Timmy's chest. They were easy for her to handle, but Timmy with his free arm could barely carry them. "I-I-I'm sorry," Timmy moaned again. "What are you SORRY about?" Sarah asked, stopping midstride and whirling around to face her diminutive companion. "I-I-I-I--" "'I-I-I-I--'. Spit it out, Timmy! Or I'll spank you right now without another word!" "I apologize for how I-I've acted a-a-around your mom, a-and--" "Why should you be apologizing for that?" Sarah asked, an air of genuine, growing concern in her voice, and even a slight softening of tone. "B-b-because i-it m-must be em-embarrassing for you--" "Why would it embarrass me?" Sarah asked, confused. "W-well because of how she acts, a-and... and b-because I'm sort of supposed to be YOUR friend, b-but when your mom r-really uh th-throws herself out th-there I-I can't r-really r-resist, a-a-and..." "Oh Timmy," Sarah said, most concerned. "You really shouldn't blame yourself for any of that. As I said before, I know you can't help it! You're just a little... MALE, really. That's all. I understand it when you act, well, pathetic." The thirteen-year-old bent down and gave Timmy a kiss on the tip of his nose. That did make him feel better. "I-i-it doesn't embarrass you when y-your mom--" "My mom might annoy me sometimes, but I'm certainly not embarrassed by her! On the contrary, I'm PROUD of my mom! I think she's awesome! And it's so good to see that she's finally started to really move on since missing my dad for so long. And I'm certainly not embarrassed by the way she looks or dresses! She looks HOT--I know it and I can admit it! She has a rockin' body, doesn't she? I'm not some repressed girl from a hundred years ago who thinks that my mom should 'act her age', whatever that means. I think it's really good that I have a strong, confident mother. ALL women need to feel confident. You know that, Timmy, RIGHT?" He wanted to say "What about the men, though, and how does this bullying female narcissism effect them?" But all he actually did was tell Sarah "Yes, of course," like the good little boy he was. The threat of spanking was still in the air, and Timmy did not want to be seen to contradict or second-guess his current female guardian in any way, for fear of the resultant disciplinary action. After all, as he had been well-informed in advance, Sarah WAS in charge of him now. Sure, there was a time when he was in charge of her, but that was a long, long time ago, before she was even twelve. And if we now lived in an age when 12-year-old girls were quite handily beating up their fathers as part of a coming-of-age rite, then what chance did little Timmy have against a 13-year-old like Sarah Thollen? He looked up at her indomitable, perfectly beautiful face, with its deep brown eyes and slick black air, and he knew the answer: He had absolutely no chance at all to exert his will--much less in body--in any way that even slightly contradicted her own. Things had totally changed, and even if she were smaller and weaker than him now, she was too pretty for him to want to strike or even contradict in any way that would make her sad. The funny thing was, she was the closest thing to a daughter he had, and the situation they were in was quite like what a daughter-father relationship had come to mean in this day and age. "If you're good today, I'll buy you an icecream cone and let you sit on my knee while you eat it," Sarah informed him as they walked along the mall. "But you have to be a good little boy all day long, okay?" "Okay, Sarah," Timmy said. As if on cue then, his little stomach gurgled. He still hadn't had anything to eat today--well, nothing that he could keep down. He couldn't eat meat anymore, but ice cream would probably he okay. After all, even babies could eat ice cream. "Sarah?" Timmy asked then, looking way up at her as she confidently strode through the mall, her big soft hand with its strong fingers thoroughly engulfing Timmy's thin little paw. "Yes, Timmy?" "H-h-how tall are you?" "You know 'h-h-how tall' I am, Timmy. We just measured me yesterday, remember?" She paused then, flipped her sunglasses up onto the top of her sleek dark hair, and looked down at Timmy thoughtfully. "Don't you remember when that big girl Victoria held you up so you could see 'h-h- how tall' I was at my birthday party?" "Y-yes, Sarah, b-b-but... uh... d-don't you feel t-taller t-today?" "Of course I do, Timmy," the teen told him, giving him a warm smile. "I feel a little taller EVERY day. Because I GROW a bit more every day. It may be a foreign concept to someone puny like you, but that's what girls do." Timmy shivered a bit. For some reason, he felt really vulnerable right now. "Aw, what is it, little guy?" Sarah asked him. "It's just that, y-yesterday the boots fit y-you fine," he began, in a shaky little voice, "but t-today your f-foot g-grew so much, a-a-and--" "Oh, come here, little Timmy," Sarah interrupted. "You are so darling." She squatted her big body down beside him, gently shifted the boots from Timmy's arms down to the floor, then gathered Timmy's little body into her arms and stood up again, holding him like a baby. "You don't have to be so scared all the time," she told him, gently stroking his head. "I'm right here for you and I'm not going to let anything happen to you. And you know I'm never mean to you without there being a good reason for it." "I-I know," Timmy murmured. "Y-you are so good to me, Sarah." "That's right," she said with satisfaction, nuzzling her face to his. She then began putting one of her big hands on Timmy's stomach, snaking it under his Wonder Woman shirt and ticking him a bit. Timmy giggled then, and put his both his hands on Sarah's one. She acquiesced and withdrew her hand then, but left it there for Timmy to keep fingering and playing with. Timmy was captivated by how much larger it was than his own hands. It was so long and soft and slender, yet at the same time quite strong. The smoky black nail polish in particular emphasized how much bigger Sarah's nails were than Timmy's. He compared one of his hands to hers, holding them side by side, and his looked like that of a little underdeveloped baby's beside hers. "Hey Timmy, what's that?" Sarah suddenly asked, pointing with her pinky toward his crotch, and then lightly pressing the finger onto the tip of a noticeable bulge in his pink cotton tights. Timmy whined. "STILL thinking about my mom, huh?" Sarah said, chuckling a bit. "Uh... yeah," Timmy agreed. "Poor boy. We'll have to do something about that sometime." With these words she set him back down on his little feet and took his hand. "Come on now, little one, let's exchange my boots." ----- Timmy was just as interested in Sarah's feet as he had been in her hands. As they sat next to each other on the bench of the lingerie store's shoe section, Timmy was quite distracted. Her toenails were painted with the same black polish that Timmy had found so captivating on Sarah's fingertips. Most of all, of course, what struck him were the size and length of Sarah's feet. Next to her bare feet, his little shoes looked tiny. He had noticed this earlier but the comparison endlessly fascinated him. She caught him looking, of course, and insisted that he take one of his shoes and little socks off so they could compare directly. He did this with a mixed feeling of anxious excitement, eagerly pressing his tiny foot against Sarah's gargantuan one, then putting his foot somewhat on top of hers. Her foot felt so big and smooth against his miniscule little tootsie. "Let me see something quick," she said, reaching down. She grabbed Timmy's bare foot in one of her hands and compared that way. Yesterday, last night, her hand had been slightly longer than his foot. Now her hand was noticeably longer still. She gave a big grin as she pressed the palm of her hand against the sole of Timmy's foot. "Ha! Not even close!" she said happily. And then she curled her fingers, with their black nails, around the end of Timmy's toes. "Aw!" she said with adoration. "BABY feet!" Timmy blushed. Sarah giggled at this, let his foot go, and then sat back up, putting one of her hands on his knee--in truth, her hand covered almost all of his thigh as well--and gave him a few playful pats. Timmy looked over and saw how much higher her knee was than his as they sat next to each other on the bench, and how much bigger her thigh and overall leg was compared to his own. Just as he was about to lean over and give Sarah another big hug around her waist, and maybe venture a kiss as well--he couldn't resist much longer--the clerk returned with a replacement pair of boots for Sarah. It was the same freckle-faced man Timmy had encountered there last time, when he was with his Aunt Rose. The clerk had looked him over, and there was an unspoken recognition between the two men. "Oh thank you, dear," Sarah said to him, as she took the big pleather boots from his grasp and began putting them on. Timmy hurriedly put his own sock and shoe back on and stood up. He was instinctively afraid of these boots. The pair he had gotten Sarah were big and scary enough, but this even larger size was unbelievable. He noticed that the clerk himself seemed to show trepidation just carrying them. The hard femininity that such items helped create--and the parts of women's personalities that they helped to unlock and encourage--were inherently fearsome to males. Timmy noticed also that the clerk, just as before, didn't seem much taller than himself. ("Has he shrunk since last time as well?" Timmy wondered.) He wondered what the man's own situation was. What sorts of women were in charge of HIS life? "Yes, I can already tell that these will fit better than the others," Sarah remarked. "TIMMY here got me the wrong size!" she said pointedly, but not without some palpable teasing. "What a way to ruin a girl's Sweet Thirteen, huh?!" She addressed this last question to the little clerk, who instantly began to get more nervous, really feeling the pressure of having to interact with this most impressive girl. "U-uh, y-y-you're only thirteen?" the man asked. "Yep!" Sarah said brightly, looking up. "Timmy here used to be my babysitter--but now he's just my little buddy!" With that she reached over and grabbed Timmy around his waist with only one hand, pulling him back closer to her. He had been sort of absentmindedly moving away, still scared of the boots. "Pretty neat--right?!" She was addressing the clerk again, and paused in her boot-lacing to make sure he gave her a response. "Um, y-yeah I guess it is. H-how old i-is he then?" the man stuttered, trying to make conversation in a way that would somehow put him at ease in this high-pressure interaction. "H-how old are you?" he added under his breath, to Timmy specifically. It was very telling that he felt that the proper way to do things was to address questions to the female present, rather than to the man, even if the female was much, much younger than the man, and even if the questions were about the man anyway. "TELL him how old you are, Timmy!" Sarah instructed. It was like a parent forcing their child to recite their age proudly, to show off to inquisitive company. "I-I'm a-almost twenty-seven," Timmy said. "Oh, I-I see," the clerk said. Sarah smiled, finishing up her laces. The tall black boots went up to her knees and had flaps to cover them. "Yes," she remarked, "because of our ages, he isn't really proportionately old enough to babysit me anymore. He's a few years too young, is the problem." At this Sarah quickly and affectionately messed up Timmy's hair again with one of her long-fingered hands. She was joking, of course, and everyone knew it. Yes, THAT was the only problem: their ages. If he had been a little older, it would be FINE and conceivable for the tiny little man to still watch over a girl who was so much larger and stronger than him. Right. Then, as an afterthought, Sarah added, "Say! How old are YOU, mister?" She leaned forward, putting her arms across her knees and resting her chin on them. Even sitting down on the low bench, she was almost the same height as the men. "I-I'm th-thirty-three," said the clerk, whose name according to his nametag was Tommy. He really starting to shake a bit in dread of what was coming. "Wow!" Sarah said brightly and loudly. A few other shoppers, mostly women, were on the periphery of the shoe section, and they could very possibly have picked up the spirit of the scene, if not quite grasped every single word uttered. "Twenty years older than me! Does that mean YOU might be able to babysit me?!" As Sarah said this, she rose from her seat and stood in her new boots for the first time. With their platforms and heels they added somewhere between seven and eight inches of height to her already 6-foot-plus stature. Both men were totally dwarfed and looking into her bellybutton area. Her elegant black turtleneck was tucked into her dark blue jeans, and a thick brown leather belt with a big shiny buckle was at the level of the men's necks. "WELL?" she asked Tommy the clerk again, stepping toward him. He was frozen in fear not only by Sarah's immense height but by her dark beauty. Tommy HAD a girlfriend--a woman he had been with for years--and these days she was the only female who moved him in any remotely romantic way. But even so, it was obvious that Sarah was the coolest girl Tommy had ever had more than passing contact with; it was hard not to fall under her spell and do everything he could for her, in the hopes that maybe when she turned 18 she would remember him fondly. Even on a primal level, Tommy felt a strong yearning to please Sarah, for no other reason than the fact that she exuded a strong female presence, before which it was his place to grovel and supplicate himself. "I-I-I would love to babysit you," he finally managed to say. Sarah snickered. Giving a half smile and looking down on the two shaky little men before her, she produced a hair band from her pocket and tied her tresses back in a ponytail. "Aw, that's so cute," she said. "You're BOTH so cute." She reached out to both men, putting one hand behind each of their heads, and pulled them close to her. They both hugged her instinctively, and Timmy in particular had to make a quick readjustment once his hand naturally fell on Sarah's tight jean-covered butt. This could get awkward in a hurry if he wasn't careful. Timmy did not have improper feelings for Sarah--he was NOT sexually attracted to her--but she was a VERY pretty girl. "Okay then," she said eventually, softly letting the men know that it was time for them to stop hugging her. Here were two adult men whose combined ages were 60 years, and yet a just-turned-13-year-old girl was the dominant party here, and it wasn't even close. "I'm happy with my 'purchase', so I think it's time to go. But first..." She took a few steps and did a few poses, stretching her legs and lifting one knee and then the other up to her chest in quite a provocative manner. Then she lifted her right leg up and swung the boot sideways so that it pressed solidly against Timmy's chest, knocking the wind out of him a bit. Her knee, with the leather flap partially over it, rested under Timmy's chin, and her leg was so long that some of the heel was mashed against Timmy's crotch. "...Whatta ya think, spud, should I wear these around today?" Timmy gulped, which wasn't easy with Sarah's big knee under his chin. "U-u-uhm..." "Don't you think I look hot in them?" Sarah asked in a matter of fact way. "I-I-I think you should wear them if you want to, sure," Timmy said. "Yay," Sarah said softly, pulling her leg away from him. "Thank you for giving me your permission, Timmy." She bent way down and gave him a kiss on the top of his head. Then the three of them began heading over to the counter, Sarah guiding the men by placing her hands on their shoulders. Timmy carried the booties that Sarah had been wearing earlier. Even they felt big enough in his arms. Their heels seemed long enough to him, but they weren't even half as tall as the heels of the boots Sarah was wearing now. "I wonder, though..." Sarah said as they reached the counter, and then she paused, squinting her eyes and rubbing her chin with a long, black- nailed thumb and forefinger. "Um... w-what, w-what are you w-wondering?" the nervous little clerk had to ask eventually, as if Sarah were waiting for him to respond. "It's just..." she began slowly. "You see... Tommy, is it?" She had craned her neck a bit and spied the man's nametag. "Uh, y-yeah," he said. "M-my name's Tom-Tommy." "Oh how cute," Sarah mused. "Timmy and Tommy, my two little guys who help me out with my big high-heeled boots." Both men couldn't help but blush. "I wonder if I should get ANOTHER pair, a couple sizes BIGGER. You see, Tommy..." She bent way down to look the man square in the face. "I am still a growing girl, and I have a good ways to go before I'll be done." "O-o-okay," Tommy said. "Why don't you be a good little boy, go back in the back, and bring me out another pair two sizes bigger. Do you think you can do that for me, Tommy? My name is Sarah, by the way." "O-o-okay, Sarah," he said, and then darted off as fast as his legs would carry him, anxious to please the 13-year-old superbabe. When he was gone Sarah smiled at Timmy. "You're not jealous, are you, Timmy?" she asked. "Uh, no..." he said. "You don't mind me teasing and babying another man, do you, Timmy?" "N-no, not at all, Sarah." "Good," she replied brightly. "Because I think it's quite fun. And besides, in my position, given my stature, qualities, and smarts, it's kinda hard for me to interact with any man without sort of 'defacto' reducing him to an infant anyway. But, don't worry..." She snaked her arm behind him and pulled Timmy's little body close to her towering toned form, her sizable thigh bouncing into his meager chest. "...You still are my special little guy who will always get teased by me more, and more often, than anyone." "I know, Sarah," Timmy said softly, as he wrapped his arms around her athletic thigh and pressed his face into the soft fabric of her shirt, right above her leather belt. The clerk returned, holding a pair of boots that for all the world looked over half as tall as he was. "Those should be fine!" Sarah chirped. "And I'm sure it will take me SO LONG to grow into them!" This last part sounded quite sarcastic. "Do you have a big box you could put them in, Tommy?" "Um, yes, Sarah," the man said, struggling with the boots and then setting them down. "Right behind the counter here. Give me a few moments." Suddenly Timmy wondered how they were going to pay for all this. The boots Sarah was wearing were free in exchange--the store didn't even need to see the receipt for the previous boots that Timmy had brought Sarah as a present, but these new boots... "Um, Sarah?" Timmy squeaked. He began to explain his concern, but Sarah waved him off and told him to "Shh!" "Oh Tommy," Sarah said, just as the little man had finally managed to get the big boots in a big box and the big box in a big bag. "Err, yes, S-Sarah?" he asked. "I was thinking, since you're my new babysitter and all... if it possibly wouldn't be too late for you to get me a Sweet Thirteen present. I mean, I have really only been thirteen now for... oh... twelve hours or so. So I think gifts are still allowed. That is, IF you wanna be my babysitter." Tommy was speechless. He didn't know actually what this "babysitter" business would actually entail--he thought it was just a joke earlier. But now he sensed that it might entail him having to give this girl a free pair of $500 boots. "I, uh..." "You DO have a sort of employee discount here at the store, Tommy, don't you?" "Uh, well, uh uh, not really, no..." he began. "We a-a-actually have that, b-but it's only for, uh, for f-female employees. N-not for males." "Oh, yet another one of those sad things that is 'Not for males'," Sarah mused. "I suppose you will just have to buy the boots for me, then, won't you?" Tommy froze and Timmy felt his pain. "B-but th-these are $500, a-and that's more than I make i-in a whole week! And--" "Tommy," Sarah said calmly. "You want to get the chance to be my babysitter sometime soon, don't you?" The man stuttered and sputtered nervously, not making any coherent words. "Then get me the boots. Otherwise I think you should call your supervisor over here, so we can all discuss how you have led me on and then disappointed me." "Oh! N-n-no!" Tommy squeaked. "I-I-I'll buy you the boots, Sarah! Okay? A-a-and then sometime I-I-I can b-babysit for y-you?" "Of course you can, little man," Sarah purred. "I really do need a mature and responsible adult, like yourself, to watch over me. And do you want to know why?" "W-w-why?" Tommy asked. "Well, for two reasons. First, because little TIMMY here"--Sarah kneed him playfully and strongly in the chest; her knee would have gotten him right in the privates were she not wearing those boots--"has regressed to the point where it's now more likely and more necessary for ME to spank HIM, than for HIM to spank ME. And secondly, because I can be a BAD GIRL, Tommy, so I need a man to watch over me. Maybe not to stop me from being bad--because, how could he?--but at least to witness just how bad I might get. Understand?" Sarah's voice was happy but devilish. "O-o-oh," Tommy said, uneasily. "But YOU, Tommy, I think YOU could probably still have it in you to spank me if I got out of hand, right? Or at least to try. That wouldn't deter me from being bad in the future, and getting spanked might actually be a sort of reward that I would expect from being bad, you understand." She leaned over the counter, towering over him. He was only at most two inches taller than Timmy and was shaking like a leaf. "And you're so much OLDER, so you spanking me would be proper. Yes, it won't be a while yet--two or three whole months--before I'd be in the position to spank you. I suppose a girl isn't superior to a 33-year-old man until she's, oh, let's say 13 and a third years old, at the latest. So, you have at least a few months during which you could conceivably pretend to be in charge of me, right?" Tommy winced. Sarah laughed warmly. It was obvious that neither Tommy nor Timmy--individually or combined--could ever be conceivably in charge of Sarah NOW. Probably she had first become superior to the both of them combined soon after her TWELFTH birthday. After the purchases were made, Sarah's old booties were placed in the box as well, and Timmy carried the huge bag with the even-larger boots in them, while Sarah still seemed very taken with the new 7-inchers that she was wearing. "Th-th-thank you for shopping w-with us, a-a-and have a nice day!" Tommy told them. "Oh Tommy," Sarah drawled, then turned around and walked behind the counter. Her strides were so impossibly long now that it only seemed to take her about two steps; it would have taken Timmy or Tommy closer to ten. She bent herself almost in half in order to look Tommy in the eye. "Thank YOU--SOOOOOOO much!" She put one of her hands behind his head, and with the other one she snaked her fingers around the knot of his tie and pulled him close to her. She closed her eyes and gave him a long kiss--it was close- mouthed, but it was on his lips. She then stood back up and put her long hands on his little shaking shoulders. "I'll come back some day soon and tell you when I need you to babysit me, 'kay?" As Tommy sputtered out an "Okay", Sarah flipped her sunglasses back down over her eyes and then strode back, snatching Timmy's hand, and power-walking out of the store, clearly feeling even higher confidence than usual since she was wearing her new boots. "Come on, Timmy!" she said with clear annoyance, for no reason. "Move your tiny little midget twig-legs. We've gotta meet my mom for lunch now!" ----- Due to the increased height augmentation provided by her new boots, Sarah was now so tall that Timmy had to position his own hand near the level of his head just to be able to hold hands with her as they walked through the mall. She certainly wasn't going to walk with a stoop just for his benefit. They were going to eat at a fairly upscale restaurant that was inside the mall. Timmy had never eaten there before, but had known about it before, and for some reason he felt that someone had recently mentioned it to him, but he forget who or in what context. As they approached the entrance, the clicking of Sarah's big pointy high heels stopped as she stepped onto the red carpet. Timmy had gotten used to the rhythmic clip-clop sound and instantly missed hearing it. "Now you be a good boy at the restaurant," Sarah instructed him, "and on our way out of the mall, an icecream cone and a knee-sitting session are still in the offing for you. I might even cuddle you a bit too." Timmy smiled. As they entered the restaurant a loud, familiar voice filled their ears. It was Martha, and she was not happy. A small maitre-d' in his early 50s was trying to explain something to her, but Martha--who now had a freshly styled dirty blonde haircut--was having none of it. Still absurdly dressed in her almost microscopic bikini, she looked absolutely gigantic to Timmy. It was true that Sarah now was a couple inches taller, thanks to her new boots with their even-higher heels, but her comparatively svelte dancer's body--however strong it was--was nothing to Martha's. Martha's hips flared outward as she stood in an aggressive stance, fuming and looming over the small man before her. Timmy instantly had flashbacks of what it was like when Brooks took him to a restaurant a few weeks ago. He hoped this trip wouldn't turn into as angry an affair as that one did, however momentarily, when Brooks couldn't get a seat right away either. "What do you mean?!" Martha yelled, not noticing that Timmy and Sarah had entered behind her. "I demand to see your boss--No, no, I demand to see the owner of this dump!" "Please, madame," the maitre-d' said exasperatedly, as sweat streamed down his forehead. "The owner--he isn't here right now, and--" "'HE'?!" Martha bellowed. "Oh, 'HE', of course!" She dejectedly slapped her palm against her big hip. "Of course this sexist establishment would be run by a goddamn MALE! If there were any justice in this world, some progressive-minded women would have bought you out already- -And don't think, after this dreadful experience, I won't do just that! I have friends, you know, and by the end of the month you and your idiotic boss could find yourselves scrubbing the toilets here and waiting on us, bringing me and the other ladies nice drinks and letting us use your bent backs as little tables and foot-rests!" The man shivered. "Uh, Mom? We're here," Sarah said, stepping up and bringing Timmy along with her. She made sure to hold Timmy tight in front of her, so that he wouldn't get scared. "Oh, Sarah and Timmy, how wonderful," said Martha, turning to greet them. "I've been trying to get us a table, but that's proving a bit difficult thanks to this little PIGGY here!" With that she turned back to the maitre-d', put one hand on his shoulder and held her other hand as a closed fist thrust only an inch or so in front of the little man's face. Martha's hands had always been relatively small, Timmy thought, and even after she started her growth spurt it always seemed like her hands remained comparatively dainty. There was no doubt that these hands were still hers, but they seemed larger now, plumper and meatier, radiating with strength and power. They had pink nails now, manicured with white French tips, and her closed fist looked almost as big as the man's head. "He says that I'm not allowed to eat here," Martha said, "due to the way I DRESS. I guess this establishment is scared of seeing RAW FEMALE POWER or something! But I'm sorry, little man--you and your boss don't have the right to hide from THE WAY THINGS ARE now, and I'm going to damn well eat here if I want to!" "Uh-uh-uh actually," the man offered, "this restaurant is private property and we reserve the right to refuse service for any reason that doesn't have to do with race or--" "SHUT. UP." Martha ground her teeth and kneaded the man's shoulder, contemplating what she was going to do next. Just as the man started to squeak "Ow, y-y-you're hurting me", Sarah stepped in. "Uh, Mom?" the tall teen asked. "Why don't you go stand over there and let me talk to him." Martha acquiesced, but not without a sighing huff. She turned back towards the door and stomped off in her big cartoonish boots. Timmy was captivated by how her insane curves jiggled and bounced as she walked. He couldn't imagine how much pressure her string bikini was under. As her colossal breasts furiously plunged down and hurdled up with her every step, it was amazing that the swimsuit hadn't already snapped off of her bulging body. Sarah put on her sweetest face and turned to the little man before her. He stood just over five feet tall--just under two feet shorter than she was--and was over three times her age. "Hi there," she said sweetly. "My name's SARAH. Can you say 'SA-RAH'?" "Uh-uh-uh, Sarah--" the man began, very nervous and confused. "H-hello, Sarah. Your mother has--" "I know," she said, nodding with understanding. "I know how she can be." "W-we have a dresscode here, and your mother is dressed inappropriately, to say the least. Also, there are other patrons, and the way she has been acting, so loud and disruptive and--" "Yes, yes," Sarah said, putting a finger to the man's lips to signal for him to be quiet now. "But you see, SIR"--she said 'sir' in a very sarcastic way--"my mother, as you can tell, likes to eat. She likes to eat MEAT. More than that, she NEEDS to eat meat in order to feed her rapidly expanding body. She has not eaten any meat in a few hours now. That is why you need to show her to a table and get one of your little waiters to give us a menu as soon as you possibly can, for your own sake." "I realize this--I-I," the maitre-d' sputtered. "B-but she is simply inappropriate, a-and--" "Let me tell you what will happen if you don't seat us within the next minute," Sarah continued, getting down on her knees to be more on the man's level. "If you think my mom has been frustrated and disruptive so far, you've no idea what will happen next. If I tell her you won't show us a table, there is nothing--and no one--to stop her from simply charging through this anteroom, into the main dining room, and simply barreling through and rampaging toward the table of whichever patrons have the biggest and most visible chunks of meat on their plates. Do you understand that? It has already been torture for her, and she has shown remarkable restraint, to endure the smells of your wonderful cooked meat so far, without you letting her have any. I am telling you now, I am warning you, that she will not be able to last or hold herself back much longer. She is a charging bull, or a rhino, and there is nothing to stop her from getting what she wants. This can either happen peacefully or violently--it is your choice." "I-I-I'm afraid that I c-can't--" the man began. "There is also another consideration," Sarah said, standing up to her full height and putting her hands on the man's shoulders. "Let me make this perfectly clear to you, little one. I am thirteen years old. I have already broken my first man--my father--about six months ago. I have broken other men since then; it is nothing to me; I live for it; I live to prove myself mentally, physically, and socially superior to smaller, older, weaker men--just--like--you. And I DARE you to give me a reason. So let me simply put it to you this way: Show us to our table NOW or I will quite happily fucking break your little biddy goddamn feeble male body beyond all recognition, you worthless fragile pipsqueak." The man's mouth dropped open and he shivered. Timmy saw that the contrast between their bodies was immense. Sarah looked so much bigger, stronger and dominant. And somehow, he was very proud of her. "Uh, r-r-right this way, then!" the maitre-d' chirped, loud enough for the words to be directed toward Martha as well. The latter spun around and caught Timmy's shoulder as they all walked into the main dining room. "You see, Timmy," she said to him in a hushed voice. "I raised my daughter right." Timmy furtively nodded and said, "Uh-huh". "She did a good job, didn't she?" Martha continued, beaming with pride. "I tell you, Timmy, sometimes *I* personally just don't have the patience to deal with such stupid men. Well, they're ALL stupid, but... at least some of them--like YOU, I suppose--are smart enough NOT to try and challenge us women. Right, Timmy?" "Uh, r-right, Martha." She pinched his buttcheeks sharply through his pink cotton tights and intoned a satisfied "Mm-hmph!" sound. They sat at a circular table in the center of the floor. There were four chairs, and Sarah and Timmy took chairs next to each other, while Martha sat next to Timmy and across from her daughter. "Did you two have a nice time?" she asked them. "I like your new boots, Sarah. It looks like even the appearance--to say nothing of the KICK-- of footwear such as that will really get the attention, respect and servitude of men any men who come in their way. And those heels will put you ahead of me, at least for a while." Sarah smiled proudly. "Your hair looks awesome, Mom." "Thanks," Martha said, thrusting her head from side to side so that the still-wet blond tresses, now cut a bit above shoulder-length, danced back and forth. "And I had a nice facial and an herbal mud bath. It's really too bad you couldn't've come to the spa with me, Timmy. I could have sat you on my big body in the muddy bathtub while I soaked in it naked. Would you have liked that? Of course, probably before too long you'd be depositing OTHER sorts of natural liquids onto me while I bathed." Timmy blushed. "Oo, and I got these." Martha remembered her newly manicured white and pink nails and showed them off to the table. Both Sarah and Timmy approved. The waiter came, and Timmy did a double take. "Jerome!" he said. It was his old friend, the one who last time was sweet on Brooks and his hot Aunt Rose. "Hey! Timmy!" Jerome said, before turning to Martha and Sarah. "How you folks, doing?" "We are very well now that the infuriating man out there finally seated us," Martha said quite spitefully, though a sly smile was creeping onto her lips. "You two know each other, eh?" Timmy and Jerome looked at each other more nervously than seemed warranted, then nodded. "Oh how cute," Martha remarked. "Aw, Timmy has a wittle friend!" Sarah chirped, joining in the fun. For the second time that day Timmy noted how easy it was now for a 13- year-old girl to make fun of, tease, and subjugate multiple men each more than twice her age. "Do I know you, Jerome?" Martha asked him. "Ehrm, I don't think so..." the young man said. "W-what's your name, then?" "I'm MARTHA THOLLEN--Timmy should have stepped up and introduced us, but I'll do the honors--and THIS is my little daughter Sarah." "Oh, uh, h-hey. My name's Jerome, a-as I guess you already heard Tim say." First Martha and then Sarah stretched their long arms out to shake Jerome's hand. Needless to say, his little brown paw disappeared deep within their long smooth alabaster fingers. For the first time Timmy noticed how much shorter Jerome looked. This was hard to assess, of course, because Timmy himself was sitting. Back in the old days, six months ago, Timmy was only a couple of inches shorter than Jerome, and Jerome could just about pass for "normal" in stature. Sure, he was shorter than average, but he was about 5'5" or 5'6"--just within range for an adult male not to stick out as being freakishly tiny. Now, however, Jerome only seemed an inch or two taller than Martha and Sarah, and the ladies were sitting down in fairly low seats. It wasn't just Jerome's height that seemed diminished, either; even in his dressy waiters clothes, Timmy could tell that he had lost quite a bit of weight. He used to be fairly athletic; now he looked thin. ("Damn," Timmy thought, "I wonder what his mom--or maybe his little sister--have been doing to him at home? Maybe putting him on the same diet Aunt Rose put me on...") "You know..." Martha said, drawing out this introduction far longer than Timmy thought she needed to, "I think... I think I do remember you. About three years ago, didn't I bump into Timmy and you at the mall? Not this mall, but the other one. It was Christmas time, I think, and--" "Oh! Oh shit!" Jerome said, unable to help himself. "You're the lady that Timmy used to babysit for? I mean--" he checked himself, embarrassed, "he didn't babysit YOU, he babysat..." He turned to the very leggy brunette beside Timmy, the tall girl with the perfect, smiling face. "Oh, damn--YOU?" "That's right," Sarah said with a smile, and Timmy was really tired of hearing this by now; it never got any less embarrassing. To make matters worse, Sarah leaned over and pinched Timmy's cheeks and smushed his lips together with her black-nailed finger tips as she recounted the rest of the story once again: "Little Timmy used to babysit ME, but now *I* take care of him and bring him on my little shopping trips and look out for him just like a big-sister style protectress should! Isn't that right, Timmy?" Timmy nodded, ashamed of himself and sore as hell that Jerome was seeing just how much he had been subjugated. Jerome chuckled, but underneath it was a growing nervousness that the surface-level joviality could not quite mask. "Damn..." was all he could say. As the menus were handed out, Timmy's mind suddenly shot back to that day, three winters ago, when he and Jerome had met Martha Thollen in the mall. He remembered that little Sarah--she really was little then, not quite 10 years old--was with her mother. Jerome readily sensed that Martha could be quite obnoxious, overtalkative and overfriendly, and that Sarah was a precocious child who was quite a handful. Timmy remembered Jerome razzing him about this afterwards, and every time for the next year or so, whenever he told Jerome that he couldn't hang out on such-and-such a night because he had to babysit Sarah, Jerome always cracked up. Of course, they were young guys in their early 20s then, so naturally they brought up Martha in inappropriate, rude ways. Specifically, Jerome would routinely suggest that the only reason Timmy was still going through with this mundane babysitting gig was because Martha must be giving him sexual favors. He would suggest this jokingly, Timmy would deny it emphatically, and then Jerome would often say something like: "Damn, I don't know how you can go through with it! I mean, that lady is what they call a 'YENTA'. And it ain't even that, she's just so short and pudgy--it'd be like havin' sex with a child or a midget or one a' them Umpaloompa things!" This was one of many instances, Timmy had noticed, in which Jerome would pointedly draw attention to someone shorter than himself, probably in order to make himself feel taller. At the time, Jerome was about 5'5", while Timmy and Martha were both around 5'2" or 5'3". Jerome would rarely tease Timmy about his height--he had too much respect for him and valued him as a friend--but he sure went to town suggesting that Martha was "too short". Whenever this happened, Timmy wanted to say, "Dammit, I'm the same height as her! And you're only a couple inches taller! And in heels, Martha would probably be taller than you!" But he never said any of this, and would always change the subject as discussions of height-- even back then--made him uncomfortable. All of this came flooding back into Timmy's mind now, and he thought how ironic it was that now it was Jerome who appeared kid-sized, if not toddler-sized, in comparison to Martha. "What are you going to have, Timmy?" Sarah asked. "Oh, um..." He had no idea. He had been reminiscing on the past too much. His stomach was still gurgling though, and he was really, really hungry now that Sarah mentioned it. "It's such a shame..." Martha mused, "that this restaurant is so retrogressive. Look at this"--she pointed a pink nail to something on the menu--"they still call it just a 'children's' section. The progressive restaurants are switching that to 'Children and Men', and for them--for the men, at least--there is more of a variety of vegetarian and protein-free dishes." Martha and Sarah both snickered at this and Timmy didn't know if Martha was simply joking or if this was a real thing. The idea certainly frightened him--he didn't want society to go in that direction!--but once again he was too nervous of what the answer might to be to probe Martha on it and ask if she were serious. In the end, Sarah ordered two whole prime rib steaks, done rare, with two orders of homefries. She said this was just "to start with" and that she might order another course later. As Timmy began to order--he thought steak sounded yummy as well--Martha interrupted him. "Our little man here has a problem digesting red meat. I'm sure he's forgotten this, so that's why I'm stepping in to make his decision for him. I think it would be okay for him to have a little sea food. He could probably process that just well enough, and as his current guardian, I am going to accept responsibility for that. I think it would be fine, and most appropriate, for little Timmy to have the shrimp scampi, with some coleslaw. And a child-size apple juice for him to drink." "Uh... o-kay," Jerome said, writing this down. Timmy blushed but said nothing, shrinking in his seat. "And as for the lady of the table," Martha continued, simply closing her menu and looking up--actually more "over" than "up"--into Jerome's eyes, "I simply want an uncut rack of pig's ribs, cooked well-done, and slathered with enough barbeque sauce to drown a man in." A befuddled expression came across Jerome's face. "Just the one rack to start with, you understand," she added. "I'll probably end up eating at least four of them. Tell the little slave- chefs back there that they can start cooking the second rack as soon as you bring out the first, and so on." Jerome began to protest, saying that he wasn't sure they served such a thing, but Martha pounded her big fist on the table, almost cracking the oaken wood, and informed him that "They MUST have some uncut swine meat back there. I just want to eat big chunks of it, with the bones relatively unbroken, so I can break them myself if need be. Get your little legs back there and find me something like that, or there will be hell to pay." And then in her very sweetest voice she added, "Okay, Jerome?" while batting her eyes, putting her elbow lazily on the table, and resting her chin on her clutched fist. Jerome scampered off. Timmy was stunned--granted, he now lived in an almost permanent state of astonishment, whenever he was around women--but he was still somewhat taken aback. "Um, Martha?" he asked, feeling that this meal would go less awkwardly if he actually contributed to the conversation rather than simply let the women--Martha in particular--rampage all over him. "Yes, Timmy-dear?" "Uh, I-I thought you were Jewish, and, uh, yet you ordered pork, and uh..." "Oh you silly backwards boy," she said, an air of love and sympathy in her sweet, throaty voice. "Sarah and I--we're not that sort of Jew. We are more 'modern', you see, and though I certainly respect my genetics- -because they gave me a good start in life--I'll eat whatever I damn well want. Got it?" "Uh, y-y-yeah." ("Jeez, sorry I asked!" he thought.) Then Jerome brought their drinks over. The ladies had just ordered cherry soda, while Martha had ordered Timmy the apple juice. "Is there, uh, anything else?" he asked, seemingly eager to run away from them again, and Timmy didn't blame him. "Why yes there IS," Martha said, sounding a bit indignant that a waiter might actually want to check on his other customers instead of be constantly faced with her. "I would like it very much if you could sort of hang out with US while we eat. Go and get some of the other little servants to attend to the other tables you were dealing with." "Uh..." "I'll make it worth your while," Martha declared, brushing one of her hands over a ballooning breast. "I'll, uh, I'll see what I can do," Jerome said. "Gimme two minutes and I'll be back." Just after he walked off Timmy started to slide out of his seat. He wanted to hurry up and catch Jerome's attention; it felt like they needed to talk alone before whatever was going to happen at this meal actually happened. Martha, however, caught Timmy's wrist and clutched it very tightly in her hand. "And where do you think you're going, Timmykins?" "Um. I have to go to the bathroom," Timmy said. "Sarah can take you." "No no no no--PLEASE," Timmy said, remembering that he should really try to be polite to women, unless he wanted matters to get worse in a hurry, "please, Martha, I'll be okay." Martha looked over at her daughter. "Do you think he'll be okay to go off on his own, if it's just to the bathroom?" Sarah smiled. "Mm, I think he can probably manage. Just barely. There aren't many other people here, and no predatory women that I can see." "Yeah, I'm not surprised at that," Martha rolled her eyes. "What kind of self-respecting woman would want to eat in a sexist place like this? My every instinct is to start a one-woman revolution here and take over the place; I'd rather do that than eat here, even, but at the moment... I can't be bothered. Anyway, Timmy, tell Sarah THANK-YOU for letting you GO POTTY alone." "Uh, THANK YOU, Sarah, f-f-for letting me uh g-go potty by myself." Sarah grinned. "You're welcome, Timmykins." "HURRY BACK," Martha said. "Straight to the bathroom and back--nowhere else." Timmy nodded. Martha let go of his wrist--it really felt like she crushed the life out of it, but strangely it didn't hurt THAT much--and he scampered off. "Jerome!" he said, glad to catch him just as he turned the corner away from the main dining area. "Dude," Jerome said in a hushed voice. "This is crazy." "Yeah, tell me about it. I tried to tell you before about how all my life has been turned upside-down, and--" "It's like..." Jerome searched for the right words but came up empty. "It's like I-don't-know-what. I mean... man... in general things are pretty weird, but--this stuff with that woman and her daughter, man... I mean, what the fuck." "You remember meeting her before--?" "YEAH, I remember that NOW, and it's NUTS to think about!" "Okay, Jerome," Timmy said calmly, trying to slow things down. He suddenly noticed that Jerome was only about an inch or so taller than he was, and Jerome had dress shoes on while he had totally flat ballet slippers. "Jerome, I don't know what Martha has planned or whatever, but you need to be careful." "I'm gonna fuckin' lose my job over this," Jerome moaned. "What? Are you not allowed to sit with us?" "No--I am, the manager just wants everything to go smooth and let that Martha woman get whatever she wants just to get her out of here without any problems. It's like he's terrified that she could destroy the place. But it's so nuts, man, that I don't know how I can ever get through this." For once Timmy laughed at Jerome for a change. "YOU don't know how to get through it? I think this is the first time I've ever heard about YOU being nervous about dealing with a female." "Yeah, well, man, life has changed and THAT woman has definitely changed. You remember how I used to say that fuckin' her would be like havin' sex with a midget or a child or whatever?" "OH THAT'S INTERESTING!" came a loud voice from above. "THAT'S NICE AND INTERESTING TO HEAR MYSELF TALKED ABOUT THAT WAY!" Both men nearly leapt into each other's arms, they were so scared. Martha strode up to them, towering about two feet taller than both. Her massive, nearly naked body filled so much of the reedy little men's vision that they guessed she must weigh three or four times as much as the two of them combined. "Uh, damn, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Jerome gasped. "I just--" "THERE'S NO NEED TO BE 'SORRY', JEROME. I JUST THINK IT'S QUITE AMUSING! *TIMMY*, ON THE OTHER HAND, SHOULD BE BOWING DOWN AND APOLOGIZING PROFUSELY! HE DIDN'T DO WHAT I INSTRUCTED HIM TO DO AND WHAT HE PROMISED TO DO!" Timmy knew that it'd do no good to say that he was on his way to the bathroom when he happened to run into Jerome. He knew this excuse wouldn't fly; Martha was too canny and would be able to see through it; excuses would only make matters worse. Besides, he really had lied, deceived, and disobeyed her. He deserved to feel horrible about this, and he did. He threw himself on the floor and began kissing Martha's big baby-blue boots. "I'm sorry, Martha! I'm sorry! It'll never happen again!" "You're goddamn right it'll never happen again! From now on, when you're with us you don't ever get the right to be out of our sight EVER, not for one second, you naughty little liar you!" Timmy continued groveling, and was indeed on the verge of tears, his profuse apologies turning into babbling. "Ahem," Martha said, turning to Jerome. "Are our meals almost ready, Jerome?" "Uh, yeah," he said dimly. "I th-think so." "Well," she said authoritatively. "You have five minutes. Bring them out to us and then you are to stay with us while we eat. You can do your best to amuse me, like a good little boy should, especially after the gross insult I just overheard you say." Jerome nodded and then ran off. "Get up, little worm," Martha said to Timmy. Feeling ashamed for so many compounding reasons, he stood up and noticed that his head was not much above Martha's bellybutton. Then she reached down and simply scooped him up in her arms. "Hold onto my neck, Timmy. I don't feel like carrying you. So either hold on for dear life or else you can fall to the floor and I can trample over you." He did as he was told. She took away her hands and left him swinging on his own. Martha's neck had never seemed bigger or thicker or further away to him. It was all he could manage to interlock his little fingers and hang on, his head bouncing in and out of Martha's gargantuan cleavage as she walked back to the table. Less then five minutes later, just as Sarah and Martha were finishing their cherry sodas, Jerome wheeled out a cart on which were placed four plates. Timmy was served his shrimp scampi, with a pitifully small portion of coleslaw on the side. Sarah was served two dinner plates with two portions of very rare prime rib, with heaps of homefries on the side. And last but not least--what overwhelmed everything else-- came Martha's meal: a huge metal plate on which was set a big curved rack of ribs slathered in barbeque sauce. Timmy had never seen pigs ribs that large; they looked like they must have come from a prehistoric wild boar. "I trust that the chefs back there have already started cooking the next course?" Martha asked. "Uh, yeah they have," Jerome hastened to say. "No worries." "Very good. Now go over there and bring me that bench," she pointed at a four-foot long backless leather bench that was near the entrance of the room--evidently a place for people to sit if they needed to wait for a table. "This little chair is too small for my big lady tuckus." Jerome did as he was told, and they swapped out the (relatively) tiny little chair Martha had been sitting in, replacing it with the leather bench. "All right now! Before we dig in, I think it's time to offer our little guest the best seat in the house!" Martha slapped her right thigh emphatically, indicating that she wanted Jerome to sit on her lap as she ate. She then added, "Well, actually, THIS is the best seat in the house"--she stood up, turned around, and thrust out her gigantic ass right in Jerome's face; it had to be over three feet in diameter, and the tiny little bikini thong was just visible in her ass-crack--"but Jerome will have to wait till later to sample that." Timmy and his friend looked at each other nervously, and then Jerome quietly climbed up on Martha's lap. "You know, Jerome, I hope little Timmy isn't too jealous of you--he needn't be--because he used to be my favorite little lapsitter..." Martha began to relate the entire story of Timmy's visit to her a few weeks ago. No details were left out--not the Santa suit, not the brutal fucking--and Martha didn't seem ashamed or reluctant to talk about any of this in front of her daughter. Sarah just ate quietly, occasionally chuckling along with her mother, and sometimes jabbing her finger into Timmy's shoulder whenever Martha recounted a part of the story in which Timmy seemed particularly cute and pathetic. It didn't take long before Martha's hands, face, and forearms were all covered with barbeque sauce. She ate with her hands, of course, sometimes picking up the entire rack of ribs, sometimes breaking the bones about noisily. She relished ripping the meat off the bones with her teeth, and she usually ate with her mouth open. She talked while she was eating as well, dominating the conversation as usual, and Timmy noticed that she ate particularly ravenously whenever she recounted a part in the story that concerned how much fun she thought it was to bang and fuck and crush his tiny little weak body with her humungous heavenly form. Jerome observed all of this with speechless dread. Martha bopped him up and down on her knee sometimes and would ask him rhetorical questions-- "What do you think of THAT, Jerome?" or "How would YOU like that to happen to YOU, Jerome?"--after mentioning things that she had done to Timmy's body. While Timmy had only managed to eat two or three shrimp so far, Sarah had eaten an entire plate of steak, and Martha had eaten and licked the huge plate of ribs clean. At this point, Jerome was bounced off of Martha's knee--Timmy knew what that felt like--and was told to go get her second serving. The second serving was just as big as the first, if not bigger. Jerome could barely carry the plate in his arms; the rack of meat seemed almost as big as he did. Martha eagerly scooped it up and said she was glad to see hot steam coming off of the ribs and sauce. Again Jerome climbed up on her lap--and he looked understandably weary by now--and again Martha related another story. This time she told the table all about her interactions with Timmy yesterday--everything from how funny it was when he tripped in the driveway, falling into Martha's cleavage and then getting his precious cowboy heels stripped off him by an angry Brooks Fraser, to Timmy lapsitting on Martha while they ate birthday cake, to Martha watching Timmy's face when she was measured at just over 5'10" ("Yes, it was just yesterday but 5'10" seems so long ago now!"), to waiting for Timmy to enter her room at night, to waking up sometime after midnight and dominating, bullying, and fucking him silly until--and AFTER--he passed out from exhaustion. At various times Timmy blushed, Jerome cowered or had a confused look on his face, and Sarah laughed. The teen evidently wasn't put off by hearing about how her best friend had been so willingly used and abused by her own mother. Probably it didn't make her like Timmy any more-- probably less--but the matter at hand was framed in terms of her mother's raw feminist power and sexual dominance, and these were things that any girl could get behind. By the time she was done, Martha in her rampancy had gotten even more barbeque sauce all over her face, hands and forearms. It was almost as if she were drenched in sweet dark blood. She lifted the big empty platter to her lips and actually drank the barbeque sauce that was left over. Then she ordered Jerome to bring her third course. He took the empty plate, along with Sarah's empty plates--for she had finished her second steak by now--and hurried off. Timmy had managed to find room for another few fork-fulls of coleslaw, and had eaten another shrimp and a half by now. He felt full but also thought it was important to keep trying to eat, and clean his plate, so that Sarah and Martha wouldn't have yet another reason to make fun of him and call him "too little". Martha's third course was even bigger than the second, and she showed no signs of slowing down. She also had Jerome bring her some margaritas, but she wanted them served in pitchers--not in mere glasses. The sour alcohol only seemed to whet Martha's appetite even more, and the rest of the table sat in stunned awe as she broke the bones and gobbled up the huge chunks of barbequed meat. As she sent Jerome off for her fourth course ("And there better be more back there where that came from!"), Timmy tried to do some calculations in his head. How much had Martha actually eaten? Each round of ribs was huge, possibly around ten pounds of meat on the bones, and Martha was on her fourth one. Meanwhile Timmy still had over half his food left, and his shrimp were getting nearly as cold as the coleslaw. He doubted that there was even one pound of food in his whole meal, total. As Jerome returned, Sarah told him she herself would actually have another prime rib steak after all. "I'm a growing girl," Sarah noted. "And I'm a growing WOMAN," added Martha happily, talking and laughing with her mouth full. Exhausted in stunned disbelief at how much the Thollens were eating, Jerome spun around to head back to the kitchen, but not before Martha pointedly told him to hurry his little feet back because she had more stories to tell. These stories, Timmy learned--once Jerome was eventually plopped back up on Martha's lap, and she needed to pluck him with her greasy hand to help him up--had to do with her ex-husband, Sarah's father. Martha recounted how, even years ago when she was much smaller, she was every bit her husband's superior, mentally and physically. "He had the size advantage, slightly, back then, but he never had the confidence or the fire that I always had. Disagreements were often settled by wrestling matches, and I always came out on top, literally." Martha told these tales with happy relish, and Timmy was concerned to see Sarah taking it all in stride and laughing right along, laughing derisively at her own father. Martha told them how shocked her ex-hubby was when she beat him in armwrestling, and how she conditioned him to accept her sharp criticisms even in public. "He was too scared to do anything about it, so I'd let him have it, and tell him exactly what I thought of him and his stupid ideas sometimes. Isn't that right, Sarah?" Sarah said that it was, and then Martha launched into an account of how proud she'd been to see Sarah "break" her father about six months ago. "It was NO contest," Martha declared, smiling widely. "I was so overjoyed to see Sarah's strong limbs hold back my rotten little ex- husband's. There's nothing better than watching a formerly dominant man be shown his place by someone he always rudely expected to be 'below' him. Though even I didn't expect just HOW much stronger Sarah was than her father, even back then. And, you know, given my own rapid progress, someday soon I think I'd like to have another go at him myself, just to see how tough I can make it on him! I think it'd be great fun, to mangle him like he's never been mangled before and really show him all the woman he's been missing!" Through it all, Timmy was ashamed to note that his boner never went away but only hardened. Social custom dictated that he had to watch Martha almost the whole time--after all, she was doing all the talking- -and that meant staring at her magnificent body. If the swimsuit was too tight on her before she started eating, it was perceptibly even tighter now. The front strap around her back and side seemed to dig into her bulging flesh by about two inches, and her breasts were exploding out around the bikini; the little blue and pink flaps simply could not hold them back. At one point, as her fourth course was ending, Timmy noticed that Jerome seemed to have a massive boner as well, visible through his dress pants. This was more than understandable, for he had been bouncing up and down on Martha's knee as she laughed and jiggled her way through lunch, with his little head right next to and occasionally touching her massive right boob. ("God," Timmy thought, "that one breast is about five times the size of his head.") And when Jerome scampered off to go and get Martha a fifth helping of ribs, Timmy could tell that he was walking funny, and not JUST because Martha had swatted his ass with her big greasy palm as he went away. "I don't know about you," Martha said to Sarah and Timmy, "but I'm starting to get in the mood for some ice cream after this." "I've already promised Timmy some ice cream LATER," Sarah noted, "IF he's good." "Oh I see!" said Martha, throwing back another pitcher of margarita. "Well, you and I can still have some here. Timmy will just have to wait." When Jerome brought out Martha's fifth full ribcage of barbequed pork, he was immediately sent back to the kitchen to order a sixth and to ask how much they had left in total. The answer was that they had five more. "I'll take all of them," Martha replied without hesitation. "A-a-all of them? N-n-now?" "Yes, Jerome, and please bring me more margarita. I am working myself up to a frenzy here and am going to need more--more of everything, really." Timmy had never seen anyone eat the way Martha was eating now, and he had THOUGHT that she was about to slow down. She was literally eating ribcage after ribcage of some sort of wild boar, each one less cooked than the previous one, because she was eating faster and so they had less time to cook, and she was eating them as fast as Jerome could bring them out to her. She didn't care how rare the meat was--and by the seventh and eighth course, it was getting quite rare indeed--as long as it was drenched in barbeque sauce. By now, Sarah had finished her third prime rib steak, and handed the empty plate daintily to little Jerome. Timmy noted that her hand touched his in the exchange, and Sarah's alabaster fingers looked so long and strong and perfect compared to Jerome's tiny little stick fingers. As Martha finished her TENTH rack of ribs, she burped loudly. Almost her entire face was covered with dark red barbeque sauce, as were her hands and most of her arms. She almost looked like a super-MILF version of Hannibal Lecter. Timmy estimated that she had just consumed approximately 100 pounds of meat. It was inconceivable. No doubt it had something to do with the health pills she was on, but Timmy hadn't seen her take any today. Whatever the drugs were doing for her was certainly helping, but more than anything else it had to be said that this was Martha's natural personality bursting through; she was becoming the peak human that she could possibly become. "Are you going to eat those?" she asked Timmy, pointing a sauce- drenched index finger towards his plate. This whole time he had only managed to eat three and half of the nine shrimp he had been given. He shook his head. Martha leaned and reached over to take his plate, causing her big right boob to squash Jerome's head from behind as she mashed him into the table. Then she scarfed down the rest of the shrimp and brushed the remains of the wet coleslaw into her gaping mouth as well, getting a bit of the white cream on her lips and chin in the process. She looked like an absolute pig--maybe the sexist pig ever, but a pig nonetheless- -and in less than five seconds she had eaten more than Timmy had been able to eat all day, and that on top of the 100+ pounds she had already eaten in the last hour. While Jerome looked like he was ready to explode, both from fear and sexual excitement, Martha capped things off by lifting the last giant saucer on which the ribs had been served. She tilted it so as to pour all of the generous barbeque sauce off. Only about half of it made it into her open mouth; the rest of it spattered and plopped and drizzled down all over her gigantic neck and chest and boobs. In the end she gave another very loud burp--a burp that sounded more like a roar--and raised her fists in triumph. She was a champion of consuming protein. She looked like a total mess, but because of her lack of clothing she also looked like she was the biggest hottest female mudwrestler ever, covered in a sexy and disgusting form of warpaint. "Now, Jerome," she purred, "Go and get my daughter and me some icecream sundaes, or else we'll have to eat YOU for dessert. Well, at least *I* would. I'm not sure a 13-year-old can be quite a 'man-eater' yet." Jerome jumped off Martha's lap--it seemed higher off the ground to him now--and ran to the kitchen as fast as he could. It occurred to Timmy that, were he in Jerome's position, he would have seriously thought about fleeing the scene completely, whenever Martha let him go to the kitchen like this. "Don't worry," Sarah said suddenly, turning to face him, "I'll get you a little icecream cone of your own on the way out." Timmy really didn't like this game of pretending that he cared so much about Sarah getting him an ice cream cone. Still, when she told him this she put her long hands on his shoulders reassuringly. And Timmy did appreciate that; it did put his mind at ease. Jerome returned with two very large sundaes--hot fudge and whip cream and cherries all over both. "Oh, VERY nice!" Martha said, rubbing her sticky, sauce-covered hands together. "But first thing's first, Jerome, as we proceed toward the end of our lunch. I've saved a special place for you and kept it warm." Martha leered over at Jerome, looking incredibly predatory, and then lifted up one of her immensely shapely, creamy white thighs. "I want you tucked under there now, little boy," she told him. Jerome approached furtively. From the corner of his eye, Timmy saw Sarah stifle a giggle as she ate her sundae, and then pull the spoon out of her mouth with a smacking sound. Evidently he was taking too long to assume the position--or maybe he would have eventually thought better of it and ran for his life--but Martha impatiently lurched forward, grabbed him with one of her meaty hands, and shoved him under her thigh. "GET! UNDER there!" she cried, and then she lowered her big thunder thigh down, trapping the little man underneath. Martha had placed him down on his belly; only his head and shoulders were visible. Jerome uttered a pitiful little moan of a sort that Timmy could never imagine coming out of his friend's mouth before. "THAT's for insulting me earlier," Martha told him. "Well, MUCH earlier. YEARS ago. When you thought it was okay for you to pick on a poor little woman. NO. You were wrong. But it IS okay for me to pick on poor little men!" She laughed and Sarah, still eating her ice cream, did the same. "Do yew wan' sum?" Martha asked Jerome, looking down and holding the spoon toward him. Jerome looked up and just moaned. "Then watch this!" Martha said, and then started rubbing the spoon against the boob that was right over Jerome's head. A mixture of vanilla icecream, whipcream and hot fudge was mashed into Martha's breast, all over her already-tortured bikini top, right over the place where her nipple was pooking out. Eventually, a few drops of the mess, now mixed with the preexisting barbeque sauce, dripped down onto Jerome's head. "AW!" Martha cooed. "First you better eat this anyway." With that she held a hand out toward Sarah. Her daughter look a vial of pills out of her purse and handed one to her mother. Martha then bent down some, really pushing her thigh down hard on Jerome's back in the process, and then stuffed the pill into his mouth and--really shoving her long thick finger in--pushing it down his throat as well. "That'll kill some of the pain, Jerome. And you'll need it." Jerome gulped and Timmy did too. Timmy looked over at Sarah, who looked super cool and calm as she finished up her sundae, rimming her spoon around the inside of the glass to get any remaining icecream and fudge. "NOW TIMMY!" Martha bellowed. "W-w-what?" Timmy asked. "NOW YOU GO UNDER MY OTHER THIGH!" His face turned white. "B-b-but w-w-w-why?" "BECAUSE YOU DISOBEYED ME EARLIER, not going to the bathroom as you said. Well, if that's the way you want it, now I'll just have to do everything I can to make you pee your pants!" Timmy knew that arguing or protesting would just lead to increased punishment in the end. There was no way he could win. He really did see how he had been wrong from the start and he shouldn't've lied or disobeyed Martha earlier. He got down off the chair--it was quite a drop--and approached Martha for the first time after she had gained so much weight. She really did look considerably bigger now. He shivered. Even sitting down, her boobs were above his head, and her thighs totally gigantic to him. He remembered how just that morning he made love to one of those legs as if it was the size of a person compared to him. Now not even one of Martha's legs was in his little league. She raised her left thigh and he climbed under. The leather seat below was wet with her sweat and musky warmth, but that was nothing to compare to how he felt when her thigh slowly came down on top of him, pressing against his back. He felt totally trapped but also totally immersed in her feminism. It was strange and painful and humiliating-- but there were worse jobs in the world than being Martha Thollen's cushion. He could hear her laugh and jiggle above him. He knew that he would be bowing to her every whim for the rest of his life. "Oh yes, my poor little boys," she said to them, "my how things have changed. You used to be able to giggle about me behind my back, but I know that after this meeting you won't be speaking of Martha Thollen in any tone that she doesn't deserve. And the tone she deserves is, well, however you would talk about the hottest, biggest bitch on the planet, that any man couldn't help but wanna fuck till my big body busted off his cock!" She laughed again, and Sarah did too. Timmy couldn't help wondering what the restaurant manager thought of all this. At what point would they try to stop her? She was really pressing things, calling their bluff. Finally, after bouncing up and down on their backs more than a few times--Timmy heard several cracks and thought sure that she was really going to injure them--Martha let up and scooped each of them into her sticky sauce-covered arms. "I need two little pussy babies to lick off all this mess from my massive fucking hot bod," she told them matter of factly. Just as both Timmy and Jerome were about to volunteer wildly--for they couldn't help reacting that way--Martha corrected herself. "Actually, no, I need two NAKED little pussy babies to lick off all this mess from my massive fucking SUPERhot bod." With that she flopped both Jerome and Timmy across her lap and began ripping their clothes off. With Timmy she was more careful--after all, these clothes were Sarah's, and the Wonder Woman shirt in particular had meaning--but with Jerome she completely ruined his dapper waiter's attire, literally tearing it from his meager frame with her long strong fingers and girly nails. Now that he was naked, Timmy could see that Jerome was far thinner than he ever imagined him looking. Once upon a time, Jerome was quite strong looking and sporty. Now he looked thin and malnourished. "Now LICK, little boys." They didn't need to be told twice. Both men were fully erect and couldn't help twitching their groins a bit as they slurped away. They ran their tongues all over Martha's massive arms--so bulging and solid, with only slight definition, yet somehow part of the perfect female form that she possessed. Martha grinned down at her eager little worshippers as they lapped at her big hands. She could stick individual fingers all the way down their throats, and they didn't mind--so happy were they to be pleasing her. Next they licked her sauce-covered neck and face, tickling her to the point of hysterics in the process. It was as if two little puppies were kissing their master. Lastly, they lapped at her breasts, the most sizable task of all. And not until they cleaned the rest of them did Martha pull her tiny bikini flaps to the side so that Jerome and Timmy could suck on her erect nipples. As they did this, as these 20-something men literally sat in her lap, one on each knee, and sucked the boobs of her massive 40-something- year-old Super MILF body, Martha snaked her boa constrictor-like arms around them, and grasped their pulsating members in her strong hands. They were both ready to come almost immediately after they felt her woman's touch. Jerome moaned loudly, surely attracting the attention of the entire restaurant, but as he did so Martha picked him up by holding his little body in the crook of her right arm, folding his body in on itself, and she slyly twisted his penis just so that it was pointed right in his face. Unable to stop himself, with the rest of Martha's fingers dancing and rubbing his scrotum, then just roughly squeezing his ballsack, Jerome ejaculated blast after blast of semen into his own face. Martha roared with laughter, lifted his little body again and then mashed his face into her big naked boob. Her right hand was covering the back of his head; she had accomplished this entire maneuver with only one arm. Next she turned to Timmy, who was still on the moment of ejaculation himself. Seeing what she had done to Jerome had not dissuaded him. It was scary, but at this point in his training, witnessing such domineering acts of women turned him on. He moaned as he looked up into her wide, toothy grin. He loved her face with her bright eyes and wanted to come into her thick full lips. "Now now, Timmy," Martha cautioned. "You haven't been a good enough boy to deserve a second wanking today." He moaned and bucked his little thighs expectantly. "No... No..." Martha said. He reached out to her body, grabbed her left boob and began humping at it uncontrollably. Over his shoulder he heard Sarah laugh. Martha batted him away but put no real strength into it. It was clear that she was teasing Timmy. Still in her massive lap, he would crawl back over to her breast and then she would shoo him away again, lifting his entire body with a casual brush of her arm, sometimes tickling him a bit in the process. Finally Timmy could take it no longer and he simply laid down, wrapped his arms and legs around her bare thigh and started dryhumping that, wailing in sexual frustration. Her thigh was so big and soft and shapely and creamy. He pressed his face into it as he humped it and slobbered kisses onto it. Just before the point of orgasm he felt Martha's big hand rip him off of her thigh--her one hand was stronger than his entire body and big enough to reach around more than half of his waistline--and flip him over onto his back. He was already in the process of coming, but her hand shot down to his genitals, grabbed his cock like a joystick, and then she mashed her thumb down onto the tip of his member as hard as she possibly could. Timmy screamed in agony, but his penis was blocked and no semen escaped. Martha kept up the pressure, pinching his penis incredibly hard from the tip down to the base, sliding her fingers slowly backwards so as to return the semen back from where it came. Timmy moaned a bit, but his fire was quelled. Dazed, he looked over to see a group of about a dozen people watching them. Most of them were men, but a few females were there too. Of course, the women bore expressions of awe while the men were outraged and horrified--but still, it was clear that the men were too afraid to actually DO anything. Martha calmly handed Timmy's little exhausted naked body over the table to Sarah. The teen queen received his tiny form and hugged him tight. She planted a kiss on the top of his hair and told him "Everything is going to be alright. You did well". She had his clothes for him, stood him up on her lap and started to dress him. "How did you like it?" Martha asked the crowd, most of whom looked away and shuffled off rather than meet her commanding gaze. Two of the women clapped and bit and said "You were great!" The maitre-d' was there, and his mouth was hanging open. "I'm still a bit STICKY," Martha said to the man, indicating her right breast, which had some of Jerome's come smeared all over it. "You have a fountain out front. Mind if I swim in it? I'd like to go skinny- dipping with your little employee here." The maitre-d' was frozen. "I'll take that as a Yes," Martha told him. "Come on, Jerome, you're coming with me. Literally. I like to help little boys feel nice, but sometimes I like to shove their little knobs up my ass and squeeze their little bodies to death between my thighs to have a good time FOR ME too." She yanked Jerome's quivering naked form off of her lap and guided him onto his feet. Timmy looked over to see his friend nearly collapse; he was still so exhausted and overwhelmed. Sarah set Timmy down in his chair and rushed over to hold Jerome up. Sarah looked so tall and strong next to Jerome, who was slightly crouched in his weakness. She was nearly seven feet tall in her new boots. Her knees came up to Jerome's torso. Jerome had always tried to pass himself off--with some success--as a Lothario, but here he was needing to be steadied on his feet by an athletic 13-year-old girl who looked like she could probably take on and win a fight against twenty Jeromes, a much younger girl who was waaaay out of his league in every way. Then Timmy shook in trepidation as Martha herself stood up. It was the first time she had arisen since eating more weight than Timmy and Jerome had on their bones, combined. She stood up and up and up, giving off a combination of a yawn and a roar as she did so, her naked breasts jutting proudly out from her body. And then she raised her curvy arms over her head and stretched her entire body. Timmy heard several cracks, as if someone were cracking their knuckles, and then Martha squatted down, reached behind herself to bend one knee and then the other under her, to crack those joints as well. When she stood back up, she was taller than Sarah. "These BOOTS are KILLING me, Sarah!" she complained, pointing down to her cartoonish blue boots, whose heels seemed modest compared to Sarah's. The boots, which had fit Martha so perfectly earlier today, were now cutting into her skin and appeared about five sizes too small. "I'll have to go and get new ones! That's what I'll do after my bath! So, you and Timmy can go play for an hour or so, then meet me in the information center so we can leave!" Sarah nodded, then looked back at Timmy expectantly. Timmy was not at all willing to stand up around the new and improved Martha right now. She had literally grown before his eyes. Last night Martha had said that she expected to top off at seven feet once all her growing was done. She was OVER that height now, in her heels at last. At this rate, she would hit that marker barefoot very soon indeed, and Timmy was not ready to witness it. All of these changes were coming too fast and quick; the women were exceeding every expectation; it was all too much for his little male mind to process. "TIMMY!" she yelled at him suddenly, and then made the very demand he was fearing. "FRONT AND CENTER, little man! I want to bid you farewell properly, little lover, before we part company again." His body carefully climbed down from the chair without him even feeling that he was in control of it. It was as if he was physically compelled to do what Martha said, as if her command of him was now so great that it penetrated to an unconscious level that he could not ever hope to resist. Not that he would WANT to resist her, at this point; by now he knew that disobeying her would be a very foolish and dangerous idea. On quivering, shaky legs he approached her. From high above her familiar self-satisfied smile beamed down on him, soaking up glee from his nervousness. "STAND UP STRAIGHT, TIMMY!" she bellowed. He was looking directly into her crotch, right into the painfully small and tight pink and blue swirl bikini bottoms. He felt Martha put a dainty--but humongous--hand on the top of his head and then brought it toward herself. The top of his head was only about belt-level on her now. She laughed. "Now pull down your pants, Timmy, and let me see it one more time. I just want to check something." Again he did as he was told. Sure enough, he still had a painfully throbbing, expectant hardon. His little tube of meat strained for all it was worth, jutting forward towards Martha. "Aw, how CUTE you are, Timmy," she said. He whined like a puppy. "AW!" Martha said again. "So I take it you LIKE the New Martha? Yes, I was sure you would. But then again... what male wouldn't like me now?" She stretched her body again, brought herself up on the toes of her big boots, and then rubbed her hands over her impossibly voluptuous curves. "After all, I AM becoming every little boy's big wet-dream-come-true." She made a noise then that was something like the way a lioness might purr. Timmy whined again, as Martha lowered one of her big hands. If only she would touch him now, if only even the tip of a manicured nail might touch the head of his penis, he was sure to explode on contact. But Martha refused to give him this satisfaction. "Pull your pants up and go with Sarah, baby boy." Then she turned to her other worshipper. "Come on now, you little shit," she said, grabbing Jerome by the head-- putting her palm right over it like it was a baseball--and dragging him along behind her on the way to the fountain. "I like this restaurant. I didn't at first, but I do now, now that I've totally fucking conquered it. It's a lot more liberal than I thought it would be, thanks to me. It's a place where girls can do anything we wanna do. Well, EVERYWHERE is a place where girls can do anything we wanna do. Lucky for you, Jerome, all I wanna do now is just fuck the living shit outta dinky little men." As Timmy was escorted by Sarah out of the restaurant, he heard a gigantic splash as Martha's body evidently plunged into the pool of the fountain. He knew he'd eventually need to commiserate with his friend about all of this, if Jerome survived the experience. ----- They walked onwards through the mall then, doing nothing in particular. Timmy clutched Sarah's hand tighter than ever. He was happy to be with her now. He wasn't exactly sure WHY, but it was probably because he was simply glad that he wasn't in Jerome's position right now. He'd much rather walk through the mall with a cool girl like Sarah than be raped in a public fountain by a rampaging Martha who seemed to want to take out all her lingering, pent up frustrations about her past marriage on whatever male body was nearest to her. He didn't want anything to do with that. Actually, he wasn't sure if that was completely true. His omnipresent boner still needed relief, and Martha was just about as sexy as he could imagine any female ever becoming--but "making love" or rather "being taken" in a public setting seemed way too scary to him, especially given Martha's insatiability, immense size, brutality and strength. He really did fear for Jerome's wellbeing, despite the painkiller pill that Martha had given him. It was much safer to simply indulge in more innocent, juvenile affairs with Sarah, walking through the mall like a couple of good friends. And Timmy was proud to be escorted--and thus protected--by a young female so perfect and hip. He had only ever had a handful of girlfriends in his life, few of them lasted for any notable length of time. So, really, walking through the mall with a female acquaintance of any sort was a real thrill for him. Almost like he was making up for lost time; this was something he SHOULD have been doing with an innocent little playfriend when he was a boy about Sarah's age. "Now stay in my sight at all times, Timmy," Sarah told him, apropos of nothing. "Oh I will," Timmy quickly assured her, looking up at her dutifully and hoping to stave off any woman-to-boy lecturing that she might feel it her duty to administer at this time. Just as Sarah opened her plush lips to launch into a longer litany of Rules for Ruled-Over Men, however, something stopped her dead in her tracks. Timmy was inadvertently tugged back to Sarah, as he had kept walking after she paused, and their tightly gripped hands acted like a bungy cord, hurdling him back against one of Sarah's shapely jean- covered thighs. "H-hey, uh, Sarah? What's wrong?" Timmy tried to follow her gaze but couldn't tell what or whom she was looking at in the crowd. Slowly a big Jack-o-Lantern grin formed across Sarah's face and she began to chuckle. "Oh... ha ha ha ha, Timmy. You are in for a treat," she said, and then started off again in earnest, her tall heels clacking loudly against the floor. It was all Timmy could do to scamper beside her and try to keep up. "Hello, JASON!" Sarah said, halting again. She had given no indication to Timmy that they were about to stop and greet someone, so again his little body whiplashed and slammed again into Sarah's big thigh. This time, though, Timmy thought he detected a little pull-back from Sarah herself, and he wondered if the first time this happened if Sarah hadn't subtly manipulated his tiny form then as well. She seemed to laugh a bit under her breath as his fragile form collided with her large thigh. But Timmy couldn't even see whom Sarah was addressing. The crowd was thick and Timmy didn't have the greatest perspective. Almost half of his vision was taken up by being positioned so close to Sarah, and he was so short anyway. "Hey!" Sarah said louder. "YOU!" Timmy saw Sarah part the crowd a bit and then jab a long pointy finger down on someone's shoulder. The person was facing away from them and had appeared to be minding his own business, but Sarah's action suddenly snapped him to attention and he whirled around anxiously. He was a boy with curly blond hair and glasses. Though not zit-covered, he appeared to have some skin problems--maybe eczema that he could just barely keep under control. Timmy couldn't tell his age, but he looked like a young teenager, probably someone in Sarah's grade. His clothes appeared somewhat oversized on him, and they had loud fluorescent colors that looked quite out of style. Most notably, of course, was the fact that he was a couple inches shorter even than Timmy, who instantly began to smile softly at this. Sarah's little friend LOVED it when he wasn't the shortest guy in the picture. "Didn't you HEAR me calling you?" Sarah asked the boy sternly. "Um...no," Jason said, putting his head down shyly. Sarah immediately placed one of her fingers under Jason's chin and made him look back up at her. His nose was level with her belt buckle. "Are you sure you weren't ignoring me?" she asked him, the air of threat in her voice. "N-no!" Jason squeaked. "Okay then. Well, why don't we get out of the stream of traffic and go over there and talk?" Sarah gestured with her thumb to a fairly empty alcove next to a vacant storefront. "Um," Jason said, "my dad..." Not waiting for him to answer, Sarah bent and reached down a bit and-- without asking--snatched one of Jason's little hands, and began compelling both men to walk away with her toward the place she wanted to go. "It was a RHETORICAL question, dumbass," she told him. "And when I WANT you to do something, you DO it." She walked in between the two much smaller males, and even though she wasn't squeezing hard, Timmy doubted that either of them could break free from her and run away if they wanted to. "Here we are then," Sarah said as they reached a bench. She let go of their hands, almost daring them--Jason especially--to TRY to get away from her, and then with a sultry sigh plopped herself down in the middle of the bench. She patted her hands on either side of her. "Come along now, boys. Sit down next to me. Unless you'd rather sit on my lap?" She gave them both a wink and smiled. Timmy climbed up to sit on her left and Jason climbed--much more hesitatingly--to sit on her right. "Very good," she told them, stretched her arms out, patted them each on the shoulder and then left her arms dangling lazily that way, half on the back of the bench and half draped across their shoulders. "Okay, well," she continued, "as if you haven't guessed: Timmy, this is Jason, a boy I go to school with. And, Jason, this is Timmy, a little boy I babysit." ("What?!" Timmy's mind shrieked.) Sarah chuckled and looked down at him. He didn't like this game. To be fair, since he was taller and obviously looked older than Jason, the schoolboy probably intuited that Sarah was joking. ("Then again," Timmy thought, "Sarah is my guardian at this time. That's almost like being a babysitter to me, but... but she isn't!") He tried to maintain his composure. "So, Jason, I hear you're out with your daddy, huh?" She looked down at the bashful little boy and then added "THAT sounds fun" in a sarcastic tone. The boy had a dour, if somewhat fearful, expression on his face. "What do you WANT, Sarah?" he asked, in a tone that seemed calculated to not be QUITE rude enough to warrant a reprimand. "Wouldn't you rather hang out with a cool girl like me instead?" Sarah asked him, arching her eyebrows and chocking her head to the side playfully and playing with her ponytail a bit. "Sarah... just..." Jason searched for the right words. "Just leave me alone, okay? I gotta find my dad soon and--" "Oo, oo," Sarah cooed, "'I gotta find Daddy, I gotta find Daddy, wah wah wah.'" Then she giggled. "Why are you so nervous about hanging out with me, Jason? What are you afraid that I might DO to you? HUH?" Timmy leaned out in his seat with interest, so he could see Jason's annoyed expression. Sitting in the seat, both males were about eye- level with Sarah's chest, so Timmy had to lean out farther than was comfortable. He considered that this really would be an easier, more sociable experience if Sarah really did sit them both on her lap. "Do you like my new boots, Jason?" Sarah asked, then crossed her left leg across her knee so that the heel of the boot came down in Jason's lap. He was a thin boy and the heel especially looked frighteningly long and dangerous compared to his nervous body. "Uh, v-very nice, Sarah, now--" "But--" Sarah interrupted him, "do you think the heels are long enough to meet school regulation? I mean, for my grade they'd have to be at least three and a half inches long, and--" "That's NOT regulation!" Jason yelled suddenly. He tried with both hands to shove Sarah's boot off his lap but he wasn't strong enough to do so, and Timmy could see Sarah's body flex a bit as she repositioned and dug the side of her boot down harder against Jason's crotch, trapping him there. "Oh, it WILL be regulation very soon, Jason. WON'T IT!" It wasn't a question. She wasn't asking. "NO, Sarah," Jason shot back. His voice was weaker but he had some fight in it. "You aren't going to bully us. I'm on the student council, and I'm NOT recommending--" "The vote is on Tuesday," Sarah stated, and Timmy got the impression that this wasn't the first time this information was laid out or the first time this argument had happened. "And YOU and all your little weakling nerdo BUDDIES better vote for it, IF you know what's good for you." "NO," Jason said again. "We're NOT and it's NOT FAIR." Timmy was scared by all of this, but he was even more intrigued. Sarah's long soft hand was resting on her left knee; Timmy tapped it with his own little paw to get her attention. "Sarah?" he asked. "Um, what are you guys talking about?" "WELL, TIMMY," she said, turning toward him dramatically while keeping Jason under her boot, "let me explain. You see, there is a 'Fairness for Females' vote being held at our school this week, and there is a shockingly high amount of little boys--and even some hopelessly backward little girls--who are afraid of it." "No, it's crazy and nutty and WRONG," Jason said. "Let's let Timmy decide," Sarah said calmly, with a sly smile on her face. "You want 'Fairness for Females', don't you, Timmy?" "Uh," he stalled momentarily, before hurriedly finding his place again: "I mean--Absolutely. Of course. But, uh, what exactly is it?" "Well," Sarah said happily, "it's so nice and manly of you to take my word for it and give me your vote without knowing any of the details or reading the fine print as it were. But just to humor you, I'll tell you what you just agreed to. First of all, 'Fairness for Females' means that the school budget for cafeteria food is sort of restructured. Basically, girls get the food they deserve, and more of it. And meanwhile--as luck would have it--it means that boys can basically just eat whatever they want anyway." Here Jason broke in: "It means boys only get tiny portions of vegetables, or else junk food." Sarah laughed. "You're forgetting, Jason, that boys are loathe to eat vegetables as it is. So appropriating 'a few vegetables' for them is entirely reasonable. Meanwhile, as I said and as you alluded to with the mention of 'junk food', boys can have all the chips, candy, and soda they want." "But who wants to--" "You're forgetting," Sarah interrupted Jason again, "that this was decided based on studies of how boys were eating ALREADY. Most of them already are content to just eat a bunch of junk food. So, we let them have it." "Yeah, but NO MEAT?!" Jason protested. "Some cuts will have to be made," Sarah said, "if you guys want your infinite junkfood. And you and I know that many boys ARE perfectly willing to trade protein for sugar and filler carbohydrates. That's just the way it goes. Besides, as Timmy can attest, meat is hard on the male digestive system anyway, so it is good that we wise women are protecting you from it." Timmy looked down. Then he realized that Sarah wanted an affirmation from him. "Uh, yes," he said, "I, well, I w-was having problems eating, uh, sausage and bacon earlier, and--" "And we just got done eating lunch with my mother. You saw how much I and my mom--my mom especially--ate compared to you, right? So what sense would it make for boys and girls to have equal food budgets? As it is, the standard school meal in our cafeteria is far too small for a normal girl, and far too big for a normal boy." "Far too big?!" Jason yelled. "The hamburgers are already dinky, and the milk comes in little tiny containers, and--" "You forget," Sarah broke in, "that we are LETTING you have infinite soda and junk food, if you really need more to fill up on. As it was, even a great big boy like Timmy here couldn't even eat all of his coleslaw for lunch. Could you, Timmy?" "Uh, n-n-n-no. I couldn't eat it all." "See, Jason?" Sarah said, putting her hand on his far shoulder and pressing him close to her side. "It makes no sense to have unisex school lunches, much less to have similarly sized portions! Look at the size of ME, and then look at the size of YOU. Do you really think the two of us would or should or possibly could eat the same amount?" Jason said nothing but his sulking was palpable. "Let's continue, then," Sarah said brightly, and she might've added "now that I've handily won round one", but she didn't say that, probably to spare Jason's feelings. "'Fairness for Females' also means that right from Kindergarten on up males and females will begin to be prepared for the proportional stature that they will take on in adult life." "It's means all the boys have to go barefoot and all the girls get 'free' designer high-heeled pumps out of the pockets of male taxpayers!" Jason said venomously. "Not true!" Sarah said happily, a smile on her face indicating that she was quite prepared to parry this attack and reverse it. "First of all, the boys do not 'have' to go barefoot. It is an option. If they'd like, they can also go about in socks or in stockings. They are even allowed to wear little flat ballet slippers like you've got on, Timmy. And don't you like wearing them?" At this Timmy blushed. "So, you see, the only rule for males is that they have to take off their regular shoes when they enter the schoolhouse. A reasonable rule, since MOST people take their shoes off when they go inside someone's house anyway. In fact, under this plan males have a lot MORE options than females do. Girls HAVE to wear high-heels, the minimum heights of which are staggered by grade-grouping. I'm in the 5-7 grade group, so I will have to wear heels that are at least 3 and a half inches high. I believe my new boots ARE even a bit TALLER than that--thank you, Timmy!--so that means I CAN wear them to school. Jason is in the 11-12 grade group, so the girls in his classes will all be wearing heels that are at least five inches high." At this Timmy made a noise of shock. "Wait, what?! How old is he?" "Jason here is a senior," Sarah purred. "I believe you're... 18?" "Y-y-yeah," Jason said. "I'm 18." "Jeez," Timmy murmured. It never ceased to surprise Timmy how small the boys these days were getting--or rather, how small they were staying. At Sarah's party, Dewey and especially Hans seemed positively elfin compared to how boys their age were in Timmy's day, which wasn't so long ago. And how here was this 18-year-old, a young man who should be nearing the prime of his manhood, who was even smaller than Timmy, whom Timmy had mistaken for a classmate of the just-turned-13 Sarah. Timmy thought he had it bad himself, but Dewey and especially Hans (who was 17) had it worse yet, and Jason had it worse than any of them. Timmy thought for a moment and couldn't really remember the last time he had seen a teenage boy who actually looked, well, normal--to say nothing of one who looked above normal or athletic. He used to see groups of big strapping healthy looking male teens all the time--everyone did. But now it was much more prevalent to see sporty GIRLS walking around in packs, and almost all of them looked taller than average--or taller than what used to be "average." "Do, um, do girls NEED heels, though?" Timmy asked furtively, then regretted asking the question. He really hoped that Sarah didn't take it the wrong way. Thankfully she smiled. "No, of course we don't NEED heels. But you know as well as I do that 'Girls are getting taller these days', so it's obviously best to prepare boys and girls for their differing height- roles. Otherwise it's sort of a shock to the system when it happens later on, don't you think?" "Uh... I guess so, y-yeah," Timmy said. "Besides, in real life women like my mom, or your Aunt Rose, wear toweringly high heels. So not only are girls getting taller, but they're wearing taller and taller heels in addition to this. Really, I think we won't be doing ENOUGH in school to prepare girls for the world they're entering. It is going to be even more female-dominated than anyone can possibly imagine now. If I had it my way, I'd have really, REALLY high heels given to girls almost from day one, to make damn sure that they towered over every male teacher or 'authority' figure in the building." "It's not FAIR," Jason hissed. "What was that Jason?" Sarah asked rhetorically. "Oh, by the way, Timmy, another of little Jason's fibs that he told a few minutes ago was that 'male taxpayers' have to pay for the schoolgirls' heels. That's an exaggeration. The money for the school budget comes from taxpayers in general. So, yes, some of the money will come from males, some of whom are hopelessly reactionary and thus don't want to fund 'Fairness for Females'. But that's just how it goes. There are plenty of female taxpayers who don't want any of their money going for public utilities that males might use--because males are sure to use them to less success than women would--but, for now at least, there's nothing to be done about that, either. Furthermore, aside from everything else, it isn't even true that the heels HAVE to come from taxpayers' funds! Every single girl is free to simply bring her OWN pair of heels in. Which is what *I* will be doing." With this she patted her boot, which was still laying firmly across Jason's little lap. Then she stared down smugly into Jason's little face, looming over him. "So, um," Timmy started again, wanting to break what he perceived as oppressive anti-male awkwardness, "w-w-will it get enough votes t-to be passed?" "I expect so," Sarah said, drawing her arms in and crossing them proudly across her chest. "We girls have a tendency to always win. Don't we, Jason? We ALWAYS WIN IN THE END." "No!" Jason squeaked, meekly and pathetically. "Welllll," Sarah drawled. "I'll tell you what will happen if we don't win. If we don't get enough votes, I guarantee you that all of the girls will stop doing all of the boys' homework for them. We will stop being such nice girls and start being mean girls. If you think we've been mean to you before, you haven't seen anything yet." "A-a-all of the girls d-do a-all of the boys' homework?" Timmy asked, very confused. "Well, not 'a-a-all'," Sarah laughed. "But a LOT of them do. Just out of the goodness of our hearts, and because it's so cute and easy to do this favor for our little buddies. You remember Hannah? She's helped Jason here a lot on his English homework this year." Timmy remembered that Hannah was only Sarah's age, and in 7th grade. She didn't even seem particularly bright, certainly not the way the somewhat introspective Ting and perfect Sarah seemed. Yet Hannah was evidently instrumental in helping a 12th grade boy pass his English class? "In fact," Sarah continued, "a lot of the more progressive female teachers--that is to say, almost all of the teachers, period--draw up a sort of informal list of pairings at the beginning of the year. Different girls from different grades help different boys with their homework. It's just a little thing that we do on the side. Unofficial tutoring, like. Some of the guys don't like it, but..." she turned to Jason and smiled down again, "if it weren't for this almost all the guys would be failing everything, and if you abolished the system now it'd really only hurt the guys. So you'd be spiting yourself, wouldn't you?" "...Yes," Jason admitted reluctantly. "Say that you need us," Sarah instructed him. "Say 'Boys need girls' help on homework'." "Boys need girls' help on homework," he repeated. "Say 'Older boys need younger girls' help on homework'." He did so. Sarah giggled. "Say 'I, shy, bashful, angry Jason who is 18 and stands 4-foot-six, need the help of fun-loving Hannah, who is 13 and 5'9", for my homework, or else I will not graduate'." Jason said nothing, evidently unable to remember actually how Sarah's long sentence ran verbatim. "Just... shut up," he finally said, putting his head down in frustration. Sarah threw her head back and laughed, then hunched over Jason, put her arms around him, and kissed him on the top of his curly head. "Ew, I hope I didn't get germs or dandruff on me," she said, half- mockingly, brushing the shoulder of her black turtleneck with her hand. "Jeez," Timmy said again after a few moments had passed. He leaned back on the bench and thought about all of the changes that had happened in the American school system, all in the blink of an eye, it seemed. He wondered if there was ever a way boys could somehow organize themselves well enough, all get on the same page for once, and somehow fight back against what seemed to be a systematic conspiracy against them, an onslaught of raw female power rising at their expense and crushing them under. At the same time, however, it seemed as if the rise of women was fueled by a very real evolutionary advantage that they had, which had been unlocked somehow. He honestly didn't see how the tide could ever turn back the other way--the women were just going to keep getting stronger and more dominant, until they controlled everything and had their fun by constantly bashing men whenever the whim struck their fancy. He couldn't see how it would ever be possible for men to fight back now, not when so many of them were so lowly, and, moreover, when it just generally felt RIGHT to be under female control. He knew this better than almost anyone, but still his pitiful male ego, due to centuries of inherited historical prejudice, felt the pinprick of shame. "Isn't there anything that boys are better at nowadays?" he asked. He meant it as a rhetorical question, but Sarah happily answered: "Yes, they are better at whining, crying, and being short shrimpy little losers." Thankfully, before the words could sting much, Sarah bent over to Timmy and paid some attention to him, nuzzling him and saying: "But some of them, like you, are nice little guys that we girls love to cuddle a LOT." She squeezed him gently, lovingly. Strange to say, this was some real consolation for Timmy and his battered ego. "Hey, what's goin' on here?" came a voice. It was obviously Jason's father. He was a pear-shaped man with a full but short beard and thick black glasses. Timmy estimated that he stood a hair over five feet. He approached the group with his hands in his pants pockets and a half smile on his face, not sure of what to make of anything and probably trying to play himself off as somewhat jovial and "okay" in front of Sarah. "Hello, little sir," Sarah said, looking over at him and smiling. "I was just having a nice conversation with your son. My name is Sarah. Sarah THOLLEN." From the way she repeated it, it was evident that Sarah's last name carried weight. "You--" Jason's dad started, "you're the one--one a' the ones pushin' for that... that..." "The 'Fairness for Females' act. Yes." Sarah smiled. "And you are on the Parent-Teacher Association. Are you not?" "Uh, y-yeah you bet I am," the man said. There was growing nervousness in his voice, but he again sought to ward that off with joviality. "Hey, kinda awkward meetin' like this, huh?" "Oh I don't think it's awkward at all," Sarah said calmly. "I think we can probably reach an understanding here if--" "Dad, let's just GO!" Jason said, then suddenly tried to leap off of the bench. He was stopped quite handily by a combination of Sarah's boot, the side which was still pressed on his lap, and Sarah's long right arm, which quickly slipped around his neck and held him in place. "Uh..." Jason's father said, not knowing what to do. "Yes," Sarah continued. "I think we can probably reach quite a nice little agreement here, in quite short order." She looked to the side and announced, "Now, Timmy, if you don't mind, please slide over a little bit so Jason's daddy can sit down beside me, or--I know! Hey! Let's be real friendly here: How about both of you little friends sit on my lap, huh?" Sarah withdrew her left boot from Jason's lap but kept the boy restrained with her right arm. Then she patted her thigh expectantly and looked at Jason's father. The man took one step forward but then seemed frozen in the spot. Sarah patted her thigh again, continued to stare at him but tilted her head slightly and raised an eyebrow, as if to warn him, and then she squeezed his son's neck just a little tighter. "Um," Jason's father said stupidly, but then did as Sarah bade him and climbed onto her big left thigh. Next Sarah skillfully maneuvered Jason onto her right thigh, wrapped her long arms around both men, gave them a brief hug and then softly bounced them up and down on her lap. "Isn't this nice?" she asked. "Every guy loves a lapsitting session. I know they do." Both males were speechless. "Now down to business," Sarah said. "What I would like from both of you little guys is simply for you to vote for the 'F for Fs' act and tell your little friends to do the same. Nothing more. Now, that isn't asking so much, is it?" Jason's father began to protest a bit, but before he could get two syllables out, Sarah shook him gently and told him: "SHHHHH!" Timmy suppressed a chuckle. As scary as some of her ideas were, he thought Sarah was often quite funny. He imagined that she probably gave her male teachers a lot of grief, but it was probably good for them to have a girl like Sarah in their classes. "Now," Sarah continued, "let me tell you two a little story. Once upon a time there was a little school, and this little school was filled with a lot of little boys. But it was also filled with a lot of big girls. The big girls wanted what was coming to them. They were bigger than the boys and they outperformed the boys at everything. The little boys just seemed to waste most of the opportunities that were given to them, while the girls--who excelled at everything and fulfilled every task beyond expectations--were hurting for MORE funding, so that they could actually work up to their natural level instead of banging their heads against a low--low, for them--glass ceiling all the time. Thus, the big girls wanted the funds to be reappropriated in a way that was more fair and sane and profitable for everyone. But the little boys didn't like this. They were mean and stubborn and they blamed the girls for their own failures and natural, stunted dispositions and bodies. So the little boys cried and whined and LIED"--here she shook Jason a bit, squeezed him into her with her right arm, and rigidly pumped him up and down on her knee--"LIED so much that the 'Fairness for Females' act just barely FAILED to pass. For almost all of the girls there, this was the first time they had failed at ANYTHING in life. And do you know how they reacted to this? Do you know how the big girls reacted to failing at something due to reasons of lying and cowardice and meanness and cheating and ignorance on the part of someone else, namely of the little boys? Do you know what they did?" Here Sarah paused and looked back and forth from Jason to his father, giving both men a look of mock shock. Both males had bent their heads back to look her in the eye; they were compelled to do this while she was talking to them, even though they were seated outwards, with their legs draped over her thighs, dangling high off the floor, riding each of Sarah's thighs like it was a horse. "Uh..." both men started. "W-what did they do?" Jason's father finally managed to ask. Sarah snickered, then she clutched both men tighter in her arms. She slid her arms somewhat under each man and then she proceeded to slowly stand up, bringing the men with her. She purposely didn't get a good enough grip under them, so the men were instinctively forced to reach up and put their thin little arms around Sarah's swanlike neck, lest they wanted to tumble to the hard floor below. Once Sarah had finally stood up to her full imposing height--almost seven feet in those big heeled boots--she then elected to reach under them a bit and secure them in her arms. "Well," she said finally, "what do you THINK the big girls would do to the little boys if the little boys enraged them? What do you think the big girls COULD do to them? Imagine the worst you dare even think about, and I guarantee you that they--that WE--would do worse. And I guarantee you that there would be no way for any of you little boys to stop us." Both males quivered in her arms. "So," Sarah said, after a moment had passed and her point had sunk in a bit. "The way I see it, it's really in your best interest to vote for the act, isn't it? I mean, if I were you I'd be doing everything I could to make sure that act passed, for your own safety. Because, make no mistake about it, we women don't WANT to resort to violence, but we ABSOLUTELY WILL get very, VERY rough with you if you somehow manage to subvert the natural democratic process here, which obviously would demand that 'fairness' be enacted. No other result would even be legitimate, you see." Timmy, still seated on the bench, couldn't believe how dominant Sarah was. He was beginning to be as proud of her as Martha was. It was truly a marvel to see a girl so young--only 13--take charge of two men, one of them at least three times her age, and not only physically thrill them, not only mentally outwit them, but blend both forms of domination together into a seamless dramatic production that really did teach these men an important lesson. The only other female he knew of who could have pulled off something like this so effortlessly and professionally was his Aunt Rose. Compounded with this was the still-throbbing boner that Timmy had. Sarah was standing before him, with her tight jean-covered ass right above his head--but all he could do was think of Martha and her ass, and he was sure that's where his boner was coming from. Both men, father and son, still clung to Sarah's neck. Timmy could see their little heads bobbing up and down a bit, evidently coming around and nodding in agreement to Sarah. "So," Sarah concluded. "I believe we can agree to be friends now? And you will do what I say, vote the way I told you to, and encourage others to do so as well, for the reasons that I explained to you?" Both father and son murmured their assent. "VERY good," Sarah said. Then she nuzzled first the son and then the father. She made little cooing noises, gave a few licks to Jason's ear, laughed at him when he shook his head back and forth at this, and then she planted a kiss on his forehand. She then turned her head over to Jason's father, looked him seriously in the eye, gave him an impassioned "Thank you. I REALLY mean that", and then gave him a very long kiss, open-mouthed, right on the lips. Both Jason and his father were left befuddled by all of this, but before they could really come to terms with any of it, Sarah was loosening her grasp on them in a calculated manner. Their arms weren't strong enough to support them on their own, so the men slowly drifted down Sarah's long body until their little feet finally touched the floor again, for the first time in nearly five minutes. Sarah didn't let them go completely, however. She kept a controlling hand positioned on each of their backs. As noted before, Jason was so short that he was staring into where Sarah's bellybutton would be. His father was a little taller, but the top of his head scarcely reached the bottom of Sarah's pert breasts. "So," Sarah said again. "Now we we're all friends, I think it's probably proper for you two to buy me some belated Sweet Thirteen birthday gifts, don't you think? I mean, I just hit the magic one-three only about 14 hours ago, y'know! That is... IF you wanna be my friends and enjoy the perks, and the PROTECTION from other girls who might become enraged on voting day, that comes along with that." Still in confusion, both men looked up at Sarah. Timmy had seen her pull this trick before, and it still impressed him. "I know, I know," Sarah said to them in a singsong manner. "You're probably still not totally sure if you wanna be friends with me. But, okay, I'll give you some reasons. First of all"--while still looming over them, she bent herself a bit to get more on their level, and the air of her voice made it seem as though she were telling them a secret- -"I'm really, REALLY cool. Second, I'm really, REALLY pretty. Third, um, I'm KINDA, well, TALL!" She laughed sarcastically at her own joke. Fourth, I'm really, REALLY strong and a good fighter--just ask Timmy, I even dominated HIM in wrestling yesterday! And, lastly, fifth--" here she bent down even lower, clutched the men even tighter in her arms, so close that they were practically falling down into each other now and her arms had to help hold them up, and her voice was scarcely above a whisper: "You two are very, very, VERY... weak." Timmy began to try to get a good glimpse of the crotches of the two men; he was sure that if this went on much longer than both of them would start to piss their pants. "So," Sarah said once again. "If you really wanna be my good friends, then each of you needs to gimme a little kiss on my cheek, and then we'll go shopping so you can buy me some birthday gifts. K?" First father and then son gave squatting Sarah a delicate kiss on her cheek. She said "Aw!" after each one, and ruffled each of their heads afterwards. When this was done, she turned back to Timmy and reached an outstretched hand towards him. "Okay, Timmykins. I don't care if I've made a lot of other boyfriends lately, YOU still get to hold one of my hands. Because you're my Timmykins." Happily and proudly, Timmy hopped off the bench and eagerly grabbed one of Sarah's big soft hands. "Who wants my other one?" Sarah asked. It only took half a beat for Jason's dad to grab it. Timmy could see that Jason couldn't repress a soft groan at his father's servile nature. "I heard that, Jason," Sarah said. "Now I'll give you one warning. Be a good, polite little boy now or else I'll spank you right here in front of everyone. Now, are you going to be a good little boy?" "...Yes," Jason answered, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Say 'I will be a good little boy for Sarah who is over five years younger than me but much taller, much stronger and more mature than I am.'" "I will be a good little boy for Sarah who is over five years younger than me but much taller, much stronger and more mature than I am." "That's a good little Jason bitchboy," Sarah said, satisfied, and the four of them walked off. Before too long they stopped at a kiosk. "Oo," Sarah said, looking at some of the items. "Here's some stuff for you guys to get me. Pick out a shade of lipstick you think I'll look hottest in." The three little males crowded around together and looked at the assortment of lipstick colors. Eventually they settled on a shade of pinkish purple that had sparkles in it. Jason's father bought it for Sarah, and Sarah immediately tried it on. The color looked very attractive on her thick, heartshaped plush lips. "Do you think I look really hot in this?" Sarah asked Jason's father. "Oo, yes," the man said, not without some discomfort. "Would your wife wear something like this?" "Ahh, I'm not sure. I-I-I don't think so," the man replied nervously, putting his hands in his pockets and bouncing a bit on one foot. "Do you repress your wife, sir?" Sarah asked in a suddenly confrontational tone. "Ah... No?" Jason's father said, unsure of himself. "How tall is your wife, sir?" "Uh... she's... about an inch'r'two shorter'n me." "Hm," Sarah considered. "And she doesn't wear hot lipstick like this?" "Ah... No. No." "Well, sir," Sarah said, bending down and getting right in the man's face. "I want you to know that in the future, all of the girls are going to be more like me and less like your wife. What do you think of that?" The man was too nervous and confused to say anything. "Thank you for the lipstick, Mr. Jason's Daddy," Sarah concluded, and then gave him a big long kiss on his forehead, intoning an exaggerated "MMMWWAAAAHH!" sound as she did so, leaving him with a big pink-purple sparkly lip-shaped mark on his head. "I LOVE it and bet I look REALLY HOT IN IT, HUH!" At a neighboring kiosk Sarah found some other items that tickled her fancy even more. "Oh, PERFECT!" she said. "I want three pink ones!" The pink items in question turned out to be three leashes. Timmy had seen parents put leashes like these on their toddlers, but Sarah insisted that her three little "pet men" wear them now as well. "I only have two hands but there are three of you, so we pretty much NEED these to ensure that you don't get into trouble, or wander off and get lost, or get snatched up by a roving gang of girlscouts, huh?" She laughed and looked in Jason's direction. Unquestioning, Jason's dad paid for the leashes; and Sarah took it upon herself to fasten them around each of the men's necks, as if they couldn't do it themselves. Each leash was only about three and a half feet long, so Sarah--clutching all three in one hand--was able to keep all three men close by her, right in front of her as she walked. Occasionally her knees bashed against each of their backsides as they walked, but rather than apologize whenever this happened, Sarah would utter a remark along the lines of "Get going, Timmy!" or "Faster, little Jason, unless you want me to kick you or trample over you!" Her heels clacked thunderously and authoritatively behind him as they walked--well, Sarah was walking, somewhat briskly, but the men almost had to run to stay ahead of her; so long were her legs compared to theirs. Timmy's mind was caught up marveling at how impressive Sarah really was. Here she led three men in front of her: an 18-year-old, who should have been one of her peer-leaders at school; that boy's father, who had to be in his late 40s, and Timmy himself, who was nearly 27. That was around 75 combined years of maleness that this thirteen-year- old girl was commanding with total ease. And there was no doubt that she could have handled the task just as well yesterday, when she was only twelve. Moreover, in short order she had gotten the three of them to agree with a social policy that was against each of their own best interests. She did this with total ease, setting the argument for them, showing them the apparent errors in their ways and flaws in their logic, and coaxing them along so that they mentally "got" where she wanted them to go. And here she was, making the metaphor a reality, leading them along with actual leashes, after having fastened emasculating pink collars around their thin necks. Finally they arrived at an upscale boutique clothing store that Sarah wanted to enter. "You two adorable new friends can buy me some stuff here, but then I'm afraid Timmy and I will have to depart in time to meet my mom. I WOULD introduce you guys to my mom, but given the mood she's in, if she saw you in these adorable collars I'm afraid she'd probably fuck you to death on the spot! What do you think of that!" Timmy's boner throbbed hard again. Jason looked perceptibly annoyed about having to spend this much time with Sarah. Jason's dad looked around him nervously, but still had a goofy smile on his face. There were two girls at the counter. Both wore watching uniforms: white t-shirts with high tapered sleeves underneath clingy black dresses, dark pantyhose, and black pumps that were "only" about three inches high. One of the girls was sitting and the other was standing. The seated girl had a nametag that said "Emily"; she was a fairly petite looking blonde with dark eye makeup and red lips. The girl who was standing was immense: almost as big around as Martha, but with none of Martha's womanly soft definition or confidence; she was tall too, almost as tall as Sarah; she had long plain brown hair and a nametag that said "Amy". "Hello, ladies," Sarah said brightly, leading her small pack of small men ahead of her and then pulling back on their leashes so as to make them stop. "Hello," both saleswomen replied in unison. Timmy estimated that they were both around his age--in their late 20s--though the blonde looked like she was the older of the two. "My magnificent body is going to be trying on an assortment of clothes today," Sarah continued, "but the problem is that I've been tasked with keeping track of these three little fellows here." She raised up her hand with the leashes in it. "I see," said the big girl whose name must've been Amy. "So," Sarah concluded, "I'm afraid that I am going to have to let them loose on their own, but I just wanted to make sure that was okay, and also ask both of you to sort of keep your eye on them so they do not run off or attempt anything else naughty." The seated blonde ("Emily") stood up, and Timmy was presently surprised to discover that she was indeed petite, probably only about 5'1" without heels. "That shouldn't be a problem at all," Emily said. "As you can see, we haven't much business right now, so we would be pleased to help you out, bring you clothes, and mind your 'pets'." She gave a little laugh then and winked at Timmy. "Very good," Sarah said. "But... pay special attention to this one here"--she tapped the head of Jason's father with one of her black- nailed index fingers. "He is the one who is going to be paying for everything I want, so... we wouldn't want him to wander off before it's time for him to finally make himself useful by giving me his credit card and signing the receipt." "Ha!" big Amy snorted. "Oh, don't worry. He won't be going anywhere." Jason's father laughed nervously and shuffled his feet a bit as the hefty plain-Jane giantess walked over toward him. She must have weighed over 400 pounds; and she did have curves of a sort--she wasn't obese-- but looking at her was more scary than pleasant. "And also keep a special eye on THIS one," Sarah continued, jabbing her other index finger into Jason's shoulder, which was about level with the bottom of Sarah's crotch. "He can be ESPECIALLY naughty, I've noticed." "Will do," Emily said happily, looking knowingly at Jason. "I keep my boyfriend in line all the time, and your little guy isn't much smaller than him." It was hard for Timmy to imagine a girl like Emily--who was so petite, thin, and soft looking--to dominate a man. Perhaps she was just joking a bit and making polite conversation. For decades if not centuries, women often jokes about "keeping their men in line", but until recently such statements would not be taken to mean real physical domination, threats or abuse. Probably Emily, who seemed like the sort of relatively "traditional" girl that Timmy used to see often in his college days, just meant this "keeping my boyfriend in line" comment in the old colloquial way. Timmy suddenly found himself really drawn to this girl. Without her heels on, she would be about the same height as he USED to be, before he started shedding precious inches four weeks ago. It was a shame he hadn't met this girl before now, and before she found a boyfriend, because he definitely would have wanted to ask her out. Even now he found himself wondering whether or not, boyfriend or no, she would possibly entertain the idea of socializing with him outside of a professional context. These thoughts had all come to Timmy all of a sudden, but this Emily really did look like the exact "type" he had always wanted, and it had been a very long time since he had been around a "normal" female. "TIMMY HERE," Sarah said loudly, snapping him out of his daze (perhaps she had noticed him staring at Emily and was not pleased), "will mostly be accompanying me and helping me pick out clothes. But, anyway, he is generally a good boy and can be trusted." "Good to know," Amy said. And Emily gave a quick convivial laugh at this as well. With that Sarah stooped and quickly unfastened the collars from the men's necks. "You are free," she told them in mock dramatic fashion, "for a time at least." He moved with Sarah as she browsed through the racks of clothes toward the swimsuit section. "Summer is still a long ways off, I know," she said, "but seeing my mom show off today got me to thinking that I might wanna do the same thing sometime. But you know what the trouble is, Timmy?" "Uh..." Timmy had no idea. "What?" Sarah sighed and put her hand on her hip, disappointed in him. "Do you actually think I'd fit into any of my swimsuits from last year? I mean... what I have aren't all one-pieces, and yeah the bikinis allow for growth. But, the trouble is... see, I've grown sort of OUT in addition to growing UP, if you know what I mean." To illustrate, Sarah put one hand on her chest, which Timmy estimated to be a C-cup, and moved her other hand to the back of her shapely hip. "Oh, uh," Timmy stumbled, "y-yeah I see what you mean." "So, Timmy, if you'll just help me pick some swimsuits out..." Sarah continued talking but Timmy wasn't really listening. He had looked back to see what Emily was doing. She was occupied with Jason. Leaning back against the counter, she had her delicate arms crossed across her dainty chest and was looking down at him in amusement. Jason was not having such a good time, however. He was gesticulating with his hands and telling Emily about something--probably complaining about how Sarah had coerced him and his father into following her around and buying birthday gifts for her, or recounting the unfair "Fairness for Females" vote at school. Either way, Timmy was jealous. There was no way this little punk, who was still in high school, should deserve to squander the opportunity of such an attractive creature's time--not when Timmy was around. After all, the top of Jason's head didn't even reach the bottom of Emily's neck. Timmy was a couple inches taller than that--was much closer to Emily's age as well--and thus could provide her with something closer to the semblance of a traditional coupling opportunity. "Are you listening to me, Timmy?" Sarah said pointedly. "Oh, YES, Sarah. Yes." She eyed him suspiciously. "Okay then, let's go into the fitting room and I'll try some of these on." "Oops, lemme get the key for you," Amy called, when she saw that Sarah had tried the door to the changing room and found it locked. The big girl yanked Jason's father with her, one of her meaty hands wrapped around his forearm. As she unlocked the door and turned the little golden latch to open it, she paused and looked down at him. "Behave, little man," she said, for no discernable reason. "Oh," Sarah said, considering something. "Would the two of you like to follow us in the changing room as well? The more opinions the better." "Of course," Amy said. "Come along now," she added, thrusting Jason's father ahead of her. The room was fairly small and being so close to someone like Amy reminded Timmy of how he felt around Martha. Within his little pink cotton pants, his penis sprang to attention again, straining hard against the little hand-me-down panties he had gotten from Sarah. Amy wasn't an ugly girl by any means. Indeed, up close Timmy could see the traits of a sort of earthy, homey, "farmer's daughter" beauty in her. The problem was, however, that she either really needed to lose about 250 lbs. or else do something to get her big blocklike body to look at bit toned. "I'm sooo jealous of your body," Amy said, as if on cue, looking at Sarah's unbelievably perfect form. "Oh, ha, don't mention it," the younger girl said, looking as if she were about to blush. Sarah was undressing; she had peeled off her long black turtleneck and was undoing her boots. "I'm serious," Amy said, totally in awe of a barely pubescent girl who was probably less than half her age. "I'd kill for curves like yours and that kind of superhot body. You have a KILLER form." "Well," Sarah said, obviously embarrassed, blushing. "Thanks. But... you DO have some curves yourself, you know. Doesn't she, guys?" Standing there barefoot in just her blue jeans and a black bra, Sarah looked pointedly down at Timmy and Jason's father. "Oh, uh, yeah, yeah she does," they said, tripping over each other's words. "Aw shucks," Amy said, bashfully putting one of her hands on a thigh which was bigger around than both men combined. "I know I'm not much." "What formula or supplements are you on?" Sarah asked, taking off her jeans and folding them. She was now only dressed in her black lingerie. "Errr... Not any." "Really?!" Sarah said, her eyes wide. "So you're..." "Yep," Amy said, flexing one of her thick arms and pointing to her doughy bicep, "100% natural woman." Timmy shivered a bit. So here was a girl who had almost reached Sarah's height and Martha's girth, and she didn't need any drugs to do so. True, she didn't look half--or even a tenth or hundredth--as attractive as either of the Thollen women (few did!). But still it was very impressive. "You know that's not quite true, don't you?" Sarah asked her, a serious expression on her face. "Err, what do you mean?" Amy asked. "Well, formula and supplements only unlock your natural feminist potential," Sarah explained. "So, while it's totally awesome that you're so much woman without them, formula and supplements will be able to sort of filter out all of the bad things that have entered your body and mind through the anti-woman artificial environment that the patriarchy gave us. We still have a long ways to go to remodel civilization so that it's back to where MOTHER Nature intended it to be." Sarah smiled; it was clear that she was reciting almost verbatim something that she had gone over in school multiple times. "Meanwhile, formula and supplements can sort of fast-track you to where you should be--where all women will be one day and where we would've been all along if it wasn't for those naughty little insecure men." Despite the accusatory content, she said this all in a sweet voice, and playfully ruffled Timmy's hair at the end. "Oh, wow," Amy said, clearly stunned by the informative lecture that the 13-year-old had just given her. "I guess I kinda heard that before, but it never really sunk in, and I was always so big anyway that I--" "It isn't really a question of size," Sarah explained. "For all I know, you could take the same drugs most other women take but not grow another inch. You'd actually lose weight while others gained it. And then there's the whole mental side of it. You'll really be thinking a lot clearer if you start taking supplements as soon as possible." "Hm," Amy said, rubbing her chin with one of her giant fingers. Her nails were filed down but she had bright purple lipstick on. "Well, I'll get on that as soon as I can--after work, maybe." "See that you do," Sarah said. "After all, the matriarchy of the future is waiting for you to join us and help us win and kick the men's little butts outta sight!" "Sounds fun!" Amy said. Both women laughed and high-fived each other. Timmy and Jason's father looked at each other confused. It was very telling that the two men in the room just had to suffer through all of this without daring to say a word between themselves, meanwhile the pace and subject matter of everything was dictated by Sarah, a 13-year- old girl who just happened to be a New Female. "Okay now," Sarah said, addressing Amy. "I want you to make sure those two mensies turn away and face the wall--the wall WITHOUT the mirror on it--while I change out of my underwear." "O-kay!" Amy said, moving her giant hen-like body between the two men and shoving them toward--and nearly into--the far wall. "Face this way until you hear a woman's voice telling you not to, got it?" From over his shoulder Timmy heard Sarah chuckle, and heard the sounds of lingerie coming off and bikini straps going on and being snapped against taut skin. Then, when he was least expecting it, he felt a huge force behind his head. It bounced against him and shoved him face-first into the wall. From the corner of his eye he could see the same thing happening to Jason's father. After it happened the second time, he knew that it was Amy, squatting a bit and thrusting her chest out so that her big boobs bashed against the men's heads. "Okay, I'm rea-dy!" Sarah called. Amy grabbed the men's shoulders and roughly shoved them back around and in front of her. Sarah was dressed in a small leopard-skin bikini. It was yellow and black and the straps holding it were black and very thin. Sarah cocked her hips to one side, put her hands on her hips, and pouted her pink- purple-sparkle lips. "What do you think?" Amy was the first to speak. "Wow, you look REALLY sexy." "Do YOU think I look sexy, Jason's Daddy?" The man sputtered. It wasn't proper for a man to say that a 13-year-old girl was "sexy". "You look very nice," he finally said. "...But not sexy?" Sarah asked, arching her eyebrows. Jason's father stuttered for about ten seconds then, unable to say anything. Both ladies laughed. "Okay, okay," Sarah said. "Sorry for asking! You'd be surprised, Amy, how often I get that reaction around guys!" "No I wouldn't!" Amy laughed. "What do you think, Timmy?" Sarah asked, turning to her little friend and gesturing down the length of her body. "Is this bikini a keeper?" "Um," Timmy considered. "Yeah. I think you look really cool in it, Sarah." As if on cue, Sarah grabbed her sunglasses from her pile of clothes and put them on. "And now? With the shades?" "E-e-even cooler," Timmy replied. Sarah gave him a big smile and a double thumbs-up sign. "Thanks, spud!" she told him. "Now, turn your little bodies back around." Once again Amy roughly spun the men around and shoved them into the wall, even harder this time. She didn't let up at all now, she just gave a low chuckle and sort of leaned against them, pinning them to the wall with her hefty body. Timmy wondered where a girl, who had graduated from school a long time ago and who didn't even have the sort of domineering urges that came from feminist supplements, would have even got the idea to treat men this way. Just as he began to find it hard to breathe, Sarah's voice came: "Okay, little guys. Next swimsuit." Both men gasped for air as Amy spun them around again. They could barely stand at first, so she had to hold them up, one hand under an armpit. Now Sarah stood in a more elegant bikini. Its fabric was white, with dark brown outlines on each of the "triangles". The pieces of the bikini were held together by thin gold chains. Sarah had her sunglasses flipped up on her head and her big brown eyes stared down at the men. "What do you think?" she asked. "Wow, you look REALLY classy," said Amy. "Erm," Jason's father quibbled. "How much, er, how expensive is it?" "Does it REALLY matter?" Sarah asked, furrowing her brow, clearly annoyed. "Well, it's-it's my money, you know and..." the man began, then changed his tact as he saw Sarah crossing her arms and standing on her tiptoes. "It's-it's just that... Well, it's WHITE, honey, and..." "So WHAT?" Sarah asked pointedly. "Well," Jason's father began again, "uh, white fabric, y'know, when it gets white--I mean when it gets WET, it..." "Spit it out, dummy," Sarah said. Amy put a big hand on the back of the man's neck. "It's just that I'm worried it would become see-through, you know?" he finally said. Sarah gave a puzzled look. "I'm THIRTEEN," she said. "Who would be looking at ME that way?" Unable to tell exactly what game, if any, Sarah was playing, Timmy watched the man's face closely. "Well, I mean, th-that's what I'm sayin', and if... if you don't want to sort of, sort of INVITE, uh, stares that y-you w-wouldn't want... I mean..." "Mr. Jason's Daddy," Sarah said, rolling her eyes. "You see how tall I am? You see how strong I am? Do you honestly think that someone on the beach could actually threaten me? What? Some dinky little man like you? Or a twerp like your son? And do you honesty, honestly know--if I caught someone staring at me like that..."--here she crouched down to his level and got right in his face--"WHAT DO YOU THINK I WOULD DO TO THAT PERSON?" she bellowed in a way reminiscent of her mother. Jason's father just trembled. Sarah stood back up to her full height, put her hands on her hips and studied him, waiting for a response and an apology. "I-I-I'm sorry," he said finally. "I-I changed my mind. I-it's a-an awesome looking swimsuit--there are no problems with it--you-you look awesome in it, Sarah--" "MS. THOLLEN from now on," Sarah informed him, almost scaring him out of his skin in the process. "Ms. Thollen, Ms. Thollen," Jason's father agreed, nodding, shaking all over and bowing twice to her. "I-it looks great and I'm h-happy to buy it for you." After a few more moments passed, Sarah finally gave a slow, long nod of her own, showing off her swanlike neck in the process. "Very good," she said. "And it's only $400."--Timmy noticed Jason's father's eyes bulge, but the man held himself in check and said nothing.--"Still," she continued, "I think it needs a few more things to really set it off right. Timmy? Could you go get me the largest pair of high-heeled cork sandals that they have in stock? I saw a display of them right next to the entrance. And also--bring me a necklace of some kind, would you? Don't worry, Mr. Jason's Daddy, if this all gets too expensive for you, you can always arrange to have some of the money come out of Jason's allowance. After all, HE needs to get me some presents too, you know." Timmy made to leave but just as he got to the door Sarah called: "And send Jason on back here. I want to tease HIM to death, too!--I mean, 'I need his important little opinion on my hot sexy bikinis as well'!" Both Sarah and Amy broke into laughter. Exiting the fitting room, Timmy exhaled deeply. He was glad to get away and be on his own, if only for a while. The thought suddenly came to him that if he wanted to he could make a break for it. He could run to another store in the mall, ask urgently to use a phone, and call up Brooks to come get him. After all, before even being dropped off for Sarah's party yesterday--it seemed so long ago!--wonderful Brooks had said that if he ever needed her to rescue him, all he need do is call and she would come to save the day, his very own sexy muscle-packed Superwoman. Still, Timmy considered, all that would do is put him in a different sort of hectic situation, since life at under his Aunt Rose's roof wasn't much better than being at the mall with the Thollens. And if he checked out now, unannounced, Martha and Sarah would be especially upset, and disappointed in him. One inevitable phonecall from Martha to Rose, he knew, is all it would take. His Aunt Rose would probably spank him on the spot, right after she got off the phone, and then have Brooks drive him over to the Thollens so he could apologize and so both of them could take turns spanking him as well. No, there was really no way out short of trying to convince Brooks to elope with him. He didn't have much to offer, aside from his meager little body which she loved to whale on, bully, and fuck so much. But she could do all of those things to him anytime as it was. There was absolutely no way he could run away from everything on foot and try to make a life for himself independent of all these women. He was too tied in with them mentally now; they had a hold on him. But if only there were someone else--someone separate from all of this--that he could talk to. It was at that moment, moving through the store, that he saw Emily again. She and Jason were sitting at the counter, both of them sitting in stools--Jason's being the higher of the two, to make them level. They seemed to be armwrestling. Timmy could see Emily's pretty red- lipsticked face smiling as she strained a bit. Jason's back was to him but he could tell that the 18-year-old was straining and trying a lot harder than Em was. He was shaking and grunting while Emily--whose arm looked so comparatively skeletal compared to the arms of any other female he had seen in a long time now--appeared to be laughing more than she was TRYING. Still, she was trying, and it heartened Timmy to see at least one contest between a woman and a man that wasn't a complete, easy knockout for the fairer sex. "Ha ha ha," came Emily's trilling, lilting laugh. "C'mon now, Jason, is that really all you've got?" Jason just grunted in reply. "Alright then," Emily said in a singsong tone. "I guess it's gonna be match number three to me." Then she methodically--but not exactly easily--forced the back of Jason's hand down to the desk. "Yeah!" Emily said then, holding her thin arms up in an obligatory double-bicep pose. "Girl power!" Just then she noticed Timmy walking toward them. "Oh, hey," she said, pointing at his stupid Wonder Woman shirt. "It really is 'Girl Power'!" She gave a wide toothy grin, and looking at her mouth Timmy felt his penis instantly sprang to attention again. "Uh, Sarah wants to see you back there, Jason," he said. "Now." The mean-spirited teen sulked off. "Be nice!" Emily called to him as he left. "Or, I told you, I'll give ya a spankin' if I need to." She smiled at Timmy. "Or your girlfriend probably would anyway, right?" she asked him, winking. "And she looks like she could hit a lot harder than me." "Uh..." Timmy started, scrambling into the stool that Jason had been in, and lowering it a bit for himself, as if to emphasize to Emily that he wasn't as short as her last male visitor. "She isn't my girlfriend." "Oh no?" Em asked. "What is she then?" "Um, we're just friends." "Oh," Emily said with a glint in her eyes. "Just friends. I see." She smiled at him. "So what can I do for you today, Mr. Man?" Timmy loved that she omitted the word "Little" from her description of him. "Oh, I just came to see you," Timmy said, glad to be flirting again. "Just came to see me?" Em asked, giving him a playful but suspicious look. He loved her dark eyes with the dark eyeshadow around them. They went so well with her platinum blonde hair. Then Emily dropped her hands flat on the desk, calling attention to the several silver rings that she was wearing, and to the dark red nail polish of her elegant fingers. Timmy thought everything about her was just so cool and sexy. "What did you come to see me about?" "Uh," Timmy mused. "I need some sandals." "Some sandals. I see." "Not for me, but for, uh--" "Girlfriend," Emily whispered. "No!" Timmy protested, smiling at her. "For my friend." "Okay, then," Emily said, standing up. "I assume she means the heeled cork sandals we have on display?" "Yes she does," Timmy said, standing up and following her. "Know how I knew that?" Emily asked, stopping and turning to look down at Timmy. In her three-inch heels, she was ONLY about eight inches taller than him. "Uh, because you saw the boots she was wearing when she came in, and assumed that she liked heels?" "No," Emily said, smiling knowingly and raising her hands to her temples. "Because I'm psychic." "Oh, really?" Timmy said, playing along. "Yep," she replied. "I can get inside men's minds and know what they're lookin' for." "Really. That's quite an awesome skill to have." "Yes it is," Emily replied. Then she boldly clasped Timmy's hand in hers and led him on. Her grip was delicate, and for once Timmy enjoyed touching a girl's hand without the girl nearly breaking the bones in his hand in the process. "Okay, ummmm..." Emily said, once they had gotten to the display of sandals. "What size is she?" "She just said to bring her the largest size you had," Timmy replied. "I think she, uh, probably plans on her feet growing a but more before summer gets here anyway." "Yeah I'm not surprised," Emily said in a dismissive way. "At least with the way these type of sandals are made, you don't really need an exact size..." Regrettably, Emily broke hands with him and began looking over the sandals. Timmy missed her touch already. He watched her thin fingers with all of their rings and their dark red nails--nails that were just a little longer than the tips of her fingers--and his boner throbbed again. All of the sandals had platform-style heels that added at least five inches to the wearer's height. They were open-toed and mostly white, aside from the cork bit and the heel, which were tan-colored. "I think these are probably the largest ones we have," Emily said, holding up a monstrously large pair of sandals. "Also the largest size that they make." "Hm," Timmy said, taking the sandals in his arms. "Okay. I guess I'll bring them to her." "You won't get lost, will you?" Emily asked with a smile. "Uh, n-no," Timmy said. "Because I can come with you if you want?" They smiled at each other and Timmy sort of twisted one of his little slippered feet bashfully. "Oh!" he suddenly remembered. "Actually, Sarah wanted me to bring her something else. A necklace of some sort, to go with the outfit." "Hm," Emily said. "I see. She's trying on bathing suits, right? What color is the one she's got on now?" "Uh. White." "WHITE, huh?" Emily said, giving Timmy a quizzical look. "She picked it out," Timmy said, feigning exhaustion. "I tried to tell her no, but she has to have it." "Yeah, well," Emily began, then thought better of it. "I'm supposed to be nice to customers, so... I won't say anything." "Her mother is an old friend of my family's," Timmy explained. "And I stress--a friend of my FAMILY'S, not a friend of my own choosing." "Oh. Right," Emily said. "Gotcha. Say no more." Timmy didn't like putting down the Thollens this way, but if he had to tell a semi-lie to save face with Emily, he would do so. As they walked over to the jewelry display, Timmy decided to make another bold move. "So, you were saying earlier that you had a boyfriend?" Emily snickered and looked down, pausing a bit with an embarrassed smile on her face while she opened the jewelry case. ("She is so classically feminine and delicate!" Timmy thought. "Look at how thin her arms are--not really 'THIN'-thin, but just like NORMAL girls arms used to be! She is so sexy and pretty! With her nails and makeup--and nothing about the way she looks SCARES me! She isn't even THAT much taller than me! Only a little over half a foot!") "Yes, I have a boyfriend," she managed to say after a couple moments had passed. "Are you... HAPPILY boyfriended?" Timmy asked, a wry smile on his face. "I'm not allowed to flirt with customers," Emily said, taking an exaggerated deep breath. "Well," Timmy said, "for one thing, I'm not a customer. I'm only bringing something to my friend Sarah, and she's having that older guy- -Jason's father--buy all this stuff for her." Emily wrinkled her nose at that idea, but Timmy went on: "Secondly, if you're not allowed to flirt with me, then what have you been doing for the last five minutes?" Emily suppressed a laugh and rolled her eyes. "Listen..." she said, "...Timmy?" "Yes. Timmy." "Timmy, right now isn't a good time. I like you and you're adorable, but... for a whoooole bunch of reasons, I just don't even want to go into what my boyfriend situation is like, much less get sort of semi- involved with anyone else, at all, at this time, sorry." She brought her hands together and gave him a sad half-smile. "Understood," Timmy said, and tried to hide his disappointment. ("At least," he thought, "she DOES seem to like me. And knowing that a girl like her could at least LIKE a guy like me--that means a lot right now. I needed to know that was possible again.") "I think this would probably look good with the rest of your friend's ensemble," Emily said, holding up a dangly necklace with several small sea-shells on it. "Oh wow," Timmy said. "That is really pretty. It would look good on Sarah, I think. It would look even better on YOU." Emily rolled her eyes again and said "STOP" in a playful manner. "Just stop. Teasing boy." Then Emily led Timmy back to the changing rooms. "Here, let me help you with those," she told him, taking the gigantic heeled sandals out of his arms and carrying them herself. In her arms, they looked slightly less gigantic. Her modest 3-inchers clip-clopped ahead of him and Timmy got to check out Emily's body. She had a nice little ass that moved very sexily in her black dress, and he also noticed a few jangly bracelets that she was wearing on her left wrist. ("She is so sexy," Timmy thought. "I love her style." "Err, a little help?" Emily asked. With the sandals and necklace in her hands, she couldn't quite open the outer door that led to the hall of changing rooms. Timmy tried it with his little fingers, but he just couldn't get the little golden latch to turn. Panicked, he hated to appear weak in front of his new crush! He tried it with both hands, though the latch itself was so small that even two of Timmy's little hands were too much to try to get a grip on it, but still he could only barely turn it a bit before it would slip and snap back in place. "I think it's locked!" Timmy said out of desperation. "Hm, no, it definitely isn't locked," Emily said suspiciously, "because otherwise you guys wouldn't've been able to get in the first place." She put down the sandals on a chair next to the door, and turned to Timmy. "Step aside, small fry," she said good-humoredly, brushing each of her bare arms as if she were rolling up pretend sleeves. Timmy did as he was told, hating that this disparaging comparison had to happen. Emily put one of her thin-fingered hands up to the little golden latch and easily turned it to the side. "Hm," she said. "Isn't that interesting." Then she let go of the latch, as if experimenting, and listened as it snapped back shut. "Oh I think I was turning it the other way, the wrong way," Timmy said hurriedly by way of explanation. "No," Emily said coolly. "It works both ways. See?" She turned the latch the other way and opened it that way as well, then again released the latch for it to snap back into the closed position. "Now you try," she told him, just the barest hint of a smile on her face. Anxious to get this over, but still hoping against hope to somehow succeed at the task, Timmy quickly scampered up to the door again attempted to turn the little latch, first with one hand, then the other, then both. No go, no matter which way he tried to turn it. At best he could only turn the spring-loaded latch about a third of the way necessary to release the door, then it would snap back shut again. "Here," Emily said, coming up behind him, "I'll show you . . . No, keep your hand there." Emily placed her hand over Timmy's. Her hands weren't big by any means, but compared to his they certainly looked a lot more adult. Her hand totally covered his from view, he could feel the metal of Emily's cool rings against his skin, and he watched as the backs of her fingertips, with their shiny dark red nail polish, found his own little fingertips and directed them onto the latch, holding them in place. "Ready?" the young woman asked him. "Uh, r-ready," Timmy stuttered. Slowly Emily turned the latch, pushing against Timmy's fingers to do so. At first Timmy was afraid that the mere pressure of her doing this would hurt his hand, but even though the strain on his little paw was great, he found that it didn't exactly hurt, and he liked feeing pressure when it was being exerted on him by a girl like Emily. "See?" she asked him, as she demonstrated how the latch could be opened one way and then the other. "Y-yeah," he said. Emily giggled. "Okay, now you try again." She took her hand away from his, instantly making Timmy feel a bit naked, betrayed and abandoned. He gave a half-hearted try but knew that it was no use. His hand was even aching a bit now due to the pressure Emily had put it under. He attempted the feat once again with his other hand, but it was no use. Emily giggled again. "Still no luck, huh?" Timmy turned to the girl and shook his head quickly, in shame. She was not THAT much bigger than him but in comparison to him she seemed infinitely more capable of performing basic tasks. How would he ever get on in life without someone like her being there to open doors for him? She chuckled. "AW!" she said. "You're so cute!" She bent her knees a bit, cupped his chin in one of her hands, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry, guy. We all have our off-days and we all have random things that we just can't do, y'know? Think you can handle these, though, for another dozen feet or so?" She handed him the sandals and he took them. Then Emily stepped in front of him and made a big show of opening the door, pretending to strain with all her might; then once she had finally budged it open just far enough, she gestured him to go through, saying that she "couldn't hold it much longer." Timmy slipped through and then felt Emily fingers dancing on his shoulders as the walked in front of her down the hall. When they met the others in the dressing room, Amy and Jason's dad had to leave and stand outside, for there wasn't enough space for all of them. Jason, of course, was pouting and sulking. His father was still trying to hold his sanity together, though Amy's bullying ways weren't making that easy for him. Sarah had presumably changed in and out of several other outfits--including shorts, shirts, and dress pants, judging by the rack of clothes next to her--but now she was back in the white swimsuit, waiting for Timmy to hand her the accessories. "Oh these are great," she said, taking the sandals and the necklace from him. "Your friend has excellent taste," Emily chirped, giving Timmy all the credit. "Yes he does," Sarah said, giving him a mock punch to his shoulder, "that's why he's friends with ME." Sarah reached back and fastened the necklace to her, showing off her toned arms in the process, and then she stepped into the high-heeled sandals. "These are awesome," she said, evidently pleased to be back towering over Timmy by almost two feet again. "Don't YOU think I look awesome?" Sarah asked, addressing Emily. "Yeah," she said. "You certainly look like what all the boys want these days." She wasn't wrong, Timmy knew. And Timmy did think that Sarah Thollen was probably growing into the perfect woman, though Rose Nordgren and now perhaps even Martha Thollen would give her stiff competition. Still, the comment seemed to shortchange Emily herself in the process. Timmy wanted to tell Emily, "No, I want YOU too; YOU are really special and I'm probably going to be wanking off to YOU tonight when Brooks puts me to bed!" but that would have been unseemly. Within the comment there was a slight air of criticism directed towards Sarah as well; evidently Emily was more inclined to say that BOYS liked Sarah than to admit--as her colleague Amy had done readily--that she herself considered Sarah to be good-looking. Timmy hoped that Sarah wouldn't take offense at this, because there wasn't a doubt in his mind that Sarah could wipe the floor with Emily twenty times over, but still... it made him respect Emily some for having the courage and the intelligence to say such a thoughtful, multifaceted comment. "Yes, I AM what all the boys want," Sarah said with much self- satisfaction. "Now, could the rest of you leave us right now? We'll be back out in a jiffy to pay for all this--Well, *I* won't be paying for it, but someone will." Once everyone else had left, Sarah turned to Timmy and wrapped her long naked arms around his slight shoulders. "Oh Timmy," she moaned. "How are you doing today, Timmy?" "I'm okay," he said, feeling Sarah's pert breasts press down onto the top of his head as she leaned onto him. His face was mashed right into her taut abdomen. "Pretty busy day, though, huh?" she asked him, pulling back and looking down into his face, moving her hands up and playing with his cheeks. "Uh... yeah." "I understand that you have been pretty frustrated most of the day, Timmy, with no--shall we say--release?!" What was she getting at. He tried to back away from her but she followed him and now had him up against the wall. He had walked into this trap. "I know how you feel," she said. "I know you can't help it. I know you wanted my mom to 'do you', but she wouldn't, and she had her reasons for leaving you in that state. To make you want her more." "Y-yes," Timmy admitted. "And I know that you've had a throbbing boner the whole time we've been hanging out today." "Y-y-yes," Timmy admitted. "I don't like to see you like this, Timmy," she told him, grinding his little body hard against the wall, mashing him good against her strong toned form. "I think I'd like it if you could sort of get it out of your system, if only to relieve you for a little while." "O-k-k-kay," Timmy said, nervous as hell. "So," she said, backing up and looking down at him as he collapsed to the floor. "Sort of like I told you last night: There is a pile of my clothes over there, so... all you really need to do is go dry hump it. I'm going to be wearing a new dress the rest of the day, so you can just wank in the jeans and shirt I had on earlier. They're going to have to be washed anyway once I get home." Standing there in her super-expensive white bikini, with its elegant fabric held together by gold chains, standing there with the seashell necklace on and standing in the 6-inch cork sandals that made her approximately 6'8", she said all this to him with a blank, matter-of- fact look on her face, one hand on her hip and the other outstretched before him, palm-up in offering. She said it as if it were the most normal thing in the world. "Okay, Sarah," he said, resigned to his task and absolutely knowing that he NEEDED release now. He took her hand and she helped him up. While Sarah undressed herself and began to put on her new dress, Timmy undressed himself facing the other way. And then he half-crawled half- scampered over to her clothes, hunched over them as if he were a little monkey, and then proceeded to straighten them out a bit on the floor. Her jeans were big enough for his entire body to lie on. He put them on just to see how much bigger they were on him, and the answer was MUCH bigger. Then he took her soft black turtleneck and made it into a pillow for him. The sleeves were long enough that he could string them down beneath him, wrap them around his penis and put them under him like a little cushion. Then, like a little bug in the rug--his hands beneath himself, feeling his penis and feeling the fabric of Sarah's clothes--he began to wank and to dryhump. He thought of Martha's overgrown--still growing--form, imagined her turning into a superhuman monster of QUEEN Kong-like proportions and destroying an entire city in her sexual rage. He imagined how it would feel if his whole body were somehow tucked in Martha's cleavage--right now she was nearly that big and he was nearly that small for it to soon become a real possibility. Then he thought about his new friend Emily and how cool and sexy her style was, how he wanted to be gentle with her and for her to be gentle back. For them to maybe go out on a date, maybe to a concert or something, and then go back to her place and fall into each other's arms. Maybe she would have a little leather jacket on while they fucked, and he would brush his hand through her platinum hair as he made out with her. This was doing it, he thought, his eyes were closed as his little haunches bucked faster and faster, about to hit orgasm. "Timmy!" Sarah broke in, "What do you think?" Instinctively Timmy opened his eyes and turned to look at her. She was wearing a very tight black dress with a spraypaint-like starburst of white splattered on the front. The dress fit her very well and displayed full cleavage with a slit going down nearly to Sarah's navel. It was basically sleeveless, although her shoulders were covered; Sarah's shapely toned arms hung down and one of her hands rested on her hip. The dress ended a couple inches above her knee; it was very tasteful but still showed an awful lot of leg, mainly because Sarah's legs were so long. Her long limbs, both arms and legs, looked so strong and supple. She also had on bright red glossy pumps with very daring 6- inch heels. She twisted from side to side and clacked the heels on the floor a few times. Then she nodded her head a bit, just enough to cause her sunglasses, which had been perched on the top of her head, to fall right into place. She shook her head a bit then to cause a few strands of lovely hair to fall on the side of her face. The rest of her hair was caught up in her long ponytail. Timmy took all of this in within a few seconds. Then: "Nooo..." he whined. It was too late for him to go back now. He began orgasming and pumping cum all over Sarah's jeans and shirt. He wanted to close his eyes and look away, but Sarah's piercing gaze wouldn't let him, and she with a knowing smile she kept saying "Timmy? Timmy? Are you all right? You don't like the dress?" all the way through until the last drop of ejaculate was out of him. He had done his best to think of Emily and Martha while the sperm was blasting out of him--and he even tried to remember his Aunt Rose and what it felt like when Brooks let him put his little knob inside her--but it was really no use: he had looked at Sarah's body the whole time he was cumming, and even though he still didn't "think of her that way", this fact was shame enough for him. He moaned and sobbed a bit. "Get up, Timmy," Sarah told him after a few moments. She bent and patted his shoulder. "Put my clothes with your little Timmy-stains on them in that plastic bag, and bring the rest of the clothes out when you come. I can't carry them all myself." She ended up carrying NONE of them, not out of the store anyway. All of the men carried her things for her after they were paid for. Jason's father nearly hit the ceiling when he saw the bill, but he too knew that there was no going back at this point, and Sarah was going to get her way. "This is more money than I've ever spent on your mother in my whole fuckin' life," he grumbled to a dismayed Jason while signing the check. Sarah was beaming with happiness and excitement. She was wearing her new dress and pumps and she had a whole new wardrobe of clothes to look forward to. Both Emily and Amy waved to them as they left, and Timmy was particularly happy that Emily made a special effort to say "Byyyye, Timmy!" and then give a trilling laugh. "I gave her your number, you know," Sarah told him, not five steps outside the door. "What?" he said. "Emily," Sarah replied. "I could tell that she liked you. So I gave her your phone number--well, the phone number at your aunt's house, but--" "You did?!" he cried. "Yeah, she was happy to have it. She said she'll probably call you." Timmy was ecstatic. "THANK you, Sarah!" she said. "Don't mention it, spud." Jason grumbled. "'Oh theeeeenk yew, Sawah!'" he mocked. Sarah stamped her heel down, stopped and whirled around to look down at her little schoolmate. "WHAT did you say, small one?" she asked. "I'm sicka this!" Jason said, and threw the bags he was carrying for Sarah down on the floor. "I'm not doin' this anymore. We're done here now, RIGHT?! So my dad and I should GO." "Your little daddy and you will go when and where I tell you to go," Sarah informed him. "And not a moment before. Is that clear?" The 18-year-old looked up at her with rage in his eyes. A few moments passed and then he bent down to dutifully pick up the bags he had dropped. "Fuckin' bitch," he muttered. "WHAT?" Sarah asked rhetorically. "Okay, THAT does it!" In one motion she scooped Jason up in one arm--wrapping one long hand around his entire neck--and then stormed back with him toward the boutique, her cold hard heels thundering. Jason's father and Timmy hurriedly picked up the dropped bags and followed behind. "I'M sorry to trouble you ladies again," Sarah said to Emily and Amy, who had resumed their places around the counter, "but we just had a little problem with this naughty one outside, and he needs to be disciplined a.s.a.p." "No problem," Amy said, while Emily looked on bemused and a bit skeptical. "You can use that chair over there, if it's okay." "It looks fine," Sarah said, power-walking over to a cushy leather chair, Jason in tow. Timmy and Jason's father furtively tiptoed around the outskirts of the scene, and Amy and Emily sauntered over to stand by them as well. Emily stood behind Timmy and even put her hands around his shoulders and leaned down so that her head was next to his. All were getting ready to watch the scene that was about to unfold. "O-kay, little boy," Sarah told him. "Time for the loudmouth senior jerkoff to get spanked by a 'little' girl five grades under him at school! This has been comin' for a long time, buddy boy, you've been asking for it and now you're finally gonna get it!" With that she turned Jason over, face-down in her lap and yanked his awkward oversized pants off. Jason's butt was nothing nice to look at. In places it was a bit hairy; it had a few zits on it; and it looked a sickly, pallid color. Sarah suppressed a laugh. "Looks like I'm going to need to wash my hands after this job," she said. She then held him down with her left hand and began whaling on his bottom with her left. He started crying but she kept up the pace nonstop, occasionally saying things to him along the lines of "Oh it's not that bad, you wussy" or "I know, I know, but we HAVE to do this". Jason's father just stood by and did nothing. He just looked on, unblinking at the scene that was playing itself out before him, probably trying to convince himself that it was no big deal. Really, of course, he knew that if he opened his mouth to protest he'd be the next one thrown across Sarah's lap for punishment. "She spanks hard, doesn't she?" Amy asked him. "Uh, y-y-yes," Jason's father answered. "Do YOU spank him that hard?" she asked with a smile. "Uh, n-no. I-I don't spank him." "DID you ever spank him?" "Uh, no, no I didn't. I don't really b-believe in it." "And yet you're going to let some strange girl spank the crud out of him while you just stand by?" Amy wanted to know. She was rubbing her brawny arms and studying Jason's father with growing consternation. "W-well... I-I mean, S-Sarah IS in charge here, and..." "I see how it is," Amy concluded. "You're just lucky she's not spanking YOU, aren't you?" "Uh, y-yeah I am, I guess." "You're also lucky I'M not spanking you." Amy smiled. "Girls like Sarah may be on the pill, but I'm stronger than most even though I'm off it, for now." Jason's father wobbled a bit on his legs, uncertain of himself, but Amy quickly caught him in a bearhug from behind. "Don't worry, guy, I gotcha." "So Timmy," Emily said, while all this was going on. "Has your 'friend' Sarah ever done anything like this to you?" "No!" Timmy answered almost too quickly. The last thing he wanted Emily to know about him was that he had been spanked on multiple occasions by multiple women, even by a 10-year-old as recently as yesterday, and that his friend--for she really was his friend, maybe his best friend-- Sarah had outwrestled him and purposely abused his body a bit simply in order to "show him his proper place". "Well, I'm gla-ad about that," Emily said, hugging his shoulders a bit more and nuzzling her head against his. Her soft blonde hair felt so good and she smelled so nice as well. "WHAT is this?!" Sarah asked suddenly, just as the spanking stopped. "WHAT did I just feel?" Jason said nothing but was evidently confused and nearly hysterical. "TURN your little body OVER!" Sarah bellowed. Shaking mightily, Jason did as he was told. Sarah's dress had pulled up a few inches as she sat there, and her bare bulging thighs looked so big in comparison to Jason's scrawny little body. "WHAT is that?" Sarah asked again, and the four onlookers crowded around to see. Jason's face was red with tears and he was sniffling, but at his crotch for everyone to see was a small but totally erect purple swollen boner. "GET rid of THAT!" Sarah yelled. Jason just sniffled again. "GET RID OF IT!" "I-I-I-I-I-I c-c-c-c-an't!" he said. "GET RID OF IT NOW! STOP IT NOW OR I'LL *RIP* IT OFF!" Totally traumatized, Jason threw his head back in mute frustration. He was completely overwhelmed and was about to have a panic attack. Sarah then turned to the rest of them. "I'm dreadfully sorry to ask this, but is there anyone here who would like to help little Jason get rid of this very little but very disgusting problem?" Timmy's eyes instantly shot down to look at Emily's hands. She was standing next to him now and her hands, with their cool rings and dark red nail polish looked so sexy to him. Even though he wanted Emily for himself, Timmy would have loved it if Emily stepped up then and volunteered to give Jason a handjob in front of everyone, if only to make his erection go away. Hell, if she did that Timmy would probably start masturbating himself again as he watched. "No? No one?" Sarah asked, looking from side to side calmly while Jason went into convulsions in her lap. "Ew, I'm not gonna do THAT," Amy whispered to no one in particular. "Okay, THAT'S IT THEN," Sarah said, slapping her knees and standing up so quickly that half-naked Jason tumbled to the floor. "Get your pants back on as quick as you can, Tiny--we're getting out of here." Doing as she bade him, Jason asked, "Uh, y-y-y-you mean I'm f-free to go now, then--" "NO," Sarah said, you still need to have your little stiffy problem dealt with, so I'm rushing you to the one woman I know who will be able to service you in short order!" She grabbed Jason by the scruff of his neck and began power-walking out of the store and back through the mall, with Timmy and Jason's father scrambling behind her to keep up, struggling with the mountains of shopping bags in their little hands. "I'm taking you to MY MOTHER!" ----- Martha had told them to meet her at the mall's information center. On their way there, however, they ran into a crowd of people gathering around a distant spectacle of some sort, and that spectacle turned out to be Martha herself. Sarah was still fuming but she had long since scooped Jason up in her arms. It was simply far easier to carry him that way than to drag him behind her. Surely Jason hated being carried through the mall for all to see, held high by a tall girl who was five grades under him, but on the other hand, after all, his arm probably would have dislocated if Sarah kept dragging him the way she was--and there was no way his little legs could have kept up with her. Timmy and Jason's father nearly gave up trying to follow Sarah. She was just so much faster. But every minute or so Sarah would turn around and wait impatiently for the two slowpokes to catch up. She would tap her red pumps impatiently, roll her eyes and scowl until they came close to her. "Try not to dawdle behind," she told them, frustrated at being held back in life once again due to men's deficiencies. "I would carry all three of you in my arms. But I just don't feel like it. For once, please try to carry your own weight, pull your fair share, and keep up with me, boys." Then she would whirl around and storm off again, naughty Jason clutched tight to the bosom of her short black dress. Sarah obviously reached the outskirts of the crowd before Timmy and Jason's father did. Since she was taller than virtually everyone else, she soon saw what the central attraction was. "OMIGOD!" she said, as Timmy and Jason's father came huffing up behind. "What is it?" Timmy asked. "COME AND SEE!" Sarah said, bending down a bit to snatch Timmy's hand. She was so excited that she almost crushed his hand in the process, leading them through the crowd, rudely pushing people--most of them men--out of her way. Finally Sarah stopped and Timmy, who had hardly taken two steps on his own since Sarah had grabbed him, came crashing into her from behind-- the side of his head and his shoulder mashing impolitely against Sarah's right buttocks and upper thigh. He nearly fell down completely, but Sarah's strong hand wouldn't let go. She yanked him up and swung him around in front of her. "Timmy, you are a disaster!" she told him. He was disoriented and scared. Mallgoers were all around him and there was a strange din of excitement mixed with consternation in the air. "I-I-I--" Timmy started to apologize. "Just shut up and LOOK," Sarah told him, bending down a bit so that she was on his level, and pointing. Before them, in an alcove of the mall, was the storefront of a comic book shop. Just outside of the door were some tables and chairs on which a dozen or so nerds were playing role playing games.--Well, none of them were playing games now, although a few of them were probably playing with themselves. Quite near the tables was a "life size" statue of the Incredible Hulk--green, muscular, half naked, and at least seven feet tall. Posing next to the statue, belittling it and showing off her even more impressive physique, was the star attraction that all the crowd couldn't stop gawking at: Martha Thollen herself. It seemed that in the couple hours that they had been apart, Martha had gotten yet another makeover. She still wore--if you can really call it "wearing"--the incredibly tiny pink and blue bikini. It looked smaller on her than ever, and when she turned around to show off her mammoth asscheeks, no hint of the thong strap was visible. She now had straight, shoulder-length platinum blonde hair, however, big gold hoop earrings, and shiny pink lipstick generously applied to her smiling lips. True to her word, she had traded her 6-inch platform boots in for an even larger size. The boots themselves were larger, to better fit her expanded body, and the heels were taller as well. She now wore skin-tight hot pink pleather boots with black trim. They were not quite "thigh-highs"--and it was a good thing too, because soon above her knees Martha's shapely thighs expanded so much that there was not a boot made that could hold them. The platform heels gave her another 9 or so inches. In total, Martha Thollen now stood over 7 and a half feet tall. She patted the Hulk's head, which came up to her shoulder. Then she bent a bit, daintily bent one of her legs behind her, and kissed the Hulk's cheek. Smiling as she did so, she then turned to the crowd and writhed her monstrous near-naked body in front of them, bending low and rubbing her thighs and knees with her hands--mashing her butt back into the Hulk statue as she did so--than bringing her hands up to cup and caress her behemoth breasts. She licked her lips and showed the audience her tongue, and then she turned to the side, put one arm around the Hulk's neck casually, showed the crowd one of her ass-cheeks and then slapped it loudly, gyrating all the while. Few if any of the dozens of people around her could even move, so captivated were they. All business inside the comic book shop had stopped. Workers and their manager had filled the space of the door, looking at Martha with their mouths open. Timmy found it hard to pull his eyes away from Martha. Probably he could only do so because he knew Martha personally and because the spectacle simply scared him so damn much. He didn't know what had gotten into her head to do something like this, and he had no idea how it would end or what she would do next. He wasn't sure how long this insane, obscene display had been going on, but judging from the size of the crowd, Martha had been performing here for more than just a couple minutes. It seemed as though every single person who had walked by HAD stopped to stare, and remained there, but the mall was only so big and- -perhaps luckily--there were not so many people out today. Timmy saw one of the gaming geeks at the nearby table start to spasm. He was a portly man in his late 30s, goatee and glasses, wearing oversized shorts and a button-up shirt. He was staring at Martha intently, and both of his hands were under the table. There was no doubt in Timmy's mind that the man was jerking himself off. His eyes squinted a bit and drool began to run down his pudgy chin. As if on cue, Martha suddenly turned directly toward him, pointed a finger--with its carefully manicured pink nail--at him, then brought this finger to her sexy mouth and licked it with her tongue. It was as if she were acknowledging exactly what the man was doing, approving of it, and also letting him know that she owned him. Looking about the crowd, Timmy saw several other men with their hands in their pants also, and they appeared to be going into trances as well. There was even a balding 40-something man who seemed to be telling his mortified wife--a short, uninteresting little thing in a boring sweater--to "shut up" and "leave me alone" while he studied Martha's every move, one hand playing with the bulge in his pants-- playing with it from the outside of his pants, no less. Suddenly Timmy heard Sarah say "Tim-my..." in a sing-song fashion, and he was directed to see that Martha was waving to them and smiling happily--her eyes like sideways crescent moons. Evidently Martha was very glad that the people she knew best and loved most in this world were witnessing her fantastic public display of gargantuan femininity. All in all, it should be said that Timmy was very glad he had just wanked off not too long ago. It was true that he already had another boner--what man could possibly look at the New Martha for more than two seconds and NOT get erect?--but he didn't have an irrepressible need to play with himself as of yet, and he was glad for that. This was yet another strange situation to be in. Exclamations of disbelief and groans of pleasure were heard throughout the crowd, and at any given time two or three cameras were going off. Sarah bent down to him. "Do you want to stay here and watch," she asked him, "or do you want to go up with me when I bring her Jason?" "Stay here," Timmy said in a pitiful, scared little voice. "You're adorable," Sarah told him, and gave him a few pats on the head. In Sarah's arms, Jason looked like a cat who knew he was about to be thrown into a pool or get a bath. He whined and yowled lowly and did everything he could to break free, but Sarah was having none of it. Walking up to her mother, she flexed her upper body hard, squeezing him painfully, and told him in a whispering voice to "Be good and get what's coming to you, boner boy." Martha smiled wide as Sarah approached, and the two big females took turns turning their heads from side to side and saying "Mwah!" as they fake-kissed each other's cheeks. Martha had to bend down quite a bit to do this, and this is what Timmy was struck by most of all at this moment. For the first time in many, many years, Martha actually looked like the big mama compared to Sarah. It wasn't just the heels either; Martha only had a 3-inch advantage there, and 3 inches were nothing when dealing with heights this high. Martha stood easily over a foot taller than her daughter now. The top of Sarah's head landed somewhere around Martha's neck. Martha could have put her chin on the top of Sarah's head now, and she'd actually have to bend her knees a bit and squat in order to do that. Martha's super-balloon boobs were right under Sarah's eyes, and even though Sarah was holding little Jason high in her arms, most of Martha's boobage was over his eye-level as well. "And who is this delightful little friend?" Martha asked Sarah. "I expect it's a little person who's been naughty, but maybe it's also a new little person for me to play with!" She smiled down into Jason's fearful, tearful eyes, and gave him a wide Mad-Hatterish grin. Jason was petrified; the giantess before him was more than he could comprehend, more than he thought could actually exist in the real world. He could hardly cope. The deadly combination of Martha's sexiness, sheer physicality, and ultra-commanding presence stretched and strained the limits of little Jason's perception of reality. "This is Little Bitch Jason," Sarah told her mother. "He's a much older boy who's deathly afraid of all of us 'little' girls, for all the reasons you might expect." "MMM-HM!" Martha said. Clearly matters of the "Fairness for Females" act, and general small-minded male misogyny, were so well-understood that it didn't even matter what the exact nature of Jason's crimes were. Martha knew his type. "As you might expect," Sarah continued, cuddling Jason hard in her arms and rocking him back and forth like a baby, "I have had to discipline him more than once, but do you know what I found at the end of our recent spanking session?" "Oh I think I can guess," Martha hissed happily. "But why don't you tell me. It'll be just between us." She gestured to the crowd then. It was true that neither Martha nor Sarah were "performing" now--they didn't need to, the audience was going to stay and watch Martha for as long as they could, no matter what--but their words could be heard by the twenty or so people closest to them--the front row, as it were. "I found a nasty hard little dick!" Sarah said, with playful disgust in her voice. "And that's a major no-no where I'm concerned." "YES, IT IS," Martha said loudly, looking menacingly into Jason's quivering face. "I told him that I needed to bring him--and that little THING of his-- to YOU. Because you'd know what to do about it." "Oh I certainly DO know what to do with hard little dicks! Yes I certainly doooo!" Martha drawled. At that, several orgasmic moans went off in the crowd. "Well that's good, mom," Sarah continued, carefully peeling Jason off of her chest, "because here's a rather NASTY little DICK named Jason!" He didn't want to go, but Sarah forced him out of her arms and then shoved him down far onto the ground below, so he was finally back onto his own two feet. "Meet Jason Peterson," Sarah said by way of conclusion, placing a hand on the small of his thin back to force him forward. "He is 18, stands all of 4'6"--if that, tops, for now--weighs probably a TENTH as much you, when he's soaking wet, and has an awful throbbing hardon that for the last twenty minutes I've gotten real fucking sick of feeling jabbed into my boob while I carried him!" Sarah and Martha both laughed. Of course, they WERE performing a little--for Jason's benefit at least. Sarah pushed him forward again and then backed away to stand by Timmy. Jason was an absolutely pathetic dwarf next to Martha. Understandably nervous, he was stooping a bit; but even if he were standing up perfectly straight, he wouldn't've even been level with her crotch. In her boots, Martha's legs were taller than his entire body. And each of her solid, curvaceous legs looked like it was about four times the size of his twiglike form. As he shivered before her, Martha threw her head back--shaking her gorgeous blonde hair in the process--and cackled. "Hahaha! I LOVE LIFE!" she said. Then she looked way down at the little man whose head was more than three feet below hers. A smug expression came across her face, as if she were thinking "Oh little man, what I could do to you." Timmy couldn't help but hear a few more moans from the audience, and one man in particular, just a few feet away from Timmy, seemed to be starting to have an orgasm. Timmy held Sarah's hand tightly. Martha bent her knees just a bit, flexing her goddess body in the process, but clearly she wouldn't deign to stoop so ridiculously low to look Jason in the eyes. "Do you want to take your stupid clothes off in the next two seconds," she asked him calmly and politely, "or do you not care if I destroy them too when I destroy YOU?" Scared out of his mind, Jason fumbled like hell to get his oversized t- shirt off and to step out of his baggy shorts. When this was accomplished, Martha held one of her hands over his head, with an index finger pointed down, and twirled it in a little circular motion. Getting the hint, Jason turned around to face the crowd. All could see the throbbing little purple penis--roughly three inches long, though fully erect--that he had evidently been dealing with for some time. "Oh, dear dear," Martha mused. "Don't tell me, little Jason, but do you actually have a CRUSH on my little daughter, who is so much your junior even though she is so much your superior?" Jason looked up at Martha nervously, not wanting to answer but knowing that failure to speak would result in crueler forms of embarrassment and punishment. "Y-yes," he squeaked. "Oh dear, oh dear!" Martha said in mock shock. "And yet I told you NOT to tell me. Hm. Well. Well, well. And you have this crush even though you philosophically disagree with her--though calling your reactionary male viewpoint a 'philosophy' is being too kind. But you claim to hate Sarah and everything Sarah stands for--for, yes, Sarah has told me all about you before, little Jason Peterson--and yet... you still have a hard--a 'big' hard boner for her?" "Y-y-y--" Jason tried to answer but was too scared to get the word out, so he changed tact: "I-I-It's A-A-ACTually for y-y-you N-NOW, th-the boner!" he stammered, his voice wobbling, almost shrieking at times. "AW," Martha said, smiling down at him tenderly. "How adorable. I think that's ever so much nicer and better and more proper. In fact, if you hadn't a boner for me, THAT would be far more insulting and IMPROPER!" She reached her long, bare, insanely solid and curvy arm down and patted Jason's goofy curly hair with her big long fingers. "You seem like a real geek, Jason, I'm sorry to say," she told him, a glint in her eye. "I bet a boy like you probably feels at home near this comic shop and next to cartoon characters like the Hulk, huh?" She stepped to the side a bit so that the Hulk--an immense statue in and of itself that was totally hidden from view when Martha was in front of it--could be seen by the audience. Still playing with Jason's hair, Martha took her other hand and patted the Hulk's head, the top of which was about level with her mouth. "N-no," Jason said. "No, I n-never came here before." "Oh, but you'll certainly COME here now," Martha joked. "And you ARE a geek, though. Right? I mean, it seems to me that you're a little boy who's been awfully lonely and without much female company of any sort in life. Right?" She bent down a bit and began playing with Jason's face and pinching his cheeks a bit. "Y-y-yesh," he said, as Martha fingered his lips. "Not enough females around to set you STRAIGHT," Martha said. "That's what I thought. Tell me, Jason, are you a virgin?" "...Yeah," he said, trying to hang his head but the side of Martha's big soft hand got in the way of his chin. "Then I think it's time that changed," Martha said slyly. Then she withdrew her hand, bent her knees a bit more, and held her arms out wide to him. He half-stepped and half-skipped into them, almost tripping into her arms, so nervous and anxious was he. She wrapped her arms around him-- each one of them was almost his size--and squeezed and nuzzled Jason's naked little body. Timmy felt very uncomfortable and was starting to get a hardon himself, in spite of everything. He turned around and couldn't believe that this was actually taking place. Where were the cops? Where was the mall security? Finally he saw them. Two men in uniforms and some sort of badges. A fairly tall black man with a moustache and a white man with a shaved head. Both of them were simply observing the situation with their mouths hanging open and their hands creeping toward the front pockets of their pants. Martha had scooped Jason high up into her arms and was kissing and making out with his entire body. She used her immense breasts as a sort of "shelf" on which to place Jason, and she only needed to nonchalantly play with and manipulate his body a bit to ensure that he didn't fall off. Her boobs functioned halfway between two big bouncy cushions or two waterbeds beneath him. As his body was toyed with and tossed this way and that, Martha's gigantic mammaries throbbed and bounced up and down, this way and that. The straps of the bikini were cutting deep into her ballooning flesh, but she didn't seem to mind. At this point she was evidently so superhumanly strong and durable that she could withstand any sort of pinching from clothes that were too tight. She probably enjoyed the stinging pain since it was a clear result of her being so damn big. She yanked Jason's body this way and that, playing with him in whatever way whim and fancy struck her. She'd grab a little leg like it was a drumstick and use it to throw him upside-down. Then she'd twist a thin little arm, just to make him yelp, and then capture his open mouth with her own and shove her tongue inside for half a minute or so, barely even letting him breathe, slobbering all over him in her voracious rapture. All the while she refrained from touching his penis either with her hands or mouth. She wanted to, and he REALLY wanted her to, but Martha didn't want to risk an early explosion. Martha then slowly fed Jason's body into her titanic cleavage. Once he was started down, she cupped her massive breasts and held him there, closing her cleavage and keeping him held aloft by the pressure. Then Martha eased up her grip some, and a few more inches of Jason slid down... then she hugged her breasts tighter again, stopping his descent. His arms were sticking up, his hands from the dangling limply around Martha's chin, and his little head was nose-deep while almost the rest of his entire body was engulfed within her gigantic boobage. Only his little feet and ankles were hanging out below. "Oh GOD!" someone in the crowd yelled in ecstasy. Timmy turned and happened to see Jason's father standing to the side, in the direction from where the scream came. Timmy wasn't sure if it was Jason's father who made the noise, but the man was definitely playing with himself now. His mouth was half open; his head was cocked to the side; he had a sleepy expression on his face, and he had one hand down the front of his windpants, stroking something hard. He was watching his little 18-year-old son be dominated sexually, in public, by the biggest sexual beast of a woman anyone had ever seen, a 40- something-year-old MILF who stood seven and a half feet tall. Jason's dad was taking this all in and probably wouldn't've traded the experience for anything else in the world, other than a chance to be in his son's place now. Timmy turned back to the action and found that Martha had a quizzical expression on her face. She seemed to be noticing something. Timmy observed closer and could see the tips of Jason's little feet jerking a bit, perhaps indicating that above them somewhere, lost in Martha's cleavage, the little man's haunches were bucking, as he attempted to dryhump/boob-fuck big Martha. "No no," Martha said to Jason in a sexy voice. "Uh-uh. Now stop that. If you don't stop it I'll hurt you very badly. I'll let you go soon-- I'll let you have your fun soon, because I know you can't last much longer anyway--I have experience with LITTLE MEN passing out while having sex with me--but it has to be on my terms, when you have your little squirt." Jason winced and almost started crying. It was clear that stopping was very difficult--resisting this urge now was the hardest thing he had ever had to do in his entire life--but he knew he had to do it. His feet stopped twitching. "DAT's a gude widdle boyyy!" Martha said, then relaxed her grip on her breasts and let Jason slide the rest of the way through her cleavage. Now absolutely drenched in sweat, barefoot Jason slowly landed on Martha's boots. His little toes were just an inch or so above her decidedly larger toes. Standing on top of her boots, which were on top of her platform heels, Jason was nearly a foot off the ground. Even with that height boost, his head still didn't quite come up to the bottom of her boobs, and his throbbing little penis still didn't come up to her crotch. He clung to her massive thigh. Martha laughed a bit and then jiggled her leg. Her kneecap slapped against Jason's ballsack. She looked down at him tenderly. "Is it about time, sweety?" she asked. "Is it about time for you to finally release yourself inside a woman?" Jason nodded and blabbered out some sort of positive utterance. So turned on and totally overwhelmed was he that he couldn't even form coherent words at this point. "Hm," Martha considered, rubbing her chin with one of her big sexy hands. "First I want to see something. Hop down." Jason was reluctant to do so. He moaned and grabbed her thigh tighter-- though his sweaty little arms could not wrap themselves all the way around--and began rutting against her. "Down! Down, puppy!" Martha said, shaking her thunder-thigh a bit and throwing Jason off. "Stand UP now, doggy!" she told him. Jason scrambled to his feet again, his expression one of tortured frustration. He couldn't get want he wanted--what he needed--to get, and she was prolonging it to the point where he was about to go mad. "Just one quick thing, puppy-puss, then I'll let you inside me," Martha said. She turned around quickly then, showing the crowd her massive ass again and presenting its splendor right in Jason's direction. She leaned her head to the side then, and tried to look back. "I can't see!" she said laughingly. "I am too big now! Oh dear--I'm too ROUND!"--Here Timmy heard two men in the crowd go off simultaneously.-- "Can someone tell me--haha!--can someone tell me if his little head even comes up to my ass?" "IT DOESN'T, MOM!" Sarah yelled happily, obvious pride in her voice. "His poofy hair might touch it, but it looks like the top of his head comes up to just BELOW the BOTTOM of your butt cheeks! Oh god, Jason, you are PATHETIC!" Sarah started giggling uncontrollably and Martha also threw her head back and roared with laughter. Timmy heard Jason's father moan. "So, Jason, how does it feel," Martha asked him, still looking back sideways at him, squatting a bit and shoving her ass out in his direction, knocking it into his head, "to be 'UNDER A BUTT'?" Jason just shivered, and both females chuckled again. "O-kay, little boy!" Martha finally said, turning her big body back around to face her new friend. "Come to Momma Martha now! Don't be shy!" Jason didn't even have time to approach her of his own volition this time. Martha simply bent over, put her big hands under his armpits, and lifted him up--way up high so they could look at each other in the eyes. "Hello, cootie," she said. "First a kiss--then your little dickie can play." She looked at him with a forced dreamy expression, brought her pink- pink lips to him and inhaled half of his face. She sucked and slurped him all over for the next minute, drooling spit all over him, and when she finally pulled back and let him go--he was coughing and gasping for air--most of his face looked like one big hickey. "Well, that'll last for a while," Martha said nonchalantly. "So you can think of me every time you look in the mirror." Her hands still under his armpits, she then lowered him down another foot and a half. His throbbing boner was now level with her vagina, at least, and--as luck would have it--his head was roughly level with a good deal of the gigantic expense of space and distance that was Martha Thollen's breast region. "Oops," Martha said suddenly, and raised Jason up again. "Get your little tootsies through those straps so you can sort of 'sit in me'." She took one hand away from him and held out the straps of her bikini bottoms. She held out one strap and then the other, guiding one of Jason's legs and then the other through. She then lowered Jason again and he slid into Martha's strained bikini bottoms. His legs were in the openings hers were in, and his butt rested, cradled in the front patch of her bikini bottoms. Even though the bit of fabric had looked so tiny on Martha, covering her pussylips and not much else, it proved to be more than enough for Jason; it covered his entire butt and held him comfortably. Martha took her arms away and he now sat facing her. He wrapped his legs as far as they would go around her huge thighs--which wasn't very far at all--and began rubbing at her breasts. Smiling, she took the tiny strap of string that went from one boob to the other in the front of her bikini, and she stretched it out so that it went behind Jason's head. Then she parted her boobs as best she could with her other hand, and let the strap go. Jason's head was sling-shot into Martha's cleavage. The bikini front held it there fast. He moaned. "Are you in down there? You're so tiny that I don't know if I'd feel anything..." She carefully probed his little crotch and reached down there with her pink nails with the white French tips. "No, you're not in there. You're hard but you're not in there. Here-- let me." She played around with his crotch a bit, squatted a bit herself in order to spread her vagina some, and then finally stood up straight again. "THERE," she said. "NOW you're inside!" From within Martha's cleavage, Jason moaned. Martha laughed then, brought one hand up to her face and flicked some of her shoulder-length blonde locks over one ear. She then blew a kiss to the crowd and laughed. "Go wild!" she told Jason, though she also may as well have been addressing the crowd also, as now many more people--some who had already had several orgasms, some who had been waiting for this all along--began putting their hands in their pants. Pitiful little Jason tried to buck and hump as best he good, but it was evident that by now his meager body was almost exhausted after all the trials it had been put through, first by tall teen-queen Sarah and now by massive matriarchal Martha. "Oh if you won't do it better then I'll do it for you!" she said sharply. Then she clutched Jason's butt with one big hand and began gyrating. She shoved him deep inside her, squatting and pumping and flexing rhythmically and HARD. Jason's moans suddenly got a lot louder--a lot louder than Timmy thought the little guy could possibly moan. Martha herself bore an expression of ecstasy as well. "Oh, I can BARELY ALMOST FEEEEEL you, Jason!" she said mockingly. She absolutely was feeling something, though, even if 90% of her ecstasy was due to awe at her own accomplishments here today. Well-deserved pride was a great aphrodisiac and a relatively good sextoy as well, it seemed. Eventually Jason and Martha both let out simultaneous screams of pleasure. And as if in response, a very loud chorus of moans went up from the audience as well. Jason's body went totally limp then and it seemed he had nearly passed out. No longer a virgin, he had just experienced an orgasm for the ages, a sensation so colossal that it almost broke his body and mind. To say nothing of what Martha had done to him, just this sensation experienced on its own would have been enough to bowl him over and leave him shaking in the fetal position for hours. Martha's gigantic arms, which were nearly as big around as Jason was, clutched his little body to her chest one more time for good measure, then she began to go about the process of freeing him, first his head from her cleavage and then his bottom from her bikini bottoms. He was drenched in sweat and even his hair was soaked. At the end of it, she lifted his little, shivering naked body up to her face, gave him a last tiny little kiss on the nose, and then unceremoniously and shockingly just dropped his body onto the floor. He lay there, a tiny wet mass of almost lifeless skin and bones, in a little pile. He was totally without movement, but a couple seconds later he gave a little gasp, as if to let everyone know that he was alive, if only barely, though recovery would take a while. "When you met me you were a little tiny boy," Martha told him, looking down imperiously from over seven feet above his small crumpled form, talking loud enough for most of the crowd to hear. "But thanks to me, now you know what it feels like to be a 'BIG STRONG MAN'!." She delicately put forth her right foot then, and with the toe of her giant hot pink boot she delicately lifted and draped Jason's entire body across her foot and then thrust him off, plopping his little body over until he was lying on his back, totally spent and destroyed, his little tummy quivering as he strained a bit to take in air. Martha raised one foot then and delicately placed the bottom of her platform boot on Jason's quivering stomach. She looked at the crowd then, smiled and winked, pouted her shapely pink lips then and licked them with her tongue. Several more orgasmic moans went up from the audience, but mostly people started clapping and whooping. The applause wasn't exactly thunderous, however, mostly because the majority of the crowd was still too shocked by what they saw. Sarah and Timmy walked up to Martha, now that the show was over, and Jason's father dawdled up behind them. Totally ignoring the little form of his son, who was still recovering on the floor, Jason's father told Martha: "Y-you a-are aMAZing!" "Why THANK you, Mr. Peterson," Martha replied. She then offered him her hand and the man took it as if it were the greatest gift in the world, nervously touching it with both of his hands, shaking it a bit, then kissing it and eventually bowing down before her in an exaggerated act of worship that didn't seem to be much of an act at all. "Are you two ready to get out of here?" Martha asked. "I LOVE that dress on you, Sarah. Black IS your color. And those red pumps are to die for!" "Thanks, mom!" Sarah chirped, primping herself a bit and kicking back one of her heels. "Yeah, we're ready to go, it's just that I promised I'd get Timmy an ice cream." "Has he been a good boy?" Martha asked, a glint in her eyes. "Yes he pretty much has," Sarah replied. "Pretty much?" Martha asked. "Pretty much," Sarah concluded with a smile. "Alright then," Martha said with a sigh. "I'll just gather up all our bags and lug them to the car myself then. Too bad I didn't have a little male helper to do that for me this time." She smiled at Timmy. "But I guess my baby-slave can take a breather just this once." They said goodbye to Jason and his father, both of whom were still recovering from the experience, and walked off on their own. They left Martha just as a group of about a dozen little Asian tourists had found her. The painfully short people, most of them men, were scarcely bigger than Jason was, and they all began taking each other's pictures while standing next to a posing, beaming Martha, who was happily soaking up the attention. Some of them began climbing Martha's body as if it were a playground, hanging off of her arms and sitting on her large shoulders. As the cameras continued to flash, Martha called to Timmy and Sarah: "Don't be long, you two! I promise I'm just going to let a few of these cute little men get off on me--and then I'm going right to the car with our bags!" ----- Timmy was so happy to be alone with Sarah again, holding her hand and walking through the mall, hearing the loud clacking of her new 6-inch heels as she walked--the sound had become both authoritative and reassuring to Timmy's ears. "What did you think of the Petersons?" she asked. Timmy stifled a laugh. "Err, I feel bad that you have to go to school with one and also feel bad that the other one is on your school board." "Yes," Sarah said. "Still, there's fun to be had with them, as you might have noticed." "Sarah?" Timmy asked plaintively. "Yes, Timmykins?" "You don't think of me the way you think of them, do you? I know I'm an awfully little, pathetic man and everything, but..." "Oh come here," Sarah said to him, bending down and taking him up high into her arms before resuming her walk through the mall. "You are so adorable. Of course I think more of you than I do of them. I know you are a perfectly polite, pliable little male. The best sort of boy a girl could ever want as her friend." She kissed him on the cheek then, and Timmy blushed. At the ice cream stand Sarah ordered a frozen yogurt and Timmy got a child-sized vanilla ice cream in a cone with pink sprinkles on top. Sarah ordered this for him, as one would expect of a girl holding a boy in her arms. They then went to sit on one of the nearby benches. As promised, Sarah sat Timmy on her left knee, turned him to face her, and occasionally bounced him up and down a bit while they ate. "We can't be too long, you know, Timmy," Sarah warned. "My mom's probably already back at the car by now, and if we keep her too long she's just going to come back into the mall and cause another scene, just out of boredom." Timmy couldn't imagine how his mind could take witnessing another public-sex performance from Martha. Once was enough, and by now his little testes had recharged enough that he would be totally enthralled with Martha himself and would probably not be able to refrain from playing with his penis in front of her, and in front of everyone else. Just thinking about it now made him start to get a boner. He just wanted to go home--back to his aunt's mansion--and go to bed where it was safe. "Too much excitement for one day," he told Sarah, his lips coated with vanilla. "OH MY GOD, SARAH?" came a voice. They turned and saw a man who looked to be in his mid 30s. He was tall and broad-shouldered. He had tan skin and thick wavy brown hair. He wore a very expensive-looking tan business suit. "Hello, Paul," Sarah said calmly. "How are you doing?!" the man asked, very excited. "I just thought I'd go to the mall and--" "Yes, I know we're in the mall, Paul," Sarah said sharply, turning back to her frozen yogurt, "so you don't have to state that fact. And I am doing fine, thank you." "I've tried to get back in contact with you!" Paul said, undaunted. "But you never answered my messages or--" "No, I never did, did I?" Sarah replied, licking her spoon. "Are-are you, uh..." Paul faltered. "Are you seeing...? I mean... Who's this?" He gestured toward Timmy. Sarah calmly ate the last spoonful of her yogurt and then dropped the empty dish in the adjacent trash bin. She cleared her throat. Then she carefully repositioned Timmy so that he was held safely and securely in one of her arms, and then stood up. "This, Paul," she said, "is Timmy." Timmy looked over at the tall handsome man with some trepidation. He was not as tall as Sarah--though probably if they were both barefoot he would've only been an inch or two shorter--but he was certainly very big and imposing compared to Timmy. Even held in Sarah's arms, Timmy could sense that. Paul looked like just the sort of "alpha male" that often made Timmy nervous. It was not that Paul's sort of man seemed like he was a bully, but he was simply "over-socialized" and seemed to radiate a sort of masculine success and pride that Timmy had never known in himself, could never hope to aspire toward, and thus feared. Paul made an effort then to shake Timmy's hand; he reached a large clean elegant man-hand out toward Timmy, but soon saw that there was a problem. "Um, err..." Paul said skeptically, pointing at Timmy. The little man looked down to see that his ice cream cone was indeed running over, dripping onto his hands and onto his Wonder Woman t- shirt. "Oh Timmy!" Sarah said, trying not to sound as frustrated as she was. "I knew we should've got some napkins for you! That's my favorite old shirt you're wearing!" She hurriedly set him down on the floor and looked around a bit in a panic. "I think I might have some wipes in my bag," Paul said, shifting over a strap that had been running diagonally in front of his suit and revealing a sort of leather messenger bag whose shape resembled that of a briefcase as well. "That's a nice purse, Paul," Sarah said absentmindedly. "It's, err, not a..." Paul began nervously, opening up the bag and scouring through it. "I mean, uh, thank you, Sarah. And h-here." He held out two thin napkins that seemed like they came from a fast- food takeaway. Sarah snatched them and bent down to give them to little Timmy, who quickly tried to sop up and stop the dripping ice cream. "Eat it faster, Snuckums," Sarah whispered, before standing back up. Paul shuffled his feet awkwardly and was clearly uncomfortable with Sarah now being so much taller than him. Evidently he hadn't seen her very recently, and that combined with her new 6-inch heels made quite an impression. "Well, uh, I have to say, Sarah... You, uh, you look GREAT." "Mmhm, thanks, Paul," she said dismissively, then added "A girl does try" in a somewhat sarcastic way insinuating that with Sarah everything was effortless anyway. "Anyway, uh... Timmy?" Paul said, awkwardly trying to fill the silence even though all sense of social etiquette would have told him that Sarah did not want to be disturbed and that he should leave. "It's, ah, nice to meet you." Timmy looked up at the tall man but couldn't answer him, as his mouth was full of ice cream. He definitely didn't want to keep Martha waiting, and his nervousness at this new meeting made him just want to preoccupy his time with something anyway. What's worse, he didn't want the ice cream to drip anymore, either! Timmy was roughly eye-level with where Sarah's bellybutton was. Paul was only staring into Sarah's collarbone. It was a treat for Timmy to see a male come even within a foot of Sarah's height, but he didn't much like the vibe he got from Paul, so he was happy to see the man towered over to some degree at least. "He's my BOYFRIEND, Paul," Sarah suddenly said, very sternly. "I have a boyfriend now--so just GO." Paul looked from Sarah to Timmy with much confusion. "He...?" he began. "He's your...?" "YES," Sarah said, smiling aggressively at him. "HE IS. SO GO." "But how can someone so little, possibly...? I mean, *I*, a guy like me, could--" "PAUL," Sarah said loudly, stepping up close to Paul--sandwiching Timmy between them--and looking down at him derisively. "YOU are not so very TALL compared to me anymore, EITHER! IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED." At that Paul nervously sputtered: "Err, well, y-yes I-I noticed, I... I think you look GREAT, Sarah, I--" "Just get out of here, TWERP!" Sarah said, palming his face and shoving him backwards. "O-okay, Sarah," Paul said. "S-sorry to have o-offended! I-I'll see you--" "Yeahyeahyeah!" Sarah said quickly, shooing him off by making scuttling motions with her hands. "I'll see you in school and at the committee. Yes. Fine! Go!" Paul almost tripped over his feet as he hurried away. "Who was that?" Timmy asked. He had eaten his ice cream then--had eaten the WHOLE thing--and was very proud of himself. He was dabbing his sticky little hands with the napkins. "Is he a senior, too?" Sarah snorted. "No. He's a teacher, and also the interim principle." "Really? But he--" "Yeah," Sarah said, "I don't really want to talk about it. He is such an annoying putz." "So, uh, is he against the 'Fairness for Females'--?" "No, he's very much FOR it," Sarah said with some exhaustion, rolling her eyes. "He'll say anything women want to hear and is such an insincere slimeball that I don't know if HE knows what he really thinks about anything. Eventually, some girl is really going to have to take him over her knee and spank some sense into him. And I really hope that that girl doesn't turn out to be me, but it's looking like it might have to be." She thought for a moment. "Maybe I'll bring you in for show-and-tell on the day that I do it, after the F-for-Fs act is passed. Would you like that, Timmy?" The idea of going into a school to see a bunch of dominant young girls in mandated high heels ruling over every man in sight filled Timmy with trepidation, especially if he was being brought in for the express purpose of witnessing Sarah teach at least one remaining male authority figure a tough lesson. Still, he nodded his head. They started walking to the mall exit together. Timmy reached for Sarah's hand. "Ew, your hands are all sticky," she told him, pulling away. "I-I'm sorry, Sarah," he quivered. "Aw, come here, try it again," she said gently. "I guess I can handle a little stickiness from my 'boyfriend'." Timmy smiled and they gasped hands again. "Did you have a nice time at the mall, spud?" Sarah asked him. "Yes." "What was your favorite part? Seeing my mom dominate and destroy Jason? I know that must've made you at least a little hard!" Timmy blushed. "No, my favorite part was spending time with my best friend... my 'girlfriend'!" Sarah smiled but told him with a critical air: "Okay, but let's not joke about that anymore. We're 'just' friends. Good friends, but 'just' friends. Do you understand. You are my friend but not my boyfriend. Boyfriend stuff is on a different level, and on that level... you're not my boyfriend, you're more like my best bitch. Do you understand?" "Yes," Timmy admitted with slight reluctance. When it came down to it, much as he loved her, he really was her bitch too. She had control over him and that was how things were supposed to be. They were good friends--best friends--but still Sarah was in charge. She ordered Timmy around and Timmy took it, accepting that she was above him in the hierarchy, but also knowing that every decision Sarah made for him was the best and wisest decision for all. Sarah controlled Timmy sometimes for his own good. And for the greater good of society. This is how things should work. Timmy knew that he was very lucky to have found someone like Sarah to order him and make decisions for him sometimes, during those hours and days when no other better suited female was around to control his life in her stead. ----- When they got to the car, Timmy noticed that Martha had taken off her heeled boots and had pushed her seat back as far as it would go. She was simply getting too tall now and could barely fit in the car; she had to drive it barefoot and with her plump solid knees bent up on either side of the steering wheel. Her massively curvaceous body appeared stuffed into the driver's side; it did not look comfortable at all. "We're just going to zip back to my place quick, Timmy," Martha told him as he climbed up on Sarah's lap again, "THEN I'll drive you to your aunt's." He wanted to return home sooner than that and didn't see what Martha needed to stop at her place for, but he said nothing, not wanting to provoke an argument so late in his seemingly never-ending visit with the Thollens. Martha drove even faster on the way home than she did on the way to the mall. The air was cold and crisp; riding in a convertible made Timmy almost unbearably cold, but luckily Sarah was there to wrap him under her coat, hug him and keep him warm. And Martha was driving as fast as possible, to ensure that the drive didn't take long. It was clear that the car really was annoying for her to sit in. All Timmy could think, as they sped down the streets, was how much he hoped that a cop didn't pull them over. He didn't think he could handle another scene of a big tall woman surely dominating yet another male today. He just wanted to crash on his bed, go to sleep, and dream of innocent, old-fashioned things. Before he knew it, however, Martha had pulled into her driveway and lurched the car to a screeching stop. "You can help carry the bags in the house, Timmy," she told him. "Come on now. You didn't carry any of them to the car, so it's time you did your manly duty for once." Timmy didn't care how insulting Martha's directive might be, he just kept his mouth shut and did what he was told. Anything just to get this all over with and be taken home a.s.a.p. Still, he was very much annoyed at just how many bags full of clothing Martha had purchased. The trunk was jam-packed. It took him ten trips back and forth to lug everything inside--he had no coat and the late afternoon really was starting to turn cold. Sarah and Martha had both disappeared into the house as soon as he got there and were nowhere to be found once Timmy was finally done with his little assigned chore. "Hello?" Timmy said meekly, trying not to sound impatient. "I'm, uh, done, a-and r-ready to go home now? Martha? Sarah?" No answer. He took his little ballet slippers off--they had snow and slush on them and were awfully wet and cold on his little feet--and tentatively walked through the house. He paused at the chart on the wall showing Sarah's height as she was growing up. ("Maybe I can use this to see how tall--er, how short I am now," I thought.) He didn't want either of the Thollens to catch him doing this, though, lest they dramatically interfere and make a whole huge embarrassing scene out of it. So Timmy furtively snuck over close to the wall, put his back to it, and raised his hand to scratch his head for no reason. But just as he was about to move his hand over to the wall, to hold it there as he turned around to see where his current height would fall in relation to the various markers of Sarah's-- suddenly Martha burst into the hallway. She was barefoot and dressed in her big pink bathroom again. "Come with me, Timmy," she whispered to him quickly, grabbing onto his forearm with her large soft hand. "Let's hurry." She yanked him behind her, his scrambling feet barely touching the ground again, as she hurried back down the hall and into her bedroom. At the entrance she stopped, spin, and more or less threw Timmy into the darkened room. Disoriented, he hurdled forward and tried to stop himself, but his little legs could not overcome the momentum that Martha had exerted onto his little body. He clumsily crashed into the side of Martha's bed and then managed to turn around to look back at her just as she was shutting the door and locking it. The shades were drawn and the room was lit only by a single red lightbulb. "Hi Timmy," Martha said, as she slowly sauntered up to where he was lying on the floor. "Uh... hi?" Timmy said. "Sarah is going to take you home," she told him, smiling. "Uh... what?" Timmy's mind began to race. He knew how mature Sarah was for her age, and surely there was no task that she couldn't accomplish, but did Martha actually want 13-year-old Sarah to DRIVE him home? Clearly when dealing with these daring women, who always seemed to come out on top and do anything they put their minds to, there was nothing out of bounds. In another split second, however, Timmy had to consider that perhaps Martha meant that Sarah was to WALK if not CARRY Timmy all the way home to his aunt's mansion, which was a few MILES away. "She's going to ride her bike," Martha explained, grinning down at him. "The roads are bare enough now and she wants the exercise. She wants to get really toned this year"--("She already IS pretty toned," Timmy thought)--"and she seems to think that you should be able to hold onto her well enough to survive the trip in one piece." "Oh... okay." ("I GUESS it'll HAVE to be 'okay'!" Timmy thought. "Since you aren't giving me any damn choice in the matter!") "Yesh," Martha said softly. "She is changing her clothes now, checking her email, and getting her bike tuned up, readjusting the seat and so forth. That means you and I have a FEW minutes to play." Martha undid her robe then and dropped it to the ground. This revealed a new item of clothing that Martha had evidently bought that day. It was a full silken bodysuit. It was pink and had elegant swirling designs on it. It was stretchy and skin-tight on her, clinging to her every violent curve and outlining her stupendous jutting breasts perfectly. "I know it is nearly the end of winter," Martha said, a soft look in her eye and a tender tone in her voice, "but I just had to have this. It's for sleeping in; silk is great for keeping warm. I thought also that you might like it and might even like to climb inside it with me." Dutifully, Timmy said nothing but slowly managed to climb to his feet and stand before the goddess. His boner felt very hard indeed as his trembling hands tried to take his shirt and pants off. The funny thing, though, was that at the moment he felt light-headed and couldn't quite manage to carry out this simple action. Much as he wanted to, he was now too weak and distraught to even undress himself. He got his shirt almost halfway off, but then it became stuck on his head and he wasn't strong enough to force the fabric over. The elastic band around his waist had also proven too formidable for him to thrust down below his meager hips. He had no choice but to give off a single pathetic whine, thereby admitting defeat and asking big Martha for help. "There there, Timmy," she said, squatting down to attend to him, "I'm here. I will help you." Martha quickly stripped Timmy of all his clothes and lifted him up. "Here we are, big boy," she said to him, nuzzling him nose-to-nose and hugging him against her big bosom--which by now was far, far bigger than he was. "Now let me put the little tadpole down the hole..." Still holding him under his armpits, she lifted him up higher now, over her head. With her arms fully upstretched Timmy's little feet were dangling around Martha's neckline. Noting that this meant Martha's arms were nearly as long as his entire body now, Timmy throbbed with fearful joy. She jostled his body around a bit so that his feet went under the collar of her silk one-piece. Then she slowly began to lower him down into her clothing by way of the collar. "Isn't it better to get you inside this way, rather than going through all the trouble of unzipping me from the back?" Martha asked. "Isn't this a lot more fun?" Timmy made an excited "Mm!" sound, and Martha chuckled. He felt his thin little bare feet begin to brush against Martha's naked boobs. They felt so big and bouncy and warm to him. "Oo, Timmy! Your feet are freezing!" she told him. "That's okay, though--I'll warm you up soon enough..." She kept lowering him and lowering him. His little hips were not even as big around as Martha's neck was, so he continued to slip down inside her suit easily. "What a little pantywaist you are..." Martha teased. Timmy was shivering and throbbing so much with anticipation now. Once he was immersed up to his chest, Martha let go of his armpits and began to put pressure on his back, holding him from outside her silk clothing. He eagerly put his arms down then and, not without some struggling, fit them down through Martha's collar. "Can you hold onto me now, little friend?" Martha asked, smiling down on him. Timmy nodded his head. He felt so warm and Martha's body was so unbelievably big and soft. Almost the entirety of his body, from neck to knees, was engulfed by Martha's gigantic chest. Her clingy silk garment held him close to her, and the material felt so good against the back of his little body--especially in the places where Martha's big hands were rubbing him from the outside. "If I take my hands away, will you fall?" she asked him. He just moaned. He didn't want her to take her hands away. Whether he would fall or not, he liked her hands as they were, holding and rubbing him through the silk. Instinctively, he clutched her tighter, his hands spread as wide as they would go around her massively expansive breasts, and he fingered her soft boob flesh. Martha chuckled delightfully but then slowly withdrew her hands, placing them on her hips. Timmy held her even tighter and put his head down against the opening of her collar, right where the top of her cleavage began. "Ready, Timmy?" she asked. "Here we go..." Timmy didn't know what she meant, but he felt her big body begin to walk forward in a straight line. He knew that there wasn't very far for her to go, and sure enough, without warning, Timmy felt his back crash into the far wall. Martha continued to thrust herself forward, though, mashing him harder and harder, his back against the wall and his front against her naked boobs and chest. His head was pressed hard against her, so hard that even the beginning of her breast cushion gave way and he felt Martha's big collar bone. Most of the rest of his body, however, was completely sucked into Martha's cleavage so deeply that it didn't even feel nearly as much pressure. Martha's boobs completely enveloped him, and they were so big that they buffeted him from the wall. Still, since the boobs literally wrapped around his body, he did feel some force coming back at him as Martha continued to push herself against the wall. As for his arms, they instantly folded under the pressure, and the force of Martha's boobs against the wall inadvertently shoved them down and underneath their massive expanse. Lastly, Timmy felt his little toes just come into contact with Martha's bellybutton. For a woman of her size, her tummy was surprisingly taught, especially when it was pressed hard against a wall. Timmy just gave a little muffled moan. From high above he heard Martha cackle happily. He was so turned on that wanted more than anything to buck his hips a bit and try to come, but his body was completely encased in Martha and he couldn't move a centimeter anywhere on his body. He felt Martha jostle herself side to side a bit, really making sure that Timmy was crushed and smucked good. Then she bucked her own hips a few times to bang him against the wall harder. After another laugh, Martha eased up the pressure some. She pulled her head back some, which thankfully eased up the force with which Timmy's head was shoved against Martha's collar. His head now rested comfortably against the upper region of Martha's generous boobage. She drew her feet back some too, which had the effect of easing the pressure from Martha's stomach that Timmy had been feeling from his knees down. He was now basically just being held by the pressure of Martha's big big boobs against each other and against the wall. She leaned forward a bit and then pulled back, again and again, gazing down on him with a soft look in her sparkling eyes, watching as her mammaries smushed around him more and more, tighter and tighter. "Your face is getting so red, Timmy," she told him calmly. "And it is as if you are disappearing, being eaten by my cleavage." Next she began to do a sort of swirl motion, getting on her tiptoes and leaning to the left a bit, then bringing his body a few inches higher in the air as she slowly leaned to the right, dragging his body against the wall as she went, then lowering him a bit, squatting her knees somewhat and pushing off to the left. She repeated this move several times, once changing directions to do the same technique in a counterclockwise way. Totally overwhelmed, Timmy had no choice but to take it. His body was broken and limp. His boner was painfully erect but he didn't even have the strength to try and dryhump--no doubt Martha would just stop him anyway, as soon as he started, by crushing him hard against the wall again, so hard that he couldn't move. Finally Martha stepped back from the wall. Timmy's little body was held up simply by Martha's tight cleavage now, which ran all the way from about Timmy's mouth to his lower thigh. "OH YOU ARE SO CUTE!" she told him, not being able to resist putting her hands around him and rubbing and hugging him through the silk again. "Just one more thing and then I'll let you squirt," she said, and walked over to the full-length mirror. "Look, Timmykins," she told him. "I want you to take it all in good, so that you really know what you're up against." Dutifully, he tilted his head--a motion which was not easy for someone whose body was still 90% trapped in cleavage--and spied their reflection. Martha looked terrifyingly gigantic, and it was good that she hadn't stepped close to the mirror, otherwise he couldn't've even seen much of her. Her silk bodysuit with the dark pink swirls still looked so elegant on her, and it held and showed off the curves of her hips and protruding ass to unbelievable effect. As if she knew right where his eyes were, Martha pivoted a bit to the side so that Timmy could really get an idea of just how big and round her ass looked-- scary big, and profoundly curvy. Every bit of her seemed to get bigger and curvier all the time, in fact. Even the way the tight silk sleeves looked around her thick solid arms seemed so curvy and supremely feminine. And even though an adult male was on her chest, her boobs were so big, and her cleavage so deep, that Timmy hardly noticed any interruption in the curvy "shelf" of the silk around her chest. Were it not for the side of Timmy's little head, poking out from the top of Martha's collar, most people wouldn't've thought that this big naked woman had anything beneath the silk one-piece. Martha tossed her shoulder-length platinum blonde locks, causing her silver hoop earrings to bounce around a bit, and smiled down at Timmy with a classic smile. "Timmy?" she asked him, cocking her head a bit to the side and with a bemused expression examining his face in the mirror. "Y-yes, Martha?" he asked. "Do you know just how big I plan on getting?" Timmy shivered, and at that he felt her soft skin jiggle around him as Martha softly laughed at his nervousness. "Uh, n-no... H-h-how b-big do you plan on g-getting?" "Big enough to make you squirt your whole balls out just thinking about me." She smiled widely and her reflection looked into his eyes intensely. "And... I THINK I'm almost there. But don't worry, I definitely have more than a little growing left to do. I do hope you'll come back soon to visit me and check it all out?" He whined and trembled a bit again, and again he felt her controlling, enveloping body shake again with soft inner laughter. "Now, however," she continued, "I think it is time for you to have your little bit of fun." Timmy moaned in response and began to buck his knees a bit. "So get down there," she instructed him, arching her eyebrows a bit. Martha put one gigantic soft palm on the top of Timmy's head and pushed down slowly but forcefully. The sensation was not entirely pleasurable, as Timmy almost felt his body begin to crumple, but eventually the force was enough to push him lower, down through the constriction of Martha's cleavage. Lower and lower he went until he felt his little ballsack and ass come in contact with the crotch of Martha's one-piece. "Can you fumble your little paws down there and fit your peeper inside me?" Martha asked him, in the same babyish tone an adult might use if she were talking to a child about how to tie his shoes. By now Timmy's face was mashed deep into Martha's cleavage and it wasn't easy for him to breathe. Still, he desperately tried to position himself so that his arms could move down toward his crotch. "Here, let me give you some more room and a breathing tunnel," Martha said. She then put her hands on her boobs and pried them apart a bit. This had the effect of giving Timmy's upturned head a much easier supply of air, and he quickly thrust his hands lower while he had the chance; but when Martha let go of her boobs they closed back around Timmy with a tremendous, pinning force. He could breathe now, but he was totally squished from neck to crotch. Luckily, however, his hands were in the right place and had just enough room to work in. He fished around and found his throbbing 3.5-inch pecker. It was so erect and sore that it almost hurt to touch it, but he did, with one hand. And with the other hand he found Martha's gaping, waiting vagina. She had squatted a bit and bent her knees to help him, and sure enough, her vagina was already puckered and dripping wet, ready for him. He put his tiny penis inside and whined. "Okay, are your little hands out of the way now?" Martha asked. "I don't want to close the clamp on them too. It might break them." Timmy gave an assenting sound. Martha stood back up and her vagina closed surprisingly snugly around Timmy's tiny member. "Are you ready?" she asked. Her vagina felt so big and loving around his little dick. His entire body was encased within her soft but firm, smooth woman flesh. Again he gave a meek assenting "Mmhm!" Martha chuckled at this of course, considering most of Timmy's utterances cute and adorably pathetic. As he rested against the crotch of her silk one-piece, hanging in mid- air, facing her, with his little legs now draped a pitifully short way down the legs of her silk one-piece, pressing against her big meaty soft thighs, Martha began to jiggle as Timmy began to buck. The sensation was incredible. He felt so small and little, especially because her clothes were about a hundred times too big for him. And his little pecker rutted into Martha's tight vagina with an almost painful zeal. He then felt her body start to spin around the room a bit, in motions that were slow but very disorienting for him. Martha went high up on one foot, twirled a bit, and came back down and spun a different way on the other foot. This went on for about half a minute and Timmy was getting very dizzy. He closed his eyes, but just has he did so he felt Martha's body become more stable. He didn't know where they were in the room, but as Martha's body tipped itself backwards, he could guess. They went hurdling down through the air in a whoosh, eventually crashing onto Martha's big sturdy bed with a tremendous bounce before they settled, with Timmy on top of her and the force of the impact having shoved him hard against her and as deep as possible inside her. He was so turned on now, so thrilled that she had let him be on top and in a traditional missionary position, that he literally could hardly contain himself. He looked up, began to buck, and saw her pretty face with its sparkling blue eyes, fair skin, distinctively Jewish nose, and wide pink lips looking down at him. "Go wild, my little one," she told him. "I command you to squirt for all you're worth into your big goddess now." He felt her hands come up and cuddle his naked backside through the silk. Her entire smooth naked body felt like a giant bouncy wonderland beneath him. Her hand stroked his back and against the silk it felt so good. Her other hand gently spanked his little butt as he fucked her, and her soft hand was so big that it easily covered both of his little butt cheeks with plenty of room to spare. He strained and moaned and humped and humped and humped. It didn't last long because he couldn't hold out long. But it felt perfect. Soon enough he felt a joyful liquid sensation rising in him, and he moaned louder as the cum began to pump out of him--squirt, squirt, squirt-- into the vagina of the biggest, sexist, most wonderful woman in the world. He wanted more than anything to serve her, honor her and obey her, and that is just what he was doing now, coming into her just as she had graciously ordered him to do. Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, for all he was worth--just like she told him. When it was over his entire body was a limp, exhausted wet noodle. Though he could barely open his eyes, he felt Martha lifting him out through the opening of the collar. She had total control over his body, and like a mother might do to a toddler, she lovingly dressed him--good thing, too, for he felt too weak to do so. She put Sarah's old Wonder Woman shirt back on him, complete with the vanilla ice cream stain that silly Timmy had gotten on it earlier. Then Martha paused a bit and thought. Timmy was regaining consciousness a bit more now, just enough to notice that there was something different about the underwear Martha was putting on him. This was not the pair of Sarah's old panties that he was wearing earlier. It felt different, and bigger. He opened his eyes wider to notice that onto his haunches Martha was hiking up the thong bikini bottom that she was wearing earlier. It looked so impossibly small on her earlier, but he remembered how earlier the front of it had seemed to fit Jason's ass quite easily, and now it was fitting over Timmy's frontside with plenty of room to spare. "There are brown stains in the panties you WERE wearing," Martha told him. "You really need to learn how to wipe yourself better. Anyway, as you might have noticed, this thong doesn't really fit me very well anymore, so you may as well have it--to remember our special day--don't you think? Here, turn around." He did so and felt Martha taking the slack out of the thong and waist straps, then tying them together in a smart little knot so that the bottoms fit better. Timmy shivered and put his head down. He already knew how Brooks would react to seeing him dressed in the Wonder Woman shirt, but now she was sure to get even more of a domineering kick out of seeing him in Martha's bikini bottoms. There was no way that he could avoid Brooks seeing these; she was due to undress him and get him ready for bed, and there was no way he could be able to muster enough strength to take off these clothes by himself anyway. Suddenly he felt Martha's big hand give him a quick sharp spank across his entire butt. Evidently she had noticed how sad and annoyed he was getting. "DON'T be NAUGHTY!" she told him. "You have been such a good boy almost all day long. Don't ruin it now, or I will be VERY angry and disappointed with you. And I know you don't want that." Timmy put his head down and looked a bit ashamed of himself. "I really have been very proud of you today," Martha continued, now lifting him a bit to fit his legs into Sarah's old pink pants and hike them up. "You are becoming such a proper man, Timmy, getting better every day and learning and accomplishing so much. I don't even see you all that often--I WISH we could spend so much time together EVERY day-- but even I can tell that this is true. And despite all the help and guidance that I know you have had in all this, from wise women like me and Sarah and your aunt and her maid--and even from the girls at the party last night, I noticed, even from little Stephanie!--you should still be very proud of YOURSELF for bettering yourself and rising to the challenge in such a manly way!" Timmy didn't feel like he was learning or accomplishing anything or bettering himself. It felt more like he was being constantly overwhelmed, more and more, and being sucked back into a childish existence of uncertainty and dependency, all at the whim, mercy and malevolence of increasingly strong (and increasingly good-looking) women. They were too good-looking and too strong now. Nothing could stop them. It was already way too late. And truth be told, if he got to hang out with women like Martha, he would gladly sell himself into abject slavery anyway. "I'm so proud of you and I LOVE you, Timmy," Martha told him at last, bending down to capture his little face in her wide pink lips. "Now let's hurry and have Sarah take you home, finally. Your aunt will be worried sick and probably think we kidnapped you, or sold you to the Chinese women for slave-raping!" ----- It should have come as no surprise to him, but Timmy's mouth still dropped open when he saw what Sarah had chosen to wear for their bike ride: A tight black and gray sports bra, which ended only an inch or so below her breasts, and matching black and gray lycra shorts, which only came down about three inches over her strong thighs. She also had shades on, as well as sporty fingerless black leather exercise gloves, and cool-looking white, gray and blue sneakers. Her dark hair was drawn back in a ponytail again, and her exposed midriff allowed Timmy to admire her pearl teardrop bellyring once again. "Are you ready already?" she asked him with a smile, her perfect white teeth shining under her sunglasses. Timmy nodded and turned to say farewell to Martha. The giantess had put her big pink robe back on and bent low so that Timmy could give her a goodbye kiss on the cheek. Of course, Martha took care not to bend too low--not quite low enough really--so Timmy needed to stand on his tiptoes and really stretch for his lips to be able to reach Martha's soft cheek. Sarah had a very professional looking bike that was far bigger than anything Timmy himself could ride comfortably. He felt butterflies in his stomach as Sarah led him by the hand out into the cold late afternoon air and down the driveway. "At first I thought you might somehow ride behind me and wrap your little arms around my abs," Sarah told him, "but I don't think the seat is long enough to accommodate the both of us. So, really I think it'd be best if you just sort of sit facing me, in my lap so to speak, and hug me the whole time until we get there. Agreed?" Timmy nodded his head nervously. "I'll try to ride as quick as possible, and I know it's a little chilly out, but all in all I think this'll really be fun and bring us closer together--don't you think?" She put a gloved hand on Timmy's shoulder and squeezed him into her side. Timmy watched as Sarah threw one of her very long, nearly bare legs over the bike, sat on it, and with the toe of her sneaker lifted up the kickstand. "Okay, little guy," she told him, bending down a bit and stretching her arms down toward him. He approached shyly and she noticed his trepidation as soon as she put her hands on him. She paused after she scooped him up, holding him easily with her two hands clamped entirely around his thin tummy. "Don't be nervous, Timmy," she instructed. "Be good." Then she drew him close to her and he wrapped his little legs around her taut defined stomach. He also snaked his arms around her and hugged her as tight as he could, his little hands on the small of her nearly naked back. "You're like a little baby monkey clinging to his mother as she swings through the jungle!" Sarah told him. Then she put her arms forward, allowing Timmy to notice how smooth strong they looked, and grabbed the bike handles. "Ready?" she asked. Timmy hugged her tightly and moved his head toward her. As she lifted her feet off of the ground and onto the peddles, she leaned forward as the bike began to roll. Her sizeable chest, covered in the black and gray sportsbra, smushed down into Timmy's head in a way that made him feel a sense of safety and protection. The bike ride was pleasurable, especially once Timmy closed his eyes. He knew that Sarah was going far faster than he felt comfortable traveling in this way, but any reservations were just products of his stupid cowardly male ego; Sarah was in total control and was more than capable of performing this task at this speed. So Timmy simply lowered his eyelids, held himself close to Sarah--soaking up some of her bodyheat--rested his head against her breast-pillows, and was rocked nearly to sleep by her big thighs as they came up and down beneath him, jostling him rhythmically as she peddled. He was so drowsy by the time they arrived at his aunt's that he hardly even noticed when Sarah got off the bike and took him to the door, carrying him in the same position, in her arms. Only after she rang the doorbell did Timmy really take stock of what was happening. "Oh God!" he suddenly said, his eyes wide open now. "Y-you should've just dropped me o-off! You d-didn't--y-you don't--need to b-bring me to the door! I-I-I can--" But it was too late. Brooks had been summoned and she was already opening the door. Timmy had hoped to slip into the house without attracting anyone's knowledge, but now he was going to have to deal with a meeting between Sarah and Brooks--and maybe his aunt as well. Brooks smiled radiantly as she saw Timmy clutched tight to Sarah's chest. "Aw! Isn't that just fucking so adorable it makes me want to come," she said. Timmy turned to look at the maid. All this time with Martha had made him forget how hot she was. Brooks Fraser, the perfect badgirl. She was dressed in skin-tight leather pants, and had black leather pumps on as well. She wore a skimpy dark red velvet tubetop that showed off most of her modest cleavage. She had dangly silver cross earrings on and her short hair was gelled and styled. "Rose!" she called, turning her pretty head back into the mansion. "Your little nephew is back! Come take a look at him before his girlfriend leaves!" Brooks then turned back to Sarah and both females laughed. "Nice to meet you," Sarah said brightly, holding out her hand. "Nice to meet you as well," Brooks replied. "Timmy doesn't stop talking about how much he loves you, so it's great that I finally get to see the girl he's so obsessed with. Well, the other girl besides myself." Sarah laughed. Timmy blushed and buried his head in Sarah's chest. "Hello, Sarah!" Rose said, stepping into the wide doorway. "I hope our little one wasn't much trouble for you?" "No," Sarah smiled. "He was a good boy almost the whole time." "Almost," Rose and Brooks said in unison, raising their eyebrows a bit. "Almost," Sarah repeated. "Did you have a nice Sweet Thirteen, then?" Rose asked. "Yes, ma'am," Sarah said, pleased with herself. "We played games and did height measurements and even some wrestling." "I bet Timmy liked that," Brooks added. "And then today we went to the mall," Sarah concluded. "And we had a nice time there, too. Didn't we, Timmy?" She looked down at him expectantly and had to somewhat forcefully reposition him so that he wasn't hiding his head anymore. "Y-yeah," he said furtively, looking over and up toward his aunt. Even though he had been hanging out with a heeled Martha Thollen and a super-heeled Sarah Thollen almost all day long, Rose still looked so indomitably tall to him. She wore a very expensive looking purple sash about her. It was thrown over one side, exposing so much of her perfect caramel-colored skin. It clung to her tall aerobic body very tightly in some places and ended at mid-thigh, exposing her long tan legs that went on forever. For footwear she wore brown leather boots with golden buckles and heels that must have been at least 6 inches. She also had on several silver bracelets and dangly silver earrings. Her supermodel- like face looked down at Timmy with bemusement, and her chestnut hair was styled in a very sexy layered bob. "It sounds like you had a WONDERFUL time, Timmy," his aunt said to him, holding out her long bare arms. Sarah took the hint and handed Timmy over. Once again, even though he had been in the arms of two very tall women many times that day, it was nothing to the thrill he got of being in his young aunt's arms. Rose just seemed so much more capable and sure of herself--more so than Sarah, even. And Timmy instantly thrilled to Rose's scent as well; whether it was perfume or her natural feminist odor, he didn't know--but he loved it. She pulled him in to her chest and he instantly took to it, hugging her and putting his little cheek against her bare shoulder. "It's quite a coincidence," Rose said. "Because Brooks and I were just heading out for an adventure to the mall as well. So, lucky that you arrived before we had left, Sarah. And lucky for Timmy that he gets to have another fun trip at the mall with two OTHER wonderful women now!" Timmy thrust his head back and his little eyes betrayed a feeling of anguish, shock, pain and injustice. The three women laughed. "Thanks for taking care of him for us," Rose said to Sarah as the latter returned to her bike and Brooks and Rose walked with her. "No problem," she said, then added: "Catch you later, 'lover'!" as she bent over toward Timmy and gave him a peck on the cheek. Rose had to lower her arms a bit for Sarah to be able to reach her little captive. "Bye, Sarah," Timmy squeaked sadly, and the three women laughed at him again. ====== Next time: A few little dates with a few Emilys... and a few large fights with Brooks, i.e. Timmy's new roommate. Don't forget to discuss and vote for your TWO favorite female characters here: http://www.amazonlove.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5708&hilit=