The Rapist Gets a Lesson By Daedalus98 A hard man is good to beat, but a bad man is FUN to beat! Tina Thomas had just finished a tough, grueling session of legs at the gym. She was a fitness competitor getting ready for a regional amateur fitness competition. She had been training weeks preparing for her first competition in years. The statuesque blond-haired American-born Swedish beauty stood an impressive 6' 1". Her body -- especially her legs -- was cut and chiseled, and most people felt she was ready to take on all comers at any competition, any time, any place. The perfectionist in Tina knew more hard work was in store if she were to take the top $10,000 dollar prize. Winning this competition would help propel her into the pro ranks. Her beautiful blond hair rested on the broad shoulders of her sexy tanned body. Tina made her way out of the Rock Solid Gym feeling comfortable, and on top of the world. Tina loved the Rock Solid Gym because only serious body-builders worked out there. She hated the other "pussy gyms" with their juice bars, posers, and mirror sluts. She of course gave a pass to competitors using the gym mirrors to check exercise form, symmetry and posing routines. Tina detested people clearly not serious about training, only there for a good time. She trained at the Rock Solid Gym because that shit did not fly there; people respected her space, and accepted Tina as one of their own. Tina is one of the sweetest people in the world until you piss her off. Tina was almost to her car when she spotted the only man on the planet whose little pencil neck she wouldn't mind snapping. The object of her anger was none other than the town's serial rapist, Tom Fink. This bastard was responsible for at least three known rapes of women in her town. One of his victims was Lori Minton, Tina's best friend in the whole world, whom Fink had drugged, and raped while at a party. Lori was a childhood friend, it hurt and angered Tina personally to see a woman whom she considered a sister go through that. Lori had reported him to the local police, who arrested Fink. Strangely, the court released him on a technicality. His release was due to the judge being his dad's childhood friend. The rape happened two years ago, and Lori had not been the same since. Lori was so happy and full of life until that asshole came along and stole it all away from her! He was the worst kind of scum on the face of the planet and soon he would get his. Tina Thomas decided right there that she was going to be the person to avenge the hurt and anguish that Lori and the other women endured at the hands of that monster. Tina quickly made her way to her car and, starting it up she waited for Fink to make it to his vehicle, a shinny, black 2012 Chevrolet Corvette. The Rock Solid Gym was located in a shopping center and as Fink pulled out of its parking lot, Tina was hot on his tail. Tina had picked up a few pointers from cop shows on how to follow someone. Keeping her distance Tina followed him two towns over to an upscale neighborhood. The house that Fink led her to was a modest (at least in that area) three-story brick house, complete with a huge four-car garage and a perfectly manicured lawn. Tina had stopped up the road parking against the sidewalk, and watched as Fink pulled his car into the garage. Tina would be back and ready to teach this little worm a lesson he would never forget! The next day around the same time Tina drove over to the worm's house. She waited up the street until the worm drove up into the huge garage in his shinny corvette. This time Tina was prepared and ready to go. She had brought along a rope and a micro tape recorder tucked inside her gym bag. She sat planning her next move, and after a few minutes, she exited her vehicle starting toward Fink's house. Tina was dressed comfortably, in a tight-fitting T-shirt, that showed off her ample breasts, huge shoulders, and strong steel-cord arms. Her low-cut jean shorts showed off her tan, sexy, long, chiseled, legs. Tina completed the outfit with some flip-flops that caressed her shapely feet. Tina casually walked up the long walkway to Fink's front door. The blonde Amazon paused prior to knocking; Tina wanted to make sure that she was ready to put on a good show. Tina was by no means afraid of this worm; she could easily kick his ass with one arm, and she simply wanted to carry out her plan flawlessly. She knocked on the door and waited for Fink to answer. When he finally did, Tina was like a hungry lioness wanting to pounce on her prey. The livid muscle woman restrained the urge to destroy him on the spot. Fink gasped when he saw the tall, fit, blonde beauty standing in the doorway. Tina stood nearly a foot taller than Fink. Trying to get his mouth to work he finally asked, "Well hello there, what do you want?" According to her plan, Tina answered, "My car broke down a little ways up the road, and I was wondering if I could use your phone?" she explained moving her fingers along his bird chest. Tom Fink couldn't resist a beautiful woman, especially one built like an Amazon. He let her in the house, and then immediately went to the coffee table in the home's huge living room to retrieve his phone. Fink returned with his phone handing the device over to the hot blonde woman now standing in the hallway. "I don't have a house phone, just my Smartphone." Before he could finish his sentence Tina delivered a powerful blow to the solar plexus bringing him to his knees. Tom Fink didn't have any time to react before he found himself on his back looking up at the Swedish goddess whose flip-flopped left foot was now resting on his throat. He tried to move, but she applied increased pressure as he struggled. "I could crush you like a bug right now!" Tina snarled. Her legs were like steel rods, and Fink's face displayed a look of horror as he realized the situation he was in. "That would be too easy WORM; we are going to play a little game instead." Tina informed the puny man. Tina took the Smartphone in both hands, and started to bend the plastic back and forth. The muscles in her powerful forearms were straining the device's plastic case until finally Tina snapped his phone in half. "There will be no more phone calls," she said tossing aside the now broken, useless device. He again tried to squirm out from under the crushing pressure of her foot. "Please! Please don't hurt me!" he pleaded still struggling to get out from under the Amazon's grasp. Tina applied even more pressure with her sexy flip-flopped foot, looking down at the pathetic worm underneath her. She took a good look at his skinny frame; he was a pale little scarecrow of a man. Tina disregarded his pathetic plea; she removed her foot from his throat and knelt down next to him. She grabbed his hair lifting his head off the ground, and the last thing he saw was a powerful fist barreling toward his face, then blackness. Fink slowly came to, finding himself seated in one of his dining room chairs. He tried to move, only finding that he was bound to the chair by some tough nylon rope. His head ached and he tried to focus his eyes. Once able to focus Fink realized he was in the display room for his valuable collectibles. He looked down and noticed a bag on the wood floor near him. He had one of the most valuable collections of sci-fi, model car memorabilia in the world. The room was huge, comprised of his prized possessions neatly placed on shelves and in display cases. Fink let out a loud, desperate yell: "Help me, someone... please!" Suddenly his head snapped forward "Shut up you little worm! "Nobody can hear or help you!" Tina was in the room and was now standing in front of Fink. Tom regarded his sexy captor, now wearing a bikini top along with her shorts. His eyes scanned her sexy muscular body from head to toe. "Look at me you filthy little WORM!" she commanded snapping his head up. "What are you going to do with me?" he meekly asked. "I'm going to teach you a lesson you puny worm!" She immediately responded with controlled seething anger. "You like to prey on young women for your sick perverted pleasure," she continued, "Now I'm going to prey on you for my pleasure!" Fink was terrified but also strangely slightly aroused at that prospect. "This is how things are going to go; we are going to play a little game." Tina explained. "I'm going to take away your stupid, precious toys, one by one, and if you make any noise you'll be punished," she said looking around the room at where to start. "I realize how valuable all this junk is, but more importantly I also know what it means to you," she revealed. Tina felt a little tent pole in his pants starting to erect after she placed her left barefoot right on his crotch. The Amazon woman grabbed his hair applying pressure on his growing cock. "I wouldn't get too excited worm!' she briefly paused. "This isn't for your pleasure!" She removed her foot, let go of his hair and stood back in front of him. Putting on her pair of flip-flops she told him, "I want to take away who you are, just like you did to your victims." Tina went on, "You see when you raped those women you changed them forever." Fink tried to interrupt, and received a powerful, quick jab in the nose for his troubles. His nose started to slowly bleed on his shirt. Tina ignored that and went on. "I want you to feel what it's like to be helpless, having who you are taken away piece by piece," she said. Moving to the shelf containing the model cars, she ran her fingers over the beautifully constructed models. They were valuable and extremely rare. "You spent a lot of time, effort, and money obtaining these didn't you?" she asked, not caring for a response. The collection of muscle, sports, and antique model cars stood majestically on display. Fink's squirming in his chair, and the uneasy look on his face gave Tina motivation. "Don't worry WORM I'll be real gentle," she mocked continuing to peruse the collection of priceless models. "Please be careful with those!" Fink yelled. "What did you just say to me?" she asked smacking him hard across the face without hesitation. "Shut up you pathetic piece of shit!" she yelled following the slap with a punch to the jaw. Tina walked back over to the shelf of priceless models and started playing with them again this time a little rougher than before. Fink just sat there, a look of despair and horror on his face. He started to say something, but thought the better of it. "How old are you, WORM?" she asked, accidentally knocking one of the models, a corvette, off the shelf. Fink gasped as the model hit the hard wood floor. Tina pretended to ignore the toy on the floor. "Answer me WORM!" she commanded purposely crushing the model on the floor with her foot. The sound of plastic crushing was devastating to Fink. He answered her quickly hoping to avoid another crushed model, "I'm forty-one!" She walked over to Fink, and again punched him the face this time rocking his head back. "Shut the fuck up, WORM! Tina commanded knocking a few more models on the ground. This time she kicked off her flip-flops and started to play with one of priceless car models, another corvette, with her bare feet. She pushed the metal car along the wooden floor. Finally getting bored she opened the tiny doors of the car with the big toe of her left foot. Holding the car down with her right foot she displayed amazing toe dexterity and started bending one of the doors back and forth. The tires started to give way as she applied pressure to her powerful leg and foot while playing with the door. She kept playing with the door until it finally broke off, and then started with the other door, breaking it off as well. Kicking the broken metal doors away, she opened the hood and trunk of the doomed model. The Amazon crushed the open hood in the opposite direction breaking the piece off doing the same with the trunk. "What do you think of that WORM?" Tina asked daring him to respond. She kicked him in the balls even though he did not break the rules of the game. "Fuck you anyway, WORM! Tina exclaimed. She then put her flip-flops back on. Fink then got a front-row seat as to what muscular female legs and feet could do. With furious anger and power, Tina stomped the models until they looked like real cars after a session with a crusher in a junkyard. Fink did not say another word and just helplessly watched the destruction of his precious, lovingly-made models. Tina knocked some more of the collection, some plastic and some metal models, from the shelf onto the hard wooden floor. "Aren't you a little old to play with toys, pencil-neck?" she asked relentlessly crushing and grinding the helpless models under her feet. "You're a forty-one year old baby, so start sucking your thumb, BABY!" she taunted. Tina's sexy bare feet reduced the beautiful models to tiny bits of broken plastic and crushed metal. Tina loved the feeling of the plastic toys cracking, and snapping under her feet. She really loved feeling the metal giving way each time she stomped down; it gave her a sense of power. Then suddenly, Fink yelled out: "YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" Tina immediately stopped her assault on the models and walked over to Fink. Fink realized what was coming next but he did not care, he was so livid with anger and frustration! Tina responded with two quick punches that landed on Fink's face. The angry Amazon followed this up with two powerful shots to his bird chest, almost caving it in. Fink howled with pain then just sat there slumped in the chair. "Do you have anything else to say you fucking WORM?" she asked prepared to dole out more punishment. She grabbed him by the hair snapping his head back waiting for a response. When none came, she let go of his hair to continue the carnage of his collectibles. She really loved taking away Fink's precious toys. She kicked the small broken pieces of plastic and crushed metal car bodies all over the floor. Without saying a word, she picked up another model, a plastic one this time. She stood right in front of Fink. Making sure he could see, she started to twist the model with her bare hands as if she was twisting a newspaper. "What do you think of that, Baby WORM?" she asked. The Amazon's powerful arms twisted the plastic car right in half. She dropped the two pieces on the floor, and while still looking him dead in the eye, crushed the remains. When he did not answer, she jammed a foot right on his crotch causing him to wince with pain. "ANSWER ME WORM!" she yelled ready to strike him again. Finally having enough, Tina grabbed Fink by his shirt, and punched right him right in the jaw. "Okay, if you don't want to answer me that's fine!" she said walking over to a large display case that contained sci-fi collectible toys. She opened the case and picked through the toys on the shelf inside breaking pieces off random spaceships. "My dorky kid brother used to play with these stupid space toys, and he used to leave them all over the house!" she told Fink as she started to place them all on the floor. "I hated these stupid things because I was always tripping over them and stubbing my pretty toes on them!" she explained. Fink continued to sit in silence horrified; however, he was so too weak to do anything. "So finally I told him to stop leaving his stupid toys on the floor where I walk or he would be sorry." She paused for a second putting her foot on one of the toy spaceships. "He didn't listen to me, so I placed all his toys on the floor, just like this," she said, waving her hands over his valued collectibles now neatly lined up on the floor. "He quickly learned not to ignore me because I taught him a lesson just like this!" She kicked off one of her flip-flops, then bent back one of the spaceship's wings with her perfectly shaped feet and toes. The fragile plastic gave up under the assault of her strong, tanned foot. The worm watched her foot, now a blur of red toenail polish, do the same thing to the other spaceship toys. Tina replaced the flip-flop on her foot to start the real carnage. The worm watched in agony as she decimated the pieces of the space toy collection with the action of her hands, muscular quads, hamstrings, and huge calves, destroying everything! Tina pulled action figures apart with her bare hands; she even bent a space sword twisting the plastic blade into a pretzel. She crushed toy space guns mercilessly under her feet. Tina truly hated guns even fake ones! Fink started to whimper. This time, however, all he received was a shot to the skull. Tina was having too much fun destroying the space toys. Fink was beside himself; he wanted to lash out at the woman who had trashed everything he loved in the whole world. "I have a question," Tina asked stopping what she was doing. "Why did you do it WORM? Why did you rape those women?" She walked over to the little worm. Fink was a ball of rage at this point, but did not say a word. She again grabbed his hair, violently jerking his bloodied head back. "Tell me you piece of shit!" she yelled knocking him in his head. Receiving no answer from the worm caused Tina to thump his nasty skull repeatedly. "Why did you do it you little bitch?" Tina screamed, applying even more force, now yanking his head back as far as it could go. Fink continued to remain silent despite Tina's brutal assault to his skull. Tired of asking and being ignored, she reared back and was about to deliver her most powerful blow yet when, finally, he broke down giving her his answer. A bloodied and beaten Fink explained why he committed such heinous acts toward the women. He named off his known -- and even unknown -- victims one by one. He revealed what he had done to each of them. Tina was so disgusted and angry at what she had heard. She controlled her rage however, for Tina had plans for this worm. She would ensure that he would never harm another living soul again. She reached for her nearby gym bag and pulled out the mini tape recorder. Clicking a button, she held the small device up to his bruised and beaten face. She replayed the confession he just gave, every perverted detail. "We're done for now, WORM!" she declared striking him across the face with the mini recorder. "You and I WILL meet again; we'll have many more of these little sessions." she announced. "If you tell ANYBODY, WORM, I will turn this tape over to the authorities," she warned him pocketing the tiny tape recorder. "I don't mean your daddy's little judge friend or the joke of a police force that screwed the investigation all to hell either!" she continued, "I mean real cops who will put you in jail with guys that WILL fuck you up the ass every night!" He was so scared that he literally pissed his pants! This caused a sadistic grin to come over Tina's face. The little worm started to say something but Tina caught him first with a swift kick to the balls. The worm once again was in agony over the assault on his manhood. Tina started to untie the worm. "Oh, and don't even think about running, because I will find you." Tina looked him right in the eye giving her little bitch a stern warning, "If you try and touch anybody else I will kill you!" Tina grabbed the gym bag then started for the door. She stopped to survey the room and all the damage to his valuable, precious items caused by her hands and feet. She stopped and looked at the beaten and sobbing worm on the floor. He too was surveying the mess that was once his beloved collection. "I know, maybe during our next session we'll start with that beautiful car you love driving so much!" she said laughing while walking out the door. She slammed the door on her way out and left the worm's house feeling vindicated. Tina had meted out justice, justice for Lori, and all the other women the system had let down.