Sally and Me By Nelek Chapter 7: The Workout Part III "Okay!" Sally happily exclaimed and clapped her hands together, making her sleeves jump along with her quickly expanding biceps. "Let's get this show on the road!" With a quick motion she turned around and presented her immense back to me. She had stood quite close to me, so this extended wall of thick flesh wrapped in a layer of fabric filled every corner of my vision, seemingly only inches away from my face. I needed to turn my head up and to the side to take in her broad shoulders, spreading at least a mile wide, capped off by round balls on each end. From there, the huge masses transformed outwards into herculean arms and inwards into pumping lats. They looked like large armor-plated protective shields, plainly ridiculous in their vastness and thickness, a deep layer of overdeveloped muscles burying her shoulder blades that lay well above my eye level. These two solid blossoming wings followed a curves each down south, tapering until they flowed into her beefy midsection. But there wasn't enough time to compose wordy descriptions as Sally walked over towards a free spot in our gym. I stood, mesmerized by the display of her breathing musculature flexing and moving in harmony along with her arms and legs as she strode away. After a few steps she turned her upper body around, displaying her graceful flexibility despite her hefty, rock-solid build, and cocked her head to signal me to follow her. Like an obedient robot, I executed her silent order and put one foot before the other, covering the short distance to the free weights area. There, she bent down and started clearing some things away so we would have ample room. I watched as Sal grabbed a pair of dumbbells that even in her large hands looked frighteningly huge and heavy. Smoothly she stood back up with those hunks of metal between her long fingers, easily moving them over to the weights rack. Not wanting to be standing there doing nothing, I also got down on the floor and took a smaller weight and wrapped my hands around it. Both hands, just to be on the safe side, since I know that things never are as light as they look when my mighty sister's handling them. Not without effort I picked it up from the ground and carried it over to the her, just as she was putting way her weights, and looked around for the right spot to put it in. I only had a second when suddenly I felt the weight disappear from my hands. She had taken it from me and was held this piece of training equipment at the height of her belly and my chin just like you and I would hold a phone. Entranced, all I could do was gape at the tumescent biceps right in front of my eyes as it bulged excitedly while she moved the weight to its position. When I turned to look up to her face I got treated to her flashing me a wonderful smile, thanking me for helping and at the same time not even trying to conceal pride over once again demonstrating her near infinite superiority. She went on to tidy up the area some more while I walked back to the bike and grabbed my water. Gulping down what I thought was only a few sips I soon realized that the thing wasn't emptying itself as I would have thought it should. I stopped drinking and examined the bottle, still half full with liquid. Did I drink enough water while on the bike? I didn't feel dehydrated at all and I usually drink quite a lot. "Yeah, I refilled your bottle when you were pedaling away." I turned and saw Sal, nonchalantly watching me, holding two huge, and I mean huge, weight plates in her hands. "I figured you needed it, considering how red your face was." she added. She had gone to bring water for me. It doesn't seem like much, but you have to realize that Sally is completely oblivious to the world during her workouts. Nothing bar a meteorite crashing into earth could get her attention when she's pumping weights - which makes the fact that she thought of me when getting herself more water all the more sweet. It always amazes me how in spite of packing the physique that wordlessly communicates "I'mma fuck you up" to anyone even thinking of disobeying her she's still such a considerate and softhearted girl, caring for everyone around her. Which is what makes me love her so much. "Oh, cool. Thanks." I replied, equally nonchalant. She smiled and proceeded to pack away more stuff as I drank my water - which somehow suddenly tasted better knowing that it came from magnificent Sally. Returning to the now free area near the mirrors I put down the bottle and looked up to her face. "So," I asked, "what's the plan here?" "Well, I thought the basic principle would be the following." she answered. "I get down on the floor, you get on my back and I'll try to do as many pushups as I can." In my mind there was obviously no doubt that even with my entire body weight added she could press herself up and down hundreds of times, but I wanted to get her to talk more about her strength. "How many do you think you can do?" "I dunno. I could tell you how many regular ones I can do, but that doesn't really apply here. So, there's only one way to find out." she said cheerily, positioning herself in the middle of the area. "And I'm not gonna be too heavy?" "Naw, don't think so." she said, with well-intended, but nevertheless false modesty. I knew that she knew perfectly well that she was more than capable of handling me, but it was against her nature to rub it in my face like that. Even what she said next was in no way bragging, but a simple statement of facts: "I can press way more than what you and I weigh combined." She waved me off with an it-doesn't-matter kind of expression, as if the exact number just eluded her but that it would probably-maybe-perhaps-possibly going to be enough. "#Yeah, maybe, I guess." I said. "#You are pretty strong." Teasing, I was, like a bratty little brother, who somehow hasn't registered that his sister is an over six and a half feet tall several hundred pound hypermuscular bodybuilding behemoth. Yes, one would think that nobody could ever say something like this to her without it being an ironic understatement of her obvious vast power. She chuckled, so I quickly added: "#I mean, for a girl." That made her laugh out loudly. I was only joking, obviously. But there's so much more to her gracious character, as she has that wonderful ability to smile at a comment like that even when it wasn't meant as only a joke. There are some sorts of people in our town, and they have been talking. "#But, seriously, you have been at it for what? An hour?" I knew that it was already over two hours in the gym. She didn't correct me, instead she got down on one knee. I had to quickly distract myself from the view as her quads bulged out massively, visible even under her supposedly baggy pants. I walked up to her, already on both knees - and I just had to pause. God, even down on the floor she was frighteningly tall. As I was standing next to her, looking up at my face, I could see that her eye-level was at the top of my chest. She could easily lean over and lick my nipples with her tongue without even needing to straighten up. Ironically, it's the other way around when she stands erect, as she is so big that I could comfortably wrap my lips around her teats and suckle without needing to stand on my toes. In fact, she's so freakishly huge I think I actually would have to lower my face just the teensiest bit to get to her - Clearing my head from picturing nipples and sucking, I added "An hour, in here, all this time, pumping away, ...". I moved my arms to do some crude imitation of working out and pressing imaginary weights. " gotta be exhausted." She shrugged, moving her wide, heavily muscled shoulders up and down one epic time, but then shook her head, making the cords in her bull-like neck twitch and dance. "Well, I rested, of course, between, you know." Looking me in the eyes she imitated my movements, allowing the billowing muscles of her arms to bloat out in imposing shapes and sizes without actually flexing them. "And I really could use the resistance for the exercise." she continued. "And you're rather small." I raised my eyebrows. On one hand I felt a little hurt in my pride, seeing as I'm not that tiny being about average height and size. On the other hand, obviously, everybody's small to her. And it did give me a very familiar tingling hearing her compare our bodies. "I mean, thin. You are quite skinny, quite trim." she corrected herself. "You're in good shape. That's what I meant." Letting her comment pass I asked "So, you wanna warm up with me watching you?". My choice of words struck me as extremely badly chosen - did I really just say 'me watching you'? "No, I'm positive I can do this." With that she placed herself on the floor in pushup position, slightly moving her hands and feet to find the right spot. It seems silly, but it actually surprised me seeing her using the proper "boy" setup with her legs stretched and knees nowhere on the ground. But again, the most impressive thing was, again, her sheer size. Earlier I found it odd that she cleared so much space for her to lie down, but it now made perfect sense as she pretty much filled out the entire room she had created for us. I couldn't help but marvel at the symphony of sublime brawn and power at my feet. Excellently proportioned, her stunning body made me gasp once more at the mere hugeness she had about her. "Alright. I'm ready." She had finished shuffling and held her head down, waiting for me to climb aboard. Both she and I had never done this before, so it was going to be somewhat tricky. Hoping it would help me work out how to do it the best way I tested my weight on her by tentatively placing a foot on the edge of her back and leaning in. Everything beneath it seemed solid and unmovable, giving me the impression that I could do a dance routine on my sister without her even flinching once. Removing my foot from her I took off my shoes as I figured the rather jagged rubber soles might feel uncomfortable to her soft skin, protected only by the thin layer of her shirt. I decided that the probably ideal method would be to straddle over her body, having a leg on either side of her and then lower myself onto her back. That's easier said than done, because - and I'd like to stress this once more - how insanely wide her body is. To make it easier I stepped over her midsection first, her comparatively narrow though thickly muscled waist. My revering eyes were treated to the look of Sally and her wide back of rippling muscularity, spread out in front of me, readily lying between my legs as I straddled her hefty body. I gawked at her ridiculously broad shoulders, formed by the globe-sized deltoids left and right with two chunky ridges in between leading to her neck. Her arms' thickness was unbelievable with her mighty guns bulging massively as she held herself still. A pair of lats fanning out created a shadow over the sides of her torso, casting darkness over the upper obliques of her abdominal muscles. Once again I could only liken them to immensely ample wings, blossoming with aesthetically hardened richness featuring striated carvings ridged unlike anything else I've ever seen. Down the length from her neck to her behind ran a completely visible, inches deep rift like an abyssal river bed. The entire top half of her back billowed out to an astoundingly vast span, that tapered from her shoulders down to the small of her back into a miniscule waist that nevertheless felt beefy but solid to the touch - as I should know, because my ankles were touching that very part of her. I began moving forward and up her body, realizing quite soon that I had to start spreading my legs quite wide. Arriving at the point where my feet were as far apart from each other as they could with me still being able to stand somewhat stable I looked down at the mammoth mass of flesh below me. Suppressing another gasp, I slowly started descending myself towards it. My knees bending I came nearer and nearer to the behemoth I was about to use as chair and leaned to one side. Hovering awkwardly over her I lowered myself until I reached grabbing distance and placed a hand on of her arms to steady myself on it. Fuck help me, it was unbelievable. It felt like a layer of smooth, warm skin wrapped around a solid mound of steel, rigid like marble even though the muscle was resting, not even trying to demonstrate its inherent power. Not budging or moving even the tiniest bit when I rested on it it only seemed to harden in response to the pressure of my weight. I was once more completely blown away of not only the looks but also the feel of Sally's body. One would think I would get used to finding every part of her being as hard as iron, but with every opportunity I get to touch her I am thoroughly amazed at the utter density of her muscles. And the size of that thing was simply incredible, conveying its enormous proportions without needing to be looked at. I had my palms flat on the back of her upper arm and my fingers spread wide open, fiddling with her damp sleeves. Resting on this mass of hot flesh I adored the sensation of the whole of my open hand not being able to reach the edge of it. Technically, the mound I was groping was rotund, but it didn't feel like it. Its breadth was of such monumental proportions, it seemed like touching a solid, flat surface - much like planet Earth not appearing round if you're on it. Then, all of a sudden, her delicious stink struck me. Like a reflex, I took in a sharp, deep breath as the distinct scent of Sally's power workout invaded my nose. I had gotten used to the ubiquitous flavor filling the room that I didn't smell it before. Now, having rediscovered it as I was merely inches away from the source of this rich perfume, it came back to me in all it's odorous glory. I kept myself from licking my lips as if I could sample some of it in my mouth and caught myself gripping her prodigious arms as I could ever encompass it. Rubbing my thumb over her naked skin, coated in a layer of her savory perspiration, I tried to get as much as possible on it for purposes that might come later. The next sensation came in no time, when my whole body was engulfed in the glowing hotness emanating from her gargantuan frame. There's generally an air of warmth around her as her metabolism must be in constant overdrive, but when she's in the basement working out, it just becomes unreal. The room gets hotter like someone's turned the heating on. Her whole routine, the pumping of iron, the building of muscle, all of it turned her entire self into an enormous power station, radiating enough heat to get a medium sized village through winter. Immediately I could feel beads of sweat appear on my forehead. With my free hand I wiped my face before placing it on her other arm. Holding on to her hefty triceps to keep myself stable, I placed my behind on my sister and moved it around, rubbing it over her to try and find a good position to sit comfortably. After a few moments I had settled, making the rift that separated the left and right halves of her back line up with my ass crack. I enjoyed each cheek getting massaged by the pulsating living seat underneath it. It was one of those rare occasions where I'm able to get a good feel of what a massively well-developed body Sally has - with my freaking butt! Shuffling around for one last time I raised my feet and crossed my legs to sit in a tailor seat. Reluctantly, I let go of her arms and rested my elbows on my knees, my fingers ever so lightly touching the hot, damp surface I underneath them. There was so much of her back spreading wide on either side of my legs, I was once again awestruck at her dimensions and how imposing they seemed close up. Turning to view myself in the large mirrors on the opposite walls I took in my relatively small frame and how it compared to the behemoth bursting with brawn I was sitting on. Needless to say, it brought back the subtle, familiar tingling in my middle section that had been dormant ever since I returned from upstairs. "You ready?" came from under me. Sal had noticed I had stopped moving about. "Yeah, ready." I answered and held my breath in anticipation of what was to come. The ground below me rumbled for a split second as Sal switched from holding herself utterly immovably steady to easily maneuverable. Multiplied by their staggering size I could easily feel every single one of her husky fibers stirring beneath me, going from unbelievably hard to sensuously flexible and back to tensed steeliness in a flash. Dimly aware of irregular movement - like on a cruise ship in calm sea - there was an almost imperceptible amount of wobbling as Sally adjusted to the unaccustomed additional weight of a full human being on her back. Even though the added ballast wouldn't even be close to pushing her limits, it was still an unusual routine, for both of us. A kind of shift went through her entire mass as it suddenly returned to its original solidity. I sensed being lifted higher while I watched her arms extend as her muscles danced and jumped to new shapes of unquestionable power. Triceps, forming smooth boulders a moment earlier, were bunching up to create brindled concrete pipes widely expanding the contours of her sleeves. Floating above the floor at my sister's arms' length my point of view seemed to me only marginally lower than it would be if I stood. She hissed loudly as she took in the needed air to perform, her back arching just the slightest amount as she did so. The journey began and we started moving downwards, slowly, deliberately. Both her arms bending forced masses of beef inwards, waking the uneven surface of bumps under my backside to produce delightful ripples. As the angle between her triceps and latissimus changed more of her tissue got pushed up and out to tickle and rub against my ass, making me slightly shiver with exhilarating pleasure. The moist but warm shirt below me did nothing to dampen that feeling as it was completely unable to help getting stretched along with the protrusions forming constantly. Each of those bulges was the unmistakeable proof that there was some serious exercising going on. The layer of fabric wrapped tightly around her entire girth, covering her otherworldly massiveness from her wide back over to her humongous arms. The vast plates of flesh tried and struggled to push the triceps outward from their own kingdom but failed miserably as each rock-solid part of her anatomy was unyielding against anything but her own will. The arced lumps on the rear side of her arms at maximum breadth totally destroyed the shape of her helpless shirt's sleeves as it commanded it to cling to and take on whatever form they felt like mutating into. Her arms in action were fantastic to look at as they bulged and shredded into indescribable glory, inflating from her elbow up to her shoulders. Watching the transformation from massed striated lumps of meat blowing up to dense boulders made me lick my lips for the umpteenth time in just a few minutes. The outer contours described curves that could only be created by moving more weight than any ordinary person could ever dream of handling. Expanding in all the right places the solid springs arced around the impossible width and depth they were every worshipper's dream and I needed to concentrate hard not to reach out and grab those insanely perfect mounds of muscle. The overflow, not only of haptic, but also of visual spectacles had me constantly worrying I was missing an amazing feast for my eyes elsewhere on the wide plane of her body when I took in one part. Her upper back blossomed into beefy visions of sculptures shaped like gigantic tortoise shells of protective muscles, jutting to each side of her 'rather small' brother. They were capped off by a pair of grab-worthily chunky traps, connecting her stone pillar of a neck to her deltoids. I desperately needed to find an excuse to give her a massage soon. The outer sides of her shoulders were made of thickly balled flesh, looking to be around the size of bowling balls, and her arms were gargantuan hunks of beef as stretched triceps coiled into massive horseshoes. They were guns, just freaking huge guns as she maintained her sensuous pose of holding a full-grown person in addition to her own quadruply-grown person. As for her leviathan chest, I could only imagine how it must have looked and felt like that instant, swelling at an exploding rate to a pair of steel balloons given the strain it was working against. Imposingly deep they created a completely separate cleavage of striated flesh right on top of the other cleavage of sensually soft breast tissue. But the most amazing part - well, assuming we redefine "most amazing" as the "newest" experience, as the most amazing thing in the room is always my big sister Sal - was the sensation of being lowered by the hands of said powerful sibling. To be sitting there, completely still, while your whole body bobs up and down like on a ship, only more stable and feminine. Or, maybe, when a plane drops a few feet during turbulence, lifting everyone's tummy and making the blood rush into their heads. This was similar, dropping a few feet and having my tummy jump, but the blood rushed someplace else. Anyhow, that was the first half of one pushup. She then raised herself up, lowered herself, raised herself again and kept repeating the whole routine, again and again, occasionally resting before starting anew, raising and lowering herself, again and again and again - but I shan't bore you with the details. About a year too soon she was done and told me for the last time that day to get off. I put down the weight plate I had to hold for the last set and stood up, once more feeling the hard flesh under my palms as I steadied myself while climbing off her large frame. Then, right in front of me Sally stirred to rise to her full towering height, her eyes traveling higher than my own before she even stood halfway upright. The sight was more imposing than ever with the nice pump that was going on in her enormous gleaming arms less than a foot away from my face which made me take a step back instinctively. Shaking and swinging her arms around to unwind she walked away from me and around the room, stretching different parts of her body along with quiet, muffled grunts. I hid behind some piece of equipment in order to inconspicuously check on my outer appearance in terms of a possible showing of erection and gladly found that it wasn't the case. Turning back, I saw that Sal had walked over to the large mirrors and was eyeing her reflection closely, still extending her hands and swaying her torso to loosen up. I could see that there was some show about to begin, so I took my bottle and propped my elbows on top of the nearest machine, preparing myself to be blown away. Unaware of the spectacle she herself was, she casually bent down and grabbed her toes, demonstrating the exceptional flexible qualities of her body and defying the outwardly image of being an immovable tank. As her torso traveled lower and lower her legs stayed completely straight, pushing out and presenting her taut backside to the world. The shape of her immaculately round buttocks was perfectly visible through her workout sweats as they wrapped tightly around it. Invitingly cut glutes of thick muscular fibers formed a perfect behind looking like a pair of bowling balls - and was probably just as hard. I found myself clutching the machine I was leaning against, feeling a sudden urge of wanting to grab and squeeze things. Before long Sally had stopped stretching and rose up again, looking in the mirror and the handsome face staring back at her. "Are you finished with your workout?" she asked. She was talking to my reflection. Apparently she had caught me idling from the corner of her eyes. "Nah, I'm just resting for a bit." She chuckled. "Why? All you had to do was to sit there and do nothing." "Yeah, but." I replied, standing upright. "You know. My whole body on a ride like that. All this bobbing up and down..." I mimicked the movements, bending my knees and straightening again. It made her smile. "'s just made me kinda dizzy." I continued, taking my bottle and taking a few sips. Sally shrugged as I started looking around the room. I pretended to be killing time, but in truth I was estimating the minimum number of seconds that needed to pass before I could inconspicuously turn back to her. Sally extended one arm completely straight, pointing it right to the floor, and slightly rotated her to upper body to one side, thus putting her majestic triceps in the limelight. I could only stare at the excitedly swelling mound of striated flesh he produced by the by. From my point of view she had turned away, blocking most of her mirror image but giving me a good look of her left lat spreading from the middle of her spine - where I had my ass firmly planted just a few minutes earlier. But despite the unlucky positioning and the excessively overdeveloped muscle around, I could still see most of her monstrous arm jutting out for me. It seemed as if its humongous size made it impossible to hide. Like Mickey Mouse's ears - always visible from every angle. Her gaze shifted to her arm and the fat sausage that has burst from it, shaping her sleeves that still clung on to the mountainous terrain. Blood and tissue worked together to bring out massive triceps, folding in on itself to a dense, longish chunk of streaked meat The striped muscle bulged with insane definition separating itself from each one around by deeply carving the edges to its neighboring hunks of brawn. The swollen iron lump stood tall above the adjacent area of solid tissue, nervously twitching with every minor stir of her hand. Skin seemed so tight around every single part of her body, always bringing out the exquisite forms of tissue as if one was directly looking at her naked flesh. Her eyes constantly focused on that tricep, she alternated between gazing at the prodigious steely beef right in front of her and its reflection, examining it closely, eyeing up its noticeably larger size in this pumped up form. Happy with its state a smile escaped her lips while I licked mine. Relaxing one arm Sal immediately raised the other to present herself with a single biceps pose. Her other hand went up to feel the vast expansion of the tensed biceps accompanied by the upside down dome of her tremendous triceps. But unfortunately, I could barely make out any of that from my position, as her damn huge body blocked the view of both her petrified arm as well as its reflection. A few glimpses of her face was all I got as she enjoyed the enviable pleasure of carefully inspecting every striation and exposed vein on her exposed gun, jumping with every twist of her forearm. Irritated at being deprived of that gorgeous display of orgasmic power I let out an annoyed grunt - or possibly a sexually stimulated grunt, it's hard to tell given the circumstances. Sally smiled and turned to face me without putting her hand down. I was hit unprepared with an unadulterated view of her enormous upper arm fully flexed - I couldn't help but inhale sharply. "You impressed?" she prodded. Hell yeah, I was impressed. It was one of a cluster of other strong emotions, but I quickly gathered myself and shrugged my shoulders. "#Meh, it's alright, I guess." I teased back. "But, you know, it's hard for me to be amazed at what you have there,..." With that I raised a hand and went into a biceps pose of my own, mimicking hers. I do have a bit of definition which of course isn't saying much on a body rather thin like mine. I'm more lean than buff. On my body, flexing produces bulges similar in size to, say, mosquito bites. With as much over the top bravado I could muster I added: "...when I've got these guns." Sally burst into a laugh so loud and hard, it actually startled me. A body as monstrous as hers can produce some noise, coming from her very core in deep. Something I have witnessed often enough during her workouts, grunting and yelling to get out last reserves of strength. Now it was unrestricted joy at my comic performance that had her roaring and howling, even snorting with laughter. Completely cracked, she had dropped her pose and was holding her belly while giggling hysterically. I put my arm down and joined in, as her good-natured, warm, and hopelessly uncontrollable guffawing was too contagious to just stand there. Shame, really, as I missed watching her enticing musculature twitch and jump along with her twisting, writhing body. Unable to talk she motioned me to come and stand in front of her in the free weights area. While I walked around the machine she strode over to the cupboard by the far wall, still holding in air to regain some control. Curious, I watched her retrieve something, before she came up to me and demonstratively unrolled a measuring tape right in front of my face - still smiling widely. "Well," she started, grinning, "show me your biceps, hot shot!" Returning the smile I raised my arm again. It was all in good fun but nevertheless I felt like I needed to put as much into it as I could. Tensing my muscle for all it was worth to get out a possible extra ninth of an inch in an attempt of not looking too weedy in front of my sister - but I knew there was no avail. The regular workouts I've been having to watch Sally in action have certainly helped put me in shape over the years, but I don't appear muscular or athletic in any way. So I could only produce a smallish bulge off my arm, barely defined enough to be visibly separated from my equally unimpressive triceps. Sally's large hands worked quickly and effectively in putting the tape around me, obviously having a lot of experience with the right spot to place it. Mesmerized, I gazed at the muscles on her gleaming arms twitching and growing disproportionately to the rather flowing routine movements she made. In a matter of second we had my meager development manifested in a definite number. Sally didn't even read it out loud, just let the two of us look at my thin arm. I sighed. "That's quite good, actually." she said. What the fuck? How could she, of all people, say that? I turned up to her with that exact question on my face. "You're not a weightlifter, not a bodybuilder, when you're down here you spend most of your time on the bike and treadmill and such." she replied to my raised eyebrows. "Considering that you're not actively trying to build muscle, you actually do have a nice set of arms." It was all I could do to keep myself from melting. There she was again, the sweetest girl in the world speaking the finest words of encouragement one could ever hope to hear. It wasn't even her intention - she was just stating plain fact. Yet, coming from her mouth it was such a great compliment that I felt my heart throb for her earnest statement. I tried phrasing an adequate response to such a rousing speech, but I got cut off. Before I could open my mouth Sal had pulled the tape off and joyfully thrown it over me. It hung from my head and shoulders like it would from a very poorly decorated christmas tree. "Now!" she excitedly exclaimed while clapping her hands together, making her equally excited biceps jump along. "You do me!" I looked at her with a smile, albeit a fake one. I say fake, because in my head I was actually cheeringly ejaculating at the thought of confirming her awesome size and fondling her arm in this most erotic state. Without any fanfare, as she never has been one for pomposity, Sal went into a spectacular biceps pose. Steeling her arm into a humongous mountain of beef it swelled to a monumental scale rivaled by no one. She produced exhilarating domes of hard meat, full and rich with muscle. They expanded wide above their surroundings, all of that equally defined tissue, completely shrouded in tight, smooth skin unable to hide the bulging power lying beneath. As she waved her arm up and held it in position right in front of me I could not only feel the heat emanate from it but also her rich fragrance catching my nose with its scented appeal. The curve of her triceps spread to the south, responsible for most of the bulk on that limb. As it ballooned it pushed back a sleeve that up to that point had managed to cling on to the block of concrete and now gave way for an unobstructed view. But the star of this spectacle was the gleaming mammoth peak of unreal size forming to the north. Sweeping to grand heights, growing to incredible hugeness, the solid slab of steel was true evidence of nothing but immeasurable strength. It stood tall and round, raising into the air as a logo for unquestionable dominance, larger than anything I could imagine. A tiny adjustment, nothing more than a slight twist of her forearm, made it bounce, even gaining in size as the improved position of her arm made the pose perfect. The huge, deeply cut ball of arced from elbow to shoulder as she clenched her fist, squeezing out more mass of that amazing hunk. Tightening her flex, the thick vein running over the round, ever hardening hump pulsated with the surge of blood needed to produce such a sight. The final product was orgasmic in size and hardness, glistening with a layer of scented perspiration. Somehow, I was able to pry my stare away from her flex and turned to her face. It was an expression of undisguised pride of her achievement, telling the world how she loved the look of her pumped arms obeying her orders to move and grow at her will. With her guns in position, she expectantly looked down at me, waiting for my part in the ensuing spectacle. Outwardly still amused from our larking about before I pulled the measuring tape off my head, right under her smirking eyes. As I brought it up towards her I noted just how high her arm really was. I did my best to hide my utter admiration at the sight of it close up. A bicep soaring to the sky way higher than my head, perfected by a triceps seemingly protruding lower than my chin. From her height alone it would have been much higher than my eye level, but with that glorious peak on top, I would have had to raise my hands awkwardly far up, much further than it would be practical or even comfortable. Taking a few steps back I stood on an exercise bench, the one she had used earlier, adding more than a foot to my frame. Sally followed me, grinning at my elevated stature even though it barley made me taller than her. Hell, I still couldn't even really see past her head. But it gave me a unique view over her, one that I don't get to enjoy very often: the one from above. It's amazing how much one can get used to seeing someone from only one angle, and how different it feels to see another. Her face looked almost unfamiliar, now that I was able to see it without having to look up her nostrils. It was graced with the most lovely features and fantastically radiant smile I could possible imagine. It was similar with her arm. Yet, even from the top it appeared in no way less imposing than when it filled my entire field of vision, with a ball sprouting so high off of it that looked like it would need just one hard flex to bump into my nose. Once more I moved the tape to the pulsing behemoth right before me. Instead of doing it the easy way, just like Sally had done with me, which would be to to drape the it over her peaked arm and then tighten it to read out the result, I opted for something with decidedly more contact. Holding the ribbon in front of her pose I awkwardly reached over and around her hugely engorged limb, effectively hugging it in the process. Grabbing at the dangling tape I made no attempt at rushing things, rather enjoying my skin brushing against hers. I grunted in pretend frustration at my attempts while internally reveling in the sensations of her rocklike biceps, coated in a layer of mouthwatering perspiration, sensuously grinding against my much softer upper arm. Not the ideal instrument of feeling up my incredible sibling, but given the fact that I couldn't just wrap my fingers around her carnal prize and fondle away, I deemed it a more than adequate substitute. After a while, fearing that I would begin to appear completely incompetent at such a simple task, I quickly took the tape and tied it around her. Of course, while - thoroughly - checking whether it got twisted or something I took the chance and rubbed my knuckles, wrists and everything against her ballooning flesh until I had probably polished the entire surface of her prodigious hunk of meat. Soon there was nothing more for me to do as to pull the tape tight and hold the end with the 'zero' next to the rest of it, putting a number on Sal's amazing development. Somehow I became aware that I was acting out the essential stock trope of all female muscle literature. The muscle gal, the scrawny man, a measuring tape - I've read that over and over tons of times. Apparently my mind felt that this was the exact moment to recount the innumerable different outcomes this could take. Odd, as I knew from the probably hundreds of times I have measured Sally before that, to her, this was as innocent as a handshake, just a friendly service like zipping up the back of a dress. Although, to me, nothing is innocent when confronted with Sally, the impossibly beautiful, exceptionally adorable and unimaginably strong woman of my dreams, built with an amazingly sexual body of bulging hard flesh. Considering just how different this whole situation seemed to us, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "So?" Sally asked, bringing me out of my thoughts. I turned and saw her gazing at me expectantly, then turned back and looked at the number. What that number was? I don't know anymore. Or, to be precise, I'm not entirely sure I remember it correctly. I seem to recall something, but it's not really believable. I mean, is it even possible for a girl her age to actually be this huge? To be this epitome of womanly muscularity? And that I'm related to her? If so, where's my six and three quarter feet of height and my hundreds of pounds of bulging muscles? So, sitting here, writing this, the number I have in my head sounds about as probable as it would if I remembered the tape reading 'a million inches'. I read it out to her and quickly pulled off the tape, letting it drop to the floor. Sally kept her arm locked in position and turned to it with a pleased look on her face, happy with the results and the contours described by the mass of concrete meat. She admired it for a moment, then raised her free hand and laid it on top of it. My heart pounded at the intensely erotic sight of that hand, in reality a thick and oversized paw, looking as large as mine compared to that immense hunk. Immediately her strong fingers began fondling and testing the huge ball like she had done earlier over by the mirror with her other arm, squeezing it with the not-so-little force they had in them. It was enough to make her grimace - almost unnoticeable and easy to miss if one wasn't to stand right in front of her like I was. Of course, the mighty arc easily absorbed any attempt to be dented or even slightly dimpled, resisting the pressure it was exposed to. And substantial pressure it was, too, visible by the reddish-lightish marks her muscular digits left trying to make even the most minor impression. The dome never receded, continuing to rise high into the air as a boulder of steeled flesh. It seems odd, but I was glad she didn't invite me to touch her like she was at the moment, as I'm not sure how I would have handled it. This was all getting a bit too much for me. The look of her perfectly smooth skin, coated in a gleaming film of heavenly perspiration, bright highlights playing around all over the glistening surface, the mouthwatering fragrance extruding from it, all the sheer masses of pure muscle to form that enormous bulge slightly trembling from all the raw power contained in it - it was my every dream and more. I had to get away. But it wasn't going to go as quickly as I hoped it would. Taking a step backward I intended to casually hop off the bench and create a bit of distance between us. Expecting solid ground beneath my soles, my toes instead landed on one of the dumbbells Sally had used earlier. The damn thing started to roll away instantly and rapidly with me on it, making me lose my stance. My other foot planted itself on the floor to steady myself but instead stood awkwardly on its side. The dumbbell slipped from under me and robbed any last bit of balance I may have had left. With no support whatsoever I stumbled ahead, bumping into the bench and diving forward, utterly unable to stop myself. Sally had no chance to react as I fell towards her, still holding her flex when I suddenly and hit her massive body completely unbraked. Face first I slammed into her abs. It was like a proper punch in the nose when I connected with a wall of what felt like very hard rubber covered by her shirt. It didn't help the sensation of getting knocked out when the individual bumps of her abdominal muscles, each a fist-sized brick, simultaneously pounded on me. Even unprepared and relaxed her stomach had pretty much the same effect as running against a wall, unyielding against my poor face. My body was pulling me down while still getting mushed against Sally's rocky midsection. I felt myself getting dragged over the solidified lattice with my nose, chin and cheeks having to make way for every impenetrable protrusion on my way south. Though, at the same time my mouth was sampling the sweat-stained fabric that separated me from her moist skin, so it wasn't all bad. Soon I crossed her waistline, pressed against her monstrous quadriceps, covered in the slightly rougher material of her trousers. I found myself canoodling a gigantic thigh that was even harder than the previous muscle group I had just encountered. The mountainous form of her leg expanded in every direction with every inch I further explored, protruding extensively with volumes of thick, iron-like flesh. My glide down her body slowed considerably with her quad bulging so far outwards and the separation between each individual muscle becoming so pronounced, that it eventually formed a sort of shelf I could comfortably rest my head on. In my final position I was leaning against the workout bench with my chin hanging off Sally's globe-sized thigh. Its insanely bulbous shape and enormous size certainly helped stop my slide. It also pushed my face upwards, where I saw Sally smirking down at me with a very amused look on her face. "What the hell are you doing?" she giggled. Straightening the sleeve over her arm she laughed, watching me get off her leg and flop onto the bench. Attempting to stand up I felt a stinging pain shoot through my right ankle, the one that got bent to the side. It made me wince and groan, even though a second later it didn't actually hurt as much as I thought when I tried putting weight on it. Still, I must have looked like I was in agony because Sally's joyful expression quickly turned into honest concern as she swiftly scooted over to me. "Gosh, are you alright?" she asked and grabbed my arm to help up. "I'm fine." I answered smiling, waving my hand. Leaning over, I rose slowly and pretty much standing only on my good foot. "I'm not hurt." I continued, my hands leaving the bench as I didn't need the support. Sally's hold on my arm decreased as I was obviously able to stand on my own. To further prove that I could do it without her help - even though I surely didn't mind the feel of her strong touch on me - I shifted to place myself on both feet. "I'm just gonna go upstairs and lie on the sofa, give that effing thing a bit of rest. I just need to be careful when I want to put weight on my right - " A small, not even that painful, but still noticeable twinge in my ankle interrupted me, making me I hiss and cringe once more. Immediately I moved to relax my foot as Sal tightened her grip on me again, holding me up. "You okay?" she asked. "I'm great. Well, not great, but I guess I can get to the living room on one foot. See?" As a demonstration I hopped a few steps like a little girl playing hopscotch. I didn't get far, only as far as Sally's arm would let me. Turning around I looked at my upper arm still encompassed by her large hand, then followed the attached massively muscled limb up to her face. "That doesn't look too good." she replied with a sarcastic grin. "Next thing you know is you slip on the stairs, crack your head open, your brain comes out and you die." I chuckled. "Feel free to provide assistance, if you'd like." Not a bad option, actually. If my sister wanted to offer her supermuscular body for me to clutch and rub up against for support as we climbed up one stair at a time, I definitely wouldn't refuse her kind altruism. But surely, things don't go as one would hope. Instead they went infinitely better. She let go of my arm and I prepared to bounce out of the room, but couldn't even get one step away when I felt the weight of a large and heavy hand on my shoulder. A moment later I found Sally right in front of me, putting her stupendous bosom barely inches from my face. Bewildered, I arched my back to put some space between us and shifted my flustered look upwards, where I caught her looking into my eyes. We stood there, with her arm round my shoulders and staring at each other for a second - then things got a bit weird. Without breaking her mesmerizing gaze into my eyes she started to lean forward, moving her body towards me and slowly bringing her angelic face closer and closer to mine. I seem to recall her lips parting ever so slightly and her tongue grazing them briefly. Fucking monkeys, was she going to kiss me? Of course she wasn't. Luckily, before I got the chance to pucker up and utterly humiliate myself she had bent down lower than my eye level, putting hand round the hollow of my knees and lightly applying pressure to make them bend. The one round my shoulders slid down towards my ass - unfortunately stopping a few inches above it - and brought my upper body into position. Good thing I had arched my back, it gave the illusion that I had known all along was she was doing. Even though I anticipated what would follow, I couldn't possibly have prepared for the intensity of the elating feeling of Sally casually swooping me up in her mighty arms. With one quick motion she had pulled up my knees to the level of her chest, effortlessly lifting my feet off the floor. At the same time my torso was maneuvered into reclining so that my entire body was supported by a pair of husky forearms. Her strong, muscular hands curled around me, reaching a good bit around my leg on one end and clinging to my midsection on the other. Usually this kind of contact would have me twist and shudder uncontrollably as her fingers poking the sides of my belly would tickle me into oblivion. But somehow Sally knew how to handle me just right, leaving any horseplay out and instead focussing on the serious business of bringing her injured brother to safety. Still, it brought the most exciting tingling to my nether regions with the simple touch of her hand. I even enjoyed the feeling so much I squirmed about to rub myself deeper into her beefy forearms, sampling their steely hardness and glowing warmth radiating through my clothes and skin right into my guts. She then raised herself up along with my entire body, making me let out a squeal of both delight and surprise whereas she emitted a barely audible "mhm" as the only sign of exertion, if that. With her standing completely straight, I found myself several feet over the ground, floating above our basement gym. I took in the unfamiliar view for a moment, but then decided to closer examine the living breathing cradle I was put in. I started my analysis with Sally's mouthwatering, supple breasts as her heavy bosom blocked most of her from my view anyway. As soft as they were it was hard to believe they belonged to the same otherwise titanic iron physique that was holding me. Firm spheres described luscious curves despite their perfect shape being a little deformed because they were mushed against me. Pointed nipples lightly brushed my arm as her tits were pressing into and slightly spilling onto my body. But her bust consisted not only of her tender breasts but also of strong chest muscles, a pair of plates protruding extensively. Pecs, hard as steel boulders and vast like acres, spread in every direction including up, raising several inches off her body and permanently contracting with every ever so slight move she did. Twitching rhythmically with unconcealed might along her every breath, they formed the solid base for her boobs to comfortably sit on. Even through the moist fabric of her shirt it was clear that her husky pectorals formed a juicy cleavage. It was deep, striated ravine between large two mountains of impervious flesh, easily able to compete with her sensual breasts in terms of enticing eroticism. I couldn't see her arm behind all that or the arm behind my back, but trusting from earlier experiences I knew that, even though my weight wasn't a real challenge for her, they still ballooned to insane dimensions. Her protruding biceps poked my knees and brushed against my back, a touch I wanted to get more out of. All this time I had my hand awkwardly on my chest to avoid having it wedged in between her bosom, holding it like I was swearing a vow. I raised it up, my elbow grazing the soft masses spilling onto my body - purely accidental and unintentional, of course. My hand went over her head and landed on the wide slab that was the southern spread of her solid traps. I realized that my original intention, reaching around and grabbing the chunky trap on the other side of her brawny neck, was shown to be unworkable by the sheer expansion of her physique in all three dimensions. The prodigious development of her back muscles played no small part in forming the impressive thickness of her torso. When viewed from the side, it's that powerfully built hump of flesh what gives the upper half of her upper body its mighty contours. And even if you didn't need to stretch your arm around the arch of her lower traps and lats, their sheer width would make render any average length limb too short to even reach the middle of her back. But what really made it impossible was the fact that I first had to get my arm around her unutterably huger one. The pair of barrel-sized, bull-strong arms that grows out of her shoulders added dozens of extra inches I needed to encompass before my hand would get even close to her back. It wasn't very pleasant at all to sit like that. Just to get around the immense hulk of her combined biceps and triceps I had to bend my arm further back than what would be a feasibly comfortable position. Then again, that wasn't the point, really, as it was just an excuse to rub as much of my soft skin against the steeled mounds of hardened flesh ballooning off her arms. With my palm firmly on the solid, warm ground of her tremendous back I found our bodies entwined like even a minute earlier I wouldn't have dared to dream. The feeling of being engulfed in this amount of pulsating muscles and their inherent power was and will ever be beyond words to try and express. Around me nothing but tissue and its permanent rocky hardness, even when not in use, petrifying to impenetrable solidity when merely slightly roused. Yet they were just as flexible as Sally wanted them to be, instantly obeying every of her unspoken commands to support my weight, making the downright absurd amount of bulging flesh form the most enticing bed I could ever lay on. They were all-too able tools of power and possible destruction, but I couldn't possibly have felt safer than in Sally's arms. Fully aware of her sisterly love for me I basked in the knowledge she was using them for nothing else than to safely cradle her brother in need to the utter safety of a living room sofa. Olfactory, I could feel it too, being enveloped in a cloud of the deep, feminine aroma she exuded. This fragrance, the natural smell of pure strength and brawn, also gives out the ultimate feeling of security as I was held once more in here muscular arms. Together with the warmth that radiated from her body those made up a blend of things that arouse me to the max. So, clearly, it was unimaginably hard for me to resist the urge to just give into the moment and lean into her, just putting my head on that globe of a shoulder, being with the woman of my dreams. With my feet dangling off the side of her towering form I could feel us starting to move as she began to stride determinedly through the maze of exercise equipment that filled our home gym. Every step had me rocking about in Sally's grip, letting a tingle go through my body as the spectacular twitching of every fiber in her gigantic arms against me served to excite me even further. Worried that I might be showing my enthusiasm for this kind of transport I sat up slightly to check on my pants, gladly finding that everything was still safely tucked away. I was then when I caught a glimpse of us in the mirrors. In another female muscle story trope coming true I beheld a sight too good to accurately describe. With this unimaginable contrast between her humungous form and my small one I would have found it too incredible to believe if I weren't seeing it with my own eyes. Being almost at the level of her face made it so much clearer just how huge the gap between my average height and her soaring stature really was. Even from the side I could make out that the enormous breadth of her torso was more than enough to accommodate the entire length of mine, safely nestled between her shoulders. Right next to my thin and soft calves was one of her mammoth arms, looking to be larger in circumference than my legs combined. Made of the thickest of fibres, she seemed to add masses of flesh to each part of her body with every move she did, ever swelling and expanding with salacious muscular tissue. Sally was and will ever be so much larger than me in every conceivable way, never better illustrated than in direct comparison to my frail body. As breathtaking and immensely erotic the view was, the main thing I took away from it was its comedic value. I couldn't help but laugh at all of this. "You know,..." I started, turning up to her face as she walked us out of the gym, turning sideways to fit both me and her vastly wide frame through the door. "... actually, I meant something like, you walk me up the stairs and catch me if I stumble." A broad smile formed on her lips. "Yeah," she said grinning, "but this is so much easier, isn't it? And quicker, too." She turned her head to look at me but kept an eye on the stairs we were now ascending. "Like I said, you're not heavy to me." As if she needed to substantiate that self-evident statement, she slightly jiggled her arms. Of course, with everything multiplied on her massive frame, it didn't feel at all slight as I vivaciously bounced up and down in her strong hold. Yet, not even then did her vast strength allow the slighted bit of doubt to come up whether I was completely safe in her arms. She soon stopped goofing around and held me still again, close to her body. "See?" she laughed. I smiled in return and tried to enjoy the rest of the ride as she reached the top of the stairs. Letting out a contended sigh I felt truly happy that I had this wonderful experience, short as it may have been. As often as I witness her do some feat of strength, it would always amaze me - but never as much as the repeated confirmation that she was in fact the softest and most tender girl one could wish to know, eager to demonstrate her sheer unimaginable power in ways to help or protect the people she loves. Moving through the living room I stole one last squeeze of the solid hunk of flesh I had my hand on as Sally covered the last few steps to the sofa. She then stood right next to and held me aloft right above it, before the sisterly cradle seemingly jumped to life around me. As I felt myself being lowered I could also feel the sensational parade of muscles beneath me molding and moving like live beings dancing around me, shaping and forming like torrents making their way, melting and hardening like flowing lava before turning back into stone. A spectacle for the simple act of what for you and I would be putting down a book but for the incredible dimension my sibling personifies was the actual feat of putting down a full-grown person she had just carried up a flight of stairs. As I made contact with soft cushions, a stark contrast to the petrified harness I was in before, she pulled her arms from underneath me, and went down her knees right beside me. Even in this position - kneeling, for goodness sake! - she towered over me, her abs well above my eye level as they protruded against the fabric of her shirt, not to speak of her lush breasts that just moments ago I was feeling so very close to me. "There. Easy as pie." Sally spoke and patted me on my stomach. "You know,..." She leaned to the side to check on my foot, looking for swellings and bruises as she carefully probed my ankle. Even though it hurt only a little bit anymore, it was her gentle touch that sent shivers through my body. Satisfied that there were no marks she turned back to my face. "... I may not have the guns like you do but I do seem to fare pretty well, don't you think?" With that she swung to raise the arm closer to me and bent it to form a glorious biceps pose exploding just inches from my face. Her arm mountained into multiple steely crests as the masses on that monstrous limb crystallized into arced forms of warm, pulsing tissue. A mighty bicep and globular deltoid joined together as paired sisters of balled magnificence, enticingly peaked. They expanded outward and upward in the only direction available for their massive growth, reaching toward the large, tightly clenched fist above. The pounding to which she had subjected her body left her in a state of visibly hardened sharpness, noticeable on her in a relaxed state and only amplified as she squeezed out a frighteningly imposing block of flesh for me. As the bulging muscle erupted off her arm I watched already severely striated streaks of brawn shearing themselves into diamond-hard brilliance. I was the luckiest guy in the world, as in the space of ten minutes I was presented with not only the front but now also the back of the most impressive gun show in the world. She held it right above my chest and so very close that I could feel the heat from that block of flesh emanating towards me, warm like a ray of sunshine. Her immense triceps expanded so much with that one flex that I could feel it bump into my rib cage, just from its sheer size. Sally immediately corrected her "mistake" and lifted it up a bit, setting its peak even higher and adding to the very real impression of its ludicrous size. Her sleeve never stood a chance to remain in its intended position, and immediately receded towards her equally bulbous shoulder, exposing acres of lustrous skin. Still moist from her fragrant sweat, it allowed spectacles of light to shuffle around the rangy terrain, defining hills and dales on that enormous hunk. The rear view was just as impressive as the one from the front and possibly even more exciting, displaying a whole other topography of thick fleshy tissue describing an alpine landscape of individual, strongly defined arcs and broad swaths of simply sexy muscle. The mass of flesh quivered invitingly under the enormous pressure being applied to it, showing the immense powers needed to strain and flex the painfully erotic mountains of her biceps. The sheer casualness with which she did just that was more proof of her untold strength. I felt nothing but awe as I watched her easily command chiseled stone to fill acres of glowing skin. Her bursting muscularity glazed itself in mouthwatering perspiration to add an extra dimension to meaty allure, its fervent beauty only fortified with the obviously intense power contained in that rock-solid boulder of frozen stone. This visual feast was enough for my unwaning erection to finally creep out of its assigned hiding place between my legs and start straightening up into the air. I couldn't actually see it as her mighty peak of flesh obscured my hard dick but I did catch a glimpse through the gap between my chest and her triceps. My exercise shorts did next to nothing to hide my boner and were soon proudly showing an unmistakeable bulge of teenage horniness. Beside my horror I was greatly relieved that Sally was turned towards my face, eagerly watching my reaction to her. If she had only known that my true reaction on display right behind her shoulder, just a slight turn of her head or a look from the corner of her eyes away. I chuckled at her joke as I nonchalantly pulled one of my legs up, disguising the state between them. Happy with me smiling and not being in pain she relaxed her arm and stood up, towering over me by so many feet. My eyes followed her face as it went up into the sky, missing out on the close up view of her mammoth thighs right at the level of my head. "Now," she said, "I need to get back and finish my workout." Sally leaned forward and placed her hands on her knees, bending down towards me again. As she did that, her tantalizingly shrouded and therefore only suggested cleavage was presented to me, putting emphasis on the weight and outer curves of her opulent bosom gently swaying just above my face. I had to muster up all the willpower in the history of the universe to not look at it but up at her eyes. "You stay here and rest your leg." she told me. "If you need anything, just holler." Leaning forward even more, she set her gorgeous features just inches away from mine, looking quite stern. "And no more shenanigans!" she ordered in a jokingly strict motherly voice and a teasing smile. She then moved her face closer and closer before raising it up a bit. Next, I felt her lush lips on my skin as she planted a soft and innocent peck on my forehead. To me it was a sensually warm gesture I thought only existed in my fantasies, filling my mind and heart with vision of unfulfilled dreams about her and leaving me in heavenly shock. Much too soon she pulled back again and looked me in the eyes, smiling me her wonderful smile before rising up to her towering height. Swiftly turning around and heading out of the living room she left me unable to do anything but stare at her form as she began to descend the stairs to our basement, following them around the corner. And then, in that very last second before going behind that wall, Sally turned her face and looked directly at me. She flashed me another smile and a wink of her eye before disappearing from my view for good. And about twenty seconds later I shot my load all over the bathroom sink. End of chapter 7. Hey guys, drop me a line sometimes! The only reward I get is you telling me what you hated or loved, what you wanna see or never wanna see again. So, come on: nelek(#) Also, once more I thank michael-leonard for editing the story, rounding up all the grammar and spelling mistakes in some dark back alley for a quick and painless revision.