Red River Rivalry By Buzz Cherokee tames Mary Lou Anticipation raced through me as we reached Dallas. Four of us (all University of Texas students) had traveled together to attend the annual Texas - Oklahoma football game. The City of Dallas always hosts the game (known as the Red River Rivalry). We arrived the Friday evening before the game which would be played the next day. The four of us consisted of myself (Dan), my friend Tom, Tom?s girl friend Cindy, and Mary Lou who was a friend of Cindy. We had pitched the trip to Mary Lou by saying the guys would share a room and the girls would share a room. Tom?s girlfriend Cindy, wanted to spend the night with him, and I had no objections to sharing a motel room with Mary Lou. Mary Lou, a sophomore, wore a burnt orange University of Texas Tee shirt. She had blond hair and a scattering of freckles. Her soft brown eyes reminded me of a doe?s eyes. She looked young to my senior eyes and seemed a little na?ve. When we pulled into the motel parking lot, we immediate noticed a large number of Okalahoma license plates.. As we checked into the motel, Tom suggested we all go out and have hamburgers together. As we left the motel office we spotted a group of people wearing Okalahoma Red. Mary Lou with a big smile on her face flashed them a University of Texas hand gesture known as ?hook-um horns?. A gal in the Okalahoma group responded by giving us the finger. One of the guys in the Oklahoma group shouted, ?Give-em hell, Cherokee.? The girl indeed, looked like she could be of Indian ancestry with her high cheek-bones, brownish skin, and raven hair. She had a hard look which I found somewhat exotic. Mary Lou seemed somewhat taken aback with the response and replied, ?I meant no disrespect. It was all in good-natured fun. May the best team win.? I felt that the more Mary Lou talked, the deeper she drove her foot into her mouth; so I firmly grabbed her arm and guided her to the car. We drove to the nearest McDonalds and went inside. Tom and Cindy started immediately dropping hints about how they would like to spend the night together. Mary Lou kept talking about how she hoped she hadn?t offended the Okalahoma group. Tom and Cindy?s hints became less and less subtle, until Cindy finally cupped Mary Lou?s chin and said, ?Mary Lou, would you mind if I traded beds with Dan, so Tom and I can spend the night together. Mary Lou, blinked and slowly started to process the question. She gave me a long look and seemed to be having an internal conflict. After a long pause, with everyone looking at her. She finally said, ?There are separate twin beds, right? I guess we could take turns using the bathroom to change clothes. ? She paused for a long time weighing the pros and cons. With everybody staring at her she said, ?I don?t know. There can?t be any funny business.? She looked at me and said, ?Dan, is it all right with you.? I could tell that she was hoping that I would rescue her from her dilemma. I restrained my impulse, to immediately shout ?Hell yes?, and pretended to be thinking it over. After a suitable length, I said, ?I guess we could make it work.? Seizing the moment, Cindy cried ?Its settled?. Cindy and I quickly traded keys. When we got back to the motel, Tom suggested we go for a swim. Since it was October the motel pool was deserted but the day was warm enough for swimming. Mary Lou said that she hadn?t packed a swim suit, but Cindy said that she had a spare that Mary Lou could barrow. Mary Lou insisted I wait outside the room, while she unpacked and changed into the swimsuit. After about fifteen minutes, Mary Lou said it was my turn. She opened the door and was wrapped in a large beach towel. She said she was going on to the pool and would meet me there. I quickly changed and proceeded to the motel swimming pool. When I arrived at the pool, Mary Lou was still huddled in the beach towel. Cindy suggested we have horse fights in the pool. Finally a blushing Mary Lou dropped the towel revealing a bikini which she filled nicely. Her boobs were about the size of cantaloupes and the cleavage looked pale with a scattering of freckles. Once in the pool, Mary Lou climbed on my shoulders and we engaged Tom and Cindy. We won the horse fight when Mary Lou managed to pull Cindy off of Tom. We all laughed, when suddenly a sharp voice with an Oklahoma twang announced: ?We challenge the winners.? We turned and saw that the challenge came from Cherokee. She wore cut off jeans and her Oklahoma Tee shirt. Clearly she wore no bra and you could make out her erect nipples. She and a man in a bathing suit jumped into the water and she climbed on his shoulders and moved towards us. Mary Lou responded, ?Sounds like fun, looking forward to a friendly joust.? A crowd of Oklahoma fans had started to gather and started cheering for Cherokee. I could see a wicked gleam in Cherokee?s eyes and knew she had mischief on her mind. Cherokee and her mount moved in and soon we were in contact.. I could feel Mary Lou moving above me as she and Cherokee grappled. Then I heard Mary Lou, shout, ?Hey what are you doing!? I could feel Mary Lou squirming and then she fell backwards. I looked up to see Cherokee, waiving Mary Lou?s bikini top in her right hand. The crowd roared its approval. Cherokee and her partner left the pool and I turned to look at Mary Lou. Mary Lou stood in the pool with her hands folded over her chest. Mary Lou cried, ?All right very funny, now give me back my top.? Cherokee now stood on grass beyond the pool area and said, ?If you want it, come get it.? The pool area no longer looked deserted. A considerable crowd dressed in Okalahoma colors had gathered. The Oklahomans had us vastly outnumbered and they all seemed to be egging Cherokee on. Mary Lou found it impossible to climb out of the pool and keep her breasts covered at the same time. She finally had to use both hands and all could see her magnificent globes. Mary Lou climbed out to a chorus of applause, cat calls and whistles. Mary Lou became very red in the face and completely lost it. An adrenalized Mary Lou charged Cherokee like an energized banshee. It looked like someone had hit Mary Lou?s ?fast forward? button. Mary Lou?s momentum knocked Cherokee over, but Cherokee managed to hold on to the bikini top. Mary Lou flailed away with much energy but little efficiency or direction. Throughout Mary Lou?s assault Cherokee managed to keep the bikini top out of Mary Lou?s reach to the amusement of the crowd.. Then the frustrated Mary Lou went for Cherokee?s crotch. Judging from Cherokee?s yelps, Mary Lou must have grasped some of Cherokee?s pubic hairs through the denim of Cherokee?s shorts. Now Cherokee started to loose her temper and shouted , ?O.K. bitch if you want to play dirty, two can play at that game.? Shouts of encouragement for Cherokee rang from the crowd. I even heard a couple of shouts to ?kill the Texas bitch.? The crowd generated an ugly atmosphere and I started to fear for Mary Lou?s safety. The crowd had granted Cherokee carte blanch to deal with Mary Lou as she pleased. Mary Lou showing the signs of fatigue from her energized assault, visibly slowed down. Cherokee managed to break free and tossed the bikini top to the crowd They circled carefully, both looking for an opening. Mary Lou was drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. Cherokee suddenly latched on too both of Mary Lou?s tits and started yanking them around. Then Cherokee pulled Mary Lou in close and quickly landed a knee lift to Mary Lou?s crotch. Mary Lou gave out a howl and the crowd roared its approval. Cherokee than pulled down on the tits and released, causing Mary Lou to fall forward. Mary Lou managed to get her hands out and ended up on hands and knees. Cherokee moved behind Mary Lou and grabbed the edges of Mary Lou?s bottoms, and with a swift tug, pulled them clear off leaving Mary Lou totally naked. Cherokee tossed the bottoms to the crowd. Mary Lou struggled to her feet, and for a moment I thought she might make a fight out of it; but Cherokee soon had Mary Lou in an over the shoulder backbreaker. Mary Lou let out a grown of despair as Cherokee paraded around the area displaying Mary Lou to the cheering crowd. Cherokee then dropped to one knee and dropped Mary Lou over the other knee in a crowd pleasing back breaker. Cherokee than hauled Mary Lou to her feet and moved behind her. Cherokee then clamped on a sleeper hold. Cherokee then began to taunt Mary Lou saying, ?You have heard the phrase ?naked in the presence of mine enemy.? Well, you are soon to be naked and asleep in the presence of your enemies. And then you know what I am going to do? Any thing I damn well please! You are never going to forget this day or me. Say good night bitch.? Mary Lou?s eyes went wide with apprehension and I knew Cherokee?s taunts had accomplished their intent. Mary Lou obviously felt vulnerable and helpless. Soon Mary Lou lost consciousness. And Cherokee laid her out spread eagle on the ground. The crowd offered Cherokee suggestions. Cherokee asked someone for a her purse and she complied. Cherokee removed an emery stick form her purse and proceeded to sand a few layers of skin off Mary Lou nipples and they were now pink instead of brown. Next Cherokee displayed a pair of nipple clamps connected by a chain. Mary Lou moaned as Cherokee applied the clamps to Mary Lou?s now sensitized nipples. Mary Lou started to regain consciousness but seemed disoriented. A red haired girl produced a strap-on dildo, and the crowd began to chant ?strap it on?. Now I am no expert on dildos, but most of the ones I have seen looked soft. This dildo looked like it was made with hard black rubber with no give. It would give a hard bruising fuck. To the crowds delight, Cherokee stepped out of cut-offs revealing that she wore no underwear. The red haired girl helped Cherokee strap the rig on. Cherokee strutted over to Mary Lou and ordered Mary Lou to sit on her knees. Mary Lou complied her eyes never leaving the menacing dildo. Cherokee standing with her hands on hips, said ?I see I have got your attention. I am going to give you a chance to wimp out. Tell me your sorry and kiss my feet, and I will let you go. If you don?t, I am going to fuck you bow legged. I won?t lie to you, this dildo will hurt and bruise you. It is long enough to bang your cervix.? I couldn?t believe my ears. Cherokee had given Mary Lou a chance to get out of this mess relatively whole skin. True she would lose a certain amount of face. Cherokee?s offer surprised me, but Mary Lou response absolutely astonished me. ?Fuck you , I can take anything you can dish out.? The crowd suddenly became silent. The dynamics of the situation had changed. The anger had vanished replaced by Mary Lou?s determination to endure. Cherokee still intended to break her, but you could tell Mary Lou had earned respect. Cherokee said, ? All right lets see what you got. First before I ram this thing in your pussy, I am going to give you a chance to lubricate it. Open your mouth.? Mary Lou opened her mouth and Cherokee grabbed the back of her head and began fucking her head with firm, but not violent strokes. After a few minutes, Cherokee pulled out of Mary Lou?s mouth. Cherokee her hands still in Mary Lou?s hair forced Mary Lou onto her back. Cherokee grabbed Mar Lou?s ankles and placed them on her shoulders. ?This should give me enough penetration to reach your cervix. Enjoy? Cherokee announced as she inserted the dildo. As Cherokee thrust in, Mary Lou let out a scream. As Cherokee pumped away, Mary Lou?s eyes glazed and finally she passed out. Cherokee pulled out and waited for Mary Lou to come to. When Mary Lou seemed back in the world. Cherokee showed Mary Lou a dog collar, and said ?Good girl. You?ve earned the right to be my Texas bitch. Now sit and let me collar you.? Mary Lou obediently sat up like a dog. Cherokee then placed a dog collar on Mary Lou?s neck, and commanded, ?heel?. Obediently, Mary Lou got on her hands and knees and crawled after Cherokee. You could see that moving her hips to crawl caused Mary Lou considerable pain to her brutalized insides, and she moved very gingerly. The crowd parted to allow Cherokee and Mary Lou to pass. Cherokee walked to her motel room and she and Mary Lou went inside. I didn?t see Mary Lou again until after the game when she showed up to ride home. She still wore the dog collar. Once in the car, she fell asleep quickly; but she did utter the name Cherokee several times in her sleep before we got back to Austin.