Nikki Looks Back by Futuresex 4000 @ inbox . com Please contact me if you like this story: futuresex 4000 @ inbox dot com (type this all together) Part I: "Nikki Looks Back" Nicola ("Nikki") Weathers stood at the kitchen counter, chopping red, yellow and green peppers for tonight's peppersteak. The pyronic stovetop, with its simmering pots and pans, radiated heat and beads of sweat dripped down the sides of Nikki's face and neck. Dark brown, almost black curly hair reached Nikki's shoulder, setting off a narrowish, tanned face, framed on each side by big, but delicate, gold-metallic hoop earrings. Nikki was wearing a clingy one-shouldered blouse, cobalt blue in a fine-mesh, stretchy fabric. It completely revealed one of Nikki's tanned shoulders; at the other side, a thin spaghetti strap held it in place, exposing most of that shoulder, as well. Working in the waves of heat generated by the kitchen range, and the sun from the window, at least Nikki could take comfort in modern, skin-revealing clothing ... Nikki's blue blouse was also cropped to reveal a swath of bare midriff and a small, sparkly-gold navel ring. Nikki was 165 cm tall, with a figure that was "all curves". With bare shoulders smoothly tanned but pert and delicate in size, Nikki's arms were soft but firm, rounded and without any visible muscle. Nikki's waistline, bared by the cropped blouse, was slender, trim and taut. But the real curves started below the waist, at the hips. At the pelvis, Nikki's figure flared out, widened proudly and curvaceously, to meet voluptuous thighs. The low-rise dresspants, in blue stretch nylex to match that one-shouldered top, clung to those curves at the hips and upper thighs. But the pantlegs were actually ultra-wide; so, falling straight down from the breadth of the hips, the wispy fabric billowed like delicate sails around the soft, taut skin of Nikki's own legs. Above, the stretchy material of the dresspants clung so tightly to Nikki's broad hips and generous buttocks that it looked not so much like fabric, but like blue skin. Whenever Nikki's hips moved, even the tiniest bit, the blue stretchy fabric seemed to highlight every curve. A frilly apron of almost-sheer, brilliant white material was tied in back with saucy lace apron strings encircling Nikki's bare waistline. The wispy material of the blue dresspants danced in a symphony of floating waves and delicate flutters every time Nikki moved. And the black strappy, stiletto heeled sandals were thoroughly modern, the latest style, with heels that were high and very slender and absolutely straight from all angles. The ultra-wide hems of the dresspants ended about 9 centimeters from the ground, showing off most of the dagger-slim 12 centimeter high heels, and much of Nikki's feet and toes. Occasionally, the delicate fabric brushed bare toes, because when you're wearing strappy, stiletto-heeled sandals, that will happen. Curly strands of perspiration-moist, almost black hair were tickling Nikki's bare left shoulder. It was frustrating, sweaty, uncomfortable, while trying to cook. With a slender hand, manicured and braceleted, Nikki brushed the damp hair off the bare shoulder. It was hot in the big kitchen today, and Nikki felt every bit of the heat. But the view up there was great. The apartment was so big and airy, and on Level 417 of the metroplex. So, over the broad, curving countertop with its endless cooking space and pyronic stove, was a huge, gorgeous, upward-angled window with a panoramic view of the city. Skycars and servodrones, even the occasional spaceplane, flew about in all directions. Mostly they were far away, going from one metroplex to another. Occasionally, though, a skycar would fly so close to window, that Nikki wanted to should at the driver and tell her not to fly so close! Nikki fingered his dark-brown, almost black moustache. It was hot in here! Taking a break from chopping peppers, Nikki looked at the opposite side of the kitchen, where a wall-sized Hive was installed. "Hive on", he said. The wall-sized screen came to life with a holographic image of a man sitting behind a big desk, reading the news. It was Randella Gentry, the midday news presenter on the FMO ("For Men Only") network. Randella, or Randi as he was called, was about 35 and wore his reddish hair spiked in the front, and long in the back. Shiny metallic green earrings in geometric shapes dangled from his ears. Gentry wore a dark red blouse that bared his right shoulder, similar to Loni's top - the one-shoulder style was hugely popular among Vixan men. Randi Gentry droned with some report about a VSEA space mission to G14, a moon of Gamelon - a planet Loni didn't know much about - it was in the same system as Vix, he believed. Apparently an exploration craft, GE-1340 with six astronauts landed on G14. The six women, in planetsuits, got out and went about exploring the surface. But one of the women, Lieutenant Gwendolyn Welch, 24 years old, was exploring an ice floe and slid down a crevice in the ice. The Hive displayed an image of an attractive, fresh-faced blonde with blue eyes, wearing gray overalls with the gold-and-orange VSEA logo. She slid all the way down ... Said Gentry: "Technicians on the crew of the GE-1340 estimated that the crevice is 900 meters deep in parts. The crew is unable to reach Lt. Welch by audionet, and robotic surveillance probes are being lowered into the crack to search for her. Meanwhile, at home on Denara, a young househusband, 27 year-old Adona Welch, is waiting for any kind of positive news about his wife." The program displayed an image of a distraught young man, with curly light brown hair and a moustache, hoop earrings and a white, one-shoulder blouse. Nikki stood there looking at the Hive, with his butt up against the countertop, as a commercial came on. He wiped his hands, covered in pepper juices and small seeds, with one corner of his white apron. It was still hot in here. "Overhead AC unit, on," he said, and small, invisible jets in the ceiling started blowing cool air his way. The damp sweat on his forehead turned cold and the wispy breeze dried his hair and tickled the bare skin of his shoulder. It felt wonderful. He put his hands on his broad hips and enjoyed the rushing cool air. Nikki thought of Adona Welch, the young househusband on Denara, whose too-curious wife, pretty blonde Lieutenant Gwendolyn, took one too many steps on a distant world. And fell into an icy hellhole! The girl was 24, the same age as his Jennifer! And her husband was 27, a year younger than Nikki. A sigh of relief - as much physical as emotional - passed through Nikki's body. His wife, Jennifer, was also an attractive blonde with blue eyes. But at least Jennifer had a job that kept her from physical danger - most of the time, at least. Jennifer was a graduate of the law department of Bethel Fields University - the top-ranked university on Vix - and a lawyer at Dubonnet Gifford Shields, a big law firm in downtown Commercy. And Jennifer graduated 2nd in her class of 233 girls! Nikki took pride in the fact that Jennifer was a brilliant lawyer who graduated from the most prestigious law school on the planet, at the top of the class. That was how she was able to secure such a prestigious job, one year ago, at such a young age. That was why they could afford this luxury apartment. That was why the district central committee of their political party, the People's Socialist Alliance, was encouraging Jennifer to enter politics and run for the Metro Council at such a young age. Before she started law school, when she was still an undergraduate at Centercoast University, Jennifer wasn't interested in politics. When they met, four years ago, Nikki was a hairstylist at HyperCuts near the University, and she was a regular customer. Jennifer's gorgeous, thick blonde hair was a pleasure to cut and style. And Nikki, with a longtime interest in politics, would ask Jennifer what she thought about different political issues of the day. It seemed Jennifer had no real political opinions. She was interested in sports - she played middle hitter on the University's volleyball team, the Gold Hawks. Whenever she came into HyperCuts, Nikki would be watching some political show on the Hive, but Jennifer would ask to change the channel to sports - volleyball or basketball or tennis or rugby, or sometimes even rollerderby or boxing. But Jennifer was 19 and gorgeous, with a perfect fair complexion, full rosy lips, blonde hair and blue-eyes. And at 188 cm tall, she had perfect legs that never ended, broad shoulders and a toned, athletic body that any man would die for. Most of the time she'd come in to HyperCuts in one of her little sports outfits, a volleyball uniform or something similarly brief, with short shorts that showed off every centimeter of those long, perfect legs. Every time Jennifer showed up at the door of HyperCuts, Nikki's heart skipped a few beats and his knees got weak. So usually, as Nikki cut her hair, they'd turn the channel to a sports game, but sometimes they'd watch the news, and Nikki would always give his opinions about what was happening politically in the world. Nikki had some strong opinions. As he cut her hair one day, standing there in his usual black dresspants, a black bare-midriff top, black stiletto-heeled, strappy sandals (always his favorite) and big silver hoop earrings, he introduced her to his fiery brand of politics. "I'm a proud member of my party, Jenny. Have you heard of People's Socialism?" "Socialism, isn't that where the government runs everything?" "Yes, in theory. But around the world, people have been voting so-called socialist politicians into office, and we just get more of the same. Private corporations do well and exploit and impoverish the people. We need a new socialism, Jenny. A people's socialism!" Nikki's big, brown eyes seemed to grow larger with passion. "People's Socialism isn't the same thing as the watered-down, pseudo-socialism that all these neo-liberal, corporately-sponsored politicians force down our throats. People's Socialism is what the Alliance believes in -- a socialism of the working class!" "But if the government ran everything, wouldn't that mean -" Nikki cut in -- "It would mean we'd have equality! What's so wrong with that?" "But, for instance, this hair salon. I believe it's owned by a corporation. Under socialism would you still have a job?" "Sure I would! People would still need to get their hair cut. That doesn't change, under socialism. Sweetie, you're still a girl. You're 19. Still a baby. Jenny, I've been working for this company for 6 years, since I graduated from high school, and I'm 24 now and still making just a little more than minimum wage. Sure, I get to cut the hair of a lot of pretty athletes from the university, but look what I get paid, Jenny. I make 6.5 credits an hour! And the owners of the HyperCuts chain, they're making millions, guaranteed. We need a strong government to protect the rights of working people, Jenny. The PSA is fighting for everybody. The PSA fights for the working class!" "So, exactly who would own this chain if we had socialism?" "Honey, the politicians tell us we have socialism right now. But it's not true socialism. Under the real socialism, People's Socialism, it would be owned by the workers, through the state." "So the government would own every business?" "The state would own all businesses, yes. But then I guess they wouldn't be called businesses anymore, would they? They'd be called collectives, or cooperatives. Worker-owned cooperatives. And that's People's Socialism!" "So, then everyone would be an employee of the state?" "Yes. Look at how it is now, sweetie. When a worker is employed by a private company, the company and its - executives - are stealing part of her labor. They take her labor, and pay her, but they take most of it, and become rich through her labor. Under People's Socialism, Jennifer, there's none of that. No exploitation. We all work for the common good. For the people! Every woman is equal!" "And every man?" "It works for men, too. I don't want my wife, someday, to be exploited by some private corporation. I want her to work at her job and get paid based on her brains and her talents, and what she's able to produce and accomplish, not based on some corporation's whims or bottom line or some ridiculous capitalist marketplace. As a man, I would feel more proud of my girl, my wife, if the value of her work goes to help the betterment of all humankind, not some corporate plutocracy. And a man who feels proud of his woman, his girl, like that will enjoy his role even more. How can a man enjoy taking care of his girl, his wife, when some corporation is exploiting her, taking her labor and diverting it away from the people? Sweetie, you know, a man wants to feel like a man. Ask any man. Ask any man on the street. Men want to enjoy being men. And for that we need to respect women." "OK, but -" "There is no but." Nikki lowered his voice and looked at her. "Men are supposed to be helpmates for women. Females are the taller and the physically stronger sex, and also the sex with the rational mind. Males are the softer sex, look at us. We're shorter and smaller and weaker than women! And our brains are, you know, genetically and biologically wired for emotions and feelings and intuition, not for math and science and technology and running governments. The male sex is the softer sex! When a man looks up at a woman, he needs to feel that she's in control. Men need to feel that you women know what you're doing, that you're in charge of things, so that we can concentrate on taking care of you. How can we enjoy that, how can we enjoy being men and taking care of our women, when our women's labor is being exploited by capitalists? When we know that the people aren't equal because a few people, a tiny handful of people, have succeeded in usurping the economic power for themselves and keeping people unequal? In that kind of society, men can't completely respect women. In that kind of society, under capitalism, men can't completely look up to women and be the good little helpmates we're supposed to be. We want to be the best helpmates we can be. We know we're the softer sex. We know we're the weaker sex. But we can't be as soft or as weak as we want to be, we can't serve and take care of women as well as we want to if our women are being exploited. Someday, when I get married, I want my girl to work for the good of all people, the common good, and when she earns her salary, I'll feel that everything she's earned, she deserves, and everything she deserves, she's earned, and anything else is going to the common good, society, the state - to make everyone equal! To provide services - medical care, education, training, housing, leisure - for everyone!" "But the VPA government does most of that stuff already, don't they? I mean, right now, medical care and education are mostly subsidized by the government." "And the people need more of that, Jenny! The people need more! And the people shall have more, because we will fight for a People's Socialist revolution!" "You want a revolution in the streets? You mean fighting?" "Not necessarily fighting. Just people standing up for their rights. It's mostly a political fight, through elections. But if that doesn't work -" "If that doesn't work you'll take it to the streets, right?" "The revolution doesn't have to be violent, but if it needs to, it'll get to that point." "Sounds like fun!" Back then, Jennifer had not yet declared a major at school but was considering Mathematics, because, in her last year of high school, she had received the highest possible score on the math section of the University Application Examination. On the day before Jennifer had to declare her major, she came in for a haircut and Nikki said, "I know you're really brilliant at math and all that, but I think you need to think beyond that. Numbers are cool, but aren't they for introverts? You're more of an extrovert. You get along well with people. You're a leader on the volleyball court. You're very smart. Why not go to law school?" "Law school? But I've always liked technology." "Jennifer, do you know that the same talent you have for mathematics and science is also tested - in another way - on the Law Studies Entrance Examination? You've heard of the LSEX, right?" She smiled. "The LSEX? It sounds like something prohibited for minors. Do I have to be 21?" "Ahahaha!" His brown eyes brightened at her joke. "No. You can take it right now. In fact it's not too late to register for next week's test." "Really? And what does being a lawyer have to do with math? Because the two seem so different." "It's logic, rational thinking, analytical thinking, honey. I'm going to say it again - the same things that make you a whiz at math will make you ace the LSEX and get into a top law school. There's a big section on the LSEX test called Logic Games, and there are several sections that test your analytical reasoning skills." "And why do I want to be a lawyer, again?" "Lawyers make more money than computer nerds, for one." "Oh!" She smiled. "It's all about money, now? You're such a socialist!" "People's Socialist!" "Oh, People's Socialist! I thought you don't believe that people should make a lot of money." "I didn't say that people shouldn't make a lot of money. That's not what socialism, People's Socialism, is about. Under People's Socialism, there will still be those who earn more money. But it'll be based on talent and ability, not exploitation. It'll be based on your brainpower. And the discrepancies in income won't be as great. There'll still be a ruling class, a governing class, you know, politicians, bureaucrats, intellectuals. The knowledge workers, the technocratic class. In fact, if anything, the technocratic class will be even stronger, in an even better position than they are now, because more of state power will be centralized and in the people's hands. And the technocrats will still have bigger salaries than, say, a skybus driver or a policewoman. But they'll be serving the people, all the people." "But that's assuming we elect a socialist government." "A People's Socialist government, sweetie. And yes, that is. But even before that, being a lawyer is like, so cool. It's a really cool career for a smart girl. Because you can use your brains, plus you can use your outgoing nature, your people skills. Why lock yourself up in a box, in a room, like a nerdy engineer and program computers all day? That's not cool. Nerds aren't cool. Why not be a lawyer? Use your intelligence, and your personality, to persuade, to convince, to change things in the real world. Plus you can go into politics!" "Why would I want to go into politics?" "Sweetie, politics is everything! It's how we make the decisions that determine how we live, now and in the future. Politics is, like, the art of persuasion. And law is the science of persuasion!" "And why do I want to persuade people that one type of politics is better than another?" "Because one type of politics is better than another. Come on, Jenny, deep in your heart, you know I'm right. You know that socialism is fairer than the shitty social market, watered-down welfare state corporate capitalism we have now. And you know People's Socialism is the way to go." "But don't a lot of lawyers work for corporations? Don't they help capitalists exploit people?" "They might represent corporations, if their law firms do, but that doesn't mean they share the ideology of capitalists. Plus, a lawyer should be allowed to earn good money, if she's competent and intelligent enough to do accomplish it. And lawyers represent a lot of good causes, too. Oppressed people. Exploited workers. The environment. The falsely accused. As a lawyer, you can use your brains to really help people. In the real world, Jenny. Not inside of some computer box, pressing buttons. And you work with all kinds of interesting issues, public policy issues, political issues." "Such as what?" "Such as - well, how about it if you came along with me to some of our PSA Youth group meetings? The local PSA Youth is meeting down by the C270 Waterway, to talk about environmental issues next week ... "Really?" asked Jennifer. "What environmental issues?" "Oh! Well, big corporations polluting our water and air, for one thing. Companies, like, putting toxic chemicals into the rivers and streams and our drinking water. Rich corporate executives stealing land from common citizens to use for big capitalist moneymaking schemes." "That sounds interesting. I agree, if these corporations are doing that, it's horrible. Someone should stop them. But what does your group do about all this?" "We learn about what's going on, we research and discuss what's really happening, not what they report on the corporate media. Some of our people contact the media and do Hive interviews. We coordinate strategy, to organize people through the party and non-profit pressure groups. And you know, we've got activists and we plan, like, actions and protests, to spread the word about these capitalist crimes that are happening, that people aren't aware of!" "Okay, I'd like to go check it out. It's something to get involved in. When exactly is this meeting happening?" "Next Friday at 4 pm. Have you been to BSB?" "What's BSB?" "Blue Sun Boulevard. You know that area along the waterfront down at C270 with all those, like, cool shops and restaurants and little boutiques? It's called Blue Sun Boulevard, BSB. There's a big caf' right in the middle there, the Apocalypto. The PSA Youth environmental coordinating committee meets there every month." "Is there a skygarage around that area?" "Sure. There are several. My friends and I, we usually take the Citysouth skybus, though. We're all guys. Were you planning to fly yourself? You got a skycar?" "Yeah, I do. I have volleyball practice at 1 pm every Friday. It usually goes 2 hours. So I guess I could just fly down there when I'm done. It's about a 10 minute flight from the University." "And I have to work on Friday until 3. So I, like, get off the same time as you do. Hmmm ... . If you want to go, could I get a ride with you?" "Sure. Where should I meet you?" "Could you come pick me up here, at the salon, at like 3:30?" "Okay. But how will your friends get there?" "Oh, they can take the skybus." "You're sure?" "Hmmm ... Okay. How big is your skycar? There are 3 of us. Me and Jona and Toni." Nikki was just finishing up Jennifer's hair. "That's not a problem. There's room. Okay, then I'll see you here at 3:30." "Oh, by the way. This style works as a long bob. I can part your hair on the side because it looks really cute like that, coming down on the sides of your face. It frames your face, it's very cute. Unless you want me to comb it backward and we can put into a nice pretty ponytail. I have some scrunchies and ribbons for you here on my worktable." "Okay. That's fine. I'll have a ponytail for now." "Oh, good choice. Very sporty. All the pretty athletes are wearing ponytails these days." Nikki picked up a bright blue elastic ribbon, gathered Jennifer's golden locks and pulled them back, and tied the ribbon into place. "Your hair is so shiny. It's a warm blonde. And the blue ribbon matches your eyes!" He smiled. Nikki untied Jennifer's salon smock and pulled it off her. Jennifer stood up to her full 188 cm of height. She was so tall and sexy. Nikki's heart jumped a beat. He felt a stirring inside him, in his loins and his cock. He put his hands on his hips and looked up at her. "It looks darling!" he said. He realized the remark just seemed to spill out of his mouth uncontrollably. He felt helpless standing there in front of this strapping, gorgeous blonde. His cock had completely taken over from his head. "So, 3:30 on Friday? Here?" "I'll see you here Friday." She turned and went to the counter to pay for the haircut.