Brutal The fans were nearly out of control when the announcer finally got things started. "First up! Making her way to the ring, the current sexfight champion! The one hundred and sixty pound walking mountain of pure, barely-legal muscle, Amber the bodybuilding teen!" Amber skipped to the ring, blowing kisses (and making more suggestive gestures to some) as she went. She was dressed in casual clothes of a short tank top and cutoff jeans, showing off her carved body. Her abs glistened with oil and sweat in her midriff. Waiting in the ring was a tied-up male. He stood no chance. Amber nailed him so hard with her fist KERPOW! that he won't be waking up for a LONG, LONG time! "Next to enter the ring. The curvy giantess who just violently tore the hardcore championship belt just weeks ago from the hands of April the Felon in a back alley brawl match! Crushing her opponents like a bathroom scale and never leaving them asking for seconds, Rosa "Big Mama" Cakes!" Rosa thundered to the ring, laughing triumphantly. The belt was hugging tightly against her fat stomach, and she shoves aside fans who leaned too far at her over the railings. She wore tight spandex pants and a tube top with her breasts spilling out from both above and below. waiting in the ring was a normal size guy. Big Mama Rosa was 14 times the size of him. She pushed him over and jumped high in the air, landing right on top of the now flat as a pancake and with all ribs crushed hapless opponent, who's face was struck in side her ass, a very unwashed and brown ass. "And the tag belt champions! Returning from an extended injury to reclaim their title DAYS after their arrival from the fierce Heaven and Hell! The only dancing they'll be doing tonight is on your spine, as these musical minxes enter the ring! Tulip and Daisy Dixie, The Dixie Bitches!" The country girls came into the arena blasting their music, arm and arm as they strutted sexily to the ring, swinging their hips with every step. They both climbed onto the ring apron when Tulip grabbed Daisy around the waist, dipping her backwards so that she hung over the edge of the ring, and gave her a wet, tongue-filled kiss that had the fans screaming their lungs out. Both licked their lips and entered the ring. A skinny wimp of a male was there waiting for them. Beautiful high bare sole kicks to the face turned him into ragu. He was completely broken from jus a few kicks from these cute girly girls. "Next up, the Texan tough who can never get enough! Who's too hardcore for the rules and too fearless to bend to anyone! When she's not knocking back brews, she's knocking out her competition in defense of her female championship belt! Give it way the fuck up for Kim Austin!" The blonde Texan strode to the ring, a six pack in one hand as she used the other to flip off the crowd. She kept it up the whole time as she popped open all six of the beers, dumping them over her head and chugging them all at once. The crowd ate it up. She climbed to the top turnbuckle and chucked the empty cans to the crowd before hooting euphorically for their cheers. A male had been tied up and left out for her, waiting in effect to receive her hardcore demonstration. She produced a frying pan and made a loud gong as she hit him with it. But he was still no his feet - not for long: an anvil? WHAM! He'd down. And out. "And finally, the mixed belt champion! Straight out of darkest Africa and having crushed nearly every man she's ever met, in and outside the ring! She'll break your nose and still look steaming hot enough to make you thank her for it! The lovely jungle goddess, Simone!" Simone marched to the ring, staff in hand as always. Even when she didn't use it, she just had it around. It could really rattle some of her opponents, but no one tonight. Simone suddenly picked up pace right before the ring, sprinting and then jamming her pole into the faces of the six men who had been put in the ring for her. All six were down in a flash. But she was not done with them yet. She then grabbed each male by two hands and crushed their entire heads in her hands like a grape. Six no longer handsome corpses littered the ring. We have a clear winner .... : SimOne ! "So many playmates ... " sighed Amber contently. "So many victims," chuckled Tulip. "So many cushions," laughed Big Mama.