Arrow: The Huntress returns alternate ending Helena jumped of the roof. She saw her father running towards the forest. She aimed the shotgun; he was not going to escape justice this time. Helena! a voice shouted her name behind her. She turned around ready to fire. There she saw him: Oliver. The hood over his head partially concealed his face. But she knew it was him. He had an arrow on his bow pointed at her chest. A Mexican standoff. While keeping the shotgun aimed, Helena walked closer and looked in his eyes. She saw the hesitancy in the eyes of her former lover and mentor. You won't shoot me she said. You are not a murderer ... .remember she asked with a determined voice. Oliver's mind was getting split by doubt. However he had made his decision, and he would not fall back. But you are; he responded. He remembered the US Marshalls she just killed. And if I let you go, that blood will be on my hands he said with a voice plagued with grief. I am sorry he whispered. He let go of the bowstring and released the arrow, which flew straight to her heart. She dropped the shotgun. Helena breathed hard. Oliver looked surprised. Helena looked with a triumphant look on her face. The endless amounts of training had result. She had caught the arrow in her hand. Smilingly she weighted the arrow in her hand. She looked at him proudly. I practiced that move. The look on her face became angry, as she dropped the arrow. I had a feeling I might need it someday. Slowly she walked towards him, while beginning to realize what just happened. Her face became sad as she realized the shot had been aimed at her heart. You would have killed me she said with a voice broken from pain. She looked in his eyes, and saw that she was right. Angered she lunged towards him; she spun around and kicked the bow out of his hand. Oliver was still distracted by his emotions as he slowly responded on her attack. Fuelled by her anger she grabbed his legs and drove him on his back. Oliver's reflexes kicked in and he used her momentum to send her over him and ended up on top. Before he could control her Helena darted under his arm and got behind him. Holding him in a kneeling position she wrapped her arm around his neck for a chokehold. Oliver grabbed her legs and threw her of. While Helena fell she used her leg to throw him over her, in a similar manner he had done to her. They both got up, but Helena was quicker. While Oliver was still on his knees she aimed a round kick at his face. He blocked it on his forearms. She threw another kick at his head, quickly he ducked underneath it. Helena rolled with the momentum from her kick and trapped his head under her armpit; then she somersaulted over him. She got him in a neck breaking position. Standing back to back she tried to break his neck over her shoulder. Before she could get the right angle; Oliver reversed her and threw her over his shoulder. Oliver tried to pick up his bow. Helena knew this was something she had to avoid. Before he could reach his bow; She jumped in the air towards him and wrapped her legs around his waist and fell on her back pulling him on top of her. Before Oliver could respond she used her legs to flip him on his back. She ended up in a position mounting his chest. She smiled in her thoughts. Oliver had been seven years on an Island, surviving under the most dangerous conditions known to man. He was probably one of the best hand to hand fighters she would ever meet. Despite that she lacked his years of experience, she possessed a raw talent for combat he never had. First she had been an undisciplined streetfighter, However the training that Oliver had given her, including the training that she received in Madrid had made her into a very tactical and creative combatant. She had no idea if her creative and spontaneous style of fighting could match Oliver's experience and technical way of combat, but she definitely wanted to find out. He bridged in an effort to escape but she changes her weight and keeps her control of him. She drives her forearm in his throat trying to choke him. Using his superior strength, Oliver quickly grabs her choking arm and bucks her off. After some scrambling on the floor Oliver gets on top. Helena uses her amazing flexibility to get her legs around his waist. She throws a leg over his shoulder, to catch him in a triangle choke. Wit her sheer force of determination she manages to get the choke tightly around his neck. She hears him breath heavily as she increased the pressure on his neck, and despite the darkness she started to see his face turn red. What is the matter lover? She laughed triumphantically. Surprised you can't handle me anymore? In a desperate attempt Oliver rolls over, actually making his position even worse. However using his legs he manages to slip out of the choke from her legs. Wit the choke released he uses his feet to kick her of; sending her flying to the ground. They both get back to their feet. Cautiously they move around each other. Helena fakes a kick towards his groin, and then jumps forward and aims a flying knee to his face. Oliver replies quickly with both arms he parries the incoming strike. He counters with a punch aimed at her face. She had read his intent, and she had expected it. The tiger kungfu and taichi training she had received in Barcelona now kicked in like a second nature. Wit her left hand she waves his punch out of the way, at the same time she slips besides him; while doing this her right hand goes low underneath his arm protecting his upper body. Wit trained precision she grabs his unprotected groin with her hand, and squeezes his testicles in her hand. She hears him groan in pain as he instinctively lowers his hands to remove the source of the pain. She used her left arm to deliver a short but stunning elbow strike to his now unguarded head. The elbow strike hits him against the side of the head, by far not enough to knock him down but still enough to break his balance. Exactly what she wanted, she quickly lets go of his groin and grabs his head with both hands. She drives her fingers in his eyes and uses the leverage on his head to throw him backwards on his back. Using the momentum he rolls through to his feet. Before Oliver can get up, Helena steps forward and throws a powerful sidekick against the side of his chest. Satisfied she notices her sidekick connects. She can hear the ribs break as the kick knocks him down. Looks like the student surpasses the teacher she grins. To her surprise however Oliver grabs her leg, despite the seemingly broken ribs he twists her ankle and throws her to the ground. He tries to put her in a footlock. From the floor she hits him with a kick to the chest and kicks her feet free, and bounces back up to her feet. She throws a punch at his stomach, he parries it and jabs her in the face, and he follows up with a hook aimed at her temple which glances her head. He throws another hook but she reads his intent. Wit an inside to outside waving motion she blocks his arm and captures it against her side. Wit her other; she manages to grab his Adam's apple; and begins to choke him. He breaks her grip on his throat and forces her to turn by bending her arm. Oliver traps her arm in a hammerlock and forces it between her shoulderblades. His other arm encircles her neck and he pulls her head back against his shoulder. Using the leverage of the hammerlock he forces her on her knees. He puts more pressure on her trapped arm, and she groans in pain and frustration. Give up he commands. His head is so close she feels his breath tickle her hair. Never; she hisses. Wit her free hand she reaches over her shoulder and claws his face. Her fingers rake his eyes. He leans back to avoid her eye gouge. She uses the space to throw her head back and headbutts him against his cheek. He loses his grip on her. She turns around and scratches his eyes, in pain Oliver lets go of the hold. He jumps back rubbing his scratched eyes. Oliver looks at her wit surprise. She is way more skilled than the last time they fought. Her movements have become way more economic and unpredictable. She also seems to be able to read his intentions. Above all her attacks are way dirtier and damaging than before. There is no way she learned these skills in some street brawls. Someone must have taught her this. Cautiously they move around each other while carefully looking for openings. She leaps at him like a serpent. She fakes a kick to his knee and then throws an elbow to his face. However despite his injuries he easily parries her attack, and replies with a punch to her ribs after which he grabs her in standing armlock. He tries to hyperextend her arm under his armpit. Using her athleticism she puts her other arm on the floor and flips over it to escape the lock. She spins around and tries to reverse elbow the back of his head. He quickly blocks it on his forearm. She tries to reply with a punch but he dodges her with ease; and front kicks her in the stomach. The kick is hard; she staggers back, and can barely keep standing. His durability surprises Helena. She looks in his eyes and sees pure concentration. She observes his stance; and sees no opening in his defense whatsoever. Damn this guy is good; he is going to beat me if I don't figure something out. She drops her hands and chances her fighting stance in a neutral stance. Okay Oliver I give up she says on a beaten tone. She lowers her head as a sign of surrender. Please don't kill me, I do whatever you want she follows pleading. Doubt and distraction begin to appear on Oliver's face. His stance begins to soften. Perfect Helena thinks, distracting thoughts slow your response time, and make your reflexes numb. I know you still have feelings for me she says while looking at him with the most pleading face she can play. Oliver seems to melt under her look. Helena sees his thoughts are obviously not busy with combat. Spotting the openings in his defense she suddenly jumps forward. She throws a punch at his face, which he barely blocks. She immediately follows it up with a spinning hook kick to his head. Her heel grazes his temple and he wambles back. Without pause she chases him and punches him in the stomach knocking his wind out. He tries to punch her; swiftly she slips his punch, and goes for a wrestling hold. She hugs his waist and tries to trip him backward, but he regains his balance. Wrestling chest to chest they both try to throw the other. Feeling his enormous strength and base; she knows this is a battle she will lose eventually. She decides to go for a typical street fighting move and bites him in his neck. Surprised by this move, Oliver tries to shake her of. Sensing his imbalance, Helena knees him in the groin. The pain of the strike makes Oliver double over. Swiftly she cups her hands behind his neck and snaps his head further down. She traps his head under her armpit and clamps her hands together. Oliver tries to resist her hold but the knee in his groin made him feel like he needed to puke. Using his broken posture she begins to move him around and starts to knee him in his already broken ribs. Oliver feels his ribs bruise by her knee strikes. He tries to fight her of but because of his damaged ribs breathing becomes really hard. He starts to see white dots flying around. In a last attempt he manages to lift her up and throw her away. However to his disappointment; she spins in the air and lands perfectly on her feet. Smilingly Helena notices how her opponent starts to wear down. You should have helped me Oliver she laughs. We could have been lovers, but now one of us has to die. And it will not be me she kiers with a sadistic smile on her face. Oliver can hardly breathe because of his broken ribs. His arms start to feel heavy like lead. When he first met her, he tried to learn her patience and discipline. Now she is using these same elements to beat him. His body begins to fatigue as he is gasping for air. While she is fresh and smiling, her face untouched even her hair looks perfect. Dammed he has to finish her quickly, or she will slowly take him apart. Helena confidently walks forward to finish the job. In a desperate attempt he pulls one of his flechettes and throws it at her. With her flat hand she slaps the projectile out of the air. She replies with a round kick straight against his broken ribs. He gasps for air as the kick knocks the wind out of him. She follows up with a punch to his face. He desperately tries to cover up, but she is relentless now. Lightning fast she throws her strikes at him, she switches between hitting his head and going low for his stomach and ribs. Oliver desperately tries to cover up to defend against her furious unslaught. From his guard he tries to elbow her in the face, however he is to slow. She ducks under the strike and slams her cupped hand straight in his groin. She then grabs his testicles and squeezes hard, Oliver screams in pain at the vice like grip on his groin. She pulls him towards her by his balls and hits him straight in the chest with a double palm strike. The strike and his unbalanced stance make him uncontrollably spin around. In a desperate attempt he pulls a flechette from his wrist. In a last attempt he tries to stab her in the chest, However the injuries, and the fatigue make him way to slow. With ease she catches his wrist and replies with a knife hand to his throat. He coughs hard and almost passes out as the strike almost breaks his trachea. The flechette falls out of his hand. She bends his wrist in a wristlock and forces him on his back. He screams loudly as she mercilessly twists his wrist and breaks it. She keeps him pinned immobile with her knee on his chest. I am sorry handsome but you shouldn't have tried to kill me. She smiles at the feeling of being the victor. I...I wanted to help you Oliver utters with a weak voice. Her facial expression starts to soften and becomes sad. You know ... . we are the same you and I. However you have your limitations and are bound by your code of honor. I have given these things up long time ago. She looks down at her conquered opponent. You know this reminds me of a story I read as a child. The great Magician Merlin learned Magic to his lover Morgana. However after a while she became just as powerful as him. They then got in a disagreement and she decided she had to take him out. So she used what he taught her against him to capture and kill him. That is us Oliver she said with grief in her voice. You know, you could have beaten me in that fight. However your feelings for me forced you to hold back. Listen ... Oliver whispered with a weak voice, it is not too late you can still go back. Don't do this. Yes, yes revenge isn't justice Helena imitated him. I am sorry but my father has to die. I can't live knowing that the man who killed Michael still walks free. I can't hunt him down with you in the picture So you have to leave. I will miss you Oliver. She leaned forward and passionately kisses him on his mouth. Without thinking Oliver answers her kiss. A short moment there seems to exist nothing except each other and their love between them. After their lips finally separate Oliver sees tears rolling from her eyes. She quickly whips them away. I am sorry she says with a voice full of sorrow. Before he can respond, she closes her hands around his throat and starts choking him. Gasping for air Oliver looks up at her. His eyes are begging her to let go. However without losing eye contact she increased her grip on his throat. Oliver Queen you have failed this city she whispers with an emotionless voice. In seconds Oliver's vision starts to blur. The last thing Oliver saw was the sad but determined look on her beautiful face. Then the world went dark. Helena felt his body go limp under her hands as he goes unconscious. She lets go of him and wants to walk towards the forest. Then she stops. She has a short moment of hesitation. Then as if she had made a decision she walks toward the arrow Oliver had shot at her. She picks it up and walks towards Oliver's unconscious body. You tried to break my heart first. What comes around goes around she murmurs. Mckenna slowly approaches the field where she had heard the noise from. She keeps her pistol in front of her, ready to fire at any moment. Suddenly she sees the hooded figure lying on the ground. The Vigilante. She points her weapon at him; Police don't move she screams with autoritive voice. Then she sees he isn't moving at all. Slowly she walks towards him. Then she sees an arrow is stuck in his chest straight through his heart. She bends down and feels for a pulse. However like she expected the Vigilante is death. She wants to call it in, but then her curiosity gets the better of her. She flashes on her flashlight and carefully pulls the hood back. When she sees who the person is; her mind freezes. She can only look down, denying that what she sees is real. O ... Oliver ... but how?... How is this possible? After what feels like an eternity she gets back to her senses. Then she throws her head back and screams loudly in pain and frustration. Helena smiles as she hears the scream. Looks like someone founded you Oliver she laughs. But then she stopped thinking about it. Her thoughts were back on the hunt. As quickly as possible she moved through the forest. Her father will not escape. Justice will get him one way or the other. With even more determination she continues the hunt in the darkness. My name is no longer Helena Bertinelli. I am Huntress. The End.