Scientific analysis of why the female is the stronger sex By Pau Brasi Proving what we all now already, girls are stronger than guys Girls have STRONGER MUSCLES and are going to get even stronger! Men on average have larger muscles - the Average female has only 55% of the average males muscles mass, but still she has 66-70 % of his strength .That means, biologically, the female muscle tissue is more efficient than the males by up to 15%. Much scientific research has now gone to show that while fibre to fibre female muscle exerts the same force than men's, the male muscle only contracts 80% of it fibres, while the female fibres are nearly 100% efficient. Thus 'Female muscle has up to 15% more strength over male muscle' Dynamometer tests for evaluation of dynamic muscle power also shows the female muscle to be superior. Test showed that female muscle has 75% more endurance over male muscle. The study found that women outlasted men by an average of 75 per cent during muscle contractions under a load. 'women's muscular endurance capacity is far greater than men's when working at the same relative intensity' Girls muscle fibers are stronger structurally, Estrogen binds muscles cells together thus strengthening muscle fibre and protecting the muscle from tearing or rupture. Its hypothesized that estrogen ''may be able to insert itself into cells, like muscle membranes, and stabilize them, which would protect them from tearing." Research shows that men and women have on average equal ratios of fast/slow twitch muscle fibres, under a microscope you cannot tell male from female muscle. But since the female muscle fibre is really stronger because of the cell binding of estrogen, overloading and overworking the muscles and then performing muscle biopsy tests reveal male muscle from the broken muscle fibres. Using electronic muscle stimulators to over load or overwork the muscle showed that male muscle fibres were breaking when female were not while doing the same work. Muscle is then found in the male blood stream but not in female. Several investigations have reported greater relative increases in strength than in muscle size in women. Even though exercise induced muscle hypertrophy between female and male muscle shows a 7 and a 14% increase, respectively due to the greater testosterone levels of men, the percentage strength gain for women was 29% compared to 22% for men, suggesting that, in addition to muscle hypertrophy, the observed strength increases involve neuromuscular adaptations that are far more efficient in women. Only a few of these studies, however, have reported what muscle mass changes occurred. Findings also show that women exhibit a greater increase in hypertrophy following the strength gains whereas in men hypertrophy occurred sooner after commencement of exercise but with less strength gains, suggesting that the females superior neuromuscular adaptations may play a major role alongside testosterone in strength gains and in hypertrophy. Strength tests amongst male and female bodybuilders of the same muscle mass (i.e. weight, bmi, muscle size) confirmed all these findings. With the female athletes out performing their male counterparts in every way. Perhaps the most dramatic of these was where an arm wrestling machine, developed by world champion Jack Barringer to ensure that no one can cheat or win by way of technique,- arm strength only could dictate the winner of the contest, was used to contest the woman bodybuilder's strength against her male counterpart. Not only did she win, but the man's biceps were ruptured resulting in the need for hospital treatment, the female muscle tore the male muscle apart! 'the science shows the female muscle is a stronger fibre than males. Though the fibres are essentially the same, female muscle is treated with a fibre binding agent (estrogen) that elevates the fiber strength and durability! With the female bodybuilders greater fibre contraction efficiency, the male bodybuilders bicep quickly reached it's endurance limit and the fibres start breaking (meanwhile the female muscle fibers continue to contract with little or no damage) the male muscle got weaker and weaker as it lost more and more fibres, resulting in more load on to the remaining fibres. Until finally the man's muscle is stretched into an Eccentric Contraction, and ruptured' As women become more comfortable with building strength and being strong, the gap between the sexes is rapidly disappearing. A Swedish female weightlifter recently broke the world record in the 52kg class for women. She had would off placed 3rd in the world for the 56 kg class for men! The Swedish record for men at that weight about 5 kgs less than for women right now. Women weightlifting has only being going a relatively few years compared to 100 odd years for men and yet they are gaining rapidly. It is highly likely that women will dominate the weight lifting scene very soon. The popularity of women's wrestling has grown exponentially in the last decade, and yes girls have an advantage over men because of the weight placement in their hips and thighs. This low centre of gravity makes pushups harder for girls than men but in wrestling is a positive factor of stability both standing and on the ground. Better suppleness and flexibility also help girls in wrestling situations. When a girl learns the best way to utilize the shape of her body in wrestling they quickly find that men can be easily beaten as is shown in history. Wrestling is the most important of the Mongolian culture's historic "Three Manly Skills", that also include horsemanship and archery. Genghis Kahn used wrestling to keep his army in good physical condition and ready for combat Mongolian wrestlers wear a tunic called a jodag. The front is open but tied at the bottom with a simple string knot, exposing the wrestler's chest. This is because; on one occasion a wrestler woman disguised herself as a man and entered the national Nadaam wrestling festival. She then proceed to deliver a beating to all the other combatants, defeating them one by one, even breaking one man's back, to win the championship. She then ripped open the jodag to reveal her breasts, showing everyone that she was a young maiden. From that day, petrified that a girl will come along and beat them all up and humiliate them again, one of the most feared groups of fighting men in the world began to wear the jodag in a way to reveal the wrestler's chest. It is also thought that many other women had participated in previous Nadaam festivals, battled, and won but kept their gender a secret. More recently women who now choose to practice and compete on men's wrestling teams (legal if a separate women's program does not exist) are showing greater and greater success over their male counterparts. And in Judo, women have become so strong that they can now beat men. According to Cuban news agency Prensa Latina. In may 2006 The Cuban womens team competed in a friendly against the Ecudorian men, and massacred them! The women's teamwon 28 out of 30 fights against the Ecuadorean men's team at the high performance centre in the Ecuadorian city of Cuenca. Face it Gurrlzz rule!!!!!!!!!