Brother verses Sister 34 by by Buzz Haywood The Combat Continues without One 441 matches, Lauren with 435, and me with 6. My younger sister ended my career. You can now reach Lauren as well at Pittman Pike is now at 4,768 and zero losses. After being retired for the last two months, my sister's golden opportunity snuck up on me, it was getting closer and closer. She had invited me over. "Buzz, you don't have to answer me know, but I do want you to think about it," she said, "what would you think about managing my career?" I didn't know what to say. "You're right, I do need to think about this," I responded. Her title match was in three weeks. Lauren understood. "Buzz, how are you really?" Talk about a loaded question. I can't really give a "good" or "bad" answer. "I wish I could tell you, Lauren." She gave me an understanding look. "Best of luck against Pike," I said. I saw the look in those eyes. "You truly mean it, don't you?" she said. "I want you to be the first to beat him. I want you to take the title away from him." We hugged. "You are the better wrestler out of us," I admitted. "You don't need to say that," she replied. "But it's the truth," I insisted. As it got closer to match day, Pike brought his record up to, 4,888-0 and was just as dangerous as ever. In an interview, he made fun of me for getting my career ended by my younger sister. Lauren was then interviewed. A highlight video was then aired. "My answer is yes," I said. Pike just smirked. Lauren relunctantly agreed as well. So it was settled now. "Good! There's no going back now," Pike responded. Lauren and I shook hands at the press confrence. "The both of you made the right choice," Pike said. We both ignored him. The rules for the match are no time limit, no count outs, no disqualifications, there must be a winner. First pin or submission wins. Lauren was interviewed about the title opportunity verses career match. The interviewer asked, "Straight out now, how would you live with yourself if you end your big brother's career?" Certainly my sister wasn't too thrilled about this question, although she wasn't exactlly shocked by it. "Miserable, bad, awful, guilty, guilt-stricken, terrible, pick your pick." Next was my turn to be interviewed. "How will you handle it if your little sister is the one responsible for ending your wrestling career?" That's what someone asked me. I also recieved various e-mails asking the same thing. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about it. And boy I thought about it. A lot. Pike had just gone to 4,258-0. Being able to cash in a title shot at any time would certainly be to my advantage. The night before the big match, Lauren and I wished each other luck and hugged. Pike was interviewed before the match. "I've had it with the Haywoods and I just want this to be done! After tonight I'll only have one of them to deal with." Next was my turn. "My wrestling carrer being on the line is more than enough motivation for me. I want a shot at the title! This will be step one. I love my sister, but I need to prove myself. I need to show that I'm just as good as my little sister and can beat her." I woke up. The match was today. Lauren challenging Pike. I can't miss this, but how will I watch it? Live stream? Or do I dare walk into the arena? I recieved a phone call suddenly. It was the promoter. He reserved a seat for me. As I waited until bell time, I had to look on the screen. Had to see if there was anything I could have done differently. And so the ring introductions were made. We shook hands. The bell rang. We circled the ring. We locked up. We exchanged wrist locks and arm bars. Suddenly, I was trapped in her head-lock. Why oh why am I torturing myself by watching this? I need to get ready. I will be there. How can I not be? I got my mind focused and arrived at the arena after everyone else had already gotten there. I wanted to sneak in and not see anybody. I took my seat. I was wearing a hoodie. Didn't want to be noticed. After a terrific under card, it was now time for the main event. There was something big in the air. Something huge. The ring announcer introduced Lauren. She was cheered. Everyone appeared to be on her side. Lauren looked ready. Next, Pike, the champion, was introduced. Pittman Pike was as intimidating as ever. And so the bell rang. They circled the ring. Their eyes locked. Pike smirked. He looked like he was checking her out. And he smirked again. So, Lauren chopped him. Pike looked amused. So she chopped him even harder. This angered him. So she threw a series of rights and lefts at him. He went to clothesline her, but she ducked. So now she gave him a clothesline and connected. Pike staggered. Lauren threw a drop kick. He staggered some more. Then she drop kicked him again and Pike fell and crashed onto the mat. She went right to the elbow drops on him. She went for a cover. But Pike got out even before the one count. But she put the boots to him, staying on him. She went with the knee drops. She then stomped him. Now she went for the pin again. Pike got up after the count of one. The first five minutes of this match had gone by. Now she gets an arm bar on him. Pike looked frustrated. He slowly started to get up, so she applied more pressure. Pike was upset at being handled this way. Lauren added even more pressure. But Pike powers out and hip tosses her. Lauren hit like a thud onto the mat. He pulled her by the hair and then body slammed her. He splashed her. The ref then slapped the mat, Lauren got out at one, good sign. Pike yanked at her hair again. Snapmare! Now he puts a knee against her back and applied a wear down hold which quickly became a submission hold. At the 10:46 mark, Lauren was able to roll out of that hold. Pike went for an elbow dropped, but missed. So, he went back to the elbow drop, but again Lauren moved. She sprung back up to her feet and began unloading more punches onto Pike. While he was staggering, Lauren super kicked him, right in the chin. Pike fell down with a great crash. She went after his left leg. As powerful as Pike is, it'll take everything Lauren has to weaken him down. She applied a half crab on him. It was the 15:48 mark. Lauren kept wrenching the hold and wrenching it in and in. The ref kept asking Pike if he wanted to submit. Pike kept screaming no. Pike was trying to reach the rope. Pike was screaming in pain. He tried powering out of it. It was now the 22:27 mark. He yelled. Then he made a jump. Still couldn't reach the rope. He slitered and then he crawled. Finally he reached the rope. Lauren had to break the hold. Pike was attempting to get back to his feet. Lauren kicked the back of his leg. Pike went back down. Lauren worked on his right leg now. Suddenly, she applied the figure four on him. Pike looked frustrated and hurt at the same time. "AWWW, I can't believe this!" Pike screamed. The ref asked him if he wanted to submit. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Pike groaned. His legs were hurting. Pike's face was a picture of extreme pain. He tried to reach for the ropes, but couldn't reach them. Now Pike was trying to roll over. It was now at the 28:34 mark. Pike again tried to turn it over. "AWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!" Pike growled. Again, he couldn't do it. "AUUGGHHH!!!!!!!" Pike moaned some more. Finally Pike was able to suck it up and roll. But then Lauren easily broke it, as Pike's legs were too hurt. Now Lauren worked over Pike's left arm. She applied an arm bar , but at the 33:46 mark, Lauren changed it into an MMA type hold on that left arm. More horror coming out of his mouth. "MY ARM!!!!" Pike hollored. It was 39:48 into the match now. Lauren has controlled this match. Pike has looked horrible. Now Lauren had a Japanese arm submission hold on him. But at the 44:52 mark, Pike finally broke free. Pike rolled out of the ring to get away from Lauren, falling down in the process. He slowly got up, the ref tried stopping my sister from going after him. Pike's title reign and undefeated record were in danger. 4,888-0 was the current count. Lauren threw Pike into the ringside post outside of the ring. She went for a back elbow. Pike dove out of the way and Lauren crashed into the post. The referee began his count. Pike slid in and slid back out to break the count and then tossed Lauren back into the ring. Weird that Pike didn't just let her get counted out. Pike body slammed Lauren, but his legs and arm are still weak. He starts choking her. The ref put on the count. Pike was now pulling her hair. 48:56 in. Pike suplexes Lauren. He covers her. One.... Two.... Kick out. Now he does a snapmare on Lauren. Pike's legs gave out again. Pike slowly got up as did Lauren. They both went for a clothesline at the exact time. They both went down. It was the 53:58 mark. Match to be continued..... And the ref began the count! Tune in next time.