Kate' Chronicles Part 3 by Amy Fisher Kate's Revenge amyfisher1984@gmail.com The school bus stopped in front of the gate, the door opened and James McAdams got off the bus. Waving good-bye to his friends, he started crossing the road. No sooner had he reached the outer gate of the compound of his home than he saw a van coming rapidly towards him. Frozen with fear, James was rooted to the spot, his legs shaking. The van came to a halt next to him and two hooded men quickly got off. One of them clamped his right hand on James' mouth preventing him from screaming while the other grabbed his legs and carried him to the stationary van and plonked him inside. Just as quickly as they came, the hoodlums made their getaway. Kate, working out in the basement at the moment did not hear a thing. After a rigorous session of pumping weights, sit ups and push ups, Kate was satisfied. A fitness freak, she diligently exercised everyday to keep herself in the best shape. She stood in front of the mirror and flexed her abs. "Perfect," she thought to herself, impressed with what she saw. She was proud of her flawless figure and washboard abs, result of spending hours and hours in the gym. Kate was a physical specimen; this blond woman with shoulder length hair had supermodel good looks and a killer physique. She was physically very strong, bordering on the bionic, capable of killing anyone with just her bare hands and she did. James should have been home by now. She exited the basement and reached the front door of the house. She opened the door and entered but could not see her son. "Probably in his room," she thought to herself. "Honey, dinner in an hour," she called out and headed for her bedroom to grab her towel. The doorbell rang. Muttering under her breath, Kate rushed to the front door to answer but when she opened it, there was nobody there. She noticed a single sheet of paper with something written on it. Intrigued, she picked it up and her blood ran cold. It was a ransom note, directing her to drive 125 kilometres out of the city to an overpass where she was to be met by 2 men. The note contained a ransom demand to be paid, the money to be kept in a bag. She was warned not to contact the police or her son would be killed. Kate was shocked. She ran to James' bedroom to make sure this was not a prank and her fears were confirmed. He was not there in his room. His bag was missing and his bed looked like nobody had even sat on it. Teary eyed and enraged at the audacity of someone who would do this, she went to her bedroom and made arrangements for a long drive. Not having time to change, she took out a pair of skin tight rubber gloves and put them on. "No fingerprints," she kept telling herself. The kidnappers would have hell to pay. Nobody messes with Kate and gets away with it. There was just one little problem, she did not have the money asked for and she had no one to turn to. "I just have to keep my wits about me and see what happens," she said out loud to no one in particular. Within 15 minutes, she was in her car, driving west like a lunatic still in her gym clothes, a white sleeveless vest, pink shorts and white Nikes. After a drive of a couple of hours, Kate reached the rendezvous point and parked her car under an overpass and got out. The place was deserted except for 2 men, leaning against a white van. As soon as they saw her, they straightened and started coming in her direction. Both dressed in jeans and full sleeve t shirts, their head covered in black hoods. They walked up to Kate and demanded to see the money, eyeing her incredulously, their eyes fastened on her chiselled abdomen. "I don't have the money but if you two know what's good for you, you'll take me to my son now," said Kate in a soft voice. "What are you going to do, you whore?" rasped one of the kidnappers. "Spank us? Now go back home and bring the money here. We'll be waiting." They turned walking back to their van. Kate was irate. Now she had to teach them a lesson. Too bad, both would die. She placed a hand each on the men's shoulders and whirled them around. A soon as they were facing her, both her hands shot out, latching on to their throats in a strong grip. Her eyes flitted from one man to the other for an instant settling on the man on the right. Looking straight into his eyes, Kate smiled. "Look at what I can do," she said and lifted her right hand upwards; keeping her left hand extended horizontally, her fingers wrapped around both male necks. The man on her left stayed on the ground, albeit his throat nearly crushed by the pressure being exerted on it by Kate but the man on the right could feel his feet leaving the ground. Kate kept him dangling a foot in the air and tightened her grip on his neck even more. Within seconds there was an audible pop with which the guy's neck was broken. She released her grip and the corpse fell to the ground. "Now, if you don't want this to happen to you, take me to my son," she raised her voice still holding on to the throat of the second living man. Panicked and unable to breath properly, he nodded in agreement. "We'll take my car. You will drive; I will be sitting directly behind you. Any funny business and I can't guarantee your safety, understand." The man nodded again. She released him and pushed him towards her Jag. He got into the driver's seat, while she sat behind him in the back seat. "Now drive and make it quick." He started the car and floored the accelerator. After driving for 15 minutes, they came up to an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere. The thug pointed at it. "Your son is in there." "Good, now go back the way we came." Surprised, the man did as he was told. He put the car in reverse and drove some distance until they could not see the building anymore. "Stop the car but remain seated." Kate leaned forward and placed both her hands on the man's shoulders. "Please ma'am, don't kill me. I made a mistake." She smiled and wrapped her fingers around his throat from behind, her thumbs resting on the back of the man's neck. "Oh my God, please no." Before he could utter anything else, the hooligan felt his throat constrict as Kate started strangling him from behind. Gritting her teeth, she squeezed his neck but did not use a fraction of her strength. She wanted choke him to death, not break his neck. Even then, he was dead within 30 seconds. Kate let go and got out of the car. Coming around the back, she opened the car door and dumped the body on the ground and got behind the wheel. She drove towards the dilapidated old house and parked her car behind a clump of trees and got out of the car. Her body glistened with sweat; her wet top clung to her body like a skin tight costume but she didn't seem to notice. She had to rescue James. She inched her way towards the building slowly not wanting to attract any attention towards her, not yet. Entering the building quietly, Kate saw an armed guard turned away from her. She surreptitiously moved towards him and stood behind the guard. Sensing a presence, he whirled around and before he could draw his gun, Kate had caught him by the throat. A quick flick of her wrists and the guard's neck was broken in a grotesque angel. She moved forward and was soon confronted by 2 more guards, unarmed. Seeing Kate in front of them, the men were flabbergasted for a moment. They checked her out from head to toe, wicked smiles on their faces. Kate decided to play with them. She took off her vest and threw it to the ground and saw the jaws of the guards drop an inch. "You guys want me, don't you," she said. By now, the two men were mesmerised. Kate wanted to play even more. "You want me to take this off too?" she asked pointing towards her shorts. The men nodded vigorously. Shrugging her shoulders, Kate slipped off her shorts as well as her underwear standing in front of the men, now nude. "Come and take me. I am all yours." She extended both her arms, palms upwards beckoning the two men forward. They took the bait, and stepped towards her. Suddenly, she stopped smiling, her hands still extended forward but this time she was holding them out differently. The thumb in one direction, the other fingers in another direction in a C shape. She charged forward and in an instant had both of the men by their throats, their backs slammed against the back wall with a thud. Both stared wide eyed at the naked woman, their hands frantically trying to wrench her hands away from their throats. The smile had returned to her face. "You know, being men, you guys should put up more of a fight than this." One of the men had just started screaming when Kate tightened her grip on his neck, cutting off the sound. "Oh my God, how strong are you?" asked the other man, his eyes wide. "Stronger than both of you combined," she answered. "Well since you both are going to die in a short while, let me introduce myself. My name is Kate McAdams and the boy you guys have abducted just happens to be my son." Their eyes flew wider with fear. Kate spat in their faces and tightened her grip even more. She looked on with amusement as the two men started wheezing, not being able to breathe. Slowly the oxygen supply to their brains would stop and they would lose consciousness and ultimately die. They were now unable to take a breath at all, their eyes growing wider and wider. "Ok now, time to meet your maker," Kate said and with one final effort completely closed off their wind pipe crushing their throats. Both of them died simultaneously, their bodies hitting the floor at the same time as Kate withdrew her hands. She backtracked and found her clothes, putting them on; she marched on looking for her son. God help those who came in her way. She came up to a door and opened it. There was a man sleeping on a cot. She opened another door and sighed in relief. Chained to the wall, bound by the ankles, James was sleeping on the floor. Relieved with joy, Kate ran to him gently shaking him awake. James was just too happy to see his mom after the ordeal. He began to cry hugging her closely. Kate kissed him on his forehead and cheeks several times. Running her hands through his hair she smiled at him. "Are you okay," she asked concerned. "Did they hurt you?" "I am alright. Just get me out of here, mommy, I am scared." "Don't worry, sweetheart, I am here now." She yanked the chain right out of the wall. "Ok let's go now," she picked James up and started going out of the door. As soon as she reached the door, she came face to face with the man she had seen sleeping on a cot in the other room. Not bothering to set her son down on the floor, she used her free hand to grab his neck and shook him violently. "How dare you assholes abduct my son? Now you will know what happens to people who annoy me." She continued shaking him like a rag doll. Before she had even realized, the man was dead. How many more were there, Kate wondered. She had lost count of the number of people she had killed in the day. It didn't matter to her. She would kill them all. She got out of the building, James still clinging onto her. She ran to her car and opened the passenger side door and eased him into the seat. She looked up towards the building, and saw another thug rushing towards her. This guy better dressed than the rest of the people she had encountered. He was wearing a suit and a tie. Definitely the boss, she thought. She would kill him too. Kate looked at her son, smiled reassuringly and started walking towards the boss. No sooner did she reach the man when she slammed her right hand into the man's chest, flipping him over, he landed hard on his stomach. Kate quickly jumped on his back and tried to turn him over to grab his throat. Unable to do so, she smacked him in the back of his head and took off her top and wrapped it around his neck and pulled. His head arched backwards and he tried to get the cloth off his neck. He was successful in wedging a couple of his fingers between his neck and the makeshift garrotte. He pulled and was successful in removing the piece of clothing from around his neck and over his head. He was free but only momentarily. Kate screamed and threw the top away. She would finish him off with her hands. She started punching the guy in the back. Unable to take it anymore, he turned to try to fend her off with his hands. This was exactly what Kate wanted. She slapped him hard and grabbed his throat with both her hands, her fingers completely encircling his neck, her thumbs placed on his apple. "How the hell will you escape now, jackass." She did not try and pin his hands underneath her legs. She wanted him to fight. She dug her thumbs into his neck as he grabbed both her wrists. Utterly helpless and unable to remove her hands from around his neck, the boss grabbed her naked breasts and squeezed hoping that Kate, feeling pain would let go of his throat. The only thing the guy ended up doing was make Kate angrier if that was possible. "I am going to hang you with my bare hands now," she hissed at him. Not letting go of his neck, Kate began to stand up, dragging the boss up along with her. Once she attained a standing position, she heaved the guy off his feet into the air. This time Kate, using both her hands on his neck, extended her arms fully, automatically gripping his throat very tightly. The mob boss could not believe what he was seeing, a near naked woman holding him high in the air by his throat. Kate squeezed tighter and tighter until she could feel his body go limp, his head drooped and his breathing stopped, his eyes open and glazed over. The man was most certainly dead. Kate dropped the dead man on the ground and looked around. She found her top, now dirty and ragged. She put it on and reached her car, opened the door and slumped in the driver's seat exhausted, sweating through every pore in her body. She was feeling dirty and sweaty and needed a shower as soon as possible. James hugged his mother from behind, relieved that his nightmare was finally over. Kate hugged him back and kissed him on his forehead. 'Did you see the way I picked him up off his feet with just a grip on his neck, bud?" she asked. "Yes, you are the best mom ever and I am very proud of you." "Thank you." "Ma, are all those people dead?" James asked innocently. "Why don't we keep this a secret, just between us, mom and son, alright bud," she winked at him a smile on her face. James winked back as Kate started the car and headed for home.