Brother verses Sister XXXIII by Buzz Haywood The Combat Continues without One 441 matches, Lauren with 435, and me with 6. My younger sister ended my career. You can now reach Lauren as well at Pittman Pike is now at 4,368 and zero losses. I went to the hospital after my sister ended my career. Yes, it's a bitter pill to swallow having been retired by your kid sister. After 24 hours, she still hadn't been to see me. I cried and cried at the thought of never being able to wrestle again. I still felt the pain. Lauren really did a number on me. Actually, she probably kicked my ass worse than ever before. And of course, as you know, she has destroyed me lots and lots of times. So, after being thrown out of my sport, by one last time getting the crap beaten out of me by my kid sister, she finally came to see me. She looked so sad. A tear ran down her cheek. "Buzz..." she said. "I am so sorry." We hugged. "I guess we both knew what was at stake," I said. She stayed for 5 hours. The websites and chat rooms were already talking about my latest and final crushing defeat. Wrestling was what I always wanted to do. I wanted to be like my favorites. My heroes. I had tons of tapes of the National Wrestling Aliance. I had just as big a collection of tapes of the American Wrestling Association. I close my eyes and play it back... I know she doesn't want to end my career. Lauren is torn apart with this. I'm not too thrilled about the cuircumstances either. At the 22:36 Lauren drop kicked me and I fell into the referee. That poor ref! Lauren and I exchanged wrestling moves as the ref laid there in pain. Another ref came out to check up on him. The other referee took over. This time I small packaged her. The current ref began counting. One... Two... Kick out. We headed to the half-hour mark now. We began chopping one another. Things were getting out of control. Now was my turn to give her a piledriver. Executed it. Now time for the pin. I don't hesitate. One... Two... She kicked out! Oh no!!!! When will I get discharged? I quickly German suplex her. One... Two... Kick out! I picked her up, but she elbowed me in the ribs. We were at the 34:34 mark. Then she gave me a DDT. Lauren hesitated to pin me again. So when she did go for a cover, I reversed it into a pin of my own. She kicked out after like a two and a half. Moments later she German suplexed me. I barely kicked out of it. Every story is different. This one comes from my point of view. First person all the way. You all know how I feel. And I felt that super kick my sister just delivered. And it hurt! Had this been told in second person, "you this and you that" would be what you'd be seeing. BLAM! Clothesline by Lauren onto me. It is now at the 38:56 mark. We were both tired and hurt. She drop kicked me. She pinned me. One... Two... The referee was about to slap the mat for a third time, but, Lauren pulled me up by the hair. I know women have defeated men in competition before. In WCW Madusa beat Evan Kurregous three times by pin on TV. And I remember the times when Madusa destroyed Paul Heyman. Plus, after Madusa karate kicked Arachna Man, he was never seen after that. She drove him out. Madusa beat up a lot of men. She's beating on me and throwing me around. Things weren't looking good. For me anyway. She kicked me in the stomach and I cried. Not from the pain, but because I knew my time was up. Lauren was just buying me the time. We both knew it. BAM! she punched me, again! "Buzz, what's wrong?" she asked. Her eyes showed she knew the answer to her question. "This match needs to end," I said. She looked sad. "I can't do this, Buzz!" she told me. The ref told us to keep wrestling. I went to clothesline her, but she ducked. I turned around and Lauren fore-arm smashed me. I hit the mat hard. Lauren elbow dropped me and pinned me, but I was only able to lift up my shoulder. Things still didn't look good for me. I rolled and rolled until I was out of the ring. Lauren axe-handled me. I dropped down. Boy I'm hurt! Man I'm in pain! She then threw me back into the ring. She applied an STF on me. Exactly at the 47:18 mark. It was extremely painful. But I wouldn't tap. At 54:58 she released the hold. "I don't want to do this to you," Lauren sadly said. I sobbed some more. "I can't fight back," I admitted to her. Okay, 68 hours without a career and now I'm out of the hospital. But still, I relive. She gave me a pile driver. She pinned me again. But I got my foot on the rope. Then she gave me a tombstone. 1-2- the lights went out. When the lights went back on, Pike was standing outside the ring. Next thing you know Lauren was screaming at Pike. I was recovering. I began slittering like a snake towards my sister. I attempted to roll her up as she continued arguing with Pike. I barely had the strength and only got a one count on her. It was the 59:58 mark. After Lauren took some extra shots at me, she powerbombed me. She dragged me to a certain spot of the ring. Lauren then climbed the top rope and executed an elbow drop. Lauren then hooked both legs and locked her hands as she pinned me. The referee then slapped the mat. Pike looked on. ONE! TWO! THREE! It was finished. All of it. The match, my wrestling career, my title opportunity, finished. Done! 1:04:18 mark. Both the ref and Lauren helped me up. I cried and I cried so much. Pike laughed at me. I was carried out on a strecher. Home. I was back home. I recieved a phone call asking if I'd be willing to come to the next event and deliver a farewell speech. I agreed. So, a week after my sister ended my in-ring career, I was back to say good-bye. As I walked down the aisle people cheered out of respect. Of course you still had those that laughed. But, whatever! This could very well be my final appearance here. "Hello, everyone! Thank you all for coming out tonight and supporting this fine event. As you all know I'm finished as a wrestler and that hurts me to say. But it's the truth. Agreements were made. I hold no resentment towards my sister. She did what she had to do. I rolled the dice, but the cards didn't turn out in my favor. I love Lauren and I wish her well. All the best to her. She was always my toughest opponent and the most talented opponent I've ever wrestled. I remember how it began..." I'm 6 years older. I wrestled in school and did backyard wrestling. I don't know, she kept talking about wrestling, and I'd have my friends over to wrestle in the basement, made a welfare "ring" and just wrestled for fun. When I got my first camcorder, we began taping it. One day while I was bored, me and my sis talked, and next thing I knew we had agreed to a match. She won, by pinfall. I was shocked. So we went again, and she used her speed to her advantage and pinned me again. (Talk about embarassing.) She was getting arrogant, so I asked for another chance. Boom! Another loss by pin for me. By this time she was bragging. So I challenged her again. Bam! Another pin. She wins again. :( I don't know what to do here. She says she bets she can make me submit. Long story short, we both put $5 down. Another long story short, she tripped me down, and twisted my arm, I was hurting, I screamed out. I submitted. She released the hold and grabbed the money. I'm 0-5 here. I wanted another chance to make things right. She talked me into betting $10. I did. She twisted my bad arm, and I submitted again. 0-6 and she took the money. She kept track of this in a notebook. That was day one of our wrestling rivalry.. After seeing how hurt my arm was, she stopped gloating. We talked and eventually shook hands, she promised not to tell. She kept the money. A week later we did wrestle again, but the results were the same. (0-16) Yes, there is more to the story, but there's too much to write. [Add-on) Weeks later, the secret came out when she gave me a bloody nose. (According to her records it was win 68 for her and I was still at 0.) Fortunately, only the folks found out...for now. (add on) So we started taping the matches. I was getting frustrated. She definitely had high confidence when she beat me for the 100th time. I kept getting scared that she'd let the word out. Especially after punching me in the face full force (win 120?) and I had to make up an excuse for the bruise. Needless to say, the tapes began piling up. (0-180) and eventually, the friends did find out. Add on After her "big 200th win" word got out. The guys are trying to coax me into having a match in our backyard fed with shoot-style rules. Tonight she told me the score is 264 matches. And she "reminded" me she won all of them. I just want to finally win. We did wrestle in the backyard fed. Yes she won again. She says it was her 286th win. I'm feeling bad. My self-esteem is down over this. I don't know what to do about this. An underground MMA league heard about my series of matches with Lauren. The promoter approached both of us. Lauren quickly accepted. But I hesitated. Lauren with 296 wins and me with 0 wins. I would need to train and practice if I was going to accept this guy's invitation. Lauren had all the confidence in the world right now. Myself? I had none. I needed to change all that. My sister was already becoming an accomplished athlete. I needed to set things right. It won't be easy. Lauren is already a way better athlete than I am. Her strength is superior to mine. It's strange, she and I used to get along so well. Now her ego is out of control. I can't believe we're at this point. Yes, I recalled. I remembered it all. And right here delivering my farewell speech I was reliving it all. The pain and humiliation. But the fact of the matter is that Lauren won fair and square. She never had to cheat. So I respect her even more for that. And I continued speaking. "And whether or not if you are or were a fan of mine, or if you booed me and cheered Lauren still I want to thank you all. And deep within my heart, I will always remain a wrestler." I began to sob. This was way too hard. But people were clapping. I waved to them. All of them. As I walked to the back, I saw there was a going away party for me. Still... I had flashbacks. The heckling from friends and family forced me to work harder at the gym. I actually had to switch gyms twice due to torment from people. "Oh, Lauren OWNS you" I heard. "You get beat up by a girl" they'd say. "Did you get beat up by your sister today?" "How in the world does she over power you?" Apparently they were saving me and Lauren as a special attraction match. Speaking of Lauren, she stopped by to see me. I had moved out for... "a number of reasons." Apparently she noticed I hadn't been returning her calls. I was intimidated by her, she obviously knew that. "Look, Buzz, just because we're opponents, doesn't mean we have to be enemies outside the ring," she said. "I understand this hasn't been easy for you." I looked at her and saw she was in top shape and totally healthy. "This thing is out of control," I said. "You're right, this has been difficult for me." (It all felt like such a long time ago!) Lauren: I know it's shattering to your ego constantly losing to your younger sister, but I won all 296 of those matches fair and square. Are you always going to seperate yourself from the family now? We used to get along. You've purposely gone out of town for school assignments for Holidays. What gives? Are you this much of a sore loser? Buzz: You don't understand. But you are my sister and I do love you. I'm willing to go back to the way things were, if we just forget about the MMA thing. All this wrestling and fighting is obviously coming between us. So, what do you say? Let's put all this behind us. Let's be friends again. Lauren: Absolutely not! This is a huge opportunity for me. Hey, it's even a good opportunity for you too. Besides, everyone's counting on us. We can't let them down. It's going to be a huge event. Buzz: I understand all that, but can't you see what this business is doing to us? I'm a laughing stock and you're arrogant. Lauren: Arrogant? Arrogant? Who are you calling arrogant? I think you're just jealous. You can't handle the fact that I'm better than you and I'm tougher than you. I'll see you in the ring!! Buzz: Lauren, come on. Don't leave like this. Let's talk this over. This is crazy. Let's work this out. Lauren: You're just afraid of me, that's all! Lauren storms off. I stood there, worried now that my sister is angry, extremely angry, and I have to fight her like this. But no, I had to get this out of my mind and think positively. I needed to use this to my advantage. I needed to get my head in the game. I turned on my boom-box and did some exercises. I was getting my head in the game. "It's on, dear sister!" I said to myself. For one week I trained myself to the limit, pushed myself past the point of no return. Then finally it was the big day. Yes, I was nervous, but I was at last confident. And I was looking forward to it. It was time to go to the show and once I got there, I looked around for Lauren. Wasn't there. Maybe she wouldn't show up. Anything is possible, right? Hey, who'd ever think I'd be constantly beat up by my younger sister and fear her? So, yeah, anything really is possible. I got my gear on. New pair of boots, dark brown. My singlet was silver. I had gold knee pads on along with yellow elbow pads. I felt extremely confident, until I heard my sister showed up. Yikes! No, can't get scared now, came too far. I found myself drinking a lot at this farewell party. So many people saying so many kind things. I'm actuaaly starting to feel better. Lauren enters. "Buzz, is it okay if I'm here?" she asks. "Lauren, of course it is," I said. We hug. The party continues. And I wander off into the past. So, I decided to see her before the fight. Lauren was already dressed. Along with her wrestling tights, which were purple, she wore a pink mini-skirt over it. She wore violet knee pads and raspberry colored elbow pads. Her top was light green. She looked beautiful in her fight gear. Buzz: Hi, Lauren. Lauren: What is it, Buzz? Buzz: About last time we saw each other... Lauren: Oh, you mean when you accused me of having an over-sized ego? Buzz: I didn't mean it that way. Lauren: Fine, what ever. Buzz: Look, you're my sister and I love you, don't be like this. Lauren: Let's talk after the match. If you're still able to. I knew there was no reasoning with her. I was called into the ring first. Lauren recieved the big introduction. The rules were explained. Ten rounds. Five minutes each. The match can only end by pin fall, submission or tap out, knock out or TKO, or when someone cannot continue. The bell rang to begin the match. I ran towards Lauren, she punched me right in the face. I staggered and she kicked me in the stomach. She gave me a DDT and I was in pain. She began stomping on me. The time keeper announced one minute had gone by. Lauren pinned me. The referee counted one, two, I couldn't get up. All of a sudden, she pulled me by the hair. "Not yet," she said. She super kicked me in the jaw. Now she pinned me with one foot on my chest. 1-2... she removed her foot. Twice already she had me beaten. Two minutes had gone by. She busted my nose. Then she gave me a bulldog which made the blood pour even more. Then she gave me a piledriver. Three minutes expired. She applied a head lock. I screamed in pain. I couldn't escape. I couldn't believe she could apply the piledriver on me. She released the hold and clotheslined me. Four minutes passed. Now she applied the figure four leg lock. "Do you submitt?" the referee asked. "No!" I screamed. This was not how I had planned things. I haven't gotten any shots in. I must try to reverse the figure four. Can't. So I tried again. Couldn't. Suddenly it was minute five, the end of round one. I needed help getting to my corner. I needed a new game plan. She was the better wrestler all along. But still, this is wrestling. Shouldn't I be allowed to continue doing what I love? But then again, I did make a deal. I must honor that deal. I'm now retired, watching from the sidelines.