Sex Education, Vixan Style: This serves as an excellent foundation for understanding Vix, the female-dominated planet of the far future. by Tony Lee Gomes email futuresex4000 @ inbox dot com . . . . MS. MARGARET JONES, A BIOLOGY/SEX EDUCATION TEACHER ON VIX IS ADDRESSING A CLASS OF FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ... Girls, today we're going to examine the biology of the male sex, of men as they enter puberty. Puberty is the age in adolescence, when a child begins to mature physically and sexually. Puberty begins in young men at 12 or 13 years of age, and is finished by about 15 or 16 years old. In young girls, like yourselves, puberty generally starts at about 14 or 15, and ends at about 19 or 20. There are some changes that happen to males and females as they enter puberty. Today we'll be talking about the male changes. [The teacher turns the Hive screen on. Large three-dimensional images appear on the Hive - the Holographic Interactive Video Environment - on the front wall of the classroom. The teacher continues her lecture ... ] Adult males have a wider pelvis than adult females. Take a look at this diagram on the Hive here. Now, look at these pictures. A young man enters puberty at around 12 or 13 years of age. When a young man enters puberty, his body contours start to change and his hips start to widen. That's because his pelvic bones are getting wider. See? It's not just the pelvic bones getting wider. It's also because men develop extra fat deposits on their hips, and their thighs and on the buttocks. See, here on the pictures? Have you noticed how men's contours seem softer, curvier - all over their bodies? They have more of that fat padding than we females do. It's called adipose tissue. Adipose means fat. The only place where we females have more of this adipose tissue than men, is our breasts. And of course, our breasts are just there for show. Back on the ancient human world, on Earth, females' breasts used to have a function. The function of the female breasts used to be to give natural milk, a liquid food secreted by the breasts, to the young. To babies. So, the females of Earth would actually feed human babies with this natural milk. The babies would suck on the females' breasts. That was in a time thousands of years ago when females were considered the so-called "nurturing sex", and would care for human babies. That was before we had gestatoriums, when human females actually produced babies inside of their bodies - in a body organ called the uterus that women used to have. The uterus, as most of you probably know, was a small pouch inside of the woman in which the baby, called a fetus, developed before she was born. Before she or he was born. So the women back then actually grew - their abdomens grew - to accommodate the baby. The abdomens got distended - swollen - with the developing baby for nine months, and then the baby was born! Much different than what happens here on Vix. But a lot of things were different back on Earth, as you know. In those times, it was the men who were taller and stronger - physically stronger - than the women. The men pretty much ran things for most of human history on Earth. If you can believe it, the men were the leaders of governments, they fought the wars, they invented and controlled most of the technology. But that was thousands of years ago. And things are different here in the Gamma Lyrae IX system, we developed differently, we took a different path. So today we're going to talk about how Vixan men develop, how they develop from a boy to a man. So at puberty, a young man starts to develop these broader hips, hips that are broader than the female's hips. See on the images here? These are some good comparisons. The hips are called the pelvis, and the hip bones are called the pelvic bones. The important thing to remember is that as the male's hips get wider, the pelvic bones grow out and that's what gives the male body its shape - it's described as curvaceous. Or voluptuous. See? The waist stays slender but the hips flare out. More than ours do. That's why when a mature, adult male walks, his hips have that sway. See that, on the video? That swaying motion is the result of the man's broader pelvis. So, as he walks, when his foot hits the ground the hip is kind of deflected outward. See on the video? And the hips sway from side to side, in that nice undulating motion, okay? And with that extra padding of fat that a mature man has, on his hips, and his thighs, and his buttocks area - you see that? - the fat gives him those rounded contours, those curves - that's why a man's body looks different when he's walking. That video really shows it well! That's why when a man walks, from the backside, when the man is wearing those skintight pants, those skintight stretch pants and those skintight jeans that the young men these days like to wear, you know, we see that wiggle in his hips! Actually it's more of a jiggle! See? So this process, where a man's body develops his its curves, starts in the male at about 12 or 13, and it just continues through his teenage years, so by about 14 years old, the male's hips are clearly wider than a female's of the same age. And that age, about 13 or 14 years old, is not coincidentally, about the same age as the young man stops growing taller, and the girls are surpassing his height because the girls are still growing. And so the young man stops growing taller, and peaks out at about 165, 166 centimeters tall, on average. And the girls are still growing taller, and will continue to grow until, anytime from about 19 to 20 or 21 years of age. And that's where you girls are, at 16 years old, you're still growing taller and your legs are getting longer. The young men your age have already stopped getting taller. They stopped getting taller right around two years ago, now they're just filling out those skintight jeans! See? [She indicates another image on the Hive screen.] They're still working on these curves they have ... So by 15 and 16 the male's hips and curves have really developed into their adult shape. So, they have some dangerous curves now, huh? Look at this guy, huh? [The teacher points to the Hive video, at a close-up head-and-torso image of a broad-hipped young man wearing skin-tight, low-rise jeans. The man is also wearing a delicate, semi-sheer midriff top with a green and black jungle print. The top bares his slender, flat, tanned midsection, showing off a small, glinting navel ring. His black hair is long, curly and unruly, and he has a medium-sized, black moustache. On his ears, he's wearing large hoop earrings in a fine-grade, silvery metal. He has his hands on his pair of broad, voluptuous hips. His expression is fairly intense, with big brown eyes fixed in a serious, determined gaze, and he's talking a bit excitedly - although the volume is turned off. As he talks, his hips move a bit, gyrating slightly, as if his hands are not completely able to steady them.] He's developed his full set of male curves, hasn't he? Some say that's dangerous, huh? [Many of the girls in the class chuckle and some laugh hard.] Now, girls, one of the things that happens with men as they go into puberty and their bodies develop, is that you start noticing that young men aren't very much interested in sports, in running and jumping around like you girls do, anymore. Well, physically that mature male physique isn't very well suited to running and jumping because his broader pelvis, those hips that adult men have, means the legs are a bit farther apart in relation to the length of the body, and as we know the male is shorter than the female. So as I mentioned, the average male, the average adult male height is about 165, 166 centimeters. They reach their mature, adult height by age 14 or 15. And can you tell me what the average height of a full-grown female is? It's 184 centimeters, girls. That's when you're full grown. And a lot of you girls in here will grow a good deal taller than that, I'm sure of that. I'm only 180 centimeters myself. So, girls, as full-grown adults, then, females average a full 18 centimeters taller than males. So when your guy wears his high heels, even those modern, really high ones - the stilettos - very sleek and slender, very high - I don't know how guys can walk around in them! Anyway even in those heels that are, like, 12 centimeters high -- the average man still has to look up at you. And the male, with his shorter height, has a different distribution of weight than we do and because of those bigger hips, those curves and the hips and thighs and everything, he has what we call a lower center of gravity. That's why we say that a man's body has a "pear shape". See the video - it's shaped like a pear. Or another description is that the male body is shaped like a lyre. A lyre, as many of you know who study music, is a very ancient musical instrument that's kind of like a harp. It's a string instrument and it's shaped like a man's hips. See the image here? [The teacher points to the Hive, where a video is running of an attractive young, blonde girl strumming a lyre.] See that, girls? This is a lyre. And see that, this girl here is playing the lyre. See? She's strumming it. It makes very delicate, but complex music. And in history, that instrument the lyre gave its name to the Gamma Lyrae IX star system that we live in. Over the course of time, in Vixan history, in a lot of stories and literature since the founding of VIx, and especially in the southern lands of Mesovista, and the Olympic Peninsulas, the lyre has come to symbolize the male gender, and the male body. And specifically, the lyre represents male sexuality, male sexual desire. The lyre is the symbol of male sexual pleasure. See that, how the lyre curved like a man's hips? It's got the same shape. . . . The lyre is also a good symbol for men because the music is thought to be so delicate. And just a little difference in how you touch the strings can produce some very dramatic, complicated changes in the sound. And see, the girl is playing the lyre, she's an expert. She's tickling the strings with her fingers. Almost teasing the lyre strings, very lightly. That's kind of a good metaphor for male sexuality isn't it? Men are the delicate sex, right? You know how it goes. . . . Hamm. . . . . Maybe more Vixan girls should learn to play the lyre. . . . . [A few girls in the class understand the joke and laugh.] Another thing that happens with the male as he enters puberty, or rather that doesn't happen is his shoulders remain smaller and narrow - they don't grow broader like the female's shoulders do. See the pictures, girls? Look at the comparison. Men have smaller, narrower shoulders than we do. And their arms and legs just don't develop the more defined musculature that a woman gets, especially when she works out. Huh? So, if you take a look at this picture - a mature man's body is kind of delicate, but bottom-heavy. He's got smaller shoulders, broader hips, more fat on the hips and buttocks and thighs, and shorter legs. The full-grown adult male's legs are shorter in comparison to his total body height than a full-grown woman's legs are in comparison to her total body height. So the female body is more leg. The male body is more torsos, less leg. That's even accounting for the fact that men are shorter than we are. See on the photo? It's not just that men are shorter. They also have shorter legs in proportion to their height than we do. That's in the mature male, the adult male who's developed his curves by about 15 or 16. So with all those curves, and those proportionately shorter legs, and especially that lower center of gravity, men don't run as fast. They can't. A male can't run and jump around the way the average female can, and that's just a fact, because their bodies just aren't designed that way. And it's a pretty huge difference. I mean, girls, the two sexes are just built differently! So they can't run, and they can't really jump the way a typical female can, and their upper body strength is less, so what can they do? Well, it's a good thing for men, too, that by their early teenaged years, by puberty, they lose interest in sports anyway and aren't as interested in all this running and jumping around and physical playing on the sports fields that you girls do. It's part of the way the male brain is designed, the effects that male hormones have, and the actual wiring of the male brain that is in place at birth. Believe it or not, men don't have the same innate need to assert themselves physically, to do all this physical competition, that girls do, and that women do. They say girls like to play rough - and observations of young children always show that girls are rougher and more physically assertive and competitive than boys of the same age. In play groups, you see the little girls tend to run and jump around more; they're just more rambunctious and wilder. And more physically assertive. While the boys tend to engage in quieter, more gentle play, more talk and relationship-based play. Not as much pushing and shoving to get what they want. Instead the boys will cry, or use more emotion-based ways of getting what they want. So this is something natural and inborn in children, it's about the hard-wiring in the brains, how the male brain is structured and how the female brain is structured at the basic levels. For children up to about 10 years old, though, the differences between little boys and little girls are there, but they don't seem to be as pronounced as later on, when the boys go through puberty. Little boys younger than about 9 will still have fun running around on the playground, they'll still engage in physical play, and even take an interest in playing sports - kickball, tag, all the little children's sports and physical games. And then under influence of the male hormone, testosterone - which also makes the male's curves develop as we discussed - under influence of that male hormone, the adolescent man's brain starts to change itself. And if you notice young men in puberty, once they reach about 11 or 12, they become less physical - they're not running and jumping around anymore on the playground like the girls. They've lost this interest in physical competition and playing physical games - whatever interest they did have in it, as children. So you see this phenomenon of, as the young man is getting his masculine curves, as his hips are broadening, his voice is also getting a little bit lower, and as he's developing his facial hair - his moustache - he's changing in other ways. More behavior-based ways. And these changes will be permanent. Because the testosterone really just reinforces what was already there in the structure of the male brain. At puberty the male body and brain is awash in this testosterone all of a sudden, and it triggers certain things in the DNA that were already there, just waiting, you see, for the testosterone to set it off. So you know how guys don't like math? It's not something they just don't have a taste for. It's true, they don't like it, but the reason is the wiring in the male brain, the arrangement of the neurons and connections that suppress that kind of thinking. And then when this surge of the testosterone comes along, it really triggers things that inhibit, or prevent, men from being able to do the kinds of complex problem solving with numbers and the analytical reasoning style that is much more characteristic of females. And you've heard it said that men are more intuitive than women? That, too. The same wiring changes in the male brain that suppress mathematical ability, and logical reasoning, and spatial skills - they also mold the male brain into more of an intuitive device that can do things like, you know, read people's body language and read facial expressions better, and it allows them to be more in touch with their emotions and feelings... You know, it's all that kind of mushy man-stuff that we girls don't understand! Right? But, you know, you shouldn't discount it. The same things in their brains that make then what we consider to be ditzy or scatterbrained sometimes, also give men a much more complicated and richer emotional and sensual experience. There's a lot that science still doesn't know about all this, because it hasn't been studied in detail, but males seem to experience their feelings in a more complicated, more sophisticated way than females ... . And that's all I have to say about that for now, because like I said, it isn't clearly understood and there are all kinds of scientific studies on it. If you want, just look them up. And the young man also develops some body hair, he can get hair on his legs, and sometimes you see some men with hair on their midriff. Most men shave off that body hair, though - or today, they apply what we call a depilatory lotion, to get rid of that body hair and the leg hair - maybe every few days or every week. Because the men, they like to have smooth skin. That's one of the things they like and find attractive about us, that we girls have smooth skin, no hair on our bodies except the pubic hair and underarm hair, which men also have. You know? So the point is, while a young man's body is changing and he's developing those male curves - that's right around 12, 13 - he's also getting interested in girls and the male libido is rising. His penis is growing. No, it's not just getting harder when he sees a pretty girl, his penis is also getting larger at this age and it's growing into an adult-sized penis. Take a look at these photos. Behold! The male penis! Girls, now's not the time to snicker and laugh. This is the fabulous male organ! The fabulous male organ that gives a man so much pleasure. Aaaaand, that can give a girl a lot of pleasure too. But we'll get to that in another lesson! [Some of the girls snicker.] And then of course, young men start noticing girls and they notice your bodies, and they see you're growing taller and by about 13 or 14, you girls have already passed all the boys in height, and then by about 15, girls are quite noticeably taller. And the young men are noticing you girls and your long legs and your broader shoulders and your athletic bodies. And men are attracted. The male libido, his sex drive, becomes strong and a young man is looking around at the female bodies around him and he finds your bodies attractive, he is attracted to your height and your long legs and your broad shoulders and the nice definition you get in your muscles when you girls exercise. And the young men, while they're not interested in running around and playing sports anymore as, say, they did with the girls when they were 7 or 8 years old on the playground, young men are mature now and enjoy watching girls play basketball, and volleyball, and all the sports games you play and now the men have their eyes on the female body. They want to see all the tall, lanky, pretty girls and their athletic figures that they appreciate, in those tight-fitting little sports uniforms with those short shorts that show all those legs, and those tank tops that show off the girls' nice muscles! Or when you girls wear those little schoolgirl outfits that have become so popular now, in your generation, with a nice white short-sleeved shirt and a little plaid tie, and those short little plaid shorts, and your long legs all bare, with those cute white tennis shoes or saddle shoes on your feet. . . . And your hair in a ponytail or two bouncy little pig-tails. . . [Some of the girls in the class snicker.] Guys can't help it. That stuff turns them on. It gets their testosterone flowing. . . And so this male interest, this attraction they have for you girls and your bodies, this is something very strong and young men tend to become "girl crazy". Right? You see it all around you. It's their sexual desire, that male libido, which is getting the better of them and the male sexual desire is something very strong. And the young man will fantasize, oh, men have fantasies about meeting their perfect girl and then taking her in sexual intercourse, taking the girl and using her body to fulfill those male desires. The most common fantasy among men your age is to meet a very attractive girl, pretty, athletic, tall - and to get her alone, to take her sexually. It's a kind of sexual conquest. And this is a very common fantasy and so the next time you see a young man looking at you, consider this. This is what male sexual needs are about, this is what male desire is. Now, obviously we know that we as females are bigger and taller and stronger than men, and we can defend ourselves. You don't have to have sex with a man if you don't want to. Remember though the disadvantages that men have physically - they're smaller and weaker than us, so they are really at a disadvantage. Aren't they? What about men's rights, though? Is it fair that just because men are smaller and weaker than we are, that we should control when they can have sex? About 60 years ago a new philosophical and political movement came on the scene, and it was basically where men said, the female shouldn't be able control when the male can be sexually fulfilled, just because the female is bigger and stronger. This is the Masculist Movement that I'm referring to. And the argument was, and is, that the male is smaller and weaker and therefore men should be allowed more control over their own fulfillment, and that control over this should be taken away from women as much as possible. So, this movement really pushed us in a direction of examining the sexual power balance between men and women and recognizing and respecting male sexual desire. So in response to Masculism, one of the things that happened was that GENEX changed the balance of what triggered female sexual interest and response to men. They didn't change it completely, they just tweaked it a bit, so that, for females born less than about 40 years ago, we're less attracted to men based on their looks, and we become more attracted over time based on a man's interest and sexual arousal for us. Females were never attracted to males based on looks and physical assets, as much as males are attracted to us based on looks and physical criteria. But now it's even less, so for girls today, we care even less what a man looks like. And so this has made it easier for men, now a man can feel better and more confident about initiating things with a girl and it's become easier for men to get what they want sexually, if they go after it. So this has been one of the big gains of men, through the Masculist Movement. TO BE CONTINUED ...