Mary-Sue Part2: The Three Sues by Mr. GreyMan This story was edited by Michael-Leonard Mary-Sue was fairly certain the little man before her was insane. Two things stopped her from forcibly ejecting him from the top of her 100-story Park Avenue glass-crystal mansion. One was that she was interested to learn how he got past her security system. She had designed the system herself and even if all of her guards had been bought off - something she knew could not happen, such was their dedication to her - no man could have gotten into her bedroom without setting off a dozen alarms and then begin torn to pieces by lasers. The second reason was something she could not put her finger on. Something about this man rang true with her. He was a curiosity. People had stopped truly interesting Mary-Sue long ago; they seemed so simple. For some reason this was not the case with this man. Mary-Sue did not like not knowing something and she wanted to understand this little man before getting rid of him. The man had been babbling since she got here. "Oh, Exalted Princess... oh, I mean Exalted Empress now. Begging your pardon, it was my distress that caused me to make such a grievous error. This lowly one will submit himself for punishment when we get back, but it's so horrible to see you in such a state. I am shocked these primitives are keeping you in this tiny hut. Even your lowly servants would not be forced to live lower than the 150th floor of your planet place. To see your splendor shoved into this hovel? Outrageous! And your clothes? To see you in such ghastly rags brings tears to my eyes! I can't believe how these hairless apes are mistreating you. To find you like this is appalling. We will..." Mary-Sue, whose clothes were worth more than a middle class family made in a year, was a little insulted by all this, her eyes turning a light yellow. "Who are you?" She said in a commanding tone cutting off his ranting. Despite her long night she decided she wanted a drink. Walking over on her long, stiletto-clad legs to her personal liquor cabinet, she poured herself some Navy strength gin. Her prefect body moving in a way she knew would get any man's attention. Her eyes turned a deeper yellow when this man did not even seem to notice. "Oh, Exalted Empress, the rumors were true then? The Faceless One did not just de-power you and exile you, it violated your mind as well? AND these savages have you pouring your own drinks?" This seemed to be too much for the little man who broke down crying. At this point in the conversation Mary-Sue realized that he was taking in a faster cadence than a human should be able to. To a normal human the sounds he was making would be an indistinguishable buzz as one word bled into the next. Additionally, he was speaking American English but with no regional accent Mary-Sue could distinguish, and she knew she knew them all. Another curiosity about the man, even his clothing was nondescript. Mary-Sue could often tell a person's whole life history just from watching and listening to them for a few minutes, but she was getting nothing from this man. She had to admit, it was all very intriguing. Mary-Sue's eyes changed to purple and she decided to pour the man a drink from her private wine collection, hoping it might calm him. She opened a bottle of Shipwrecked 1907 Heidsieck and poured him a glass. She walked over and handed it to him. He looked shocked, "Exalted Empress! You should not be sullying your exquisite hands by pouring the likes of me a drink, but, oh Perfect One, bless you." Taking the crystal cup he tasted the priceless Champagne. Making a face he looked almost as if he would wretch. "These monkeys are forcing you to subsists on this weak tasteless swill? Oh, Flawless One, I must take you away from here! This insipid planet is no place for your radiance. They're simple understanding cannot appreciate you for what you are!" Mary-Sue realized that she would actually have to really ask this man some questions if she wanted to get any information out of him. She was so used to just knowing everything she needed to know, and having others just know what was expected of them or get fired, it was a little frustrating. As she became frustrated her eyes changed to a light orange, and she was about to speak, but as her eyes changed the man said: "Oh, Exalted Empress, please don't be frustrated with your humble servant. I have been neglect in my duties. The pain of seeing you so mistreated addled my wits for a moment. This lowly one will submit himself for punishment later, but first let this worthless one explain to Your Perfection who you are. It is clear the Faceless One took your memories. They told me this might have happened and that I should be prepared to explain everything to you, even though, of course, it is truly no one's place to explain anything to the Empress of the Universe Made Whole." Mary-Sue knew who she was and was more interested in knowing who he was, but decided to let the man speak. She was loath to ask people questions about themselves anyway. Her eyes changed back to their neutral silver and she sat down in one of the big chairs that adorned her room. She crossed her perfect legs. Swilling the gin in one hand, she indicated with the other she would listen to his story. The man seemed to understand. Nodding he collected himself and began. "For untold eons the universe was divided almost evenly into the two great superpowers. One empire was the Philosphites. Their kingdom was founded on the principle of reason and the advancement of science. No more technologically advanced people ever existed. They could create stars and wormholes. They tamed the heavens with their intellect. Their Emperors were genetically altered to be the smartest creatures in the universe; their brains more powerful than any computer could hope to be. Each Emperor's brilliance eclipsed the last, for the only thing the Philosphites truly valued was intelligence. Because of this they were a delicate people, needing devices even to do something as simple as move. "The other vast empire was the Amazinines. Their empire was founded on the principle of honor and strength. They had no need of technology to travel to distant worlds, for they possessed the power of flight. On mighty wings they could propel themselves to the upper atmosphere and then, using biological processes, even traverse the cosmos faster than light. Their bodies adapted to space as they used the very radiation of the stars as food. Their DNA was so intricate that not even the Philosphites could unravel its secrets. Selective breeding made their Queen the pinnacle of physical perfection. Her senses heightened beyond even those of other Amazinines, who could already see for light- years. She was impervious to anything less than a hyper- nova, and strong enough to fly through planets. She needed to be that strong, for the only thing the Amazinines truly respected was strength. "As you can imagine, there was constant strife and war between these two great empires. Whole solar systems were destroyed as these powers clashed. The stars themselves were used as weapons of war. Common ground could not be found between them. The Philosphites could not respect the Amazinines and the Amazinines could not respect the Philosphites. But, amongst the chaos, a solution was found by a third party. "You see, in all of the infinite cosmos there was only one planet that was able to harness the power of Magic: the Planet of the Gem. The citizens of that planet called themselves the People of the Gem and using their skill, which was neither physical nor technological, they could cause their planet to disappear from all the scans of the Philosphites, as well as the heightened senses of the Amazinines. They made it move about the cosmos at will. While almost all planets of note were either allied with the Amazinines or the Philosphites, the Planet of the Gem was totally independent. From all worlds and all races they would find any child that held the gift of Magic, though few from the actual races of the Amazinines or the Philosphites, for they both make poor Mages. They would take these prot#g#s and teach them in their secret ways. I was one such child." Mary-Sue interrupted at this point, her eyes changed to a light pink. He balked at her eye change, and prostrated himself before her. Mary-Sue said, with an edge in her voice, "You're telling me you're a... wizard?" She had half a mind to throw him out at that. The little man started to grovel. "Most Enlightened One, I beg your forgiveness. I am more of a seer. But, I am first and foremost your servant. Please," he said spreading his hands in a pleading gesture, "for my sake allow me to continue." This was not how Mary-Sue had planned to spend her weekend. She sighed. Her eyes changed back to their neutral silver and she waved her hand. She was beginning to realize that this man could sense her mood better than even one of her highly trained servants. As she suspected, he understood that she meant for him to continue without her having to say it. "I was one of most gifted Seers of the People of the Gem. It was I," he said, not without some pride, "that foresaw that, in the end of the war between the Amazinines and the Philosphites, the Universe itself would be consumed. Thus, the People of the Gem could no longer remain neutral; we had to act to end the war with lasting peace instead of ultimate destruction. I lead the seers in trying to find a way towards peace, and it was in my seeing pools that I first saw you, oh Perfect One. You, Merry-Melody-Solemnity- Twilight-Resplendence-Theresa-Sumptuous-Suzanne, First of Her Name and Princess of the Universe Made Whole. The man understood that Mary-Sue wanted him to stop again, before she even started to raise her hand to indicate she did. When he stopped Mary-Sue said, "I will only allow you to continue if you never mention that stupid name again." The man seemed to not to know what you say. "But Your Excellency, you loved..." "Refer to me as Mary-Sue in the story from now on." Mary- Sue said sharply. The man nodded and continued. "I was the first to ever view your perfection. In all of the time-lines and all of the infinite outcomes I saw, there was only one in which such an unequaled individual existed, and it was the only one in which the universe found the Forever Peace I was searching for." He paused and looked Mary-Sue in her silvery eyes. "I am reputed to be the greatest seer to ever live, and I can assure you, Merry... umm... Sue, that not only are you the most perfect being in the entire universe, you are also the most perfect being in all possible universes. When I saw you in the sea of possibilities, I knew it was my duty to do everything in my power to actualize and aid you. I count myself first among your many servants because I was the first to understand it is everything's purpose to serve only you. Only when all living things worship your perfection will the universe find the Forever Peace." Mary-Sue was used to complements, but even she was a little flattered by that one. Especially because, based on his pulse and tone, she could tell he completely believed what he was saying. Her eyes became slightly blush. "I brought my findings to the other members of the Counsel of 14." The man seemed to sense Mary-Sue's confusion at that and quickly explained. "Each of the Schools of Magic had a head member, I was the head of the 14th school, the Seer's School." Again the man seemed to know what Mary-Sue was thinking and continued quickly. "When I showed your splendid image to the Counsel and explained the ramifications of your existence they were all in complete agreement with me. We knew we must do all within our power to make sure you were born, and that there were only two people in all of the universe that could be your mother and father: The Emperor of the Philosphites and the Queen of the Amazinines. "Working together we knew we of the Council could make your parents fall in love, and stay in love. The Philosphites might never be able to respect the stubborn Amazinines but they respected their Emperor, and the Amazinines could never respect the fragile Philosphites, but they respected their Queen. We of the Council manipulated events so the two would meet. Not an easy task since, while the Amazinic Queen was always in the thick of the battles, the Philosphic Emperor was always far from the front line. However, the Council of 14 was skilled in manipulation and the meeting took place. Our enchantress made your parents fall helplessly and permanently in love, which temporarily ended the war. "But, we all knew that as soon as your parents died the war would resume. This is why you needed to be born. It is against the very laws of nature for an Amazinines and a Philosphites to conceive a child together, and our biomancer was very adept at breaking the laws of nature. We could have gotten your parents to conceive you without them even knowing we had tampered, but we wanted to take a more active role in your raising. There were things only we must teach you, and we needed time to make you perfect. We planted the idea of a child your parents' heads, and waited for them to seek us out. They had no idea of our involvement up to this point, although both knew of our existence. "Your parents went on a epic quest together to locate us, not knowing we had been watching them all along. Finally they found us and beseeched our aid. We, of course, agreed to help them conceive you, on the condition that we could help raise you as well. Because of our neutrality in the war, they agreed. All 14 of us assisted our biomancer in your conception. We needed to make sure you had all of the best qualities of both your parents. You needed to be the pinnacle of both great races. We also gave you other secret abilities, one from each of the 14 Schools of Magic. "When you were born it was clear we had succeeded. You survived the riggers of an Amazinic birth, which proved you were already stronger than any other species in the universe. When you were delivered you could already speak 27 languages, having learned them by listening in the womb. Your father only knew 11 when he was begot. Additionally, thanks to our magic, you were the prettiest example of either species; your wings angelic. Anything gazing upon you would instinctually know you were their superior. Everything that saw you would want nothing more than to serve you. You would be the prefect leader I had foreseen" The man saw that Mary-Sue had a question and stopped. Mary-Sue's eyes were a deep purple. "Are you saying that when I was born I was already better than any human?" Something that had always galled her was that she was such an ordinary child. It was only at the age of 13 that she had become special. She found herself wanting deep in her heart to believe what this man was saying about her birth. The seer looked a little confused at her question. "Mistresses, forgive my ignorance, but I am not sure what you're asking. Are you asking if you, Merry... um... Sue First of Her Name and Empress of the Universe Made Whole, were born better than... than these hairless monkeys that roll around on this ball of dirty iron they call a planet?" He seemed very confused, "To even voice that the two could be compared... why, it would be death on some planets... Why would you..." He paused and then, suddenly, his eyes went wide in horrific realization. "Exalted Empress, the Faceless One, it... it did not just take your memories, did it? It... gave... you... new ones... It..." His hands when to his face as if he was trying hold back the words. "It mind raped you, and... and... no... it couldn't've." His face was pale. "What?" Mary-Sue said a little surprised at the man's reaction to her question. "It..." and the worlds came tumbling out of the man. "It made you think you were human? An animal? That you were born one of these..." He was uncontrollably crying now, unable to finish. Mary-Sue contemplated getting out of her chair to comfort him, but decided against it. She did resolve to listen to the rest of this ridiculous story, however. She was convinced this man was completely insane, but she found herself enjoying what he was saying. Something about this fantastical tale was resonating with her. And I still need to find out how he got in here, she thought. When he was done crying she told him to continue. It looked like he wanted to do something else, but he followed her orders. "Even at a young age you were stronger than your mother, smarter than your father and, of course, your beauty was without equal. Everyone loved you. Because of your perfect intelligence, unsurpassed strength, and physical invulnerability, both the Amazinines and the Philosphites acknowledged you as the rightful heir to both empires." "But," Mary-Sue asked, "would not the war resume upon my death?" The seer blinked a little when she asked that. "That is unthinkable, Your Highness, you are perfectly ageless, one of the gifts of the Council." He continued: "Despite your abilities you were such a humble child, and selfless. You never failed to turn a complement back on the one complementing you. Your empathy was without equal and you had many pets; a dragon, 2 flying unicorns, a sphinxe, an ophiotaurus and even the Eplomenicus. You also understood your responsibilities and, while you often wished someone else could shoulder your burden, you understood none could." Mary-Sue listened to this man tell her about this naive princess who was a stranger to her. This kid sounded nothing like the Mary-Sue she was. Like everything else, animals did like Mary-Sue, but she was more fond of eating them then having them as pets. And, she was nowhere near selfless. Her childhood had taught her to look out for herself since no one else would. As for modesty, Mary-Sue had learned at a young age humility was pointless, especially if you really were the best. The man continued telling about this perfect little angelic child that was good at everything at such a young age. How she had revived the ancient outdated art of axe-play, how she had found the axe of some great Amazinic prince that could cleave suns in half. Mary-Sue had mixed feelings about this little girl she was suppose to have been. While the childhood she remembered was hard and bitter, she had grown up hard and resolved because of it. This other girl, despite her abilities, seemed helplessly naive. When the man started to talk about her Magical training she stopped him again. "You said Amazinines and Philosphites made poor mages." Mary-Sue reminded him, hoping if she caught him in a contraction she could prove to herself he was crazy. "Oh, yes, most Perfect One, they are." He replied. "Two things are important to a mage. One must have understanding of spells, and one must have the power to cast them. A Philosphite mage knows a great number of spells and has a deep understanding of how they work, but the power to cast them comes from his body, which is frail. Likewise an Amazinic mage has a great amount of power at her disposal, but little skill or understanding in welding it. "However, you were the perfect mage. Your mind and body were both tireless. You quickly grasped how a spell worked, and had great inborn power at your disposal. You also invented new spells all the time, something it takes years for a normal mage to do. At last count you had created 572 new spells, 217 of which only the most skilled mages could hope to use, and 42 of which only you could cast because of the power needed and the complexity. You..." Mary-Sue cut him off again, "Why don't you get to the part about the Faceless One? If I am what you say how did I come here to Earth?" The man said, "Oh, yes, of course, Most Excellent of All Things, I just love talking about your accomplishments so much. It's a more pleasant topic than the Faceless One's betrayal. But, sadly, you must hear what was done to you." His eyes started to tear up again as he continued. "We of the Council decided that we needed to make sure your future was secure. We, the People of the Gem, decided you be given the Gem on your 13th name day. The Gem was our most powerful artifact. It was said that all Magic came from it, and it was buried deep in the heart of our planet. We had brought it to the surface. With the Gem you would no longer just be the heir to the Amazinic and Philosphite empires you would be the rightful ruler of the People of the Gem as well. You would preside over the Universe Made Whole, and, being immortal, you would eternally rule. The Forever Peace I foresaw would begin. "The Council, after much debate, ruled that they would each put their own life-force into the Gem, imbuing its wear with their wisdom and power. You begged us not to, but our minds were made up. We needed to make sure that you had the power and wisdom to rule the universe for all time. "On your 13th name day we begin the ritual. It was held on a planet between the Amazinic and Philosphite empires. Your parents were in attendance. We had also decided to link your life-force to that of the Gem. If you were to die, it would be destroyed so no others could have its power. You were brought to that neutral place and, with your own help, we placed you in stasis so we could safely connect your life-force to the Gem. We could only place you in stasis without your wings and depowered, such was your strength even at age 13. "While you were held we magically removed your wings and started the process. Each Council member in turn gave up his or her skill and power into the Gem. However - and I can only blame myself for this - I did not foresee the 13th Council member, the Faceless One, and its betrayal. The Faceless One was really more of its title, for no one knows its true name, or gender, or race, or, well, anything. The 13th School was that of illusion, and the Faceless One was the most powerful illusionist in our history. It had the power even to cloud my divination. Thus, I was unable to anticipate that after the 12th Council member was absorbed into the Gem, the Faceless One struck. Your parents and I were helpless as it stole what was rightfully yours. Knowing we could not stop the Faceless One while it held the Gem, your parents ordered me back to the Planet of the Gem to try and gather other mages to help. I am something of a gifted teleporter as well as seer. I begged them to come with me, but they stayed to fight a hopeless battle to save you. "When I got back with reinforcements, I found the whole system decimated. The sun had gone hyper-nova and not even your mother could have survived that. There was no sign of you or the Faceless One, only your angelic wings drifting in the void. I thought the Forever Peace was lost to us. Worse still, I feared the Faceless One had killed you. Not knowing what else to do we went back to our planet. "Soon however, we learned the Faceless One was masquerading as you. It had the Gem, which meant you must still be alive somewhere, and was ruling both great kingdoms. But, the Faceless One's magic can only fool the Amazinines and Philosphites for so long. It does not have your strength or your knowledge. The Universe is at peace under this usurped rule, but it is not the Forever Peace. "After 5 years of searching, I have pierced the Faceless One's illusions and found you. I see the Faceless One signed its handy work and left its mark upon you." The little man pointed towards the heart-shaped mark over Mary- Sue's left eye. He continued, "Exalted Empress, you must come to the Planet of the Gem. You must undo what the Faceless One has done." There was a pause as he finished his plea. Mary-Sue's eyes remand their neutral silver as she looked at this little man, weighing his worth. Finally, after a long silence, she spoke, "So, what, you'll just teleport me there then?" The little man nodded, "With your consent." Mary-Sue let out a musical chuckle at that. "By all means then, teleport away." However, as soon as she spoke the words she found herself, and the little seer, no longer in her glass-crystal mansion, but on a crystal planet. For the first time in 5 years, Mary-Sue felt true surprise, her eyes changing to a bright gold yellow. What she saw was indescribably beautiful. The planet's sun was pure white and its surface was a giant prism. Every color could be seen sparking. Rainbows flashed everywhere and, had Mary-Sue been human, the dazing brilliance of it all would have blinded her. Even so it was hard for her to look at anything for too long. Also, she could see deep within the core of the clear planet's crust. The little seer, who was clearly used to all this, took her by the hand. "Please, Exalted Empress, we must restore your racial heritage first." "Ummm..." said Mary-Sue, in disbelief for a moment that everything the man said was no doubt true. But she regained herself quickly, her eyes changing back to silver. "How long will that take?" "Not long at all, oh Perfect One. We suspected that the reason you have not tried to contact us was because of the Faceless One's tampering and are prepared. We can restore your power, but not your memories." He had a great sadness on his face when he said that. "Only the Faceless One itself can do that. You must confront it to get your childhood back." Mary-Sue just nodded. The man led her into a building that was more spectacular than anything she had ever seen. The hues from each prismatic hill and rise seemed as if they were being channeled into it. It looked as if it was constructed exclusively from multicolored light. Her own mansion was nothing compared to this elegance. "I am so sorry," said the man, "I wish we had time to clean up for your arrival. But, please, Perfect Empress, forgive this run down place's appearance and, come with me, we are ready for you." She followed him though unimaginable many-colored crystal beauty until she was in a large rainbow room. Above her she saw 14 huge chairs each a different color. 12 of the chairs were filled with more people like the man that escorted her. However, what really caught her attention was at the center of the room where the colors of each of the chairs converged. There at the center was a pair of silvery-white angel wings. They hung suspended as if under their own power, and even in this room of light, they glowed brighter still with an inner white light. They were the fairest object she had seen in this magical place. The seer left her side and went to the last of the chairs in the great room. All but one was now filled. Mary-Sue guessed that these must be the new Council members, the 13th black chair left vacant. Mary-Sue could feel the members watching her. She had not felt so small in 5 years. She wondered if they were convinced who she was, but no one said anything. Mary-Sue continued to stare at the wings in the center of the room. Not knowing what else to do, started walking towards them. As she did, a chant rose up from the people in the chairs. She felt like she was moving in a dream. The closer she got to them the more unreal everything felt. Finally, she was close enough to reach out and touch them, so she did. Something miraculous happened. The feeling was indescribable, Mary-Sue was sure any human would have been instantly destroyed by the sensation. The chanting grew louder and louder, but soon she realized it was her hearing that was improving. Soon she could hear other conversations happening all over the planet. Every vibration of sound in the atmosphere came to her powerful ears. Her eyes also became stronger and stronger. She could see through the walls, through the building, through the planet. She found herself gazing into the sky for light-years. Nothing was hidden. She could hear, see, smell, even feel everything. The sensations were so great that Mary-Sue was sure even her powerful mind would be overwhelmed, but it was not. It was starting to process all of the information at faster than light speed. Mary-Sue was understanding perfectly everything she was seeing and hearing. She found herself scanning this world as the Council members chanted. She was reading books in libraries at light-speed on the other side of the planet, and everything was making perfect sense to her. All of the information, everything this place had to offer she was absorbing; mastering it and improving upon it. When she was done with all of the archives on the planet, which seemed to take her only half a heartbeat, she turned her perfect senses onto herself. She could see her skin hardening; her muscles growing and becoming superhuman. She could see her magically enhanced Amazinine-Philosphite DNA asserting itself. She realized that nothing could break her perfect skin now; she could fly into a star with her angelic wings and not even feel it. Not even a hypernova could hurt her in the slightest. Her strength? God-like. She could annihilate planets and move suns. And her beauty? A crystal planet with the sun hitting it just right was nothing compared to Mary-Sue now. Men and women alike would die within her splendor. Her looks before were superior in every way to every human, and now they were magnified. Her angelic wings glowed. Her vibrant pink hair took on an unearthly quality to it. People would kill each other just for a chance to touch her porcelain skin and long legs. Her beasts made all those that looked upon those joyful orbs weep in pleasure and want. They jiggled in a way to hypnotize and break the strongest of wills. But, her silvery eyes were her most striking feature. They held power unimagined. Bottomless pits in which everything was lost. She could stare into your soul as you begged her to take your darkest secrets. Mary-Sue started a sultry laugh. The sound was honorably joyous and wonderfully frightening. It shook the very foundations of the building. Earthquakes rocked the planet itself. She rose into the air, looking down on this oh so fragile world. The Council members had stopped chanting and started yelling at each other. They could not guess what was happening, but Mary-Sue knew. "She was not this powerful before," one of them cried out. Mary-Sue just laughed again; the musical, overwhelming sound came from every direction. "Fools," she said in a luscious voice. "I was 13 before, a mere child, not even yet gone through puberty. Now, you see before you an Amazinine-Philosphite woman grown; the magically enhanced pinnacle of both." She raised her hands and the whole planet started to shake again. She knew she could effortlessly destroy them all if she wanted to, but why? It would be a waste. She looked down at them hungrily. She could see their thoughts; their brains working so painfully slow compared to hers. She could watch their synapses firing, and was already figuring out what one nerve or another being active meant. She laughed again, the noise like rolling thunder. "So, when I am ready I should go fight the Faceless One? This Gem-wielding imposter is meant to be a challenge to me now? I should train and relearn spells and get ready for this battle?" "Well," stammered the seer, looking up at her, "that was the plan...." "What can you teach me? I've just read every book and scroll on this planet. I can read the chemical signals in your brain." She looked up to the sky. "I can see a Philosphite computer 4 light-years from here and read the binary stored on it. Oh, it's a quantum computer? I can see the differences in the electron spins. And, in the time it took me to describe all that to you I already processed and fully understood everything in its database. I now know where the usurper is." Mary-Sue looked back at them. The seer stammered "Well... maybe you should..." Mary-Sue cut him off, her angelic wings flapping slightly and a creating a gale. "I know the spell used to put the power of the mages into the Gem. I read it on a scroll you have locked away in your deepest vaults. The Faceless One has the power of 12 mages? I can take the power of others as well." "But... but..." the seer said, "You seem so powerful already... But... why not take me? I will willing give my life for you, my Empress." "Yes, in fact I bet I could beat the Faceless One right now," Responded Mary-Sue. "But why risk it? I am sure everyone on this planet is like you. They would all give their life for the peace I offer as Empress. I will now use a modified version of that spell, which I just thought of, to absorb every mage on this planet. All of you will give your power to the rightful heir of the Universe Made Whole." Before anyone else could say anything, Mary-Sue raised her hands and it was done. Every soul on the planet streamed into her. She was ablaze with magical energy. Her skin as white-hot lava. It all happened so fast not a one of them could even scream as they made the ultimate sacrifice for Mary-Sue. "The Faceless One has 12 mages? Now I have a billion." Mary-Sue said and energy raced over her body and flashed from her eyes. Standing on this dead plane she looked to the sky and flew. The Faceless One had surrounded itself with an army of both Amazinines and Philosphites, but they were no match for Mary-Sue. She easily destroyed a battalion of Amazinines. They were strong enough to move planets, but she was powerful enough to move suns. Additionally, they could not think as fast as she could. Her body could move faster than light, as could her mind. The Philosphites' war machines fared no better. She could see every move they wanted to make before they made it. She could easily anticipate everything while reading their computers from light-years away. She quickly and perfectly understood their technology, and thought of hundred of ways to disable it. More than just defeating them in battle, she was letting them see her. She would pause long enough for those she was fighting to glimpse her in all her glory, their weapons just uselessly bouncing off her indestructible skin. Seeing the face of their true Empress, many were giving up. They saw she was the strongest, and realized she was the smartest. Even with all of its magic, how long could the Faceless One truly pretend to be her, Mary-Sue? 5 years was a long time and Mary-Sue knew the usurper's subjects were already starting to doubt the fake in ways they would never, could never, have doubted her. Finally, she found her old home, the palace that took up a whole planet. This planet made the Planet of the Gem look homely and crud. 20,000-story golden crystal spires stretched off of the planet's surface. So tall they came into the stratosphere and would need their own atmosphere inside. Statues of Mary-Sue adorned every hing. One statue by the equator was 100 km high; its detail was exquisite, each pink hair was crafted separately. Mary-Sue could see that the statue was made of solid colored platinum and it was ornamented with gems the size of buildings. She paused for a moment to take in all this grandeur while the automated defenses crashed into her sumptuous invulnerable body. This planet palace was meant for her, but it was occupied by the usurper. She flew to it. The soldiers, both Amazinines and Philosphites had heard she was coming and let her pass. They knew she was their True Empress come back to them. She scanned the planet palace for the Faceless One, as well as for the best way to break in without causing too much damage to her home, and in no time at all she was standing before a duplicate of herself. It looked almost like she had when she was human, except it had a mark in the shape of a heart over both eyes. When they were together anyone could see it was a pale imitation of the true Mary-Sue. A pale moon reflecting the light of the blazing sun that was Mary-Sue. Before it could do anything she waved her hand and it was held immobile. She waved her hands again, wielding the power of billions of mages, and the simulacrum knelt before her. How anticlimactic, she thought. All too easy. She looked out at the gathered Amazinines and Philosphites servants. "Who is your rightful Empress?" she asked, in a voice that shook the heavens and would make angels weep with its melodious resonance. Without question or hesitation they all knelt before her. "You!" They cried. And with a flick of her wrist the Faceless One disintegrated. She walked over to where the body had been. "Wow, that really was anticlimactic," she said a little disappointed as she picked up the Gem and put it on her forehead. She already had the knowledge and power of a whole planet of mages, so 12 more was not really that much of an addition. But she took it. The Gem itself is really pretty, she thought. Then, she realized something. "My childhood memories. I need the Faceless One to give them back to me. I want to remember those spells and where I put that axe." She said to herself as her people crowded around her, all of them crying out how sorry they were for allowing themselves to be deceived by a stupid, weak imposter. Mary-Sue had had enough fawners in her lifetime, and she told them all she needed some time to herself. As they left to other rooms, she started to look around. This was her true home; her palace. She could see why the seer had called her house on Earth so small. "I could have made my mansion like this in a few more years," Mary-Sue boasted. Then she looked down at the ash that was the Faceless One. "I guess I need you back." She said, and used a forbidden spell one of the mages in the Gem had been working on, and dragged the Faceless One back into the realm of the living. It still wore her face. She could have pulled that off of it, but she had grown used to seeing her own countenance back on Earth. Indeed, this fake Mary-Sue looked like she had as a human, but the true Mary-Sue was so much more now. She just looked at it and said, her eyes flashing a dangerous red, "This is not a negotiation. You took my memories and made me forget who I was. You will restore them to me, or I will kill you and revive you a hundred times before I ask you again. After that I will start getting creative # and I can be very creative." She flashed a smile that would have blinded a human with its brilliance. The pale silvery eyes of the Faceless One stared into the fiery silver ones of Mary-Sue. Its face twisted into a smile. "I knew you'd come back; I did so ever want to see the monster I created before it all fell apart. Not content and naive anymore are you? I did so enjoy being you for a time, but it only helped a little from the consuming jealousy. Taking everything you had, taking your innocence and complacency, now that did quench my green fires." Mary-Sue's eyes burned red. She did not bring the Faceless One back to hear its crazy gloating, and she was about to kill it again when it said, "Wait, I'll happily restore your memories." And with a toothy grin that looked out of place on its human Mary-Sue face it brought its hands up to the heart-shaped mark on Mary-Sue. The mark vanished. Mary-Sue's eyes went wide in shock. She dropped the grinning Faceless One. Mary-Sue's mouth gaped open in realization as her eyes unfocused, "I... kill# my... the People of the Gem... gone... I killed them, they were like my family... and I tortured all those poor human animals." She said in an adorable voice. "No," another sultry voice came from Mary-Sue as the heart- shaped mark returned, "Who cares about those mages? And my classmates deserved it because of what they did." "But," the first cute voice said as the mark vanished again, "they didn't do anything, you, I, we... only thought..." Suddenly, Mary-Sue went still. Her heart-shaped mark flashing. The Faceless One could not help but watch with glee. Within Mary-Sue a confrontation raged. With her mind's eye Mary-Sue saw Merry-Melody-Solemnity- Twilight-Resplendence-Theresa-Sumptuous-Suzanne. The little prepubescent princess was dressed in, of all things, a pink tutu. She was just under 5 feet tall; her angelic wings almost looked glued on and her pink hair fell behind her in long waves. She did not have the heart-shaped mark on her. Mary-Sue could feel her own heart-shaped mark throb over her left eye. She was in her human body and looked like she had in her office on Earth. Her perfect 38L-22-40 figure hugged by her pink pinstripe business suit. She was, of course, still 6'11", but was closer to 7'5" in heels. Her long black stiletto heels laced up to her knees. The two pairs of silvery eyes regarded one another. Finally Merry-Melody-Solemnity-Twilight-Resplendence- Theresa-Sumptuous-Suzanne spoke. "You're a selfish bitch." She said in a accusing voice, that could not help but sound adorable. Mary-Sue almost laughed, and said in sultry voice. "Listen, sister, it's a dog-eat-dog world. I took what was mine because it was offered." Mary-Sue had never realized until now how seductive she sounded when she spoke, but in contrast to her younger self it was clear. "I am not your sister," Merry-Melody-Solemnity-Twilight- Resplendence-Theresa-Sumptuous-Suzanne said peevishly, but still very cutely. "My sister wouldn't have killed all of those people for power; my sister would not have tortured her human animal classmates because she was insecure about what she thought they did." Those words of Merry-Melody-Solemnity-Twilight- Resplendence-Theresa-Sumptuous-Suzanne cut Mary-Sue deeply. She felt outrage as her eyes flashed red, "Look here, you're, what, 13? You lived a perfect fairy tale life. How DARE you presume to judge me? I did what I had to do to survive when I was your age, and I came out on top." "My age?" It was Merry-Melody-Solemnity-Twilight- Resplendence-Theresa-Sumptuous-Suzanne turn to laugh, a sound like a tinkling bell. "You were never my age, you're only 5-years-old." Mary-Sue let out a tantalizing chuckle. "Does this look like the body of a 5-year-old?" Mary-Sue said alluringly as she traced the voluptuous curves of her body. "You're a whore." Said Merry-Melody-Solemnity-Twilight- Resplendence-Theresa-Sumptuous-Suzanne bluntly, "and I'll hate you forever." Mary-Sue was about to retort when Merry-Melody-Solemnity- Twilight-Resplendence-Theresa-Sumptuous-Suzanne opened her perfect little mouth and began to sing. Mary-Sue was surprised that she recognized the song. It sounded like her One True Song, but something was different about it. It was agonizingly sweet. It was so honeyed it hurt to hear. Mary- Sue tried to put her hands to her ears. She was back in her Amazinine-Philosphite body now in the palace. Mary-Sue could feel Merry-Melody-Solemnity- Twilight-Resplendence-Theresa-Sumptuous-Suzanne still within her, forcing the song from her lips. That little brat is not stronger than me, she thought. The Faceless One, still wearing her face, writhed before her as she sung. Mary-Sue could not stop singing, no matter how much she wanted to. The sound filled the palace, servants fled. They were escaping, but Mary-Sue and the Faceless One's fates were bound together. Blood tricked out of the Faceless Ones ears, and Mary-Sue could feel blood coming from her own. She had to stop singing this song. Her hands flew from her ears to her month, but it was no good. The saccharine song came out of her like syrupy death. The Faceless One stopped moving. Stronger and stronger the song grew, shaking Mary-Sue to her very core. The only thing that could kill Mary-Sue was Mary-Sue. Blackness and blood closed in around her silvery eyes. Mary-Sue could feel her self slipping away as she sung... ...Darkness... Then, suddenly, Mary-Sue's silvery eyes opened, but she was still quite dead. She was at the Pearly Gates of Heaven, and she could feel the heart-shaped mark on her left eye. "Well... fuck," she cursed. Then sighing, "I guess it could be worse." She stood up and dusted herself off, seeing that she was again wearing her pink pinstripe suit and black stilettos. She strode over to the gates on her long perfect legs and was about to open them when a raspy voice stopped her short. "As a rule," it said, "we don't let genocidal egotists in." She looked around and saw staring down at her past a huge tome keys in hand was Saint Peter. To be continued in Mary-Sue: Revelations