Male Jewelry The adoption Since year 2000's, most countries around the World, including US, were facing high rates of violence, from murder to rape, passing by child abuse and all types of crimes and sexual assaults. As years went by and economic situation continue degrading due to globalization, violence had raise all around the World and got out of control from a statistic point of view. They were more crimes, more victims, more cost for the entire society. There seemed to be no end to this infernal cycle, each year bringing its new stats, its new crime rates, its new costs! Governments had been searching for a cure to this violence, for a way to get things back into control and have social cost back to "normal". Specialist of all trend had try to identify the cause of this violence increase and the cure to it. Over all, every study came down to the same results, "Testosterone". That hormone was the basis of everything surrounding violence and it was mainly produce by male testicles. At no surprise, violence and crimes were committed by man 93% of the time, focusing every expert eyes on the source of the problem itself, man balls. Specialist and government expert when on debating over the proper way to counteract the effect of testosterone in a cost efficient way, making sure the remedy cost wouldn't overpass the problem cost itself. The only sensible way of getting ride of this testosterone problem was to apply this century well know and proven technique, physical removal of male testicles. Of course, there as been public debates, analysis, and manifestation but as those events were taking place, people started to adhere to this castration idea, knowing it was the cheapest and most effective way to get ride of the problem for ever and get those crimes figures back in an "acceptable" rate. After 3 years of reflection, hearings and consultation, both the government and the population were ready to adopt a law, a law that would force every man to go under a fast and safe surgery to have his balls removed. The "Mandatory Castration Act" was adopted by US government on October 5th, 2018. In order to control the cost of this massive castration campaign, the government had decides to give the contract to local medical clinics prior to the use of Hospitals. It had been 3 months since the law was effective and the first balls were to fall off anytime now as the first men to give them up had safely stock their semen at Government controlled Sperm Banks. The rule was clear ... Every men between age of 16 to 35 had to give between 10 to 20 cum specimens, to be frozen for later use, before having their balls cut off within the next 2 months following their final "gift". Men older than 35 had to have their balls removes without any "donation" within the next 6 months following Castration Law adoption, while the younger men could keep their balls on until they reach the age of 16 and by ready to give his cum specimen. If a young boy or men was to be convicted of violence in any way, his balls would be removed without notice and in public, making sure that young boys would act nicely with young girls during all their youth. With over 180M men in the US standing ready for castration, that let the government with a lot of "nuts" on its hands and it was decides that local medical clinics would dispose of men nuts the way they wanted to. All that was asked was that the clinic would certify that the man had been castrated, with photo and testimonial proof to support it. If a clinic was to cheat or falsify castration documents, the clinic would not only lose it license but all the personnel would be pursuit in justice for very sever sentences. The Jewelry Artist Jude Taylor was a local and renowned artist of the Baltimore/Washington area who made fine arts and jewelry. Her arts were cherished by famous people and every important "lady" of the Washington area had to have one of Jude pieces. On a nice Tuesday afternoon, Jude was having lunch with her best friend Charlotte who happened to be the owner of a couple of medical clinics in the surrounding area who had been selected as government castration clinics. As the lunch went on, Jude came to ask her friend how things were going on with this "nut cutting law" and how she expected to get ride of all these balls. Charlotte simply told her, without any "retenue" that her clinics had started receiving there first patients and that she had herself castrated over a dozen of man yet. She confess that cutting all those men balls was really trilling and exciting, and that she climax at the first 3 clients while proceeding with the removal of their small and useless nuts. Of course, there was nothing to be ashamed of since every woman on earth dreamed, one day or another, of cutting off men balls, just for to fun of seeing them ball-less and have their testicles served to them on a plate. Jude agreed to Charlotte remarks and asked again how she planed on getting ride of those nasty balls. Charlotte said she just throw them away in the clinic garbage or give them to dogs & cats in public parks. Charlotte look at Jude and by the expression on her face, she knew her friend had something in mind. So she ask back why she wanted to know that ... Jude simply answered that she would like to have a few pairs of men nuts to make some "experiment" on them ... Charlotte smiled and said "What exactly are you talking about ?" Jude got closer to her so no one could ear and said "I want to turn them into semiprecious gem and make fine jewelry out of those useless men balls. It would be my MALE JEWELRY collection. I already have a few ideas on own to make them rock solid while keeping there natural shape and aspect. There's no point in having a Male Jewelry Collection if you cant tell these are real men balls ... .If things turns out right, I'll take all the nuts you can cut and have my new line of jewelry commercialize on the Net. And of course, we could be business partner in this new collection affair... You get the raw material; I turned those lazy men nuts into something valuable for once ... If ever you can get your hand on penises to, that would be great". Charlotte sat back on her chair and started thinking about Jude proposition. She was, by law, able to dispose of all those balls the way she wanted to, and no men or women could ever claimed them back. She was the owner of all the men nuts that came thru her clinics doors and she could use them the way she dreamed off. The case was closed. She smiled back at Jude and said "I'm in. How many balls would you like to start with? I can't promise you anything about men dicks but their balls are mine so let's give it a try. We got nothing to lose and if it works, we will have as many balls as we want! And if you need money to buy stuff or machinery, you can count on me". Jude got up and made a huge hog at her deer friend, showing her appreciation and enthusiasm. She then sit back and said "For now I'm fine since I'll be processing those nuts manually to find the proper crystallization process but once I've got it square, we will need your money to automate the process so all those beautiful men balls don't dry out before we can turned them into gem and make a fortune out of them ... .From useless and repulsive to useful and attractive, that's a change for such awful thing as men balls ... don't you agree!" The two friends acknowledged and post a toast to this new "special" collection to come ... Charlotte told Jude she would have her first shipment of freshly cut men balls by next Friday, a few dozen if needed. Jude said that 2 or 3 dozen would be fine and that next Friday was Ok, it would gave her enough time to get ready and get those balls turned into gem. On the next day, Jude got to her "atelier" and got sure she has everything needed to start her experimentation on men balls. She had a few ideas on how to make them solid, and even do she was confident about her technique, there might be a long road ahead before so got everything perfect. When Charlotte delivered her first shipment of balls on Friday afternoon, Jude asked her if she had time to take a tour of her crystallization installation. Since Charlotte husband was taking care of the kids tonight, she had spare time to spend at her "Business Partner" place and find out what this nut-to-gem transformation process was all about. Once Jude closed the "atelier" to the public, they both rush to the back office to start there first experimentation. What Jude didn't told Charlotte was that she had perfected her technique over the last few months using dogs testicles and that she hoped that men balls would likely react the same way ... After all, the where both similar animals who though with there balls more then their brains, so it should give the same result. Jude opened the sealed bag to discover that Charlotte had brought over more nuts than expected ... Five dozen of men balls where lying at the bottom of the bag, twice as much as requested. Charlotte said that she had cut more nuts then planned and that she rather gave them to her and tries to make a fortune out of them then to throw them away in the garbage ... Jude started explaining how she proposed to make those fleshy balls into pure solid rock. As she guided Charlotte thru the jars and products, Jude got into the vital part of her work and started explaining how to proceed. Dropping the bags of freshly cut nuts on her working table, she detailed each step she was about to make. She got on ball out of the bag, cleaned it from the blood remains and cut off part of the spermatic cord still attach to it. All she needed was a few inches of cord and not the all part of it that Charlotte took away from men body's when castrating them. She filled a syringe with a clear liquid plastic of her how conception and emptied it into the man nut she was holding in her left hand. Her plan was to make the nut solid and, when needed, increase its size. The liquid plastic was hot when entering the ball but it was getting hard within 30 minutes or so. Jude processed to fill 5 other nuts, introducing more and more liquid into each one of them to see just how much she could increase the size of a man ball using the internal pressure of the liquid. Has she went on, you could see the size difference between each ball laying on the table, and by the time she got to the last one, the final size of it was merely 3 times its original size, getting closer to medium chicken eggs. Charlotte and Jude looked gladly at their specimen and a large smile ran on their face. These were good results for a first try. Now they had to wait for the nuts to turn solid. When the first nut seemed to be hard enough, Jude toke it by the spermatic cord and dipped it another clear liquid. Now that the inside was hard, she had to make sure the outside skin of the ball wouldn't dry out and that it would be as hard as possible. The idea was too deep the ball into some sort of varnish for 1 minute, let it dry for about 10 minutes, and repeats the operation a few times so the skin would absorb the liquid and turn solid while slowly drying. With the last dipping cycle completed, Jude hanged the ball by the sperm cord to let it dry all night long. She proceeded the same way with the other five balls and after close to 2 hours, there first experiment was over for today and they could get the remaining balls into the frig for later use. Tomorrow would tell them if the final result would be what they expected or not, and give them some clue on which step to correct to get the expected results. Since Jude was he expert on jewelry, she showed up along on that sunny Saturday morning, leaving Charlotte with her family. She got back to last nigh work and proceed to see if the balls were dry. All nuts seemed to be completely dry on the outside but what about the inside. The only way to make sure was to cut the balls in half and check by her self. She grabbed a normal nut out of the frig so she had a base of comparison in terms of texture, look and feel. From the outside perspective, both nuts were the same except that the treated one was hard and shiny while the natural one was soft and dull, the dead skin having lose all of its color and life ... no doubt, the solid nut was way best looking then the normal one ... .a plus for the treated balls. Even if she couldn't turned them into jewelry, men balls would be better looking once treated by her. She could try to make money out of this if the crystallization process didn't work out perfectly. After all, most wives might want to keep their husband balls as a "Souvenir" and she could at least offer to turned solid rock so they would last for ever. But time was not to defeat yet. So she got back to her experimentation. She proceeded to cut the "regular - non-treated" ball in half to have a look at the inside portion of it. She didn't know what to expect since it was the first time she had a man ball split in two in front of her eyes. The inner skin of the ball was made of soft tissue that could be compare with brain tissue ... no wonder women called those "men small brain" ... they really look alike and had the same function of controlling man behavior, the small ones always having the control over the real man brain ... She did the same with her first solid ball and sliced it in two. Comparing the two half-testies, she could see that the tissue of the solid one had lost its natural aspect due to plastic liquid injection. It was still better looking than the normal one but it didn't seemed as real as it should be. If a woman wanted to have her husband balls look natural when split in two, she would have to work on her crystallization process and try a different combination of product to make them solid. She proceeded on splitting the remaining solid balls to see if they all dried out ok. As expected, the two last ones were not completely dry on the inside, the largest one being liquid in the center. She could already extrapolate that the more she increase the size of a nut, the more time it would require to dry out, if it ever does. She knew she would have to used a different plastic liquid solution for those big balls to get solid on the inside without spooling the outside look ... After all, big nuts would be needed for necklace decoration and other type of work-art; so she had to find a solution to fix this drying problem. After searching for solution over the Net and through her Jewelry books, she finally got her hand on a possible solution that would let her increase the size of the nut while making sure the center would dry out completely and turn solid. A few changes in her plastic solution mix and a little microwaving would do perfect to get those big men balls solid ... She proceeded to inject an other 8 balls with her new plastic solution and turned them into 5 wonderful big nuts, varying from small chicken size egg to a large lemon ... WOW ... That would be a nut size she would have like to see on a real man, seeing those two huge nuts weaving under his dick, hanging as low as mid-leg, so easy to grab, to kick, to step one ... what a beautiful dream it would be ... .may be one day, as science improves, will it be possible to increase the size of man dick and balls to what ever extent a woman would want ... yes, one day ! But enough dreaming, back to work girl! Having men balls bigger than lemon wouldn't do her any good anyway since they would be hard to use as Jewelry. So she settles to stop at lemon size nuts, no larger than that. Once the nuts were filled to the desired size, she went thru the "Dip & Dry" cycles and hanged them over by the spermatic cord to dry out for the rest of the day. She'll be back tomorrow to "cook" them a little to complete the drying process and finish her testing. The perfect solution Jude came back early on Sunday morning to microwave the balls she had prepare yesterday, to make sure they would dry out completely, inside and outside out. She proceeded to microwave the smallest nut for 10 seconds. Once the bell rings, she toke the ball into her hand to find out it was hot, real Hot! She drop it on her working table to let it cool down while examining the outside crust to make sure the microwave process haven't damage the outer skin of the ball. It turned out it was perfect. No crack, no bump, no critter ... just a perfect, shining and good looking solid man nut, just the way she liked them. She proceeded to cut the ball in two to verify if it had dried out completely. It did! That was great. She had fine the solution to her problem and the only thing left was to determine the Microwave cooking time chart based on the size of the ball she was processing. Her chart varied from 7 second for small egg size ball thru 45 seconds for the large lemon size ones. Normal size men nuts didn't need any extra dry since the volume of liquid plastic was not important enough. She experienced her microwave chart a few time over different men nuts enlarged with her plastic solution to make sure everything was ok, before she could announce her good news to Charlotte. She was now ready yet. She knew how to turn men balls into solid gem while preserving their natural aspect. Her last step was to introduce color into the crystallization process to make men nut more attractive and help to introduce them into Jewelry design and confection. By the end of her day, she had a full pallet of colored nuts ready, from light & transparent blue to solid dark violet. Happy with her work, she called on Charlotte to invite her over and have a look at the final results. She asked her to bring as many nuts as she could have; she was ready to make their fortune with this new gem of hers. Charlotte agreed to pass at the Boutique on this great Sunday afternoon, just before closing. This way, they could spare some time together before heading home to enjoy that wonderful Italian cuisine her husband was preparing for her. Charlotte showed up around 4pm and assisted Jude and her staff with the last customer before closing down the Boutique. By 5:15, the store was closed, the staff went home, and they were heading toward the back store to have a look at Jude latest results. It was astonishing ... Jude had process over 2 dozen of men nuts and had turned then into great looking gem of different size and colors. Jude had kept a few nuts to there regular size and color for comparison. She even had split a couple ones in two to show how she could use half-balls in her collection. Charlotte was speech less. Jude had balls of all colors with sharp and shiny definition. She had found the perfect way to turn those useless remains of manhood into something every woman on Earth would what to have ... and in many color and shape. Jude was right; they would make a fortune out of this! No wonder she needed more nuts, she was almost ready to start production ... Charlotte laid down a bag of newly cut men nuts she got from her clinic on the table, and Jude rapidly took a look inside to see how much she had brought. There were over 200 nuts in that bag ... Charlotte explained that the castration clinic was starting to roll on as men drop in to have their balls removed, as requested by law. These were the balls from the clinic she was in yesterday but she would eventually get men balls from all her clinics as they would get ready to crystallize them. With her 5 clinics turning full spin, she would get her hand on approximately 1000 pairs of balls per working day, more then needed to make their new industry turning on gold. With such a number of balls on hand every day, they would have to automate the crystallization process as soon as possible. Having machine turning men balls into gen would leave Jude with more time on her hands to make new creation, new Jewelry design, and new ways of using those solid and shiny nuts. Since it was getting late, they took a few nuts sample to Charlotte home to discuss over after dinner and start there work on that new collection to be ... Charlotte could already see those bracelet, earring, necklace, watch, decoration articles ... once men balls were turned into gem, there was no limit to what they could create out of them, no limit at all! Once this great dinner was over and Charlotte husband Jeff had toke care of the dishes, they joined together in the living room to talk about their project with Jeff. Once Jude and Charlotte finished on explaining everything to him, Jeff had no option but to recognize the talent of Jude and to realize that they really were standing on a fortune with this idea of them. He was impressed by those 2 beautiful women who find a wait to turn useless men balls into a product every woman would what to have. He then asked Charlotte if she was willing to have his balls turned into gem also. She look at him and simply answered that she would have one oversized to be used as a pendant, while the other one would be split in two to make earring. She didn't know exactly what color she would want them to be but she had time on her hand since Jeff castration was not schedule before a few weeks. The evening went on and the girls kept on talking about their new business to come and how much to charge for these unique gem. Charlotte even asked Jeff to show his nut to Jude so she could weight them and start thinking on how to turn them into a wonderful Jewelry for her. Jeff obeyed to her, got his balls and dick out of his pant, and let Jude play around with his balls for a few minutes. He couldn't stop his dick from getting harder as Jude was holding his nuts in her hand, and both Charlotte and Jude realize what was happening. Charlotte simply looked at him with a smile as she reaches for his dick to help it expand completely. Since he had a decent penis size, he was not to shy by what was happening. Jude was about to release Jeff nuts when Charlotte asked her to "take care" of Jeff nut while she would milk him off; and that she should get him real hard squeezes to his balls since he loved it ... or was it her ... Anyway, Jude was happy and thrilled to be able to squeeze some nuts out, and as hard had she like with that ... what more could she ask for. After all, Jeff had a nice dick, hard and willing to cum, so why not give him what he asked for ... Being an engineer, Jeff started thinking of a way to design this automated crystallization table to help the girls with their new business. After he worked on it for a few days, he came up with a concept that would easily turned those weekly "1000 pairs of balls" they were talking about into solid rock, and even more. And the nice thing about it was that each table was completely autonomous on its own and required minimal human supervision. This way, they could add other crystallization tables as their business would growth and turned 10 of thousand of men nuts into solid rock every day if needed. There was no limit to it other then the building space; witch wouldn't be problem at all. As the week when on, Jude proceeded with a few more testing to improve the texture and color of the nuts, trying to produce some pearl finish for the outside. She ended up with great pearl like balls in all size, and even with ones having a two color "d'grad'" finish. She was now happy with her preparation work and she could now star working on the collection design. After all, now that she had all those balls at hand, she had to find the best way to used them! By the end of the week, she was ready to make her first Jewel so she called Charlotte to see how Jeff was doing with the crystallization table and when the first one would be ready. Since Jeff was over with the design, Charlotte and Jude took an appointment for Friday night to have a look over Jude collection and have a drink to their success. Charlotte showed up at the Boutique as expected, carrying a large and heavy bag containing all men nuts that she could collect from her 5 clinics over one full week. The clinics were not yet to full speed (it would take another month or so) but they were performing more and more castration and Charlotte had given the instruction to keep all nuts in the frig and to have them ready for pickup once a week. She had pickup 620 pairs of nut for this week, far from the 5000 expected weekly. But since the automated crystallization process was not yet ready, having more would simply pack Jude refrigerator. 620 pairs was a good start for their first real week of men balls collecting. Going thru Jude design collection, Charlotte pointed out a design she liked and choose upon Jude color pallet, identifying what she wanted for Jeff nuts. Jude told her that she would make a few trial with that design and color before taking care of Jeff precious nuts, just to make sure it would turned out perfect. These were her best friend Jewel so there was no chance to take with those balls ... By the time Jeff would be due for his castration appointment; she would be ready to take care of him. As they discuss the final design for Charlotte Jewelry, they both realize that they needed to have different size of balls to make better Jewel. Men balls would do ok for center pieces but smaller one would be good to put men balls at value. Charlotte mentioned that she would go to the local Veterinary to obtain cats & dogs balls. She would also go to the meat-packer to get her hand on pigs, horses or bulls nuts as well. Those new balls size would give Jude new design possibilities ... Enlarging the collection By next Wednesday night, Charlotte called Jude to announce her that she had concluded a deal with both the Veterinary Association and the Meat-packer of their locality; and that she would be able to obtain close to 1000 pets nuts per month, and over 300 pairs of big animals nuts per week. Added with the 5000 pairs of men balls she should get from her own castration clinics; that would make about 5,500 pairs of nuts of all kind, all since, all species on a weekly basis. With that good news in hand, Charlotte told Jeff to revise his crystallization table design to be able to treat small and big animals nuts along with men small nuts ... compare to a Bull or a Horse, men nuts were no match ... Jeff went on redoing some part of the table and by the end of the week, he had pass the first parts orders so he could assemble 2 crystallization table by the end of the month. The grand date was now set on April 1rst, 2019, and it was no April fool. On the first Friday following the agreement, Charlotte took delivery of her first bag of animal nuts and got it to Jude so she could adjust the crystallization process to those new types of nuts. Filling a horse nut would require much more plastic liquid and drying time then with the small men nuts. She would have to prepare a different type of mixture and use a different microwave chart to have those big balls turned solid rock. As for the dogs, pigs or cats balls, they were about the same size as men balls, so little adjustment would be needed. As Jude was working with those animal nuts, she realized that if she could get a hold on penises also, they could be useful for charm bracelets and other articles. She told it to Charlotte who revised the passed deals with her "balls suppliers" and got all the penises they could hand to her. She even got a few dozen on the next day for Jude to try over the crystallization process. This was completely new and she would need two different processes for penises, one to get them rock solid, and one to turn them into something like leather so she be able to bend them and make bracelet out of them. Jude even asked her self if that new process would work with men penises as well. She would have to ask Charlotte to eventually get her hand on men penises one day or another. After a few tests, she was able to get penises rock solid or soft and malleable like modeling paste. With all those balls and penises size on hand, her collection could easily include hair pins, pen, candle stick, silvers with penis handle, etc. There was no limit basically to want she could produce with those raw materials. Jeff had received all the components for the first 2 automated crystallization tables and he was working extra hours to have them ready for the end of March. During that time, Charlotte kept on bringing more balls and penises from everywhere around, and Jude simply added more fashion items to her "new" collection. When Jeff finally delivered the machines to Jude Boutique, all 3 of them when thru a fast system checkup and started treating a first batch of balls and penises, all with different colors, sizes, and textures. The results were so great that Jude spontaneously kissed Jeff on the cheek and asked him how she could ever thank him. Charlotte simply answer "I know how" while pointing at Jeff's genitals. Both friends smiled then Jude grabbed Jeff and started unzipping his pant to get this big cock and balls of his out and ready for action. Charlotte grabbed Jeff balls and told Jude to take care of her husband dick. Jude started milking Jeff while Charlotte busted his nuts ... Once the little party was over, Jude organize a meeting for the next coming Saturday evening to show her staff what she's been working on for the last 3 moths with the help of Charlotte and her husband. Getting to production Once the Boutique had been closed and all staff girls were ready for the big surprise, Jude lay down some disclosure forms and asked every girl to read it and sign it up before she could go further on. Being used to this procedure, all of them signed up without questions, being excited to discover that new collection Jude had been working on for so long. With the legal aspect behind her, Jude started explaining how Charlotte and she had this funny idea of turning the balls of castrated men into solid gem, to make Jewelry out of them. No one could believe this or imagine what she was up to during all those months. They all agreed that only Jude could have find a way to turn those useless and disgusting balls of flesh into beautiful gem. Every girl mention that man balls were a waste of skin, that they were an esthetic nightmare, and contained poison that had ruined there world for the last 3 millennium. If castration had been mandatory back then, the World in which they lived now would be a much better and safer place ... not to mention that man would be better looking without those stupid hanging balls of them. Once Jude got everyone back to serious, she introduced them to the crystallization process, explaining each step, each difference between men and animals nuts and penises, and how every one of them could be able to turn those disgusting things into nice gem and Jewelry. She showed them the 2 automated tables and explained that with the help of Charlotte husband Jeff, they were now able to process thousands of balls and penises on a weekly basis, enough to have them working on the new collection and get ready for the grand release of the new "Male Collection" by next month. Jude and Charlotte had planed a big publicity campaign and there was no going back ... they would have to work hard, make extra hours and get their act together if they wanted to be ready in time. Good thing was that they had plenty of balls and penises in frig being ready to get crystallize, and that Charlotte was to supply them with fresh ones every week, by the thousand! And once the advertising campaign would announce that women could have their own custom made design out of their husband nuts, the sales would pick up like crazy and they probably would have to hired new girls to fill all those order and assure their commercial success. As Jude was about to finish her presentation and get the girls into the factory to see and grabbed those solid balls and penises, Charlotte showed up with Jeff to celebrate with them. They all went thru the factory, presenting the machine, showing the colors, and see with their eyes the great result of this new transformation process. Jude opened a few bottles of Champagne and starting partying with her staff, playing around with all size of balls, putting horses penises into their mouth, teasing one and other ... just an other party where girls were having fun over male genitals and cheering over how easy male were to control and to castrated ... 2 fast snips with a good scissor and their manhood was gone, with their balls and penises laying down on the floor while the girls would be laughing. Typical girl party! Of course, the girls started to tease Jeff, since he was to only male around, asking him how he felt about losing his balls, how would he like them to be turned into, if he would agree to give his dick off at the same time ... Since Charlotte was part of the women making fun of him, Jeff felt ok with it and he started answering the girls around, playing himself with all those balls and penises, teasing girls, putting balls or penises in their bras ... just having fun being one of the girls! Jeff castration As the party went on and everyone enjoying it, Charlotte announced that if the girls were ok with it, she would be ready to perform Jeff castration right now, with everyone participating to this great and special event. After all, any woman would enjoy seeing a man being castrated in front of them, so why not now with all those happy and cheering women around her. There wouldn't be a better time for this, and she knew it. And if everything would work out as planed, she would be the first woman to walk out of the Boutique wearing their husband nuts as earring and necklace ... With the cheering of all the girls, Charlotte had Jeff removed his pant and underwear, and lay him down on the table next to them. Getting undress in front of all those women and knowing he was to be castrated didn't leave Jeff any chances, his huge dick got rock solid and it been standing strait for every girls to see, with his balls hanging underneath. Having a man naked and ready for castration in front of them got the girls even more excited and ready for some extras ... Charlotte explained to the girls that she promise Jeff would be creamed at least twice before she took his nuts away, and ounce more when castrated to empty his dick one last time. The girls agreed that it was reasonable and that some would be please to give her a hand with that dirty job. Since Charlotte had nothing against this idea, she invites the girls to start taking care of Jeff while she was preparing her tools for the operation. Two girls got close to Jeff, one trapping his balls inside her hand while the other grabbed his dick. They both started working on Jeff and by the look on the face of the one holding his dick, it was clear she never had such a huge one in her hands before. She took great time and pleasure pumping Jeff dick, taking the dick head into her mouth and sucking it like hell ... The other girl made fun out of squeezing Jeff nuts, popping them between her fingers, pulling them off as hard as she could, etc. While the 2 girls were having fun with Jeff personals, Charlotte explained the castration procedure to the remaining girls, telling them how easy and simple it was to take man balls away from them for ever. A few cuts, a little bit of pressure here and there, a few stitches and it was all over. It was easy enough that it could be made by any woman, with minimal instructions and tools. All the girls agreed and said they would think about it ... After a good 5 minutes of hard working over Jeff dick, he finally cum, sending semen all over the table and splashing the 2 girls at the same time. The one holding his dick bend over and licked all the semen laying around Jeff dick and balls, taking great pleasure in cleaning him up for the next girls to come and work him for his second milking. There seamed to be nothing as goods as semen from a man about to be castrated ... The party went back on while Jeff dick was recovering, everyone enjoying the good wine and conversations. They all went on congratulating Jude and Charlotte for this great idea they had of using men nuts for Jewelry. The girls even asked Jeff how he came up with this crystallization machine of his, that great tool that would made their dream come true, while playing around with his huge dick to get it hard again. After a good 20 minutes of relaxation and dick teasing, Jeff was hard as rock again and ready for his last milking before abandoning his nuts to his wife for ever. One of Jude assistant approached the table and grabbed Jeff dick, starting rubbing it against her huge tits. Charlotte took a look at her and understood why Jeff was turned on by her. They we're both about the same style, except for a difference of 15 years and larger boops. No doubt Jeff was at her mercy and that the poor guy couldn't do anything to stop what was going one ... .having a nice young girl with big boops teasing your dick with her nipples ... no man on earth could ever survive this and no cum ... even if his life would depend on it ... are his balls as a matter of fact. After playing with Jeff dick for a good 10 minutes, they final moment arrives ... Jeff let gone a huge load of cum straight at the face of the young girl, covering her face, hair and blouse with his semen. Jeff tried to apologize for what happened but all the girls were laughing so loud, including the one covered by his cum, that he gave up and simply relax on his back while his dick was giving its last stroke before melting down ... As a matter of fact, the girls congratulated him for such a massive cum explosion and hope they would see more of those in the future ... The girl who was holding Jeff dick in her hand simply lick the cum off her face and started cleaning Jeff with her mouth ... not leaving one drop of cum on him ... No wonder the girls called her "The Vacuum Cleaner" the way she suck up everything that came out of Jeff, who happen to be a very satisfied man. Now that Jeff had come on twice, it was time to get on with his castration. Seeing Charlotte preparing her tools, Jeff asked if he could cum one last time before having his balls cut off. The girls talked about it but before they agreed to give him what he ask, Charlotte told everyone that Jeff had 2 great milking and that it was time to cut him off. Time was flying and his balls had to be turned into gem before the end of the party, so adding more delays wouldn't be a good idea. The girls agreed with Charlotte position so they turned to Jeff and say all together ... "Sorry Jeff ... .Charlotte, cut those balls" ... just like in the Home Makeover show. Jeff was not so unlucky after all since all the girls, including Charlotte and Jude, kissed his balls and suck his dick as a goodbye to his manhood. Once everyone was done with the goodbyes, Charlotte brought her tools between Jeff legs and started preparing him for the grand cut. She asked the girls to take place around the table so they could all see what was going one and enjoy their first castration. As explained earlier, Charlotte proceeds to cut Jeff nut bag on both side for about 2 inches long. She then popped out Jeff left nut thru the nut bag opening and pulled firmly on it to stretch it out of Jeff's body. Jeff made a small noise as he felt the pain to his left nut being ripe apart like that. Even with the medication, he could fell part of the pain surrounding the removal of his balls. When Charlotte roughly pulled Jeff left ball out of the nut bag, all the girls moved backward from the table due to the sound of breaking flesh that it made. Charlotte told them there was nothing to be afraid and that no real damage had been cause to Jeff inner body by doing this. As a matter of fact, it was the best way to break all those tiny little blood vessels and tendon holding a man nut without causing a massive blood surge, so they should learn to enjoy that noise, not to fear it. With Jeff nut hanging loosely, Charlotte showed it to all the girls, swinging it around like a Cowgirl holding her lasso. The girls all laugh out loud seeing Jeff nut floating high in the air, making rounds and rounds, as if it was ready for liftoff. After the disgraceful noise, that was fun. The girls didn't know that you could play around like that with a man nut. Seeing the girls all excited by that, Charlotte offered them to let each one of them swing Jeff nut up high before she would cut it off from the body. They girls got in line in a fraction of time, all willing to experience that great feeling of holding a man nut in there hand and spinning it around until it detach itself for the man body and ended up flowing somewhere in the room ... Charlotte assisted the girls in the "spinning party", making sure they grabbed his nut correctly so it wouldn't get back into Jeff body because that would bring infection to him. As the last girls passed on, Charlotte grabbed back Jeff nut and toke a look at it to see if all that "ball spinning" could have severe the spermatic cord at the very end. To her surprise, it did break the cord and a few more minutes would have done it. We should try that for the right nut, but she kept that though to her self. With the girls back around the table, she proceeds to cut what was left of Jeff spermatic cord and drop his left nut into a plate. Instantly, the girls all wanted to play around with the now free nut but Charlotte got them back to serious as she was popped out Jeff's right nut out of his nut bag. Again she showed to girls how to cut the spermatic cord, freeing Jeff last ball, making him nut free, just like chocolate. Charlotte dropped the nut in the plate and passed it along the girls so they could admire both nuts rolling freely on the plate. Has the girls started playing around with both nut, making earring or slipping them into their mouth, Charlotte got back to Jeff to make a few stitches to his nut bag to close to wound. The playing and laughing went on for a few minutes, with the girls discussing about how easy it was to cut a man balls ... .a good pair of scissor, a few SNIP, CLIP, and RIP was all you had to ear to get the job done ... so easy it's a wonder women don't get into this more naturally. After all, if God didn't want women to cut man balls, he wouldn't have placed them outside of the man body and so easy to reach, to tear off or to cut. Right! Ounce the castration was over with, Charlotte started working on Jeff dick so he could come one last time before his body fully realize that his nuts where gone. Jeff nuts came back to the table and the girls helped Charlotte by teasing Jeff, exhibiting their breasts, rubbing it against Jeff body, touching his dick head while Charlotte was milking him. All this attention came helpful to Jeff who let go one last massive shut of cum in front of everybody eyes, he's very last cum for a while ... As Jeff was recovering from his castration, Jude grabbed his nuts from the plate and proceeded to the crystallization table, followed by all the girls, including Charlotte. She grouped the girls so they could see how to manually treat man nuts in case the machine would be down or for any special order. She took Charlotte order specification and processed to increase one nut to the desired size, about the size of a medium egg. Then see colored them both with a shiny Aquamarine light blue. It was important that all the girls would know how to proceed manually since special order would probably take a lot of time to prepare compare to the "regular" collection. Everyone followed carefully each step, taking notes so they could try it out on their own with the regular nuts delivered by Charlotte clinics and suppliers. Some of the girls who were married or had a boyfriend already decided on what to do with their man balls, and how to turn them into beautiful jewelry. You could see by the smile on their face that they knew exactly what to do with those balls ounce Charlotte would cut them off ... Yes, special orders would definitely catch up as women got to learn that they are able to get those useless and disgusting things into great looking gem and jewelry. The new collection opening Over the following weeks, Jude got her team to prepare the new collection based on her design, turning thousand of men nuts into beautiful jewelry, adding animal balls and penises to make unique designs and styles. Jude started offering and advertising her new collection at her Boutique, on her Website, and in the local newspapers. Instant success came for this new collection. Orders came from local women, from all over the US & Canada, and some from as far as China and Dubai. This success story got Jude to hire more girls to process all those men nuts and turned them into jewelry, so they could supply all these orders the Boutique was receiving from every where. Fortune was coming their way, and Jude & Charlotte knew for sure that they where in for a lot of money, and for a long long time ... . Men jewelry was the new fashion, the only way to go, and every woman World wild would want to have her own private collection of Jude's Art & Jewelry at home. All that Charlotte and Jude could say was: "Thank you gentleman for your precious nuts, it's greatly appreciated!" The End.