Living in the shadow of Amazons, Part III: The war against the Gorgons. By J. Allan J. - Myria introduces Lucius to wrestling torture. This story is continued from 'Part II: How the Amazons became female dominated'. The phrase 'Homian' is borrowed from Hardie, but apart from that the two series have nothing to do with each other. Short synopsis: The Amazons fight the Gorgon monsters in Atlantis, but they are later betrayed by the Atlantians. Lucius learns of the strange relationship between the Amazons and the Gargareans. Myria introduces Lucius to wrestling torture. Quick notes by author: About Atlantis: Most people believe that the island of Atlantis was located west of Spain/Portugal, hence the name Atlantic Ocean. However, other Ancient sources place the island in the Mediterranean Sea, north of modern- day Libya where one of the Amazon tribes lived. The story: The next day Myria took Lucius back to the library. It was actually getting a bit annoying that she couldn't just let him go there by himself, but the Amazonian law was strict regarding free-living males; they were not allowed to walk the streets of Themiskyra without proper female company, unless she sewed a patch on his clothes that clearly stated his name and who he belonged to. "I could also visit the Senate of the Amazons," Lucius suggested. "That we don't have! And I doubt that we ever will," Myria explained. "Democracy is for weaklings like you males. We, the noble females, have no need of that. Our Queens will always rule wisely." "And pride comes before a fall!" Lucius parried, but Myria slapped him hard on the side of his face. "Respect our customs or face severe consequences!" she snapped at him. "Yes, Mistress," Lucius said and trotted humbly behind her on their way back to the Library. Librarian Gemmalina greeted him warmly and led him to his reading desk where she had kept his history literature ready for him. He continued reading the book 'History of the Amazons' from the day before. The Amazons fight the Gorgons in Atlantis: After Queen Marpesia took control over the Amazon tribe and led them to victory over the male barbarian hordes in Anatolia, they soon ruled most of the plateau of Anatolia. They learned the tongue of the local tribes and from them they also learned the art of land cultivation. The Amazons transformed from a nomadic to a settled tribe. They soon became the strongest tribe in whole of Anatolia and in that capacity they were approached by the people of Atlantis. Atlantis was, before it sank into the sea, an island in the Euxine Sea (Black Sea). While their civilization was quite advanced, they were not very skilled in the art of warfare on land. They could easily defend their island against naval attacks, but due to their isolation they never had to contend with warfare on land. Therefore they were totally defenceless against the monstrous Gorgons when they came and settled on their Island. The Gorgons were winged female monsters, who wore claws instead of fingers and fangs instead of teeth. The came out of nowhere one day and attacked the Atlantians from the sky, cutting their victims open and feasted on their entrails. In the days of Atlantis, the Amazons were ruled by Queen Myrina. The Atlantian emissaries approached her and humbly asked the Amazons for help against the scourge of the Gorgons. The fact that the monsters who terrorized the nation of Atlantis were females made the request a little delicate for the Amazons; according to their customs they were not supposed to kill other females. Therefore they only butchered male domesticated animals for their meat and they let the females die of old age. Also when hunting they tried not to kill any female prey. Queen Myrina briefly discussed the dilemma with her advisors. However, she quickly came up with the following conclusion: "The fact that the Gorgons are females makes it only more urgent that we rid the world of these monsters. They defame womanhood and we must set an example. If we pull back from this noble quest, then we are certain to loose vital goodwill in our neighbouring tribes." "But if we succeed on this quest, then Atlantis will owe the Amazons an eternal boon which can benefit us all for generations to come." Therefore Queen Myrina dispatched 30 of her elite Amazon warriors under the command of Captain Alopecia to assist the Atlantians. The Atlantians led them to the west and then up north to the great sea were transport ships waited for them. The Amazons were not sea-faring people and most of them got quite sea-sick on the way, but when they sat foot on the ground of Atlantis, both Amazons and their horses quickly regained their strength. Then they rode to the court of Atlantian king who greeted them outside his palace. He quickly briefed them of the situation; The Gorgons had on their initial attack killed at least ten people. They counted Gorgons from at least ten and up to fifteen. They suspected that they had taken residence in the old 'hollow mountain', (the Atlantian word for volcano), where no-one could not strike at them. The king explained that they first tried to keep the Gorgons at bay by offering them a blood sacrifice. They tied a naked young girl, still a virgin, to a wooden pole at full-moon, where the Gorgons usually came to feast on human flesh. However the female blood-offer only enraged the Gorgons, who killed several males afterwards. Then at the time of the last full-moon the Atlantians decided to instead offer a naked young boy, who had just only reach puberty. The Gorgons gladly accepted this blood-sacrifice and first ripped of the genitals of the young boy and gourged themselves on it, while the poor Atlantian boy screamed from the terrible pain. Then the Gorgons tore his flesh with their claws and fangs and reached inside of him and ripped out his entrails. They then feasted upon them, while the young Atlantian lad slowly died from his wounds. At that point the Atlantian king decided to send his emissaries to plead for help from the Amazons before they had to sacrifice another male youth. Captain Alopecia noticed that the Atlantian king obviously had no sentiment about sacrificing a female youth to the Gorgons and was only concerned for the male youth that were lost to the Gorgons. She would convey that fact to the Amazon Queen Myrina, when the quest was done. Captain Alopecia inspected the sacrificial ring, which was an open circle with a wooden pole in the middle. The ring was surrounded by bushes and small trees and therefore perfect for launching a surprise attack. Captain Alopecia decided to ambush the Gorgon monsters here, when they came to prey on human flesh at the next full moon, which was only a few days away. The Amazons planned to use another young boy as bait. He had already been chosen before the Amazons arrived. The Gorgons would suspect nothing because they previous encountered no resistance from the Atlantians. When the full-moon rose the Amazons hid in the bushes around the around the circle, however they were careful not to position themselves were they would place other Amazons in their line of fire. The Atlantians performed the same ritual as the previous full-moon; They tied the naked male youth to the pole and lit torches around the pole as a signal to the Gorgons that their blood-offer had been 'served'. Then all the Atlantians went indoors for safety. The Amazons waited patiently in the bushes and behind the trees. Suddenly they spotted dark winged shades in the moonlit sky. The shades had a human shape, but were carried by wings on their backs. Their wing strokes echoed in the silent night. The frightened youth began to cry out. The Amazons had insisted that he should be tied securely in order to prevent him from running away before the Gorgons came within firing-range. The Gorgons landed around the pole with the bound youth, who screamed in fear of the monsters. They gathered round their blood-offer and were just about to start feasting on his flesh, when Captain Alopecia sounded her horn and the Gorgons froze by this strange noise. Then the Amazon archers started shooting at the Gorgons, who quickly fell to the Amazon arrow-rain. Some tried to escape by flying away, but they hardly managed to leave the ground before the sharp-eyed archers killed them. One Gorgon had a bit of sense and quickly crept close to the Atlantian youth in order to use him as a human shield. Captain Alopecia gave to order to cease fire and ordered the archer with the sharpest eye to move into a position, where she could shoot the Gorgon from the side without hitting the Atlantian youth. The Gorgon used her claws to cut the rope, which tied him to the pole. Then the Gorgon flapped her wings and took off with the Atlantian youth. But the youth weighed the Gorgon down and it had to heave him up in the air. That manoeuvre only left the Gorgon open for attack for a short moment, but that was all the time which the Amazon archer needed. She immediately shot her arrow without hesitation and it penetrated the skull of Gorgon through its ear. The Gorgon fell to the ground with a load thud. The Amazon archer rushed to the Atlantian youth to check his wounds, but he was unscathed from the event, except that the fear had made him relieve himself in his underwear. The youth was shaking all over and his legs were trembling and couldn't support him, but she gently put her hand on his shoulder to calm his nerves. But how to deal with the rest of the Gorgons? The Amazons killed seven Gorgons in their initial attack. Surely there were more Gorgons hiding in their nest in the old volcano in the centre of the island. The Atlantians couldn't hide inside their houses forever, but had to get on with their daily lives, working the fields, fishing and herding their domesticated animals. The Amazons could not protect all the Atlantians all of the time. Instead the remaining Gorgons had to be taken out with one stroke. Captain Alopecia came up with a new battle-plan. First she skinned one of the fallen Gorgons and also cut the wings of the dead Gorgon. Then she wrapped the skin of the Gorgon around the shoulders of one of her warriors and also placed the wings on back of the Amazon dressed in the Gorgon skin. With strings she could move the wings a bit and make up appearances of a Gorgon. Captain Alopecia tied the dressed up Amazon with a rope to the pole to create the illusion that the Atlantians had attacked the previous flock of Gorgons and taken one of the Gorgons prisoner. Then she ordered some Atlantians to be armed with spears and shields and stand guard around the Gorgon 'captive'. The Amazons waited again patiently in the bushes and behind the trees around the sacrificial ring. Nothing happened during the rest of the night. However, as dawn broke the sharp-eyed Amazons noticed several winged shapes coming from the 'hollow' mountain. Most the Atlantians around the pole had gone to sleep and the rest of them were yawning and didn't notice that danger was coming. The 'captive Gorgon' started to flex her wings in order to lure the attacking Gorgons into a fatal rescue mission. The Gorgons stopped stroking their wings and glided silently through the air instead in order to move in on the Atlantians and take them by surprise. The Amazons didn't bother warning the Atlantians because they played their part well without knowing that danger was drawing near. The Amazons readied that bows and waited patiently for Captain Alopecia to signal the attack. Captain Alopecia remained calm and waited for the Gorgons to come very close. When she was sure that no Gorgon could escape, she sounded her horn. The Atlantians looked up and started screaming at the sight of the horrid Gorgons flying in over their heads. The Amazons fired relentlessly at the incoming Gorgons who quickly fell from the sky. Some tried to escape by changing direction, but the Amazons were sharp-eyed and quick with the bow and not a single Gorgon escaped. The Atlantians killed any wounded Gorgon with their spears. Captain Alopecia inspected the dead Gorgons; some looked old while others looked quite young. It looked like the whole flock of Gorgons had been put down by the brave Amazons. However, it would be wise to launch an expedition to the 'hollow mountain' to find and destroy the nest of the Gorgons in order to make sure that they were completely wiped out. But first the Amazons needed to sleep. They had gone one full night without sleeping and therefore they needed to regain their strength by sleeping before any new quest could be undertaken. The Atlantian king showed them to their quarters where they could rest without disturbance and offered them wine to help them sleep soundly and regain their strength faster. But even as the nation of Atlantis owned an eternal boon to the nation of Amazons, the Atlantian king decided to betray them. He feared that the Atlantian women would be attracted to female supremacy after they saw the Amazons in action. The Amazon women were strong, well-trained and well-organized, while the Atlantian males just stood helpless against the Gorgon monsters. The Atlantian males feared that their women would either follow the Amazons back to Amazonia or even worse: rebel against male domination and establish female supremacy on the island of Atlantis. The Atlantians shrewdly drugged the wine, which they served to the Amazons in order to quickly put them to sleep. As soon as they were unconscious, the Atlantians killed them by slitting their throats. Treachery! Those villainous Atlantian males repaid the good deeds of the Amazons by killing them in their sleep, poor girls! Lucius thought to himself. No wonder that they hate and distrust males here in Amazonia. The Amazons of today are making the males in modern days pay again and again for the sins of their fathers in the past. But Lucius also realized that he, although unknowingly, had done very well for himself on his first night with Myria. By insisting on being tied up while they were together, he posed no threat to her and therefore she could sleep safely by his side. However, one Amazon survived due to the assistance of a good-hearted Atlantian. The boy who had been chosen as blood sacrifice, but was saved by the Amazon archer on the brink of his death, offered himself as a slave to the Amazon, who had shot the vital arrow and saved him. But he was much too young to become her spouse because he was not even 15 and she had already reached the age of 25. But she agreed that he could sleep with her and show his gratitude in bed. Therefore she followed the boy to his home, where they could enjoy some privacy while his parents participated in the celebration of the end of the Gorgon scourge at the royal palace. However, as soon as they became intimate, the Amazon suddenly dosed off to sleep and he couldn't rouse her. Suspecting that something was wrong he went outside to get help, but froze when he saw his fellow Atlantians carrying the dead bodies of the Amazons to the central square, where they planned be burn them along with the corpses of the Gorgons. They obviously for the moment had forgotten all about the lone Amazon who was mating with her Atlantian youth. Shocked and disgusted, he went inside to repay his Amazon rescuer by saving her life. They could not escape through the front door; therefore he opened the shutters and kicked the bars in front of the window loose. Then he gently manoeuvred her out the window. He had to let her take a little fall to the ground, but that didn't even wake her up, she was out stone cold. She was quite heavy due to her muscular body and he was not very strong due to his young age. But he managed to lift her on his back with difficulty and began to sneak through the narrow and deserted alleys out of the city. He couldn't reach the Amazons horses, but he managed to steal a mule instead on which he carried the Amazon. He went out to the countryside and took the longer route to the beach where his farther kept his fishing boat. He managed to get to the beach undetected where he located his father's fishing boat and set to sea with the Amazon, who was still unconscious. He had to row the boat at first, but when he was sufficiently far from the coast a brisk wind in the sail speeded them on their way back to the mainland. Around midday she finally awoke and asked what they were doing out at sea. He quickly filled her in on the tragic situation and she demanded what he turned his boat around so she could come to her fellow Amazon's aid, but he refused and informed her that they were already dead and that she was in no capacity to fight because she had been drugged. She then drew her sword and threatened him so he would turn the boat, but he refused and kept the boat on its course. The Amazon suddenly felt sick and had to put her sword down and puke over the side of the boat. When she was finished, he offered her some water which she gladly accepted. She calmed herself and politely asked him his name. "Eosepios," he said. "I'm Hyakinthas," she softly said. "Give me your hand, brave Eosepios." She shook his hand and also kissed it as a traditional Amazon gesture of homage to him for saving her life. They only had a jar of water and some dried fish, so they had live on short rations on their journey back, but they made back to the mainland thanks to the steady wind. Although Hyakinthas was exhausted from the journey due to the limited intake of food, she immediately demanded the loan of a horse after she quickly ate some fresh food and drank lots of water. Then she left Eosepios with the local inhabitants by the coast, promising to return to him and rode straight back to Amazonia to deliver the ill news to Queen Myrina. The Amazon Queen naturally was enraged at the news of the Atlantians betrayal and swore revenge. This time the Queen herself rode back to the cost with a small army of 500 Amazons. When they arrived at the cost a few days later, Queen Myrina requisitioned transport ships for her army, so they could sail across the sea and take their rightful revenge on the traitorous Atlantians. However, the local inhabitants strongly warned her against a headlong invasion by relying solely on transport ships. The Amazons could dominate any battlefield on the ground, but Amazonia was not a sea- faring nation and they would be helpless out at open sea against the warships of Atlantians which would easily ram the defenceless transports ships of the Amazons and sink them. Queen Myrina heeded the words of the local people and politely asked for their advice on how to deal with the Atlantian domination of the sea. They suggested riding along the coast to the west where they would meet other sea-faring tribes who's warships could be leased for a set amount of money and a fair share of the spoils of war. "Do you mean that we should seek out the help from pirates?" Queen Myrina asked. "Pirates, mercenaries or whatever you want to call them." the locals said. They explained that the pirates could engage the Atlantian fleet and tie it down, while the Amazons transport ships could allude them and safely and land their invasion force. Furthermore, Hyakinthas brought Eosepios forward and explained that he was so disgusted by the actions of the Atlantian king that he was willing to guide the Amazon transport ships to a deserted beach where they could land their troops undetected, if his family were spared. And while the Atlantian fleet were tied up in fighting the pirates, the Amazons could attack the Atlantians from the rear and annihilate their ground forces. When the Amazons had stormed the Atlantian capital and secured the harbour, then the Atlantian navy would have no choice but to either surrender or attempt an attack on their own harbour with no hope of success. However, the pirates always demanded a down-payment before they engaged a new enemy in order to provide for the widows and children of any pirates dieing in the upcoming battle. But before the Amazons had even started to discuss how to raise the money necessary to hire the pirates as mercenaries, the weather took a turn for the worse. The sky turned black and lightning struck. Then the crisis was compounded as the very ground began to shake. The Amazons had never experienced earthquakes before and their horses reared and threw off their riders and the Amazons on the ground clung to the earth because they were too afraid to stand. "The gods are angry with someone tonight," The locals said. They remained calm and soothed the horses of the Amazons. Then the horizon, where the sky and the sea met, suddenly turned red. The locals and Amazons looked over sea and marvelled at the sight of the water, which seemed to be on fire. "The fiery lights are coming from the direction of Atlantis," Eosepios said. "Could it be that Poseidon is already taken revenge on Atlantis tonight?" Queen Myrina decided to wait for the following morning and make a reconnaissance before recommencing negotiations with the pirates. In the morning a couple of fishing boats with local fishing men and sharp-eyed Amazons dressed like the locals set sails for Atlantis to observe the status of the Atlantian defences. However, the fishing boats came back the next day without finding any trace of land. Atlantis had sunk in the sea without leaving any trace but a memory of a great civilization and a great betrayal. Gemmalina informs Lucius of the Gargareans: "Are you alright, Spouse of Myria?" Gemmalina asked him. "Would you like some refreshments?" Lucius slowly came back to reality. He had been reading all day without food or drink since breakfast, so he gladly accepted Gemmalina's kind offer and followed her outside because consumption of any food or drink, (and smoking as well), was strictly prohibited inside the library. The two of them sat on the porch outside the library where she arranged water and some fruits. The two of them started talking about this and that. Lucius told a little about himself and his background; His old country, his family and his old job, and how he liked travelling and reading books. Lucius spoke about his family in past tense. They were most likely dead by now due to his defection to Amazonia. Gemmalina explained that she grew up in an orphanage together with Myria. They also went to school together and became friends. Later they became lovers some time after they had reached puberty. It was quite normal among Amazons to grow up in orphanages. The concept of family was not that common in Amazonia. It was considered a 'luxury', which some Amazons would allow themselves when they left the army at the age of 35 and found a suitable spouse. Family life instead was meant for civilians. The fact that Myria was supposed to raise a family with Lucius before she had actually left the army, made their union quite uncommon. Normally, the Amazons gave birth to female children at home after victorious campaigns, where they impregnated themselves with the semen from vanquished enemies; alternatively they travelled to the nation of Gargareans and mated with the local males. The Amazons stayed among the Gargareans until they gave birth to their children. They brought the girl children back to Amazonia and left the infant boys with the Gargareans. The Amazons killed all the male children who they gave birth to at home. Gemmalina's mother got pregnant with her during a campaign. After giving birth, she left her in an orphanage and took to the field again. Gemmalina never knew her mother, who was later killed in a battle. Later she learned that her mother once also gave birth to a boy child and that she duly exposed of the male infant outside the city by the roadside and left it to die. The desperate cries for nutrition by the male infant attracted wild animals which killed and ate it. This tradition was referred to among Amazons as 'returning life back to Mother Nature'. Lucius then asked her about the Amazons strange friendship with the Gargareans and how that came to be. Gemmalina informed him that 'friendship' was not the correct word because the two nations were not equals and the Gargareans were in fact living in the shadow of the Amazons. Their peculiar relationship came to be a long time ago, when a lone Amazon rider by the name of Draconanthes drifted far and wide to the north and came to a strange new male tribe, the Gargareans. Gemmalina explained that back in those ancient times the Amazons still communicated with the neighbouring males tribes instead of just killing them on sight. However, the Gargareans weren't civilized then and they promptly took the young girl captive. They took her back to the tribal chieftain, who questioned her about where she was from and which valuables could be plundered from her home. The young girl showed no sigh of fear, but on the contrary scolded him and his people for lack of manners. Draconanthes told him that she was from the tribe of Amazons and that one single warrior of her kind could easily take out 50 ignorant brutes like himself, without even restraining themselves. The chieftain (Gemmalina didn't remember his name) then drew his sword and threatened to cut her down where she stood if she didn't show some humility in his presence. She taunted him and said that he was welcome to kill her because he obviously lacked the tool in his crotch to penetrate her and therefore had to use the sword instead. Some of the Gargarean warriors who stood around and watched broke into laughter at her bold words. The chieftain had lost face in front of his men and was therefore forced to challenge her to duel to the death with bare hands. He swore that he would kill her slowly by tearing her apart limp from limp. He didn't know any better and with his own words sentenced himself to death. So, he used his sword to cut her ropes and then threw it aside. He stepped back and bowed as the etiquette of his tribe prescribed. Then he charged forward with his clinched fist lifted in the air as if he wanted to crush her skull with it. But Draconanthes was too fast and too agile for him. She crouched and dodged his attack, then dived down and hammered her elbow into his kneecap which caused him to howl from pain. She didn't waste her strength and stamina by pounding into his well- trained body. Instead, she went after a specific weak spot in the male anatomy which she could exploit to her own benefit. He then caught her in a bear hug, but she hammered her elbow on his collarbone, which caused momentarily numbness right down the length of his arm. Then Draconanthes slithered out and away from his grip lock like a snake, and again she dived down and she hammered her elbow against his vulnerable knee. The pain in his knee slowed him down. She went for his balls which were easy for her to kick and that enraged him even more. She went at him and made a feint and sent a drop kick to his head that momentarily stunned him and made him loose focus. Then Draconanthes made another drop-kick that slammed on the same knee which she had already struck, injuring it badly. The chieftain screamed from the pain and was now both injured and confused because he had no tactic to counter her speed and agility. The other Gargarean males watched in awe while Draconanthes slowly broke the big chieftain down. She signalled an intension to another attack, but when he lowered his defences to protect his knees she instead jumped in the air and landed her elbow on his collarbone with all her might and her full weight behind the blow. It snapped with a laud crack and again he screamed from the pain from his injuries. Now he could only move with one leg dragging behind him and one arm dangling limply by his side. With only one arm and one leg functioning he was totally helpless against her. She kicked him a couple of time in the kidneys just to show off to the crowd. But then she went behind him and slipped her arm around his throat and firmly locked her hold with her other hand and started choking him. The chieftain tried to reach behind him to get her off his back but she secured his arm with her legs. He then tried to stand up in a feeble hope to throw himself backwards and crush her under his weight, but his pathetic exertions were all in vain. His one leg good leg was not enough to support him and he fell to the side, while Draconanthes continued to choke the life out of him. But when his body went limp, she loosened her grip and let his unconscious body breath. She could have finished him off right there, but she had a little show lined up for the end-game. The faces of the spectators fell, when she got up and removed her own underwear and also removed his clothes. Then she lay beside him and gently started to stroke his penis. The chieftain was still passed out, but his penis came to life and started to grow. When it was fully erect and throbbing, Draconanthes crawled on top of him and secured his legs in a grapevine lock and pinned his one good arm behind his back. Then she slid his eject cock into her vagina. With her one free arm she slapped face of the chieftain until he came through and then she started riding him, while she choked him with her free hand. "Wake up sleepyhead," Draconanthes said. "You don't want to miss this. You shall transcend into the next world while we enjoy intercourse. He froze by her words and started to resist her, but he was completely at her mercy and even his cock was secured by her vagina like a vice. He could only grunt and moan while he waited for the inevitable to happen. She rode him harder and harder and squeezed his throat tighter and tighter. When she was very close to a massive orgasm she let go of his arm and choked him to death with both her hands. He was too week to resist her with his one good arm and when she came, he gave a final sigh and shot his load into her vagina and then his whole body went limp. Draconanthes stayed on top of him until she was sure that she had completely squeezed the life out of him and then she got off of him and stood before the crowd of male warriors. She expected them to draw their swords and cut her down, but her face fell when she saw that they all kneeled to her instead and hailed her as their new chieftain. She told them firmly that she personally had no desire for that, but they should swear allegiance to her Queen instead, and then they should treat Amazon visitors from the south with more respect from now on or consequences would be severe. And that's why the Gargareans from then on never had a king of their own, but were ruled by the Queen of Amazonia instead. And that's also how the tradition of Amazons travelling to the north to mate with the Gargarean males came to be. The Gargareans became entirely civil towards to Amazons since then, but still they never became an advanced civilization due to their continued isolation. To the north of the Gargareans lay a mountain range, which separated them from the coastal areas of the Euxine Sea and prevented establishment of any trading routes or even regular contacts with other civilizations. Unlike the Homians, who traded regularly with the residents of the coastal areas of the Euxine Sea who were called 'the northern people'. They on the other hand traded through sea routes with the people of Hellas; Athenians, Spartans, etc. This way the Greek culture and habits spread through-out the nations of Anatolia. The Amazons did not adapt to any Greek habit, except they now spoke Greek in order to communicate with and observe their enemies around them. Apart for guarding their northern border, the Amazons used the Gargareans for impregnation and sexual adventures. Lucius had already learned from his first discussion with Myria at the signing of the peace treaty that certain sexual activities were taboo in Amazonia. However, those Amazons who liked to perform fellatio on males or even craved sexual domination from males would simply travel up to the nation of Gargareans and seek out fitting male lovers. After living out their sexual fantasies for a fortnight or so they returned home to live the straight and narrow life of Amazonia. Myria arrived late in the afternoon to pick up Lucius. She sat for awhile with them on the porch and chatted with Gemmalina until closing time of the library. Then Myria rode off with Lucius running behind her to the royal palace to eat dinner. Lucius checked on the other Homians; they were well-treated and well-fed, but they couldn't move freely outside the Palace courtyard, except once when Androlyta took them all for a tour around the city of Themiskyra. Androlyta walked around the city with Blasius by her side and the other Homians trotting behind them, while she drew their attention to specific a building or other sight of interest. Myria punishes Lucius with wrestling torture: When Myria and Lucius got back to her house, she asked him whom he wanted to invite as his guests for the farewell party at the Queen's palace. Lucius first suggested the two Amazon emissaries whom he had befriended back Thermodonus. But they were already invited by the Queen and then he of course suggested his new Amazonian friend Gemmalina, but that was not to Myria's liking. "I don't like the way she was looking at you," Myria said. "She had fixed her hair and she was wearing a new dress today." "Ehh?" Lucius hadn't noticed anything at all. "Well, of course you wouldn't notice!" Myria explained. "You are an ignorant male and you don't know anything about the female mindset. Only when she shoves her pussy in your face, then you might have a clue about what she is after." "She doesn't have a spouse of her own and that's why she started drooling, when she found out that you are book-worm like her!" "You're just jealous!" Lucius parried. "She properly dumped you back you when you were young." Myria got mad and took a swing at him, but he saw it coming and ducked and dodged away from her. "My wife is jealous, my wife is jealous," Lucius taunted her while he imitated a high pitched voice of a little child and Myria chased after him around in the living room. Although they both laughed like little children while she was chasing him, she was rather harsh to him when she caught him. She grabbed his arm and tripped his leg and Lucius stumbled and fell to the floor. She kept his arm secured and got a hold on his wrist and bent it backwards while she applied pressure on his elbow. Lucius moaned from the pain in his arm and crawled around on the floor like a dog on a leash. "Resist me, you moron!" she ordered. "I want you to show some effort when we wrestle." An experienced wrestler could easily have spun around on the floor and swept her legs, but Lucius had no clue about how to wrestle. Lucius explained that this sport was only meant for the lower classes and slaves in his old country. He boxed instead but he could never use these skills against Myria so in fact he was defenceless against her even though she formally expected him to resist her when they wrestled. "Mistress, will you please teach me how to wrestle?" Lucius humbly asked. "So that I don't embarrass myself in front of you." "Very well," she said and released him. But she had of course no intension of teaching him any wrestling moves. The fact that Lucius was at her mercy in their daily life suited her splendidly. Instead she informed him of the etiquette which wrestlers should follow: First, always wrestle naked. Second, when he couldn't take the pain from a submission hold anymore, he must slap his had three times against the floor or else say the words 'I submit'. That was all the instructions, which Myria saw fit to give him. She immediately went at him again and kneed him in the balls, which stunned him momentarily and then she pinned him in a grapevine hold by sliding her legs around his and splaying them wide apart. She also secured his arms by the wrists and pressed them hard against the floor above his head. He was now completely trapped and his feeble struggles where no match for her strength and superior wrestling skills. However, he rubbed his crotch against hers during his resistance and his moves started to arouse her. She froze when she discovered that he deliberately sought to sexually arouse her in order to escape further punishment from her. So, Lucius was using sex as a weapon against her, but he chose the wrong Amazon for that, she thought to herself. She immediately got off him, but kept a firm hold of his right hand, which she bent backwards again by the wrist and forced him to lie down on his stomach. She then sat on his back and got a hold of his other arm and forced both arms up in the air in a vicious arm bar. He moaned and whimpered from the pain, but he did not utter the 'submit' word. He still resisted her and tried to get her off his back by using his legs, but she quickly changed position and secured his arms with her legs and caught his one foot with her hand and secured it. Then she leaned back and hammered her fist down between his legs and banged his unprotected balls. Lucius howled loudly from the pain in his balls. He tossed and turned, but she hung on to his back as if he was a wild horse which she was riding. Again she pounded his balls and again he howled and tried with all his might to get her off his back, but his feeble efforts were all in vain. Instead he changed his tactics and protected his balls by pressing his thighs together as tightly as he could. Myria could only secure one leg with her arm and she couldn't penetrate his 'defences' with only one hand at her disposal. Therefore she suddenly let him go and quickly hopped into the air and landed with full weight on his ass so he squashed his own balls with his and her combined weight. "ARRHHHHH!" Lucius screamed from the pain in his in his squashed balls. His whole body convulsed from the pain and she flew off him and landed on the floor. She laughed out loud when she watched him crawl away from her, while holding his tortured balls with one hand. Lucius pressed himself up against the wall and rolled himself up like a ball to protect himself from Myria's punishment, while she towered over him. He looked like a scared little mouse that was in dire need of the hole to escape into. "Come now, my little mouse. Won't you come out to play?" She spread her pussylips wide, while she beckoned him to come to her. "The big ugly cat is gone now and it's just a cute little kitten who wants to play with you." Lucius of course anticipated sex and his mouth started drooling from the sight of her and he willingly crawled to her and lay on his back between her legs. However, she had other plans and quickly spun around and kicked him hard in the balls. "Too easy," she taunted him, while Lucius howled from the pain. Before Lucius have time to recover from her vicious kick to his balls, she quickly took a hold of his legs by the ankles and hung them up in the air. Then she folded his one leg around her own leg so that his folded leg rested on the knee of his other leg. Lucius had no clue that things were getting ugly and didn't react when she apparently just 'fumbled' with his legs. But then she threw herself backwards and applied pressure on his knee, while she secured his folded leg with her other leg. Then she put maximum pressure on his knee. Lucius screamed on top of his lungs from the vicious leg-lock submission hold and desperately slapped his hands onto the floor, while he screamed "ARRHHHHH! I SUBMIT!" Myria immediately let him go. She was actually a bit shocked by his reaction to her leg-lock torture. This high-pitch scream of his usually only came after submitting him to relentless ball-busting, but when she applied a bit of pressure on his knees, then he screamed like a stuck pig. The knees were obviously Lucius' weak spot and she therefore decided to save torturing it for a special occasion. "My leg!" Lucius was crying from the pain in his knee, while Myria towered over him and put her foot in front of his face. Lucius kissed it humbly. "Please, Mistress, no more pain," Lucius begged her. "No more pain?" Myria lectured him in a stern voice. "And who decides when my spouse has had enough pain? "You do, Mistress," Lucius sobbed. "You do." "That's right, worm and don't forget that!" Myria said and squatted on his chest. "Now, enough of this pathetic whimpering," Myria said and crawled up to sit on his face. Her pussy was warm and moist. His screaming and whimpering had aroused her immensely. Her pussy had the same comforting effect on him as a crying baby being comforted by a teat. Lucius willingly licked her pussy in order to forget the pain in his knee. She soon moaned with pleasure from his skilled tongue and she let him lick her to half a dozen orgasms. When she was sexually sated she lay on top of him and rested her head on his chest and purred a bit. "About Gemmalina," Lucius began. "Yes, you must invite her of course!" Myria continued. "I was just putting you on. I'll write the invitation for her in a moment." Myria explained that he was not likely to make any new friends in Amazonia, so therefore he should cherish the few ones that he had managed to make. So, the next day Lucius promptly showed up at the library with the invitation to farewell party at the Queen's palace for Gemmalina which she gladly accepted. She had, however, already been invited by her scrivener, Alexioux, but that was beside the point. To be continued ... The tale of Myria and Lucius continues in the next chapter where the truth on how the war between Amazons and Homians started is revealed. The storyline is set for many more chapters, however comments, suggestions or story ideas are welcome, just email the author at